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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:41:15 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 795Connection: keep-alivelocation: hostingerpanel: hpanelcontent-security-policy: upgrade-insecure-requestsServer: hcdnalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400x-hcdn-request-id: 50336c1e0dc28d3f4106bc4168deb793-phx-edge5x-hcdn-cache-status: EXPIREDx-hcdn-upstream-rt: 0.491 !DOCTYPE html>html styleheight:100%>head>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno />title> 301 Moved Permanently/title>style>@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){body{background-color:#000!important}}/style>/head>body stylecolor: #444; margin:0;font: normal 14px/20px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; height:100%; background-color: #fff;>div styleheight:auto; min-height:100%; > div styletext-align: center; width:800px; margin-left: -400px; position:absolute; top: 30%; left:50%;> h1 stylemargin:0; font-size:150px; line-height:150px; font-weight:bold;>301/h1>h2 stylemargin-top:20px;font-size: 30px;>Moved Permanently/h2>p>The document has been permanently moved./p>/div>/div>/body>/html>
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Start --> div classexpertise-item tab-pane fade show active idfinancial roletabpanel> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-lg-6> !-- Expertise Content Start --> div classexpertise-content> !-- Expertise Content Header Start --> div classexpertise-content-header> h3>Plan your BPM smarter with technology:/h3> p>We use fintech tools to create simple financial plans that save time, reduce costs, and help you grow. From managing budgets to tracking expenses, our solutions make finance easy and efficient./p> /div> !-- Expertise Content Header End --> !-- Expertise Content Body Start --> div classexpertise-content-body> !-- Expertise List Item Start --> div classexpertise-list-item> div classicon-box> img srcimages/icon-expertise-list-1.svg alt> /div> div classexpertise-list-content> p>Automate your financial tasks for better accuracy./p> /div> /div> !-- Expertise List Item End --> !-- Expertise List Item Start --> div classexpertise-list-item> div classicon-box> img srcimages/icon-expertise-list-2.svg alt> /div> div classexpertise-list-content> p>Get real-time updates to manage your money smarter./p> /div> /div> !-- Expertise List Item End --> !-- Expertise List Item Start --> div classexpertise-list-item> div classicon-box> img srcimages/icon-expertise-list-3.svg alt> /div> div classexpertise-list-content> p>Build financial plans that grow with your business./p> /div> /div> !-- Expertise List Item End --> /div> !-- Expertise Content Body End --> !-- Expertise Button Start --> div classexpertise-btn> a hrefcontact.php classbtn-default>contact now/a> /div> !-- Expertise Button End --> /div> !-- Expertise Content End --> /div> div classcol-lg-6> !-- Expertise Image Start --> div classexpertise-image> figure classimage-anime> img srcimages/Fintech-Planning.jpg alt> /figure> /div> !-- Expertise Image End --> /div> /div> /div> !-- Expertise Item End --> !-- Expertise Item Start --> div classexpertise-item tab-pane fade idbusiness roletabpanel> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-lg-6> !-- Expertise Content Start --> div classexpertise-content> !-- Expertise Content Header Start --> div classexpertise-content-header> h3>Use technology to grow your business:/h3> p>Our experts help you find and use the right technology to make your business run smoother and faster. We guide you in adopting tools that improve productivity and prepare you for the future./p> /div> !-- Expertise Content Header End --> !-- Expertise Content Body Start --> div classexpertise-content-body> !-- Expertise List Item Start --> div classexpertise-list-item> div classicon-box> img srcimages/icon-expertise-list-1.svg alt> /div> div classexpertise-list-content> p>Choose the best technology for your business needs./p> /div> /div> !-- Expertise List Item End --> !-- Expertise List Item Start --> div classexpertise-list-item> div classicon-box> img srcimages/icon-expertise-list-2.svg alt> /div> div classexpertise-list-content> p>Simplify your work with tech-based solutions./p> /div> /div> !-- Expertise List Item End --> !-- Expertise List Item Start --> div classexpertise-list-item> div classicon-box> img srcimages/icon-expertise-list-3.svg alt> /div> div classexpertise-list-content> p>Improve efficiency and save time with expert advice./p> /div> /div> !-- Expertise List Item End --> /div> !-- Expertise Content Body End --> !-- Expertise Button Start --> div classexpertise-btn> a hrefcontact.php classbtn-default>contact now/a> /div> !-- Expertise Button End --> /div> !-- Expertise Content End --> /div> div classcol-lg-6> !-- Expertise Image Start --> div classexpertise-image> figure classimage-anime> img srcimages/Tech-Consulting.jpg alt> /figure> /div> !-- Expertise Image End --> /div> /div> /div> !-- Expertise Item End --> !-- Expertise Item Start --> div classexpertise-item tab-pane fade idrisk roletabpanel> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-lg-6> !-- Expertise Content Start --> div classexpertise-content> !-- Expertise Content Header Start --> div classexpertise-content-header> h3>Protect your business with smart risk tools:/h3> p>We help you manage risks using advanced technology. From monitoring threats to fixing issues, our tools keep your business safe and running smoothly./p> /div> !-- Expertise Content Header End --> !-- Expertise Content Body Start --> div classexpertise-content-body> !-- Expertise List Item Start --> div classexpertise-list-item> div classicon-box> img srcimages/icon-expertise-list-1.svg alt> /div> div classexpertise-list-content> p>Track risks in real-time with smart tools/p> /div> /div> !-- Expertise List Item End --> !-- Expertise List Item Start --> div classexpertise-list-item> div classicon-box> img srcimages/icon-expertise-list-2.svg alt> /div> div classexpertise-list-content> p>Protect your business from cyber and financial threats/p> /div> /div> !-- Expertise List Item End --> !-- Expertise List Item Start --> div classexpertise-list-item> div classicon-box> img srcimages/icon-expertise-list-3.svg alt> /div> div classexpertise-list-content> p>Reduce problems with predictive risk solutions/p> /div> /div> !-- Expertise List Item End --> /div> !-- Expertise Content Body End --> !-- Expertise Button Start --> div classexpertise-btn> a hrefcontact.php classbtn-default>contact now/a> /div> !-- Expertise Button End --> /div> !-- Expertise Content End --> /div> div classcol-lg-6> !-- Expertise Image Start --> div classexpertise-image> figure classimage-anime> img srcimages/Tech-Risk.jpg alt> /figure> /div> !-- Expertise Image End --> /div> /div> /div> !-- Expertise Item End --> /div> !-- Expertise Box End --> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Our Expertise Section End --> !-- Why Choose Us Secton Start --> div classwhy-choose-us> div classcontainer> div classrow section-row align-items-center> div classcol-lg-7> !-- Section Title Start --> div classsection-title> !-- h3 classwow fadeInUp>why choose us/h3> --> h2 classtext-anime-style-3 data-cursor-opaque>Why us/h2> /div> !-- Section Title End --> /div> div classcol-lg-5> !-- Section Title Content Start --> div classsection-title-content wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.25s> p>Our team of fintech experts delivers cutting-edge, data-driven strategies tailored to your unique financial goals. We focus on transparency, trust, and leveraging technology to ensure long-term growth and success./p> /div> !-- Section Title Content End --> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> !-- Why Choose Item Start --> div classwhy-choose-item wow fadeInUp> !-- Why Choose Image Start --> div classwhy-choose-image> figure> !-- img srcimages/why-choose-image-1.jpg alt> --> img srcimages/expertise-financial-img.jpg alt> /figure> /div> !-- Why Choose Image End --> !-- Why Choose Number Start --> !-- div classwhy-choose-no> h3>01/h3> /div> --> !-- Why Choose Number End --> !-- Why Choose Body Start --> div classwhy-choose-body> !-- Why Choose Content Start --> div classwhy-choose-content> h3>Deep Domain Expertise/h3> p>Experienced professionals to guide you./p> /div> !-- Why Choose Content End --> !-- div classwhy-choose-btn> a href# classreadmore-btn>img srcimages/icon-arrow.svg alt>/a> /div> --> /div> !-- Why Choose Body End --> /div> !-- Why Choose Item End --> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> !-- Why Choose Item Start --> div classwhy-choose-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.25s> !-- Why Choose Image Start --> div classwhy-choose-image> figure> img srcimages/why-choose-image-2.jpg alt> /figure> /div> !-- Why Choose Image End --> !-- Why Choose Number Start --> !-- div classwhy-choose-no> h3>02/h3> /div> --> !-- Why Choose Number End --> !-- Why Choose Body Start --> div classwhy-choose-body> !-- Why Choose Content Start --> div classwhy-choose-content> h3>Support across timezones and markets /h3> p>Better savings and budgeting strategies/p> /div> !-- Why Choose Content End --> !-- div classwhy-choose-btn> a href# classreadmore-btn>img srcimages/icon-arrow.svg alt>/a> /div> --> /div> !-- Why Choose Body End --> /div> !-- Why Choose Item End --> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> !-- Why Choose Item Start --> div classwhy-choose-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.5s> !-- Why Choose Image Start --> div classwhy-choose-image> figure> img srcimages/video-gallery-img-5.jpg alt> /figure> /div> !-- Why Choose Image End --> !-- Why Choose Number Start --> !-- div classwhy-choose-no> h3>03/h3> /div> --> !-- Why Choose Number End --> !-- Why Choose Body Start --> div classwhy-choose-body> !-- Why Choose Content Start --> div classwhy-choose-content> h3>Scalable /h3> p>Stay on track with regular reviews/p> /div> !-- Why Choose Content End --> !-- div classwhy-choose-btn> a href# classreadmore-btn>img srcimages/icon-arrow.svg alt>/a> /div> --> /div> !-- Why Choose Body End --> /div> !-- Why Choose Item End --> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> !-- Why Choose Item Start --> div classwhy-choose-item wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.5s> !-- Why Choose Image Start --> div classwhy-choose-image> figure> img srcimages/Full-Outsourcing-and-Customisable-services.jpg alt> /figure> /div> !-- Why Choose Image End --> !-- Why Choose Number Start --> !-- div classwhy-choose-no> h3>03/h3> /div> --> !-- Why Choose Number End --> !-- Why Choose Body Start --> div classwhy-choose-body> !-- Why Choose Content Start --> div classwhy-choose-content> h3>Full Outsourcing and Customisable Services /h3> p>Flexible solutions to handle your business needs./p> /div> !-- Why Choose Content End --> !-- div classwhy-choose-btn> a href# classreadmore-btn>img srcimages/icon-arrow.svg alt>/a> /div> --> /div> !-- Why Choose Body End --> /div> !-- Why Choose Item End --> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Why Choose Us Secton End --> !-- Our Testimonial Section Start --> div classour-testimonial> div classcontainer> div classrow section-row align-items-center> div classcol-lg-6> !-- Section Title Start --> div classsection-title> h3 classwow fadeInUp>testimonial/h3> h2 classtext-anime-style-3 data-cursor-opaque>Genuine reviews from satisfied customers/h2> /div> !-- Section Title End --> /div> div classcol-lg-6> !-- Section Button Start --> div classsection-btn wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.25s> a hrefcontact.php classbtn-default>contact now/a> /div> !-- Section Button End --> /div> /div> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-lg-12> !-- Testimonial Slider Start --> div classtestimonial-slider> div classswiper> div classswiper-wrapper> !-- Testimonial Slide Start --> div classswiper-slide> div classtestimonial-item> div classtestimonial-header> div classtestimonial-content> p>Intelligent Tamrahs team provided me with personalized financial strategies that simplified my planning. Their advice not only helped me save but also made my investments grow steadily. I trust them completely for their expertise and transparency/p> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-body> div classauthor-image> figure classimage-anime> img srcimages/author-1.jpg alt> /figure> /div> div classauthor-content> h3>Ananya Sharma/h3> !-- p>Entrepreneur/p> --> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Testimonial Slide End --> !-- Testimonial Slide Start --> div classswiper-slide> div classtestimonial-item> div classtestimonial-header> div classtestimonial-content> p>Working with Intelligent Tamrah has been a game-changer. Their innovative tools and expert guidance helped me understand my finances better and achieve my business goals. They truly care about their clients success/p> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-body> div classauthor-image> figure classimage-anime> img srcimages/author-1.jpg alt> /figure> /div> div classauthor-content> h3>Ravi Mehta/h3> !-- p>co. founder/p> --> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classtestimonial-item> div classtestimonial-header> div classtestimonial-content> p>Intelligent Tamrahs approach to financial planning is exceptional. Their team helped me align my investments with my long-term goals, and their technology made everything so easy. I highly recommend them for anyone looking for professional and efficient solutions/p> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-body> div classauthor-image> figure classimage-anime> img srcimages/author-1.jpg alt> /figure> /div> div classauthor-content> h3>Priya Iyer/h3> !-- p>co. founder/p> --> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Testimonial Slide End --> /div> div classtestimonial-btn> div classtestimonial-button-prev>/div> div classtestimonial-button-next>/div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Testimonial Slider End --> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Footer Start --> footer classmain-footer bg-section> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-4> !-- About Footer Start --> div classabout-footer> !-- Footer Logo Start --> div classfooter-logo> a hrefindex.php> img srcimages/footer-logo.png alt> /a> /div> !-- Footer Logo End --> /div> !-- About Footer End --> /div> div classcol-lg-2 col-md-3 col-6> !-- Footer Links Start --> div classfooter-links> h3>Wo We Serve/h3> ul> li>a 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