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Delivery - Lago Mar Pizza/p> h1 classhome-hero__title stylecolor: #2d2b2d>Lago Mar Pizza - Virginia Beach, VA/h1> a href/shop classbtn btn-primary>Order ONline/a> a hreftel:(757) 721-2500 classbtn btn-primary>Call Us/a> /div> div classhome-hero__image> img src alt /> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classhome-popular section-padding> div classcol-full> h2 classhome-popular__title>Our Customers Favorites:/h2> div classhome-popular__items> !-- mobile --> div classhome-popular__post mobile> div> h3>Garlic Cheese Bread/h3> div classhome-popular_desc> Served with marinara sauce /div> /div> a classimage-link href/shop?item5021> img src altGarlic Cheese Bread classhome-popular__image> /a> /div> !-- tablet/desktop --> div classhome-popular__post> a classimage-link href/shop?item5021> img src altGarlic Cheese Bread classhome-popular__image> /a> h3>Garlic Cheese Bread/h3> div classhome-popular__desc>Served with marinara sauce/div> a classhome-popular__cta btn href/shop?item5021 classbtn btn-primary>Order Now/a> /div> !-- mobile --> div classhome-popular__post mobile> div> h3>Traditional Wings 12 pcs/h3> div classhome-popular_desc> Hot, mild, BBQ or honey mustard /div> /div> a classimage-link href/shop?item5010> img src altTraditional Wings 12 pcs classhome-popular__image> /a> /div> !-- tablet/desktop --> div classhome-popular__post> a classimage-link href/shop?item5010> img src altTraditional Wings 12 pcs classhome-popular__image> /a> h3>Traditional Wings 12 pcs/h3> div classhome-popular__desc>Hot, mild, BBQ or honey mustard/div> a classhome-popular__cta btn href/shop?item5010 classbtn btn-primary>Order Now/a> /div> !-- mobile --> div classhome-popular__post mobile> div> h3>Margherita Pizza/h3> div classhome-popular_desc> Basil, and tomatoes /div> /div> a classimage-link href/shop?item4871> img src altMargherita Pizza classhome-popular__image> /a> /div> !-- tablet/desktop --> div classhome-popular__post> a classimage-link href/shop?item4871> img src altMargherita Pizza classhome-popular__image> /a> h3>Margherita Pizza/h3> div classhome-popular__desc>Basil, and tomatoes/div> a classhome-popular__cta btn href/shop?item4871 classbtn btn-primary>Order Now/a> /div> !-- mobile --> div classhome-popular__post mobile> div> h3>Supreme/h3> div classhome-popular_desc> Pepperoni, sausage, onions, green peppers /div> /div> a classimage-link href/shop?item4873> img src altSupreme classhome-popular__image> /a> /div> !-- tablet/desktop --> div classhome-popular__post> a classimage-link href/shop?item4873> img src altSupreme classhome-popular__image> /a> h3>Supreme/h3> div classhome-popular__desc>Pepperoni, sausage, onions, green peppers/div> a classhome-popular__cta btn href/shop?item4873 classbtn btn-primary>Order Now/a> /div> !-- mobile --> div classhome-popular__post mobile> div> h3>Cheese Pizza/h3> div classhome-popular_desc> /div> /div> a classimage-link href/shop?item4865> img src altCheese Pizza classhome-popular__image> /a> /div> !-- tablet/desktop --> div classhome-popular__post> a classimage-link href/shop?item4865> img src altCheese Pizza classhome-popular__image> /a> h3>Cheese Pizza/h3> div classhome-popular__desc>/div> a classhome-popular__cta btn href/shop?item4865 classbtn btn-primary>Order Now/a> /div> !-- mobile --> div classhome-popular__post mobile> div> h3>Chicken Parmesan/h3> div classhome-popular_desc> w/Spaghetti or Penne /div> /div> a classimage-link href/shop?item4918> img src altChicken Parmesan classhome-popular__image> /a> /div> !-- tablet/desktop --> div classhome-popular__post> a classimage-link href/shop?item4918> img src altChicken Parmesan classhome-popular__image> /a> h3>Chicken Parmesan/h3> div classhome-popular__desc>w/Spaghetti or Penne/div> a classhome-popular__cta btn href/shop?item4918 classbtn btn-primary>Order Now/a> /div> !-- mobile --> div classhome-popular__post mobile> div> h3>Lasagna/h3> div classhome-popular_desc> Stacked layers of pasta packed with meat and cheese, covered in red sauce. Pro tip:... /div> /div> a classimage-link href/shop?item4929> img src altLasagna classhome-popular__image> /a> /div> !-- tablet/desktop --> div classhome-popular__post> a classimage-link href/shop?item4929> img src altLasagna classhome-popular__image> /a> h3>Lasagna/h3> div classhome-popular__desc>Stacked layers of pasta packed with meat and cheese, covered in red sauce. Pro tip:.../div> a classhome-popular__cta btn href/shop?item4929 classbtn btn-primary>Order Now/a> /div> !-- mobile --> div classhome-popular__post mobile> div> h3>Calzone/h3> div classhome-popular_desc> Ricotta, mozzarella & parmesan cheese stuffed in our fresh made dough, then wrapped & baked.... /div> /div> a classimage-link href/shop?item5037> img src altCalzone classhome-popular__image> /a> /div> !-- tablet/desktop --> div classhome-popular__post> a classimage-link href/shop?item5037> img src altCalzone classhome-popular__image> /a> h3>Calzone/h3> div classhome-popular__desc>Ricotta, mozzarella & parmesan cheese stuffed in our fresh made dough, then wrapped & baked..../div> a classhome-popular__cta btn href/shop?item5037 classbtn btn-primary>Order Now/a> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classhome-about> div classd-flex> div classhome-about__image styleorder: 1> img src alt /> /div> div classhome-about__content stylebackground-color: #FFFFFF;order: 2> h2 classhome-about__title>Voted Best Pizza in Virginia Beach, VA/h2> div classhome-about__description>p>span data-sheets-root1>Lago Mar Pizza: Virginia Beach’s Award-Winning Slice of Heaven Craving the best pizza in Virginia Beach? Look no further than Lago Mar Pizza! We’re voted #1 by locals, serving up mouthwatering pies made with fresh, high-quality ingredients. From classic pepperoni to gourmet creations, our menu has something to satisfy every taste bud. Don’t settle for average, experience the Lago Mar difference. Order online for delivery or carryout, or visit our friendly beachside restaurant today!/span>/p>/div> p stylemargin-bottom:0> a href classhome-about__cta>Learn More About Us/a> /p> /div> /div>/section>section classhome-reviews section-padding stylebackground-color: #FFFFFF;> div classcol-full> h2 classhome-reviews__title>See What Our Customers Are Saying:/h2> div classslick-google-reviews> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altChristine Burdette> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Christine Burdettebr> 07/20/2024 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Great food! Meatball subs and pizza were very good! Next time we are in the area we will be eating here again! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altKRISTEN WOLLESEN> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> KRISTEN WOLLESENbr> 07/09/2024 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> What an awesome 👏 😎 surprise! Never been here before but got a camper and started staying at Indian Cove. Went here in a whim last minute for dinner with our friends and it did not disappoint. It’s a chill hole in the wall vibe but fresh ingredients with good flavor. Friends and my girl got cheesesteak sandwiches and I got bbq wrap. Ooooh weeee it all hit! Going back finally again tonight and trying their 🍕 which is what ppl are raving about. Thank you 🙏 😊 guys for the awesome surprise. Good food at a great price with a nice chill vibe 🤙 /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altCynthia Harrell> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Cynthia Harrellbr> 06/08/2024 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> The pizza was Absolutely Amazing! The staff was really chill. I felt horrible because I came in about 15 minutes before closing and everyone remained calm and pleasant. This was my 1st time going there and I was not disappointed. The 1st impression was a awesome! Thank you 🙏🏽💕 /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altEd Davenport> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Ed Davenportbr> 05/24/2024 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Got to Love that Pizza!Great People, plus Free Entertainment too!NBA - Celtics 8pm Tonight! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altLinda J.> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Linda> 05/01/2024 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Our food is always fresh and delicious. Inside could use some updating, but the food is top notch! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altApril Ford> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> April Fordbr> 04/23/2024 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> One of the better pizza joints and the South part of the city. Never been disappointed by their food or service /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altJustin Grant> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Justin Grantbr> 04/21/2024 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> My aunt has treated me to Lago Mar Pizza twice and both times it was super delicious! Im a huge ranch dressing snob and I can tell its made in house to perfection. Hoping they sell it by the bottle! We got a Philly cheesesteak this time though which was disappointing for 2 reasons.. #1 they put lettuce on it which just wilts under the heat of the steak. And #2 even though the steak was tender and not over cooked it tasted like they deglazed a burnt grill with the meat on top. Probably a one-off and well order without the lettuce next time. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altSeth Jones> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Seth Jonesbr> 04/21/2024 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> The pizza was really good perfectly cook my compliments to jack he made the pizza really well with the right amount of toppings and compliments to hope for the perfect sercice! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altjoe kisonu> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> joe kisonubr> 02/13/2024 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Great local pizza joint! Kinda small and not fancy, but friendly people and great food. Our orders are always right and ready when they say they will be. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altJoe D> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Joe Dbr> 11/24/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> I havent been here in forever... and by forever I mean a decade. Distance is probably the biggest factor as its 20 miles from where I currently live... However I digress. My brother came into town last night for Thanksgiving and we rolled the pizza dice and ended up going to Lago Mar Pizza.We were greeted immediately when we walked in the door and the young lady behind the counter brought us menus, took our drink order and ended up also being our server. The establishment was at about 1/3 capacity as well which isnt bad for a Tuesday night.We ordered some fried cheese sticks and a 16 pie with pepperoni and onions. The app promptly arrived at the table right after our drinks and the pizza arrived about 10-12 minutes after the app.I found the cheese sticks to be nothing special, however the pizza was on point. It didnt quite taste the same as I remember it, however its been 10 years and recipes / ingredients are bound to change. Its not a complaint at all, it was just slightly different. I want to point out the dough was very fresh and the sauce was good to. I think its the sauce that was different actually now that Im thinking about it.Long story short, the only evidence of this pizza ever existing are the photos attached to this review. Its gone!Pros: Service, Food, etc.Cons: NoneIll be back, and this time I wont wait a decade. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altRobyne Lichtman> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Robyne Lichtmanbr> 10/14/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> I grabbed a veggie pizza as its quick and easy on a rainy day. Got home after enough time that pizza was a little more than room temperature. I took a bite and devoured the remainder of my 1st slice, took my time and really enjoyed the 2nd. Wanted a 3rd but too full. Had a little container of what I believe to be home made ranch dressing that was amazing! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altHeather Emrick Peddicord> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Heather Emrick Peddicordbr> 10/09/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> The food was amazing and the service was wonderful. Had passed this place several times not realizing it was there until we were looking for a local pizza place for dinner. It was well worth the stop. Highly highly recommend! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altNichole Finch> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Nichole Finchbr> 09/26/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Love the pizza. The Cannoli was fantastic. The garlic cheese bread was perfect. While our order was to-go, this is a great little diamond in the shell of a gas station parking lot pizza place. Dont pass this place by. As you eat your papa-js, we will have delicious, melty, meaty, hearty, slices of heaven. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altLinda Krobath> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Linda Krobathbr> 08/31/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Very casual restaurant serving excellent food. My husband raved about the chicken parmasean sandwich. The fries have a tasty seasoning. I had a slice of pepperoni and plain pizza, and both were delicious. The price is very reasonable!!There are booths to eat in, but they do delivery as well. Our server was personable and attentive. Highly recommend. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altKeri W> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Keri Wbr> 08/27/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Delicious subs.... best in VA Beach! The cold cuts are hot sandwiches so if u want cold... make sure you ask. Yummy! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altAndrew W> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Andrew Wbr> 08/18/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Great pizza and fantastic service. Super friendly people. Ordered multiple styles of pizza and our group loved them. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altAnson Pham> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Anson Phambr> 08/08/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Good takeout option for pizza. Everyone in our group enjoyed the pizza. Good sauce, appropriate amount of cheese. This will likely not impress any pizza snobs out there but I thought it was relatively inexpensive tasty pizza. About a 15 minute drive from sandbridge. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altJessie Satter> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Jessie Satterbr> 07/13/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> All I can say is, perfect!!!The service, the smiles, the nice calm and quiet atmosphere. The food was just cooked to perfection and was very quick.Prices are perfect as well.One of my new favorite small town feeling pizza joint.Thank you so much for a perfect night out with the family.Yeah Baby 🥰🥰 /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altJeremiah Moser> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Jeremiah Moserbr> 06/30/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Absolutely delicious! Probably some of the best pizza Ive ever had. 4 extremely picky kids and every one of them enjoyed their meal! Order early cuz delivery time can be long but its obvious why! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altDenis Sutter> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Denis Sutterbr> 06/11/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> We decided to make an order on our last day of vacation (Friday night) and really enjoyed our meal! Took about an hour for delivery and the food came hot. We ordered pizza, cheese breadsticks, wings, fries, and onion rings. We all thought it was delicious! Definitely worth checking out if you are in the Sandbridge area for vacation! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altTaylor Leturgey> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Taylor Leturgeybr> 06/08/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Great pizza, great prices, avoid ordering on weekends. Since everyones ordering for sandbridge rentals, the wait time is long. Worth the wait, but if youre looking for some quick pizza on the weekends, might want to go a lil further. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altTheRobert13056> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> TheRobert13056br> 03/13/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> The pizza is the absolute best in the area! My family loves coming here because you always feel welcome. The dining area is nice and comfortable. You wont be disappointed. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altJake Fleming III> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Jake Fleming IIIbr> 01/05/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Pizza was delicious, nice hand tossed thick crust, they dont skimp on the cheese, fresh ingredients, tasty sauce. I just moved back home here after many years in Philadelphia and finally found a good pizza similar to the real pizza I got in Philly which is hard to find around here. Boneless wings were good also. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altEdward Verlander> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Edward Verlanderbr> 01/05/2023 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> My first time ordering takeout..And I was beyond pleased..The crust was AMAZING ...the toppings were generous enough that I really enjoyed the chicken pizza with the white sauce.Give them a try !!!! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altjohn markham> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> john markhambr> 11/02/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Its been a while since Ive eaten here. Was a favorite when we lived here. Got a Gyro and it was awesome -- thank you Christina. Glad you have the dining room open. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altJ Knighton> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> J Knightonbr> 10/18/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> 2 slice lunch special was on point. Staff was excellent! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altJerri Gould> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Jerri Gouldbr> 08/31/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> I was in the area and realized I havent eaten there in years. Stopped in for lunch. I Ordered a sub sandwich and the first bite brought back memories of how good they are. The employees were very nice. I will definitely be back. Go Irish ☘️😉 /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altVincent F> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Vincent Fbr> 08/12/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> The pizza is really good here! Nothing groundbreaking but for the price the pizza is worth it. Staff is really nice and polite and location has nice atmosphere. I will for sure come back here! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altVinny F> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Vinny Fbr> 08/12/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> The pizza is really good here! Nothing groundbreaking but for the price the pizza is worth it. Staff is really nice and polite and location has nice atmosphere. I will for sure come back here! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altCarol Bluestein> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Carol Bluesteinbr> 08/07/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Everything has been delicious each time we’ve gotten food from there. We’ve had pizza, Greek salads, gyros, Lagomar Salad, wings and subs and I don’t think there are any bad choices! The staff is helpful, pleasant and always with a smile. Definitely worth the trip! We will be back! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altHannah Greene> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Hannah Greenebr> 07/26/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> It may not look like a lot from the outside but its worth going in for. The employees were friendly and constantly checked on us to ask if we were good. The food was amazing and lots of options for different diets. We try to look for diversity in foods with a dairy free person and gluten free. There isnt a ton of indoor seating but for the outdoor lovers they have you covered. They also do take out. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altBobby Smith> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Bobby Smithbr> 07/07/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Very good sandwiches. They use a lot of cheese, which we love. A couple of things is that they can be a little pricey and they seem to hire teenage girls that act snooty. Overall cant complain. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altCarol Bluestein> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Carol Bluesteinbr> 06/04/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Everything has been delicious each time we’ve gotten food from there. We’ve had pizza, Greek salads, gyros, Lagomar Salad and subs and I don’t think there are any bad choices! The staff is helpful, pleasant and always with a smile. Definitely worth the trip! We will be back! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altDonna Nunneley> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Donna Nunneleybr> 06/02/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Ordered a pizza for Delivery told it would be an hour and 20 minutes. I live in Creeds and it is the only delivery that we can get. I was surprised it came in under an hour! The Delivery driver, Anthony, was a local teenager I knew. He was very polite and professional. Thank You for hiring local and continuing to support our local community! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altDan Carter> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Dan Carterbr> 05/25/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Ordered take out wings from Lago Mar Pizza after a great friend recommended them to me. Honestly went there expecting just plain old hot wings. Not what I got at all. The wings were perfect size, not fatty, and cooked and crisped to perfection. I am not sure how or what they do, but they taste like they are rubbed with seasoning and then sauced. They were absolutely great. The ranch tasted home made and I wished I had ordered a second one for later. Incredibly friendly service from the two girls working on the front as well. I planned on not eating the whole order, but once I started, I couldnt stop until I was done. I have found my new perminant place for wings!! Highest recommendation. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altDan Carter> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Dan Carterbr> 05/24/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Ordered take out wings from Lago Mar Pizza after a great friend recommend them to me. Honestly went there expecting just plain old hot wings. Not what I got at all. The wings were perfect size, not fatty, and cooked and crisped to perfection. I am not sure how or what they do, but they taste like they are rubbed with seasoning and then sauced. They were absolutely great. The ranch tasted home made and I wished I had ordered a second one. Incredibly friendly from the two girls working on the front as well. I planned on not eating the whole order, but once I started, I couldnt stop until I was done. I have found my new perminant place for wings!! Highest recommendation. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altMark Robison> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Mark Robisonbr> 05/19/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Staying from out of town and decided to stay in and order delivery one night.We were not disappointed!The highlights: pizza delicious, salads nice and fresh, delivery sooner than expected, gyro amazing, delivery driver friendly, and calzone huge and flavorful.The room for improvement: status of order not updated on Slice app to reflect out for delivery, and garlic knots did not taste garlicky.The impression we all had still stands at 5 stars. If those were the only things wrong, they still killed it!We would definitely not hesitate to order from Lago Mar Pizza again. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altMatt Tripp> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Matt Trippbr> 04/26/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> By far one of the best pizza restaurants in the area, real crust, authentic, and the cheese is perfect. Always a great experience when we go! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altGus Eady> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Gus Eadybr> 02/23/2022 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Right across the street from Heritage Park sits this tasty gem. The pizza and wings were well received by my family. There were no leftovers from our order of an XL Meat Lover’s pizza, 12 honey mustard wings and 12 boneless BBQ wings. Everything was delicious. We will do this again. Bravo. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altJim Louis> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Jim Louisbr> 12/09/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> We just enjoyed a pizza from this restaurant Im from NJ we know good pizza and this is good pizza I give it an 8.3 LoL check it out great Pizza!!! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altBryan S> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Bryan Sbr> 11/04/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> 5 stars for the pizza. We love the pizza here. Its never greasy like some of the other popular pizza joints. Weve been ordering out here for many years, and the pizza always looks and tastes the same. They have a nice crust and everything is consistent from pie to pie. They are a great local business and support the community. The hire local kids and theyre very pleasant to interact with. I took a star away for the dining room. To be fair, I havent dined here since before the pandemic, but its been outdated for a long time. It feels like a walk-in closet. It could use some fresh paint, and all the jerseys and soccer memorabilia is just collecting dust. Ive never seen so many clothes hangers inside a restaurant. Id love to dine in again some day... Great pizza though. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altSteve Lucas> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Steve Lucasbr> 10/13/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Great customer service, enthusiastic and professional. Walked us the through the menu over the phone. Better than the last two place we call for delivery on our vacation!! Thank you /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altShane Spencer> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Shane Spencerbr> 09/19/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Super convenient location coming off the nearby beach.They are not doing dine in service due to the pandemic and you have to call ahead or once you get to the restaurant for takeout orders.The beef gyro was tasty, with its mayo lettuce and tomato, unfortunately it lacked beef.Conversely the chicken wraps were plentiful in chicken bits but on the salty side.Conclusion they are a go to spot in the area but food is hit or miss, but if youre dying hungry from the beach itll do to get you back in the car and on your trip home. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altRandy Murphey> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Randy Murpheybr> 08/24/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Called in order and had it delivered to car at the moment they said they would...and it was great pizza...and the closest decent pizza to Sandbridge beach. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altAlex Stynchula> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Alex Stynchulabr> 08/22/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Great pizza, easy curb-side pickup. Thanks, Lago Mar…will definitely order again! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altDennis Charek> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Dennis Charekbr> 08/07/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Our absolutely favorite pizza by far! Get it every time we visit Sandbridge! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altmary h> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> mary hbr> 08/05/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> amazing quality subs, like back home , can’t find them anywhere else like them here!! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altChad McElravy> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Chad McElravybr> 07/21/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Pizza is pretty good. Right now it is phoneborder only. Its kinda wired, we were at the front door and someone came out to tell us to order via phone. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altGabriella Pollak (Gabby)> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Gabriella Pollak (Gabby)br> 07/16/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> The only place in Virginia Beach that actually does takeout as advertised. Ordered gyros and they were delicious! Definitely coming back. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altpaul youngk> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> paul youngkbr> 07/14/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Stopped here for atleast 20 years after surfing Sandbridge. One of my top spots for pizza and the kids love the icecream. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altAlexandra Giannini> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Alexandra Gianninibr> 07/06/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> We placed an order on doordash and one of the items seemed incorrect based on the report/receipt. We called in and Danielle answered right away and went out of her way to confirm we had ordered everything we needed and could add on anything additional required through the restaurant. She was lovely and her customer service and overall demeanor and tone was a 10/10. Food was great as well and coming from NY/NJ we expect a lot out of pizza. Very happy with the experience! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altAlison M> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Alison Mbr> 07/05/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Yum! We ordered two small pizzas from the website for a specific and set delivery a few weeks ago.It was delivered within 15 mins of our chosen time, piping hot and ready to eat.Their crust is thick and delicious and the supreme pizza with everything was soooo delicious.We also made our own white pizza with basil, sausage, ricotta and mozzarella. It was ok but I enjoyed the loaded pizza more.Will absolutely order again. Delish! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altAdam Hamdy> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Adam Hamdybr> 05/09/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Got this with the family on a recent vacation. BEST PIZZA we’ve had in a long time. The crust was amazing, garlic knots were unreal, and the cheesesteak sub was phenomenal (same with the roll). HIGHLY RECOMMEND to anyone visiting the area. Thank you for a great dinner and great service! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altRuth Hiltibran> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Ruth Hiltibranbr> 04/19/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> We ordered deluxe pizza & meat lover’s pizza. Both delicious! Wouldn’t change a thing. We love pizza from Lago Mar Pizza! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altDonatella Burnett> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Donatella Burnettbr> 03/09/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Ordered the Greek Pizza with white sauce. OMG it was soooo good. Highly recommend it! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altCrystal Troutman> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Crystal Troutmanbr> 02/14/2021 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Online ordering was easy, delivery was quicker than expected. Pizza was delicious! We always order at least once while vacationing in Sandbridge. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altTrish Cartino> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Trish Cartinobr> 12/12/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> We ordered late (about 7:30ish, they stop delivery at 8:00). Got a message that the pizza would be here in 60 minutes. The pizza was delivered as promised and was absolutely delicious! In my opinion I thought it could have been a little hotter, but I have been told that I like my food unreasonably hot...... /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altRobyne Lichtman> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Robyne Lichtmanbr> 11/15/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> One of the best locals pizza spots, as well as other items like suns and gyros and pasta. Great apps /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altIsaiah Mcdaniel> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Isaiah Mcdanielbr> 11/01/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> A top place for delicious Pizza. A favorite evening place of mine. The staff was friendly and sociable. The place has a great atmosphere. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altDaniel Richards> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Daniel Richardsbr> 10/02/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Best stromboli Ive ever had actually. No one makes it like this place. Excellent pizza - love their crust style. Solid subs too! A must have when in Sandbridge /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altDayle Alligood> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Dayle Alligoodbr> 09/08/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Great pizza /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altmaz perez> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> maz perezbr> 09/03/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> I had stopped ordering LM pizza because the food was too garlicky for me. I figured I’d give it another try after not being able to find one Decent pizza restaurant in the area. Tried 7!Well glad I gave LM pizza another try. The pizza was delicious. They must have a new cook.Highly recommend! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altLynn Francois> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Lynn Francoisbr> 09/02/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Easiest order platform by far. Pick up also was smooth without the need to call once we arrived - giving car description allowed them to know we were there and they brought it out within 5 minutes after serving 2 cars before us. Always great food too. Thumbs up for a quick sandwich and a ride to the beach to eat! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altReaper Nation> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Reaper Nationbr> 08/01/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> my boss ordered me lunch from lagomar last week and the pizza was exceptionally good /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altNoah D> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Noah Dbr> 07/09/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Absolutely amazing place. Ordered from here 3 times while on vacation and was not disappointed any of the times. Very courteous staff and delicious food! /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altMark Pike> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Mark Pikebr> 06/30/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Good food, but the wait is usually longer than they estimate. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altEmily LeVault> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Emily LeVaultbr> 06/11/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Ive been eating this pizza since I was in middle school a lot of years ago. It was good then and its great now. They usually have really great specials too. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altHeidi Stafflinger> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Heidi Stafflingerbr> 05/26/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Always a favorite when we are in Sandbridge! Consistently good food, great NY style pizza, very friendly staff who go out of their way to accommodate their customers. Definitely recommend. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altHannah Liz> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Hannah Lizbr> 03/14/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Lago Mar Pizza is delicious! The crust is always thick and never hard. There is a good cheese to sauce ratio but slightly more cheese (which I’m a fan of!). This pizza has oregano in it which you can smell when you open the box. At first I was skeptical about it because I’d never had pizza that I could tell had oregano in the sauce or sprinkled on top, but it’s honestly delicious and certainly an added flavor that sets this pizza a part from others in the area. Highly recommend. /div> /div> div classgoogle-review> div classgoogle-review_meta> div> img src altHannah Liz> /div> div classgoogle-review_name> Hannah Lizbr> 03/14/2020 /div> div classgoogle-review-logo> img src altGoogle Review onerrorthis.src> /div> /div> div classgoogle-review_stars> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 0> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 1> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 2> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 3> img src classgoogle-review_star altstar 4> /div> div classgoogle-review_body> Lago Mar Pizza is delicious! The crust is always thick and never hard. There is a good cheese to sauce ratio but slightly more cheese (which I’m a fan of!). This pizza has oregano in it which you can smell when you open the box. At first I was skeptical about it because I’d never had pizza that I could tell had oregano in the sauce or sprinkled on top, but it’s honestly delicious and certainly an added flavor that sets this pizza a part from others in the area. Highly recommend. /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classhome-about> div classd-flex> div classhome-about__image styleorder: 2> img src altFeta cheese, tomatoes, black olives, onions, ham /> /div> div classhome-about__content stylebackground-color: #FFFFFF;order: 1> h2 classhome-about__title>Our Favorite: Greek Special Pizza/h2> div classhome-about__description>p>span data-sheets-root1>Virginia Beach’s Best Greek Pizza: Lago Mar’s Award-Winning Slice Love that classic Greek flavor? Lago Mar Pizza, voted Virginia Beach’s best, serves up the ultimate Greek Special pizza! Loaded with feta, fresh tomatoes, black olives, onions, and savory ham, it’s a taste sensation on our signature crust. Craving authentic Mediterranean vibes? We’ve got you covered! Made with fresh, local ingredients, it’s the perfect beachside treat. Order online or visit us for a slice of Greek pizza paradise!/span>/p>/div> p stylemargin-bottom:0> a href/shop?item4870 classhome-about__cta>Order Now/a> /p> /div> /div>/section>section classhome-visit section-padding> div classcol-full> h2>Locally Owned and Operated/h2> div classhome-visit_outerwrap> div classhome-visit__map> iframe src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3197.0292376613165!2d-75.9966016847539!3d36.74586927995987!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x89bac161b9bb61a9%3A0x3238f445b7952e77!2sLago%20Mar%20Pizza!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sph!4v1594678198733!5m2!1sen!2sph width600 height450 frameborder0 styleborder:0; allowfullscreen aria-hiddenfalse tabindex0>/iframe> /div> div classhome-visit__content> h3>About Us/h3> hr> div>p>span data-sheets-root1>Lago Mar Pizza: Virginia Beach’s Award-Winning Slice of Heaven Craving the best pizza in Virginia Beach? Look no further than Lago Mar Pizza! We’re voted #1 by locals, serving up mouthwatering pies made with fresh, high-quality ingredients. From classic pepperoni to gourmet creations, our menu has something to satisfy every taste bud. Don’t settle for average, experience the Lago Mar difference. Order online for delivery or carryout, or visit our friendly beachside restaurant today!/span>/p>/div> hr> div classd-flex> address stylemargin-bottom:0> a stylemargin-bottom: 0.5rem;color: #15873d href target_blank> 1756 Sandbridge Rd br> Virginia Beach, VA 23456 /a> /address> div classphone-border> /div> div> a hreftel:(757) 721-2500 stylecolor: #15873d>(757) 721-2500/a> /div> /div> hr stylemargin-top:1em;margin-bottom:0> /div> div classhome-visit__cta> p>a href/shop classbtn btn-primary>Order Now/a>/p> p stylemargin-bottom:.5rem;color: #15873d>Store Hours/p> ul classstore-timings> li classd-flex> span classstore-timing-label>Monday/span> ul classstore-timing-value list-style-none p-b-05 text-right> li>11:00 AM - 09:00 PM/li> /ul> /li> li classd-flex> span classstore-timing-label>Tuesday/span> ul classstore-timing-value list-style-none p-b-05 text-right> li>11:00 AM - 10:00 PM/li> /ul> /li> li classd-flex> span classstore-timing-label>Wednesday/span> ul classstore-timing-value list-style-none p-b-05 text-right> li>11:00 AM - 10:00 PM/li> /ul> /li> li classd-flex> span classstore-timing-label>Thursday/span> ul classstore-timing-value list-style-none p-b-05 text-right> li>11:00 AM - 04:00 PM/li> /ul> /li> li classd-flex> span classstore-timing-label>Friday/span> ul classstore-timing-value list-style-none p-b-05 text-right> li>11:00 AM - 11:00 PM/li> /ul> /li> li classd-flex> span classstore-timing-label>Saturday/span> ul classstore-timing-value list-style-none p-b-05 text-right> li>11:00 AM - 11:00 PM/li> /ul> /li> li classd-flex> span classstore-timing-label>Sunday/span> ul classstore-timing-value list-style-none p-b-05 text-right> li>Closed/li> /ul> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classhome-zip-codes section-padding stylebackground-color: #FFFFFF;> div classcol-full> h2 classhome-zip-codes__heading>Pizza Delivery in Virginia Beach, VA/h2> div classfour-col> span classzip>23454/span> span classzip>23456/span> /div> /div>/section>/div> !-- 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