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Together, we build cutting-edge software solutions that drive growth, streamline processes, and enhance customer experience./span>a href#homeService classbtn minW200>Let’s Get Started svg classicon> use xlink:href#arrowRight>/use>/svg> /a>div classhero-shapes> span classshape one>+/span> span classshape two>+/span> span classshape three>+/span>/div>/div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 bannerRight> div classhero-images delay-0-2s> img src alt width835 height745 /> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classhero-shapes>img classshape bg-lines src altShape>img classshape right-shape wow fadeInRight delay-0-8s src altShape>/div> /section> section classservices idhomeService> div classcontainer> div classrow medium-gap> div classcol-xl-12 col-md-12 text-center pb-5> h2>small>IT Services That Grow Your Business /small>What We Offer /h2> /div> div classcol-xl-4 col-md-6 mb-3> div classsvrBox rel> svg classicon> use xlink:href#development>/use> /svg> h3>a href>Mobile App Development/a>/h3> p>Use mobile technologies effectively to improve productivity, lower costs, and enhance differentiation. Our vision is to give you the power.../p> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-4 col-md-6 mb-3> div classsvrBox rel> svg classicon> use xlink:href#coding>/use> /svg> h3>a href>Web Development/a>/h3> p>At iSoftBytes, we are specialized in providing custom web application development solutions to large established enterprises to small startups for.../p> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-4 col-md-6 mb-3> div classsvrBox rel> svg classicon> use xlink:href#blockchain-development-icon>/use> /svg> h3>a href>Blockchain Development/a>/h3> p>iSoftBytes specializes in delivering precise Blockchain development services to businesses, offering improved transaction processes, heightened security, and enhanced transparency. Through.../p> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-4 col-md-6 mb-3> div classsvrBox rel> svg classicon> use xlink:href#nft-icon>/use> /svg> h3>a href>NFT/a>/h3> p>iSoftBytes specializes in creating NFT marketplaces, digital platforms where users can buy, sell, store, and trade unique digital assets known.../p> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-4 col-md-6 mb-3> div classsvrBox rel> svg classicon> use xlink:href#metaverse-virtual-world-icon>/use> /svg> h3>a href>Virtual Reality/a>/h3> p>Step into a realm of boundless imagination, Where realities merge in a vibrant sensation. With every virtual journey, a new.../p> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-4 col-md-6 mb-3> div classsvrBox rel> svg classicon> use xlink:href#devops>/use> /svg> h3>a href>DevOps/a>/h3> p>iSoftBytes offers DevOps services to help businesses to streamline their software development processes, reduce time to market, and increase the.../p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-12 text-center> a href classbtn minW200>View All svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowRight>/use>/svg> /a> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classprojects spacing text-center> div classcontainer> h2 classmb-4>small>/small>What we have done/h2> div classprojectSlider> div classprojectSlide> div classrow justify-content-between> div classslideContent col-md-6 text-left> h4>Next Trends/h4> p>NextTrends is an innovative marketplace that offers a wide range of services to both brands and individuals, providing a platform to showcase their work and connect with job seekers. /p>p>strong>Services & Technologies:/strong>/p> ul classlist-style-one> li>Prototyping/li> li>Web & UI/UX Design/li> li>Web Development/li> li>Axure Pro / Laravel / MySQL/li> /ul> a href classbtn minW200>View All svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowRight>/use>/svg> /a> /div> div classslideImage col-md-6> img width350 height262 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt decodingasync fetchpriorityhigh /> /div> /div> /div> div classprojectSlide> div classrow justify-content-between> div classslideContent col-md-6 text-left> h4>Uprealtor/h4> p>Uprealtor is an online marketplace for buying and selling properties, connecting real estate agencies, realtors, and clients. They offer a user-friendly platform, personalized search options, and expert guidance./p>p>strong>Services & Technologies:/strong>/p> ul classlist-style-one> li>Prototyping/li> li>Web & UI/UX Design/li> li>Web Development/li> li>Figma / CodeIgniter / MySQL/li> /ul> a href classbtn minW200>View All svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowRight>/use>/svg> /a> /div> div classslideImage col-md-6> img width750 height645 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt decodingasync /> /div> /div> /div> div classprojectSlide> div classrow justify-content-between> div classslideContent col-md-6 text-left> h4>711 Rescue/h4> p>711 Rescue offers debt management services for real estate investors, business owners, and non-publicly traded companies based on their current cash flow./p>p>strong>Services & Technologies:/strong>/p> ul classlist-style-one> li>Prototyping/li> li>Web & UI/UX Design/li> li>Web Development/li> li>Axure Pro / / SQL Server / AWS / S3/li> /ul> a href classbtn minW200>View All svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowRight>/use>/svg> /a> /div> div classslideImage col-md-6> img width350 height167 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt decodingasync /> /div> /div> /div> div classprojectSlide> div classrow justify-content-between> div classslideContent col-md-6 text-left> h4>Organic Box/h4> p>Organic Box is a leading e-commerce platform that makes it easy and convenient for consumers to buy fresh fruits and vegetables online./p>p>strong>Services & Technologies:/strong>/p> ul classlist-style-one> li>Prototyping/li> li>Web & UI/UX Design/li> li>Web Development/li> li>Figma / CodeIgniter / MySQL/li> /ul> a href classbtn minW200>View All svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowRight>/use>/svg> /a> /div> div classslideImage col-md-6> img width350 height279 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt decodingasync /> /div> /div> /div> div classprojectSlide> div classrow justify-content-between> div classslideContent col-md-6 text-left> h4>GB Pharma/h4> p>GB Pharma is an e-commerce platform offering a wide range of prescription and non-prescription medicines with a focus on quality, affordability, and convenience./p>p>strong>Services & Technologies:/strong>/p> ul classlist-style-one> li>Web & UI/UX Design/li> li>Web Development/li> li>WordPress / MySQL/li> /ul> a href classbtn minW200>View All svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowRight>/use>/svg> /a> /div> div classslideImage col-md-6> img width350 height261 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt decodingasync /> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classaboutSection spacing> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6 abtTxt mb-5> h2>small>/small>About Our Story/h2> p>Through Innovative Software Solutions, iSoftBytes is passionate about empowering businesses of all scales to achieve their goals. Our experts collaborate with clients to create tailor-made software solutions that drive growth, streamline workflows, and increase efficiency./p>p>Our expertise spans various areas, including custom software development, mobile & web app development, UI/UX design, software integration, DevOps, and quality assurance in any domain./p> div classrow> div classcol-md-6 mb-3 mb-md-5> a href classbtn minW200>Let’s Get Started svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowRight>/use>/svg> /a> /div> div classcol-md-6 mb-3> span classcallus d-block rel> svg classicon>use xlink:href#call>/use>/svg> span classcityName>Lahore/span> a hreftel:+92 321 8119090>+92 321 8119090/a> /span> /div> /div> div classrow txtBoxes> div classcol-md-6 mb-3> div classservice-item> img src alt width60 height60 /> h4>Our Journey/h4>p>Our journey began in 2011 when our founders recognized the need for customized software solutions that could help businesses stay ahead of the competition. Since then, we have worked with many of clients, providing cutting-edge software development, design, and consulting services./p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6 mb-3> div classservice-item> img src alt width60 height60 />h4>Our Mission /h4>p>We believe that software should be more than just a tool – it should be a transformative force that unlocks new possibilities and opportunities for businesses. So our mission is b>“To empower businesses, through technology & innovative IT solutions” /b>./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 abtImg> div classabout-images> div classtop-part> img src alt /> img src alt /> /div> div classbottom-part> img src alt /> img src alt /> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classworkingProcess spacing text-center> div classsection-title text-center mb-70 wow fadeInUp delay-0-2s>h2>small>Our Collaborative Working Process/small> How We Deliver Customized Software Solutions/h2> p>At iSoftBytes, we follow a collaborative working process that ensures we deliver customized software solutions br> that meet our clients unique needs. Our approach involves the following steps:/p> /div> div classwork-process-line text-center d-none d-xl-block>img src altline>/div> div classcontainer text-left> div classrow proInner row-cols-xl-5 row-cols-md-3 row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-1 justify-content-center> div classcol> div classwork-process-item fadeInUp delay-0-2s> div classnumber>01/div> div classcontent> h4>Discover/h4>p>We begin by understanding our clients’ business objectives, processes, and challenges. We conduct in-depth research and analysis to identify challenges, opportunities and define project requirements./p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol> div classwork-process-item fadeInUp delay-0-2s> div classnumber>02/div> div classcontent> h4>Plan/h4>p>Based on our research and analysis, we develop a design plan that outlines the project’s scope, timeline, and deliverables. We collaborate with clients to ensure that the design plan aligns with their expectations and requirements./p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol> div classwork-process-item fadeInUp delay-0-2s> div classnumber>03/div> div classcontent> h4>Develop/h4>p>Our experienced developers work on the software solution’s architecture, programming, and testing, ensuring that it meets industry standards, best practices, and the client’s needs./p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol> div classwork-process-item fadeInUp delay-0-2s> div classnumber>04/div> div classcontent> h4>Deliver/h4>p>Once the software solution is developed, we conduct rigorous testing to ensure that it is bug-free, secure, and user-friendly. We deliver the software solution on time and provide training and support to clients to ensure a seamless transition./p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol> div classwork-process-item fadeInUp delay-0-2s> div classnumber>05/div> div classcontent> h4>Support/h4>p>We provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that the software solution remains up-to-date, secure, and functional. We also conduct regular performance reviews and suggest enhancements to help clients stay ahead of the competition./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>!-- section classteam-area spacing rel text-center> div classcontainer> h2 classmb-5>small>Team Member/small>Amazing Team Members/h2> div classrow justify-content-center pt-3> div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6> div classteam-member wow fadeInUp delay-0-2s> img src/images/member2.jpg altTeam> h4>Johnathan P. Bailey/h4> span classdesignation>UX/UI Designer/span> div classsocial-style-two> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#facebook>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#instagram>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#twitter>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#linkedin>/use>/svg>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6> div classteam-member wow fadeInUp delay-0-2s> img src/images/member2.jpg altTeam> h4>Johnathan P. Bailey/h4> span classdesignation>UX/UI Designer/span> div classsocial-style-two> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#facebook>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#instagram>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#twitter>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#linkedin>/use>/svg>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6> div classteam-member wow fadeInUp delay-0-2s> img src/images/member2.jpg altTeam> h4>Johnathan P. Bailey/h4> span classdesignation>UX/UI Designer/span> div classsocial-style-two> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#facebook>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#instagram>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#twitter>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#linkedin>/use>/svg>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6> div classteam-member wow fadeInUp delay-0-2s> img src/images/member2.jpg altTeam> h4>Johnathan P. Bailey/h4> span classdesignation>UX/UI Designer/span> div classsocial-style-two> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#facebook>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#instagram>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#twitter>/use>/svg>/a> a href#>svg classicon>use xlink:href#linkedin>/use>/svg>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> -->section classour-tech-stack spacing> div classcontainer> h2> small classd-block> Our Technology Stack/small> Illustrious Services With The Right Tools/h2> h3>Database/h3> ul> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> /ul> h3>Plateforms/h3> ul> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> /ul> h3>Tools/h3> ul> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> li>img src altiSoftBytes width75 height75>/li> /ul> /div> /section> section classpartners text-center spacing> div classcontainer> h2 classmb-5>!-- small>/small> --> World Wide Partners/h2> div classrow row-cols-xl-5 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-md-3 row-cols-2 justify-content-center> div classcol> a classpartner-item href#> img src alt /> /a> /div> div classcol> a classpartner-item href#> img src alt /> /a> /div> div classcol> a classpartner-item href#> img src alt /> /a> /div> div classcol> a classpartner-item href#> img src alt /> /a> /div> div classcol> a classpartner-item href#> img src alt /> /a> /div> div classcol> a classpartner-item href#> img src alt /> /a> /div> /div> /div>/section>footer classsite-footer> div classfooterUpper text-center> div classcontainer> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-md-12> h2>small>Transform Your Business with Custom Software Solutions/small>Are you ready to take your business to new heights with tailor-made software solutions? /h2> /div> div classcol-md-12> a href classbtn minW200>Let’s Get Started svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowRight>/use>/svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classfooterLower> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-3 mb-3> a classsitelogo mb-3 href> img src altIsoftbytes width100 height100> /a> p>We are offering multiple services in Website Development, Graphic Designing, Digital Marketing, and Mobile Apps Development. /p> p>© 2023 iSoftBytes, All rights reserved. /p> /div> div classcol-lg-7> div classrow> div classcol-lg-9 mb-3> h3>Services/h3> ul classlist-style-two servicePost> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>Mobile App Development/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>Web Development/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>Blockchain Development/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>NFT/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>Virtual Reality/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>DevOps/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>Customized Software Solutions/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>Quality Assurance/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>UI/UX Design/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>Software Integrations/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>E-commerce Solutions/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcol-lg-3 mb-3> h3>Useful Link/h3> ul classlist-style-two> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>About us/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>Services/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>Our Work/a>/li> li>a href>svg classicon>use xlink:href#arrowDouble>/use>/svg>Contact us/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-2 mb-3> h3>Follow Us/h3> ul classfSocisl> li>a href target_blank>svg classicon>use xlink:href#facebook>/use>/svg>/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>svg classicon>use xlink:href#instagram>/use>/svg>/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>svg classicon>use xlink:href#twitter>/use>/svg>/a>/li> li>a href target_blank>svg classicon>use xlink:href#linkedin>/use>/svg>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /footer> /div> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> script src>/script> script 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136 120 137 182 024 5 27 96 48 53 12 98 21 99 19 1 -2 19 -36 40 -76 105 -201 341 -309 564-257 174 41 324 183 375 356 26 86 22 212 -9 304 -14 43 -23 80 -20 84 4 3 5940 123 82 98 65 119 75 132 64 56 -47 152 -62 220 -33 72 31 129 116 130 1930 44 -36 131 -66 157 -33 29 -107 58 -149 58 -77 0 -162 -58 -193 -130 -13-32 -19 -115 -11 -149 3 -9 -42 -44 -118 -94 l-123 -79 -61 56 c-33 31 -75 63-92 72 -18 9 -34 18 -36 20 -2 2 43 131 99 288 l103 284 97 -5 c62 -4 116 -1151 7 268 63 444 336 388 602 -39 186 -211 358 -397 397 -198 42 -413 -46-523 -213 -24 -37 -47 -66 -53 -66 -5 0 -35 10 -67 21 -55 20 -59 24 -59 53 0119 -101 217 -221 216 -44 -1 -106 -29 -143 -66 -129 -129 -34 -357 149 -35762 0 110 20 152 63 l31 32 64 -21 63 -21 1 -127 c1 -71 3 -139 5 -153 4 -23-8 -29 -226 -122 l-230 -99 -15 23 c-72 108 -156 176 -269 219 -77 29 -207 36-286 15 -33 -8 -63 -12 -67 -8 -4 4 -31 59 -61 122 l-54 116 33 38 c41 47 57113 43 176 -16 72 -54 119 -124 151 -54 25 -110 24 -170 -5z m171 -99 c64 -5855 -152 -19 -198 -77 -48 -187 11 -187 101 0 81 47 129 128 130 34 0 49 -6 78-33z m1029 -2 c59 -60 47 -156 -25 -199 -104 -61 -230 57 -175 164 25 47 6270 116 70 42 0 53 -5 84 -35z m906 -7 c93 -46 158 -112 202 -206 58 -121 48-283 -23 -395 -16 -26 -33 -47 -37 -46 -5 0 -21 21 -38 47 -17 27 -53 62 -8281 -47 31 -51 37 -38 51 24 26 45 87 45 130 0 79 -48 153 -124 192 -59 30-151 22 -208 -17 -86 -62 -114 -183 -64 -278 l25 -46 -32 -20 c-41 -25 -100-88 -119 -125 l-15 -28 -31 48 c-57 91 -79 191 -63 292 26 159 125 282 274338 52 20 78 23 158 21 87 -2 101 -5 170 -39z m-124 -228 c44 -26 66 -63 66-111 0 -100 -118 -160 -199 -101 -28 20 -54 71 -54 104 0 60 69 128 130 12814 0 39 -9 57 -20z m-1347 -342 c157 -47 277 -187 300 -348 14 -102 -13 -220-70 -300 -25 -36 -36 -38 -46 -8 -9 31 -90 114 -124 128 l-28 12 24 35 c67 9934 237 -71 298 -82 49 -198 32 -262 -37 -58 -61 -70 -173 -28 -247 14 -23 25-45 25 -47 0 -2 -12 -10 -27 -18 -37 -19 -101 -83 -120 -120 l-16 -30 -20 25c-32 39 -65 120 -76 186 -48 302 246 559 539 471z m1430 -9 c43 -23 92 -83104 -125 5 -18 -3 -26 -52 -52 -111 -59 -248 -64 -365 -12 -73 32 -81 41 -6881 15 48 79 107 132 125 69 22 194 14 249 -17z m-567 -84 c33 -51 112 -125168 -157 21 -12 39 -25 39 -29 0 -4 -41 -121 -91 -261 -50 -139 -95 -265 -101-279 l-9 -27 -102 5 c-119 6 -184 -8 -284 -62 l-62 -34 -78 85 c-43 46 -80 89-81 94 -2 6 8 24 23 41 39 47 73 121 91 196 15 64 15 82 1 247 -2 30 -1 30223 127 124 53 227 97 230 98 3 1 18 -19 33 -44z m-918 -165 c43 -26 69 -8160 -126 -3 -20 -21 -49 -41 -69 -29 -30 -42 -35 -80 -35 -53 0 -96 26 -119 70-20 38 -19 68 3 108 36 68 114 91 177 52z m53 -336 c20 -8 50 -27 65 -42 28-26 67 -91 67 -111 0 -18 -125 -71 -187 -79 -35 -5 -91 -5 -126 0 -61 8 -18761 -187 78 0 46 63 122 125 151 52 24 189 26 243 3z m1652 -89 c37 -19 60 -6360 -115 0 -32 -7 -48 -33 -76 -82 -90 -226 -26 -214 96 10 88 105 137 187 95zm-776 -261 c22 -8 61 -28 87 -45 184 -118 248 -353 149 -548 -44 -87 -51 -90-88 -31 -20 32 -50 62 -82 82 -27 17 -50 33 -50 35 0 3 8 17 19 31 25 37 3365 33 122 -1 90 -62 171 -150 196 -102 30 -204 -15 -247 -109 -33 -69 -32-121 3 -190 l28 -56 -27 -12 c-34 -13 -114 -96 -123 -127 -10 -30 -17 -28 -4311 -90 133 -97 307 -18 450 57 101 177 187 292 207 59 11 163 3 217 -16zm-1363 -119 c38 -20 69 -71 69 -113 0 -111 -136 -166 -215 -87 -30 31 -35 42-35 83 0 99 96 161 181 117z m1280 -130 c60 -32 85 -106 54 -165 -62 -119-241 -74 -237 61 2 90 101 146 183 104z m-884 -262 c55 -36 72 -126 32 -177-24 -31 -69 -56 -99 -56 -37 0 -89 31 -110 65 -69 112 66 240 177 168z m968-89 c42 -21 105 -102 105 -135 0 -12 -21 -28 -66 -50 -57 -29 -80 -34 -158-37 -74 -3 -103 0 -156 18 -35 12 -77 31 -92 41 -27 20 -28 21 -12 57 20 4960 90 109 114 57 26 212 22 270 -8z/>/g>/symbol>symbol idiconseo version1.0 xmlns viewBox0 0 256.000000 256.000000>g transformtranslate(0.000000,256.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000) strokenone>path dM1652 2347 c-72 -73 -132 -139 -132 -148 0 -27 23 -39 72 -39 l48 00 -40 0 -39 -713 -3 -713 -3 -41 -27 c-71 -47 -87 -86 -92 -215 l-3 -113 40 040 0 4 105 c3 103 4 105 36 137 l32 33 705 3 705 2 0 -380 0 -380 40 0 40 0 0489 c0 511 1 504 -43 512 -14 3 -2 20 53 74 l70 69 70 -69 c55 -54 67 -71 53-74 -44 -8 -43 -2 -43 -492 l0 -469 40 0 40 0 0 361 0 361 105 -4 c103 -3 105-4 137 -36 l33 -32 3 -425 3 -425 40 0 40 0 -3 433 -3 432 -24 38 c-13 21 -4250 -64 65 -37 25 -51 27 -154 31 l-113 3 0 39 0 39 48 0 c49 0 72 12 72 40 020 -260 280 -280 280 -9 0 -75 -60 -148 -133z/>path dM2040 2441 c0 -37 2 -39 37 -46 48 -9 109 -71 119 -120 6 -33 9 -3545 -35 29 0 39 4 39 16 0 76 -80 182 -157 208 -73 25 -83 22 -83 -23z/>path dM280 1880 l0 -40 40 0 40 0 0 40 0 40 -40 0 -40 0 0 -40z/>path dM440 1880 l0 -40 40 0 40 0 0 40 0 40 -40 0 -40 0 0 -40z/>path dM600 1880 l0 -40 40 0 40 0 0 40 0 40 -40 0 -40 0 0 -40z/>path dM1252 1868 c-9 -9 -12 -125 -12 -460 l0 -448 -40 0 -40 0 0 308 c0226 -3 311 -12 320 -17 17 -279 17 -296 0 -9 -9 -12 -94 -12 -320 l0 -308 -400 -40 0 0 168 c0 117 -4 172 -12 180 -8 8 -56 12 -148 12 -92 0 -140 -4 -148-12 -8 -8 -12 -63 -12 -180 l0 -168 -80 0 -80 0 0 -40 0 -40 520 0 520 0 0460 0 460 80 0 80 0 0 -320 0 -320 40 0 40 0 0 348 c0 257 -3 351 -12 360 -88 -56 12 -148 12 -92 0 -140 -4 -148 -12z m-172 -628 l0 -280 -80 0 -80 0 0280 0 280 80 0 80 0 0 -280z m-400 -140 l0 -140 -80 0 -80 0 0 140 0 140 80 080 0 0 -140z/>path dM82 1128 l3 -513 24 -38 c13 -21 42 -50 64 -65 l40 -27 364 -3 c286-2 363 -6 363 -16 0 -7 -6 -32 -14 -57 -8 -24 -29 -90 -46 -146 l-31 -103 -440 -45 0 0 -40 0 -40 440 0 440 0 0 40 0 40 -45 0 -44 0 -26 85 c-26 83 -27 85-53 79 -50 -12 -51 -15 -31 -79 10 -33 19 -66 19 -72 0 -10 -59 -13 -260 -13-288 0 -270 -5 -246 71 8 24 29 90 46 147 l31 102 144 0 145 0 0 40 0 40 -5452 -545 3 -31 31 c-23 23 -33 44 -36 78 l-6 46 562 0 561 0 0 40 0 40 -560 0-560 0 0 420 0 420 -40 0 -41 0 3 -512z/>path dM1725 1186 c-78 -19 -169 -73 -229 -135 -182 -191 -181 -471 2 -663131 -138 339 -184 514 -114 35 14 69 26 74 26 5 0 57 -48 117 -107 l107 -10850 0 c43 0 54 5 82 33 28 28 33 39 33 82 l0 50 -107 107 c-60 60 -108 112-108 117 0 5 12 39 26 74 141 353 -189 729 -561 638z m279 -104 c91 -42 149-100 194 -190 35 -72 37 -81 37 -172 0 -91 -2 -100 -37 -172 -45 -91 -103-147 -196 -191 -61 -29 -76 -32 -162 -32 -86 0 -101 3 -162 32 -93 44 -151100 -196 191 -35 72 -37 81 -37 171 0 87 3 102 32 163 40 85 97 147 172 18678 42 122 52 213 48 61 -3 92 -11 142 -34z m396 -882 c0 -20 -20 -40 -39 -40-9 0 -60 44 -113 97 l-98 97 27 28 27 28 98 -97 c54 -54 98 -105 98 -113z/>path dM1740 1024 c-142 -52 -229 -183 -218 -327 26 -318 443 -407 597 -12733 60 36 71 36 150 -1 72 -5 93 -27 136 -39 75 -70 107 -138 143 -76 41 -17951 -250 25z m174 -76 c86 -26 166 -136 166 -228 0 -124 -116 -240 -240 -240-124 0 -240 116 -240 240 0 63 23 114 75 165 70 71 145 90 239 63z/>path dM1775 866 c-37 -16 -70 -52 -84 -89 -19 -48 -14 -57 27 -57 33 0 394 49 31 8 19 23 34 42 42 27 10 31 16 31 49 0 43 -13 47 -65 24z/>/g>/symbol>symbol idlogodesign version1.0 xmlns viewBox0 0 256.000000 256.000000>g transformtranslate(0.000000,256.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000) strokenone>path dM82 2543 c-91 -45 -107 -166 -32 -238 23 -22 42 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3 249 47 -3 15 -17 19 -103 23 l-100 5 75 37 c329162 540 423 638 787 23 86 25 115 25 271 0 156 -2 185 -25 271 -96 357 -302617 -615 774 l-88 45 277 0 276 0 20 -34 c29 -49 73 -69 139 -64 63 5 107 40125 99 31 106 -63 208 -171 184 -38 -8 -89 -50 -102 -82 l-9 -23 -420 0 -4200 0 26 c0 28 -16 65 -34 76 -6 4 -58 8 -116 8 -58 0 -110 -4 -116 -8 -18 -11-34 -48 -34 -76 l0 -26 -420 0 -420 0 -9 23 c-18 47 -83 87 -139 87 -15 0 -42-8 -60 -17z m118 -83 c27 -27 25 -66 -5 -95 -29 -30 -68 -32 -95 -5 -24 24-26 77 -3 102 22 24 77 24 103 -2z m1150 -50 l0 -70 -70 0 -70 0 0 70 0 70 700 70 0 0 -70z m1112 53 c24 -22 24 -77 -2 -103 -27 -27 -66 -25 -95 5 -30 29-32 68 -5 95 24 24 77 26 102 3z m-2267 -2268 c47 -46 19 -115 -47 -115 -42 0-68 25 -68 67 0 67 68 96 115 48z m1155 -50 l0 -75 -70 0 -70 0 0 75 0 75 700 70 0 0 -75z/>path dM1090 2175 c-276 -62 -507 -244 -630 -498 -74 -154 -85 -203 -85-397 0 -194 11 -243 85 -397 93 -190 234 -331 423 -422 152 -73 213 -86 397-86 177 0 242 13 376 75 255 118 438 334 510 605 27 99 27 350 1 450 -48 181-182 387 -324 494 -79 60 -242 143 -328 166 -85 24 -338 29 -425 10z m341 -71c344 -64 614 -337 674 -679 19 -111 19 -179 0 -290 -60 -342 -330 -615 -674-679 -577 -109 -1091 413 -972 989 93 449 527 743 972 659z/>path dM570 1461 c-6 -11 -10 -89 -10 -181 0 -92 4 -170 10 -181 9 -16 22-19 83 -19 75 0 97 9 97 42 0 25 -27 36 -72 31 l-38 -6 0 155 c0 106 -4 158-12 166 -18 18 -46 14 -58 -7z/>path dM850 1458 c-25 -14 -58 -44 -75 -67 -26 -37 -30 -51 -30 -111 0 -604 -74 30 -111 44 -63 105 -92 178 -86 78 7 127 40 161 108 33 67 33 111 0 178-34 68 -83 101 -161 108 -48 4 -66 1 -103 -19z m176 -92 c30 -30 34 -40 34-86 0 -46 -4 -56 -34 -86 -30 -30 -40 -34 -84 -34 -40 0 -57 6 -81 26 -37 31-53 81 -40 128 15 54 60 86 121 86 44 0 54 -4 84 -34z/>path dM1310 1469 c-196 -79 -157 -370 52 -386 100 -8 174 57 192 169 9 52-11 68 -84 68 -56 0 -90 -15 -90 -40 0 -20 34 -40 66 -40 l35 0 -16 -30 c-19-37 -43 -50 -94 -50 -77 0 -135 81 -111 155 24 74 101 104 187 73 28 -10 36-10 49 4 50 50 -99 111 -186 77z/>path dM1710 1458 c-24 -13 -58 -40 -74 -61 -29 -36 -31 -45 -31 -117 0 -722 -81 31 -117 60 -76 157 -102 239 -64 157 73 157 289 0 362 -54 25 -111 24-165 -3z m151 -74 c31 -16 59 -66 59 -105 0 -11 -7 -36 -16 -55 -41 -86 -177-86 -218 0 -9 19 -16 44 -16 56 0 35 30 90 59 105 35 19 95 19 132 -1z/>path dM2332 271 c-18 -12 -40 -37 -49 -56 l-17 -35 -122 0 c-115 0 -123 -1-129 -20 -13 -42 9 -50 136 -50 116 0 120 -1 128 -23 5 -13 23 -35 40 -50 61-51 140 -47 196 8 59 60 57 150 -5 210 -41 39 -128 47 -178 16z m128 -71 c24-24 26 -77 3 -102 -22 -24 -77 -24 -103 2 -27 27 -25 66 5 95 29 30 68 32 955z/>/g>/symbol>symbol iddevelopment version1.0 xmlns viewBox0 0 256.000000 256.000000>g transformtranslate(0.000000,256.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000) strokenone>path dM132 2549 c-46 -13 -109 -79 -122 -128 -7 -27 -10 -317 -8 -923 l3-883 24 -38 c13 -21 42 -50 64 -65 l40 -27 330 -3 c290 -3 328 -5 323 -18 -3-9 -6 -22 -6 -30 0 -8 -21 -34 -47 -58 -46 -44 -47 -45 -51 -115 -3 -47 0 -768 -86 10 -12 49 -15 221 -15 l209 0 0 40 0 40 -180 0 -180 0 0 28 c0 49 11 52192 52 l168 0 0 40 0 40 -134 0 -134 0 10 40 10 40 124 0 124 0 0 40 0 39-485 3 -485 3 -32 33 c-31 31 -33 37 -37 117 l-3 85 521 0 521 0 0 40 0 40-520 0 -520 0 2 765 3 765 32 32 c29 28 40 33 98 36 l65 4 0 39 0 39 -57 -1c-32 0 -73 -5 -91 -10z/>path dM360 2520 l0 -40 40 0 40 0 0 40 0 40 -40 0 -40 0 0 -40z/>path dM520 2520 l0 -40 945 -2 945 -3 32 -33 33 -32 0 -890 0 -889 -29 -30c-17 -17 -33 -31 -38 -31 -4 0 -9 292 -10 648 l-3 648 -27 41 c-15 22 -44 51-65 64 l-38 24 -466 0 -465 0 -41 -27 c-22 -15 -51 -44 -64 -65 l-24 -38 0-865 0 -865 24 -38 c13 -21 42 -50 64 -65 l41 -27 465 0 466 0 38 24 c21 1350 42 65 64 26 39 27 45 30 218 l4 177 28 6 c41 8 107 77 120 125 7 27 10 3178 924 l-3 883 -27 41 c-15 22 -44 51 -65 64 l-38 24 -952 3 -953 2 0 -40zm1759 -635 c16 -16 33 -42 36 -57 l7 -28 -129 0 c-138 0 -153 -5 -153 -50 0-14 -7 -36 -16 -48 -15 -22 -20 -22 -224 -22 -204 0 -209 0 -224 22 -9 12 -1634 -16 48 0 45 -15 50 -153 50 l-129 0 7 28 c7 31 41 70 70 83 11 4 217 7 4576 l438 -2 29 -30z m-780 -209 c32 -72 46 -76 301 -76 255 0 269 4 301 76 l2044 99 0 100 0 0 -700 0 -700 -520 0 -520 0 0 700 0 700 100 0 99 0 20 -44zm818 -1482 c-3 -34 -13 -55 -36 -78 l-31 -31 -450 0 -450 0 -31 31 c-23 23-33 44 -36 78 l-6 46 523 0 523 0 -6 -46z/>path dM1640 1800 l0 -40 160 0 160 0 0 40 0 40 -160 0 -160 0 0 -40z/>path dM1695 1426 c-159 -39 -290 -173 -324 -334 -66 -312 209 -587 521-521 163 35 290 159 333 326 82 314 -211 607 -530 529z m251 -100 c77 -35 145-103 181 -180 24 -52 28 -74 28 -146 0 -72 -4 -94 -28 -146 -36 -77 -104 -145-182 -181 -51 -24 -73 -28 -145 -28 -72 0 -94 4 -145 28 -78 36 -146 104 -182181 -24 52 -28 74 -28 146 0 72 4 94 28 145 86 183 293 263 473 181z/>path dM1833 1168 l-113 -112 -33 32 c-18 18 -40 32 -48 32 -19 0 -159 -141-159 -160 0 -20 221 -240 240 -240 20 0 400 381 400 400 0 20 -141 160 -160160 -8 0 -66 -50 -127 -112z m162 -18 l29 -31 -152 -152 -152 -152 -72 73 -7372 32 32 33 32 33 -32 c18 -18 40 -32 48 -32 8 0 64 50 124 110 60 61 112 110115 110 4 0 19 -14 35 -30z/>path dM1640 160 l0 -40 160 0 160 0 0 40 0 40 -160 0 -160 0 0 -40z/>path dM532 2388 c-7 -7 -12 -28 -12 -48 0 -30 -5 -39 -25 -48 -37 -17 -49-15 -75 13 -13 14 -28 25 -34 25 -15 0 -156 -142 -156 -156 0 -6 11 -21 25-34 28 -26 30 -38 13 -75 -9 -20 -18 -25 -48 -25 -54 0 -60 -12 -60 -120 0-108 6 -120 60 -120 30 0 39 -5 48 -25 17 -37 15 -49 -13 -75 -14 -13 -25 -28-25 -34 0 -14 141 -156 156 -156 6 0 21 11 34 25 26 28 38 30 75 13 20 -9 25-18 25 -48 0 -54 12 -60 120 -60 108 0 120 6 120 60 0 30 5 39 25 48 37 17 4915 75 -13 13 -14 28 -25 34 -25 15 0 156 142 156 156 0 6 -11 21 -25 34 -2826 -30 38 -13 75 9 20 18 25 48 25 54 0 60 12 60 120 0 108 -6 120 -60 120-30 0 -39 5 -48 25 -17 37 -15 49 13 75 14 13 25 28 25 34 0 15 -142 156 -156156 -6 0 -21 -11 -34 -25 -26 -28 -38 -30 -75 -13 -20 9 -25 18 -25 48 0 54-12 60 -120 60 -61 0 -100 -4 -108 -12z m150 -104 c2 -21 10 -40 18 -44 115-56 147 -61 175 -30 18 20 18 20 47 -7 l28 -27 -20 -21 c-30 -32 -26 -60 30-175 4 -8 23 -16 44 -18 35 -3 36 -5 36 -42 0 -37 -1 -39 -36 -42 -21 -2 -40-10 -44 -18 -56 -115 -61 -147 -30 -175 20 -18 20 -18 -6 -46 l-27 -28 -29 24c-28 24 -30 24 -66 9 -20 -9 -50 -22 -67 -28 -49 -18 -55 -25 -55 -62 0 -33-1 -34 -40 -34 -39 0 -40 1 -40 34 0 37 -6 44 -55 62 -16 6 -47 19 -67 28 -3615 -38 15 -66 -9 l-29 -24 -27 28 c-26 28 -26 28 -6 46 31 28 26 60 -30 175-4 8 -23 16 -44 18 -35 3 -36 5 -36 42 0 37 1 39 36 42 21 2 40 10 44 18 56115 61 147 30 175 -20 18 -20 18 7 47 l27 28 21 -20 c32 -30 60 -26 175 30 84 16 23 18 44 3 35 5 36 42 36 37 0 39 -1 42 -36z/>path dM572 2109 c-48 -14 -109 -80 -123 -131 -36 -135 55 -253 197 -253112 0 189 77 189 190 0 113 -69 192 -176 200 -29 2 -69 0 -87 -6z m152 -108c26 -27 31 -39 31 -81 0 -43 -5 -54 -33 -82 -28 -28 -39 -33 -82 -33 -43 0-54 5 -82 33 -28 28 -33 39 -33 81 0 52 25 92 70 112 37 16 96 3 129 -30z/>path dM1680 2360 l0 -40 260 0 260 0 0 40 0 40 -260 0 -260 0 0 -40z/>path dM2280 2360 l0 -40 40 0 40 0 0 40 0 40 -40 0 -40 0 0 -40z/>path dM972 1468 c-7 -7 -12 -28 -12 -48 0 -30 -5 -39 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25 -40 125 -37 80 2 100 6109 21 8 12 8 22 0 35 -9 14 -29 18 -110 20 -69 2 -103 -1 -112 -10z/>path dM1373 1908 c-6 -7 -66 -179 -133 -382 -91 -274 -120 -373 -113 -38513 -21 47 -26 60 -9 6 7 66 179 133 382 91 274 120 373 113 385 -13 21 -47 26-60 9z/>path dM813 1649 c-83 -69 -133 -118 -133 -129 0 -19 246 -232 276 -238 20-5 44 16 44 39 0 12 -40 52 -105 106 -58 47 -105 89 -105 93 0 4 47 46 105 9459 49 105 95 105 105 0 21 -19 41 -39 41 -9 0 -76 -50 -148 -111z/>path dM1572 1748 c-25 -25 -9 -49 93 -134 58 -48 105 -90 105 -94 0 -4 -47-46 -105 -94 -59 -49 -105 -95 -105 -105 0 -21 19 -41 40 -41 25 0 280 219280 240 0 21 -255 240 -280 240 -9 0 -21 -5 -28 -12z/>path dM1002 433 c-54 -85 -89 -110 -155 -115 -49 -4 -63 -10 -90 -36 -28-28 -32 -39 -35 -102 -3 -46 0 -75 8 -85 19 -23 1081 -23 1100 0 8 10 11 39 885 -3 63 -7 74 -35 102 -27 26 -41 32 -90 36 -50 4 -63 9 -96 41 -21 20 -4955 -63 79 -21 36 -30 43 -52 40 -42 -5 -41 -47 2 -108 l36 -50 -260 0 -260 036 50 c43 60 44 103 3 108 -22 3 -32 -5 -57 -45z m746 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