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Máj a href classnav__year show-on-hover>A/a> /a> /li>li classnav__item> a classnav__link href> span classshow-on-hover nav__indicator>2/span> New York a href classnav__year show-on-hover>A/a> /a> /li>li classnav__item> a classnav__link href> span classshow-on-hover nav__indicator>3/span> Móda ulice a href classnav__year show-on-hover>A/a>a href classnav__year show-on-hover>B/a> /a> /li>li classnav__item> a classnav__link href> span classshow-on-hover nav__indicator>4/span> Cestujúci a href classnav__year show-on-hover>A/a>a href classnav__year show-on-hover>B/a> /a> /li>li classnav__item> a classnav__link href> span classshow-on-hover nav__indicator>5/span> Prostredia a href classnav__year show-on-hover>A/a> /a> /li>li classnav__item> a classnav__link href> span classshow-on-hover nav__indicator>6/span> Osada a href classnav__year show-on-hover>A/a> /a> /li>/ul> div classnav__filter-box> a href#> span classnav__indicator>A/span>span classlabel>80. roky / analóg/span> /a> a href#> span classnav__indicator>B/span>span classlabel>súčasnosť / digitál/span> /a> /div> /div>div classjs-site-about about> div classabout__head> div classabout__head-inner> a href classjs-about-back about__back> svg xmlns width34 height34 viewBox0 0 34 34> g fill#000> polygon points34 0 5.67 8.5 34 16.99/> rect width6 height34/> /g> /svg> /a> ul classcontact__list> li>span>+421 905 434 556/span>/li>li>span>>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classabout__body> div classabout-col about-col--l> div classtext--big> p>Podobne ako dnes mnohí vizuálni umelci, Juraj Bartoš pracuje progresívne – jeho tvorba má podobu otvoreného work in progress. Dlhodobo sleduje a opakovane sa vracia k svojim témam, zbiera v čase, ktorý však akoby sa mu zhmotňoval do akéhosi bezčasia, len veľmi ťažko vstrebateľného do Dejín fotografie. Bartoš nie je vývojový fotograf. Jeho tvorba sa nedatuje ľahko, pretože nestojí na uzavretých cykloch a solitérnych snímkach./p>p>V prostredí domácej fotografie, kde je ešte vždy dôležitým pojmom fotogenickosť a ideálom zvečnenia vypointovaná solitérna snímka, je jedným z mála autorov, ktorého tvorba ponúka alternatívny fotografický program. Tým divákom, ktorí hľadajú klasicky pekné snímky, bude asi Bartoš málo. Avšak tým, ktorí vnímajú rozdiel medzi umením a vizuálnou kultúrou, mohla by Bartošova bytostne vizuálno-antropologická tvorba odhaliť úplne nový svet./p>p>– Petra Hanáková/p> /div> /div>!-- -->div classabout-col about-col--r> h2 classtext--body>ŽIVOTOPIS/h2> p>Narodil sa 4. januára 1944 v Bratislave. V rokoch 1961 – 1965 študoval na Strednej umeleckopriemyselnej škole v Bratislave odbor fotografie. Po skončení školy krátko pracoval pre Oravskú galériu v Dolnom Kubíne, v rokoch 1967 – 1972 bol fotoreportérom v týždenníku Beseda, v rokoch 1972 – 1974 fotografom agentúry ČSTK-Pressfoto v Bratislave. Od roku 1974 do roku 2008 fotografoval pre Urologickú kliniku Fakultnej nemocnice v Bratislave-Kramároch. Žije v Bratislave. Okrem periodík, uvedených v bibliografii uverejňoval fotografie v časopisoch Móda, Dievča, Slovenka, Dorka, Mladá tvorba, Populár, Javisko, Elle, Fototip, Digi-revue, British Journal of Photography, Fotografare./p> /div> h2 classexhibitions-headline>VÝSTAVY/h2> ul classexhibitions> li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2018/span>p>15. marec – 4. apríl / Juraj Bartoš – Sme tu spolu (Integrácia rómskych detí). Galéria Medium, Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2011/span>p>2. júl – 2. október / Bratislava 80. rokov. Múzeum mesta Bratislavybr />28. august – 30. september / Juraj Bartoš. Dokument doby. Galéria Fotoport, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2010/span>p>17. február – 10. marec / Juraj Bartoš. Slovenský inštitút vo Viedni. Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislavabr />23. jún – 30. september / Juraj Bartoš. Zámok Zvolen. Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2009/span>p>2. október – 22. november / Juraj Bartoš. Esterházyho palác, Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2007/2008/span>p>30. október – 2. marec / Stratený čas? Slovensko 1969 – 1989 v dokumentárnej fotografii. Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2007/span>p>10. máj – 3. jún / Bienále úžitkového umenia 2007. Dom umenia Bratislava. Slovenská výtvarná únia, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2006/span>p>2. november – 30. november / Bratislava zadným vchodom. Mesiac fotografie. Galéria Evanjelického lýcea, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2004/span>p>Juraj Bartoš. Javisko času. Siemens, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2002/2003/span>p>17. december – 25. máj / Slovenské vizuálne umenie 1970 – 1985. Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2002/span>p>29. október – 30. november / Digital Olympus. Mesiac fotografie. Mestská knižníca, Galérie Artotéka, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>2001/2002/span>p>3. november – 28.február / Moderna – postmoderna – postfotografia. Slovenská fotografia 1925 – 2000. Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>1993/span>p>17. apríl – 5. máj / Juraj Bartoš (Bratislava) Ulica mesta (Rue dans la ville). Galérie Médiathic, Diebr />9. september – 19. september / Le 1er mai à Petržalka – Juraj Bartoš. Slovaquie. Valencebr />20. september – 1. október / Le 1er mai à Petržalka – Juraj Bartoš. Slovaquie. Centre de recherches et d´action culturelle, Valence/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>1988/span>p>Autoportrét ´88 Spoločenský dom Trnávka, Obvodné kultúrne a spoločenské stredisko Bratislava II. Komorná galéria fotografie./p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>1986/span>p>17. september – 9. október / Juraj Bartoš. Fotografie. Ulica mesta. Výstavná sieň vydavateľstva Tatran, Bratislava/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>1985/span>p>5. február – 26. február / Fotografia módy. Obvodné kultúrne a spoločenské stredisko Bratislava II./p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>1983/span>p>6. december – január 1984 / Súčasná bratislavská fotografia. Dom kultúry Ružinov, Obvodné kultúrne a spoločenské stredisko Bratislava. Kurátor výstavy: Václav Macek/p>/li>li classexhibition>span classexhibition__year>1965/span>p>máj – jún / Juraj Bartoš. Fotografie. Galéria mladej tvorby pri KV ČSM, Bratislava/p>/li> /ul> div classabout__stripes> svg xmlns width494 height30 viewBox0 0 494 30> g> rect width9.95 height30/> rect width8.01 height30 x18.77/> rect width6.91 height30 x34.18/> rect width6.17 height30 x47.58/> rect width5.62 height30 x59.62/> rect width5.21 height30 x70.64/> rect width4.87 height30 x80.87/> rect width4.59 height30 x90.47/> rect width4.35 height30 x99.52/> rect width4.15 height30 x108.12/> rect width3.98 height30 x116.34/> rect width3.82 height30 x124.21/> rect width3.68 height30 x131.78/> rect width3.56 height30 x139.08/> rect width3.45 height30 x146.15/> rect width3.34 height30 x152.99/> rect width3.25 height30 x159.62/> rect width3.17 height30 x166.08/> rect width3.09 height30 x172.37/> rect width3.01 height30 x178.5/> rect width2.94 height30 x184.49/> rect width2.88 height30 x190.34/> rect width2.82 height30 x196.06/> rect width2.76 height30 x201.67/> rect width2.71 height30 x207.16/> rect width2.66 height30 x212.55/> rect width2.61 height30 x217.84/> rect width2.56 height30 x223.04/> rect width2.52 height30 x228.14/> rect width2.48 height30 x233.17/> rect width2.44 height30 x238.1/> rect width2.4 height30 x242.97/> rect width2.37 height30 x247.76/> rect width2.34 height30 x252.48/> rect width2.3 height30 x257.14/> rect width2.27 height30 x261.73/> rect width2.24 height30 x266.25/> rect width2.21 height30 x270.73/> rect width2.18 height30 x275.14/> rect width2.16 height30 x279.49/> rect width2.13 height30 x283.8/> rect width2.11 height30 x288.05/> rect width2.08 height30 x292.25/> rect width2.06 height30 x296.41/> rect width2.04 height30 x300.52/> rect width2.02 height30 x304.59/> rect width2 height30 x308.61/> rect width1.98 height30 x312.59/> rect width1.95 height30 x316.53/> rect width1.94 height30 x320.43/> rect width1.92 height30 x324.3/> rect width1.9 height30 x328.13/> rect width1.88 height30 x331.92/> rect width1.86 height30 x335.67/> rect width1.85 height30 x339.39/> rect width1.83 height30 x343.08/> rect width1.82 height30 x346.74/> rect width1.8 height30 x350.36/> rect width1.79 height30 x353.96/> rect width1.77 height30 x357.52/> rect width1.76 height30 x361.06/> rect width1.74 height30 x364.57/> rect width1.73 height30 x368.04/> rect width1.72 height30 x371.49/> rect width1.7 height30 x374.92/> rect width1.69 height30 x378.32/> rect width1.68 height30 x381.7/> rect width1.67 height30 x385.05/> rect width1.65 height30 x388.37/> rect width1.64 height30 x391.67/> rect width1.63 height30 x394.95/> rect width1.62 height30 x398.21/> rect width1.61 height30 x401.44/> rect width1.6 height30 x404.66/> rect width1.59 height30 x407.85/> rect width1.58 height30 x411.02/> rect width1.57 height30 x414.17/> rect width1.56 height30 x417.3/> rect width1.55 height30 x420.41/> rect width1.54 height30 x423.5/> rect width1.53 height30 x426.57/> rect width1.52 height30 x429.62/> rect width1.51 height30 x432.66/> rect width1.5 height30 x435.67/> rect width1.49 height30 x438.67/> rect width1.48 height30 x441.65/> rect width1.47 height30 x444.62/> rect width1.47 height30 x447.56/> rect width1.46 height30 x450.49/> rect width1.45 height30 x453.41/> rect width1.44 height30 x456.31/> rect width1.44 height30 x459.19/> rect width1.43 height30 x462.06/> rect width1.42 height30 x464.91/> rect width1.41 height30 x467.75/> rect width1.4 height30 x470.57/> rect width1.4 height30 x473.38/> rect width1.39 height30 x476.17/> rect width1.38 height30 x478.95/> rect width1.38 height30 x481.72/> rect width1.37 height30 x484.47/> rect width1.36 height30 x487.21/> rect width1.36 height30 x489.94/> rect width1.35 height30 x492.65/> /g> /svg> /div> /div>/div>div classjs-lang-switch-box lang-switch-box>div classlang-switch>a classlang-switch__link lang-switch__lang--current href>span classlang-switch__lang>sk/span>/a>a classlang-switch__link href>span classlang-switch__lang>en/span>/a>/div>/div> div classjs-site site> div classjs-loader loader>style>.loader { position: absolute; 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39.3972111 15.4443413 39.0684951 15.5240301 38.764 15.664L38.764 15.7666667 39.248 15.7666667 39.248 18.1133333C39.0864812 18.204276 38.9052831 18.2546088 38.72 18.26 38.236 18.26 38.0306667 18.0253333 38.0306667 17.424L37.9573333 17.292zM41.4773333 15.7666667L41.4773333 17.1013333 41.4773333 18.26C41.4899227 18.3323995 41.4717659 18.4067701 41.4272303 18.4652231 41.3826947 18.5236761 41.3158108 18.5609213 41.2426667 18.568L41.0666667 18.568 41.0666667 18.656 42.768 18.656C42.7743596 18.6270114 42.7743596 18.5969886 42.768 18.568L42.504 18.568C42.3426667 18.568 42.2986667 18.436 42.2986667 18.2746667L42.2986667 15.9426667C42.472858 15.8592908 42.6629168 15.8142769 42.856 15.8106667 43.3253333 15.8106667 43.5306667 16.0306667 43.5453333 16.6026667L43.5453333 16.9693333 43.5453333 18.128C43.5580384 18.202768 43.5379751 18.2793889 43.4902569 18.3383349 43.4425386 18.397281 43.3717747 18.4328585 43.296 18.436L43.12 18.436C43.1131382 18.464932 43.1131382 18.495068 43.12 18.524L44.8213333 18.524C44.8281952 18.495068 44.8281952 18.464932 44.8213333 18.436L44.572 18.436C44.4106667 18.436 44.3666667 18.304 44.3666667 18.1426667L44.3666667 16.984 44.3666667 16.4266667C44.3832593 16.2755653 44.3832593 16.1231014 44.3666667 15.972 44.5588709 15.8788402 44.7691033 15.8287848 44.9826667 15.8253333 45.452 15.8253333 45.6573333 16.0453333 45.672 16.6173333L45.672 16.984 45.672 18.1426667C45.6847051 18.2174347 45.6646418 18.2940555 45.6169235 18.3530016 45.5692053 18.4119477 45.4984413 18.4475251 45.4226667 18.4506667L45.2466667 18.4506667C45.2398048 18.4795987 45.2398048 18.5097346 45.2466667 18.5386667L46.948 18.5386667C46.9543596 18.509678 46.9543596 18.4796553 46.948 18.4506667L46.684 18.4506667C46.5226667 18.4506667 46.4786667 18.3186667 46.4786667 18.1573333L46.4786667 16.9986667 46.4786667 16.4413333C46.4786667 15.6346667 46.1413333 15.3266667 45.54 15.3266667 45.085801 15.3477162 44.6585231 15.5481675 44.352 15.884 44.2301672 15.5181102 43.8701841 15.2862567 43.4866667 15.3266667 43.0713541 15.3527698 42.6800095 15.5301793 42.3866667 15.8253333L42.3866667 15.6053333C42.3866667 15.4 42.284 15.3266667 42.0786667 15.3266667 41.7391596 15.3416234 41.4056313 15.421272 41.096 15.5613333L41.096 15.664 41.4773333 15.7666667zM50.2773333 17.0133333L50.2773333 16.8666667C50.3361872 16.4834863 50.2176482 16.0943305 49.9551711 15.8090292 49.692694 15.523728 49.3147482 15.3732265 48.928 15.4 48.4763213 15.4186856 48.0514574 15.6194723 47.7502651 15.9565866 47.4490728 16.2937009 47.2972231 16.7384101 47.3293333 17.1893333 47.3293333 18.2013333 47.7986667 18.656 48.796 18.656 49.2883089 18.6848636 49.7675383 18.4910179 50.1013333 18.128 49.8132462 18.2259174 49.5109385 18.2754761 49.2066667 18.2746667 48.5613333 18.2746667 48.136 17.908 48.0773333 16.984L50.2773333 16.984 50.2773333 17.0133333zM48.8106667 15.62C49.28 15.62 49.456 16.06 49.456 16.808L47.9893333 16.808C47.9893333 15.928 48.3413333 15.62 48.796 15.62L48.8106667 15.62zM52.008 15.708C52.008 15.5026667 51.9053333 15.4293333 51.7 15.4293333 51.3604929 15.4442901 51.0269647 15.5239386 50.7173333 15.664L50.7173333 15.7666667 51.2013333 15.7666667 51.2013333 17.1013333 51.2013333 18.26C51.2139227 18.3323995 51.1957659 18.4067701 51.1512303 18.4652231 51.1066947 18.5236761 51.0398108 18.5609213 50.9666667 18.568L50.7906667 18.568 50.7906667 18.656 52.5066667 18.656C52.5130262 18.6270114 52.5130262 18.5969886 52.5066667 18.568L52.2426667 18.568C52.0813333 18.568 52.0373333 18.436 52.0373333 18.2746667L52.0373333 15.9573333C52.2295376 15.8641735 52.43977 15.8141182 52.6533333 15.8106667 53.1226667 15.8106667 53.3573333 16.0306667 53.372 16.6026667L53.372 16.9693333 53.372 18.128C53.3847051 18.202768 53.3646418 18.2793889 53.3169235 18.3383349 53.2692053 18.397281 53.1984413 18.4328585 53.1226667 18.436L52.9466667 18.436C52.9398048 18.464932 52.9398048 18.495068 52.9466667 18.524L54.648 18.524C54.6548618 18.495068 54.6548618 18.464932 54.648 18.436L54.3986667 18.436C54.2583181 18.4134013 54.1610638 18.283729 54.1786667 18.1426667L54.1786667 16.412C54.1786667 15.6053333 53.812 15.2973333 53.2106667 15.2973333 52.7741018 15.3186347 52.361082 15.5016181 52.052 15.8106667L52.008 15.708zM56.32 17.1746667L56.32 15.708C56.32 15.5026667 56.2173333 15.4293333 56.012 15.4293333 55.6724929 15.4442901 55.3389647 15.5239386 55.0293333 15.664L55.0293333 15.7666667 55.5133333 15.7666667 55.5133333 18.26C55.5133333 18.436 55.5133333 18.524 55.264 18.568L55.088 18.568 55.088 18.656 56.7893333 18.656C56.7956929 18.6270114 56.7956929 18.5969886 56.7893333 18.568L56.5253333 18.568C56.3909082 18.5386676 56.3015494 18.4110121 56.32 18.2746667L56.32 17.1746667zM55.9386667 14.6666667C56.0413333 14.6666667 56.3933333 14.3 56.3933333 14.212 56.2881392 14.0239711 56.1300426 13.8709743 55.9386667 13.772 55.8506667 13.772 55.484 14.1093333 55.484 14.212 55.5802799 14.4102545 55.7404122 14.5703867 55.9386667 14.6666667zM58.564 16.9253333C57.9333333 17.0133333 57.2733333 17.2186667 57.2733333 17.908 57.2800154 18.1058653 57.3697024 18.2917721 57.5204118 18.4201542 57.6711213 18.5485363 57.8689223 18.6075267 58.0653333 18.5826667 58.475003 18.5644744 58.8535697 18.3589667 59.092 18.0253333L59.092 18.1133333C59.092 18.436 59.268 18.568 59.6493333 18.568 59.9298703 18.5491797 60.1970688 18.4412727 60.412 18.26L59.9573333 18.26 59.9573333 17.0573333 59.9573333 16.236C59.9573333 15.5026667 59.4293333 15.312 58.916 15.312 58.4215676 15.3402584 57.9489694 15.5251881 57.5666667 15.84L57.5666667 15.9133333C57.8134669 15.776767 58.091275 15.7060522 58.3733333 15.708 58.7546667 15.708 59.092 15.884 59.092 16.3533333L59.092 16.94 58.564 16.9253333zM58.564 18.1133333C58.4328273 18.1283765 58.3021065 18.0816499 58.2101926 17.9868637 58.1182788 17.8920775 58.0755955 17.7599812 58.0946667 17.6293333 58.0946667 17.3653333 58.2853333 17.1893333 58.652 17.1013333L59.136 17.0133333 59.136 17.9226667C58.9679147 18.0404605 58.7691446 18.1067172 58.564 18.1133333zM38.0453333 8.59466667C38.0453333 8.38933333 37.9426667 8.316 37.7373333 8.316 37.3978263 8.33095677 37.064298 8.41060531 36.7546667 8.55066667L36.7546667 8.65333333 37.2386667 8.65333333 37.2386667 11.1466667C37.2386667 11.3226667 37.2386667 11.4106667 36.9893333 11.4546667L36.8133333 11.4546667C36.8072979 11.4886228 36.8072979 11.5233772 36.8133333 11.5573333L38.5146667 11.5573333C38.5146667 11.5573333 38.5146667 11.5573333 38.5146667 11.4546667L38.2653333 11.4546667C38.1534647 11.3966608 38.0981868 11.267679 38.1333333 11.1466667L38.1333333 8.976C38.3264306 8.88536961 38.5361126 8.83544533 38.7493333 8.82933333 39.2333333 8.82933333 39.468 9.04933333 39.468 9.62133333L39.468 9.988 39.468 11.1466667C39.4805894 11.2190661 39.4624326 11.2934367 39.417897 11.3518897 39.3733613 11.4103428 39.3064775 11.447588 39.2333333 11.4546667L39.0573333 11.4546667 39.0573333 11.5573333 40.7586667 11.5573333C40.7657887 11.5234817 40.7657887 11.4885183 40.7586667 11.4546667L40.5093333 11.4546667C40.348 11.4546667 40.304 11.3226667 40.304 11.1613333L40.304 9.43066667C40.304 8.624 39.9373333 8.316 39.336 8.316 38.8943015 8.33368838 38.4754332 8.51694325 38.1626667 8.82933333L38.0453333 8.59466667zM42.3573333 9.988C41.7266667 10.076 41.0813333 10.2813333 41.0813333 10.9706667 41.0839056 11.1672491 41.170293 11.3533797 41.3187684 11.4822451 41.4672438 11.6111106 41.6636782 11.6704479 41.8586667 11.6453333 42.2735633 11.6316088 42.6584517 11.4256122 42.9 11.088L42.9 11.176C42.9 11.4986667 43.076 11.6306667 43.4426667 11.6306667 43.7232037 11.6118464 43.9904021 11.5039393 44.2053333 11.3226667L43.7506667 11.3226667 43.7506667 10.1053333 43.7506667 9.24C43.7506667 8.50666667 43.2373333 8.316 42.7093333 8.316 42.2193274 8.34428778 41.7514061 8.52939951 41.3746667 8.844 41.6240659 8.71411428 41.9001864 8.64382907 42.1813333 8.63866667 42.5626667 8.63866667 42.9146667 8.81466667 42.9146667 9.284L42.9146667 9.87066667 42.3573333 9.988zM42.3573333 11.176C42.064 11.176 41.9026667 11.0293333 41.9026667 10.692 41.9026667 10.3546667 42.0786667 10.252 42.46 10.164L42.944 10.076 42.944 10.9853333C42.7695922 11.1014087 42.5666584 11.1673622 42.3573333 11.176zM49.6906667 9.87066667C49.6906667 8.81466667 49.2653333 8.316 48.4293333 8.316 48.079747 8.32794916 47.7484617 8.47518704 47.5053333 8.72666667L47.5053333 8.59466667C47.5053333 8.38933333 47.4173333 8.316 47.212 8.316 46.8722892 8.32949129 46.5384843 8.40920591 46.2293333 8.55066667L46.2293333 8.65333333 46.7133333 8.65333333 46.7133333 9.92933333 46.7133333 12.452C46.7226138 12.6037724 46.6143783 12.7374751 46.464 12.76L46.288 12.76C46.2819645 12.7939561 46.2819645 12.8287105 46.288 12.8626667L48.0186667 12.8626667C48.0257887 12.828815 48.0257887 12.7938517 48.0186667 12.76L47.7693333 12.76C47.7012445 12.756962 47.6378404 12.7244713 47.5956076 12.6709764 47.5533748 12.6174815 47.5364862 12.5482681 47.5493333 12.4813333L47.5493333 11.616 47.9746667 11.616C48.4520234 11.6533723 48.921318 11.4767769 49.2556168 11.1339789 49.5899156 10.791181 49.7546758 10.3176016 49.7053333 9.84133333L49.6906667 9.87066667zM48.8693333 9.95866667C48.8693333 10.824 48.6053333 11.4253333 48.0186667 11.4253333 47.8527588 11.4329139 47.687288 11.4028283 47.5346667 11.3373333L47.5346667 8.8C47.6953838 8.78005845 47.8579496 8.78005845 48.0186667 8.8 48.532 8.8 48.8106667 9.09333333 48.8106667 10.0466667L48.8693333 9.95866667zM53.504 10.0466667C53.5533935 9.61205364 53.4062257 9.17807591 53.1026558 8.86315762 52.7990859 8.54823933 52.3707991 8.38525015 51.9346667 8.41866667 51.0215702 8.47334538 50.3118794 9.23465002 50.3213333 10.1493333 50.3213333 11.2493333 50.864 11.7626667 51.876 11.7626667 52.7891894 11.7157755 53.5052031 10.9610584 53.504 10.0466667zM52.6533333 10.1493333C52.6533333 11.0146667 52.4773333 11.616 51.9346667 11.616 51.392 11.616 51.1573333 10.9413333 51.1573333 10.076 51.1573333 9.21066667 51.3186667 8.60933333 51.876 8.60933333 52.4333333 8.60933333 52.6533333 9.46 52.6533333 10.164L52.6533333 10.1493333zM56.8773333 11.748C57.1578703 11.7291797 57.4250688 11.6212727 57.64 11.44L57.2 11.44 57.2 10.1786667 57.2 7.33333333C57.2 7.128 57.0973333 7.05466667 56.892 7.05466667 56.5569983 7.06816673 56.2279937 7.14792543 55.924 7.28933333L55.924 7.392 56.408 7.392 56.408 8.36 55.8946667 8.36C55.4353499 8.35472321 54.9948063 8.54200702 54.6798992 8.87642171 54.364992 9.2108364 54.2044925 9.66182843 54.2373333 10.12 54.2373333 11.4253333 54.912 11.5866667 55.5133333 11.5866667 55.8460408 11.5764559 56.1638202 11.4462184 56.408 11.22 56.408 11.484 56.6133333 11.5866667 56.9653333 11.5866667L56.8773333 11.748zM55.8946667 11.1906667C55.44 11.1906667 55.0293333 10.8093333 55.0293333 9.82666667 55.0293333 8.844 55.308 8.46266667 55.924 8.46266667 56.092518 8.46146189 56.2587416 8.50175852 56.408 8.58L56.408 11.1466667C56.2418087 11.1997082 56.0690353 11.2293265 55.8946667 11.2346667L55.8946667 11.1906667zM61.556 9.87066667C61.556 8.81466667 61.1306667 8.316 60.3093333 8.316 59.959034 8.32481908 59.6266161 8.47256039 59.3853333 8.72666667L59.3853333 8.59466667C59.3853333 8.38933333 59.2826667 8.316 59.0773333 8.316 58.7423317 8.32950007 58.413327 8.40925877 58.1093333 8.55066667L58.1093333 8.65333333 58.5786667 8.65333333 58.5786667 9.92933333 58.5786667 12.452C58.5786667 12.6133333 58.5786667 12.7013333 58.3293333 12.76L58.1533333 12.76C58.1472979 12.7939561 58.1472979 12.8287105 58.1533333 12.8626667L59.884 12.8626667C59.8903585 12.8287398 59.8903585 12.7939269 59.884 12.76L59.62 12.76C59.4733333 12.76 59.4146667 12.6426667 59.4146667 12.4813333L59.4146667 11.616 59.84 11.616C60.3173567 11.6533723 60.7866513 11.4767769 61.1209501 11.1339789 61.455249 10.791181 61.6200091 10.3176016 61.5706667 9.84133333L61.556 9.87066667zM60.7346667 9.95866667C60.7346667 10.824 60.4706667 11.4253333 59.8986667 11.4253333 59.7327588 11.4329139 59.567288 11.4028283 59.4146667 11.3373333L59.4146667 8.8C59.5559231 8.78280552 59.6987435 8.78280552 59.84 8.8 60.368 8.8 60.632 9.09333333 60.632 10.0466667L60.7346667 9.95866667zM65.3253333 10.0466667C65.3253333 8.932 64.768 8.41866667 63.7706667 8.41866667 62.8551589 8.47307084 62.1410516 9.23221194 62.1426667 10.1493333 62.1072003 10.5767232 62.2605717 10.9982246 62.562407 11.3028807 62.8642423 11.6075369 63.2842988 11.7648225 63.712 11.7333333 64.6227873 11.6862058 65.3344139 10.9292939 65.3253333 10.0173333L65.3253333 10.0466667zM64.5333333 10.0466667C64.5333333 10.912 64.3573333 11.5133333 63.8293333 11.5133333 63.3013333 11.5133333 63.0666667 10.7946667 63.0666667 9.92933333 63.0666667 9.064 63.228 8.46266667 63.7706667 8.46266667 64.3133333 8.46266667 64.548 9.31333333 64.548 10.0173333L64.5333333 10.0466667zM66.44 8.624L66.44 11.1466667C66.44 11.3226667 66.44 11.4106667 66.1906667 11.4546667L66.0146667 11.4546667C66.0086312 11.4886228 66.0086312 11.5233772 66.0146667 11.5573333L67.716 11.5573333C67.716 11.5573333 67.716 11.5573333 67.716 11.4546667L67.4666667 11.44C67.3263181 11.4174013 67.2290638 11.287729 67.2466667 11.1466667L67.2466667 9.064C67.4301633 8.94416152 67.6435561 8.87811139 67.8626667 8.87333333 68.0610612 8.8717347 68.257035 8.91695941 68.4346667 9.00533333L68.64 8.37466667C68.5134305 8.35807181 68.3852361 8.35807181 68.2586667 8.37466667 67.8326188 8.38811016 67.4464284 8.62877957 67.2466667 9.00533333L67.2466667 8.59466667C67.2466667 8.38933333 67.144 8.316 66.9386667 8.316 66.5991596 8.33095677 66.2656313 8.41060531 65.956 8.55066667L65.956 8.65333333 66.44 8.624zM70.18 10.2666667L70.18 8.59466667C70.18 8.38933333 70.0773333 8.316 69.872 8.316 69.5324929 8.33095677 69.1989647 8.41060531 68.8893333 8.55066667L68.8893333 8.65333333 69.3733333 8.65333333 69.3733333 10.5453333C69.3733333 11.3373333 69.7106667 11.66 70.312 11.66 70.7201378 11.6465507 71.107991 11.4788304 71.3973333 11.1906667 71.3973333 11.484 71.5733333 11.5866667 71.94 11.5866667 72.2254119 11.5699076 72.4978992 11.461941 72.7173333 11.2786667L72.2626667 11.2786667 72.2626667 10.12 72.2626667 8.65333333C72.2626667 8.43333333 72.16 8.34533333 71.9546667 8.34533333 71.6194454 8.357251 71.2901309 8.43708483 70.9866667 8.58L70.9866667 8.65333333 71.4706667 8.65333333 71.4706667 11C71.3031137 11.0890879 71.1176187 11.1392217 70.928 11.1466667 70.4586667 11.1466667 70.2533333 10.912 70.2533333 10.3106667L70.18 10.2666667zM39.6.572C39.6.278666667 39.1453333.132 38.588.132 37.9039782.11947935 37.3212499.626199656 37.2386667 1.30533333L37.2386667 1.628 36.7693333 1.628 36.7693333 1.81866667 37.2386667 1.81866667 37.2386667 2.992 37.2386667 4.15066667C37.2513717 4.22543466 37.2313085 4.30205552 37.1835902 4.36100159 37.135872 4.41994767 37.065108 4.45552513 36.9893333 4.45866667L36.8133333 4.45866667C36.8064715 4.48759871 36.8064715 4.51773462 36.8133333 4.54666667L38.5146667 4.54666667C38.5228212 4.51790007 38.5228212 4.48743326 38.5146667 4.45866667L38.2506667 4.45866667C38.1162415 4.42933425 38.0268827 4.30167878 38.0453333 4.16533333L38.0453333 1.87733333 38.7346667 1.87733333 38.7346667 1.628 38.1333333 1.628 38.1333333 1.26133333C38.1333333.748 38.1333333.308 38.7053333.308 38.9693333.308 39.16.630666667 39.3506667.953333333 39.4533333.88 39.6.777333333 39.6.572zM42.5333333 3.00666667C42.5827268 2.57205364 42.435559 2.13807591 42.1319891 1.82315762 41.8284193 1.50823933 41.4001325 1.34525015 40.964 1.37866667 40.0509035 1.43334538 39.3412128 2.19465002 39.3506667 3.10933333 39.3506667 4.20933333 39.8933333 4.72266667 40.9053333 4.72266667 41.8185227 4.67577553 42.5345364 3.92105839 42.5333333 3.00666667zM41.6826667 3.10933333C41.6826667 3.97466667 41.5066667 4.576 40.964 4.576 40.4213333 4.576 40.1866667 3.90133333 40.1866667 3.10933333 40.1866667 2.31733333 40.348 1.64266667 40.9053333 1.64266667 41.4626667 1.64266667 41.6826667 2.49333333 41.6826667 3.19733333L41.6826667 3.10933333zM44.3666667 1.73066667C44.3666667 1.52533333 44.2786667 1.452 44.0586667 1.452 43.7238778 1.46700801 43.3951617 1.54669675 43.0906667 1.68666667L43.0906667 1.78933333 43.5746667 1.78933333 43.5746667 3.124 43.5746667 4.28266667C43.5873717 4.35743466 43.5673085 4.43405552 43.5195902 4.49300159 43.471872 4.55194767 43.401108 4.58752513 43.3253333 4.59066667L43.1493333 4.59066667C43.1424715 4.61959871 43.1424715 4.64973462 43.1493333 4.67866667L44.8506667 4.67866667C44.8506667 4.67866667 44.8506667 4.67866667 44.8506667 4.59066667L44.6013333 4.59066667C44.44 4.59066667 44.396 4.45866667 44.396 4.29733333L44.396 3.13866667 44.396 2.03866667C44.5935988 1.94605716 44.8084807 1.89608461 45.0266667 1.892 45.496 1.892 45.7306667 2.112 45.7306667 2.684L45.7306667 4.15066667C45.7306667 4.32666667 45.7306667 4.41466667 45.4813333 4.45866667L45.3053333 4.45866667C45.2984715 4.48759871 45.2984715 4.51773462 45.3053333 4.54666667L46.9333333 4.54666667C46.9333333 4.54666667 46.9333333 4.54666667 46.9333333 4.45866667L46.684 4.45866667C46.5436514 4.43606801 46.4463971 4.30639562 46.464 4.16533333L46.464 2.49333333C46.464 1.68666667 46.0973333 1.37866667 45.496 1.37866667 45.0555847 1.40185155 44.638599 1.58428278 44.3226667 1.892L44.3666667 1.73066667zM50.2333333 4.76666667C50.5157081 4.7283864 50.7781135 4.59975628 50.9813333 4.4L50.5266667 4.4 50.5266667 3.15333333 50.5266667.410666667C50.5266667.205333333 50.424.132 50.2186667.132 49.883665.145500066 49.5546604.225258766 49.2506667.366666667L49.2506667.469333333 49.7346667.469333333 49.7346667 1.46666667 49.236 1.46666667C48.7741526 1.45723082 48.3296774 1.64269586 48.0115138 1.97760482 47.6933503 2.31251379 47.5309076 2.76590975 47.564 3.22666667 47.564 4.532 48.2386667 4.76666667 48.84 4.76666667 49.1470701 4.73970102 49.4362451 4.61060502 49.6613333 4.4 49.6613333 4.664 49.8666667 4.76666667 50.2186667 4.76666667L50.2333333 4.76666667zM49.148 4.37066667C48.6933333 4.37066667 48.2973333 3.98933333 48.2973333 3.00666667 48.2973333 2.024 48.5613333 1.64266667 49.1773333 1.64266667 49.3439493 1.64380789 49.5086024 1.67873431 49.6613333 1.74533333L49.6613333 4.20933333C49.4954299 4.26354562 49.3224872 4.29319294 49.148 4.29733333L49.148 4.37066667zM31.3573333 18.7C30.7967609 17.5003364 29.8232386 16.5424321 28.6146667 16.0013333 27.984 16.0013333 25.916 18.0106667 25.916 18.7 26.4557184 19.9165855 27.4129854 20.8998651 28.6146667 21.472 29.8253513 20.8977697 30.7960148 19.9167248 31.3573333 18.7/> /g>/svg>span classfond__text>Webstránku podporil z verejných zdrojov formou štipendia Fond na podporu umenia. / Website is supported using public funds in the form of scholarship provided by Slovak Arts Council./span>/a> /div> div classhome-fond> div classjs-fond-overlay fond-overlay> div classfond-overlay__head> svg classtriangle triangle--1 xmlns width18 height29 viewBox0 0 18 29> polygon fill#000 points.67 29 9.16 .67 17.66 29/> /svg> svg classtriangle triangle--2 xmlns width18 height29 viewBox0 0 18 29> polygon fill#000 points.67 29 9.16 .67 17.66 29/> /svg> svg classtriangle triangle--3 xmlns width18 height29 viewBox0 0 18 29> polygon fill#000 points.67 29 9.16 .67 17.66 29/> /svg> a classjs-fond-close 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17.4574173 13.5077811 17.7726341 12.3346667 17.8346667 9.40133333 17.8346667 8.052 16.368 8.052 12.584M37.9573333 17.292L37.9573333 15.576C37.9573333 15.3706667 37.8693333 15.2973333 37.6493333 15.2973333 37.3145445 15.3123413 36.9858284 15.3920301 36.6813333 15.532L36.6813333 15.6346667 37.1653333 15.6346667 37.1653333 17.6C37.1653333 18.392 37.5026667 18.7146667 38.104 18.7146667 38.5066868 18.6961722 38.8881922 18.528937 39.1746667 18.2453333 39.1746667 18.5386667 39.3653333 18.6413333 39.732 18.6413333 40.0137452 18.6279017 40.2826082 18.5193224 40.4946667 18.3333333L40.0546667 18.3333333 40.0546667 17.1893333 40.0546667 15.7226667C40.0546667 15.5173333 39.952 15.4293333 39.732 15.4293333 39.3972111 15.4443413 39.0684951 15.5240301 38.764 15.664L38.764 15.7666667 39.248 15.7666667 39.248 18.1133333C39.0864812 18.204276 38.9052831 18.2546088 38.72 18.26 38.236 18.26 38.0306667 18.0253333 38.0306667 17.424L37.9573333 17.292zM41.4773333 15.7666667L41.4773333 17.1013333 41.4773333 18.26C41.4899227 18.3323995 41.4717659 18.4067701 41.4272303 18.4652231 41.3826947 18.5236761 41.3158108 18.5609213 41.2426667 18.568L41.0666667 18.568 41.0666667 18.656 42.768 18.656C42.7743596 18.6270114 42.7743596 18.5969886 42.768 18.568L42.504 18.568C42.3426667 18.568 42.2986667 18.436 42.2986667 18.2746667L42.2986667 15.9426667C42.472858 15.8592908 42.6629168 15.8142769 42.856 15.8106667 43.3253333 15.8106667 43.5306667 16.0306667 43.5453333 16.6026667L43.5453333 16.9693333 43.5453333 18.128C43.5580384 18.202768 43.5379751 18.2793889 43.4902569 18.3383349 43.4425386 18.397281 43.3717747 18.4328585 43.296 18.436L43.12 18.436C43.1131382 18.464932 43.1131382 18.495068 43.12 18.524L44.8213333 18.524C44.8281952 18.495068 44.8281952 18.464932 44.8213333 18.436L44.572 18.436C44.4106667 18.436 44.3666667 18.304 44.3666667 18.1426667L44.3666667 16.984 44.3666667 16.4266667C44.3832593 16.2755653 44.3832593 16.1231014 44.3666667 15.972 44.5588709 15.8788402 44.7691033 15.8287848 44.9826667 15.8253333 45.452 15.8253333 45.6573333 16.0453333 45.672 16.6173333L45.672 16.984 45.672 18.1426667C45.6847051 18.2174347 45.6646418 18.2940555 45.6169235 18.3530016 45.5692053 18.4119477 45.4984413 18.4475251 45.4226667 18.4506667L45.2466667 18.4506667C45.2398048 18.4795987 45.2398048 18.5097346 45.2466667 18.5386667L46.948 18.5386667C46.9543596 18.509678 46.9543596 18.4796553 46.948 18.4506667L46.684 18.4506667C46.5226667 18.4506667 46.4786667 18.3186667 46.4786667 18.1573333L46.4786667 16.9986667 46.4786667 16.4413333C46.4786667 15.6346667 46.1413333 15.3266667 45.54 15.3266667 45.085801 15.3477162 44.6585231 15.5481675 44.352 15.884 44.2301672 15.5181102 43.8701841 15.2862567 43.4866667 15.3266667 43.0713541 15.3527698 42.6800095 15.5301793 42.3866667 15.8253333L42.3866667 15.6053333C42.3866667 15.4 42.284 15.3266667 42.0786667 15.3266667 41.7391596 15.3416234 41.4056313 15.421272 41.096 15.5613333L41.096 15.664 41.4773333 15.7666667zM50.2773333 17.0133333L50.2773333 16.8666667C50.3361872 16.4834863 50.2176482 16.0943305 49.9551711 15.8090292 49.692694 15.523728 49.3147482 15.3732265 48.928 15.4 48.4763213 15.4186856 48.0514574 15.6194723 47.7502651 15.9565866 47.4490728 16.2937009 47.2972231 16.7384101 47.3293333 17.1893333 47.3293333 18.2013333 47.7986667 18.656 48.796 18.656 49.2883089 18.6848636 49.7675383 18.4910179 50.1013333 18.128 49.8132462 18.2259174 49.5109385 18.2754761 49.2066667 18.2746667 48.5613333 18.2746667 48.136 17.908 48.0773333 16.984L50.2773333 16.984 50.2773333 17.0133333zM48.8106667 15.62C49.28 15.62 49.456 16.06 49.456 16.808L47.9893333 16.808C47.9893333 15.928 48.3413333 15.62 48.796 15.62L48.8106667 15.62zM52.008 15.708C52.008 15.5026667 51.9053333 15.4293333 51.7 15.4293333 51.3604929 15.4442901 51.0269647 15.5239386 50.7173333 15.664L50.7173333 15.7666667 51.2013333 15.7666667 51.2013333 17.1013333 51.2013333 18.26C51.2139227 18.3323995 51.1957659 18.4067701 51.1512303 18.4652231 51.1066947 18.5236761 51.0398108 18.5609213 50.9666667 18.568L50.7906667 18.568 50.7906667 18.656 52.5066667 18.656C52.5130262 18.6270114 52.5130262 18.5969886 52.5066667 18.568L52.2426667 18.568C52.0813333 18.568 52.0373333 18.436 52.0373333 18.2746667L52.0373333 15.9573333C52.2295376 15.8641735 52.43977 15.8141182 52.6533333 15.8106667 53.1226667 15.8106667 53.3573333 16.0306667 53.372 16.6026667L53.372 16.9693333 53.372 18.128C53.3847051 18.202768 53.3646418 18.2793889 53.3169235 18.3383349 53.2692053 18.397281 53.1984413 18.4328585 53.1226667 18.436L52.9466667 18.436C52.9398048 18.464932 52.9398048 18.495068 52.9466667 18.524L54.648 18.524C54.6548618 18.495068 54.6548618 18.464932 54.648 18.436L54.3986667 18.436C54.2583181 18.4134013 54.1610638 18.283729 54.1786667 18.1426667L54.1786667 16.412C54.1786667 15.6053333 53.812 15.2973333 53.2106667 15.2973333 52.7741018 15.3186347 52.361082 15.5016181 52.052 15.8106667L52.008 15.708zM56.32 17.1746667L56.32 15.708C56.32 15.5026667 56.2173333 15.4293333 56.012 15.4293333 55.6724929 15.4442901 55.3389647 15.5239386 55.0293333 15.664L55.0293333 15.7666667 55.5133333 15.7666667 55.5133333 18.26C55.5133333 18.436 55.5133333 18.524 55.264 18.568L55.088 18.568 55.088 18.656 56.7893333 18.656C56.7956929 18.6270114 56.7956929 18.5969886 56.7893333 18.568L56.5253333 18.568C56.3909082 18.5386676 56.3015494 18.4110121 56.32 18.2746667L56.32 17.1746667zM55.9386667 14.6666667C56.0413333 14.6666667 56.3933333 14.3 56.3933333 14.212 56.2881392 14.0239711 56.1300426 13.8709743 55.9386667 13.772 55.8506667 13.772 55.484 14.1093333 55.484 14.212 55.5802799 14.4102545 55.7404122 14.5703867 55.9386667 14.6666667zM58.564 16.9253333C57.9333333 17.0133333 57.2733333 17.2186667 57.2733333 17.908 57.2800154 18.1058653 57.3697024 18.2917721 57.5204118 18.4201542 57.6711213 18.5485363 57.8689223 18.6075267 58.0653333 18.5826667 58.475003 18.5644744 58.8535697 18.3589667 59.092 18.0253333L59.092 18.1133333C59.092 18.436 59.268 18.568 59.6493333 18.568 59.9298703 18.5491797 60.1970688 18.4412727 60.412 18.26L59.9573333 18.26 59.9573333 17.0573333 59.9573333 16.236C59.9573333 15.5026667 59.4293333 15.312 58.916 15.312 58.4215676 15.3402584 57.9489694 15.5251881 57.5666667 15.84L57.5666667 15.9133333C57.8134669 15.776767 58.091275 15.7060522 58.3733333 15.708 58.7546667 15.708 59.092 15.884 59.092 16.3533333L59.092 16.94 58.564 16.9253333zM58.564 18.1133333C58.4328273 18.1283765 58.3021065 18.0816499 58.2101926 17.9868637 58.1182788 17.8920775 58.0755955 17.7599812 58.0946667 17.6293333 58.0946667 17.3653333 58.2853333 17.1893333 58.652 17.1013333L59.136 17.0133333 59.136 17.9226667C58.9679147 18.0404605 58.7691446 18.1067172 58.564 18.1133333zM38.0453333 8.59466667C38.0453333 8.38933333 37.9426667 8.316 37.7373333 8.316 37.3978263 8.33095677 37.064298 8.41060531 36.7546667 8.55066667L36.7546667 8.65333333 37.2386667 8.65333333 37.2386667 11.1466667C37.2386667 11.3226667 37.2386667 11.4106667 36.9893333 11.4546667L36.8133333 11.4546667C36.8072979 11.4886228 36.8072979 11.5233772 36.8133333 11.5573333L38.5146667 11.5573333C38.5146667 11.5573333 38.5146667 11.5573333 38.5146667 11.4546667L38.2653333 11.4546667C38.1534647 11.3966608 38.0981868 11.267679 38.1333333 11.1466667L38.1333333 8.976C38.3264306 8.88536961 38.5361126 8.83544533 38.7493333 8.82933333 39.2333333 8.82933333 39.468 9.04933333 39.468 9.62133333L39.468 9.988 39.468 11.1466667C39.4805894 11.2190661 39.4624326 11.2934367 39.417897 11.3518897 39.3733613 11.4103428 39.3064775 11.447588 39.2333333 11.4546667L39.0573333 11.4546667 39.0573333 11.5573333 40.7586667 11.5573333C40.7657887 11.5234817 40.7657887 11.4885183 40.7586667 11.4546667L40.5093333 11.4546667C40.348 11.4546667 40.304 11.3226667 40.304 11.1613333L40.304 9.43066667C40.304 8.624 39.9373333 8.316 39.336 8.316 38.8943015 8.33368838 38.4754332 8.51694325 38.1626667 8.82933333L38.0453333 8.59466667zM42.3573333 9.988C41.7266667 10.076 41.0813333 10.2813333 41.0813333 10.9706667 41.0839056 11.1672491 41.170293 11.3533797 41.3187684 11.4822451 41.4672438 11.6111106 41.6636782 11.6704479 41.8586667 11.6453333 42.2735633 11.6316088 42.6584517 11.4256122 42.9 11.088L42.9 11.176C42.9 11.4986667 43.076 11.6306667 43.4426667 11.6306667 43.7232037 11.6118464 43.9904021 11.5039393 44.2053333 11.3226667L43.7506667 11.3226667 43.7506667 10.1053333 43.7506667 9.24C43.7506667 8.50666667 43.2373333 8.316 42.7093333 8.316 42.2193274 8.34428778 41.7514061 8.52939951 41.3746667 8.844 41.6240659 8.71411428 41.9001864 8.64382907 42.1813333 8.63866667 42.5626667 8.63866667 42.9146667 8.81466667 42.9146667 9.284L42.9146667 9.87066667 42.3573333 9.988zM42.3573333 11.176C42.064 11.176 41.9026667 11.0293333 41.9026667 10.692 41.9026667 10.3546667 42.0786667 10.252 42.46 10.164L42.944 10.076 42.944 10.9853333C42.7695922 11.1014087 42.5666584 11.1673622 42.3573333 11.176zM49.6906667 9.87066667C49.6906667 8.81466667 49.2653333 8.316 48.4293333 8.316 48.079747 8.32794916 47.7484617 8.47518704 47.5053333 8.72666667L47.5053333 8.59466667C47.5053333 8.38933333 47.4173333 8.316 47.212 8.316 46.8722892 8.32949129 46.5384843 8.40920591 46.2293333 8.55066667L46.2293333 8.65333333 46.7133333 8.65333333 46.7133333 9.92933333 46.7133333 12.452C46.7226138 12.6037724 46.6143783 12.7374751 46.464 12.76L46.288 12.76C46.2819645 12.7939561 46.2819645 12.8287105 46.288 12.8626667L48.0186667 12.8626667C48.0257887 12.828815 48.0257887 12.7938517 48.0186667 12.76L47.7693333 12.76C47.7012445 12.756962 47.6378404 12.7244713 47.5956076 12.6709764 47.5533748 12.6174815 47.5364862 12.5482681 47.5493333 12.4813333L47.5493333 11.616 47.9746667 11.616C48.4520234 11.6533723 48.921318 11.4767769 49.2556168 11.1339789 49.5899156 10.791181 49.7546758 10.3176016 49.7053333 9.84133333L49.6906667 9.87066667zM48.8693333 9.95866667C48.8693333 10.824 48.6053333 11.4253333 48.0186667 11.4253333 47.8527588 11.4329139 47.687288 11.4028283 47.5346667 11.3373333L47.5346667 8.8C47.6953838 8.78005845 47.8579496 8.78005845 48.0186667 8.8 48.532 8.8 48.8106667 9.09333333 48.8106667 10.0466667L48.8693333 9.95866667zM53.504 10.0466667C53.5533935 9.61205364 53.4062257 9.17807591 53.1026558 8.86315762 52.7990859 8.54823933 52.3707991 8.38525015 51.9346667 8.41866667 51.0215702 8.47334538 50.3118794 9.23465002 50.3213333 10.1493333 50.3213333 11.2493333 50.864 11.7626667 51.876 11.7626667 52.7891894 11.7157755 53.5052031 10.9610584 53.504 10.0466667zM52.6533333 10.1493333C52.6533333 11.0146667 52.4773333 11.616 51.9346667 11.616 51.392 11.616 51.1573333 10.9413333 51.1573333 10.076 51.1573333 9.21066667 51.3186667 8.60933333 51.876 8.60933333 52.4333333 8.60933333 52.6533333 9.46 52.6533333 10.164L52.6533333 10.1493333zM56.8773333 11.748C57.1578703 11.7291797 57.4250688 11.6212727 57.64 11.44L57.2 11.44 57.2 10.1786667 57.2 7.33333333C57.2 7.128 57.0973333 7.05466667 56.892 7.05466667 56.5569983 7.06816673 56.2279937 7.14792543 55.924 7.28933333L55.924 7.392 56.408 7.392 56.408 8.36 55.8946667 8.36C55.4353499 8.35472321 54.9948063 8.54200702 54.6798992 8.87642171 54.364992 9.2108364 54.2044925 9.66182843 54.2373333 10.12 54.2373333 11.4253333 54.912 11.5866667 55.5133333 11.5866667 55.8460408 11.5764559 56.1638202 11.4462184 56.408 11.22 56.408 11.484 56.6133333 11.5866667 56.9653333 11.5866667L56.8773333 11.748zM55.8946667 11.1906667C55.44 11.1906667 55.0293333 10.8093333 55.0293333 9.82666667 55.0293333 8.844 55.308 8.46266667 55.924 8.46266667 56.092518 8.46146189 56.2587416 8.50175852 56.408 8.58L56.408 11.1466667C56.2418087 11.1997082 56.0690353 11.2293265 55.8946667 11.2346667L55.8946667 11.1906667zM61.556 9.87066667C61.556 8.81466667 61.1306667 8.316 60.3093333 8.316 59.959034 8.32481908 59.6266161 8.47256039 59.3853333 8.72666667L59.3853333 8.59466667C59.3853333 8.38933333 59.2826667 8.316 59.0773333 8.316 58.7423317 8.32950007 58.413327 8.40925877 58.1093333 8.55066667L58.1093333 8.65333333 58.5786667 8.65333333 58.5786667 9.92933333 58.5786667 12.452C58.5786667 12.6133333 58.5786667 12.7013333 58.3293333 12.76L58.1533333 12.76C58.1472979 12.7939561 58.1472979 12.8287105 58.1533333 12.8626667L59.884 12.8626667C59.8903585 12.8287398 59.8903585 12.7939269 59.884 12.76L59.62 12.76C59.4733333 12.76 59.4146667 12.6426667 59.4146667 12.4813333L59.4146667 11.616 59.84 11.616C60.3173567 11.6533723 60.7866513 11.4767769 61.1209501 11.1339789 61.455249 10.791181 61.6200091 10.3176016 61.5706667 9.84133333L61.556 9.87066667zM60.7346667 9.95866667C60.7346667 10.824 60.4706667 11.4253333 59.8986667 11.4253333 59.7327588 11.4329139 59.567288 11.4028283 59.4146667 11.3373333L59.4146667 8.8C59.5559231 8.78280552 59.6987435 8.78280552 59.84 8.8 60.368 8.8 60.632 9.09333333 60.632 10.0466667L60.7346667 9.95866667zM65.3253333 10.0466667C65.3253333 8.932 64.768 8.41866667 63.7706667 8.41866667 62.8551589 8.47307084 62.1410516 9.23221194 62.1426667 10.1493333 62.1072003 10.5767232 62.2605717 10.9982246 62.562407 11.3028807 62.8642423 11.6075369 63.2842988 11.7648225 63.712 11.7333333 64.6227873 11.6862058 65.3344139 10.9292939 65.3253333 10.0173333L65.3253333 10.0466667zM64.5333333 10.0466667C64.5333333 10.912 64.3573333 11.5133333 63.8293333 11.5133333 63.3013333 11.5133333 63.0666667 10.7946667 63.0666667 9.92933333 63.0666667 9.064 63.228 8.46266667 63.7706667 8.46266667 64.3133333 8.46266667 64.548 9.31333333 64.548 10.0173333L64.5333333 10.0466667zM66.44 8.624L66.44 11.1466667C66.44 11.3226667 66.44 11.4106667 66.1906667 11.4546667L66.0146667 11.4546667C66.0086312 11.4886228 66.0086312 11.5233772 66.0146667 11.5573333L67.716 11.5573333C67.716 11.5573333 67.716 11.5573333 67.716 11.4546667L67.4666667 11.44C67.3263181 11.4174013 67.2290638 11.287729 67.2466667 11.1466667L67.2466667 9.064C67.4301633 8.94416152 67.6435561 8.87811139 67.8626667 8.87333333 68.0610612 8.8717347 68.257035 8.91695941 68.4346667 9.00533333L68.64 8.37466667C68.5134305 8.35807181 68.3852361 8.35807181 68.2586667 8.37466667 67.8326188 8.38811016 67.4464284 8.62877957 67.2466667 9.00533333L67.2466667 8.59466667C67.2466667 8.38933333 67.144 8.316 66.9386667 8.316 66.5991596 8.33095677 66.2656313 8.41060531 65.956 8.55066667L65.956 8.65333333 66.44 8.624zM70.18 10.2666667L70.18 8.59466667C70.18 8.38933333 70.0773333 8.316 69.872 8.316 69.5324929 8.33095677 69.1989647 8.41060531 68.8893333 8.55066667L68.8893333 8.65333333 69.3733333 8.65333333 69.3733333 10.5453333C69.3733333 11.3373333 69.7106667 11.66 70.312 11.66 70.7201378 11.6465507 71.107991 11.4788304 71.3973333 11.1906667 71.3973333 11.484 71.5733333 11.5866667 71.94 11.5866667 72.2254119 11.5699076 72.4978992 11.461941 72.7173333 11.2786667L72.2626667 11.2786667 72.2626667 10.12 72.2626667 8.65333333C72.2626667 8.43333333 72.16 8.34533333 71.9546667 8.34533333 71.6194454 8.357251 71.2901309 8.43708483 70.9866667 8.58L70.9866667 8.65333333 71.4706667 8.65333333 71.4706667 11C71.3031137 11.0890879 71.1176187 11.1392217 70.928 11.1466667 70.4586667 11.1466667 70.2533333 10.912 70.2533333 10.3106667L70.18 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1.34525015 40.964 1.37866667 40.0509035 1.43334538 39.3412128 2.19465002 39.3506667 3.10933333 39.3506667 4.20933333 39.8933333 4.72266667 40.9053333 4.72266667 41.8185227 4.67577553 42.5345364 3.92105839 42.5333333 3.00666667zM41.6826667 3.10933333C41.6826667 3.97466667 41.5066667 4.576 40.964 4.576 40.4213333 4.576 40.1866667 3.90133333 40.1866667 3.10933333 40.1866667 2.31733333 40.348 1.64266667 40.9053333 1.64266667 41.4626667 1.64266667 41.6826667 2.49333333 41.6826667 3.19733333L41.6826667 3.10933333zM44.3666667 1.73066667C44.3666667 1.52533333 44.2786667 1.452 44.0586667 1.452 43.7238778 1.46700801 43.3951617 1.54669675 43.0906667 1.68666667L43.0906667 1.78933333 43.5746667 1.78933333 43.5746667 3.124 43.5746667 4.28266667C43.5873717 4.35743466 43.5673085 4.43405552 43.5195902 4.49300159 43.471872 4.55194767 43.401108 4.58752513 43.3253333 4.59066667L43.1493333 4.59066667C43.1424715 4.61959871 43.1424715 4.64973462 43.1493333 4.67866667L44.8506667 4.67866667C44.8506667 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