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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/htmllast-modified: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 11:06:14 GMTaccept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 16444date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 20:17:40 GMTserver: LiteSpeed !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> meta namedescription content> meta nameauthor content> link relicon hrefimages/favicon.ico> title>Asia Cycles Industries/title> !-- Bootstrap core CSS --> link hrefcss/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet> link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefcss/noJS.css/> link relstylesheet typetext/css hreffa/css/font-awesome.min.css> !-- Just for debugging purposes. 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The sweat swet by R.K. Jain - in JAGRAON EXPORTS now runs as blood in the veins of ASIA CYCLE INDUSTRIES which commenced production of HIGH QUALITY BICYCLE HUBS, FREE-WHEELS, AND CHAINWHEEL CRANKSETS/p> /div> div classcol-md-6> img srcimages/cycle.jpg classimg-responsive> /div>!-- Col-md-6 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-6> p>in the year 2001. R.K. Jain - a sui-generis businessman. It is because of his midhabits, prescient quality and gentle aspirations that he is considered as one of the staid businessman. the selection of PRODUCT-MIX, itself speaks of his versatile wit./p> p>THE PRIMARY FUNCTION OF A HUB- in a bicycle-as every one of us knows-is most vital. Every letter of the word HUBS compels us to think, re - think, and recognize its importance for a bicycle, Factually, it is this component which HASTENS UP THE BICYCLES SPEED AND MAKES THE BICYCLE TO MATCH WITH SPEED AGE and so is the case with other manufacturing./p> a hrefabout.html classbutton>Read More/a> /div>!-- Col-md-6 Class Ends --> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- Box Class Ends --> div classbox> div classcol-md-6> img srcimages/quality.jpg classimg-responsive> h3>Quality Assurance/h3> p>As a manufacturing company, the company is committed to delivering quality at affordable price. Technological innovation has been one of the most natural advantages of its organisational structure. In fifty-two years of its being, it has invested heavily in its human capital. The highly motivated work force carries a sense of belonging. Their happiness is the key to its growth./p> /div>!-- Col-md-6 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-6> img srcimages/production.jpg classimg-responsive> h3>Production/h3> p>For every Forza Product to be an excellent value for money proposition, the company offers a wide spectrum of products for its customers. Employing the latest technology, the process and machinery are consistent with the stringent quality checks during the production. The purchase department co-ordinates with inland and overseas wings of the marketing department to ensure correct and timely dispatch./p> /div>!-- Col-md-6 Class Ends --> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- Box Class Ends --> /div>!-- Row Class Ends --> /div>!-- Container Class Ends --> /div>!-- About Class Ends --> div classlowerfooter> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-4> i classfa fa-phone-square>/i> p>Phone : br>+91 - 161 - 2670850,2671318/p> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- Col-md-4 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-4> i classfa fa-map-marker>/i> p>D -50-51-52 br>Phase - V Focal Point, Ludhiana - 141 010 (INDIA)/p> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- Col-md-4 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-4> i classfa fa-envelope>/i> p>Mail : br>a>>a>>/p> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- Col-md-4 Class Ends --> /div>!-- Row Class Ends --> /div>!-- Container Class Ends --> /div>!-- Lowerfooter Class Ends --> div classfooter> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-3> h3>Address/h3> p>strong>Office:/strong> D -50-51-52 Phase - V Focal Point, Ludhiana - 141 010 (INDIA)/p> p>a>>/p> p>strong>Call Us:/strong>+91 - 161 - 2670850,2671318/p> /div>!-- Col-md-3 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-3> h3>Products/h3> ul> li>a hrefbicycle.html>Cycles/a>/li> li>a hrefframes.html>Frames/a>/li> li>a hrefforks.html>Forks/a>/li> li>a hrefforks-fitting.html>Fork Fittings/a>/li> li>a hreffree-wheel.html>Freewheels/a>/li> li>a hrefhubs.html>Hubs/a>/li> /ul> ul> li>a hrefhubs-axles.html>Hubs & Hub Axles/a>/li> li>a hrefchainwheel.html>Chainwheels/a>/li> li>a hrefbbaxel.html>B.B Axles & Cups/a>/li> li>a hrefPedal.html>Pedals/a>/li> li>a hrefhandle.html>Handles/a>/li> li>a hrefproducts.html>More../a>/li> /ul> /div>!-- Col-md-3 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-3> h3>BUSINESS HOURS/h3> p>a href#>Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm/a>/p> p>a href#>Saturday / Sunday: Closed/a>/p> /div>!-- Col-md-3 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-3> h3>NEWSLETTER SIGNUP/h3> p>Subscribe to Our Newsletter to get Important News, Amazing Offers & Inside Scoops:/p> div classnewsletter> form> input typetext> input typesubmit value> /form> /div> /div>!-- Col-md-3 Class Ends --> /div>!-- Row Class Ends --> /div>!-- Container Class Ends --> /div>!-- Footer Class Ends --> !-- topArrow Strat --> div idtopArrow> a href#top>i classfa fa-chevron-up>/i>/a> /div> div classhelpline> p>Help Line No. : 9914509191/p> /div> !-- topArrow Ends --> !-- Java Script Starts Here --> script src>/script> script srcjs/bootstrap.min.js>/script> script srcjs/jquery.js>/script> script srcjs/docs.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/jquery-2.1.1.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/javascript.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/arrowtop.js>/script> link hrefddmenu/ddmenu.css relstylesheet typetext/css /> script srcddmenu/ddmenu.js typetext/javascript>/script> /body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/htmllast-modified: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 11:06:14 GMTaccept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 16444date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 20:17:41 GMTserver: LiteSpeed !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> meta namedescription content> meta nameauthor content> link relicon hrefimages/favicon.ico> title>Asia Cycles Industries/title> !-- Bootstrap core CSS --> link hrefcss/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet> link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefcss/noJS.css/> link relstylesheet typetext/css hreffa/css/font-awesome.min.css> !-- Just for debugging purposes. 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} }); /script>div idlayerslider_1 classls-wp-container stylewidth: 100%; height: 450px; margin: 0px auto; >div classls-layer styleslidedirection: right; slidedelay: 4000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0; timeshift: 0; transition2d: all; >img srcwp-content/uploads/2014/06/LS1.jpg classls-bg altSlide background>/div> div classls-layer styleslidedirection: right; slidedelay: 4000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0; timeshift: 0; transition2d: all; >img srcwp-content/uploads/2014/06/LS2.jpg classls-bg altSlide background>/div> div classls-layer styleslidedirection: right; slidedelay: 4000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0; timeshift: 0; transition2d: all; >img srcwp-content/uploads/2014/06/LS3.jpg classls-bg altSlide background>/div>/div> /section>!-- **Slider Section - End** --> !-- **Primary Section** --> /div>!-- Slider Class Ends --> !-- Slider Class Ends --> div classabout> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classbox> div classcol-md-12> p>NOTHING GREAT IS EVER BORN READY-MADE. The sweat swet by R.K. Jain - in JAGRAON EXPORTS now runs as blood in the veins of ASIA CYCLE INDUSTRIES which commenced production of HIGH QUALITY BICYCLE HUBS, FREE-WHEELS, AND CHAINWHEEL CRANKSETS/p> /div> div classcol-md-6> img srcimages/cycle.jpg classimg-responsive> /div>!-- Col-md-6 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-6> p>in the year 2001. R.K. Jain - a sui-generis businessman. It is because of his midhabits, prescient quality and gentle aspirations that he is considered as one of the staid businessman. the selection of PRODUCT-MIX, itself speaks of his versatile wit./p> p>THE PRIMARY FUNCTION OF A HUB- in a bicycle-as every one of us knows-is most vital. Every letter of the word HUBS compels us to think, re - think, and recognize its importance for a bicycle, Factually, it is this component which HASTENS UP THE BICYCLES SPEED AND MAKES THE BICYCLE TO MATCH WITH SPEED AGE and so is the case with other manufacturing./p> a hrefabout.html classbutton>Read More/a> /div>!-- Col-md-6 Class Ends --> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- Box Class Ends --> div classbox> div classcol-md-6> img srcimages/quality.jpg classimg-responsive> h3>Quality Assurance/h3> p>As a manufacturing company, the company is committed to delivering quality at affordable price. Technological innovation has been one of the most natural advantages of its organisational structure. In fifty-two years of its being, it has invested heavily in its human capital. The highly motivated work force carries a sense of belonging. Their happiness is the key to its growth./p> /div>!-- Col-md-6 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-6> img srcimages/production.jpg classimg-responsive> h3>Production/h3> p>For every Forza Product to be an excellent value for money proposition, the company offers a wide spectrum of products for its customers. Employing the latest technology, the process and machinery are consistent with the stringent quality checks during the production. The purchase department co-ordinates with inland and overseas wings of the marketing department to ensure correct and timely dispatch./p> /div>!-- Col-md-6 Class Ends --> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- Box Class Ends --> /div>!-- Row Class Ends --> /div>!-- Container Class Ends --> /div>!-- About Class Ends --> div classlowerfooter> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-4> i classfa fa-phone-square>/i> p>Phone : br>+91 - 161 - 2670850,2671318/p> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- Col-md-4 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-4> i classfa fa-map-marker>/i> p>D -50-51-52 br>Phase - V Focal Point, Ludhiana - 141 010 (INDIA)/p> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- Col-md-4 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-4> i classfa fa-envelope>/i> p>Mail : br>a>>a>>/p> div classclearfix>/div> /div>!-- Col-md-4 Class Ends --> /div>!-- Row Class Ends --> /div>!-- Container Class Ends --> /div>!-- Lowerfooter Class Ends --> div classfooter> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-3> h3>Address/h3> p>strong>Office:/strong> D -50-51-52 Phase - V Focal Point, Ludhiana - 141 010 (INDIA)/p> p>a>>/p> p>strong>Call Us:/strong>+91 - 161 - 2670850,2671318/p> /div>!-- Col-md-3 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-3> h3>Products/h3> ul> li>a hrefbicycle.html>Cycles/a>/li> li>a hrefframes.html>Frames/a>/li> li>a hrefforks.html>Forks/a>/li> li>a hrefforks-fitting.html>Fork Fittings/a>/li> li>a hreffree-wheel.html>Freewheels/a>/li> li>a hrefhubs.html>Hubs/a>/li> /ul> ul> li>a hrefhubs-axles.html>Hubs & Hub Axles/a>/li> li>a hrefchainwheel.html>Chainwheels/a>/li> li>a hrefbbaxel.html>B.B Axles & Cups/a>/li> li>a hrefPedal.html>Pedals/a>/li> li>a hrefhandle.html>Handles/a>/li> li>a hrefproducts.html>More../a>/li> /ul> /div>!-- Col-md-3 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-3> h3>BUSINESS HOURS/h3> p>a href#>Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm/a>/p> p>a href#>Saturday / Sunday: Closed/a>/p> /div>!-- Col-md-3 Class Ends --> div classcol-md-3> h3>NEWSLETTER SIGNUP/h3> p>Subscribe to Our Newsletter to get Important News, Amazing Offers & Inside Scoops:/p> div classnewsletter> form> input typetext> input typesubmit value> /form> /div> /div>!-- Col-md-3 Class Ends --> /div>!-- Row Class Ends --> /div>!-- Container Class Ends --> /div>!-- Footer Class Ends --> !-- topArrow Strat --> div idtopArrow> a href#top>i classfa fa-chevron-up>/i>/a> /div> div classhelpline> p>Help Line No. : 9914509191/p> /div> !-- topArrow Ends --> !-- Java Script Starts Here --> script src>/script> script srcjs/bootstrap.min.js>/script> script srcjs/jquery.js>/script> script srcjs/docs.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/jquery-2.1.1.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/javascript.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/arrowtop.js>/script> link hrefddmenu/ddmenu.css relstylesheet typetext/css /> script srcddmenu/ddmenu.js typetext/javascript>/script> /body>/html>
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