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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 08:49:50 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Content-Length: 16172Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheX-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.10Set-Cookie: PHPSESSIDlin8b27sukj !DOCTYPE html>html lang en> head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1>link relstylesheet href>link relstylesheet href>link relstylesheet href>link relstylesheet href>link relstylesheet href>style> .w3-sidebar a {font-family: Roboto, sans-serif} body,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,.w3-wide {font-family: Montserrat, sans-serif;} .logo {font-family: Lobster, sans-serif; } .error {color: #FF0000;} .user-cannot-see {display:none} /style> title>Kuiper & Kuiper Consulting/title>/head>body classw3-content w3-card-4 w3-border stylemax-width:800px>!-- !PAGE CONTENT! -->div classw3-main> !--stylemargin-left:250px> --> !-- Push down content on small screens --> div classw3-hide-large stylemargin-top:83px>/div> !-- Image header --> div classw3-display-container w3-container> img src altK&K Logo stylemax-width:300px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;> p styletext-align:center;>a href# classw3-bar-item w3-button>i classfa fa-star aria-hiddentrue>/i> Se habla Español i classfa fa-star aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/p> /div> div classw3-container idabout> h3 classlogo w3-text-grey>About Us/h3> p>Kuiper & Kuiper Consulting, LLC provides comprehensive personal and professional business services. Our goal is to turn your questions into knowledge and to empower you to be productive at home and business. /p> /div> div classw3-container idabout> h3 classlogo w3-text-grey>Business Services/h3> /div> !-- Product grid --> div classw3-row> div classw3-col l3 s6> div idbizAcc classw3-container w3-center onclickdocument.getElementById(bizAccounting).style.displayblock> img src stylewidth:90%>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 08:49:50 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Content-Length: 16172Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheX-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.10Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID8rhav3bsmfc !DOCTYPE html>html lang en> head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1>link relstylesheet href>link relstylesheet href>link relstylesheet href>link relstylesheet href>link relstylesheet href>style> .w3-sidebar a {font-family: Roboto, sans-serif} body,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,.w3-wide {font-family: Montserrat, sans-serif;} .logo {font-family: Lobster, sans-serif; } .error {color: #FF0000;} .user-cannot-see {display:none} /style> title>Kuiper & Kuiper Consulting/title>/head>body classw3-content w3-card-4 w3-border stylemax-width:800px>!-- !PAGE CONTENT! -->div classw3-main> !--stylemargin-left:250px> --> !-- Push down content on small screens --> div classw3-hide-large stylemargin-top:83px>/div> !-- Image header --> div classw3-display-container w3-container> img src altK&K Logo stylemax-width:300px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;> p styletext-align:center;>a href# classw3-bar-item w3-button>i classfa fa-star aria-hiddentrue>/i> Se habla Español i classfa fa-star aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a>/p> /div> div classw3-container idabout> h3 classlogo w3-text-grey>About Us/h3> p>Kuiper & Kuiper Consulting, LLC provides comprehensive personal and professional business services. Our goal is to turn your questions into knowledge and to empower you to be productive at home and business. /p> /div> div classw3-container idabout> h3 classlogo w3-text-grey>Business Services/h3> /div> !-- Product grid --> div classw3-row> div classw3-col l3 s6> div idbizAcc classw3-container w3-center onclickdocument.getElementById(bizAccounting).style.displayblock> img src stylewidth:90%>
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