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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 03:08:05 GMTServer: ApacheTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN>html xmlns xml:langen>!-- ____________________________________________________________| || DESIGN + Pat Heard { } || DATE + 2006.03.19 || COPYRIGHT + Free use if this notice is left in place ||____________________________________________________________|-->head>title>: Junctus Group/title>meta http-equivcontent-type contentapplication/xhtml+xml; charsetUTF-8 />meta nameauthor contentJunctus Group />meta namerobots contentindex, follow, noarchive />meta namegooglebot contentnoarchive />meta namerevisit-after content7 days />meta namegenerator contentTextPattern />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleRSS 2.0 href/?rss1§ionarticle />link relalternate typeapplication/atom+xml titleAtom 1.0 href/?atom1§ionarticle />link relstylesheet typetext/css mediascreen hrefdefault_style.css />!--link relstylesheet typetext/css mediaprint hrefcss.php?nprint />-->/head>body idhome>div idcontent>div idheader>div idtitle>h1>Junctus Group/h1>h2>/h2>/div>img src altBalloons classballoons width60 height45 />img src altheader_left classleft width269 height193 />img src altheader_right classright width492 height193 />/div>!-- MAIN MENU: Top horizontal menu of the site. Use classhere to turn the current page tab on -->div idmainMenu>ul classfloatRight>li>a href titleHome classhere>Home/a>/li>li>a href titleAbout Junctus Group>About/a>/li>li>a href titleGet in touch classlast>Contact/a>/li>/ul>/div>!-- PAGE CONTENT BEGINS: This is where you would define the columns (number, width and alignment) -->div idpage>!-- 25 percent width column, aligned to the left -->div classwidth25 floatLeft leftColumn>h2>Home/h2>ul classsideMenu>li classhere>Dynamic Templateul>li>a href#fluidity titleJump to section>Book of Fluidity/a>/li>li>a href#coding titleJump to section>Coding/a>/li>/ul>/li>/ul>p classpaddingLeft>This sidebar can be used to jump to sections within the page, or other sub pages of the active tab./p>p classpaddingLeft>Using this approach, you shouldnt need breadcrumbs since youve provided your visitor with a b>visual cue/b> to where they are in the site./p>/div>!-- 75 percent width column, aligned to the right -->div classwidth75 floatRight>div classgradient>h2>span>a relbookmark href>VMware gets double shot of good news/a>/span>/h2> p>Microsoft announced today that it was slipping (gasp) the span classcaps>RTM/span> date of Windows Server 2008 into the 1st calendar quarter of 2008. That means the Viridian hypervisor will be another 6 months or more getting to market, giving VMware more time without a serious competitor. (Will Microsoft buy Citrix, who just purchased Xensource? Citrix and Microsoft have long had a close relationship…) /p> p>Also today, General Dynamics C4 Systems, primary contractor with the span classcaps>NSA/span> for development of a highly secure workstation, announced it has selected VMware as a sub-contractor for the project. The idea of running systems of different security/trust levels in the same workstation is intriguing, and would be a major savings if it can be done successfully./p> p>Oddly enough, VMware stock VMW closed down over 2% today./p>div classmeta>Posted by TP Administrator - 6178 days />Posted in a reltag href>Technology/a>.br />/div>/div>div classgradient>h2>span>a relbookmark href>Virtualization, Citrix, and XenSource/a>/span>/h2> p>I’ve been telling people that virtualization is going to rock their world, one way or another. If you’re one of those who thinks that Virtualizaiton is a passing fad, think again: Citrix just plunked down something north of $500 Million to buy XenSource, which appears to me to be the 3rd horse in a 3-horse race. /p> p>Barron’s has an a href>interesting take/a> on this, including speculation about who will subsequently buy Citrix. Cisco, Microsoft, and HP were all mentioned. Citrix has been very cozy with Microsoft historically. /p> p>Let’s think for a moment: Why would VMware have allowed both Cisco and Intel to purchase “sweetheart” positions just before their span classcaps>IPO/span>? Cisco plunked down $150 million on July 27thsup classfootnote>a href#fn240825885472176b75e6e8>1/a>/sup>, and Intel put their money down July 9th to the tune of over $218 million. Aside from providing a pretty paper profit for their partners in a month’s time or less, why would VMware do that?/p> p>Could it be that we’ll see the VMware hypervisor ensconced in silicon? What about Cisco being able to virtualize all those servers that are needed for a robust IP-telephony environment, or indeed, for voice and video combined?/p> p idfn240825885472176b75e6e8 classfootnote>sup>1/sup> a href>Wall St. Journal/a> /p>div classmeta>Posted by TP Administrator - 6191 days />Posted in .br />/div>/div>div classgradient>h2>span>a relbookmark href>Virtualization Expert/a>/span>/h2> p>I was invited to speak at a href>Pacific Crest Securities’/a> Technology Forum in Vail last week. It was very interesting to see the questions that large institutional investors asked the span classcaps>CEO/span>s, span classcaps>CFO/span>s, span classcaps>CDO/span>s (I didn’t know that there em>was/em> a Chief Development Officer title), and other senior executives. It was a virtual who’s who(m) of technology companies./p> p>I was on a href>Brent Bracelin’s/a> panel the first afternoon, with a representative of a href>XenSource/a> , and a fellow from a href>Foedus/a> to discuss Virtualization — how it is affecting IT, how it will affect IT in both the near term and longer term, effects on hardware vendors, and more. It was very gratifying, a standing-room-only crowd./p> p>The second afternoon I participated in a much smaller roundtable discussion that had all seats reserved and a waiting list 3 times the number of seats available. I think it is safe to say that there is great institutional interest in virtualization as a disruptive technology… and I note that the a href>VMware/a> (span classcaps>NYSE/span>: span classcaps>VMW/span>) span classcaps>IPO/span> was priced at $29 per share, and opened its first day at $52. I only wish I’d owned some./p>div classmeta>Posted by TP Administrator - 6193 days />Posted in .br />/div>/div>div idpaging> /div>/div>/div>/div>div idfooter>div idwidth>span classfloatLeft>design a href titleGoto Fullahead>Fullahead/a> span classgrey>|/span>valid a href titleValidate XHTML>XHTML/a> span classgrey>|/span>should be valid a href titleValidate CSS>CSS/a>/span>span classfloatRight>a href titleHome>home/a> span classgrey>|/span>a href titleAbout Junctus Group>about/a> span classgrey>|/span>a href titleGet in touch>contact/a>/span>/div>/div>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 03:08:05 GMTServer: ApacheTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN>html xmlns xml:langen>!-- ____________________________________________________________| || DESIGN + Pat Heard { } || DATE + 2006.03.19 || COPYRIGHT + Free use if this notice is left in place ||____________________________________________________________|-->head>title>: Junctus Group/title>meta http-equivcontent-type contentapplication/xhtml+xml; charsetUTF-8 />meta nameauthor contentJunctus Group />meta namerobots contentindex, follow, noarchive />meta namegooglebot contentnoarchive />meta namerevisit-after content7 days />meta namegenerator contentTextPattern />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleRSS 2.0 href/?rss1§ionarticle />link relalternate typeapplication/atom+xml titleAtom 1.0 href/?atom1§ionarticle />link relstylesheet typetext/css mediascreen hrefdefault_style.css />!--link relstylesheet typetext/css mediaprint hrefcss.php?nprint />-->/head>body idhome>div idcontent>div idheader>div idtitle>h1>Junctus Group/h1>h2>/h2>/div>img src altBalloons classballoons width60 height45 />img src altheader_left classleft width269 height193 />img src altheader_right classright width492 height193 />/div>!-- MAIN MENU: Top horizontal menu of the site. Use classhere to turn the current page tab on -->div idmainMenu>ul classfloatRight>li>a href titleHome classhere>Home/a>/li>li>a href titleAbout Junctus Group>About/a>/li>li>a href titleGet in touch classlast>Contact/a>/li>/ul>/div>!-- PAGE CONTENT BEGINS: This is where you would define the columns (number, width and alignment) -->div idpage>!-- 25 percent width column, aligned to the left -->div classwidth25 floatLeft leftColumn>h2>Home/h2>ul classsideMenu>li classhere>Dynamic Templateul>li>a href#fluidity titleJump to section>Book of Fluidity/a>/li>li>a href#coding titleJump to section>Coding/a>/li>/ul>/li>/ul>p classpaddingLeft>This sidebar can be used to jump to sections within the page, or other sub pages of the active tab./p>p classpaddingLeft>Using this approach, you shouldnt need breadcrumbs since youve provided your visitor with a b>visual cue/b> to where they are in the site./p>/div>!-- 75 percent width column, aligned to the right -->div classwidth75 floatRight>div classgradient>h2>span>a relbookmark href>VMware gets double shot of good news/a>/span>/h2> p>Microsoft announced today that it was slipping (gasp) the span classcaps>RTM/span> date of Windows Server 2008 into the 1st calendar quarter of 2008. That means the Viridian hypervisor will be another 6 months or more getting to market, giving VMware more time without a serious competitor. (Will Microsoft buy Citrix, who just purchased Xensource? Citrix and Microsoft have long had a close relationship…) /p> p>Also today, General Dynamics C4 Systems, primary contractor with the span classcaps>NSA/span> for development of a highly secure workstation, announced it has selected VMware as a sub-contractor for the project. The idea of running systems of different security/trust levels in the same workstation is intriguing, and would be a major savings if it can be done successfully./p> p>Oddly enough, VMware stock VMW closed down over 2% today./p>div classmeta>Posted by TP Administrator - 6178 days />Posted in a reltag href>Technology/a>.br />/div>/div>div classgradient>h2>span>a relbookmark href>Virtualization, Citrix, and XenSource/a>/span>/h2> p>I’ve been telling people that virtualization is going to rock their world, one way or another. If you’re one of those who thinks that Virtualizaiton is a passing fad, think again: Citrix just plunked down something north of $500 Million to buy XenSource, which appears to me to be the 3rd horse in a 3-horse race. /p> p>Barron’s has an a href>interesting take/a> on this, including speculation about who will subsequently buy Citrix. Cisco, Microsoft, and HP were all mentioned. Citrix has been very cozy with Microsoft historically. /p> p>Let’s think for a moment: Why would VMware have allowed both Cisco and Intel to purchase “sweetheart” positions just before their span classcaps>IPO/span>? Cisco plunked down $150 million on July 27thsup classfootnote>a href#fn240825885472176b75e6e8>1/a>/sup>, and Intel put their money down July 9th to the tune of over $218 million. Aside from providing a pretty paper profit for their partners in a month’s time or less, why would VMware do that?/p> p>Could it be that we’ll see the VMware hypervisor ensconced in silicon? What about Cisco being able to virtualize all those servers that are needed for a robust IP-telephony environment, or indeed, for voice and video combined?/p> p idfn240825885472176b75e6e8 classfootnote>sup>1/sup> a href>Wall St. Journal/a> /p>div classmeta>Posted by TP Administrator - 6191 days />Posted in .br />/div>/div>div classgradient>h2>span>a relbookmark href>Virtualization Expert/a>/span>/h2> p>I was invited to speak at a href>Pacific Crest Securities’/a> Technology Forum in Vail last week. It was very interesting to see the questions that large institutional investors asked the span classcaps>CEO/span>s, span classcaps>CFO/span>s, span classcaps>CDO/span>s (I didn’t know that there em>was/em> a Chief Development Officer title), and other senior executives. It was a virtual who’s who(m) of technology companies./p> p>I was on a href>Brent Bracelin’s/a> panel the first afternoon, with a representative of a href>XenSource/a> , and a fellow from a href>Foedus/a> to discuss Virtualization — how it is affecting IT, how it will affect IT in both the near term and longer term, effects on hardware vendors, and more. It was very gratifying, a standing-room-only crowd./p> p>The second afternoon I participated in a much smaller roundtable discussion that had all seats reserved and a waiting list 3 times the number of seats available. I think it is safe to say that there is great institutional interest in virtualization as a disruptive technology… and I note that the a href>VMware/a> (span classcaps>NYSE/span>: span classcaps>VMW/span>) span classcaps>IPO/span> was priced at $29 per share, and opened its first day at $52. I only wish I’d owned some./p>div classmeta>Posted by TP Administrator - 6193 days />Posted in .br />/div>/div>div idpaging> /div>/div>/div>/div>div idfooter>div idwidth>span classfloatLeft>design a href titleGoto Fullahead>Fullahead/a> span classgrey>|/span>valid a href titleValidate XHTML>XHTML/a> span classgrey>|/span>should be valid a href titleValidate CSS>CSS/a>/span>span classfloatRight>a href titleHome>home/a> span classgrey>|/span>a href titleAbout Junctus Group>about/a> span classgrey>|/span>a href titleGet in touch>contact/a>/span>/div>/div>/body>/html>
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