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background-size: cover; > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 vh-50 p-0> div classrow align-items-end justify-content-end > div classcol-md-12 bg- align-items-end pb-md-6 pt-0 pb-0 style> div classheader-left text-left bg-white-80 bottom-stripe-secondary pt-6 pb-5 pl-7 ml-auto stylemax-width: 750px;>h1 styletext-align: left;>span>Jewel Crossing/span>Apartments/h1>/div> /div> /div> /div>/header>style typetext/css> .stripHeaderGridManual { background-image: url(; background-position: center top; } @media (min-width: 480px) { .stripHeaderGridManual { background-image: url(; background-position: center top; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .stripHeaderGridManual { background-image: url(; background-position: center top; } }/style> div classmain-content HomePage parent-holderStandard> section idabout>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-gray-lightest text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-10 pb-10 > div classrow justify-content-center no-gutters row-eq-height > div classcol-md-6 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > div classd-block p-4 p-md-5 h-100 stylebackground: rgba(255, 255, 255,1);>h2 classmb-0 mt-0>About Our Property/h2>p classslogan text-secondary>Affordable Housing in North Attleborough, MA/p>p>Great Bridge Properties is pleased to announce the development of 66 units of workforce rental housing in downtown North Attleborough, Massachusetts. The apartments are a mix of one, two and three bedroom apartments./p>p>All of the apartments are available to households earning low-to-moderate-incomes./p>/div> /div> div classcol-md-5 bg-white pt-4 px-4 pt-md-5 px-md-5 pt-0 pb-0 style > div classwidget imageBasicWidget text-center text-md-center no-content> img src altWoodcock-Hatch-Maxcy House, North Attleborough MA classdesktop d-none d-xl-block /> !--desktop/default--> img src altWoodcock-Hatch-Maxcy House, North Attleborough MA classtablet d-none d-sm-block d-xl-none /> img src altWoodcock-Hatch-Maxcy House, North Attleborough MA classmobile d-none d-block d-sm-none /> div classextra1>/div> /div> p classsmall>em>Nearby Woodcock-Hatch-Maxcy House, North Attleborough MA/em>/p> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idabout-continued>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual py-10 py-md-0 stellarprops stripGrid2Cell bg- text- stylebackground: transparent url( no-repeat center top; background-size: cover; data-stellar-background-ratio0.65 data-stellar-horizontal-offset0 > div classoverlay stylebackground: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)>/div> div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-10 pb-10 > div classrow justify-content-center no-gutters row-eq-height > div classcol-md-6 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > div classd-block p-4 p-md-5 h-100 stylebackground: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);>h3 classtext-left>Site and Historic Information/h3>p>The site, 117 South Washington Street, is at the southerly edge of the downtown North Attleborough commercial district. The location is ideal for access to Town services, including a new bus transportation center. It is also within walking distance of a public school and many restaurants and commercial shops./p>p>The buildings formerly occupying the site were a rambling complex of outdated manufacturing and office facilities, originally constructed by T.I. Smith Company in 1899 and most recently occupied by the Jeweled Cross Company. Great Bridge is pleased to have been able to retain and incorporate the historic head house for use as common areas for the residents and offices for the management./p>/div> /div> div classcol-md-5 bg- d-none pt-0 pb-0 style > div classd-block p-4 p-md-5 h-100 stylebackground: rgba(30, 74, 107, 0.9);>h3 classtext-left>span classtext-white>Conveniently Located/span>/h3>p>span classtext-white>Baker Brook Apartments is a beautiful new apartment community located just off Youngs Road in Lunenburg, Massachusetts. Nestled at the edge of the Tri Town Landing Apartment Community, Baker Brook Apartments is located on a large self-contained parcel offering tremendous landscaping and privacy for the residents. The apartments, located at 8 Tri Town Drive are conveniently located just a few miles from Fitchburg and Leominster, MA./span>/p>p>span classtext-white>The property that is now the home of Baker Brook Apartments was once home to the Tri-Town Drive-In Theatre, which originally opened in 1955!/span>/p>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idfloor-plan-intro>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg- text- style > div classcontainer mt-0 mb-0 pt-7 pb-4 > div classrow justify-content-center > div classcol-md-6 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h2 styletext-align: center;>A Home That Fits Your Lifestyle/h2>p styletext-align: center;>Browse through our 3 floor plan options to find the new home that meets your lifestyle./p> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idfloor-plans>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg- text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-3 pb-7 > div classrow justify-content-around > div classcol-md-4 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style>a classwidget imageBasicWidget magnific-link text-center text-md- has-content href/media/13187/1-bdrm-unit-1080xy.jpg title> img src alt1 bedroom apartment classdesktop d-none d-xl-block /> !--desktop/default--> img src alt1 bedroom apartment classtablet d-none d-sm-block d-xl-none /> img src alt1 bedroom apartment classmobile d-none d-block d-sm-none /> div classaddl-content floor-plan> h3>1 Bdrm Floorplan/h3>p> /p> /div>/a> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style>a classwidget imageBasicWidget magnific-link text-center text-md- has-content href/media/13188/2-bdrm-unit-1080.jpg title> img src alt2 bedroom apartment classdesktop d-none d-xl-block /> !--desktop/default--> img src alt2 bedroom apartment classtablet d-none d-sm-block d-xl-none /> img src alt2 bedroom apartment classmobile d-none d-block d-sm-none /> div classaddl-content floor-plan> h3>2 Bdrm Floorplan/h3>p> /p> /div>/a> /div> div classcol-md-4 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style>a classwidget imageBasicWidget magnific-link text-center text-md- has-content href/media/13189/3-bdrm-unit-1080.jpg title> img src alt3 bedroom apartment classdesktop d-none d-xl-block /> !--desktop/default--> img src alt3 bedroom apartment classtablet d-none d-sm-block d-xl-none /> img src alt3 bedroom apartment classmobile d-none d-block d-sm-none /> div classaddl-content floor-plan> h3>3 Bdrm Floorplan/h3>p> /p> /div>/a> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idfeatures>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual py-10 py-md-0 stellarprops stripGrid2Cell bg- text- stylebackground: transparent url( no-repeat center top; background-size: cover; data-stellar-background-ratio0.65 data-stellar-horizontal-offset0 > div classoverlay stylebackground: rgba(78, 180, 229, 0.85)>/div> div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-10 pb-10 > div classrow justify-content-center row-eq-height > div classcol-md-5 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > div classd-block p-4 p-md-5 h-100 stylebackground: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);>h3 classtext-left>Apartment Building Design Features/h3>p>After demolition of the outdated manufacturing buildings, two new apartment buildings were constructed. One building houses 30 apartments and the other 36. The 36 unit building is directly attached to the historic head house, providing access to the management office, the community room and fitness room. These areas are also decorated with many historic items salvaged from the original buildings./p>/div> /div> div classcol-md-6 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > div classd-block p-4 p-md-5 h-100 stylebackground: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);>h3 classtext-left>Key Features of the Apartment Complex/h3>ul>li>66 beautiful apartments, including 17 one bedroom units, 40 two bedroom units, and 9 three bedroom units/li>li>On-site property management and maintenance/li>li>The buildings are 3 stories, serviced by elevators and state of the art life safety systems including sprinklers in all apartments/li>li>Heat and water are included in the rent/li>li>On-site laundry facilities using a new card payment system are available on each floor/li>li>Four mobility impaired apartments are available and remaining apartments are adaptable/li>li>A large fenced play area is included on site for residents children as well as 2 basketball hoops/li>li>Plenty of on-site free parking/li>li>Creative landscaping surrounds the entire property/li>li>Community gardening boxes are available for resident use/li>/ul>/div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idmap>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-gray-lightest text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-0 pb-0 p-0 > div classrow > div classcol-md bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h2 styletext-align: center; margin-top: 3rem;>Where to Find Us/h2>p styletext-align: center; margin-bottom: 3.5rem;>117 S Washington />North Attleborough, MA 02760/p> script src>/script>div idmap-canvas styleheight: 600px; margin: 0 -15px;>/div>script>var myLatLng {lat: 41.978540, lng: -71.334940}; var style_array_here { featureType: water, elementType: all, stylers: { visibility: on }, { color: #1E4A6B } }, { featureType: administrative.province, elementType: all, stylers: { visibility: on } }, { featureType: landscape, elementType: all, stylers: { visibility: on }, { color: #ffffff }, { saturation: 10 }, { lightness: 76 } }, { featureType: landscape.natural, 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};var map;function initialize() { var mapOptions { zoom: 15, center: new google.maps.LatLng(41.978540, -71.334940), styles: style_array_here }; map new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(map-canvas), mapOptions);var image;var marker new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatLng, map: map, icon: image });}google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, load, initialize);/script> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idcontact-us-apply-now>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual py-10 py-md-0 stellarprops stripGrid2Cell bg-secondary text- stylebackground: transparent url( no-repeat center top; background-size: cover; data-stellar-background-ratio0.8 data-stellar-horizontal-offset0 > div classoverlay stylebackground: rgba(78, 180, 229, 0.85)>/div> div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-10 pb-10 > div classrow justify-content-center row-eq-height > div classcol-md-5 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > div classd-block p-4 p-md-5 h-100 stylebackground: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);>h2 classtext-left>Jewel Crossing Tenant Inquiry and Availability/h2>p>If you have questions or would like a tenant application, please complete the Jewel Crossing Tenant Inquiry and Availability form and send an inquiry./p>/div> /div> div classcol-md-6 bg- bg-primary mx-3 p-4 p-md-5 pt-0 pb-0 style > h2>span classtext-white>Contact Us/span>/h2> div idumbraco_form_f9c64b30b0724e8cad5769f103e8ed6a classumbraco-forms-form greatbridgejewelcrossing umbraco-forms-bootstrap4-horizontal>form action/ enctypemultipart/form-data methodpost>input name__RequestVerificationToken typehidden valuepsGHhaukhup1DrZXVUgmkxwToVY41JiUim8I43Jnv2x3u9msjMOxitB0wGtmtbfZRLoKCrnPLKQauJ3MVcv5DbcO5qP4VHTNoO3J44Z01wE1 />input data-valtrue data-val-requiredThe FormId field is required. idFormId nameFormId typehidden valuef9c64b30-b072-4e8c-ad57-69f103e8ed6a />input idFormName nameFormName typehidden valueGreat Bridge - Jewel Crossing />input data-valtrue data-val-requiredThe RecordId field is required. idRecordId nameRecordId typehidden value00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 />input idPreviousClicked namePreviousClicked typehidden value /> input typehidden nameFormStep value0 /> input typehidden nameRecordState valueNjYzNUYxN0RGMzdBNDM5QjE2RTEwRUFFOUUwRTc2MjJCRjEzNTE0RUQ4NDY1RTg3REYyRjU3NzUwM0Q0OUUxRTdFREYxMDYzNkNDNDgwODMzN0FCN0U3NEYzMkU4NUMxNUZGQUQxQjIzNkNBMEQ4NkJFNDExN0E0MTIxOTcyRDc2QjQzRUM4M0FCMzZGNjc1Q0E4MDAwNUIxOTFDRTQ4MDRCMzVENzc3MkYzRDA3M0M5NEQ1NEIyMDc3MTE5RDNFRjg2OUNCQkQxQzc2MDEwQzY1MkZDNzEzNzQ3REFFNDg5NDBBRkI4N0FFRUFFM0RCOUEzQTk3MEE2ODczREMxQ0E5RDlEMkY4MjQ1OTI0RTRDREQ4MDgwQTk2NzhGQTkwMUE0OEM2Q0FBRDhCRjJDOUNFMkY0MDk3QTc0MzBCNTM1MzRFMTM2M0JCRTg4MUM4RUI0RDU1MTQ5NDNEMDg2MjAxM0U0NjdCOEYxMEMxNzZCRTk2QzlBRjhGQUVDOTdBNTZFNjU5QzUyNjFFM0ZGOUQ1QUEzRjg4MkJGMzQwMDlDODBENkJBMkY4NENENkQ5NzQxNDNFRjA5RjRDNDFFQ0NERjI1NzQxREJCMTJENkQ4ODU2RTcxM0Q2M0JBOThCNjc4RDUwNEIwNEY5RDMxRkE2QTM5NDFFRkRCRjJDNDE5OEZENkNEMjlGMTM2ODRENTM3REM5QzU0NTU1QTYxN0VBMjdCRjY5MzNFQjVGQkMxQjJCQjk5M0FDNERBRjJBMzFDRjIyREU4RTlDNTc4MDU2Q0MwRjY2QTFBRTUzNTNDMzdEOTIxREMyMjA0QkQ5NDIwQ0EzRDgyRjUzNzNFNjg3RDA4RTk2MzA3NzZBRjYyNUVBNzQ3NzQzMjc0M0UwQjQ2ODEyNjc3Mjc3QzRDOEI2RDU1ODRFNUFFQzI1NTBFRDg4QzFEODAzMkExNDk4OEU2MkM2ODk3RkYzRjkzMjVENTcxMEYyRTA1OUI4RDM0QUE1RDhFOTI4QjJEMTA5RDZFOTlEQTIzREE1QTBDMEExMDk2QUE1MDFBNDM2N0Y2NEE4RTYwQzRDRTI4MUI2RjBERDI5QTVFNEE0NDlBNjAwQ0ZDNUEwMzI1RUVEQUI2OTJGRDk5QzdGNDgxNThBRUUyRjg5NTI2RDQ1MEZBQUY4QjYzNkYwRTMwMUQ1MjY3NjQ0NzY4QUFCRjMzNENBMDM0NzY2RjE5Q0E1RDE3NTAxMEQ4RjIxMjYyNTExMEUzRjNBM0RDQ0IxM0U1OTAwNjA4NDEyMDRDRjQ3QzU0NzlBMEE4RURFM0U5RDFFRjQxODE2RDU4OTM3Rjg0MDhDMzM5NzdBNkQ5MDA0RTJCQTY1NTNGM0EyNDY4ODUzMTlDQ0JEOEFBQ0I5QTMzQUUzRDdBN0YxOEQ3OERBODVBMUNBNTdGNTFFOEUxRDZCQjEyMDBBNUZFNjBFQjVDNjhCMzYzMEJFRTQwRjYzMDc0M0M4MjVEREUwMDAyQjI2RUE2M0MyNDMxRkREREMwQjc1RDc0NTBCMjY0MDRGNURBNDVEQUU5MzJBRDA5MzlFMUNDNEY3RjY5OUE0NzIyQjQ2OTVFOEZCRDcxNDcxNDI5NjBFRUQzMUFCMjNDQTk5MEM3ODc1NzNDNzI3NUI2NkZFNTQxQ0QxNjgxMTJFQ0YwNjVDOTA5QkEzMDBCRkYyOTRCQjMwREZBNTBEOUU1NDQ2OThGMTFBNTY4MDE5NTZGREI5NUMzMjlCMkY0M0I0REI1ODkzNTA0NzhDMzdBMDkwQTcxRjVFNDA0MDdGM0Q3NzlCNUY1MTE0QzFGNEYxOTBCNzQ0QjM1MEI2MkM2QzZFRjE4RDJBOUJERkZENjY3MTA0MDQ5OEMyNTg3NjMwOEI1NThGODIwRDBENEIzNUJEREFCRkQzNUVGQzUxRjVGMjZGMkVDODIwNzE1QTAwMjU2QkYwMEI4QjI4RUQwRTE3QjVCNjYwMTQzRTUzRUI4QzM2QjNENUU0Qzg3OTc3NkU0QUQ1NTlDODIwNTRDOTQ4NkEwQTg0QzQ3MkI1MkQyNEFGRENEOUM5QjJBNDk4NzhFNjQxQUUxQ0YwNDE0QzFEOEJBNDQ2NDMxOEUxNkY2Rg 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data-regex16/>span classfield-validation-valid data-valmsg-for6b7b8385-8564-4a5f-e5be-0cf657c6a4a0 data-valmsg-replacetrue>/span> /div> /div> div classform-group umbraco-forms-field areyouarealhuman recaptcha3 mandatory alternating > label fora70ee1ad-fdab-4980-9625-67dead586497 classcol-12 control-label umbraco-forms-label> Are You a Real Human? span classumbracoForms-Indicator>*/span> /label> div classumbraco-forms-field-wrapper> script src>/script> input typehidden ida70ee1ad-fdab-4980-9625-67dead586497 nameg-recaptcha-response /> script> grecaptcha.ready(function() { grecaptcha.execute(6Le2484aAAAAAKY39QzcGwPJyQktmwze1-iPZ0k8, { action: homepage }).then(function (token) { $(#a70ee1ad-fdab-4980-9625-67dead586497).val(token); console.log(token); }); }); /script>style> .recaptcha3 label { display: none; } /style>span classfield-validation-valid data-valmsg-fora70ee1ad-fdab-4980-9625-67dead586497 data-valmsg-replacetrue>/span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /fieldset> div styledisplay: none> input typetext namef9c64b30b0724e8cad5769f103e8ed6a /> /div> div classumbraco-forms-navigation row> div classcol-12> input typesubmit classbtn btn-primary valueSubmit namesubmitbtn/> /div> /div>/div>input nameufprt typehidden valueC731A31F8F034693D766D029A35B898C7CE8594802AE04CD3903C11EDADBDA496C4B52001FE3A28DFFF3800EE0D6504E2E6EDB82CF18C3AE679EF6600159D5C88B415F277686A7BD75853407DD098D9F6AD6C471CCDF8F7E632604CA472EF7076D10F93D23FCCF5DE12EC7BA53BAF835ECC7388B86A87A2C1183ADAEA1C5D228EDD9B682D21DAAF3D7E648149C3344E4 />/form> script> document.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, function load() { if (typeof jQuery ! function) return setTimeout(load, 50); var contourDateFormat m/d/yy, formId f9c64b30b0724e8cad5769f103e8ed6a, fieldSetConditions {}, fieldConditions {}, recordvalues {}; umbracoForms.dependencyCheck(formId); var form $(#umbraco_form_ + formId + .umbraco-forms-page); var conditions new umbracoForms.conditions(form, fieldSetConditions, fieldConditions, recordvalues);; }); /script> script typetext/javascript src/App_Plugins/UmbracoForms/Assets/Themes/Default/umbracoforms-dependencies.js defer>/script> script typetext/javascript src/App_Plugins/UmbracoForms/Assets/Themes/Default/umbracoforms.js defer>/script> script typetext/javascript src/App_Plugins/UmbracoForms/Assets/Themes/Default/umbracoforms-conditions.js defer>/script> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idswiper-gallery-before-construction>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual swiper-slide-show-all stripGrid2Cell bg- text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-4 pb-5 p-0 mx-3 mx-md-0 > div classrow justify-content-center no-gutters > div classcol-md-12 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h2 classtext-center>Before Construction/h2> /div> div classcol-md-12 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > section classwidget swiperBasicWidget > div classswiper-container swiper-container-369e1879-86f9-45d7-912d-dd6da51c833b > div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src alt /> /a> /div> 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var swiperWidget new Swiper(.swiper-container-369e1879-86f9-45d7-912d-dd6da51c833b, { // Optional parameters loop: false, speed: 1000, effect: slide, slidesPerView: 1, /**/ navigation: { nextEl: .slider-next, prevEl: .slider-prev, }, parallax: false, spaceBetween: 24, centeredSlides: true, zoom: false, }) $(.magnific-link).magnificPopup({ type: image, gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: 1, 3 }, mainClass: mfp-with-zoom, // this class is for CSS animation below zoom: { enabled: true, // By default its false, so dont forget to enable it duration: 300, // duration of the effect, in milliseconds easing: ease-in-out, // CSS transition easing function // The opener function should return the element from which popup will be zoomed in // and to which popup will be scaled down // By defailt it looks for an image tag: opener: function (openerElement) { // openerElement is the element on which popup was initialized, in this case its a> tag // you dont need to add opener option if this code matches your needs, its defailt one. return ? openerElement : openerElement.find(img); } } }); })/script> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idswiper-gallery-during-construction>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual swiper-slide-show-all stripGrid2Cell bg-gray-lightest text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-4 pb-5 p-0 mx-3 mx-md-0 > div classrow justify-content-center no-gutters > div classcol-md-12 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h2 styletext-align: center; padding: 2rem 0 1.75rem; margin: 0;>During Construction/h2> /div> div classcol-md-12 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > section classwidget swiperBasicWidget > div classswiper-container swiper-container-dc00a2f0-6936-4cbf-88ea-c51c6c14fcdf > div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src alt /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src alt /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href> img src alt /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a 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false, }) $(.magnific-link).magnificPopup({ type: image, gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: 1, 3 }, mainClass: mfp-with-zoom, // this class is for CSS animation below zoom: { enabled: true, // By default its false, so dont forget to enable it duration: 300, // duration of the effect, in milliseconds easing: ease-in-out, // CSS transition easing function // The opener function should return the element from which popup will be zoomed in // and to which popup will be scaled down // By defailt it looks for an image tag: opener: function (openerElement) { // openerElement is the element on which popup was initialized, in this case its a> tag // you dont need to add opener option if this code matches your needs, its defailt one. return ? openerElement : openerElement.find(img); } } }); })/script> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idswiper-gallery-after-construction>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual swiper-slide-show-all stripGrid2Cell bg-white text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-4 pb-5 p-0 pt-4 mx-3 mx-md-0> div classrow justify-content-center no-gutters > div classcol-md-12 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style>h2 classtext-center>After Construction/h2> /div> div classcol-md-12 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style>section classwidget swiperBasicWidget > div classswiper-container swiper-container-222b378c-24b9-4557-a529-6b37a754c03b > div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href/media/12678/jewelnew_001.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width900&height600&rnd132627089330000000&quality75> img src/media/12678/jewelnew_001.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width900&height600&rnd132627089330000000&quality75 alt /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link href/media/12679/jewelnew_002.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width900&height600&rnd132627089330000000&quality75> img src/media/12679/jewelnew_002.jpg?anchorcenter&modecrop&width900&height600&rnd132627089330000000&quality75 alt /> /a> /div> div classswiper-slide> a classmagnific-link 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