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hospital> a classhover-wrap fancybox data-fancybox-groupgallery title href_include/img/work/hospital5.jpg> span classoverlay-img>/span> span classoverlay-img-thumb font-icon-plus>/span> /a> img src_include/img/work/th_hospital5.jpg alt> /li> li classitem-thumbs span3 mural> a classhover-wrap fancybox data-fancybox-groupgallery title href_include/img/work/mural6.jpg> span classoverlay-img>/span> span classoverlay-img-thumb font-icon-plus>/span> /a> img src_include/img/work/th_mural6.jpg alt> /li> li classitem-thumbs span3 bathroom> a classhover-wrap fancybox data-fancybox-groupgallery title href_include/img/work/bathroom6.jpg> span classoverlay-img>/span> span classoverlay-img-thumb font-icon-plus>/span> /a> img src_include/img/work/th_bathroom6.jpg alt> /li> li classitem-thumbs span3 bathroom> a classhover-wrap fancybox data-fancybox-groupgallery title href_include/img/work/bathroom7.jpg> span classoverlay-img>/span> span classoverlay-img-thumb font-icon-plus>/span> /a> img src_include/img/work/th_bathroom7.jpg alt> /li> /ul> /section> /div> /div> /div> !-- End Portfolio Projects --> /div> /div> !-- End Our Work Section --> !-- About Section --> div idabout classpage-alternate> div classcontainer> !-- Title Page --> div classrow> div classspan12> div classtitle-page> h2 classtitle>About Johanne/h2> /div> /div> /div> !-- End Title Page --> !-- People --> div classrow> !-- Start Profile --> div classspan4 profile> div classimage-wrap> div classhover-wrap> span classoverlay-img>/span> span classoverlay-text-thumb>Johanne/span> /div> img src_include/img/profile/johanne1.png altJohanne> /div> /div> !-- End Profile --> !-- Start Profile --> div classspan4 profile> p classprofile-description>Art is to the eyes what a gourmet meal is to the palate. This is Johanne Gravel’s creative philosophy. Throughout her life, she has always wanted to express herself through painting. To that end, she has studied many trompe l oeil and faux finishing techniques at Faux Effects studio, as well as on her own./p> p classprofile-description>Additionally, Johanne’s heritage is rich with creative talent. She comes from a long line of artists, who worked with a variety of mediums. In her family there are painters, diamond setters, photographers, and fashion designers. Her life experience ranges from serving in the Merchant Marine to working with the telephone company. It is this diverse background that inspires her work./p> p classprofile-description>Many of Johannes pieces focus on nature and the outdoors.She explains: Because of the pace of modern society, we seldom find time to enjoy nature, and so we must bring the outdoors in. I think that appreciating the beauty of nature is healthful for your soul.” The theme of finding solace in natures beauty is made clear by her body of work. Her extensive world travels have given her a vast repertoire of ideas to draw from. This, combined with her lifelong love of nature and the sea make windswept seascapes and breathtaking gardens her favorite subjects./p> /div> !-- End Profile --> div classspan4 profile> p classprofile-description>As a detail-oriented painter, she always attempts to tap into the ideas and preferences of her client. Many times she has found that the client does not feel creative enough to contribute to the composition process. However, Johanne firmly believes that there is an artist in every one of us, and loves to draw out that creativity in her clients. She expresses her motivation by saying that we were simply created to be creative. She feels that, through observation exercises, people will often be surprised at the amount of creativity they actually possess. To be inside someone’s mind in that way is almost as satisfying as actually creating the artwork. If you have helped someone discover their own creativity, you begin to see that art is about much more than the finished product. The journey is just as enjoyable as observing the completed art./p> p classprofile-description>Johanne says that “when you are an artist, you are always learning. If you continually learn something new, you will expand your creative talents.” Johanne does just that with each project she completes./p> p classprofile-description>If you would like to commission faux finishing or custom artwork from Johanne, you are invited to get in touch with her. To do so, please visit the contact page./p> /div> !-- End Profile --> /div> !-- End People --> /div> /div> !-- End About Section --> !-- Contact Section --> div idcontact classpage> div classcontainer> !-- Title Page --> div classrow> div classspan12> div classtitle-page> h1 classtitle>Get in Touch/h1> h2>By Phone: (954) 592-1409/h2> h3 classtitle-description>If you live in South Florida, I would be happy to discuss a commission. br/> /h3> /div> /div> /div> !-- End Title Page --> !-- Contact Form --> div classrow> div classspan9> form idcontact-form classcontact-form action_include/php/contact.php methodpost> p classcontact-name> input idcontact_name typetext placeholderFull Name value namename /> /p> p classcontact-email> input idcontact_email typetext placeholderEmail Address value nameemail /> /p> p classcontact-message> textarea idcontact_message placeholderYour Message namemessage rows15 cols40>/textarea> /p> p classcontact-submit> a idcontact-submit classsubmit href_include/php/contact.php>Send Your Email/a> /p> div idresponse> /div> /form> /div> div classspan3> div classcontact-details> h3>Contact Details/h3> ul> li>By Phone:br/>(561) 592-1409/li> li>I serve the South Florida area, including Broward County, Boca Raton and the Palm Beaches, and all of the Dade/ Broward/ Palm Beach tri-county area./li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> !-- End Contact Form --> /div> /div> !-- End Contact Section --> !-- Footer --> footer> p classcredits>©2014 Johanne Gravel/p> /footer> !-- End Footer --> !-- Back To Top --> a idback-to-top href#> i classfont-icon-arrow-simple-up>/i> /a> !-- End Back to Top --> !-- Js --> script src>/script> !-- jQuery Core --> script src_include/js/bootstrap.min.js>/script> !-- Bootstrap --> script src_include/js/supersized.3.2.7.min.js>/script> !-- Slider --> script src_include/js/waypoints.js>/script> !-- WayPoints --> script src_include/js/waypoints-sticky.js>/script> !-- Waypoints for Header --> script src_include/js/jquery.isotope.js>/script> !-- Isotope Filter --> script src_include/js/jquery.fancybox.pack.js>/script> !-- Fancybox --> script src_include/js/jquery.fancybox-media.js>/script> !-- Fancybox for Media --> script src_include/js/jquery.tweet.js>/script> !-- Tweet --> script src_include/js/plugins.js>/script> !-- Contains: jPreloader, jQuery Easing, jQuery ScrollTo, jQuery One Page Navi --> script src_include/js/main.js>/script> !-- Default JS --> !-- End Js -->/body>/html>
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hospital> a classhover-wrap fancybox data-fancybox-groupgallery title href_include/img/work/hospital5.jpg> span classoverlay-img>/span> span classoverlay-img-thumb font-icon-plus>/span> /a> img src_include/img/work/th_hospital5.jpg alt> /li> li classitem-thumbs span3 mural> a classhover-wrap fancybox data-fancybox-groupgallery title href_include/img/work/mural6.jpg> span classoverlay-img>/span> span classoverlay-img-thumb font-icon-plus>/span> /a> img src_include/img/work/th_mural6.jpg alt> /li> li classitem-thumbs span3 bathroom> a classhover-wrap fancybox data-fancybox-groupgallery title href_include/img/work/bathroom6.jpg> span classoverlay-img>/span> span classoverlay-img-thumb font-icon-plus>/span> /a> img src_include/img/work/th_bathroom6.jpg alt> /li> li classitem-thumbs span3 bathroom> a classhover-wrap fancybox data-fancybox-groupgallery title href_include/img/work/bathroom7.jpg> span classoverlay-img>/span> span classoverlay-img-thumb font-icon-plus>/span> /a> img src_include/img/work/th_bathroom7.jpg alt> /li> /ul> /section> /div> /div> /div> !-- End Portfolio Projects --> /div> /div> !-- End Our Work Section --> !-- About Section --> div idabout classpage-alternate> div classcontainer> !-- Title Page --> div classrow> div classspan12> div classtitle-page> h2 classtitle>About Johanne/h2> /div> /div> /div> !-- End Title Page --> !-- People --> div classrow> !-- Start Profile --> div classspan4 profile> div classimage-wrap> div classhover-wrap> span classoverlay-img>/span> span classoverlay-text-thumb>Johanne/span> /div> img src_include/img/profile/johanne1.png altJohanne> /div> /div> !-- End Profile --> !-- Start Profile --> div classspan4 profile> p classprofile-description>Art is to the eyes what a gourmet meal is to the palate. This is Johanne Gravel’s creative philosophy. Throughout her life, she has always wanted to express herself through painting. To that end, she has studied many trompe l oeil and faux finishing techniques at Faux Effects studio, as well as on her own./p> p classprofile-description>Additionally, Johanne’s heritage is rich with creative talent. She comes from a long line of artists, who worked with a variety of mediums. In her family there are painters, diamond setters, photographers, and fashion designers. Her life experience ranges from serving in the Merchant Marine to working with the telephone company. It is this diverse background that inspires her work./p> p classprofile-description>Many of Johannes pieces focus on nature and the outdoors.She explains: Because of the pace of modern society, we seldom find time to enjoy nature, and so we must bring the outdoors in. I think that appreciating the beauty of nature is healthful for your soul.” The theme of finding solace in natures beauty is made clear by her body of work. Her extensive world travels have given her a vast repertoire of ideas to draw from. This, combined with her lifelong love of nature and the sea make windswept seascapes and breathtaking gardens her favorite subjects./p> /div> !-- End Profile --> div classspan4 profile> p classprofile-description>As a detail-oriented painter, she always attempts to tap into the ideas and preferences of her client. Many times she has found that the client does not feel creative enough to contribute to the composition process. However, Johanne firmly believes that there is an artist in every one of us, and loves to draw out that creativity in her clients. She expresses her motivation by saying that we were simply created to be creative. She feels that, through observation exercises, people will often be surprised at the amount of creativity they actually possess. To be inside someone’s mind in that way is almost as satisfying as actually creating the artwork. If you have helped someone discover their own creativity, you begin to see that art is about much more than the finished product. The journey is just as enjoyable as observing the completed art./p> p classprofile-description>Johanne says that “when you are an artist, you are always learning. If you continually learn something new, you will expand your creative talents.” Johanne does just that with each project she completes./p> p classprofile-description>If you would like to commission faux finishing or custom artwork from Johanne, you are invited to get in touch with her. To do so, please visit the contact page./p> /div> !-- End Profile --> /div> !-- End People --> /div> /div> !-- End About Section --> !-- Contact Section --> div idcontact classpage> div classcontainer> !-- Title Page --> div classrow> div classspan12> div classtitle-page> h1 classtitle>Get in Touch/h1> h2>By Phone: (954) 592-1409/h2> h3 classtitle-description>If you live in South Florida, I would be happy to discuss a commission. br/> /h3> /div> /div> /div> !-- End Title Page --> !-- Contact Form --> div classrow> div classspan9> form idcontact-form classcontact-form action_include/php/contact.php methodpost> p classcontact-name> input idcontact_name typetext placeholderFull Name value namename /> /p> p classcontact-email> input idcontact_email typetext placeholderEmail Address value nameemail /> /p> p classcontact-message> textarea idcontact_message placeholderYour Message namemessage rows15 cols40>/textarea> /p> p classcontact-submit> a idcontact-submit classsubmit href_include/php/contact.php>Send Your Email/a> /p> div idresponse> /div> /form> /div> div classspan3> div classcontact-details> h3>Contact Details/h3> ul> li>By Phone:br/>(561) 592-1409/li> li>I serve the South Florida area, including Broward County, Boca Raton and the Palm Beaches, and all of the Dade/ Broward/ Palm Beach tri-county area./li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> !-- End Contact Form --> /div> /div> !-- End Contact Section --> !-- Footer --> footer> p classcredits>©2014 Johanne Gravel/p> /footer> !-- End Footer --> !-- Back To Top --> a idback-to-top href#> i classfont-icon-arrow-simple-up>/i> /a> !-- End Back to Top --> !-- Js --> script src>/script> !-- jQuery Core --> script src_include/js/bootstrap.min.js>/script> !-- Bootstrap --> script src_include/js/supersized.3.2.7.min.js>/script> !-- Slider --> script src_include/js/waypoints.js>/script> !-- WayPoints --> script src_include/js/waypoints-sticky.js>/script> !-- Waypoints for Header --> script src_include/js/jquery.isotope.js>/script> !-- Isotope Filter --> script src_include/js/jquery.fancybox.pack.js>/script> !-- Fancybox --> script src_include/js/jquery.fancybox-media.js>/script> !-- Fancybox for Media --> script src_include/js/jquery.tweet.js>/script> !-- Tweet --> script src_include/js/plugins.js>/script> !-- Contains: jPreloader, jQuery Easing, jQuery ScrollTo, jQuery One Page Navi --> script src_include/js/main.js>/script> !-- Default JS --> !-- End Js -->/body>/html>
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