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height: 0px; data-heiauto>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m>div classdrag_inner qv-text contenteditablefalse>p classtext-m>span stylecolor:#1b4f72;>span stylefont-size: 36px; letter-spacing: 3px;>b>WHAT IS OUR/b>/span>/span>/p>p classtext-m>span stylecolor:#1b4f72;>span stylefont-size: 36px; letter-spacing: 3px;>b>BUSINESS?/b>/span>/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fQXaOn > .view > .tb{height:163px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fQXaOn > .view > .tb{height:163px !important;}/style>/div>div classfrm t-to-b qv-ani-ele an-dr10 an-dl0 m-pd-h-10 m-pd-v-0 mobile-font-scale-3 mobile-display-none qv-in-viewport styletext-align: center; margin: 12px 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none transparent; border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei100px data-hei100 idfOYNn7 data-cwidb>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c boxing>div classtb tbu styleheight: 76px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell;>div classcolumn col-sm-12 styleheight: auto; pp_grid12> div classbox tbu txtBox idbnvtch styledisplay: table; data-hei59>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m>div classdrag_inner qv-text contenteditablefalse>p classtext-m styletext-align: left;>font faceMontserrat>span stylefont-size: 36px; letter-spacing: 3px;>b> /b>/span>/font>span stylecolor:#1b4f72;>span stylefont-size: 36px; letter-spacing: 3px;>b>WHAT IS OUR BUSINESS?/b>/span>/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fOYNn7 > .view > .tb{height:163px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fOYNn7 > .view > .tb{height:163px !important;}/style>/div>div classfrm m-pd-v-0 m-pd-h-0 mobile-font-scale-3 reveal-r-to-l qv-ani-ele an-dr10 an-dl0 an-once mobile-display-none qv-in-viewport styletext-align: center; margin: 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none transparent; border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei213px data-hei524 idfBb4mR data-cwidb>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c boxing>div classtb tbu styleheight: 524px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell; height: 458px;>div classcolumn col-xs-6 col-sm-4 styleheight: auto;>div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 12px 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none rgb(72, 124, 167); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei654px data-hei524 idfOy0KQ data-cwid>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c>div classtb tbu styleheight: 500px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell; height: 500px;>div classcol-sm-12 column styleheight: auto;> div classbox tbu imgBox idbtLYsw data-hei150 styledisplay: table; height: 150px; data-m-hei350px>div classpreview>/div> div classview img-view tb-c va-m styletext-align:center>a classpreview-layer href# data-target#ImgModal data-togglemodal data-objimg>/a>a idia8pws classimage-area stylewidth: auto; href/7#tab-1e5KOK>div classimg-core scaleup stylebackground: url("//") 50% 50% / contain no-repeat; width: 100%; height: 150px; border-radius: 0px;>/div>div classimg-op scaleup stylewidth: 100%; left: 0px; height: auto; top: 0px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px;>div classcaption-txt qv-font>p>br>/p>/div>/div>style>#ia8pws:hover .img-op{background-color:rgba(36,122,196,0.7) !important;}/style>/a>/div>style classmobile-box>@media (max-width: 767px) { #btLYsw {height:350px !important;} #btLYsw .img-core {height:350px !important;} } .mobile_editor_mode #btLYsw {height:350px !important;} .mobile_editor_mode #btLYsw .img-core {height:350px !important;} /style>/div>div classfrm spacer-frm empty-frm idfeoarM styledisplay: block; data-heiauto>div classpreview>/div> div classview> div classtb tbu> div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none;> div classspacer-label styledisplay: block;>span class styledisplay: none;>/span>/div> div classspacer styleheight: 45px;>/div> /div> /div> /div> style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#feoarM > .view .spacer {height:45px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #feoarM > .view .spacer {height:45px !important;}/style>/div>div classbox tbu txtBox idbsfLRh styledisplay: table; height: 199px; data-hei224>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m>div classdrag_inner qv-text contenteditablefalse>p>span stylefont-size:28px;>span stylefont-family:Montserrat;>span stylecolor:#ffffff;>strong>01/strong>/span>/span>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-family:SCDream;>span stylefont-size:26px;>strong>span stylecolor:#ffffff;>구조물해체, 철거공사/span>/strong>/span>/span>/p>p>br>span stylefont-size:15px;>span stylefont-family:SCDream;>font color#ffffff>진명산업만의 노하우로 효율적인 해체 공사 !/font>/span>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-family:SCDream;>span stylefont-size:15px;>font color#ffffff>최소의 공사비용과 공사기간 단축 !/font>/span>br>br>span stylefont-size:16px;>span stylecolor:#25b5f3;>#효율적 #경제적/span>/span>/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fOy0KQ > .view > .tb{height:654px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fOy0KQ > .view > .tb{height:654px !important;}/style>/div>/div>div classcolumn col-xs-6 col-sm-4 styleheight: auto; pp_grid2>div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 12px 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none rgb(80, 113, 173); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei100px data-hei524 idfCLF7q data-cwid>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c>div classtb tbu styleheight: 500px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell; height: 500px;>div classcolumn col-sm-12 styleheight: auto; pp_grid12> div classbox tbu imgBox idbq3SWM data-hei150 styledisplay: table; height: 150px; data-m-hei350px>div classpreview>/div> div classview img-view tb-c va-m styletext-align:center>a classpreview-layer href# data-target#ImgModal data-togglemodal data-objimg>/a>a idit7xxn classimage-area stylewidth: auto; href/8#tab-1FF2a9>div classimg-core scaleup stylebackground: url("//") 50% 50% / contain no-repeat; width: 100%; height: 150px; border-radius: 0px;>/div>div classimg-op scaleup stylewidth: 100%; left: 0px; height: auto; top: 0px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: 0px solid transparent; 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pp_grid6>div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 12px 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none rgb(62, 83, 126); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei100px data-hei524 idfazHJ6 data-cwid>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c>div classtb tbu styleheight: 500px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell; height: 500px;>div classcolumn col-sm-12 styleheight: auto; pp_grid12> div classbox tbu imgBox idbRdJoI data-hei150 styledisplay: table; height: 150px; data-m-hei350px>div classpreview>/div> div classview img-view tb-c va-m styletext-align:center>a classpreview-layer href# data-target#ImgModal data-togglemodal data-objimg>/a>a idiOzZ25 classimage-area stylewidth: auto; href/25>div classimg-core scaleup stylebackground: url("//") 50% 50% / contain no-repeat; width: 100%; height: 150px; border-radius: 0px;>/div>div classimg-op scaleup stylewidth: 100%; left: 0px; height: auto; top: 0px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); 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data-hei234>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m>div classdrag_inner qv-text contenteditablefalse>p>span stylefont-size:28px;>span stylefont-family:Montserrat;>span stylecolor:#ffffff;>strong>03/strong>/span>/span>/span>/p>p>font color#ffffff faceSCDream>span stylefont-size: 26px;>b>가시설 비계설치 및 해체공사/b>/span>/font>/p>p> /p>p>font color#ffffff faceSCDream>span stylefont-size: 15px;>고층빌딩, 고공구조물, 비산먼지, 소음감소를 위한 /span>/font>/p>p>font color#ffffff faceSCDream>span stylefont-size: 15px;>시스템비계, 방음벽, 추락방지를 위한 안전시설물 설치!/span>/font>/p>p>br>span stylefont-family:SCDream;>span stylefont-size:16px;>span stylecolor:#25b5f3;>#안전 #분진방지 #소음차단/span>/span>/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fBb4mR > .view > .tb{height:213px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fBb4mR > .view > .tb{height:213px !important;}/style>/div>div classfrm m-pd-v-0 mobile-font-scale-3 reveal-r-to-l qv-ani-ele an-dr10 an-dl0 an-once mobile_ele m-pd-h-0 qv-in-viewport styletext-align: center; margin: 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none transparent; border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei1267px data-hei213px idfIVU9r data-cwidb>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c boxing>div classtb tbu styleheight: 213px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell; height: 458px;>div classcolumn col-sm-4 col-xs-12 style>div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 12px 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none rgb(72, 124, 167); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei364px data-hei524 idfsxx2G data-cwid>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c>div classtb tbu styleheight: 654px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell; height: 500px;>div classcol-sm-12 column style> div classbox tbu imgBox idbsispR data-hei350px styledisplay: table; height: 200px; data-m-hei200px>div classpreview>/div> div classview img-view tb-c va-m styletext-align:center>a classpreview-layer href# data-target#ImgModal data-togglemodal data-objimg>/a>a idi1oL8dL classimage-area stylewidth: auto; 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height: 199px; data-hei199px>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m>div classdrag_inner qv-text contenteditablefalse>p>span stylefont-size:28px;>span stylefont-family:Montserrat;>span stylecolor:#ffffff;>strong>01/strong>/span>/span>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-family:SCDream;>span stylefont-size:26px;>strong>span stylecolor:#ffffff;>구조물해체, 철거공사/span>/strong>/span>/span>/p>p>br>span stylefont-size:15px;>span stylefont-family:SCDream;>font color#ffffff>진명산업만의 노하우로 효율적인 해체 공사 !/font>/span>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-family:SCDream;>span stylefont-size:15px;>font color#ffffff>최소의 공사비용과 공사기간 단축 !/font>/span>br>br>span stylefont-size:16px;>span stylecolor:#25b5f3;>#효율적 #경제적/span>/span>/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fsxx2G > .view > .tb{height:364px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fsxx2G > .view > .tb{height:364px !important;}/style>/div>/div>div classcolumn col-sm-4 col-xs-12 pp_grid2 style>div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 12px 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none rgb(80, 113, 173); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei100px data-hei524 idfVhceL data-cwid>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c>div classtb tbu styleheight: 100px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell; height: 500px;>div classcolumn col-sm-12 pp_grid12 style> div classbox tbu imgBox idbtiihE data-hei350px styledisplay: table; height: 350px; data-m-hei200px>div classpreview>/div> div classview img-view tb-c va-m styletext-align:center>a classpreview-layer href# data-target#ImgModal data-togglemodal data-objimg>/a>a idi2oL8dL classimage-area stylewidth: auto; href/8#tab-1FF2a9>div classimg-core scaleup stylebackground: url("//") 50% 50% / contain no-repeat; width: 100%; height: 150px; border-radius: 0px;>/div>div classimg-op scaleup stylewidth: 100%; left: 0px; height: auto; top: 0px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px;>div classcaption-txt qv-font>p>br>/p>/div>/div>style>#it7xxn:hover .img-op{background-color:rgba(25,47,94,0.7) !important;}/style>/a>/div>style classmobile-box>@media (max-width: 767px) { #btiihE {height:200px !important;} #btiihE .img-core {height:200px !important;} } .mobile_editor_mode #btiihE {height:200px !important;} .mobile_editor_mode #btiihE .img-core {height:200px !important;} /style>/div>div classfrm spacer-frm empty-frm idflOD5E styledisplay: block; data-hei0px>div classpreview>/div> div classview> div classtb tbu styleheight: 0px;> div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none;> div classspacer-label styledisplay: block;>span class styledisplay: none;>/span>/div> div classspacer styleheight: 45px;>/div> /div> /div> /div> style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#flOD5E > .view .spacer {height:45px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #flOD5E > .view .spacer {height:45px !important;}/style>/div>div classbox tbu txtBox idbgcUdG styledisplay: table; height: 0px; data-hei0px>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m>div classdrag_inner qv-text contenteditablefalse>p>span stylefont-size:28px;>span stylefont-family:Montserrat;>span stylecolor:#ffffff;>strong>02/strong>/span>/span>/span>/p>p>font color#ffffff faceSCDream>span stylefont-size: 26px;>b>석면해체, 제거공사/b>/span>/font>/p>p>br>/p>p>span stylefont-size:15px;>font color#ffffff faceSCDream>백해무익한 석면을 올바른 처리공법에 의해/font>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-size:15px;>font color#ffffff faceSCDream>진행함으로써, 안전과 건강을 지킵니다 ! /font>/span>/p>p>br>span stylefont-family:SCDream;>span stylefont-size:16px;>span stylecolor:#25b5f3;>#안전 #건강 # 지속가능한 대체제/span>/span>/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 12px 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none rgb(62, 83, 126); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei100px data-hei524 idfr4XU6 data-cwid>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c>div classtb tbu styleheight: 100px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell; height: 500px;>div classcolumn col-sm-12 pp_grid12 style> div classbox tbu imgBox idbu4sQv data-hei350px styledisplay: table; height: 350px; data-m-hei200px>div classpreview>/div> div classview img-view tb-c va-m styletext-align:center>a classpreview-layer href# data-target#ImgModal data-togglemodal data-objimg>/a>a idi3oL8dL classimage-area stylewidth: auto; href/25>div classimg-core scaleup stylebackground: url("//") 50% 50% / contain no-repeat; width: 100%; height: 150px; border-radius: 0px;>/div>div classimg-op scaleup stylewidth: 100%; left: 0px; height: auto; top: 0px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px;>div classcaption-txt qv-font>p>br>/p>/div>/div>style>#iOzZ25:hover .img-op{background-color:rgba(25,47,94,0.7) !important;}/style>/a>/div>style classmobile-box>@media (max-width: 767px) { #bu4sQv {height:200px !important;} #bu4sQv .img-core {height:200px !important;} } .mobile_editor_mode #bu4sQv {height:200px !important;} .mobile_editor_mode #bu4sQv .img-core {height:200px !important;} /style>/div>div classfrm spacer-frm empty-frm idfN55yo styledisplay: block; data-hei0px>div classpreview>/div> div classview> div classtb tbu styleheight: 0px;> div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none;> div classspacer-label styledisplay: block;>span class styledisplay: none;>/span>/div> div classspacer styleheight: 45px;>/div> /div> /div> /div> style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fN55yo > .view .spacer {height:45px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fN55yo > .view .spacer {height:45px !important;}/style>/div>div classbox tbu txtBox idblHbV9 styledisplay: table; height: 0px; data-hei0px>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m>div classdrag_inner qv-text contenteditablefalse>p>span stylefont-size:28px;>span stylefont-family:Montserrat;>span stylecolor:#ffffff;>strong>03/strong>/span>/span>/span>/p>p>font color#ffffff faceSCDream>span stylefont-size: 26px;>b>가시설 비계설치 및 해체공사/b>/span>/font>/p>p>br>/p>p>font color#ffffff faceSCDream>span stylefont-size: 15px;>고층빌딩, 고공구조물, 비산먼지, 소음감소를 위한 /span>/font>/p>p>font color#ffffff faceSCDream>span stylefont-size: 15px;>시스템비계, 방음벽, 추락방지를 위한 안전시설물 설치!/span>/font>/p>p>br>span stylefont-family:SCDream;>span stylefont-size:16px;>span stylecolor:#25b5f3;>#안전 #분진방지 #소음차단/span>/span>/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcolumn col-xs-6 col-sm-4 pp_grid6>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fIVU9r > .view > .tb{height:1267px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fIVU9r > .view > .tb{height:1267px !important;}/style>/div>div classfrm spacer-frm idfaoYi7 styledisplay: block; data-heiauto>div classpreview>/div> div classview> div classtb tbu> div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none;> div classspacer-label styledisplay: block;>span class styledisplay: none;>/span>/div> div classspacer styleheight: 100px;>/div> /div> /div> /div> style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#faoYi7 > .view .spacer {height:100px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #faoYi7 > .view .spacer {height:100px !important;}/style>/div>div classfrm m-pd-v-0 m-pd-h-0 mobile-font-scale-3 styletext-align: center; margin: 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei453px data-hei491 idfYCPHL data-cwidb>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c boxing>div classtb tbu styleheight: 226px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell; height: auto;>div classcol-sm-6 column styleheight: auto; min-height: 480px;> div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 0px; display: block; padding: 0px 25px; background: none rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei222px data-hei490 idfYmkEk data-cwid>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c>div classtb tbu styleheight:100px>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell;>div classcol-sm-12 column styleheight: auto; min-height: 480px;> div classbox tbu txtBox t-to-b qv-ani-ele an-dr15 an-dl0 qv-in-viewport idbNYgHf data-hei160 styledisplay: table; height: 160px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none transparent; text-align: center; border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px;>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m data-lh1.4 styleletter-spacing: 0em; line-height: 1.4; display: table-cell;>div classdrag_inner qv-text contenteditablefalse>p classtext-m styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor:#1b4f72;>span stylefont-family:Poppins;>span stylefont-size: 36px; letter-spacing: 3px;>b>ABOUT/b>/span>/span>/span>/p>p classtext-m styletext-align: center;>span styledisplay: none;> /span>strong>span stylefont-family:Noto Sans KR;>span stylefont-size:16px;>진명산업개발주식회사에 오신것을 환영합니다./span>/span>/strong>/p>p classtext-m styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylefont-family:Noto Sans KR;>span stylefont-size:16px;>진명산업개발주식회사의 인사말, 조직도, /span>/span>/strong>/p>p classtext-m styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylefont-family:Noto Sans KR;>span stylefont-size:16px;>약도, 인사말 등을 보실 수 있습니다./span>/span>/strong>span styledisplay: none;> /span>/p>/div>/div>/div>div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: url("//") 50% 50% / contain no-repeat scroll rgb(51, 122, 183); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei200px data-hei330 idfdEMBP data-cwid>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c>div classtb tbu styleheight: 330px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell;>div classcol-sm-12 column styleheight: auto;> div classbox tbu iconBox styletext-align: center; display: table; idbaNAdk data-hei56>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m>a classpreview-layer href# data-target#IconModal data-togglemodal data-objicon>/a> a classicon-area style href/2> i classicon-arrow-right-circle stylecolor:#ffffff;font-size:55px;>/i> /a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fdEMBP > .view > .tb{height:200px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fdEMBP > .view > .tb{height:200px !important;}/style>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fYmkEk > .view > .tb{height:222px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fYmkEk > .view > .tb{height:222px !important;}/style>/div>/div>div classcol-sm-6 column styleheight: auto; min-height: 480px;> div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 0px; display: block; padding: 0px 25px; background: none rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei234px data-hei491 idfTmb3O data-cwid>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c>div classtb tbu styleheight: 480px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell;>div classcol-sm-12 column styleheight: auto; min-height: 480px;> div classbox tbu txtBox qv-ani-ele t-to-b an-dr15 qv-in-viewport idbhEZTq data-hei161 styledisplay: table; height: 150px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); text-align: center; border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px;>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m data-lh1.4 styleletter-spacing: 0em; line-height: 1.4; display: table-cell;>div classdrag_inner qv-text contenteditablefalse>p classtext-m styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor:#1b4f72;>span stylefont-family:Poppins;>strong>span styleletter-spacing:2px;margin-right:-2px;>span stylefont-size:36px;>CONTACTS/span>/span>/strong>/span>/span>/p>p classtext-m styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylefont-family:Noto Sans KR;>span stylefont-size:16px;>진심을 담은 서비스로 만족스러운 파트너가 되겠습니다./span>/span>/strong>/p>p classtext-m styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size:20px;>span stylefont-family:Noto Sans KR;>span stylecolor:#ff8c00;>strong> TEL/strong>/span>span stylecolor:#525252;>strong> /strong>/span>strong>02.6299.7876~8/strong>/span>/span>/p>p classtext-m styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size:20px;>span stylefont-family:Noto Sans KR;>span stylecolor:#ff8c00;>strong>FAX/strong>/span>span stylecolor:#525252;>strong> /strong> /span>strong>02.6299.7879/strong>span stylecolor:#000000;>strong> /strong>/span>/span>/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: url("//") 50% 50% / contain no-repeat scroll rgb(92, 157, 218); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; data-m-hei200px data-hei330 idfbGXiO data-cwid>div classpreview>/div>div classview ha-c>div classtb tbu styleheight: 330px;>div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none; display: table-cell;>div classcol-sm-12 column styleheight: auto;> div classbox tbu iconBox styletext-align: center; display: table; idbrFFw4 data-hei56>div classpreview>/div> div classview tb-c va-m>a classpreview-layer href# data-target#IconModal data-togglemodal data-objicon>/a> a classicon-area style href/9> i classicon-arrow-right-circle stylecolor:#ffffff;font-size:55px;>/i> /a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fbGXiO > .view > .tb{height:200px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fbGXiO > .view > .tb{height:200px !important;}/style>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fTmb3O > .view > .tb{height:234px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fTmb3O > .view > .tb{height:234px !important;}/style>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fYCPHL > .view > .tb{height:453px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fYCPHL > .view > .tb{height:453px !important;}/style>/div>div classfrm spacer-frm idfqJelP styledisplay: block; data-heiauto>div classpreview>/div> div classview> div classtb tbu> div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styletransform: none;> div classspacer-label>span class styledisplay: none;>/span>/div> div classspacer styleheight: 100px;>/div> /div> /div> /div> style classmobile-frm>@media (max-width: 767px) {#fqJelP > .view .spacer {height:100px !important;}} .mobile_editor_mode #fqJelP > .view .spacer {height:100px !important;}/style>/div>webfont>{google:Montserrat,Open Sans,Poppins,custom:Noto Sans KR,SCDream}/webfont>webfont>{google:Montserrat,Barlow,Roboto,custom:Noto Sans KR,Iropke Batang,SCDream}/webfont>!-- naver, google, kakao login script -> 에서 호출 함 -->!--GOOGLE-->!-- 커스텀 버튼 : -->!--script src async defer>/script>-->!--KAKAO-->!--script src//>/script>-->!--NAVER-->!--script typetext/javascript src charsetutf-8>/script>-->!--2019.03.11 재헌 - 리캡챠 미사용으로 주석처리 -->!--RECAPTCHA-->!--script src async defer>/script>-->link relstylesheet href/css/member.css?v230725>div classmodal fade login-modal idLoginModal tabindex-1 roledialog styletop: 0px !important;> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> div classmodal-header-title>로그인/div> /div> div classmodal-body styledisplay:grid; max-height: 700px;> div classlogin-form> input typetext classlogin-form-id placeholder아이디 autocompleteoff> input typepassword classlogin-form-pw placeholder비밀번호 autocompleteoff> /div> div classlogin-confirm> 로그인 /div> input typesubmit styledisplay:none/> div classlogin-options> div idlogin-options-join classlogin-options-join> 회원가입 /div> div idlogin-options-find classlogin-options-find> 비밀번호 찾기 /div> /div> div classlogin-divider>/div> div classsns-login-form> div classsns-login-form-naver> !--div idnaverIdLogin styledisplay: none;>/div>--> div idnaver-login-button> img src/img/ico/login/naver_logo.png> 네이버 아이디로 로그인 /div> !--div classg-signin2 data-onsuccessonSuccess_google data-themedark>/div>--> /div> div classsns-login-form-kakao> div idkakao-login-button> img src/img/ico/login/kakao_logo.png> 카카오 아이디로 로그인 /div> !-- a idkakao-login-button>/a>--> !-- a href>/a>--> /div> div classsns-login-form-google> div idgoogle-login-button> img src/img/ico/login/google_new_icon.svg> 구글 아이디로 로그인 /div> !--div classg-signin2 data-onsuccessonSuccess_google data-themedark>/div>--> /div> /div> /div> !--div classmodal-footer>--> !--/div>--> /div> /div>/div>div classmodal fade find-password-modal z-index-1060 idFindPasswordModal tabindex-1 roledialog styletop: 0px !important;> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> div classmodal-header-title>비밀번호 재설정/div> /div> div classmodal-body styledisplay:grid; max-height: 700px;> div classfind-password-description> 비밀번호를 찾고자 하는 아이디 또는 이메일을 입력해 주세요. br> 해당 계정의 이메일로 비밀번호 변경 안내 메일이 발송됩니다. /div> div classfind-password-form> input typetext idfind-password-form-account classfind-password-form-account placeholder가입한 계정 또는 이메일> /div> div classfind-password-confirm onclickfind_password_confirm();> div>비밀번호 재설정/div> /div> !--2018.10.16 재헌--> !--recapcha 걷어냄--> !--div classfind-password-captcha>--> !--form idfind-password-recaptcha-form methodPOST>--> !--div idfind-password-recaptcha>/div>--> !--input idhidden-grecaptcha namehidden-grecaptcha typehidden/>--> !--/form>--> !--/div>--> /div> !--div classmodal-footer>--> !--/div>--> /div> div classqv-loader qv-loader-black>/div> /div>/div>div classmodal fade change-password-modal idChangePasswordModal tabindex-1 roledialog styletop: 0px !important;> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> div classmodal-header-title>비밀번호 변경/div> /div> div classmodal-body> div classchange-password-description> 새로운 비밀번호를 입력하세요. /div> div classchange-password-form> input typepassword idchange-pw1 classchange-pw1 placeholder변경할 비밀번호 autocompleteoff> input typepassword idchange-pw2 classchange-pw2 placeholder변경할 비밀번호 확인 autocompleteoff> /div> div classchange-password-notice> div classchange-password-advisor> i classfa fa-lock stylefont-size: 20px; aria-hiddentrue>/i> /div> p>영문, 숫자, 특수문자를 포함하여 8~20자로 입력해주세요./p> /div> div classchange-password-confirm> div onclickchange_password_confirm();>비밀번호 변경/div> /div> /div> !--div classmodal-footer>--> !--/div>--> /div> div classqv-loader qv-loader-black>/div> /div>/div>!--member.js inc/ 에 위치 -->script typetext/javascript> var NAVER_CLIENT_ID ; var NAVER_CLIENT_SECRET ; var NAVER_AUTH_URL ; var KAKAO_CLIENT_ID ; var KAKAO_PLUS_FRIEND_ID ; var GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID ; var GOOGLE_CAPTCHA_KEY 6Lf62UcUAAAAAEEWIFWPJc_oE-PlkmlZ2h665q9K; $(#LoginModal).on(, function () { $(this).find(.modal-header-title-sub).remove(); }); $(#LoginModal).on(, function () { if ($( > 0) { $(body).addClass(modal-open); } }); $(function() { var query qv_func.getUrlParams(); if (query.m change_password) { $(#ChangePasswordModal).modal(show); } else { initSocialLoginClientId(); }// // KAKAO// // //!CDATA// // 사용할 앱의 JavaScript 키를 설정해 주세요.// Kakao.init(eeebfc46f7f77f5855c5be2ca40594e3);// // 카카오 로그인 버튼을 생성합니다.// Kakao.Auth.createLoginButton({// container: #kakao-login-button,// success: function(authObj) {// Kakao.API.request({// url: /v1/user/me,// success: function(res) { onSuccess_kakao(authObj, res); }// });// },// fail: function(err) {// alert(JSON.stringify(err));// }// });// //>//// // GOOGLE// // // 새로고침 시 onsuccess가 발동하는 문제가있음 --> 해결 gapi.signin2.render(google-login-button, {// scope: profile email,// width: 240,// height: 50,// longtitle: false,// theme: dark,// onsuccess: function () {},// onfailure: function () {}// }); }); function initSocialLoginClientId() { var data ; if (data null || data.length 0) { $(.sns-login-form-naver).remove(); $(.sns-login-form-kakao).remove(); $(.sns-login-form-google).remove(); $(.login-divider).remove(); } else { $.each(data, function () { switch (this.ssi_type) { case 1: // NAVER LOGINcol-sm-2 if (this.ssi_state 0 || this.ssi_key1 ) { $(.sns-login-form-naver).remove(); } else { $(.sns-login-form-naver > div).show(); NAVER_CLIENT_ID this.ssi_key1; NAVER_CLIENT_SECRET this.ssi_key2; // 네이버 버튼 규정, 재 디자인 필요 // if (typeof naver object) { naverLogin new naver.LoginWithNaverId( { clientId: NAVER_CLIENT_ID, callbackUrl: location.protocol + // + QV_BASE_OBJ.eng_domain + /oauth/callback.php?cliendId + NAVER_CLIENT_ID, isPopup: true //callbackHandle: true, //loginButton: {color: green, type: 3, height: 43, width: 370} /* 로그인 버튼의 타입을 지정 */ } ); naverLogin.init(); NAVER_AUTH_URL naverLogin.generateAuthorizeUrl(); $(#naver-login-button).data(authUrl, NAVER_AUTH_URL); } } break; case 2: // KAKAO LOGIN if (this.ssi_state 0 || this.ssi_key1 ) { $(.sns-login-form-kakao).remove(); } else { $(.sns-login-form-kakao > div).show(); KAKAO_CLIENT_ID this.ssi_key1; KAKAO_PLUS_FRIEND_ID this.ssi_key2; if (typeof Kakao object) { Kakao.init(KAKAO_CLIENT_ID); } } break; case 3: // GOOGLE LOGIN if (this.ssi_state 0 || this.ssi_key1 ) { $(.sns-login-form-google).remove(); } else { $(.sns-login-form-google > div).show(); GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID this.ssi_key1; } break; } }); if ($(.sns-login-form).children().length 0) { $(.login-divider).remove(); } } } function initSocialLoginClientId_dummy() { qvjax_direct( select_sns_info, /module/member/member.php, , function (data) { if (data.length 0) { $(.sns-login-form-naver).remove(); $(.sns-login-form-kakao).remove(); $(.sns-login-form-google).remove(); $(.login-divider).remove(); } else { $.each(data, function () { switch (this.ssi_type) { case 1: // NAVER LOGINcol-sm-2// $.getScript(, function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) {//// }); if (this.ssi_state 0 || this.ssi_key1 ) { $(.sns-login-form-naver).remove(); } else { NAVER_CLIENT_ID this.ssi_key1; NAVER_CLIENT_SECRET this.ssi_key2; // 네이버 버튼 규정, 재 디자인 필요 // naverLogin new naver.LoginWithNaverId( { clientId: NAVER_CLIENT_ID, //callbackUrl: document.location.origin + /oauth/callback.php?cliendId + NAVER_CLIENT_ID, callbackUrl: location.protocol + // + QV_BASE_OBJ.eng_domain + /oauth/callback.php?cliendId + NAVER_CLIENT_ID, isPopup: true //callbackHandle: true, //loginButton: {color: green, type: 3, height: 43, width: 370} /* 로그인 버튼의 타입을 지정 */ } ); naverLogin.init(); NAVER_AUTH_URL naverLogin.generateAuthorizeUrl(); $(#naver-login-button).data(authUrl, NAVER_AUTH_URL); } break; case 2: // KAKAO LOGIN if (this.ssi_state 0 || this.ssi_key1 ) { $(.sns-login-form-kakao).remove(); } else { KAKAO_CLIENT_ID this.ssi_key1; KAKAO_PLUS_FRIEND_ID this.ssi_key2; if (typeof Kakao object) { Kakao.init(KAKAO_CLIENT_ID); } } break; case 3: // GOOGLE LOGIN if (this.ssi_state 0 || this.ssi_key1 ) { $(.sns-login-form-google).remove(); } else { GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID this.ssi_key1; } break; } }); if ($(.sns-login-form).children().length 0) { $(.login-divider).remove(); } } }, function (xhr) {} ); }/script>div classmodal fade join-modal idJoinModal tabindex-1 roledialog styletop: 0px !important;> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content>!-- div classmodal-header stylepadding-bottom: 20px;>-->!-- div classmodal-header-title>회원가입/div>-->!-- /div>--> div classmodal-body styledisplay:grid; max-height: 700px; padding: 2px 15px;> div classjoin-type> !-- 회원가입 유형 선택 --> div classjoin-type-group2>!-- span classjoin-type-description>/span>--> div classjoin-type-normal>div>ID/PW로 가입하기/div>/div> /div> div classjoin-type-group1>!-- span classjoin-type-description>/span>--> div classjoin-type-naver>img src/img/ico/login/naver_logo.png>div>네이버 아이디로 가입하기/div>/div> div classjoin-type-kakao>img src/img/ico/login/kakao_logo.png>div>카카오 아이디로 가입하기/div>/div> div classjoin-type-google>img src/img/ico/login/google_new_icon.svg>div>구글 아이디로 가입하기/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>script> $(function() { $(.join-type-normal).on(click, function() { location.href /join; }); $(.modal).on(, function () { $(body).css(padding-right, 0); // 모달 부분에서 버그. padding-right +17px 계속 적용시킴 }); $(#JoinModal).on(, function () { if (NAVER_CLIENT_ID && KAKAO_CLIENT_ID && GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID ) { location.href /join; return; } // NAVER if (NAVER_CLIENT_ID ) { $(.join-type-naver).remove(); } else { $(.join-type-naver).off(click.join); $(.join-type-naver).on(click.join, function() { location.href NAVER_AUTH_URL; }); } // KAKAO if (KAKAO_CLIENT_ID ) { $(.join-type-kakao).remove(); } else { $(.join-type-kakao).off(click.join); $(.join-type-kakao).on(click.join, function() { Kakao.Auth.login({ success: function(authObj) { Kakao.API.request({ url: /v2/user/me, success: function(res) { onSuccess_kakao(authObj, res); } }); }, fail: function(err) { alert(JSON.stringify(err)); } }); }); } // GOOGLE if (GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID ) { $(.join-type-google).remove(); } else { $(.join-type-google).off(click.join); $(.join-type-google).on(click.join, function() { gapi.load(auth2, function(){ // Retrieve the singleton for the GoogleAuth library and set up the client. auth2 gapi.auth2.init({ client_id: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, cookiepolicy: single_host_origin, plugin_name: chat }); grantPermissions(); // API call for Google login gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn().then( function(success) { // Login API call is successful onSuccess_google(success); }, function(error) { // Error occurred onFailure_google(error); } ); }); }); } }); });/script>/div>div classfooter-frame footer-theme-1 footer-frame-pc style> div classfrm styletext-align: center; margin: 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none rgba(235, 235, 235, 0.88); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; idfFMDfl data-hei283 data-cwidb> div classpreview>/div> div classview boxing ha-c> div classtb tbu styleheight: 283px;> div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styledisplay: table-cell; transform: none; height: 263px;> div classcol-sm-12 column styleheight: auto; min-height: auto;> div classfrm styletext-align: left; margin: 0px; display: block; padding: 0px; background: none rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: 0px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; idfxhG3r data-hei258 data-cwid> div classpreview>/div> div classview> div classtb tbu styleheight: auto;> div classrow clearfix tb-c va-m styledisplay: table-cell; 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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED/span>/p>p classtext-m> /p>/div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> webfont>{google:Montserrat,custom:Noto Sans KR,SCDream}/webfont> !--/div>-->/div>!--/container-->/body>/html>!-- 네이버 지도 모듈 호출 -->script>$(document).ready(function(){ //live only if($(body .header).hasClass(useFixed)) { $(body).addClass(headerFixed); } initHeader9(); $(.header .header9 .header9-close-btn).click(function(){ $(.header .header9).hide(); $(; setCookie(header9_closed, 1, 1); realignHeader9(); }); if($(.header).hasClass(useFixed)) { qv_on_scroll(init); //scrolled page load시 init(); var agent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if ((navigator.appName Netscape && agent.indexOf(trident) ! -1) || (agent.indexOf(msie) ! -1)) { $(body).scroll(function() { qv_on_scroll_ie(); }); } else { window.onscroll function(){ qv_on_scroll(); }; } //window.onscroll function(){qv_on_scroll()}; } // column 내 whitespace가 들어가있는 항목 정리 $.each($(.column), function() { if($(this).html().trim() ) { $(this).html(); 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break; } }); clone.find(style).remove(); clone.attr(data-id,; $frag.append(clone); }); area.append($frag); } $(body).delegate(.databaseContentsBox .dbc-areadata-detail1 .dbc-item, click, function() { const page $(this).parents(.dbc-area).first().attr(data-id); const id $(this).attr(data-id); if (page && id) { location / + page + ?id + id; } else { alert(데이터 컨텐츠 설정 오류, page, id); } }); }}function initDownloadButton() { $(#main_container).delegate(.qv-file-download, click, function() { var url $(this).attr(data-download-url); if (!url || url ) return; var name $(this).attr(data-download-url).split(/).pop(); url url.split(/).reduce(function(p, c, idx) { var slash (c ) ? // : /; var add (idx url.split(/).length -1) ? encodeURIComponent(c) : c + slash; return p + add; }); if ((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(safari) > -1 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(chrome) -1) || is_InternetExplorer()) { var a $(a>).attr(href, url).attr(download, name).appendTo(body);; a.remove(); 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var empty_div div styleheight: + footer_fixed.height() + px;>/div>; $(.footer-frame-mobile).after($(empty_div)); }); }}function initHeaderOverflowMenuResizeEvent() { var column; $.each($(#main_container .header .al-box), function() { if ($(this).children( > 0 && $(this).find(.mn-item).length > 0) { column $(this); } }); if (column) { headerOverflowMenuInit(column); } $(window).resize(function() { if(this.resizeTO) clearTimeout(this.resizeTO); this.resizeTO setTimeout(function() { $(this).trigger(resizeEnd); }, 100); }); $(window).bind(resizeEnd, function() { if (column) { headerOverflowMenuInit(column); } });}function headerOverflowMenuInit(column) { if (column.children( 0) { return; } var column_width 0; var box_width 0; var overflow_menu ; var container column.parents(#main_container); var menu column.children(; var header_contents column.parents(.header-contents).first(); var header header_contents.parent(); var header_width column.parent().css(width); if (header_width.indexOf(%) > -1) { // %로 리턴됨 -> px 값 계산해서 처리 (IE에서 가끔 %로 넘어옴) header_width $(window).width() * parseInt(header_width) / 100; 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$.each(overflow_menu, function() { var clone $(this).clone(); menu.find(.header-overflow-pop ul).append(clone); }); } else { container.find(.mn-item-overflow-list).remove(); }}function initMobileHeaderMenu() { if ((isMobile() && window.innerWidth 767) && $(.header).length > 0) { // menu touch if ($(.header-mobile .column > > 0) { // 현재 활성화된 페이지의 메뉴 위치 잡기 $(window).bind(load,function() { // 서브메뉴 추가 if ($(.header-mobile .column > { if ($(.header-mobile .column > .mn-item.cur-mn-item > ul.sub-mn > > 0) { // 메인 메뉴 중에 cur-mn-item이 존재할 경우 var sub_mn $(.header-mobile .column > .mn-item.cur-mn-item > ul.sub-mn); } else if ($(.header-mobile .column > .mn-item > ul.sub-mn > > 0) { // 서브 메뉴 중에 cur-mn-item이 존재할 경우 var sub_mn $(.header-mobile .column > .mn-item > ul.sub-mn >; } if (sub_mn) { var header_contents sub_mn.parents(.header-contents); var sub_html div classcol-xs-12 header-mobile-sub-menu style + padding: 0 10px; + margin-top: + header_contents.css(border-bottom-width) + ; + border-bottom: + header_contents.css(border-bottom) + ; + > + div classal-box column al-l> + ul classmn-ul tc box hsync styledisplay: table-cell; transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); height: + $(header_contents).height() + px;> + div classpreview>/div> + headerstart>/headerstart> + sub_mn.html() + headerend>/headerend> + /ul> + /div> + /div>; sub_html $(sub_html).css(background, header_contents.css(background)); sub_html $(sub_html).css(border-bottom, header_contents.css(border-bottom)); header_contents.append($(sub_html)); var header_cur header_contents.parent(); var header_next; $.each(header_next, function () { var top 0; $.each($(this).prev(div), function () { top + $(this).find(.header-contents).height(); top + $(this).find(.header-contents > div:last-child).height(); }); $(this).attr(data-top, top); $(this).css(top, top); }); } } if ($(.header-mobile .column > .mn-item.cur-mn-item).length > 0) { var cur $(.header-mobile .column > .mn-item.cur-mn-item).last(); var ul cur.parents(; var pos cur0.offsetLeft * -1; var width ul.parents(.column).parent().width(); var max (ul.width() - width) * -1; pos pos 0 ? pos : 0; max max 0 ? max : 0; pos pos max ? max : pos; ul.css(transform, translate3d( + pos + px, 0, 0));, pos); } var startPoint; $(#main_container).delegate(.header-mobile .column >, touchstart, function (e) { startPoint e.originalEvent.touches0.screenX; var pos parseInt($(this).data(pos)); if (!pos) { $(this).data(pos, 0); } }); $(#main_container).delegate(.header-mobile .column >, touchmove, function (e) { var event e.originalEvent; var x event.touches0.screenX; var diff x - startPoint; var width $(e.currentTarget).parents(.column).parent().width(); var max ($(this).width() - width) * -1; var pos parseInt($(this).data(pos)); pos + diff; pos pos 0 ? pos : 0; max max 0 ? max : 0; pos pos max ? max : pos; $(this).css(transform, translate3d( + pos + px, 0, 0)); }); $(#main_container).delegate(.header-mobile .column >, touchend, function () { if ($(this).css(transform).indexOf(matrix) > -1) { $(this).data(pos, $(this).css(transform).split(,)4.trim()); } }); }); // 카테고리 항목 클릭 시 하위 페이지가 있으면 // 해당 페이지 목록(header-mobile-sub-menu)을 동적으로 만들어준다 $(#main_container).delegate(.header-mobile .al-box > .mn-ul > .mn-item > .mn-link:not(href), click, function() { if ($(.header-mobile .column > { var sub_mn $(this).siblings(ul.sub-mn); if (sub_mn) { $(.header-mobile-sub-menu).remove(); var header_contents sub_mn.parents(.header-contents); var sub_html div classcol-xs-12 header-mobile-sub-menu style + padding: 0 10px; + margin-top: + header_contents.css(border-bottom-width) + ; + border-bottom: + header_contents.css(border-bottom) + ; + > + div classal-box column al-l> + ul classmn-ul tc box hsync styledisplay: table-cell; transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); height: + $(header_contents).height() + px;> + div classpreview>/div> + headerstart>/headerstart> + sub_mn.html() + headerend>/headerend> + /ul> + /div> + /div>; sub_html $(sub_html).css(background, header_contents.css(background)); sub_html $(sub_html).css(border-bottom, header_contents.css(border-bottom)); header_contents.append($(sub_html)); var header_cur header_contents.parent(); var header_next; $.each(header_next, function () { var top 0; $.each($(this).prev(div), function () { top + $(this).find(.header-contents).height(); top + $(this).find(.header-contents > div:last-child).height(); }); $(this).attr(data-top, top); $(this).css(top, top); }); } } }); } // section merge // var section_merge $(.header-mobile > .header1).data(section-merge); // if (section_merge false || location.pathname.indexOf(/module/board) > -1) { // merge false 거나 게시글 쓰기/읽기 에서는 헤더영역 확보 // var height 0; // $.each($(.header-mobile > div), function() { // height + parseInt($(this).attr(data-hei)); // }); // $(#main_container > .body), height + px, important); // } // else if (section_merge true) { // $(#main_container > .body), 0, important); // $(#main_container > .body > .frm), 0, important); // } // $(window).bind(load,function() {}); // section merge ver.2 if ($(#main_container .body > mobile-header-section-merge).length > 0) { $(#main_container > .header-mobile).addClass(mobileHeaderSectionMerge); $(#main_container > .body), 0, important); $(#main_container > .body > .frm), 0, important); } else { $(#main_container > .header-mobile).removeClass(mobileHeaderSectionMerge); var height 0; $.each($(.header-mobile > div), function () { height + parseInt($(this).attr(data-hei)); }); /* 2020.05.21 재헌 * 서브메뉴가 존재할 때 해당 높이도 더해서 body에 margin-top을 부여 */ if ($(.header-mobile-sub-menu).length > 0) { height + $(.header-mobile-sub-menu).height(); } $(#main_container > .body), height + px, important); } }}function initHeaderSideNav() { $(#main_container).delegate(.header-side-nav-button, click, function() { $(.header-side-nav).toggleClass(active); if ($(this).parents(.header-mobile).length > 0) { $(this).parents(.header1, .header2, .header3, .header9).addClass(z-index-9999); } // header-side-nav 영역만큼 밀어내기 // $(.body).css(width, calc(100% - 500px)); }); $(#main_container).delegate(.header-side-nav-close, click, function() { $(.header-side-nav).removeClass(active); if ($(this).parents(.header-mobile).length > 0) { setTimeout(function() { // 사이드 네비 닫히는 시간 0.3ms, z-index 빠지는 시간 0.5ms $(this).parents(.header1, .header2, .header3, .header9).removeClass(z-index-9999); }, 500) } // header-side-nav 영역만큼 밀어내기 // $(.body).removeAttr(style); }); /* 2020.03.16 재헌 * language selector, header side nav 같은 별도의 창을 띄우는 헤더 요소가 * header1, header2의 z-index 영향을 받아 위로 겹치거나 의도대로 동작하지 않는 문제를 수정 */ $(#main_container).delegate(.header > div, mouseenter, function() { if ($(.language-dropdown).length > 0 || $( > 0) return; $(this).css(z-index, 2); }); $(#main_container).delegate(.header > div, mouseleave, function() { if ($(.language-dropdown).length > 0 || $( > 0) return; $(this).css(z-index, 1); });}// 이미지 중 모바일 높이가 지정되지 않은 항목들 및 부모 프레임 크기 지정function initNonScaledImageBox() { if (!isMobile()) return; var image_count 0; var target_count 0; $.each($(.body .imgBox), function() { if ($(this).parents(.col-sm-1, .col-sm-2, .col-sm-3, .col-sm-4, .col-sm-5, .col-sm-6, .col-sm-7, .col-sm-8, .col-sm-9, .col-sm-10, .col-sm-11).length > 0) return; if ($(this).parents(.col-xs-1, .col-xs-2, .col-xs-3, .col-xs-4, .col-xs-5, .col-xs-6, .col-xs-7, .col-xs-8, .col-xs-9, .col-xs-10, .col-xs-11).length > 0) return; if ($(this).find(.mobile-box).length > 0) return; if ($(this).parents(.popup-container).length > 0) return; if ($(this).parents(.fixed-contents-layer).length > 0) return; if ($(this).parents(.tab-frm, .slider-frm).length > 0) return; var bg_size $(this).find(.img-core).css(background-size); if (bg_size contain) { image_count++; } }); $.each($(.body .imgBox), function() { if ($(this).parents(.col-sm-1, .col-sm-2, .col-sm-3, .col-sm-4, .col-sm-5, .col-sm-6, .col-sm-7, .col-sm-8, .col-sm-9, .col-sm-10, .col-sm-11).length > 0) return; if ($(this).parents(.col-xs-1, .col-xs-2, .col-xs-3, .col-xs-4, .col-xs-5, .col-xs-6, .col-xs-7, .col-xs-8, .col-xs-9, .col-xs-10, .col-xs-11).length > 0) return; if ($(this).find(.mobile-box).length > 0) return; if ($(this).parents(.popup-container).length > 0) return; if ($(this).parents(.fixed-contents-layer).length > 0) return; if ($(this).parents(.tab-frm, .slider-frm).length > 0) return; var img_box $(this); var bg_size $(this).find(.img-core).css(background-size); var bg_image $(this).find(.img-core).css(background-image); if (bg_image) { bg_image bg_image.replace(url(, ).replace(), ).replace(/\/gi, ); } if (bg_size contain) { var tmpImg new Image(); tmpImg.src bg_image; $(tmpImg).one(load,function(){ var ratio tmpImg.width / tmpImg.height; var height_origin img_box.height(); var width_resize window.innerWidth; // img_box.width()는 퍼센트로 출력되기때문에 window width로 대체 var height_resize width_resize/ratio; var diff height_origin - height_resize; // 모바일 스크린보다 작은 이미지, 가로가 더 긴 이미지 등은 패스한다 if (ratio > 1 || height_resize window.innerHeight || height_origin * ratio window.innerHeight) { return; } img_box.height(height_resize); img_box.find(.img-core).height(height_resize); img_box.attr(data-m-hei, height_resize + px);, diff); target_count++; if (target_count image_count) { resizeNonScaledImageBoxUpperFrame(); } }); } });}function resizeNonScaledImageBoxUpperFrame() { $.each($(.body > .frm), function() { var re 0; var image_count 0; $.each($(this).find(.box.imgBox), function() { re + parseInt($(this).data(diff)); 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var currentDateTime new Date(); var compareDateTime currentDateTime.setDate(currentDateTime.getDate() - 1); if (createDateTime > compareDateTime) { return getNiceTime(createDateTime, new Date(), 1, true); } else { return; } }, }, success: function(data){ box.find(.qv-loader).remove(); }, error: function(xhr){ box.find(.qv-loader).remove(); }, }) }) }); }); }); }}function initLnb() { if ($(.lnbBox).length > 0) { var path QV_BASE_OBJ.spid; $(.lnb-area .lnb-itemdata-spid + path + ).addClass(active); }}// 모바일 터치 참고 initCalendar(elements) { if ($(.calendarBox).length > 0) { // calendar script 동적 호출 $.getScript( /js/fullcalendar/moment.min.js, function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) { $.getScript( /js/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.js, function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) { $.getScript( /module/calendar/calendar.js, function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) { if (elements) { buildCalendar(elements); } else { $.each($(.calendarBox), function() { buildCalendar(this); }); } }); }); }); }}function initPageFadeEvent() { var page_effect 0; 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} else { qvjax_direct( select_terms, /module/member/member.php, , function (data) { if (data.length > 0) { var m privacy; var text $.grep(data, function (e) { return e.stms_type m; })0.stms_txt; $(#policy-privacy-textarea).val(text); $(#PolicyPrivacyModal).modal(show); $(#PolicyPrivacyModal).data(policy, data); } }, function (xhr) { } ); } return false; });}function removeSiteCopiedElement() { // 복제된 게시판, 폼 삭제처리 $(#main_container .SiteCopiedElement).remove();}function initSnSIconImage() { $.each($(.sns-icon-image), function() { if ($(this).width() 40) { var bg $(this).css(background-image); if (bg.toLowerCase().indexOf(color-30) > 0 || bg.toLowerCase().indexOf(color-30) > 0) { return; } if (bg.indexOf(-30) > -1) return; var convertSmall bg.replace(Color, Color-30).replace(Black, Black-30); $(this).css(background-image, convertSmall); } });}function initSliderCallback() { $.each($(.slider-frm .carousel.slide), function() { $(this).bind(, function (e) { //$(this).find(.qv-ani-ele).toggleClass(qv-ani-ele qv-ani); $(e.relatedTarget).find(.qv-ani).toggleClass(qv-ani qv-ani-ele); $.each($(e.relatedTarget).find(.video-iframe), function() { var src; if ($(this).attr(src)) { src $(this).attr(src).split(×tamp)0; } else if ($(this).attr(data-src)) { src $(this).attr(data-src).split(×tamp)0; } if (src) { $(this).attr(src, src + ×tamp + new Date().getTime()); } }); }); });}function initSlider(element) { /* 2020.03.12 재헌 * 슬라이드 배경 이미지는 초기화 시 미리 불러온다 * 미리 불러오지 않으면 슬라이드 넘길 때 마다 흰 화면이 나타남 */ const target element ? element : $(.slider-frm) $.each(target.find(.carousel-inner > .item > .frm), function() { var url $(this).css(background-image); if (url none || url.indexOf(url) -1) return; else { var img new Image(); img.src url.match(/url\(?(^*)?\)/)1; } }); // carousel 스윕 $.each(target.not(.fullpage).find(.carousel), function() { $.each($(this).find(.item), function(i) { var active i 0 ? active : ; $(this).attr(class, item + active); }); $(this).find(.carousel-indicators > li).removeClass(active); $(this).find(.carousel-indicators > li).first().addClass(active); $(this).carousel({ swipe: 200 }); $(this).carousel(0); /* 2020.02.25 재헌 * 자동 넘기기 시간 간격 조정 */ if($(this).attr(data-slider-interval)) { var slider $(this); var interval parseInt($(this).attr(data-slider-interval)); interval interval > 1000 ? interval : 5000; var sliderInterval setInterval(function() { slider.carousel(next); }, interval); } });}function initFullPageSlider() { if ($(#main_container > .body > .fullpage).length 0) return; $.each($(.slider-frm.fullpage), function() { $(this).find(.carousel.slide).carousel(0); $(this).find(.item).each(function(i, val) { if (i 0) { $(val).addClass(active).removeAttr(style); } else { $(val).removeClass(active).attr(style, transform: translate3d(0px, 100%, 0px);); } }) }); var isMobile /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? true : false; if(!isMobile) { $(#main_container).delegate(.slider-frm.fullpage, mousewheel, function (e, delta) { //$(.slider-frm.fullpage).on(mousewheel, function (e, delta) { if (delta undefined) { // 2019.01.02 delta 값이 undefined로 넘어와서 아래와 같이 처리 if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0) delta 1; else delta -1; } var is_fullpage_scrolling $(this).attr(data-scrolling) true ? true : false; if (is_fullpage_scrolling) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } $(this).attr(data-scrolling, true); var index $(this).find(.carousel.slide .carousel-inner > + 1; var total $(this).find(.carousel.slide .carousel-inner > .item).length; var active_item $(this).find(.carousel.slide .carousel-inner >; if (delta 1) { if (index 1) { $(this).attr(data-scrolling, false); return; } $(this).find(.carousel.slide).carousel(prev); var scrollY parseInt(this.offsetTop); $(html, body).animate({scrollTop: scrollY}, 300); // 2019-05-13 재헌 // fullpage 위/아래 슬라이드 시 가끔씩 오동작 하는 부분이 있어서 스크립트로 제어함 active_item.prev().removeAttr(style); active_item.css(transform, translate3d(0, 100%, 0)); } else { if (index total) { $(this).attr(data-scrolling, false); return; } $(this).find(.carousel.slide).carousel(next); var scrollY parseInt(this.offsetTop); $(html, body).animate({scrollTop: scrollY}, 300); // 2019-05-13 재헌 // fullpage 위/아래 슬라이드 시 가끔씩 오동작 하는 부분이 있어서 스크립트로 제어함; active_item.css(transform, translate3d(0, -100%, 0)); } return false; }); } else { // touchmove 이벤트 제거. 일부 브라우저에서 스크롤 오동작함 (safari) $(.slider-frm.fullpage).bind(touchmove, function(e){e.preventDefault()}); $(.slider-frm.fullpage).on(swipedown swipeup, function (e) { var is_fullpage_scrolling $(this).attr(data-scrolling) true ? true : false; if (is_fullpage_scrolling) { // e.preventDefault(); return false; } $(this).attr(data-scrolling, true); var index $(this).find(.carousel.slide .carousel-inner > + 1; var total $(this).find(.carousel.slide .carousel-inner > .item).length; var active_item $(this).find(.carousel.slide .carousel-inner >; if (e.type swipedown) { if (index 1) { if ($(this).prev(.frm).length > 0) { // var scrollY parseInt($(this).prev(.frm).offset().top); $(html, body).animate({scrollTop: scrollY}, 200); } else { $(html, body).animate({scrollTop: 0}, 200); } $(this).attr(data-scrolling, false); return; } $(this).find(.carousel.slide).carousel(prev); var scrollY parseInt(this.offsetTop); $(html, body).animate({scrollTop: scrollY}, 300); // 2019-05-13 재헌 // fullpage 위/아래 슬라이드 시 가끔씩 오동작 하는 부분이 있어서 스크립트로 제어함 active_item.prev().removeAttr(style); active_item.css(transform, translate3d(0, 100%, 0)); } else { if (index total) { var scrollY parseInt(this.offsetTop + $(this).height()); $(html, body).animate({scrollTop: scrollY}, 200); $(this).attr(data-scrolling, false); return; } $(this).find(.carousel.slide).carousel(next); var scrollY parseInt(this.offsetTop); $(html, body).animate({scrollTop: scrollY}, 300); // 2019-05-13 재헌 // fullpage 위/아래 슬라이드 시 가끔씩 오동작 하는 부분이 있어서 스크립트로 제어함; active_item.css(transform, translate3d(0, -100%, 0)); } return false; }); } // 2019-05-13 재헌 // fullpage 위/아래 슬라이드 시 가끔씩 오동작 하는 부분이 있어서 스크립트로 제어함 $(#main_container).on(click, .fullpage .carousel-indicators > li, function () { var fullpage $(this).parents(.fullpage).first(); fullpage.find(.carousel-inner > .item).removeAttr(style); var selected_item_num $(this).attr(data-slide-to); var selected_item $(fullpage.find(.carousel-inner > .item).get(selected_item_num)); selected_item.prev(.item).css(transform, translate3d(0, -100%, 0));, translate3d(0, 100%, 0)); }); // transition init (ie : left, others : transition) $.each($(.fullpage .carousel-inner .item), function() { $.each($(this).children(.frm), function(i) { if (is_InternetExplorer()) { $(this).css(transform, none); $(this).css(left, parseInt(i * 100) + vw); } else { $(this).css(transform, translate3d( + parseInt(i * 100) + vw,0,0)); } $(this).removeClass(active); }); }); $(#main_container).on(click, .fullpage-slide-control, function () { var item $(this).parent(); var frames $(item).children(.frm); var total_length frames.length; var active_frm frames.filter(function () { return $(this).hasClass(active); }); if (active_frm.length 0) { active_frm frames.first(); } var index active_frm.index(); if ($(this).hasClass(left)) { if (index 0) { frames.removeClass(active); frames.last().addClass(active); $.each(frames, function (i) { var idx total_length - i - 1; if (is_InternetExplorer()) { $(this).css(left, - + parseInt(idx * 100) + vw); 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setTimeout(function () { $(slider).attr(data-scrolling, false); }, 550); }); jQuery.fn.carousel.Constructor.TRANSITION_DURATION 1000 // 2 seconds}function is_InternetExplorer() { var agent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return (navigator.appName Netscape && agent.indexOf(trident) ! -1) || (agent.indexOf(msie) ! -1);}function initSMS() { qvjax_direct( select_sms_info, // + + g + QV_BASE_OBJ.svid + + /qws/aligo.php, , function (data) { $.each(data, function() { if (this.smi_state 1) { var hide_icon ; var hide_window ; var isMobile /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? true : false; if(isMobile) { hide_window sms-hide; } else { if (this.smi_init_show 1) { hide_icon sms-hide; } else { hide_window sms-hide; } } var html div idfixed-contents-sms classfixed-contents-layer fixed-contents-show-all stylebottom: 40px; right: 40px; top: auto; left: auto; data-axisse> div classbox smsBox> div classpreview>/div>div classview> div> div classsms-icon + hide_icon + > div> i classicon-bubbles aria-hiddentrue>/i> /div>/div>div classsms sms-1 + hide_window + > div classsms-header>span>SMS 문자보내기/span> div classsms-close>×/div>/div>div classsms-body> div classsms-message> div classsms-title>메세지/div>textarea>/textarea> /div>div classsms-contact> div classsms-title>연락처/div>input typetext> div classsms-agree>input typecheckbox>a href/policy_privacy>개인정보 수집 및 이용/a>에 동의합니다/div>/div>/div>div classsms-footer> 보내기 /div>/div>/div>span classconfiguration fixed-contents-config-btn styletop: -18px; bottom: auto;>a classlabel> i classicon-arrow-down>/i>/a>/span> div classfixed-contents-close>i classicon-close>/i>/div>/div>/div>/div>; $(.body).append($(html)); $(.sms-header > span).text(this.smi_title); $(.sms-message > textarea).attr(placeholder, this.smi_placeholder); var start parseInt(this.smi_start_time); var end parseInt(this.smi_end_time); end end 0 ? 2400 : end; var current_hours new Date().getHours(); var current_minutes new Date().getMinutes(); var current_time parseInt(current_hours.toString() + current_minutes.toString()); if (start current_time && current_time end) { $(.smsBox).show(); } else { $(.smsBox).hide(); return; } // sms $(.sms-icon).on(click, function() { var sms $(this).parents(.smsBox).first(); sms.find(.sms-icon).addClass(sms-hide); sms.find(.sms).removeClass(sms-hide); }); $(.sms-close).on(click, function() { var sms $(this).parents(.smsBox).first(); sms.find(.sms).addClass(sms-hide); sms.find(.sms-icon).removeClass(sms-hide); }); $(.sms-contact input).on(change keydown paste input, function() { var number $(this).val(); if (number.length > 20) { $(this).val($(this).val().slice(0,20)); return false; } this.value this.value.replace(/^0-9\./g,); }); $(.sms-footer).on(click, function() { var sms $(this).parents(.smsBox).first(); var phone sms.find(.sms-contact input).val(); var message sms.find(.sms-message textarea).val(); var agree sms.find(.sms-agree input).prop(checked); if (!isValidMobileNumber(phone)) { alert(lang.failure_send_sms_invalid_number); return; } if (!agree) { alert(lang.agree_privacy_info); return; } qvjax_direct( send, // + + g + QV_BASE_OBJ.svid + + /qws/aligo.php, msg + message + &sender + phone, function (data) { if (data.result_code 1 && data.message success) { smsSendComplete(data.sshid, data.msg_id, data.msg_type, function() { sms.find(.sms-contact input).val(); sms.find(.sms-message textarea).val(); sms.find(.sms-agree input).prop(checked, false); alert(lang.success_send_sms); qv_func.conversion(sms, function() {}) }); } else if (data.result_code 0) { switch(data.message) { case frequently_called: alert(lang.failure_send_sms_frequently_called); break; case too_long_message: alert(lang.failure_send_sms_too_long_message); break; case low_balance: alert(lang.failure_send_sms_low_balance); break; case invalid_number: alert(lang.failure_send_sms_invalid_number); break; default: alert(lang.failure_send_sms_default); break; } } else if (data.result_code -101) { smsSendFailure(data.sshid, data.result_code, data.message, function() { alert(lang.failure_send_sms_default); }); } }, function (xhr) { } ); }); } }); }, function (xhr) { } ); function smsSendComplete(sshid, msg_id, msg_type, callback) { var type msg_type.toLowerCase() sms ? sms : lms; qvjax_direct( complete, // + + g + QV_BASE_OBJ.svid + + /qws/aligo.php, sshid + sshid + &msg_id + msg_id + &msg_type + type, function (data) { callback(); }, function (xhr) { } ) } function smsSendFailure(sshid, res_code, res_error_msg, callback) { qvjax_direct( failure, // + + g + QV_BASE_OBJ.svid + + /qws/aligo.php, sshid + sshid + &res_code + res_code + &res_error_msg + res_error_msg, function (data) { callback(); }, function (xhr) { } ) } function isValidMobileNumber(num) { //if(!num.match(/^\d+$/)) { valid false; } var arr_head 010,011,016,017,018,019,031,032,041,042,043,051,052,053,054,055,061,062,063,064,070,080, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029; var head num.slice(0, 3); return $.inArray(head, arr_head) > -1 ? true : false; }}function byteCheck(string){ var utf8length 0; for (var n 0; n string.length; n++) { var c string.charCodeAt(n); if (c 128) { utf8length++; } else if((c > 127) && (c 2048)) { utf8length utf8length+2; } else { utf8length utf8length+3; } } return utf8length;}function initTabFrame() { // 2019.01.31 $.each($(.tab-frm), function() { $(this).find(.tab-frame-nav > ul > li).removeClass(active); //$(this).find(.tab-frame-nav > ul > li:first-child).addClass(active); $(this).find(.tab-frame-nav > ul > li:first-child > a).trigger(click); }); // 2018.09.04 재헌 // URL에 #tab- 형식의 값이 있으면 해당 탭을 활성화한다. var hash location.hash; if (hash ! undefined && hash ! ) { if (hash.indexOf(tab-) 0) { return; } if ($(hash).length 0) { return; } var tab $(ahref + hash + ); var nav tab.closest(.tab-frame-nav); $.each(nav.find(li), function() { $(this).children(a).attr(aria-expanded, false); $(this).removeClass(active); }); tab.attr(aria-expanded, true); tab.parent().addClass(active); /* 2021.08.02 * PC, 모바일 따로 구성하여 같은 id가 두 개 이상 있을 때 * 둘 다 active 클래스 영향을 받도록 함 */ $(divid + hash.replace(/#/g, ) + ).each(function() { $(this).siblings().removeClass(active); $(this).addClass(active); }); // $(hash).siblings().removeClass(active); // $(hash).addClass(active); setTimeout(function(){ $(window).scrollTop(nav.offset().top - $(.header).height());// $(html, body).animate({// scrollTop: nav.offset().top - 200// }, 500); },500); /* 2020.03.19 재헌 * 탭을 mobile_ele로 복사하여 넣은 경우 헤더의 탭 앵커가 동작하지 않기 때문에(id가 달라서) * 이름으로 찾아 활성화한다 */ if (isMobile()) { var tab_name tab.first().text(); $.each($(.mobile_ele .tab-frame-nav a), function() { if ($(this).text() tab_name) { var id $(this).attr(href); $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass(active); $(this).parent().addClass(active); $(.mobile_ele + id).siblings().removeClass(active); $(.mobile_ele + id).addClass(active); } }); } } // 탭 내에 지도가 있으면 렌더링이 정상적으로 안되는 증상이 있음 // 탭 클릭시 지도를 새로 렌더링 하도록 함 $(#main_container).delegate(.tab-frm .tab-frame-nav li > a, click, function(e) { var frm $(this).parents(.tab-frm).first(); $.each(frm.find(.mapBox), function() { var map $(this); map.removeClass(map-rendering-complete); map.find(.qv-map).children().remove(); setTimeout(function() { renderMapBox(map); }, 100); }); $.each(frm.find(.mapListBox), function() { var map $(this); map.removeClass(map-list-rendering-complete); map.find(.qv-map-list).children().remove(); setTimeout(function() { renderMapListBox(map); }, 100); }); // 동일 페이지에 같은 아이디의 텝이 두개 이상 존재할 때 var tab_id $(this).attr(href).replace(/#/g, ); if ($(.tab-paneid + tab_id + ).length > 0) { e.preventDefault(); //frm.find(; frm.find(.tab-content).first().children(; frm.find(.tab-paneid + tab_id + ).addClass(active); } // 탭 클릭 시 마우스오버 컨텐츠 Initialize $.each(frm.find(.mouseover-frm), function() { var before $(this).find(.mouseover-before).first(); var after $(this).find(.mouseover-after).first(); var mouseover_height before.height() > after.height() ? before.height() : after.height(); if ($(this).height() mouseover_height) { var tb $(this).children(.view).children(.tb); tb.height(mouseover_height); } }); initIframe(frm.find(.iframeBox)); });}$(window).on(hashchange, function(e) { var hash window.location.hash; var oldUrl e.originalEvent.oldURL; var newUrl e.originalEvent.newURL; var oldUrl_noHash oldUrl.indexOf(#) 0 ? oldUrl : oldUrl.split(#)0; var newUrl_noHash newUrl.indexOf(#) 0 ? newUrl : newUrl.split(#)0; if (hash.indexOf(#tab) > -1 && (oldUrl_noHash newUrl_noHash)) { window.location.href newUrl; window.location.reload(); }});// 픽스드 컨텐츠 초기화function initFixedContents() { var isMobile /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? true : false; if(isMobile) { var fixed $(body).find(.fixed-contents-layer.fixed-contents-show-mobile); $.each(fixed, function() { var top; var left; var bottom; var right; 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tag.src; var firstScriptTag document.getElementsByTagName(script)0; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); // }});// iframe 제거하고 새로운 iframe 생성// iframe이 속한 videoBox를 찾아서, 그 안에 집어넣어주기// 해당위치에 div를 새롭게 생성하고 원래 있던 내용 집어넣기//, height 100%, width 100%, class -> video-iframe, data-srcfunction mobileAutoPlayIframe () { $(.videoBox).each(function(){ // vimeo는 해당 로직 필요 없음 if($(this).find(.video-iframe)0.getAttribute(data-src).indexOf(vimeo) > -1) return; var vBox $(this).find(.view)0 var iframe $(this).find(.video-iframe)0 var newIframe document.createElement(div) if (! return; else {; newIframe.className video-iframe; newIframe.setAttribute(data-src, iframe.getAttribute(data-src)); iframe.remove(); vBox.append(newIframe); }; })}mobileAutoPlayIframe()var player_list ;function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() { $(.videoBox).each(function() { // vimeo는 해당 로직 필요 없음 if($(this).find(.video-iframe)0.getAttribute(data-src).indexOf(vimeo) > -1) return; var player; var targetId $(this).find(.video-iframe) // 기존 아이디 없는 동영상들 놔두기 if(!targetId) return; var videoId $(this).find(.video-iframe)0.getAttribute(data-src).split(embed/)1.split(?)0 var src $(this).find(.video-iframe)0.getAttribute(data-src) var isAutoPlay src.indexOf(autoplay1) var isMute src.indexOf(mute1) var isLoop src.indexOf(loop1) player new YT.Player(targetId, { height: 100%, width: 100%, videoId: videoId, events: { onReady: onPlayerReady, onStateChange:onPlayerStateChange }, }); // 모바일 자동재생 하기 위해서 src에 autoplay 추가 if(isAutoPlay > 0) { var afterSrc $(#+targetId)0.getAttribute(src) + &autoplay1&mute1; $(#+targetId)0.setAttribute(src,afterSrc); } // 동영상 로드되면 autoplay 실행 function onPlayerReady(event) { if(isAutoPlay > 0) player.playVideo(); } // 재생 끝난 동영상 roop 값 확인하고 다시 재생 function onPlayerStateChange (event) { if( YT.PlayerState.ENDED && isLoop > 0) player.playVideo(); } })}// Youtube 자동 재생 끝// SNS 초기화 시작function initSnsFeed() { //var sns_feed $(#main_container divname*feed); var sns_feed $(#main_container div.sns-feed); $.each(sns_feed, function(i, val) { var target $(val).parents(.box).first(); var feed_token; var feed_count; var feed_style; var feed_column; var feed_column_m; var feed_height_m undefined ? $(val).find(.sns-feed-image-layer).height() :; var feed_type; var vBox $(val).parents(.view).first(); if (feed_type ! undefined && feed_token ! undefined) { switch(feed_type) { case twitter: renderTwitterFeed(feed_token, feed_count, feed_column, feed_column_m, feed_height_m, feed_style, vBox); break; case instagram: renderInstagramFeed(feed_token, feed_count, feed_column, feed_column_m, feed_height_m, feed_style, vBox); break; } target.removeAttr(data-feed_token); } });}function initInstagramFeed() { var instagram_feed $(#main_container div.instagramFeedBox); $.each(instagram_feed, function(i, val) { var target $(this); var feed_token; var feed_count; var feed_count_m; var feed_column; var feed_column_m; var feed_height; var feed_height_m undefined ? $(val).find(.sns-feed-image-layer).height() :; var feed_margin; var vBox $(val).children(.view).first(); renderInstagramGraphFeed(feed_token, feed_count, feed_column, feed_count_m, feed_column_m, feed_height, feed_height_m, feed_margin, vBox) target.removeAttr(data-access-token); });}//(function(d, s, id) {// var js, fjs d.getElementsByTagName(s)0;// if (d.getElementById(id)) return;// js d.createElement(s); id;// js.src;// fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);//}(document, script, facebook-jssdk));function initFacebookSDK(d, s, id, c) { var js, fjs d.getElementsByTagName(s)0; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js d.createElement(s); id; js.src; if (c) { fjs.addEventListener(load, function(e) { c(null, e); }, false); } fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}function refreshInstagramAccessToken(access_token, callback) { qvjax_direct( refresh_instagram_access_token, /module/sns/instagram.php, &access_token + access_token, function(data) { /* result 0 : 토큰 갱신 필요 * result 1 : 정상 */ if (data.result 0) { $.ajax({ type: GET, url: + access_token, success: function (response) { console.log(response, response); callback(); }, error: function (xhr) { console.log(Instagram\n토큰 갱신에 실패했습니다.\n관리자에게 문의해주세요., xhr); // if (xhr.responseJSON.error.code 190) {} } }); } else if (data.result 1) { callback(); } }, function (xhr) { console.log(xhr, xhr.responseText); callback(); } )}function renderInstagramGraphFeed(feed_token, feed_count, feed_column, feed_count_m, feed_column_m, feed_height, feed_height_m, feed_margin, vBox) { if (!feed_token) return; refreshInstagramAccessToken(feed_token, function() { $.ajax({ type: GET, url:,caption,media_type,media_url,thumbnail_url,timestamp,permalink&access_token + feed_token, success: function (response) { if (! return else if ( > 0) { $(vBox.children(div)0).empty(); var count isMobile() ? feed_count_m : feed_count; for (var i 0; i count; i++) { var media response.datai; if (!media) return; var thumbnail media.media_type VIDEO ? media.thumbnail_url : media.media_url; var feed div classsns-feed-box grid- + feed_column + grid-m- + feed_column_m + >; feed + a target_blank href + media.permalink + >; feed + div classsns-feed-image-layer m-h- + feed_height_m + styleheight: + feed_height + px; margin: + feed_margin + px;>; feed + div classsns-feed-image stylebackground-image: url( + thumbnail + );>/div>; feed + div classsns-feed-caption-layer qv-font>; if (media.caption ! undefined) { if (media.caption.length > 0) { var text media.caption; var length 100; var trimmedString text.length > length ? text.substring(0, length - 3) + ... : text; feed + p classsns-feed-caption-contents> + trimmedString + /p> } } feed + span classsns-feed-caption-info>; feed + div classsns-feed-caption-time>; feed + i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i>; feed + getNiceTime(new Date(media.timestamp).getTime(), new Date(), 1, true); feed + /div>; feed + /span>; feed + /div>; feed + /div>; feed + /a>; feed + /div>; $(vBox.children(div)0).append(feed); $(vBox).find(.sns-feed).show() } } }, error: function(xhr) { console.log(Instagram\n잘못된 계정이거나 존재하지 않는 계정입니다.\n\n계정정보나 비밀번호가 변경되었다면 다시 한 번 연동해주시기 바랍니다.); console.log(Instagram ERROR, JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).error); $(vBox).find(.sns-feed).show(); } }); });}function renderInstagramFeed(feed_token, feed_count, feed_column, feed_column_m, feed_height_m, feed_style, vBox) { $.ajax({ type: GET, dataType: jsonp, cache: false, url: + feed_token + &count + feed_count, success: function (response) { if (! return; else if ( > 0) { $(vBox.children(div)0).empty(); for (var i 0; i; i++) { var feed div classsns-feed-box grid- + feed_column + grid-m- + feed_column_m + >; feed + a target_blank href + + >; feed + div classsns-feed-image-layer m-h- + feed_height_m + style + feed_style + >; feed + div classsns-feed-image stylebackground-image: url( + response.datai.images.standard_resolution.url + );>/div> feed + /div>; feed + div classsns-feed-caption-layer qv-font>; if (response.datai.caption ! null) { if (response.datai.caption.text.length > 0) { var text response.datai.caption.text; var length 100; var trimmedString text.length > length ? text.substring(0, length - 3) + ... : text; feed + p classsns-feed-caption-contents> + trimmedString + /p> } } feed + span classsns-feed-caption-info>; feed + div classsns-feed-caption-time>; feed + i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i>; feed + getNiceTime(parseInt(response.datai.created_time) * 1000, new Date(), 1, true); feed + /div>; feed + div classsns-feed-caption-likes>; feed + i classfa fa-heart>/i>; feed + response.datai.likes.count; feed + i classfa fa-comment>/i>; feed + response.datai.comments.count; feed + /div>; feed + /span>; feed + /div>; feed + /a>; feed + /div>; $(vBox.children(div)0).append(feed); } } if ( feed_count && response.pagination) { if (!response.pagination.next_url) return; else { renderInstagramFeedMore( response.pagination.next_url, feed_count -, feed_column, feed_column_m, feed_height_m, feed_style, vBox); } } } });}// 특정 이유로 인스타그램 피드를 원하는 개수만큼 불러오지 못했을 때 추가로 API를 호출한다// 저작권이 있는 BGM이 들어간 영상, 재생시간이 1분 이상인 영상 등// renderInstagramFeedMore(feed_url, feed_count, feed_column, feed_column_m, feed_height_m, feed_style, vBox) { $.ajax({ type: GET, dataType: jsonp, cache: false, url: feed_url, success: function (response) { if (! return else if ( > 0) { for (var i 0; i feed_count; i++) { var feed div classsns-feed-box grid- + feed_column + grid-m- + feed_column_m + >; feed + a target_blank href + + >; feed + div classsns-feed-image-layer m-h- + feed_height_m + style + feed_style + >; feed + div classsns-feed-image stylebackground-image: url( + response.datai.images.standard_resolution.url + );>/div> feed + /div>; feed + div classsns-feed-caption-layer qv-font>; if (response.datai.caption ! null) { if (response.datai.caption.text.length > 0) { var text response.datai.caption.text; var length 100; var trimmedString text.length > length ? text.substring(0, length - 3) + ... : text; feed + p classsns-feed-caption-contents> + trimmedString + /p> } } feed + span classsns-feed-caption-info>; feed + div classsns-feed-caption-time>; feed + i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i>; feed + getNiceTime(parseInt(response.datai.created_time) * 1000, new Date(), 1, true); feed + /div>; feed + div classsns-feed-caption-likes>; feed + i classfa fa-heart>/i>; feed + response.datai.likes.count; feed + i classfa fa-comment>/i>; feed + response.datai.comments.count; feed + /div>; feed + /span>; feed + /div>; feed + /a>; feed + /div>; $(vBox.children(div)0).append(feed); } } } });}function renderTwitterFeed(feed_token, feed_count, feed_column, feed_column_m, feed_height_m, feed_style, vBox) { $.ajax({ type: GET, dataType: jsonp, cache: false, url: location.protocol + // + /auth/twitter/tweets_json.php?count + feed_count + &callbacklistTweets&screen_name + feed_token, success: function(response) { if (response.length > 0) { $(vBox.children(div)0).empty(); for (var i 0; i response.length; i++) { if (typeof ! undefined && > 0) { var imageUrl responsei.entities.media0.media_url_https; var link responsei.entities.media0.url; var feedImageHtml div classsns-feed-image stylebackground-image: url( + imageUrl + );>/div>; } else { var link + responsei.user.screen_name + /status/ + responsei.id_str; var feedImageHtml div classsns-feed-image>div>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/div>/div>; } var feed div classsns-feed-box grid- + feed_column + grid-m- + feed_column_m + >; feed + a target_blank href + link + >; feed + div classsns-feed-image-layer m-h- + feed_height_m + style + feed_style + >; feed + feedImageHtml feed + /div>; if (typeof ! undefined && > 0) { feed + div classsns-feed-caption-layer>; } else { feed + div classsns-feed-caption-layer-display>; } if (responsei.text.length > 0) { var text responsei.text; var length 100; var trimmedString text.length > length ? text.substring(0, length - 3) + ... : text; feed + p classsns-feed-caption-contents> + trimmedString + /p> } feed + span classsns-feed-caption-info>; feed + div classsns-feed-caption-time>; feed + i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i>; feed + getNiceTime(new Date(Date.parse(responsei.created_at.replace(/( \+)/, UTC$1))), new Date(), 1, true); feed + /div>; feed + div classsns-feed-caption-likes>; feed + i classfa fa-heart>/i>; feed + responsei.favorite_count; feed + i classfa fa-retweet>/i>; feed + responsei.retweet_count; feed + /div>; feed + /span>; feed + /div>; feed + /a>; feed + /div>; $(vBox.children(div)0).append(feed); } } } });}// SNS 초기화 끝// 모바일용 헤더 초기화function initMobileHeader() { $(.header-mobile-nav-btn).on(click, function() { $(.header-mobile).addClass(active-side-nav); }); $(.header-mobile-side-nav-close).on(click, function() { $(.header-mobile).removeClass(active-side-nav); }); $(#main_container).delegate(.active-side-nav, click, function(e) { if ($( { $(.header-mobile).removeClass(active-side-nav); } }); $(.header-mobile-side-nav, .header-side-nav).delegate(.mn-dropdown, click, function(e) { var parent $(this).parent(); if (parent.find(ul.sub-mn).length > 0 && !parent.hasClass(active)) { parent.addClass(active); 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// if (main_header.hasClass(sub-mn-type-2) && main_header.hasClass(sub-mn-align-horizontal)) { // var all_height 0; // $.each(main_header.find(.sub-mn), function(i, val) { // var parentMenu $(this).parents(.mn-item).first(); // parentMenu.addClass(mn-item-hover); // // var top parentMenu.height() + all_height - $(window).scrollTop(); // if (!is_InternetExplorer()) { top + parentMenu.offset().top; } // // $(this).css(top, top); // all_height + $(this).height(); // }); // } // else if ($(.header .mn-item-hover).length > 0) { // 원본 //var top $(.header .mn-item-hover).offset().top + $(.header .mn-item-hover).height() - $(window).scrollTop(); // 수정본. ie에서 header가 2단이상이면 위치가 정상적으로 잡히지 않는 문제때문에 추가 var top $(.header .mn-item-hover).height() - $(window).scrollTop(); if (!is_InternetExplorer()) { top + $(.header .mn-item-hover).offset().top; } // $(.header .mn-item-hover).find(.sub-mn).css(top, top); } if ($(.header .mn-item-overflow-list).length > 0) { // 원본 //var top $(.header .mn-item-overflow-list).offset().top + $(.header .mn-item-overflow-list).height() - $(window).scrollTop(); var top $(.header .mn-item-overflow-list).height() - $(window).scrollTop(); if (!is_InternetExplorer()) { top + $(.header .mn-item-overflow-list).offset().top; } // $(.header .mn-item-overflow-list).find(.header-overflow-pop).css(top, top); } }); } headerSubMenuPop(); function isMobile() { return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? true : false; } // string format if (!String.prototype.format) { String.prototype.format function() { var args arguments; return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) { return typeof argsnumber ! undefined ? argsnumber : match ; }); }; } /* 데이터 컨텐츠 페이지 */ /script>!-- Log -->script languagejavascript typetext/javascript> if(typeof qva ! undefined) { qva.DataSet(account, dftb6oipi); qva.start(); } function custom_trigger_call(type,id){ }/script>script> $(document).ready(function() { if (!$(body).hasClass(body-fade)) { $(body).show(); } }); $(window).bind(load,function(){ initContentsLazyLoad(); if ($(body).hasClass(body-fade)) { $(body).fadeIn(300, linear); 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// col-sm 비율까지 고려하려면 아래 코드 사용, 일단 main_container 하위 슬라이드만 적용할 것이라 사용하지 않음 //var sliderFrame $(this).parents(.slider-frm).first(); // var column sliderFrame.parent()0.className.split( ).filter(v > v.indexOf(col-sm) > -1); // if (column.length > 0) { // col-sm-4.. // var column_num column0.replace(/col-sm-/g, ); // var column_ratio 12 / column_num; // screenWidth screenWidth / column_ratio; // } var ratio $(this).parents(.slider-frm).first().width() / screenWidth; // 상위에 프레임이 하나 더 있는 경우 width가 0으로 잡힌다 ratio ratio ! 0 ? ratio : $(this).parents(.slider-frm).parent().width() / screenWidth; if(ratio > 0.1) { //IE11,FF load()전 width()값 못가져오는 case 예외처리 var origin_height parseInt($(this).data(origin-height)); var height Math.floor(origin_height * ratio); if ($(this).hasClass(frm)) { if ($(this).parent().hasClass(item)) { if (window.innerWidth 767) { ratio 1; height $(this).data(origin-height); $(this).children(.view).css(transform-origin, 50% 50%); $(this).css(background-position-y, 50%); // frame 백그라운드 이미지 원복 } $(this).parents(.carousel-inner).height(height); 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$(this).after(div classaffixed-dummy iddummy- + + styleheight: + height + px;>/div>); // $(this).parents(.frm).last().css(z-index, zIndex--); // $.each($(#fGYLWT).parents(.frm).andSelf(), function() { // $(this).css(z-index, 15); // }); }); var scrollTarget is_InternetExplorer() ? $(body) : $(document); scrollTarget.on(scroll, function() { var currentScrollTop $(this).scrollTop(); var topWithWindowHeight $(this).scrollTop() + $(window).height(); console.log(currentScrollTop); // 모바일 호환 var header (isMobile() && $(.header-mobile).length > 0) ? $(.header-mobile) : $(.header:not(.useFixed)); var footer (isMobile() && $(.footer-frame-mobile).length > 0) ? $(.footer-frame-mobile) : $(.footer-frame); $.each(affixedFrame, function() { /* 2020.02.28 재헌 * data-origin-offset-top 값이 없거나(qv-ani, qv-ani-ele), currentScrollTop이 0이면 재할당하여 수시로 값을 보정한다 */ if (!$(this).attr(data-origin-offset-top) || currentScrollTop 0) { var offsetTop $(this).offsetTop() - currentScrollTop; $(this).attr(data-origin-offset-top, offsetTop); 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var ani $(#main_container .qv-ani-ele, #main_container .qv-ani); if (ani.length 0) return; else { $.each(ani, function () { var offsetTop $(this).offsetTop(); var offsetBottom offsetTop + $(this).height(); var currentScrollTop getScrollY(); var currentScrollBottom currentScrollTop + $(window).height() ; // 부등호 에서 로 모두 변경 if ((offsetTop currentScrollTop && currentScrollTop offsetBottom) || (offsetTop currentScrollBottom && currentScrollBottom offsetBottom) || (currentScrollTop offsetTop && offsetBottom currentScrollBottom) || (offsetTop currentScrollTop && currentScrollBottom offsetBottom)) { return; } else if ($(this).hasClass(qv-ani-ele)) { $(this).toggleClass(qv-ani-ele qv-ani); }// if (offsetTop > $(window).height() &&// $(this).hasClass(qv-ani-ele)) {// $(this).toggleClass(qv-ani-ele qv-ani);// } }); } var lastScrollTop 0; scrollTarget.on(scroll, function() { var currentScrollTop getScrollY(); // var currentScrollTop $(this).scrollTop();// var screenHeight $(window).height(); var screenHeight window.innerHeight; var t currentScrollTop; var b currentScrollTop + screenHeight; if (currentScrollTop > lastScrollTop) { // scroll down $.each($(#main_container .qv-ani-ele, #main_container .qv-ani), function() { var height $(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css(padding-top)) + parseInt($(this).css(padding-bottom)); var offsetTop $(this).offsetTop(); if (offsetTop + height t) { if ($(this).is( { $(this).removeClass(qv-ani).addClass(qv-ani-ele); } else if ($(this).hasClass(qv-ani-ele)) { $(this).toggleClass(qv-ani-ele qv-ani); //console.log(1); } } else if (offsetTop b) { if ($(this).is( { $(this).removeClass(qv-ani).addClass(qv-ani-ele); } else if ($(this).hasClass(qv-ani)) { $(this).toggleClass(qv-ani qv-ani-ele); //console.log(2); } } }); } else { // scroll up $.each($(#main_container .qv-ani-ele, #main_container .qv-ani), function() { var height $(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css(padding-top)) + parseInt($(this).css(padding-bottom)); var offsetTop $(this).offsetTop(); if (offsetTop > b) { if ($(this).is( { $(this).removeClass(qv-ani).addClass(qv-ani-ele); } else if ($(this).hasClass(qv-ani-ele)) { $(this).toggleClass(qv-ani-ele qv-ani); //console.log(3); } } else if (offsetTop + height > t) { if ($(this).is( { $(this).removeClass(qv-ani).addClass(qv-ani-ele); } else if ($(this).hasClass(qv-ani)) { $(this).toggleClass(qv-ani qv-ani-ele); //console.log(4); } } }); } lastScrollTop currentScrollTop; }); } $(.quv-made .logo, .quv-made .txt).on(click, function() {,_blank); }); $(.quv-made .logo, .quv-made .btn-quv-start).on(click, function() {,_blank); }); function moveArticle(href) { var page href.slice(1, href.indexOf(?)); var query qv_func.getUrlParams(); var bid; var aid query.aid; var table $(tabledata-bid + bid + ); if (table.length 0) return; if (bid && aid && (QV_BASE_OBJ.spid page || SITE_URL page)) { // 앵커 동작 시 lazyload를 무시하고 displayed 클래스 부여 $.each($(.body > .frm), function() { $(this).find(.frm:not(.dp-none-important), .box:not(.dp-none-important)).addClass(displayed); }); var type default; var _pn page; var pn &pn + _pn; __BID bid; 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var target_tab tab.find(ahref*# + tab_id + ); var tab_name target_tab.text(); $.each($(.mobile_ele .tab-frame-nav a), function() { if ($(this).text() tab_name) { $(this).trigger(click); } }); } } else { scrolltop $(# + anchor).offsetTop() - header_height; scrolltop is_InternetExplorer() ? scrolltop + $(body).scrollTop() : scrolltop; } $(html, body).animate({ scrollTop: scrolltop }, 700); // mn-link 클릭하면 header-side-nav 닫음 if (isMobile() && $(.header-side-nav).hasClass(active)) { $(.header-side-nav).removeClass(active); if ($(this).parents(.header-mobile).length > 0) { $(this).parents(.header1, .header2, .header3, .header9).removeClass(z-index-9999); } } } //$(.mn-link).on(click, function() { $(ahref*qvac).on(click, function() { var href $(this).attr(href); if (href ! undefined && href ! ) { var page href.slice(1, href.indexOf(?)); var params qv_func.getUrlParams(? + href.split(?)1); var anchor params.qvac; var anchor_mobile params.qvmac; if (isMobile() && anchor_mobile) { anchor anchor_mobile; } if ($(# + anchor).length 0) return; //side menu close if($(this).parents(.header-mobile-side-nav).length > 0){ $(.header-mobile).removeClass(active-side-nav); } if (anchor && (QV_BASE_OBJ.spid page || SITE_URL page)) { // 앵커 동작 시 lazyload를 무시하고 displayed 클래스 부여 $.each($(.body > .frm), function() { $(this).find(.frm:not(.dp-none-important), .box:not(.dp-none-important)).addClass(displayed); }); if (is_InternetExplorer() && $(# + anchor).offsetTop() 0) { // ie에서 page load 시 offset 값을 가져오지 못하기 때문에 가져올때까지 setInterval 돌림 var interval null; interval setInterval(function() { moveAnchor(anchor); clearInterval(interval); }, 100); } else { setTimeout(function() { moveAnchor(anchor); }, 100) } return false; } } }); $(*tab).on(click, function(e) { var href $(this).attr(href); if (href ! undefined && href ! ) { var page href.slice(1, href.indexOf(#)); var anchor href.split(#)1; if ($(# + anchor).length 0) return; else { if (anchor && (QV_BASE_OBJ.spid page || SITE_URL page)) { e.preventDefault(); 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var re 0; var image_count 0; $.each($(this).find(.box.imgBox), function() { // displayed 클래스가 없으면 리사이징 하지않는다. if (!$(this).hasClass(displayed)) return; // 컬럼 2개 이상 존재하는 프레임에 속해있으면 리사이징 하지않는다. if (isMobile() || window.innerWidth 767) { if ($(this).parents(.col-xs-1, .col-xs-2, .col-xs-3, .col-xs-4, .col-xs-5, .col-xs-6, .col-xs-7, .col-xs-8, .col-xs-9, .col-xs-10, .col-xs-11).length > 0) return; } else { if ($(this).parents(.col-sm-1, .col-sm-2, .col-sm-3, .col-sm-4, .col-sm-5, .col-sm-6, .col-sm-7, .col-sm-8, .col-sm-9, .col-sm-10, .col-sm-11).length > 0) return; } // 탭, 슬라이드 내의 이미지는 리사이징 하지않는다. if ($(this).parents(.tab-frm, .slider-frm).length > 0) return; re + getDataHeight($(this)) - $(this).height(); image_count++; }); if (image_count > 0) { $.each($(this).find(.frm).andSelf(), function () { var h getDataHeight($(this)); if (h auto || h 0 || re > h) return; if ($(this).is($(.body > .frm).first()) && $(.header).length > 0) { $.each($(.header > div), function() { // 헤더 크기가 가변적이기 때문에 data-hei 값을 가져다쓴다 var header_height $(this).attr(data-hei); 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var w $t.width(); var h $t.height(); // 모바일에서 vimeo 배경설정 시 소리 켜기 버튼이 생기는 문제 때문에 전체 크기 상향 조정 // if (isMobile()) { // w + 100; // h + 100; // } if ($t.parents(.slider-frm).length > 0) { w $t.parents(.slider-frm).width(); h $t.parents(.slider-frm).height(); } else if ($t.parents(.tab-frm).length > 0) { w $t.parents(.tab-frm).width(); h $t.parents(.tab-frm).height(); } else if (w 0 || h 0) { $t.addClass(displayed); $t.parents(.frm).addClass(displayed); w $t.width(); h $t.height(); } h + parseInt($t.css(padding-top)); h + parseInt($t.css(padding-bottom)); h + parseInt($t.css(margin-top)); h + parseInt($t.css(margin-bottom)); var resolution resolution-1920x1080; // default; var resolution_array { w:320, h:180 }, { w:480, h:270 }, { w:640, h:360 }, { w:800, h:450 }, { w:864, h:486 }, { w:960, h:540 }, { w:1024, h:576 }, { w:1152, h:648 }, { w:1280, h:720 }, { w:1366, h:768 }, { w:1440, h:810 }, { w:1600, h:900 }, { w:1760, h:990 }, { w:1920, h:1080 }, { w:2048, h:1152 }, { w:2560, h:1440 }, { w:2880, h:1620 }, { w:3200, h:1800 }, { w:3840, h:2160 }, { w:4096, h:2304 }, { w:5120, h:2880 }, ; 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} function getScrollY() { if (isIpadOS()) { return window.scrollY / _ZOOM; } else { return window.scrollY; } }; /* 2020.05.18 재헌 * 동영상 컨텐츠 로딩 시 다른 컨텐츠의 로딩까지 느려지는 부분 개선 * 로딩 순서 (동영상 외) -> (동영상) */ $.each($(, function() { var src $(this).attr(data-src); if (!src) return; var loadingMask div classproceeding> + div stylez-index: -1; classqv-loader qv-loader-black>/div> + /div>; $(this).before($(loadingMask)); }); $(window).bind(load,function() { $.each($(, function() { var src $(this).attr(data-src); if (!src) return; $(this).on(load, function() { $(this).siblings(.proceeding).remove(); }); $(this).attr(src, src); }); }); $(document).ready(function() { if ($(.read-content-next)) { $(.read-content-next).text(이전글); $(.read-content-prev).text(다음글); } $(#main_container).delegate(.board-table-1 tr.board-tbody-tr, .board-table-2 tr.board-tbody-tr, .read-content-next, .read-content-prev, click, function (e) { const customInterval setInterval(function() { if ($(.read-content-next)) { $(.read-content-next).text(이전글); $(.read-content-prev).text(다음글); clearInterval(customInterval); } }, 1000) }); });/script>
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