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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 06 Oct 2024 02:28:33 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveLast-Modified: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 11:27:40 GMTStrict-Transport-Security: max-age6 html>body style background: #0884ca; display: flex; flex-direction: column; color: #fff; font-family: sans-serif; align-items: center; justify-content: center; min-height: 100vh; > svg width90 height113 viewBox0 0 90 113 fillnone xmlns style fill: #fff; >path dM33.1225 95.4223V98.1784C33.1225 99.8306 34.0073 100.664 35.7768 100.664C36.5983 100.664 37.3076 100.564 37.9255 100.336C38.1081 100.272 38.2064 100.13 38.2064 99.9517V93.3215C37.2373 93.0152 36.4158 92.8728 35.7347 92.8728C33.9862 92.8728 33.1225 93.7274 33.1225 95.4223Z>/path>path dM0 0V112.5H90V0H0ZM45.9515 11.2949C46.6537 10.5969 47.6016 10.1625 48.6479 10.1625H78.7509L49.0973 40.2371L33.2488 24.1636L45.9515 11.2949ZM18.8258 99.5173C18.1587 101.39 16.6911 102.33 14.423 102.33C11.5089 102.33 10.0414 100.821 10.0414 98.2069V95.2871C10.0414 92.6948 11.5511 91.185 14.5494 91.185C16.8245 91.185 18.2289 92.1037 18.7907 93.9197C18.91 94.2687 18.8117 94.4895 18.4677 94.6105L17.7655 94.8313C17.4425 94.9737 17.2248 94.874 17.0843 94.5037C16.7192 93.3642 15.8555 92.7874 14.4722 92.7874C12.7659 92.7874 11.86 93.6634 11.86 95.1945V98.271C11.86 99.8022 12.7659 100.699 14.4722 100.699C15.8625 100.699 16.7262 100.108 17.1054 98.9262C17.2669 98.5417 17.4074 98.4562 17.7865 98.5986L18.4887 98.8052C18.8258 98.969 18.9452 99.1897 18.8258 99.5173ZM29.464 98.4348C29.464 100.863 27.8138 102.33 24.9419 102.33C22.1261 102.33 20.4338 100.863 20.4338 98.4348V95.109C20.4338 92.6592 22.1261 91.1922 24.9419 91.1922C27.8209 91.1922 29.464 92.6592 29.464 95.109V98.4348ZM39.9969 100.578C39.9969 101.255 39.8564 101.433 39.2104 101.704C38.122 102.131 36.9213 102.337 35.6082 102.337C32.7292 102.337 31.3037 100.97 31.3037 98.2354V95.3583C31.3037 92.6663 32.673 91.1993 35.3835 91.1993C36.1699 91.1993 37.0898 91.3417 38.1993 91.6479V87.4248C38.1993 87.0403 38.3397 86.9334 38.6838 86.9334H39.5264C39.8705 86.9334 39.9899 87.0759 39.9899 87.4248V100.578H39.9969ZM40.9378 79.7121L12.1269 50.
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 06 Oct 2024 02:28:33 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivelast-modified: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 11:27:40 GMTstrict-transport-security: max-age6 html>body style background: #0884ca; display: flex; flex-direction: column; color: #fff; font-family: sans-serif; align-items: center; justify-content: center; min-height: 100vh; > svg width90 height113 viewBox0 0 90 113 fillnone xmlns style fill: #fff; >path dM33.1225 95.4223V98.1784C33.1225 99.8306 34.0073 100.664 35.7768 100.664C36.5983 100.664 37.3076 100.564 37.9255 100.336C38.1081 100.272 38.2064 100.13 38.2064 99.9517V93.3215C37.2373 93.0152 36.4158 92.8728 35.7347 92.8728C33.9862 92.8728 33.1225 93.7274 33.1225 95.4223Z>/path>path dM0 0V112.5H90V0H0ZM45.9515 11.2949C46.6537 10.5969 47.6016 10.1625 48.6479 10.1625H78.7509L49.0973 40.2371L33.2488 24.1636L45.9515 11.2949ZM18.8258 99.5173C18.1587 101.39 16.6911 102.33 14.423 102.33C11.5089 102.33 10.0414 100.821 10.0414 98.2069V95.2871C10.0414 92.6948 11.5511 91.185 14.5494 91.185C16.8245 91.185 18.2289 92.1037 18.7907 93.9197C18.91 94.2687 18.8117 94.4895 18.4677 94.6105L17.7655 94.8313C17.4425 94.9737 17.2248 94.874 17.0843 94.5037C16.7192 93.3642 15.8555 92.7874 14.4722 92.7874C12.7659 92.7874 11.86 93.6634 11.86 95.1945V98.271C11.86 99.8022 12.7659 100.699 14.4722 100.699C15.8625 100.699 16.7262 100.108 17.1054 98.9262C17.2669 98.5417 17.4074 98.4562 17.7865 98.5986L18.4887 98.8052C18.8258 98.969 18.9452 99.1897 18.8258 99.5173ZM29.464 98.4348C29.464 100.863 27.8138 102.33 24.9419 102.33C22.1261 102.33 20.4338 100.863 20.4338 98.4348V95.109C20.4338 92.6592 22.1261 91.1922 24.9419 91.1922C27.8209 91.1922 29.464 92.6592 29.464 95.109V98.4348ZM39.9969 100.578C39.9969 101.255 39.8564 101.433 39.2104 101.704C38.122 102.131 36.9213 102.337 35.6082 102.337C32.7292 102.337 31.3037 100.97 31.3037 98.2354V95.3583C31.3037 92.6663 32.673 91.1993 35.3835 91.1993C36.1699 91.1993 37.0898 91.3417 38.1993 91.6479V87.4248C38.1993 87.0403 38.3397 86.9334 38.6838 86.9334H39.5264C39.8705 86.9334 39.9899 87.0759 39.9899 87.4248V100.578H39.9969ZM40.9378 79.7121L12.1269 50.
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