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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:14:23 GMTServer: nginx/1.23.4Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Vary: Accept-EncodingX-Server-Cache: trueX-Proxy-Cache: EXPIREDTransfer-Encoding: chunked html>head>title>Kevin Reems/title>/head>body bgcolor#000000 text#000000 link#000000 vlink#000000>table bgcolor#000000 width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0>td bgcolor#000000 width100% height10 > /td>/table>/table>table bgcolor#000000 width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0>td bgcolor#000000 width10 > /td>td bgcolor#ffffff valigntop > table width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0> td width145 valignmiddle bgcolor#000000> center>a targetKevin Reems href>img src./images_site/Bean_145x145.jpg border0>/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>/td> td width160 valignmiddle > center>a targetKevin Reems href>Kevin Reems/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>/td> td valigntop>table width100% cellspacing10 border0>td valigntop> Jack of many trades, master of none. Often better, than a master of one./td>/table>/td> tr> /table> table bgcolor#000000 width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0>td bgcolor#000000 width100% height10> /td>/table> table width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0> td width145 valignmiddle bgcolor#000000> center>a targetKevin Reems Art href>img src./images_site/Sir_Kevin_145x145.jpg border0>/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>/td> td width160 valignmiddle > center>a targetKevin Reems Art href>Kevin Reems Art/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>/td> td valigntop>table width100% cellspacing10 border0>td valigntop> Artwork made by me./td>/table>/td> tr> /table> table bgcolor#000000 width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0>td bgcolor#000000 width100% height10> /td>/table> table width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0> td width145 valignmiddle bgcolor#000000> center>a targetKevins WorkShop href>img src./images_site/WorkShop_001_145x145.gif border0>/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>/td> td width160 valignmiddle > center>a targetKevins WorkShop href>Kevins WorkShop/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:14:23 GMTServer: nginx/1.23.4Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Vary: Accept-EncodingX-Server-Cache: trueX-Proxy-Cache: EXPIREDTransfer-Encoding: chunked html>head>title>Kevin Reems/title>/head>body bgcolor#000000 text#000000 link#000000 vlink#000000>table bgcolor#000000 width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0>td bgcolor#000000 width100% height10 > /td>/table>/table>table bgcolor#000000 width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0>td bgcolor#000000 width10 > /td>td bgcolor#ffffff valigntop > table width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0> td width145 valignmiddle bgcolor#000000> center>a targetKevin Reems href>img src./images_site/Bean_145x145.jpg border0>/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>/td> td width160 valignmiddle > center>a targetKevin Reems href>Kevin Reems/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>/td> td valigntop>table width100% cellspacing10 border0>td valigntop> Jack of many trades, master of none. Often better, than a master of one./td>/table>/td> tr> /table> table bgcolor#000000 width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0>td bgcolor#000000 width100% height10> /td>/table> table width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0> td width145 valignmiddle bgcolor#000000> center>a targetKevin Reems Art href>img src./images_site/Sir_Kevin_145x145.jpg border0>/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>/td> td width160 valignmiddle > center>a targetKevin Reems Art href>Kevin Reems Art/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>/td> td valigntop>table width100% cellspacing10 border0>td valigntop> Artwork made by me./td>/table>/td> tr> /table> table bgcolor#000000 width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0>td bgcolor#000000 width100% height10> /td>/table> table width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0> td width145 valignmiddle bgcolor#000000> center>a targetKevins WorkShop href>img src./images_site/WorkShop_001_145x145.gif border0>/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>/td> td width160 valignmiddle > center>a targetKevins WorkShop href>Kevins WorkShop/a>/center>/td> td width2 bgcolor
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