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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 11:16:40 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:41:11 GMTETag: a2cf-621f57ace1669Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 41679Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> !-- METAS --> meta charsetutf-8 /> meta https-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1 /> meta namedescription contentInterval-Design | Chicago /> meta nameauthor contentInterval-Design /> !-- HEAD CONTENT --> title>Interval-Design | Chicago/title> link relicon hrefimg/fav.png typeimage/x-icon /> !-- BOOTSTRAP --> link hrefcss/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet typetext/css /> !-- MAIN CSS --> link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet /> !-- FONT AWESOME ICONS --> link relstylesheet href /> link hrefionicons/css/ionicons.min.css relstylesheet /> !-- MODERNIZR --> script srcjs/modernizr.js>/script> !-- FAVICON --> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 href/apple-touch-icon.png /> link relicon typeimage/png sizes32x32 href/favicon-32x32.png /> link relicon typeimage/png sizes16x16 href/favicon-16x16.png /> link relmanifest href/site.webmanifest /> /head> body idpage-top classindex> !-- HEADER and NAVIGATION --> nav idmyNavbar classnavbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top> div classcontainer-fluid> !-- HEADER --> header classnav-header> !-- NAV MENU --> span classnavbar-expand-lg nav-menu> ul classbutton> span> a href#portfolio classbtn-nav> i>Work/i> /a> /span> span> a href#services classbtn-nav> i>Capabilities/i> /a> /span> span> a href#about classbtn-nav> i>About/i> /a> /span> span> a href#contact classbtn-nav> i>Contact/i> /a> /span> /ul> /span> !-- end NAV MENU --> !-- BRAND LOGO --> div classnav-brand> a href#page-top> img srcimg/logo-i-d.svg width150 altlogo /> /a> /div> !-- end BRAND LOGO --> !-- MOBILE NAV TRIGGER --> a classbox-primary-nav-trigger href#0 stylemargin-top: 8px;> span classbox-menu-icon>/span> /a> !-- end MOBILE NAV TRIGGER --> /header> !-- end HEADER --> !-- MOBILE NAV --> nav> ul classbox-primary-nav> li classicon-nav> a hrefindex.html> img srcimg/hero-home-mod-icon.svg width24px althome icon /> /a> /li> li classicon-nav> a href#portfolio> img srcimg/hero-image-icon.svg width24px altimage icon /> /a> /li> li classicon-nav> a href#services> img srcimg/hero-sparkles-icon.svg width24px altcapabilities /> /a> /li> li classicon-nav> a href#about> img srcimg/hero-about-icon.svg width24px altcapabilities /> /a> /li> li classicon-nav> a href#contact> img srcimg/hero-chat-alt-2-icon.svg width24px altschedule chat /> /a> /li> li classicon-nav> a width24px> img srcimg/hero-mail-icon.svg width24px altmail icon /> /a> /li> /ul> /nav> !-- end MOBILE NAV --> /div> /nav> !-- end HEADER and NAVIGATION --> !-- INTRO and BUTTON --> div classcontainer-fluid> div classintro centered> div classrow no-gutters> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 no-padding altintro> h1> Designbr /> span idspin>/span> /h1> p> Shaping creative strategy and digital design for products, Interval-Design is a collaborative partner in crafting compelling user centric digital experiences that express brand stories with clarity and in ways that connect with people. br> br> Lets work together! /p> a href#contact classbtn btn-solid >Reach Out i classion-ios-arrow-thin-right stylecolor: #fff;>/i >/a> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 centered altintro animation> div> video width90% heightauto autoplay loop muted stylebackground-color: transparent > source srcvideos/vid-i-d-tipjar-onboard-1000x-min.mp4 typevideo/mp4 /> /video> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- end INTRO and BUTTON --> !-- PORTFOLIO --> div classcontainer-fluid idportfolio stylebackground-color: transparent altportfolio > div classportfolio> div classrow> !--UI/UX PRODUCT Section --> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> !-- SINGLE WORK VIDEO --> div classportfolio_item> video width100% heightauto posterimg/poster-lg-cart-checkout-1000x.png controls loop muted stylebackground-color: #f7f7f7; border-radius: 4px > source srcvideos/vid-i-d-lg-cart-checkout-1000x-min.mp4 typevideo/mp4 /> /video> /div> div classportfolio_item-label> span>Cart / Checkout Widget/span> details classstyle2> summary>UX/UI + Visual Design/summary> div classcontent> p> span>Challenge:/span> Propose and create new responsive cart/checkout experience and refinement of UID. /p> p> span>Direct contributions:/span> Information architecture; ideation; UID + interaction design; task flow; states & micro-interactions; art direction; contribute to systems & artifacts; widget design; copy editing; static mockups and hi-fidelity prototypes; remote presentation to stakeholders. /p> /div> /details> div classlaunch-icon> img srcimg/hero-present-icon.svg width20px altpresentation icon /> '24 /div> /div> !-- end SINGLE WORK VIDEO --> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> !-- SINGLE WORK VIDEO --> div classportfolio_item> video width100% heightauto posterimg/poster-sm-tpt-checkout-1000x.png controls loop muted stylebackground-color: #f7f7f7; border-radius: 4px > source srcvideos/vid-i-d-sm-tpt-checkout-loop-1000x-min.mp4 typevideo/mp4 /> /video> /div> div classportfolio_item-label> span>Cart + Checkout/span> details classstyle2> summary>UID + Visual Design/summary> div classcontent> p> span>Challenge:/span> Revamp and simplify mobile & web app UID to expedite and optimize completion of user journey. /p> p> span>Direct contributions:/span> Ideation; task flows; visual design; component-based assets and feature artifacts (breadcrumbs; tabbed payment method components); responsive screens; typography; color palette; states & micro-interactions; static mockups and clickable prototypes; copy editing; lead critiques and presentations. /p> p> span>a href target_blank>View Case Study →/a>/span> /p> /div> /details> span> div classlaunch-icon> img srcimg/hero-rocket-launch-icon.svg width20px altlaunch icon /> '22 /div> /span> /div> !-- end SINGLE WORK VIDEO --> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12> !-- SINGLE WORK VIDEO --> div classportfolio_item> video width100% heightauto posterimg/poster-qpf-p-p-1000x.png controls loop muted stylebackground-color: #f7f7f7; border-radius: 4px > source srcvideos/vid-i-d-qpf-guided-selector-1000x-min.mp4 typevideo/mp4 /> /video> /div> div classportfolio_item-label> span>Page + Selector Widget/span> details classstyle2> summary>UX/UI + Visual Design/summary> div classcontent> p> span>Challenge:/span> Reimagine design of hi-impact surface to accelerate user onboarding and shopping experience. /p> p> span>Direct contributions:/span> Information architecture; task flows & logic; visual design; component-based assetss (swipeable product cards; slider; tables & accordions; back-to-top button); color palette; states & micro-interactions; static mockups and clickable prototypes; copy editing; global systems design refinements. /p> p> span>a href target_blank>View Case Study →/a>/span> /p> /div> /details> span> div classlaunch-icon> img srcimg/hero-rocket-launch-icon.svg width20px altlaunch icon /> '22 /div> /span> /div> !-- end SINGLE WORK VIDEO --> /div> !--end UI/UX PRODUCT section --> !--CPG Section Frozen --> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> !-- SINGLE WORK --> div classportfolio_item> img srcimg/img-tcb-1000x.jpg classimg-responsive loadinglazy stylemax-width:100%; height:auto; padding:0 0; margin:0 0; /> /div> div classportfolio_item-label> span>CPG Packaging/span> details classstyle2> summary>Creative Direction + Design/summary> div classcontent> p> span>Challenge:/span> Design CPG packaging lineup and kickoff campaign at grocers, cost clubs, and online; leverage franchise identity, systems, and customer loyalty to successfully extend brand into retail channel; create new visual cues, artifacts and aesthetics which differentiate brand in a very competitive category. /p> p> span>Direct contributions:/span> End-to-end campaign concept and package design for lineup of 48+ SKUs sold nationwide at over 1,200 retail locations by major grocers; photo art direction and visual design (CPG package design, POS displays, promotions, social identity, typography, extension of brand palette, image assets and visual artifacts), lead presentations & liaise between licensee and brand. /p> /div> /details> div classlaunch-icon> img srcimg/hero-rocket-launch-icon.svg width20px altlaunch icon /> '12 /div> /div> !-- end SINGLE WORK --> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> !-- SINGLE WORK --> div classportfolio_item> img srcimg/img-mfc-1000x.jpg classimg-responsive loadinglazy stylemax-width:100%; height:auto; padding:0 0; margin:0 0; /> /div> div classportfolio_item-label> span>CPG Packaging/span> details classstyle2> summary>Creative Direction + Design/summary> div classcontent> p> span>Challenge:/span> Design CPG packaging lineup and kickoff campaign at grocers, cost clubs, and online; leverage franchise identity, systems, and customer loyalty to successfully extend brand into retail channel; create new visual cues, artifacts and aesthetics which differentiate brand as a premium at-home experience. /p> p> span>Direct contributions:/span> End-to-end campaign concept and package design for lineup of SKUs sold nationwide at over 1,200 retail locations by major grocers; art direction and visual design (CPG package design, promotions, typography, image assets and visual artifacts), lead presentations & liaise between licensee and brand. /p> /div> /details> div classlaunch-icon> img srcimg/hero-rocket-launch-icon.svg width20px altlaunch icon /> '16 /div> /div> !-- end SINGLE WORK --> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12> !-- SINGLE WORK --> div classportfolio_item> img srcimg/img-tgif-lc-1000x.jpg classimg-responsive loadinglazy stylemax-width:100%; height:auto; padding:0 0; margin:0 0; /> /div> div classportfolio_item-label> span>CPG Packaging/span> details classstyle2> summary>Creative Direction + Design/summary> div classcontent> p> span>Challenge:/span> Design CPG packaging lineup and kickoff campaign at grocers, cost clubs, and online; leverage franchise identity, systems, and customer loyalty to successfully extend brand into retail channel; sub-brand naming and identity; create new visual cues, artifacts and aesthetics which differentiate brand in premium category. /p> p> span>Direct contributions:/span> End-to-end campaign concept and package design for lineup of 24+ SKUs sold nationwide at over 1,200 retail locations by major grocers; photo art direction and visual design (CPG package design, POS displays, promotions, social identity, typography, image assets and visual artifacts), lead presentations & liaise between licensee and brand. /p> /div> /details> div classlaunch-icon> img srcimg/hero-rocket-launch-icon.svg width20px altlaunch icon /> '15 /div> /div> !-- end SINGLE WORK --> /div> !--end UI/UX PRODUCT section --> !--MARKETING COLLATERAL Section --> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> !-- SINGLE WORK --> div classportfolio_item> img srcimg/img-bos-ss-1000x.jpg classimg-responsive loadinglazy stylemax-width:100%; height:auto; padding:0 0; margin:0 0; /> /div> div classportfolio_item-label> span>Collateral + POP/span> details classstyle2> summary>Art Direction + Design/summary> div classcontent> p> span>Challenge:/span> Establish look-and-feel of Bosch Power Tools for Professionals marketing collateral, in alignment with Bosch master brand, for use by sales teams and available at retail nationwide; create design system targeting U.S. professional trades and DIY markets, reinforcing brand quality and product utility, with flexibility to accomodate extensive product lineup and variety of detailed product specifications. /p> p> span>Direct contributions:/span> Flagship design of B2B and B2C print templates and targeted one-offs for various marketing collateral series and new product promotions (brochures, catalogs, POS displays, sellsheets, B2B exhibits), from concept to final execution, produced and available nationwide at well-known big box hard goods stores. /p> /div> /details> div classlaunch-icon> img srcimg/hero-rocket-launch-icon.svg width20px altpresentation icon /> '06 /div> /div> !-- end SINGLE WORK --> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> !-- SINGLE WORK --> div classportfolio_item> img srcimg/img-aon-re-capab-spread-05-1000x.jpg classimg-responsive loadinglazy stylemax-width:100%; height:auto; padding:0 0; margin:0 0; /> /div> div classportfolio_item-label> span>Capabilities Brochure/span> details classstyle2> summary>Art Direction + Design/summary> div classcontent> p> span>Challenge:/span> Design B2B longform capabilities brochure for multinational financial consulting firm; leverage established brand design systems to communicate firm insights and analytics services related to commercial risk-management post recent and historically significant events in NYC; convey range of capabilities with substantive brand voice and high-level aesthetics. /p> p> span>Direct contributions:/span> Cover art and perfect-bound brochure design (concept to execution: design, layout, illustration, typography, charts, design artifacts, keyline art, paper stock and finishing specs) and liaison with internal brand standards and design governance team. /p> /div> /details> div classlaunch-icon> img srcimg/hero-rocket-launch-icon.svg width20px altpresentation icon /> '05 /div> /div> !-- end SINGLE WORK --> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12> !-- SINGLE WORK --> div classportfolio_item> img srcimg/img-wal-m-bro-1000x.jpg classimg-responsive loadinglazy stylemax-width:100%; height:auto; padding:0 0; margin:0 0; /> /div> div classportfolio_item-label> span>Brochure + Identity/span> details classstyle2> summary>Art Direction + Design/summary> div classcontent> p> span>Challenge:/span> Revitalize brand identity and marketing collateral for an iconic NYC hotel; redesign B2C marketing materials & primary commercial sales vehicle, the Meetings brochure, to coincide launch with efforts to attract (and ultimately secure) event contract as host to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony 2000; leverage interior architectural details, decor, historic and newly commissioned interior photography to evoke luxury and high-level aesthetics across complete range of B2C print marketing collateral. /p> p> span>Direct contributions:/span> Visual design of 200+ pieces (concept to execution: brand identity system and stationery; B2B collateral; B2C in-room guest services print materials and takeaways; signage; events podium design; global brand color palette, typography, visual artifacts); liaise with location photographer; regularly present to and receive key approvals from stakeholders and Executive management. /p> p> span>Recognition:/span> HSMAI Gold Award 2001 | Marketing Design (The Waldorf Astoria NY — Meetings Brochure); The Big Book of Corp ID 2000 | Brand Identity (The Waldorf Astoria & The Waldor Towers — Corporate & In-room Stationery Design). /p> /div> /details> span> div classlaunch-icon> img srcimg/hero-star-icon.svg width22px altcase study icon /> img srcimg/hero-rocket-launch-icon.svg width20px altlaunch icon /> '00 /div> /span> /div> !-- end SINGLE WORK --> /div> !--end MARKETING COLLATERAL section --> /div> /div> /div> !-- end PORTFOLIO --> !-- CAPABILITIES-SERVICES Section--> div classcontainer-fluid idservices stylebackground-color: #fff altservices > div classservices> !-- CONTENT Cards--> div classrow no-gutters> div classservices-group> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6> div classcard> div classcard-body> div classcard-header> a classcard-brand> img srcimg/hero-mobile-icon.svg height35 alticon /> /a> /div> span>h4>User Interface Design/h4>/span> p classcard-text> Interfaces and interactions that delight users, are informed by UX data insights, and which are focused on usability to yield intuitive and seamless task-oriented outcomes /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6> div classcard> div classcard-body> div classcard-header> a classcard-brand> img srcimg/hero-eye-icon.svg height35 alticon /> /a> /div> span>h4>Visual Design/h4>/span> p classcard-text> Aesthetically appealing and meaningful use of visual design elements (color, text, images, motion) that make products, websites, and marketing content engaging and memorable /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6> div classcard> div classcard-body> div classcard-header> a classcard-brand> img srcimg/hero-tag-icon.svg height35 alticon /> /a> /div> span>h4>Brand Design/h4>/span> p classcard-text> Platform agnostic identity, evolution, and extension of brand systems that drive alignment of visual assets across teams and within organizations providing a consistent brand voice /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6> div classcard> div classcard-body> div classcard-header> a classcard-brand> img srcimg/hero-light-bulb-icon.svg height35 alticon /> /a> /div> span>h4>Art Direction/h4>/span> p classcard-text> Concepts, CPG package and POS design, photo art direction, and extension of visual language to express brand narratives that engage consumers and differentiate products /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- end CAPABILITIES-SERVICES Section --> !-- TOOLS --> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow centered> div classtools> div classcontainer-fluid> div classcol-lg-2 col-md-4 col-xs-6> div classcard-tool> img srcimg/tool-figma-icon.svg stylewidth:40px altFigma logo /> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-2 col-md-4 col-xs-6> div classcard-tool> img srcimg/tool-adobe-cc-icon.svg stylewidth:40px altAdobe CC logo /> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-2 col-md-4 col-xs-6> div classcard-tool centered> img srcimg/tool-jira-icon.svg stylewidth:40px altJira logo /> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-2 col-md-4 col-xs-6> div classcard-tool centered> img srcimg/tool-whereby-icon.svg stylewidth:40px altWhereby logo /> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-2 col-md-4 col-xs-6> div classcard-tool centered> img srcimg/tool-slack-icon.svg stylewidth:40px altSlack logo /> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-2 col-md-4 col-xs-6> div classcard-tool centered> img srcimg/tool-maze-icon.svg stylewidth:40px altMaze logo /> /div> /div> /div> h5> Tools: Figma, Adobe CC, Jira, Trello, Whereby, Slack, Maze, G-Suite, Dropbox, HTML, CSS — among others as needed. /h5> br>br> /div> /div> /div> !-- end TOOLS --> !-- ABOUT + BRANDS Section--> div classcontainer-fluid idabout stylebackground-color: #01174b > div classrow > div classbrands> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow centered> div classabout-blurb> div classcol-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12> h2>/h2> p>Interval-Design has collaborated with innovative leaders & talented people at these and other amazing brands./p> /div> /div> /div> div classh-50>/div> /div> div classcontainer-fluid> !-- CONTENT Cards--> div classrow centered-top no-gutters idmore-list> div classbrands-group> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcard> div classcard-body> div classcard-header> /div> span>h4>Agencies +/h4>/span> ul> li>Abelson Taylor/li> li>BBDO Chicago/li> li>Beanstalk/li> li>Corbett Accel/li> li>Edelman/li> li>FCB Chicago/li> li>Frankel & Co/li> li>HerbstLazarBell/li> li>Lee Hill Inc/li> li>SCC/li> li>Topin & Assoc/li> /ul> br> span>h4>Entertainment/h4>/span> ul> li>Lyric Opera/li> li>Star Events/li> li>USGA Sr Open/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcard> div classcard-body> div classcard-header> /div> span>h4>Food & Bev/h4>/span> ul> li>Airheads/li> li>Allsport/li> li>Bunn/li> li>Corn Products/li> li>Dole/li> li>GNC/li> li>Hasbro/li> li>McCain Foods/li> li>McDonalds/li> li>Mrs Fields/li> li>Muscle Milk/li> li>PerfettiVanMelle/li> li>Smithfield/li> li>TCBY/li> li>TGI Fridays/li> li>Wm. Wrigley/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcard> div classcard-body> div classcard-header> /div> span>h4>Finance/h4>/span> ul> li>Aon/li> li>Quicken/li> li>Simplifi Money/li> /ul> br> span>h4>Hard Goods/h4>/span> ul> li>Bosch USA/li> li>Craftsman/li> li>GBC/li> li>GTE/li> li>HP/li> li>Motorola/li> li>Quill/li> li>Rust-Oleum/li> li>SRAM/li> li>Whirlpool/li> /ul> br> span>h4>Hospitality/h4>/span> ul> li>Hilton Hotels/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12> div classcard> div classcard-body> div classcard-header> /div> span>h4>Pharma + Health/h4>/span> ul> li>Abbott/li> li>Advocate/li> li>AstraZeneca/li> li>Health eTouch/li> li>Meridia/li> /ul> br> span>h4>Editorial/h4>/span> ul> li>Chicago/li> li>Crains/li> li>Prevention/li> li>Chicago Trib/li> /ul> br> span>h4>Nonprofit/h4>/span> ul> li>COH/li> li>> li>ReStore/li> li>United Way/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classh-50>/div> div classh-50>/div> /div> !-- end ABOUT + BRANDS Section --> !-- SIGN-OFF Section--> div classcontainer-fluid bg-white idcontact> div classsign-off altLets talk> div classh-10>/div> div classrow centered> div classcol-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 sign-off> h2>Let’s start talking/h2> p> Whether for an urgent short-term need, or a contract engagement longer in duration, Interval-Design is poised to work with you in solving for design challenges. /p> !-- BUTTONS --> div classrow centered> div classbtn-group stylealign-items:center> a href classbtn btn-solid >Book a Time i classion-ios-arrow-thin-right stylecolor: #fff>/i >/a> a classbtn btn-solid >Write Email i classion-ios-arrow-thin-right stylecolor: #fff>/i >/a> /div> /div> !-- end BUTTONS --> /div> /div> div classh-10>/div> /div> /div> !-- End SIGN-OFF --> !-- FOOTER --> footer> div classcontainer-fluid> div classcol-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-sm-offset-0> a classbrand> img srcimg/logo-i-d-rev.svg width100 altlogo /> /a> p classcopyright> Copyright © Interval-Design 2008-2024 | All Rights Reserved | All logos, trademarks, and characters are property of their respective owners. | Web analytics may be utilized to understand how this site is used. By continuing to browse, we take it to mean that you accept this practice. /p> /div> /div> /footer> !-- end FOOTER --> !-- jQuery --> script srcjs/jquery-2.1.1.js>/script> !-- Plugins --> script srcjs/bootstrap.min.js>/script> script srcjs/menu.js>/script> !-- Scripts --> script srcjs/custom.js>/script> script src>/script> script src>/script> !-- Javascript for SHOW/HIDE MORE BUTTON and 2 Addl Portfolio Divs --> script> function myFunction() { var x document.getElementById(more-items); if ( none) { block; } else { none; } } /script> !-- Javascript for SHOW/HIDE LIST BUTTON and List of Clients Div --> script> function myFunction() { var x document.getElementById(more-clients); if ( none) { block; } else { none; } } /script> !-- Start STATCOUNTER code for counter --> script typetext/javascript> var sc_project 12561624; var sc_invisible 1; var sc_security 5b79b524; /script> script typetext/javascript src async >/script> noscript> div classstatcounter> a titleWeb Analytics href target_blank > img classstatcounter src altWeb Analytics referrerpolicyno-referrer-when-downgrade /> /a> /div> /noscript> !-- end STATCOUNTER Code --> /body>/html>
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