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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginxDate: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 01:27:46 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 162Connection: keep-aliveLocation: 1; modeblockX-Content-Type-Options: nosniff html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 01:27:47 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 70348Last-Modified: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 11:29:11 GMTConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingCache-Control: max-age0Expires: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 01:27:47 GMTETag: 62fcd107-112ccX-Powered-By: PleskLinAccept-Ranges: bytes ?xml version1.0 encodingwindows-1253?>html xmlns langen xml:langen>!-- Created on: 07/09/2007 , Author: G.P.Fragos -->head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1253>title>Kifissia Weather Lighting & Storm Detector Station>meta https-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1253 />META https-EQUIVContent-language CONTENTgr>meta namedescription, Lighting & Storm Detector Station, Greece Weather Station />meta namekeywords contentKifissia Greece Athens Weather Station Storm Lighting Detector webcamera Aviation metaR Meteorology BOLTEK LD-250 StormVue SKYMET map />meta nameROBOTS contentINDEX,FOLLOW />meta namerobots contentall />meta namerevisit-after content3 days />link relicon hreffavicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />link relshortcut icon hreffavicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />script typetext/javascript srcDateDiff.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcTimeModule.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcMoonPhase.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcRiseSet.js>/script>!-- Refresh WebPage on load script -->script typetext/javascript> function refreshPage(){window.location.reload( false );}/script> !-- Begin HEAD SECTION idvbUL_7lwv5-->link hrefMenuKifissiameteo-files/styles_7lwv5.css typetext/css relstylesheet/>style typetext/css>A#vbUL_7lwv5a{display:none}/style>!-- End HEAD SECTION -->style>.DivBlueBorder { border: 2px outset #000099; 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iarr.length; i++) { if (arri obj) return i; } } var IDX include(YearIndex, CurrYear); // TABLE WITH EASTER DATES FOR VARIOUS YEARS *****//var EasterDate new Date(2010, 03, 22, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2011, 04, 11, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2012, 04, 02, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2013, 04, 22, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2014, 04, 20, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2015, 03, 30, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2016, 04, 18, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2017, 04, 03, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2018, 03, 26, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2019, 04, 15, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2020, 04, 19, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2021, 05, 02, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2022, 04, 24, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2023, 04, 16, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2024, 05, 05, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2025, 04, 20, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2026, 04, 12, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2027, 05, 02, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2028, 04, 16, 00, 00, 00), new Date(2029, 04, 08, 00, 00, 00) ;//***** EASTER DATE CALCULATION *****// var EasterYear EasterDateIDX.getFullYear();var EasterMonth EasterDateIDX.getMonth(); var EasterDay EasterDateIDX.getDate(); if(EasterMonth10){EasterMonth 0 + EasterMonth}if(EasterDay10){EasterDay 0 + EasterDay} var FullEasterDate EasterYear + + EasterMonth + + EasterDay;//***** FIND DAYS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EASTER AND CURRENT DATE *****//var frmfromDate CurrMonth + / + CurrDay + / + CurrYear; var frmtoDate EasterMonth + / + EasterDay + / + EasterYear; function DateDiff(DateFrom, DateTo){ var d1 new Date(DateFrom); var d2 new Date(DateTo); if (d1 > d2) { var d1 new Date(DateTo); var d2 new Date(DateFrom); } var timeDiff d2.getTime() - d1.getTime(); var DaysDiff timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24); return DaysDiff; } var DiffDays DateDiff(frmtoDate, frmfromDate); //***** START GRAPHICS SELECTION *****//// EASTER SUNDAYif (DiffDays 0) { document.write(table cellspacing0 width999 aligncenter bgcolor#000017 border0>); document.write(tr>); // LEFT BARS & KIFISSIAMETEO BANNER document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Bars001.PNG width4 height150 alt>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/kifissiameteobanner_NoLeftBar.PNG width283 height92 alt>); document.write(/td>); // EGGS & FIREWORKS document.write(td alignleft valigntop width50%>); document.write(p stylemargin-left: 00.00cm; margin-top: 00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Rocket_green.gif width75 height140 alt>); document.write(p stylemargin-left: 01.30cm; margin-top: -03.60cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Rocket_yellow.gif width75 height140 alt>); document.write(p stylemargin-left: 02.60cm; margin-top: -03.80cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Rocket_purple.gif width75 height140 alt>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td aligncenter valignmiddle>); document.write(p stylemargin-left: 00.00cm; margin-top: 01.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Easter_2nd.gif width210 height105 altHappy Easter!!!>); document.write(/p>); 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document.write(/td>); document.write(/tr>); document.write(/table>); } else// Days BEFORE Easterif (FullEasterDate > FullTodayDate && DiffDays 10) { document.write(table cellspacing0 aligncenter width452 height110 bgcolor#000017 border0>); document.write(tr>); // LEFT BARS & KIFISSIAMETEO BANNER document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Bars001.PNG width4 height110 alt>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/kifissiameteobanner_NoLeftBar.PNG width283 height92 alt>); document.write(/td>); // HAPPY EASTER document.write(td bgcolor#000017>); document.write( ); document.write(/td>); document.write(td aligncenter valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm>); document.write(img srcindex.files/HappyEaster.gif border0 width452 height82 alt>); document.write(/p>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td bgcolor#000017>); 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document.write(img srcindex.files/kifissiameteobanner_NoLeftBar.PNG width283 height92 alt>); document.write(/td>); // EGGS document.write(td bgcolor#000017>); document.write( ); document.write( ); document.write(/td>); document.write(td aligncenter valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(p stylemargin-left: 00.0cm; margin-top: 00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Easter_2nd.gif width210 height105 altHappy Easter!!!>); document.write(/p>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td bgcolor#000017>); document.write( ); document.write( ); document.write( ); document.write( ); document.write(/td>); // LEFT BARS & STORM IMAGE document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Bars002.PNG width5 height105 alt>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Storm001.gif width90 height90 alt>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Bars003.PNG width7 height105 alt>); document.write(/td>); document.write(/tr>); document.write(/table>); } else ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// After NEW YEAR DAY until January 5 & January 7 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((CurrDate.getMonth()+1 1 && CurrDate.getDate() > 1 && CurrDate.getDate() 6) || (CurrDate.getMonth()+1 1 && CurrDate.getDate() 7)) { document.write(table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter width983 height90 bgcolor#000033 border0>); document.write(tr>); // LEFT BARS & KIFISSIAMETEO BANNER document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Bars001.PNG width4 height105 alt>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/kifissiameteobanner_NoLeftBar.PNG width283 height92 alt>); document.write(/td>); // SANTA CLAUS document.write(td alignleft valigntop width285 height92 bgcolor#000017>); 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document.write(tr>); // LEFT BARS & KIFISSIAMETEO BANNER document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Bars001.PNG width4 height120 alt>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/kifissiameteobanner_NoLeftBar.PNG width283 height92 alt>); document.write(/td>); // EPIPHANY document.write(td width150 alignright valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Epiphany1.bmp border0 width105 height60 altEpiphany>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td aligncenter valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(p width250 stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Epiphany.jpg border0 width210 height120 altEpiphany>); document.write(/p>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td width150 alignleft valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/Epiphany1.bmp border0 width105 height60 altEpiphany>); document.write(/td>); // LEFT BARS & STORM IMAGE document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Bars002.PNG width5 height120>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Storm001.gif width100 height100>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Bars003.PNG width7 height120>); document.write(/td>); document.write(/tr>); document.write(/table>); }else ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Display 25 March Graphics in webpage //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((CurrDate.getMonth()+1 3 && CurrDate.getDate() 24) ||(CurrDate.getMonth()+1 3 && CurrDate.getDate() 25)){ document.write(table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter width983 height90 bgcolor#000033 border0>); document.write(tr>); // LEFT BARS & KIFISSIAMETEO BANNER document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Bars001.PNG width4 height120 alt>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcindex.files/kifissiameteobanner_NoLeftBar.PNG width283 height92 alt>); document.write(/td>); // 25 MARCH 1821 document.write(td width150 alignright valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td aligncenter valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(p width356 stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm>); document.write(img srcindex.files/March 25.jpg border0 width356 height120 alt25 March 1821 - Greek War of Independence - Greek Revolution>); document.write(/p>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td width150 alignleft valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(/td>); // LEFT BARS & STORM IMAGE document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Bars002.PNG width5 height120>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valignmiddle bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Storm001.gif width100 height100>); document.write(/td>); document.write(td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#000017>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Bars003.PNG width7 height120>); document.write(/td>); document.write(/tr>); document.write(/table>); } else ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NORMAL DAY... NO HOLIDAY... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { document.write(table border0 cellspacing0 aligncenter width999 bgcolor#000000>); document.write(tr>); document.write(td width285 alignleft>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/kifissiameteobanner.PNG border0 width285 height92 alt />); document.write(/td>); document.write(td width70.00% aligncenter>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Strike001.gif border0 width570 height92 alt />); document.write(/td>); document.write(td width0.49% alignright>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Bars002.PNG border0 width5 height92 alt />); document.write(/td>); document.write(td width9.76% aligncenter>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Storm001.gif border0 width100 height92 alt />); document.write(/td>); document.write(td width7 alignright>); document.write(img srcBannerPageTop-files/Bars003.PNG border0 width7 height92 alt />); document.write(/td>); document.write(/tr>); document.write(/table>);}//-->/script>!-- Begin BODY SECTION idvbUL_7lwv5-->!-- Home Page -->table idvista-buttons_com_id7lwv5 width0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0 aligncenter>tr>td stylepadding-right:0px title >a href target_parent onmouseoverxpe(7lwv5o); onmouseoutxpe(7lwv5n);>img idxpi_7lwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/bt7lwv5_0.png namevb7lwv5 width90 height38 border0 altHome Page />/a>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- Web Camera -->a onmouseoverxpe(qlwv5o);xpshow(qlwv5,0,this);xpsmover(this); onmouseoutxpsmout(this);>img idxpi_qlwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/btqlwv5_0.png namevbqlwv5 width98 height38 border0 altWeb Camera />/a>div>ul idvbUL_qlwv5 classvbUL7lwv5>li>a href target_parent>Web Camera - LIVE/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Web Camera - Quarterly Hours/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Web Camera - Slide Show/a>/li>/ul>/div>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- Live Weather -->a onmouseoverxpe(mlwv5o);xpshow(mlwv5,0,this);xpsmover(this); onmouseoutxpsmout(this);>img idxpi_mlwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/btmlwv5_0.png namevbmlwv5 width102 height38 border0 altLive Weather />/a>div>ul idvbUL_mlwv5 classvbUL7lwv5>li>a href target_parent>NexStorm Map Original/a>/li> /li>/ul>/div>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- Statistics -->a href target_parent onmouseoverxpe(5lwv5o); onmouseoutxpe(5lwv5n);>img idxpi_5lwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/bt5lwv5_0.png namevb5lwv5 width57 height38 border0 altStatistics />/a>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- METARs -->a onmouseoverxpe(alwv5o);xpshow(alwv5,0,this);xpsmover(this); onmouseoutxpsmout(this);>img idxpi_alwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/btalwv5_0.png namevbalwv5 width73 height38 border0 altMETARs />/a>div>ul idvbUL_alwv5 classvbUL7lwv5>li>a href target_parent>GREECE / ΕΛΛΑΔΑ/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>CYPRUS / ΚΥΠΡΟΣ/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>EUROPE/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>AFRICA/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>ASIA/a>/li>li>a href titleNORTH AMERICA target_parent>NORTH AMERICA/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>SOUTH AMERICA/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>OCEANIA/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>CANADA/a>/li>li>a href titleU.S.A. target_parent>U.S.A./a>/li>/ul>/div>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- Satellite -->a onmouseoverxpe(slwv5o);xpshow(slwv5,0,this);xpsmover(this); onmouseoutxpsmout(this);>img idxpi_slwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/btslwv5_0.png namevbslwv5 width73 height38 border0 altSatellite />/a>div>ul idvbUL_slwv5 classvbUL7lwv5>li>a href target_parent>GREECE / ΕΛΛΑΔΑ/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>EUROPE/a>/li>/ul>/div>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- Forecasts -->a href target_parent onmouseoverxpe(3lwv5o); onmouseoutxpe(3lwv5n);>img idxpi_3lwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/bt3lwv5_0.png namevb3lwv5 width57 height38 border0 altForecasts />/a>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- Station Description -->a onmouseoverxpe(rlwv5o);xpshow(rlwv5,0,this);xpsmover(this); onmouseoutxpsmout(this);>img idxpi_rlwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/btrlwv5_0.png namevbrlwv5 width129 height38 border0 altStation Description />/a>div>ul idvbUL_rlwv5 classvbUL7lwv5>li>a href target_parent>Station Operator Info/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Station Location Satellite Images/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>History of Kifissia (English)/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Ιστορία της Κηφισιάς (Ελληνικά)/a>/li>/ul>/div>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- Met. Lessons -->a onmouseoverxpe(6lwv5o);xpshow(6lwv5,0,this);xpsmover(this); onmouseoutxpsmout(this);>img idxpi_6lwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/bt6lwv5_0.png namevb6lwv5 width96 height38 border0 altMet. Lessons />/a>div>ul idvbUL_6lwv5 classvbUL7lwv5>li>a href target_parent>Understanding Lightnings/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Weather - Lighting Safety/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Sky Clouds (Types)/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Beaufort Wind Scale/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Fujita Tornado Scale/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Meteorology Symbols/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>The Lighting Detector - Radar/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>The Barometer/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>The Anemometer/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>The Thermometer/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>The Hygrometer/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>The Rain Gauge/a>/li>/ul>/div>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- My Photos -->a onmouseoverxpe(2lwv5o);xpshow(2lwv5,0,this);xpsmover(this); onmouseoutxpsmout(this);>img idxpi_2lwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/bt2lwv5_0.png namevb2lwv5 width85 height38 border0 altMy Photos />/a>div>ul idvbUL_2lwv5 classvbUL7lwv5>li>a href target_parent>Snowfalls at Kifissia/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Storms in Kifissia/a>/li>li>a href target_parent>Various Greek Places/a>/li>/li>/ul>/div>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- Videos -->a hrefYouTubeVideo.html onmouseoverxpe(tlwv5o); onmouseoutxpe(tlwv5n);>img idxpi_tlwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/bttlwv5_0.png namevbtlwv5 width66 height38 border0 altVideos />/a>/td>td stylepadding-right:0px title >!-- Site Map -->a href onmouseoverxpe(plwv5o); onmouseoutxpe(plwv5n);>img idxpi_plwv5 srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/btplwv5_0.png namevbplwv5 width57 height38 border0 altSite Map />/a>/td>/tr>/table>script typetext/javascript> var vbImgPathMenuKifissiameteo-files//script>script typetext/javascript srcMenuKifissiameteo-files/sc7lwv5.js>/script>!-- End BODY SECTION -->br> !-- KIFISSIAMETEO GENERAL-->div styletext-align: center> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.20cm> font faceArial Black color#FFD700 size2>b>u>KIFISSIAMETEO STATION INTRODUCTION/u>/b>/font> /p>/div>!-- TABLE KIFISSIAMETEO GENERAL START -->table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter width988 height277 bgcolor#000099 border0> tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter valignmiddle width987 height275 backgroundBackGrounds/BackgroundKifissiameteo.jpg border0> tr> td aligncenter valigntop width285> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.50cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm; line-height:0.0> font faceTahoma color#66FFFF size1>b>u>KIFISSIA LIVE CAMERA/u>/b>/font> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.35cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm; line-height:0.0> a hrefCameraImg_LRG.html TARGET_top> !-- CHANGE URL ABOVE TO POINT TO WEB-CAMERA LOCATION --> img border1 namecamimage src alt /> /a> script typetext/javascript languageJavaScript> var imageUrl document.camimage.src; var random new Date().getTime(); var delay 3; // update delay in seconds var counter 0; var buffer new Image; function DisplayImage() { document.camimage.src buffer.src; LoadNextImage(); } function LoadBuffer () { var trickname imageUrl; ++counter; trickname + ?counter + (random + counter); buffer.src trickname; buffer.onload DisplayImage; } function LoadNextImage() { setTimeout(LoadBuffer(), 1000*delay); } LoadNextImage(); /script> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.20cm; margin-bottom: 00.10cm; line-height:0.0> font faceTahoma color#dcdcdc size1>b>Click on image to view it larger.../b>/font> /p> /td> td aligncenter valigntop width462> p stylemargin-left: 0.00cm; margin-top: 00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> script languagejavascript> moon_posit(UTCyear, UTCMonth, UTCday, UTChour, UTCminute, UTCsecond ); /script> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligntop border0> tr height46> td aligncenter valignmiddle> p stylemargin-left: 0.00cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> img srcindex.files/GreekFlag.gif border0 width45 height26 alt> /p> /td> /tr> tr height20>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#66FFFF size1>b>u>CURRENT DAY DETAILS/u>/b>/font>/td>/tr> tr> td> script languagejavascript> aa + table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> + tr> + td height14 aligncenter valigntop> + b>span idclock styleposition:relative;>/span>/b> + /td> + /tr> + tr> + td height14 aligncenter valigncenter> + font color#99CCFF faceTahoma size2> + Moon age is + round2( AG ) + days, - + Phase + - + /td> + /tr> + tr> + td height14 aligncenter valigncenter> + font color#99CCFF faceTahoma size2> + Distance + round2( DI ) + Earth radii, Moon is in + Zodiac + /td> + /tr> + /table>; document.write (aa); /script> /td> /tr> /table> /p> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter border0 summary> tr height20>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#66FFFF size1>b>u>STATION DESCRIPTION/u>/b>/font>/td>/tr> tr height15>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#99CCFF size2>Station Owner & Operator: Giannis P. Fragos/font>/td>/tr> tr height15>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#99CCFF size2>Station Location: KIFISSIA, Northern Athens - Greece/font>/td>/tr> tr height15>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#99CCFF size2>Lat: 38sup>o /sup>04 40 N Long: 23sup>o /sup>47 45 E Elevation: 260 meters/font>/td>/tr> tr height15>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#99CCFF size2>Type of station: Boltek PCI-Stormtracker - NexStorm - StormVue - NGX/font>/td>/tr> /table> /td> td aligncenter valigntop> a hrefkifissiahistoryEN.html> p stylemargin-left: 0.10cm; margin-top: 00.50cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> img srcindex.files/kifissiabanner.png border0 width140 height90 altThe History of Kifissia Municipality> /p> /a> p stylemargin-left: 0.00cm; margin-top: 00.30cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> table aligncenter width220 height80 border0> tr> td aligncenter width33%> a> img srcindex.files/SentMail.gif border0 width61 height31 altContuct me!!!> p stylemargin-left: 0.00cm; margin-top: 00.18cm; 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margin-top: 00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size2 color#00CCFF>b>u>STRIKE TYPES/u>/b>/font> /div> /p> /td> /tr> tr valigntop> td> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size2 color#FF0000>b>u>+CG/u>/b>/font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.40cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> img srcindex.files/StrikeCGP.bmp> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.50cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#FF0000>Positive cloud to ground strike/font> /div> /p> /td> /tr> tr valigntop> td> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size2 color#FFFF00>b>u>-CG/u>/b>/font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.40cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> img srcindex.files/StrikeCGN.bmp> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.50cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#FFFF00>Negative cloud to ground strike/font> /div> /p> /td> /tr> tr valigntop> td> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size2 color#99FFFF>b>u>+IG/u>/b>/font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.40cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> img srcindex.files/StrikeIGP.bmp> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.50cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#99FFFF>Positive intracloud strike/font> /div> /p> /td> /tr> tr valigntop> td> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size2 color#00FF00>b>u>-IG/u>/b>/font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.40cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> img srcindex.files/StrikeIGN.bmp> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.50cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#00FF00>Negative intracloud strike/font> /div> /p> /td> /tr> tr valigntop> td> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 width125 aligncenter border0 summary> tr height30>td aligncenter valigntop>hr width90% size1 color#333333>/td>/tr> tr height20>td aligncenter valigncenter>img srcindex.files/StrikeDetails.bmp>/td>/tr> tr height30>td aligncenter valignbottom>font faceTahoma color#A9A9A9 size1>Move cursor over a b>u>new/u>/b> strike to see details./font>/td>/tr> tr height30>td alignbottom valigncenter>hr width90% size1 color#333333>/td>/tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr valigntop> td> table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 width125 aligncenter border0 summary> tr height20>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#FFFFCC size1>b>u>Alarm Status Types/u>/b>/font>/td>/tr> tr height15>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#FFFFFF size1>b>Inactive/b>/font>/td>/tr> tr height15>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#FF0000 size1>b>Cell/b>/font>/td>/tr> tr height15>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#FF0000 size1>b>Severe/b>/font>/td>/tr> tr height15>td aligncenter valigncenter>font faceTahoma color#FF0000 size1>b>Close/b>/font>/td>/tr> tr height30>td aligncenter valigncenter>hr width90% size1 color#333333>/td>/tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> tr valigntop> td> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size2 color#00CCFF>b>u>STORM TYPES/u>/b>/font> /div> /p> /td> /tr> tr valigntop> td> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#00FF33>b>u>WEAK/u>/b>/font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.20cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> img srcindex.files/DiamondGreen.bmp> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.35cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#00FF33>Strike Rate/Min: b>1-10/b>/font> /div> /p> /td> /tr> tr valigntop> td> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#FFFF00>b>u>MODERATE - MEDIUM/u>/b>/font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.20cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> img srcindex.files/DiamondYellow.bmp> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.35cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#FFFF00>Strike Rate/Min: b>11-49/b>/font> /div> /p> /td> /tr> tr valigntop> td> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.10cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#FF0000>b>u>SEVERE - STRONG/u>/b>/font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.20cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> img srcindex.files/DiamondRed.bmp> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.35cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#FF0000>Strike Rate/Min: b>>50/b>/font> /div> /p> /td> /tr> tr valigntop> td> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> img srcindex.files/StormDetail.bmp> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.45cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#FFFFFF>b>B-3393/b>/font> font faceTahoma size1 color#A9A9A9> is a computer assigned identifier./font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.45cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size5 color#00CCFF>-/b>/font> font faceTahoma size1 color#A9A9A9> or /font> font faceTahoma size4 color#FF0000>+/b>/font> font faceTahoma size1 color#A9A9A9> indicates dominating strike polarity./b>/font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.30cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#FFFFFF>b>2/b>/font> font faceTahoma size1 color#A9A9A9> indicates last recorded strike rate./font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.45cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size2 color#FFFF00>b>^/b>/font> font faceTahoma size5 color#FFFF00>b>-/b>/font> font faceTahoma size2 color#FFFF00>b>v/b>/font> font faceTahoma size1 color#A9A9A9> indicates if storm br>is increasing, steady, or decreasing./font> /div> /p> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: -00.20cm; margin-bottom: 00.00cm> div styletext-align: center> font faceTahoma size1 color#A9A9A9>The b>u>font color#FFFFFF>grey dashed line /font>/u>/b> indicates the relative storm motion from its first position detection./font> /div> /p> /td> /tr> /table> !-- TUTORIAL (LEFT HELP TABLE) END --> /td> td aligncenter valigntop width850 > iframe src width850 height1555 frameborderNO marginheight0 marginwidth0 scrollingYES> /iframe> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr>/table>br>!-- ****** KIFISSIAMETEO SERVER MAIN NEXSTORM MAP - REALTIME SATELLITE IMAGES GREECE & EUROPE ****** -->div styletext-align: center> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.30cm; margin-bottom: 00.20cm> font faceArial Black color#FFD700 size2>b>u>KIFISSIAMETEO SERVER MAIN NEXSTORM MAP - REALTIME SATELLITE IMAGES/u>/b>/font> /p>/div>table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter width988 height530 backgroundBackGrounds/BackgroundKifissiameteo.jpg border1 bordercolor#000099> tr> td> table cellpadding2 width983 height500 border0 summary> tr> !-- KIFISSIAMETEO SERVER MAIN NEXSTORM MAP --> td width585 rowspan2> div styletext-align: center> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.20cm> font faceTahoma color#66FFFF size1>b>u>KIFISSIAMETEO SERVER MAIN NEXSTORM MAP/u>/b>/font> /p> div/> div classDivBlueBorder> a hrefNexStorm.html> !-- CHANGE URL ABOVE TO POINT TO ORIGINAL NEXSTORM MAP --> img border1 nameNexStorm src alt /> script languageJavaScript> var imageUrlB document.NexStorm.src; var randomB new Date().getTime(); var delayB 5; // update delay in seconds var counterB 0; var bufferB new Image; function DisplayImageB() { document.NexStorm.src bufferB.src; LoadNextImageB(); } function LoadBufferB () { var tricknameB imageUrlB; ++counterB; tricknameB + ?counterB + (randomB + counterB); bufferB.src tricknameB; bufferB.onload DisplayImageB; } function LoadNextImageB() { setTimeout(LoadBufferB(), 1000*delayB); } LoadNextImageB(); /script> /a> /div> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.10cm> font faceTahoma color#dcdcdc size1>b>Click on image to view it larger.../b>/font> /p> /td> !-- REALTIME SATELLITE IMAGES - GREECE & EUROPE --> td> !-- GREECE --> div styletext-align: center> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.20cm> font faceTahoma color#66FFFF size1>b>u>REALTIME SATELLITE IMAGE - GREECE/u>/b>/font> /p> div/> image src width385 height210 nameSat1Image onerrorthis.src index.files/ErrorSat24A.png> /td> /tr> tr> td> !-- EUROPE --> div styletext-align: center> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; margin-top: 00.00cm; margin-bottom: 00.20cm> font faceTahoma color#66FFFF size1>b>u>REALTIME SATELLITE IMAGE - EUROPE/u>/b>/font> /p> div/> image src width385 height210 nameSat1Image onerrorthis.src index.files/ErrorSat24B.png> div styletext-align: center> p stylemargin-left: 0.0cm; 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