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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 01 Feb 2025 16:44:27 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeAccept-Ranges: bytesVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>!-- Created on 8/12/2007 16:06:2017/06/2007 21:51:30 -->html>head>title>A Guide to Laptop Security | Laptop Computer Security | Security and Encryption | Wireless Network Security/title>meta nameKeywords contentlaptop security,laptop computer security, security and encryption, wireless network security >meta nameDescription contentA practical guide to laptop security for everyone who uses a laptop computer and has a concern about data security and identity theft.>meta namegoogle-site-verification content_PGp-D7P1vVLnTU74ZTsBn-Oz4G-g8xWm66cqh3ATog />meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>META NAMEROBOTS CONTENTall>META HTTP-EQUIVCONTENT-LANGUAGE CONTENTEN>META NAMErevisit-after CONTENT7 days>META NAMECopyright>link relicon typeimage/ico href>link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefsupport-files/main.css>link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefsupport-files/nav.css>link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefsupport-files/divs.css>link relstylesheet hrefsupport-files/addto.css typetext/css>script languageJavaScript srcsupport-files/addto.js typetext/javascript>/script>script src/google_analytics_auto.js>/script>/head>body >!--************************************************************************************************-->!-- The table width below, is for the COMPLETE table, not the individual cells. You can change itto as low as 80%. -->div classmain-table aligncenter>!--this is the starting div for the max width, dont delete it-->table width95% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding5px >tr>td classheaderbg colspan3>div aligncenter>img srcimage-files/orange-and-black-101207.jpg titlelaptop security pro altlaptop security/>meta namegoogle-site-verification content_PGp-D7P1vVLnTU74ZTsBn-Oz4G-g8xWm66cqh3ATog />/div>/td>/tr>!--********************************************************************************************-->!-- Spacer. The width is set to 15% -->tr >td classspacerbg valigntop height1px width15%>/td>!--***********************************************************************-->!-- This area is your main center column. As the 2 side columns are set to 35% between them, this one willbe at 65%. No need to specify that however, it will just fill whats left over.-->td classcontentbg rowspan2 valigntop >div classcontent-box>div aligncenter>h1 classhbg>A Practical Guide to Laptop Security/h1>/div>div aligncenter>p>a href> img border0src> /a>/p>/div>p alignleft>SCRIPT LANGUAGEJavaScript1.2> !-- This script and many more are available free online at --> !-- The JavaScript Source!! --> !-- Begin var monthsnew Array(13); months1January; months2February; months3March; months4April; months5May; months6June; months7July; months8August; months9September; months10October; months11November; months12December; var timenew Date(); var lmonthmonthstime.getMonth() + 1; var datetime.getDate(); var yeartime.getYear(); if (year 2000) // Y2K Fix, Isaac Powell year year + 1900; // document.write(right> + lmonth + ); document.write(date + , + year + /right>);// End -->/SCRIPT> !-- google_ad_section_start --> p>Laptop security is a subject that few of us consider until we experience the consequences of not having done enough about it. If youre one of the millions of people who use a laptop computer to earn a living, to bank on-line, to store confidential information, to communicate with friends, colleagues, customers ... this site is for you./p>!-- google_ad_section_end --> img srcimage-files/caution.jpg width200 height141 titlecaution alignleft vspace10border0 altcaution>p style>Laptop computers are a premium source of negotiable data that can be readily monetized.p style> p>Cyber criminals dont want your laptop; they want the information on it. p>They would rather use your credit card, social security and drivers licence details to siphon off funds or go shopping than have the hassle of selling a stolen laptop./p> p>Identity theft is a growth industry, its highly profitable and involves very little risk./p> p>Identities are no longer authenticated by physical presence,but by reference to information about us. Cyber criminals are wellaware of this. They no longer need to rob banks with guns to get ourmoney./p> p>Identity theft is the ultimate low risk - high reward crime of the 21st CenturyThe cost of compromised laptop security can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of millions of dollars./p> p>Every day tens of thousands of laptops are stolen and millions are compromised by viruses and hackers./p> p>Our mission is to provide a comprehensive check list ofthreats and responses so that you can reduce or eliminate the majorthreats to your laptop security:/p> ul> li classcustom>Theft and loss./li> li classcustom>Viruses, spyware and malware./li> li classcustom>Password hacking and cracking./li> li classcustom>Wireless communication./li> li classcustom>Internet communication./li> li classcustom>Data backup and recovery./li> li classcustom>Hardware failure./li> li classcustom>Removable media: USBs, media players and flash memory sticks. /li> li classcustom>Residual data on disk drives/li> li classcustom>Accidents./li>/ul>div>object typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash data idev_player width491 height424 >param nameallowScriptAccess valuealways />param nameallowFullScreen valuetrue />param namemovie value />param namewmode valuetransparent />/object>br/>a href target_blank stylecolor:#003399;font-size:12px;font-family:Sans-Serif;display:inline;padding:4px;>Why Do We Need Internet Security?/a> -- powered by>p>While laptop computers will continue to be lost and stolen,(in excess of two million are stolen annually and less than 3% are everrecovered) our objective is to show how in the worst case the costs can be limited toreplacing hardware./p>p>Property theft is manageable. Information and identity theft is a much bigger challenge and the consequences can be disastrous... /p>br clearall>Check out this link to another laptop, a href>notebooks computer/a> website of interest./div>/td>br>!--****************************************************************-->!-- The code below here, is for the right side column. The width is set to 20%. DONT go below 10%. -->td classrightbg valigntop rowspan2 width20% >div aligncenter>div classfull-width-box>div aligncenter>SCRIPT typetext/javascript LANGUAGEjavascript src> /SCRIPT>/div>/div>p>div aligncenter>div classfull-width-box>a href target_top>h3>Surf The Internet At Work?/h3>/a>img srcimage-files/shredded-security.jpg width120 height80 title aligncentervspace10hspace10border0altevidence/>p style>Windows and other software programs store history about the different activities that you have performed on your computer and on the Internet. This information is stored in the system areas of your hard disk and the built-in Windows functions like Clear History offer little protection as they can only partially delete this data. Anyone can take a look at your history and find out what you have been doing on your computer, and this raises serious privacy concerns./p>p style>Save your privacy now with this.../p>p style>a href target_top>Free Download!/a> /p>/div>/div>div classfull-width-box> div aligncenter> h3>div aligncenter>a href target_top>No AdWare!/a> /div>/h3>/div> div aligncenter>img srcimage-files/secrets.jpg width100 height67 titlesecrets altsecrets>/div> div aligncenter>p style>Spyware and Adware is software made by publishers that allow them to snoop on your browsing activity, invade your privacy, and flood you with those horrible popups. If you are like most users on the internet, chances are you are probably infected with these applications. That is why we have designed our revolutionary product./p>/div>/div>div classfull-width-box> h3>div aligncenter> a href target_top>Security Software Specialist/a>/div>/h3> img src titlelaptop security aligncenteraltsecurity software/> p style>The SecSoftware Team is dedicated to the production and development of highly reliable and trusted Security Software Programs./p>br/>div aligncenter>a href target_top>Security Software Specialist/a>/div> /div>br> div aligncenter>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-4486540155142786;/* 180x90, created 2/27/10 LSP hackers */google_ad_slot 0492396019;google_ad_width 180;google_ad_height 90;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/div>/div>/td>/tr>!--************************************************************************************************-->!-- Left column. -->tr>td classleftbg valigntop>div aligncenter>div idnavigator> p classhousebutton>a href>Home/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Anonymous/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Antivirus/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Batteries/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Biometrics/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Cleaners/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Data Recovery/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Encryption/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Hacking/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Hard Drive/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Laptop Reviews/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Malware/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Theft/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Virus Repair/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>VoIP/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>VPNs/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Wireless/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Whats New?/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Link Exchange/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Contact/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Legal Stuff/a>/p> /div>/div> div classfull-width-box>div aligncenter>h3>Web Browser/h3>img srcimage-files/logo-wordmark-vertical.png height125 altfirefox>br>/div>p style>Laptop Security Pro has been optimized for use with>Increase the Security of your Internet experience, use Firefox./p>hr classsolid>div aligncenter>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-4486540155142786;/* 120x600, created 2/27/10 LSP firefox.shtml */google_ad_slot 5195892692;google_ad_width 120;google_ad_height 600;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/div>/td>/tr>!--***************************FOOTER************-->tr>td classfooterbg colspan 3>script languageJavaScript typetext/javascript>var addtoMethod1;var addtoLayout4; var AddURL document.location.href;var AddTitle escape(document.title);/script>div aligncenter>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-4486540155142786;/* 468x15, created 5/29/08 */google_ad_slot 7989623743;google_ad_width 468;google_ad_height 15;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/div>div classaddToContent>div aligncenter> div classaddTo> span titleLearn about Social Bookmarking classaddToAbout onclickaddto(0)>/span>BR>span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Blink onclickaddto(1)>img srcimage-files/addto_blink.gif width16 height16 altadd to Blink>Blink/span>span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Digg onclickaddto(3)>img srcimage-files/addto_digg.gif width16 height16 altadd to Digg>Digg/span>span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Furl onclickaddto(4)>img srcimage-files/addto_furl.gif width16 height16 altadd to Furl>Furl/span> span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Simpy onclickaddto(6)>img srcimage-files/addto_simpy.gif width16 height16 altadd to Simpy>Simpy/span>br> span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Spurl onclickaddto(8)>img srcimage-files/addto_spurl.gif width16 height16 altadd to Spurl>Spurl/span> span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Yahoo onclickaddto(7)>img srcimage-files/addto_yahoo.gif width16 height16 altadd to Yahoo>Yahoo/span> span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Google Fusion onclickaddto(5)>img srcimage-files/addto_google.gif width16 height16 altadd to Google>Google/span> span classaddtos titleAdd this page to onclickaddto(2)>img srcimage-files/addto_delicious.gif width16 height16 altadd to>> /div>/div>/div>hr aligncenter width50%> p>div aligncenter> a href>font size-2>Laptop Security/font>/a> | a href>font size-2>Anonymous Proxies/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Antivirus Software/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Virus Repair/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Laptop Batteries/font>/a> br>a href>font size-2>Biometric Devices/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Drive Cleaners/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Data Recovery/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Encryption/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Hacking/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Hard Drives/font>/a> br>a href>font size-2>Malware/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Laptop Theft/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>VoIP/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>VPNs/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Wireless/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Whats New?/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Links/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Contact/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Legal Stuff/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Privacy Policy/font>/a>/div>/p>hr aligncenter width50%>div aligncenter>font size-2>font color#000000>Copyright ©2008-2012 Laptop-Security-Pro.combr>All Rights Reserved/font>/font>br>img srcimage-files/orange-footer.jpg>/div>br>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-5755488-1);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->script typetext/javascript>var sc_project3807361; var sc_invisible1; var sc_partition34; var sc_click_stat1; var sc_securityf059f325; /script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>noscript>div classstatcounter>a href target_blank>img classstatcounter src altfree hit counter >/a>/div>/noscript>!-- End of StatCounter Code -->div aligncenter> a href#top> Top of Laptop Security Pro /a>/div> !--************************************************************************************************-->/td>/tr>/table>/div>!--this is the closing div for the max width, dont delete it-->!-- Kontera ContentLink(TM);-->script typetext/javascript>var dc_AdLinkColor #ff0000 ;var dc_UnitID 14 ;var dc_PublisherID 47172 ;var dc_adprod ADL ;/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>!-- Kontera ContentLink(TM) -->/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 01 Feb 2025 16:44:28 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeAccept-Ranges: bytesVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>!-- Created on 8/12/2007 16:06:2017/06/2007 21:51:30 -->html>head>title>A Guide to Laptop Security | Laptop Computer Security | Security and Encryption | Wireless Network Security/title>meta nameKeywords contentlaptop security,laptop computer security, security and encryption, wireless network security >meta nameDescription contentA practical guide to laptop security for everyone who uses a laptop computer and has a concern about data security and identity theft.>meta namegoogle-site-verification content_PGp-D7P1vVLnTU74ZTsBn-Oz4G-g8xWm66cqh3ATog />meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>META NAMEROBOTS CONTENTall>META HTTP-EQUIVCONTENT-LANGUAGE CONTENTEN>META NAMErevisit-after CONTENT7 days>META NAMECopyright>link relicon typeimage/ico href>link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefsupport-files/main.css>link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefsupport-files/nav.css>link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefsupport-files/divs.css>link relstylesheet hrefsupport-files/addto.css typetext/css>script languageJavaScript srcsupport-files/addto.js typetext/javascript>/script>script src/google_analytics_auto.js>/script>/head>body >!--************************************************************************************************-->!-- The table width below, is for the COMPLETE table, not the individual cells. You can change itto as low as 80%. -->div classmain-table aligncenter>!--this is the starting div for the max width, dont delete it-->table width95% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding5px >tr>td classheaderbg colspan3>div aligncenter>img srcimage-files/orange-and-black-101207.jpg titlelaptop security pro altlaptop security/>meta namegoogle-site-verification content_PGp-D7P1vVLnTU74ZTsBn-Oz4G-g8xWm66cqh3ATog />/div>/td>/tr>!--********************************************************************************************-->!-- Spacer. The width is set to 15% -->tr >td classspacerbg valigntop height1px width15%>/td>!--***********************************************************************-->!-- This area is your main center column. As the 2 side columns are set to 35% between them, this one willbe at 65%. No need to specify that however, it will just fill whats left over.-->td classcontentbg rowspan2 valigntop >div classcontent-box>div aligncenter>h1 classhbg>A Practical Guide to Laptop Security/h1>/div>div aligncenter>p>a href> img border0src> /a>/p>/div>p alignleft>SCRIPT LANGUAGEJavaScript1.2> !-- This script and many more are available free online at --> !-- The JavaScript Source!! --> !-- Begin var monthsnew Array(13); months1January; months2February; months3March; months4April; months5May; months6June; months7July; months8August; months9September; months10October; months11November; months12December; var timenew Date(); var lmonthmonthstime.getMonth() + 1; var datetime.getDate(); var yeartime.getYear(); if (year 2000) // Y2K Fix, Isaac Powell year year + 1900; // document.write(right> + lmonth + ); document.write(date + , + year + /right>);// End -->/SCRIPT> !-- google_ad_section_start --> p>Laptop security is a subject that few of us consider until we experience the consequences of not having done enough about it. If youre one of the millions of people who use a laptop computer to earn a living, to bank on-line, to store confidential information, to communicate with friends, colleagues, customers ... this site is for you./p>!-- google_ad_section_end --> img srcimage-files/caution.jpg width200 height141 titlecaution alignleft vspace10border0 altcaution>p style>Laptop computers are a premium source of negotiable data that can be readily monetized.p style> p>Cyber criminals dont want your laptop; they want the information on it. p>They would rather use your credit card, social security and drivers licence details to siphon off funds or go shopping than have the hassle of selling a stolen laptop./p> p>Identity theft is a growth industry, its highly profitable and involves very little risk./p> p>Identities are no longer authenticated by physical presence,but by reference to information about us. Cyber criminals are wellaware of this. They no longer need to rob banks with guns to get ourmoney./p> p>Identity theft is the ultimate low risk - high reward crime of the 21st CenturyThe cost of compromised laptop security can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of millions of dollars./p> p>Every day tens of thousands of laptops are stolen and millions are compromised by viruses and hackers./p> p>Our mission is to provide a comprehensive check list ofthreats and responses so that you can reduce or eliminate the majorthreats to your laptop security:/p> ul> li classcustom>Theft and loss./li> li classcustom>Viruses, spyware and malware./li> li classcustom>Password hacking and cracking./li> li classcustom>Wireless communication./li> li classcustom>Internet communication./li> li classcustom>Data backup and recovery./li> li classcustom>Hardware failure./li> li classcustom>Removable media: USBs, media players and flash memory sticks. /li> li classcustom>Residual data on disk drives/li> li classcustom>Accidents./li>/ul>div>object typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash data idev_player width491 height424 >param nameallowScriptAccess valuealways />param nameallowFullScreen valuetrue />param namemovie value />param namewmode valuetransparent />/object>br/>a href target_blank stylecolor:#003399;font-size:12px;font-family:Sans-Serif;display:inline;padding:4px;>Why Do We Need Internet Security?/a> -- powered by>p>While laptop computers will continue to be lost and stolen,(in excess of two million are stolen annually and less than 3% are everrecovered) our objective is to show how in the worst case the costs can be limited toreplacing hardware./p>p>Property theft is manageable. Information and identity theft is a much bigger challenge and the consequences can be disastrous... /p>br clearall>Check out this link to another laptop, a href>notebooks computer/a> website of interest./div>/td>br>!--****************************************************************-->!-- The code below here, is for the right side column. The width is set to 20%. DONT go below 10%. -->td classrightbg valigntop rowspan2 width20% >div aligncenter>div classfull-width-box>div aligncenter>SCRIPT typetext/javascript LANGUAGEjavascript src> /SCRIPT>/div>/div>p>div aligncenter>div classfull-width-box>a href target_top>h3>Surf The Internet At Work?/h3>/a>img srcimage-files/shredded-security.jpg width120 height80 title aligncentervspace10hspace10border0altevidence/>p style>Windows and other software programs store history about the different activities that you have performed on your computer and on the Internet. This information is stored in the system areas of your hard disk and the built-in Windows functions like Clear History offer little protection as they can only partially delete this data. Anyone can take a look at your history and find out what you have been doing on your computer, and this raises serious privacy concerns./p>p style>Save your privacy now with this.../p>p style>a href target_top>Free Download!/a> /p>/div>/div>div classfull-width-box> div aligncenter> h3>div aligncenter>a href target_top>No AdWare!/a> /div>/h3>/div> div aligncenter>img srcimage-files/secrets.jpg width100 height67 titlesecrets altsecrets>/div> div aligncenter>p style>Spyware and Adware is software made by publishers that allow them to snoop on your browsing activity, invade your privacy, and flood you with those horrible popups. If you are like most users on the internet, chances are you are probably infected with these applications. That is why we have designed our revolutionary product./p>/div>/div>div classfull-width-box> h3>div aligncenter> a href target_top>Security Software Specialist/a>/div>/h3> img src titlelaptop security aligncenteraltsecurity software/> p style>The SecSoftware Team is dedicated to the production and development of highly reliable and trusted Security Software Programs./p>br/>div aligncenter>a href target_top>Security Software Specialist/a>/div> /div>br> div aligncenter>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-4486540155142786;/* 180x90, created 2/27/10 LSP hackers */google_ad_slot 0492396019;google_ad_width 180;google_ad_height 90;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/div>/div>/td>/tr>!--************************************************************************************************-->!-- Left column. -->tr>td classleftbg valigntop>div aligncenter>div idnavigator> p classhousebutton>a href>Home/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Anonymous/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Antivirus/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Batteries/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Biometrics/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Cleaners/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Data Recovery/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Encryption/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Hacking/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Hard Drive/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Laptop Reviews/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Malware/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Theft/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Virus Repair/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>VoIP/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>VPNs/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Wireless/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Whats New?/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Link Exchange/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Contact/a>/p> p classhousebutton>a href>Legal Stuff/a>/p> /div>/div> div classfull-width-box>div aligncenter>h3>Web Browser/h3>img srcimage-files/logo-wordmark-vertical.png height125 altfirefox>br>/div>p style>Laptop Security Pro has been optimized for use with>Increase the Security of your Internet experience, use Firefox./p>hr classsolid>div aligncenter>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-4486540155142786;/* 120x600, created 2/27/10 LSP firefox.shtml */google_ad_slot 5195892692;google_ad_width 120;google_ad_height 600;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/div>/td>/tr>!--***************************FOOTER************-->tr>td classfooterbg colspan 3>script languageJavaScript typetext/javascript>var addtoMethod1;var addtoLayout4; var AddURL document.location.href;var AddTitle escape(document.title);/script>div aligncenter>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-4486540155142786;/* 468x15, created 5/29/08 */google_ad_slot 7989623743;google_ad_width 468;google_ad_height 15;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/div>div classaddToContent>div aligncenter> div classaddTo> span titleLearn about Social Bookmarking classaddToAbout onclickaddto(0)>/span>BR>span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Blink onclickaddto(1)>img srcimage-files/addto_blink.gif width16 height16 altadd to Blink>Blink/span>span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Digg onclickaddto(3)>img srcimage-files/addto_digg.gif width16 height16 altadd to Digg>Digg/span>span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Furl onclickaddto(4)>img srcimage-files/addto_furl.gif width16 height16 altadd to Furl>Furl/span> span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Simpy onclickaddto(6)>img srcimage-files/addto_simpy.gif width16 height16 altadd to Simpy>Simpy/span>br> span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Spurl onclickaddto(8)>img srcimage-files/addto_spurl.gif width16 height16 altadd to Spurl>Spurl/span> span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Yahoo onclickaddto(7)>img srcimage-files/addto_yahoo.gif width16 height16 altadd to Yahoo>Yahoo/span> span classaddtos titleAdd this page to Google Fusion onclickaddto(5)>img srcimage-files/addto_google.gif width16 height16 altadd to Google>Google/span> span classaddtos titleAdd this page to onclickaddto(2)>img srcimage-files/addto_delicious.gif width16 height16 altadd to>> /div>/div>/div>hr aligncenter width50%> p>div aligncenter> a href>font size-2>Laptop Security/font>/a> | a href>font size-2>Anonymous Proxies/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Antivirus Software/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Virus Repair/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Laptop Batteries/font>/a> br>a href>font size-2>Biometric Devices/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Drive Cleaners/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Data Recovery/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Encryption/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Hacking/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Hard Drives/font>/a> br>a href>font size-2>Malware/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Laptop Theft/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>VoIP/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>VPNs/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Wireless/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Whats New?/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Links/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Contact/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Legal Stuff/font>/a>| a href>font size-2>Privacy Policy/font>/a>/div>/p>hr aligncenter width50%>div aligncenter>font size-2>font color#000000>Copyright ©2008-2012 Laptop-Security-Pro.combr>All Rights Reserved/font>/font>br>img srcimage-files/orange-footer.jpg>/div>br>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-5755488-1);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->script typetext/javascript>var sc_project3807361; 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