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We have a range of fantastic offers on the latest Subaru models and many of our loyal customers continue to visit us for their maintenance years after purchase. This is testament to our service quality and outstanding reputation in the South London region. Visit us and you can view, sit in and test drive any of the models that interest you. Our experienced advisors will also be at hand throughout your visit to answer any questions you may have./p>p>We look forward to welcoming you through our doors in Croydon./p>/div> /div>/div> /div>/section> div classbottom-boxes-wrapper stylebackground:url(/static/images/unity/default/fraternity/franchise-images/subaru/bottom-image.jpg) center fixed; > div classcontainer-fluid> div classbottom-boxes radius> div classlatest-news-wrapper flexi-height> h4> Latest News/h4> div classnews-listing-home flexi-height_child> div classimage-wrap radius stylebackground:url(/media/images/51101969/p1.newsimage.png) center>/div> div classinner> h3>a idHome News - /news/its-time-to-prep-your-car-for-post-lockdown-driving/108388 href/news/its-time-to-prep-your-car-for-post-lockdown-driving/108388 titleIT’S TIME TO PREP YOUR CAR FOR POST-LOCKDOWN DRIVING>IT’S TIME TO PREP YOUR CAR FOR POST-LOCKDOWN DRIVING/a>/h3> p>Spring has sprung, and the changing of the seasons is bringing even more hope and optimism than usual for most of… a idHome News - /news/its-time-to-prep-your-car-for-post-lockdown-driving/108388 href/news/its-time-to-prep-your-car-for-post-lockdown-driving/108388 titleIT’S TIME TO PREP YOUR CAR FOR POST-LOCKDOWN DRIVING>Read More/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>div classclear>/div>div class> div classcontactWrapperStyleTwo> div classcontainer-fluid> div classcontactBoxStyleTwoInner> div classcontactBoxStyleTwo> div classcontact-title>Contact Details/div> p>span classtel>Telephone:/br>a hreftel:0208 680 0922>strong>0208 680 0922/strong>/a>/span>/p>a href# data-thisone-subaru- classformModal modal-enquiry data-framesrc/forms/fraternity-generalenquiry?frchsubaru&locationCroydon data-titleContact Us data-togglemodal data-target#formModal>Contact Us >/a> /div> div classcontactBoxStyleTwo> div classcontact-title>Our Location/div> p> 39-41 South Endbr /> Croydonbr/>Surreybr /> CR0 1BE /p> a href/contact#directions>Get Directions >/a> /div> div classcontactBoxStyleTwo> div classcontact-title>Showroom Opening Times/div> table classdealer-opening-times stylewidth:80%;> tbody stylebox-sizing: border-box;> tr stylebox-sizing: border-box; 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Automotive Compliance Ltd’s permissions as a Principal Firm allows P.Kingham Limited to act as a credit broker, not as a lender, for the introduction to a limited number of lenders and to act as an agent on behalf of the insurer for insurance distribution activities only./p>p>We can introduce you to a selected panel of lenders, which includes manufacturer lenders linked directly to the franchises that we represent. An introduction to a lender does not amount to independent financial advice and we act as their agent for this introduction. Our approach is to introduce you first to the manufacturer lender linked directly to the particular franchise you are purchasing your vehicle from, who are usually able to offer the best available package for you, taking into account both interest rates and other contributions. If they are unable to make you an offer of finance, we then seek to introduce you to whichever of the other lenders on our panel is able to make the next best offer of finance for you. Our aim is to secure the best deal you are eligible for from our panel of lenders. Lenders may pay a fixed commission to us for introducing you to them, calculated by reference to the vehicle model or amount you borrow. Different lenders may pay different commissions for such introductions, and manufacturer lenders linked directly to the franchises that we represent may also provide preferential rates to us for the funding of our vehicle stock and also provide financial support for our training and marketing. But any such amounts they and other lenders pay us will not affect the amounts you pay under your finance agreement, all of which are set by the lender concerned. If you ask us what the amount of commission is, we will tell you in good time before the Finance agreement is executed. 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