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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 10:17:35 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 19:41:43 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 81948Cache-Control: max-age7200Expires: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 12:17:35 GMTVary: Accept-EncodingX-Endurance-Cache-Level: 2X-nginx-cache: WordPressContent-Type: text/html html>!-- /*SUPERXCOMMENT*/ -->head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252> style typetext/css>a.linkblack {color:#000000} a.translate {font-size:10pt; color:white} #QuickLinks {color:#0033AA; font-family:copperplate gothic light; font-size:19pt;} a.noshow:link, a.noshow:active, a.noshow:visited, a.noshow:hover { color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none; } /style> title>Inspired Planet - Opening Page, Artifacts and Images for Sale from Africa, Tibet, Vietnam, Egypt, Mexico, paintings, masks, jewelry, photographs, art, antiques, and more/title> meta namekeywordscontentart, art, gallery, import, gallery, artifacts, ethnographic,cross-cultural, art, primitive, art, sacred, art, religious art, AfricanArt, transformative visions, photolectures, photography, celestial, icons,Lenox,, MA, 01240, Massachusetts, Berkshire, The Bershires, antiques,African artifacts, Tibetan artifacts, Burmese antiques, Buddhist antiques,Buddhist art, Buddhas, singing bowls, ancient artifacts, saint paintings,spiritual art, tribal jewelry, tribal artifacts, tribal ornaments,celestial icons, silver jewelry, gold jewelry, dance masks, dream masks,African masks, Indonesian masks, Balinese masks, Mexican masks, Ethiopian Icons,architectural details, carved wooden animals, wooden horses, ceremonialvessels, paintings, rugs, carpets, furniture, temple gongs, ritual gongs,musical insturments, Peruvian pottery, beads, textiles, handloom textiles,adventure, silk clothes, cotton clothes, santos, santos, statues, congo,cult, paraphernalia, icons, oriental carpets, baskets, boxes, bronze,symbols, symbolic art, visionary art, gods, goddesses, dragons, monsters,Boddhisattvas, Asmat, amulets, talismans, shamans tools, voodoo art,alchemical art, wood carvings, tribal rugs, kilims, Africa, African art,Hindu, Myth, Mythology, Dragons, Egyptian, Native American, Mexico,Indonesia, Bali, Java, Sumba, Sumatra, Thailand, Siamese, Burma, Burmese,Myanmar, Cambodia, Shan, India, Rajasthan, Kerela, Malabar Coast,Hunzaland, Himalayas, Nepal, Newari, Ladakh, Tibet, Ethiopia, Mali, Kenya,Congo, Zaire, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Dogon, American Indian, Tarahumara,Huichol, shaman, Peru, Peruvian, paintings, Ecuador, Bolivia, LakeTiticaca, ethnic, ethnic, chic, handmade, handcrafted, native markets,Christian Art, initiation, books, travel, world, earth, Dudley Levenson,Brushwood Farm>meta namedescriptioncontentArt Artifacts Myth Asia Africa South America Travel Antiques PhotographyPaintings Jewelry Animalia Architectural Home Furnishings Books CraftMusic Ancient Classical Symbolic Mythology Ritual Primitive EthnographicTribal Religious Culture Mind Spirit>meta http-equivPage-Exit contentrevealTrans(Duration1,Transition12)> style typetext/css>A.imgArray {cursor:default} /style> script typetext/javascript>var newWin; 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font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #999999;}--> /style>/head>body bgcolor#ffffff link#0044cc stylemargin:0px; text#000000 vlink#0044cc>script typetext/javascript srcmenu.js>/script>table cellpadding5 cellspacing0 width980> tbody> tr> td valigntop>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td>!-- Start of new Table (modifications by: Ralph van den Berg) --> table width690> tbody> tr valigntop> td valigntop> div aligncenter>font facecopperplate gothic bold size5> Lenox shop closed. br>Call or text a hreftel:(239) 877-7938>(239) 877-7938/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td bgcolor#000000 valigntop> div aligncenter>img altInspired Planet border0 height94 srciplogowplanet.jpg width604 />/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 cellpadding4 cellspacing0 width690> tbody> tr> td height57 valigntop width690> div aligncenter>a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smfez) onmouseoverswapin(smfez)>img altEarthly Beauty border0 height58 namesmfez srcimages/smfez.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smtrav4) onmouseoverswapin(smtrav4)>img altAuspicious Symbols border0 height58 namesmtrav4 srcimages/smtrav4.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smbronze_mask) onmouseoverswapin(smbronze_mask)>img altAnimal Spirits border0 height58 namesmbronze_mask srcimages/smbronze_mask.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smpaint8) onmouseoverswapin(smpaint8)>img altFatherly Love border0 height58 namesmpaint8 srcimages/smpaint8.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smosiris9) onmouseoverswapin(smosiris9)>img altSolar Radiance border0 height58 namesmosiris9 srcimages/smosiris9.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smmedman) onmouseoverswapin(smmedman)>img altHealing Power border0 height58 namesmmedman srcimages/smmedman.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smart14) onmouseoverswapin(smart14)>img altImmeasurable Light border0 height58 namesmart14 srcimages/smart14.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smram_mask) onmouseoverswapin(smram_mask)>img altDark Forces border0 height58 namesmram_mask srcimages/smram_mask.jpg width58 />/a>a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smtrav7) onmouseoverswapin(smtrav7)>img altGrandmother Wisdom border0 height58 namesmtrav7 srcimages/smtrav7.jpg width58 />/a>a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smheadluxor) onmouseoverswapin(smheadluxor)>img altEgyptian Mysteries border0 height58 namesmheadluxor srcimages/smheadluxor.jpg width58 />/a>a hrefsample_products.html>img altFrog King and Son border0 height58 srcimages/frogandsonsm.gif width45 />/a>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing6 height1500 styleWIDTH: 690px; HEIGHT: 2079px width690> tbody> tr valigntop> td height150 width214> table border5 bordercolor#FF0000 bordercolordark#FF0000 bordercolorlight#FFFF00 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff> div alignleft idQuickLinks> div styleFONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 18pt;>Quick Links/div> - a href styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>Bookstore/a>br /> - a href styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>Travel/a>br /> - a href styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>Photography/a>br /> - a hrefcatalog.html styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>Product List/a>br /> - a href styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>Sample Products/a>br /> - a href styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>strong>Table of Contents/strong>/a>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width230> tbody> tr> td colspan3>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3> p stylepadding: 3px;>img altDewi Sri Mask border1 height213 srcproduct_new/UnderlyingBalinese.jpg width230 />/p> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>b>Dewi Sri Mask./b> Underlying Balinese Hinduism is a deep animist connection to the forces of Nature. This is a unique carving, an evolution from traditional icons of Dewi Sri Rice Goddess, one of several we discovered in a hidden workshop of inspired masters. They represent the Green Man and Green Woman, part human, part plant--- creative abstractions of beautiful faces with vines, tendrils and dreamy forms. Finely carved hibiscus wood. Price $425./td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#FF0000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff> div alignleft> table width100%> tbody> tr> td colspan2>font colorred facecopperplate gothic light size6>b>Shopping/b>/font>br /> font size3>We have tons of goods for sale strong>with photo's/strong>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff valigntop>a href>font size4>Artifacts/font>/a>br /> a href>font size4>Masks/font>/a>br /> a href>font size4>Jewelry/font>/a>/td> td bordercolor#ffffff valigntop>a href>font size4>Books/font>/a>br /> a href>font size4>Ritual Objects/font>/a>br /> a href>font size4>Paintings/font>/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table width100%> tbody> tr> td width80%> table border1 bordercolor#0000FF cellspacing0 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td> div aligncenter stylefont-size:16; color:#0000FF; font-family:Copperplate Gothic Bold;>a href>font color#0000FF size5>E-Postcards/font>/a>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff> div styleFONT-SIZE: 13pt> table width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff colspan2> div styleFONT-SIZE: 13pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; FONT-FAMILY: copperplate gothic light>b>Rooms with a View/b>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff valigntop>a href>Main Chamber/a>br /> a href>The Vault/a>br /> a href>Den of Osiris/a>br /> a href>Photography/a>br /> a href>The Lobby/a>/td> td bordercolor#ffffff valigntop>a href>Travel/a>br /> a href>Contact/a>br /> a href>Secret Room/a>br /> a href>Chapel/a>br /> a href>Library/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff> div> table width100%> tbody> tr> th bordercolor#ffffff colspan3>Alphabetized List of Subjects:/th> /tr> tr valigntop> td bordercolor#ffffff>font size2>a href>African trip/a>br /> a href>Angels/a>br /> a href>Antiques/a>br /> a href>Bali trip/a>br /> a href>Bells/a>br /> a href>Books/a>br /> a href>Boxes/a>br /> a href>Buddhas/a>br /> a href>Comments/a>br /> a href>Crosses/a>br /> a href>Daggers/a>br /> a href>Directions/a>br /> a href>Dragons/a>br /> a href>Egyptian/a>br /> a href>Elephants/a>br /> a href>Gold/a>br /> a href>Gongs/a>/font>/td> td bordercolor#ffffff>font size2>a href>Holy Grail/a>br /> a href>Indian/a>br /> a href>Interview/a>br /> a href>Masks /a>br /> a href>Medicine Man/a>br /> a href>Nepal trip/a>br /> a href>Paintings/a>br /> a href>Pendants/a>br /> a href>Peru trip/a>br /> a href>Photography/a>br /> a href>Photolectures/a>br /> a href>Photo Catalog/a>br /> a href>Poetry/a>br /> a href>Recommended Links/a>br /> a href>Rhinoceros/a>br /> a href>Sacred Art/a> a href>Saints/a>/font>/td> td bordercolor#ffffff>font size2>a href>Shaman/a>br /> a href>Singing Bowls/a>br /> a href>Sphinx/a>br /> a href>Spirit House/a>br /> a href>Statues/a>br /> a href>Symbology/a>br /> a href>Teachings/a>br /> a href>Textiles/a>br /> a href>Thangkas/a>br /> a href>Thoughts/a>br /> a href>Tree of Life/a>br /> a href>Vessels/a>br /> a href>Virgins/a>br /> a href>Visions/a>br /> a href>Who we are/a>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> div>/div> div> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff>font color#990000 facecopperplate gothic bold>font size5>Your Source/font>br /> font size4>for/font>/font>br /> font size4>Giant Beansbr /> Ritual Gongsbr /> Spirit Housesbr /> Meditation Bowlsbr /> Buddhasbr /> Dance and Dream Masksbr /> font size4>Silver and Gold Jewelry/font>/font>br /> font size4>Silk Clothingbr /> Monster Bellsbr /> Saint Paintingsbr /> font size4>Exotic Home Furnishings/font>/font>br /> font size4>Photographsbr /> font size4>Power Amulets/font>/font>br /> font size4>Peacock Feathersbr /> font color#990000 faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>andbr /> Other/font>/font>br /> font size5>strong>font color#990000 faceCopperplate Gothic Light>Absolutebr /> Necessities/font> /strong>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> div> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff>font size2>font size3>b>font color#ff0033 size4>Welcome to the Inspired Planet em>community/em>./font> /b>br /> Every culture has somethingbr /> to offer:br /> Art, Tools, Wisdom etc.../font>br /> br /> "Healing, ritual and community---the goods that the indigenous world can offer to the West are the very things that the modern world is struggling with. Ritual in the indigenous world is aimed at producing healing, and the loss of such healing in the modern world might be responsible for the loss of community that we see. The problems experienced in the West, from the pain of isolation to the stress of hyperactivity, are brought on by the loss of community."br /> - Malidoma Patrice Somé , u>The Healing Wisdom of Africa/u>!--Link-->br /> br /> "What's necessary is for us to understand that really, at the root of things is community. At the deepest level, that's the center of things. We come out of community. So how then can we organize our economics so that it's based on community, not accumulation? And how can we organize our religion to teach us about community? And when I say 'community,' I mean the whole earth community. That's the ultimate sacred domain-the earth community."br /> -Brian Swimme, mathematical cosmologist. The Universe is a Green Dragon./font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> div> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff> p alignjustify>font size3>b>A great letter about creating a new meaningful experience with old Tibetan ritual tools from our collection:/b>/font>/p> table alignright cellpading0 cellspacing0 width60> tbody> tr> td>img alt border0 height50 srcimages/art17.jpg width60 />/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> br /> font size2>Dear Inspired Planet,br /> This last holiday season, the members of my wife's Aikido dojo and I purchased an an antique Tibetan singing bowl from Thank you for your help in finding a perfect /> font color#ff0000>font size3>Here's what happened:/font>br /> Christmas Day. A fresh blanket of snow; deer at the feeder and birds at theirs. The bowl arrived safely, in time for me to purchase wrapping cloth of appropriate colors. Leslie was pleased and impressed, even awed. The tone is beautiful. She is planning ways to include it in the ceremony which opens the dojo for the new year./font>br /> The dojo practices at a local university. A portable shomen, a shrine at the front of the room, was built by one of the members. The bowl sits on a cushion, between a flower arrangement and a portrait of Aikido's founder. The setting is simple and sparse, yet /> font color#ff0000 size3>Creating a New Tradition:/font>br /> The bowl was introduced to the dojo during 'kagami biraki' ceremonies marking the start of the new year. I'm told they didn't ring the bell the traditional 110 times(!) --- instead, a new tradition was begun: each student was given the chance to come forward, ring the bell, and if they wished, demonstrate something they had learned in the previous /> font color#ff0000>It will be appreciated by many, on its new path forward through the centuries./font>br /> Thank you again for your help and patience in enriching the life of the /> br /> --Dwight- Potsdam, NY/font> p>/p> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> p aligncenter stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>img srccolumn3/prod/bellanddoorj.jpg />/p> b>Bell and Dorges/b> sets rung in Tibetan ritual. p stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>small $25 a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> p stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>large $120 a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> p aligncenter stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>img height173 srcproduct_new/Ganeshsilv7962.jpg width230 />/p> b>Ganesh./b> Transcriber of the Ancient Scriptures, Guardian of Portals and Transitions, God of Strength, Knowledge, Friendship, Son of Shiva and Parvati. Ganesh is the most popular of the Indian gods. This one is silvered bronze. The costume is painted in piquant colors. /> p aligncenter stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>img height173 srcproduct_new/BakersWgt_5934.jpg width230 />/p> b>Antique Baker’s Weights from China./b> Pyramid shaped terra cotta with porcelain and blue glaze characters. The bottoms are cut for stamping the bread when it comes out of the oven. Uniform, but each is slightly different. 2½”, $27 each. a href target_top> img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>br /> p aligncenter stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>img altTasting Spoons srcproduct_new/TastSpoone.jpg width230 />/p> p>b>Tasting Spoons- These fine rosewood spoons are handcrafted in Thailand./b> We selected each one for the quality of the carving, smoothness, feel of the handle, beauty of grain. It may not be seen in photo that the darker wood has an equal or superior color/pattern. Limited supply. 7”, $16. a href target_top> img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width230> tbody> tr> td colspan3>span stylepadding: 3px;>img altSilver Hoop Earrings height244 srcproduct_new/HoopEarrings.jpg width230 />/span>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>b>Silver Hoop Earrings./b> This is our own design crafted in sterling with silver posts. The earrings are inspired by the naga spirals of Chinese Hill Tribe women. Available in/td> /tr> tr> td>small $45/td> td>Medium$57/td> td>Large $69/td> /tr> tr> td>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/td> td>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/td> td>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>Some gold vermeil available./td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table width100%> tbody> tr> td width80%> table border1 bordercolor#0000FF cellspacing0 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td> center>img altHimalayan maiden hspace2 srccolumn3/prod/himalayanbeauty.jpg />img altMorgan srccolumn3/prod/berkshirebeauty.jpg /> div stylefont-size:10px; line-height:12px; margin-bottom:5px;>Himalayan maiden (left) at the village well, from our spring expedition to Nepal. Morgan (right), our bright summer elf at Inspired Planet, now at school in Scotland (Hogwarts!). Both girls are 14./div> /center> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> td width1>/td> td width452> div alignjustify styleFONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>b>strong>Inspired Planet/strong>/b> is an On-Line collection and a hrefjavascript:popUp(directions.html)>font color#000000>gallery in Lenox Massachusetts/font>/a> of artifacts, images and stories from classical, tribal and emerging cultures in Asia, Africa and America. Explore these features: Travel, Books, Jewelry, Photography, Slide Presentations, Paintings, Sacred Arts, Antiques and Stylish Home Furnishings ---strong> /strong> for the Heart, Mind and Spirit. center>a hrefjavascript:popUp( onmouseoutdoswap(dragon) onmouseoverswapin(dragon)>img altGong border0 height50 namedragon srcimages/dragon.jpg width400 />/a>/center> /div> div alignjustify styleFONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>b>We've recently returned/b> to the Berkshires from fantastic trips to Egypt, Ethiopia, Thailand, Burma, India, Nepal, Tibet and most recently Mexico collecting artifacts, paintings, jewelry, sacred images and decorative objects. There are already items for sale in the store and more coming. Stay tuned to the website as we add pictures, stories and new artifacts. table aligncenter width100%> tbody> tr> td width50%>img altEarth Rising Heaven�s Blessing height80 srcearthrising.jpg styleborder:1px solid #000; width210 />/td> td aligncenter valigntop width50%> table aligncenter height82 styleborder:1px solid #000; width226> tbody> tr> td aligncenter>a href>font size4>Send this page to a friend/font>/a>br /> a hrefjavascript:popUp(directions.html)>font size4>Directions/font>/a>br /> font size4>a hreftel:239-877-7938>(239) 877-7938/a>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> table border0 bordercolor#000000 height400 styleWIDTH: 400px; HEIGHT: 400px width400> tbody> tr> td height98 valigntop width225> table bgcolor#a04caf border1 bordercolor#000000 height98 width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#a04caf> div aligncenter>font size4>Cross the Threshold to/font>br /> a href styleFONT-SIZE: 20pt; COLOR: #ffffff>Enter the Site/a>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> td height98 valigntop width225> table bgcolor#000000 border1 bordercolor#121212 height98 width225> tbody> tr> td height87>a hrefjavascript:popUp( styleCOLOR: #feff64; TEXT-DECORATION: none>b>u>Current Exhibitions:/u>/b>br /> font color#ffffff size2>We've put together photographs, stories, and art work to /> font color#3366ff>Click for more./font>/font>/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height191 valigntop width230> table bgcolor#3366ff border1 bordercolor#000000 height190 width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#3366ff> div> table height160 width204> tbody> tr> td valigntop>font color#000000 size4>Translate this page to.../font> div aligncenter>a classtranslate href>French/a> a classtranslate href> German/a> a classtranslate href> Italian /a>br /> a classtranslate href>Portuguese/a> a classtranslate href> Russian/a> a classtranslate href> Spanish/a>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td valignbottom>br /> font size1>Powerd by:/font>br /> a href target_blank>img alt border0 height30 srcaltavistalogo.gif width140 />/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> td height191 valigntop width225> table bgcolor#feff64 border1 bordercolor#000000 height191 styleWIDTH: 226px; HEIGHT: 190px width225> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#feff64> div> center>a>img border0 srclisacontactnew.jpg />br /> font size2>Email us. Questionsbr /> Comments Informationbr />>/a>/center> /div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height164 valigntop width230> table bgcolor#00cad8 border1 bordercolor#000000 height164 width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#00cad8> div styleCURSOR: hand>a hrefjavascript:popUp(directions.html) styleTEXT-DECORATION: none>font color#003300>font facecopperplate gothic bold size4>Inspired Planet/font>br /> font color#003300>Brushwood Farmbr /> 36 Pittsfield Rd. Route 7br /> Lenox, MA 01240 USAbr /> Tel.(239) 877-7938/font>/font>br /> font color#003300>www.inspiredplanet.combr /> font size3>The gallery is open every afternoon. /font>/font>/a>font color#003300>font size3>strong stylecolor:#ff6f28;>a hrefjavascript:popUp(directions.html)>Click for directions/a>/strong>./font> /font>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> td height164 valigntop width225> table bgcolor#fc3d17 border1 bordercolor#000000 height164 width225> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#fc3d17>font color#000066 faceBook Antiqua size5>Be /> Keep Informed./font> form actioncgi-bin/ methodpost>input namerequired typehidden valueemail /> input namesubject typehidden valueAdd me to Email List /> input namerecipient typehidden /> Email: input nameemail />br /> Name:input namerealname size12 /> input nameGO typesubmit valueSubmit />/form> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table aligncenter> tbody> tr> td> div aligncenter>img alt border0 height57 srcimages/cc2.gif width400 />/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table bgcolor#fdffb5 border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#fdffb5> div stylePADDING-RIGHT: 4px; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; PADDING-TOP: 4px>b>font facecopperplate gothic bold size4>font size4>Inspired Planet -/font>/font>/b> div alignright>b>font facecopperplate gothic bold size4>in the font color#ff0000 size5>News and Arts:/font>/font>/b>/div> p>font size4>strong>Tomb Raider Movie Follows in Our Footsteps/strong>/font>/p> table alignleft> tbody> tr> td>img alt border0 height105 srcimages/smLady_Croft.jpg width108 />/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> We got a thrill seeing the fantastic ruins of Angkor Thom in the current blockbuster, font color#ff0000>Lara Croft: Tomb Raider/font>, which Inspired Planet features in a photography exhibition and lecture, font color#ff0000>Angkor-The Throne of Heaven/font>. The film evokes old mythologies with a new kind of heroine, the gorgeous, Angelina Jolie, who has the brains, the body and the conscience to save the world. Despite the excessive budget and hype we found the story surprisingly satisfying. Behind the marvelous computer-generated action, are stage-sets rich with art, archeology and natural landscapes. Like Inspired Planet, everything depends upon synchronizing with the cosmos, collecting artifacts with meaning, and seeing the way it all fits /> Link to a href>Photography/a> and a href>Photolectures/a>. p>/p> p>font size4>strong>Ubiquitous music master/conductor/strong>/font>./p> table alignleft> tbody> tr> td>img altJohn Cheney border0 height143 srcimages/JohnCheney.jpg width108 />/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> John Cheney of the Berkshires, discovered a new sound with ancient roots at Inspired Planet. He then spent a year arranging to stage concerts in Europe and America. We were playing “Native Angels” by the Savae Vocal Ensemble, a lovely collection of 400 year old sacred songs composed by Spanish friars in the New World. Theirs was a collaboration of native voices and European polyphony spiced with occasional African percussion. The Berkshire Concert Choir presented the cross-cultural repertoire in Great Britain, Germany and France. At Inspired Planet we encourage and celebrate the creative marriage of different artistic traditions. p>font size4>b>em>Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon/em> Composerbr /> Creates Experimental Orchestral Theatre/b>/font>br /> The ethereal sound "which came out of nowhere" in Tan Dun"s multi-media musical performance at Tanglewood was created by Singing Bowls borrowed from the collection of Inspired Planet. The controversial composition, "Red Forecast", featured exotic Eastern sounds and surrealistic voice playing with symphony instruments. The orchestra was staged dramatically under a film montage./p> p>font size3>For the full story click into/font> a href>Artifacts/a>./p> p>/p> font size2> b>font size4>What was that great music you heard atbr /> Inspired Planet?/font>/b>br /> Afro Celt Sound System--World music sensation! The group "compliments the Celtic harp with the African kora, an African harp-lute, and the bodhran, or Irish frame drum, with the tama, an African talking drum." The cross-cultural sounds mix into a spicey curry with catchy techno beats... a href target_blank>b><<More>>/b>/a> /font> p>font size2>b>font size4>Inspired Planet goes to the Movies/font>/b>br /> We were dazzled by the collection of art treasures in Sean Connery's luxurious lair in the suspense-thriller 'Entrapment'. This time 007 plays a world-class thief and Catherine Zeta-Jones his brilliant and stunningly beautiful protégé. Keep your eyes peeled during the sequences in his distinctive Scottish castle and you will see a rare bust of the ancient Cambodian God, Hari Hara. We have just such a piece in the collection at Inspired Planet. Check out the picture and story. Click to a href target_new>Hari Hara in Artifacts./a>/font>/p> font size2> /font> p>font size2>b>font size4>Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pharaohs/font>/b>br /> We were surprised to see the original of this unusual style in the current show at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It is an exquisite little sphinx just 4 inches long carved from dark grey schist stone from the 16th Dynasty, that is a hreftel:2255-2246>2255-2246/a> BCE. The statue is identified as The Sphinx of Merenre I offering to Re of Heliopolis. It is the earliest known example of a sphinx with lamps in its paws. /font>/p> p aligncenter>font size2>img border0 height99 srcden/lampsphinxpref.jpg width150 />br /> See this product in the a hrefjavascript:openWin(>Den of Osiris/a>/font>/p> font size2> /font>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> div> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff>a hrefcontact.html>font size5>b>u>Another Satisfied Customer Dept./u>/b>/font>/a>br /> br /> "I bought a tiny amulet for marital harmony and it saved my marriage. We're not fighting anymore. Well, you've got to fight a little, but we're making up better...(laughter)... And I owe it all to Inspired Planet."br /> -Katie in Washington, MAbr /> br /> We remembered the precious talisman from Thailand, a small bronze man and woman embracing, and were curious how the amulet was actually used. She gave it to her husband for Christmas then they made a tradition--every New Year's Eve the couple bakes a cake with charms in it--a truly charming ritual that puts the magic back in life./td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> table border1 bordercolor#000000 width100%> tbody> tr> td valigntop>!-- width of about 430 / 2 is safe --> center>img srccolumn3/massaiwarrior.jpg />/center> p alignjustify stylemargin:1px;>Young male Massai Warrior from Kenya, jubilant after impressing prospective girlfriends in traditional jumping contest. We loved the a cappella music provided by a line of smiling tribesmen, Mt. Kilamonjaro in the distance./p> /td> td valigntop> center>img height280 srccolumn3/himalayanhealer.jpg width210 />/center> p alignjustify stylemargin:1px;>Pema Singh Lama, venerable dhamé medicine man performs healings in a remote region of the Nepalese Himalayas. We had the grace to chant with this jolly mystic. After puja and meditation he prepared magic tonics./p> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#000000 width100%> tbody> tr> td> div stylefont-size:16px; font-family:papyrus; background-color:#fdffb5; font-width:bold>When you buy an artifact at Inspired Planet you are benefiting the artisans and their families—the woodsmen, weavers, miners and metalsmiths that gather and craft the teak, turquoise, silver and silk— you support the sons and daughters who carry on the techniques, the grandmothers and grandfathers that remember the stories, and hundreds of local folk who provide logistical support here and abroad. You become part of a worldwide system of intercultural exchange and expression./div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#000000 width100%> tbody> tr> td> div stylefont-size:22px; color:#000000; background-color:#fdffb5;>When you give or receive a gift from Inspired Planet you encourage creativity, embrace beauty, sustain wisdom and celebrate nature. You are delving into life mysteries and sparking with the spirit emerging from the heart of the world./div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#CC3300 width100%> tbody> tr> td valigntop> center>img altSumba Kings Blanket height280 srcnewpics2/sumbablanketricebarn.jpg width210 />br /> b>Sumba King's Blanket/b> This royal tapestry shows the king and the two royal princes as well as many animals and powerful symbols under the sacred rice barn and over the tree of heads. Cotton Ikat. $1650 p stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> /center> /td> td valigntop> center>img altGreen Tara height280 srcnewpics2/greentara.jpg width210 />br /> b>Green Tara/b> Exquisite aged brass Buddhist goddess of wisdom and compassion. We collected this masterpiece from a family that has been making murtis for the last 700 years. $1250 p stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> /center> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> center>img altPeruvian Angel Painting (1) height280 srcnewpics2/peruvianarchangel.jpg width210 />br /> b>Peruvian Angel Painting (1)/b> This is a fine example of a 17th century Spanish style oil painting by Inca Indians of Cusqueno school. The frame is carved cedar with copper leaf. $695 p stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> /center> /td> td valigntop> center>img altPeruvian Angel Painting (2) height280 srcnewpics2/peruvianarchangel2.jpg width210 />br /> b>Peruvian Angel Painting (2)/b> This archangel in dandy costume makes a delightful complement to angel 1. It is the same quality but the carved cedar frame has no copper leaf. $495 p stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> /center> /td> /tr> tr aligncenter> td colspan2 valigntop>img height156 srcphoto_022009/Siamcouple432.jpg titleSiam Couple width300 />br /> b>Old Oil Painting/b> on canvas in rustic wood frame. This man and woman are giving each other a knowing look. The style was popular in 19th century temple illustrations of the Jataka Tales. Siam. $150. p stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> /td> /tr> tr aligncenter> td colspan2 valigntop> p>img altRare old Wooden Stamps height246 srcnewpics2/Rare_old_Wooden_Stamps.jpg titleSiam Couple width432 />br /> Rare old Wooden Stamps used in ritual by Shamans of the Yao Tribe in the mountains of Yunnan, China. Each carved wood block has been inked with 'blood' for printing a prayer. A spirit animal carries the message to heaven when the prayer paper is burned at the altar. There is an esoteric Taoist element. /p> table border0 cellpadding2 cellspacing0 width430> tbody> tr> td> div aligncenter>Elephant $85br /> span stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altBuy or Inquire border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/span>/div> /td> td> div aligncenter>Pig $65br /> a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altBuy or Inquire border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> td> div aligncenter>Lion $57br /> a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altBuy or Inquire border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> td> div aligncenter>Lion Dog $65br /> a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altBuy or Inquire border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan4> div aligncenter>Each about 2 3/4" tall../div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> !-- 3rd Column, implemented by Ralph van den Berg ( -->/td> td stylemax-width:250px; valigntop>!-- Video File font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold color#FF0000 stylefont-size:14px;>Welcome to The Caravan of Colors and Inspired Planet Gallery in the Berkshires/font> --> p alignleft>/p> div stylemargin-top:0px; width:320px; padding-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;> div stylefont-family:Copperplate Gothic Bold; padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; margin-top:0px; text-align:center; font-size:16px; margin-bottom:0px; background-color:#000000; color:#FFFFFF;>font color#FFFFFF faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>Planet Symbiosis /font>/div> /div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font color#FF0000 faceCopperplate Gothic Bold size+1>News/font>br /> font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold size+0>& /font> span stylepadding-left:2px; padding-top:0px; margin-top:0px; font-size:18px; display:inline; line-height:10px;>font color#006699 faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>Information/font>/span>/font> div stylefont-size:12px; line-height:18px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>of Classical, Indigenous & Emerging Cultures/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> div stylewidth:320px;> center>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>img altFull Moon Rising, Parthenon, Athens, Greece border0 height117 srccolumn3/full_moon.jpg styleborder-color:#000000; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; width320 /> /font> div stylefont-size:10px; line-height:12px;> div alignjustify>span classstyle1>Full Moon Rising, Parthenon, Athens, Greece/span>br /> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>The Acropolis of classical Greece stands as one of the high points of human civilization. This is the birthplace of democracy, philosophy and geometry. Temples to the Olympian gods were erected atop this white rock commanding views of Attica to the Aegean Sea. During the preclassical era the Earth Goddess lived in her dark caves, then when the northern tribes triumphed over the shore people, an ivory and gold image of Athena was enthroned inside a marble shrine of perfect aesthetic and mathematical proportions. In the last two thousand years the Parthenon has been remade into a Byzantine church, an Ottoman mosque, bombed by Venetians and is now being reconstructed by archeologists from around the world, a symbol of our great, complicated collective heritage./font>/div> /div> /center> /div> p>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font color#FF0000 faceCopperplate Gothic Bold stylefont-size:14px;>Enter the Magical Realm -br /> !-- A Video Tour of Our Shop/font>object classidCLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95 height240 idMediaPlayer standbyLoading Windows Media Player components... typeapplication/x-oleobject width320>param nameFileName valueShop_tour_Spring_2009-20.wmv />param nameautostart valuetrue />param nameShowControls valuefalse />param nameStretchToFit valuetrue />embed autostarttrue height240 nameMediaPlayer showcontrolsfalse srcShop_tour_Spring_2009-20.wmv stretchtofittrue typeapplication/x-mplayer2 width320>/embed>/object> /font>/p> --> !--iframe width320 height200 src frameborder0>/iframe> --> iframe width325 height170 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> div styledisplay:block; width:319px; border-color:#990033; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; background-color:#f2dd9c; padding:4px; margin-top:4px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Your purchases help support artisians and their families. By buying art and crafts you keep cultural traditions alive and empower us to continue the mission of Inspired /> span stylepadding-left:5px; padding-right:5px;>font color#FF0000>b>Feel free to email us anytime: /b>/font> font color#003399>a>>/font> /span> /font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> div styledisplay:block; background-color:#009999; padding-left:2px; padding-right:2px; border-color:#000000; width:320px; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; padding-bottom:5px; margin-top:4px; color:#FFFFFF;> div aligncenter stylefont-size:18px; font-family:Copperplate Gothic Bold;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>New Presentations for 2011/font>/div> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 stylecolor:#FFFFFF;font-size:11px; font-family:Arial; width95%> tbody> tr valigntop> td aligncenter colspan3>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font colorblack>a href>Photolecture/a> Exploration Series /font>/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td width34%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Ethiopia/font>/td> td width3%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td width63%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Crossroads of Myth/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td width34%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Jerusalem/font>/td> td width3%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Quest for the Holy Land/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td width34%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Greece/font>/td> td width3%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Odyssey to Crete and Delphi/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td width34%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Colombia/font>/td> td width3%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>The Golden Devices of the Momas/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Hunzaland/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>The Legend and Reality ofbr /> Shangri-La/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td width34%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Petra Ancient Caravanserai/font>/td> td width3%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>The Fusion of Desert and Mediterranean Cultures/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td aligncenter colspan3> p>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a hrefcaravan_of_colors.html>img alt border0 height33 srccolumn3/caravan.gif width219 />/a>/font>/p> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> div stylewidth:320px;> center>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>img srccolumn3/pic1.jpg />img hspace8 srccolumn3/pic2.jpg />img srccolumn3/pic3.jpg /> /font> div stylefont-size:10px; line-height:12px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Amulets, artifacts, antiques-Florida Caravan Shows/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font>/center> /div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> p>/p> div styledisplay:block; border-color:#000099; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; padding:4px; width:320px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>font color#FF0000 size+1>b>Great Links/b>/font>br /> to our natural allies /font>/font> div stylefont-size:15px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>in evolving consciousness/font>/font>/div> p>/p> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold> /font>/font> ul stylemargin-left:18px;> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Metageum /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Ions /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Wie /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Burning Man /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank> /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Chapel of Sacred Mirrors /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Caravan of the Beautiful /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Ted /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a hrefcontact.html#morelinks>More recommended links /a>/font>/font>/li> /ul> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold> /font>/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> p>/p> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> div stylefont-family:Copperplate Gothic Bold; font-size: 26px;> div stylefont-size:40px; color:#FF0000; line-height:24px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>New/b>/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Goods for Sale/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height325 width320> tbody> tr> td colspan2> div alignleft>img border0 height200 srccolumn3/product_pic/doubledoorj.jpg width320 />br /> img height97 srccolumn3/product_pic/box1.jpg vspace3 width104 /> img height97 srccolumn3/product_pic/box2.jpg vspace3 width104 /> img height97 srccolumn3/product_pic/box3.jpg vspace3 width103 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> div stylefont-family:Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Tibetan Treasure Boxes/b>/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>-Hand painted Snow Lion and Tiger motifs With Double Dorge emblems on top, Himalayan pinewood-/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width42%> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>30x17x17---$125./font>/div> /td> td width58%> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>45x22x20---$195./font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td> div alignleft>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> td> div alignleft>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>strong>Top Painting Sold/strong>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width320> tbody> tr> td colspan3>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3> p stylepadding: 3px;>img altNature Dewi height271 srcproduct_new/NatureDewi.jpg width320 />/p> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>b>Nature Dewi./b> From ancient times, Balinese believed that the powers of nature rise up through the earth, through the rich dark soil, entering the roots of plants and trees. That life force is sacred and carries a blessing. When nature is seen, respected and integrated, earth and mankind will live in harmony. The face represents an Earth Dewi. Hand carved coffee wood. 39”, 245./td> /tr> tr> td>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/td> td>/td> td>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height325 width320> tbody> tr> td colspan2> div stylefont-family:Copperplate Gothic Bold; font-size:18px; text-align:center; margin-top:5px;> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Amulets for Protection,Power and Healing/font>/div> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> p alignleft stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>img altBuddha amulet height166 srccolumn3/product_pic/amulet1.jpg width250 />/p> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Buddha amulet/b>, old silver and bronze, 1"x3/4", $33./font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div stylemargin-top:10px;> div alignleft>img altTorso with internal organs Exvoto height273 srccolumn3/product_pic/amulet2.jpg width250 />/div> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Torso with internal organs Exvoto/b>, silver-$ 50. /font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div stylemargin-top:10px;> div alignleft>img altEyes Ex-voto from Sicily height161 srccolumn3/prod/eyexvoto.jpg width250 />/div> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Eyes Ex-voto from Sicily/b>, silver- $33. /font>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft stylemargin-top:10px;> div alignleft>img altSilver Rattle Snake height209 hspace5 srccolumn3/prod/snake1.jpg width155 />img altSilver Rattle Snake height209 srccolumn3/prod/snake2.jpg width155 />/div> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Silver Rattle Snake/b> -Navajo Indian design-pendant AND pin $50. /font>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div stylemargin-top:10px;>img altCandleholder srccolumn3/product_pic/candleholder.jpg width320 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Candleholder/b> made from antique teakwood silk shuttle, Thailand -$33./font>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Suitable for tealights, tablets in center basin (not included)/font>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop width42%> div alignleft stylemargin-top:10px;>img altrainbow buddha height151 hspace5 srccolumn3/prod/rainbowbuddha1.jpg width113 />/div> /td> td valigntop width58%> div alignleft stylemargin-top:10px;>img altrainbow buddha height151 hspace5 srccolumn3/prod/rainbowbuddha2.jpg width113 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Rainbow Buddha Siamese ClayTablets A/font>/b> connecting earth and heaven - $36 /font>/td> td valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Rainbow Buddha Siamese ClayTablets B/font>/b> connecting earth and heaven - $45 /font>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> td valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>img althuicho painting height226 srccolumn3/prod/huicholpainting1.jpg stylemargin-top:10px; width230 /> img althuicho painting height231 srccolumn3/prod/huicholpainting2.jpg stylemargin-top:10px; width230 /> img althuicho painting height233 srccolumn3/prod/huicholpainting3.jpg stylemargin-top:10px; width230 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Huichol Paintings /b>- Symbolic maps and stories made by Mexican shamansbr /> To communicate with the gods and illuminate the ritual peyote pilgrimagebr /> 22" square, mounted on wood-$450./font>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>strong>Top Painting Sold/strong>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height325 width320> tbody> tr> td colspan2> div alignleft>img altMonkeys border0 height224 srcproduct_new/Monkeys.jpg width320 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> div stylefont-family:Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Three Monkey Musicians. /b>/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>-Charming set of three minstrel monkeys dressed to entertain, playing drum, guitar and flute. We found these hand painted pottery pieces in Thailand. Quite unusual, probably royal court tradition from Lanna culture. /font>/td> /tr> tr> td width53%> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Set of 3. 10” tall. /font> $165./div> /td> td width47%> div alignleft>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td> div alignleft>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> td> div alignleft>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height272 width320> tbody> tr> td colspan2 height167> div alignleft>img altSterling silver Elephant Earrings border0 height167 srcproduct_new/silver-elephant.jpg width320 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 height60> div stylefont-family:Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Sterling silver Elephant Earrings. /b>/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>-Adorable and auspicious, with trunks up. Handmade in Thailand. Surprisingly light. $27/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width53%> div alignleft>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> td width47%>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody>/table>!-- End of editions by Ralph van den Berg ( -->!-- Preload images into cache -->script typetext/javascript>var images new Array(11);images0 new Image();images0.src images/smfeztxt.gif;images1 new Image();images1.src images/smtrav4txt.gif;images2 new Image();images2.src images/smbronze_masktxt.gif;images3 new Image();images3.src images/smpaint8txt.gif;images4 new Image();images4.src images/smosiris9txt.gif;images5 new Image();images5.src images/smmedmantxt.gif;images6 new Image();images6.src images/smart14txt.gif;images7 new Image();images7.src images/smram_masktxt.gif;images8 new Image();images8.src images/smtrav7txt.gif;images9 new Image();images9.src images/smheadluxortxt.gif;images10 new Image();images10.src images/dragontxt.gif;/script>p>/p>p aligncenter>font colorblack size2>Art Artifacts Myth Asia Africa South America Travel Antiques Photography Paintings Jewelry Animalia Architectural Home Furnishings Books Craft Music Ancient Classical Symbolic Mythology Ritual Primitive Ethnographic Tribal Religious Culture Mind Spirit art art gallery import gallery artifacts ethnographic cross-cultural art primitive art sacred art religious art African Art transformative visions photo lectures photography celestial icons Lenox, MA 01240 Massachusetts Berkshire The Berkshires antiques African artifacts Tibetan artifacts Burmese antiques Buddhist antiques Buddhist art Buddhas singing bowls ancient artifacts saint paintings spiritual art tribal jewelry tribal artifacts tribal ornaments celestial icons silver jewelry gold jewelry dance masks dream masks African masks Indonesian masks Balinese masks Mexican masks architectural details carved wooden animals wooden horses ceremonial vessels paintings rugs carpets furniture temple gongs ritual gongs musical instruments Peruvian Pottery beads textiles handloom textiles adventure silk clothes cotton clothes santos santos statues Congo cult paraphernalia icons oriental carpets baskets boxes bronze symbols symbolic art visionary art gods goddesses dragons monsters Boddhisattvas Asmat amulets talismans shamans tools voodoo art alchemical art wood carvings tribal rugs kilims Africa African art Hindu Myth Mythology Dragons Egyptian Native American Mexico Indonesia Bali Java Sumba Sumatra Thailand Siamese Burma Burmese Myanmar Cambodia Shan India Rajasthan Kerela Malabar Coast Hunzaland Himalayas Nepal Newari Ladakh Tibet Ethiopia Mali Kenya Congo Zaire Liberia Ivory Coast Dogon American Indian Tarahumara Huichol shaman Peru Peruvian paintings Ecuador Bolivia Lake Titicaca ethnic ethnic chic handmade handcrafted native markets Christian Art initiation books travel world earth Dudley Levenson Brushwood Farm /font> a classnoshow href>small>>/a>/p>p>/p>hr colorblack size3 width81% />p>/p>style typetext>#topbar { BORDER-RIGHT: 0px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; Z-INDEX: 100; RIGHT: 0px; VISIBILITY: hidden; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px solid; WIDTH: 110px; PADDING-TOP: 3px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px solid; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 300px; HEIGHT: 367px}/style>/body>/html>
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font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #999999;}--> /style>/head>body bgcolor#ffffff link#0044cc stylemargin:0px; text#000000 vlink#0044cc>script typetext/javascript srcmenu.js>/script>table cellpadding5 cellspacing0 width980> tbody> tr> td valigntop>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td>!-- Start of new Table (modifications by: Ralph van den Berg) --> table width690> tbody> tr valigntop> td valigntop> div aligncenter>font facecopperplate gothic bold size5> Lenox shop closed. br>Call or text a hreftel:(239) 877-7938>(239) 877-7938/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td bgcolor#000000 valigntop> div aligncenter>img altInspired Planet border0 height94 srciplogowplanet.jpg width604 />/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 cellpadding4 cellspacing0 width690> tbody> tr> td height57 valigntop width690> div aligncenter>a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smfez) onmouseoverswapin(smfez)>img altEarthly Beauty border0 height58 namesmfez srcimages/smfez.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smtrav4) onmouseoverswapin(smtrav4)>img altAuspicious Symbols border0 height58 namesmtrav4 srcimages/smtrav4.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smbronze_mask) onmouseoverswapin(smbronze_mask)>img altAnimal Spirits border0 height58 namesmbronze_mask srcimages/smbronze_mask.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smpaint8) onmouseoverswapin(smpaint8)>img altFatherly Love border0 height58 namesmpaint8 srcimages/smpaint8.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smosiris9) onmouseoverswapin(smosiris9)>img altSolar Radiance border0 height58 namesmosiris9 srcimages/smosiris9.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smmedman) onmouseoverswapin(smmedman)>img altHealing Power border0 height58 namesmmedman srcimages/smmedman.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smart14) onmouseoverswapin(smart14)>img altImmeasurable Light border0 height58 namesmart14 srcimages/smart14.jpg width58 />/a> a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smram_mask) onmouseoverswapin(smram_mask)>img altDark Forces border0 height58 namesmram_mask srcimages/smram_mask.jpg width58 />/a>a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smtrav7) onmouseoverswapin(smtrav7)>img altGrandmother Wisdom border0 height58 namesmtrav7 srcimages/smtrav7.jpg width58 />/a>a classimgArray hrefjavascript:doNothing() onclickreturn false; onmouseoutswapout(smheadluxor) onmouseoverswapin(smheadluxor)>img altEgyptian Mysteries border0 height58 namesmheadluxor srcimages/smheadluxor.jpg width58 />/a>a hrefsample_products.html>img altFrog King and Son border0 height58 srcimages/frogandsonsm.gif width45 />/a>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing6 height1500 styleWIDTH: 690px; HEIGHT: 2079px width690> tbody> tr valigntop> td height150 width214> table border5 bordercolor#FF0000 bordercolordark#FF0000 bordercolorlight#FFFF00 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff> div alignleft idQuickLinks> div styleFONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 18pt;>Quick Links/div> - a href styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>Bookstore/a>br /> - a href styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>Travel/a>br /> - a href styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>Photography/a>br /> - a hrefcatalog.html styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>Product List/a>br /> - a href styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>Sample Products/a>br /> - a href styleFONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #0033aa>strong>Table of Contents/strong>/a>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width230> tbody> tr> td colspan3>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3> p stylepadding: 3px;>img altDewi Sri Mask border1 height213 srcproduct_new/UnderlyingBalinese.jpg width230 />/p> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>b>Dewi Sri Mask./b> Underlying Balinese Hinduism is a deep animist connection to the forces of Nature. This is a unique carving, an evolution from traditional icons of Dewi Sri Rice Goddess, one of several we discovered in a hidden workshop of inspired masters. They represent the Green Man and Green Woman, part human, part plant--- creative abstractions of beautiful faces with vines, tendrils and dreamy forms. Finely carved hibiscus wood. Price $425./td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#FF0000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff> div alignleft> table width100%> tbody> tr> td colspan2>font colorred facecopperplate gothic light size6>b>Shopping/b>/font>br /> font size3>We have tons of goods for sale strong>with photo's/strong>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff valigntop>a href>font size4>Artifacts/font>/a>br /> a href>font size4>Masks/font>/a>br /> a href>font size4>Jewelry/font>/a>/td> td bordercolor#ffffff valigntop>a href>font size4>Books/font>/a>br /> a href>font size4>Ritual Objects/font>/a>br /> a href>font size4>Paintings/font>/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table width100%> tbody> tr> td width80%> table border1 bordercolor#0000FF cellspacing0 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td> div aligncenter stylefont-size:16; color:#0000FF; font-family:Copperplate Gothic Bold;>a href>font color#0000FF size5>E-Postcards/font>/a>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff> div styleFONT-SIZE: 13pt> table width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff colspan2> div styleFONT-SIZE: 13pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; FONT-FAMILY: copperplate gothic light>b>Rooms with a View/b>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff valigntop>a href>Main Chamber/a>br /> a href>The Vault/a>br /> a href>Den of Osiris/a>br /> a href>Photography/a>br /> a href>The Lobby/a>/td> td bordercolor#ffffff valigntop>a href>Travel/a>br /> a href>Contact/a>br /> a href>Secret Room/a>br /> a href>Chapel/a>br /> a href>Library/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff> div> table width100%> tbody> tr> th bordercolor#ffffff colspan3>Alphabetized List of Subjects:/th> /tr> tr valigntop> td bordercolor#ffffff>font size2>a href>African trip/a>br /> a href>Angels/a>br /> a href>Antiques/a>br /> a href>Bali trip/a>br /> a href>Bells/a>br /> a href>Books/a>br /> a href>Boxes/a>br /> a href>Buddhas/a>br /> a href>Comments/a>br /> a href>Crosses/a>br /> a href>Daggers/a>br /> a href>Directions/a>br /> a href>Dragons/a>br /> a href>Egyptian/a>br /> a href>Elephants/a>br /> a href>Gold/a>br /> a href>Gongs/a>/font>/td> td bordercolor#ffffff>font size2>a href>Holy Grail/a>br /> a href>Indian/a>br /> a href>Interview/a>br /> a href>Masks /a>br /> a href>Medicine Man/a>br /> a href>Nepal trip/a>br /> a href>Paintings/a>br /> a href>Pendants/a>br /> a href>Peru trip/a>br /> a href>Photography/a>br /> a href>Photolectures/a>br /> a href>Photo Catalog/a>br /> a href>Poetry/a>br /> a href>Recommended Links/a>br /> a href>Rhinoceros/a>br /> a href>Sacred Art/a> a href>Saints/a>/font>/td> td bordercolor#ffffff>font size2>a href>Shaman/a>br /> a href>Singing Bowls/a>br /> a href>Sphinx/a>br /> a href>Spirit House/a>br /> a href>Statues/a>br /> a href>Symbology/a>br /> a href>Teachings/a>br /> a href>Textiles/a>br /> a href>Thangkas/a>br /> a href>Thoughts/a>br /> a href>Tree of Life/a>br /> a href>Vessels/a>br /> a href>Virgins/a>br /> a href>Visions/a>br /> a href>Who we are/a>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> div>/div> div> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff>font color#990000 facecopperplate gothic bold>font size5>Your Source/font>br /> font size4>for/font>/font>br /> font size4>Giant Beansbr /> Ritual Gongsbr /> Spirit Housesbr /> Meditation Bowlsbr /> Buddhasbr /> Dance and Dream Masksbr /> font size4>Silver and Gold Jewelry/font>/font>br /> font size4>Silk Clothingbr /> Monster Bellsbr /> Saint Paintingsbr /> font size4>Exotic Home Furnishings/font>/font>br /> font size4>Photographsbr /> font size4>Power Amulets/font>/font>br /> font size4>Peacock Feathersbr /> font color#990000 faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>andbr /> Other/font>/font>br /> font size5>strong>font color#990000 faceCopperplate Gothic Light>Absolutebr /> Necessities/font> /strong>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> div> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff>font size2>font size3>b>font color#ff0033 size4>Welcome to the Inspired Planet em>community/em>./font> /b>br /> Every culture has somethingbr /> to offer:br /> Art, Tools, Wisdom etc.../font>br /> br /> "Healing, ritual and community---the goods that the indigenous world can offer to the West are the very things that the modern world is struggling with. Ritual in the indigenous world is aimed at producing healing, and the loss of such healing in the modern world might be responsible for the loss of community that we see. The problems experienced in the West, from the pain of isolation to the stress of hyperactivity, are brought on by the loss of community."br /> - Malidoma Patrice Somé , u>The Healing Wisdom of Africa/u>!--Link-->br /> br /> "What's necessary is for us to understand that really, at the root of things is community. At the deepest level, that's the center of things. We come out of community. So how then can we organize our economics so that it's based on community, not accumulation? And how can we organize our religion to teach us about community? And when I say 'community,' I mean the whole earth community. That's the ultimate sacred domain-the earth community."br /> -Brian Swimme, mathematical cosmologist. The Universe is a Green Dragon./font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> div> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff> p alignjustify>font size3>b>A great letter about creating a new meaningful experience with old Tibetan ritual tools from our collection:/b>/font>/p> table alignright cellpading0 cellspacing0 width60> tbody> tr> td>img alt border0 height50 srcimages/art17.jpg width60 />/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> br /> font size2>Dear Inspired Planet,br /> This last holiday season, the members of my wife's Aikido dojo and I purchased an an antique Tibetan singing bowl from Thank you for your help in finding a perfect /> font color#ff0000>font size3>Here's what happened:/font>br /> Christmas Day. A fresh blanket of snow; deer at the feeder and birds at theirs. The bowl arrived safely, in time for me to purchase wrapping cloth of appropriate colors. Leslie was pleased and impressed, even awed. The tone is beautiful. She is planning ways to include it in the ceremony which opens the dojo for the new year./font>br /> The dojo practices at a local university. A portable shomen, a shrine at the front of the room, was built by one of the members. The bowl sits on a cushion, between a flower arrangement and a portrait of Aikido's founder. The setting is simple and sparse, yet /> font color#ff0000 size3>Creating a New Tradition:/font>br /> The bowl was introduced to the dojo during 'kagami biraki' ceremonies marking the start of the new year. I'm told they didn't ring the bell the traditional 110 times(!) --- instead, a new tradition was begun: each student was given the chance to come forward, ring the bell, and if they wished, demonstrate something they had learned in the previous /> font color#ff0000>It will be appreciated by many, on its new path forward through the centuries./font>br /> Thank you again for your help and patience in enriching the life of the /> br /> --Dwight- Potsdam, NY/font> p>/p> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> p aligncenter stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>img srccolumn3/prod/bellanddoorj.jpg />/p> b>Bell and Dorges/b> sets rung in Tibetan ritual. p stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>small $25 a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> p stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>large $120 a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> p aligncenter stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>img height173 srcproduct_new/Ganeshsilv7962.jpg width230 />/p> b>Ganesh./b> Transcriber of the Ancient Scriptures, Guardian of Portals and Transitions, God of Strength, Knowledge, Friendship, Son of Shiva and Parvati. Ganesh is the most popular of the Indian gods. This one is silvered bronze. The costume is painted in piquant colors. /> p aligncenter stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>img height173 srcproduct_new/BakersWgt_5934.jpg width230 />/p> b>Antique Baker’s Weights from China./b> Pyramid shaped terra cotta with porcelain and blue glaze characters. The bottoms are cut for stamping the bread when it comes out of the oven. Uniform, but each is slightly different. 2½”, $27 each. a href target_top> img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>br /> p aligncenter stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>img altTasting Spoons srcproduct_new/TastSpoone.jpg width230 />/p> p>b>Tasting Spoons- These fine rosewood spoons are handcrafted in Thailand./b> We selected each one for the quality of the carving, smoothness, feel of the handle, beauty of grain. It may not be seen in photo that the darker wood has an equal or superior color/pattern. Limited supply. 7”, $16. a href target_top> img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width230> tbody> tr> td colspan3>span stylepadding: 3px;>img altSilver Hoop Earrings height244 srcproduct_new/HoopEarrings.jpg width230 />/span>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>b>Silver Hoop Earrings./b> This is our own design crafted in sterling with silver posts. The earrings are inspired by the naga spirals of Chinese Hill Tribe women. Available in/td> /tr> tr> td>small $45/td> td>Medium$57/td> td>Large $69/td> /tr> tr> td>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/td> td>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/td> td>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>Some gold vermeil available./td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table width100%> tbody> tr> td width80%> table border1 bordercolor#0000FF cellspacing0 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td> center>img altHimalayan maiden hspace2 srccolumn3/prod/himalayanbeauty.jpg />img altMorgan srccolumn3/prod/berkshirebeauty.jpg /> div stylefont-size:10px; line-height:12px; margin-bottom:5px;>Himalayan maiden (left) at the village well, from our spring expedition to Nepal. Morgan (right), our bright summer elf at Inspired Planet, now at school in Scotland (Hogwarts!). Both girls are 14./div> /center> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> td width1>/td> td width452> div alignjustify styleFONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>b>strong>Inspired Planet/strong>/b> is an On-Line collection and a hrefjavascript:popUp(directions.html)>font color#000000>gallery in Lenox Massachusetts/font>/a> of artifacts, images and stories from classical, tribal and emerging cultures in Asia, Africa and America. Explore these features: Travel, Books, Jewelry, Photography, Slide Presentations, Paintings, Sacred Arts, Antiques and Stylish Home Furnishings ---strong> /strong> for the Heart, Mind and Spirit. center>a hrefjavascript:popUp( onmouseoutdoswap(dragon) onmouseoverswapin(dragon)>img altGong border0 height50 namedragon srcimages/dragon.jpg width400 />/a>/center> /div> div alignjustify styleFONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif>b>We've recently returned/b> to the Berkshires from fantastic trips to Egypt, Ethiopia, Thailand, Burma, India, Nepal, Tibet and most recently Mexico collecting artifacts, paintings, jewelry, sacred images and decorative objects. There are already items for sale in the store and more coming. Stay tuned to the website as we add pictures, stories and new artifacts. table aligncenter width100%> tbody> tr> td width50%>img altEarth Rising Heaven�s Blessing height80 srcearthrising.jpg styleborder:1px solid #000; width210 />/td> td aligncenter valigntop width50%> table aligncenter height82 styleborder:1px solid #000; width226> tbody> tr> td aligncenter>a href>font size4>Send this page to a friend/font>/a>br /> a hrefjavascript:popUp(directions.html)>font size4>Directions/font>/a>br /> font size4>a hreftel:239-877-7938>(239) 877-7938/a>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> table border0 bordercolor#000000 height400 styleWIDTH: 400px; HEIGHT: 400px width400> tbody> tr> td height98 valigntop width225> table bgcolor#a04caf border1 bordercolor#000000 height98 width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#a04caf> div aligncenter>font size4>Cross the Threshold to/font>br /> a href styleFONT-SIZE: 20pt; COLOR: #ffffff>Enter the Site/a>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> td height98 valigntop width225> table bgcolor#000000 border1 bordercolor#121212 height98 width225> tbody> tr> td height87>a hrefjavascript:popUp( styleCOLOR: #feff64; TEXT-DECORATION: none>b>u>Current Exhibitions:/u>/b>br /> font color#ffffff size2>We've put together photographs, stories, and art work to /> font color#3366ff>Click for more./font>/font>/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height191 valigntop width230> table bgcolor#3366ff border1 bordercolor#000000 height190 width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#3366ff> div> table height160 width204> tbody> tr> td valigntop>font color#000000 size4>Translate this page to.../font> div aligncenter>a classtranslate href>French/a> a classtranslate href> German/a> a classtranslate href> Italian /a>br /> a classtranslate href>Portuguese/a> a classtranslate href> Russian/a> a classtranslate href> Spanish/a>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td valignbottom>br /> font size1>Powerd by:/font>br /> a href target_blank>img alt border0 height30 srcaltavistalogo.gif width140 />/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> td height191 valigntop width225> table bgcolor#feff64 border1 bordercolor#000000 height191 styleWIDTH: 226px; HEIGHT: 190px width225> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#feff64> div> center>a>img border0 srclisacontactnew.jpg />br /> font size2>Email us. Questionsbr /> Comments Informationbr />>/a>/center> /div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height164 valigntop width230> table bgcolor#00cad8 border1 bordercolor#000000 height164 width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#00cad8> div styleCURSOR: hand>a hrefjavascript:popUp(directions.html) styleTEXT-DECORATION: none>font color#003300>font facecopperplate gothic bold size4>Inspired Planet/font>br /> font color#003300>Brushwood Farmbr /> 36 Pittsfield Rd. Route 7br /> Lenox, MA 01240 USAbr /> Tel.(239) 877-7938/font>/font>br /> font color#003300>www.inspiredplanet.combr /> font size3>The gallery is open every afternoon. /font>/font>/a>font color#003300>font size3>strong stylecolor:#ff6f28;>a hrefjavascript:popUp(directions.html)>Click for directions/a>/strong>./font> /font>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> td height164 valigntop width225> table bgcolor#fc3d17 border1 bordercolor#000000 height164 width225> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#fc3d17>font color#000066 faceBook Antiqua size5>Be /> Keep Informed./font> form actioncgi-bin/ methodpost>input namerequired typehidden valueemail /> input namesubject typehidden valueAdd me to Email List /> input namerecipient typehidden /> Email: input nameemail />br /> Name:input namerealname size12 /> input nameGO typesubmit valueSubmit />/form> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table aligncenter> tbody> tr> td> div aligncenter>img alt border0 height57 srcimages/cc2.gif width400 />/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table bgcolor#fdffb5 border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#fdffb5> div stylePADDING-RIGHT: 4px; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; PADDING-TOP: 4px>b>font facecopperplate gothic bold size4>font size4>Inspired Planet -/font>/font>/b> div alignright>b>font facecopperplate gothic bold size4>in the font color#ff0000 size5>News and Arts:/font>/font>/b>/div> p>font size4>strong>Tomb Raider Movie Follows in Our Footsteps/strong>/font>/p> table alignleft> tbody> tr> td>img alt border0 height105 srcimages/smLady_Croft.jpg width108 />/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> We got a thrill seeing the fantastic ruins of Angkor Thom in the current blockbuster, font color#ff0000>Lara Croft: Tomb Raider/font>, which Inspired Planet features in a photography exhibition and lecture, font color#ff0000>Angkor-The Throne of Heaven/font>. The film evokes old mythologies with a new kind of heroine, the gorgeous, Angelina Jolie, who has the brains, the body and the conscience to save the world. Despite the excessive budget and hype we found the story surprisingly satisfying. Behind the marvelous computer-generated action, are stage-sets rich with art, archeology and natural landscapes. Like Inspired Planet, everything depends upon synchronizing with the cosmos, collecting artifacts with meaning, and seeing the way it all fits /> Link to a href>Photography/a> and a href>Photolectures/a>. p>/p> p>font size4>strong>Ubiquitous music master/conductor/strong>/font>./p> table alignleft> tbody> tr> td>img altJohn Cheney border0 height143 srcimages/JohnCheney.jpg width108 />/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> John Cheney of the Berkshires, discovered a new sound with ancient roots at Inspired Planet. He then spent a year arranging to stage concerts in Europe and America. We were playing “Native Angels” by the Savae Vocal Ensemble, a lovely collection of 400 year old sacred songs composed by Spanish friars in the New World. Theirs was a collaboration of native voices and European polyphony spiced with occasional African percussion. The Berkshire Concert Choir presented the cross-cultural repertoire in Great Britain, Germany and France. At Inspired Planet we encourage and celebrate the creative marriage of different artistic traditions. p>font size4>b>em>Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon/em> Composerbr /> Creates Experimental Orchestral Theatre/b>/font>br /> The ethereal sound "which came out of nowhere" in Tan Dun"s multi-media musical performance at Tanglewood was created by Singing Bowls borrowed from the collection of Inspired Planet. The controversial composition, "Red Forecast", featured exotic Eastern sounds and surrealistic voice playing with symphony instruments. The orchestra was staged dramatically under a film montage./p> p>font size3>For the full story click into/font> a href>Artifacts/a>./p> p>/p> font size2> b>font size4>What was that great music you heard atbr /> Inspired Planet?/font>/b>br /> Afro Celt Sound System--World music sensation! The group "compliments the Celtic harp with the African kora, an African harp-lute, and the bodhran, or Irish frame drum, with the tama, an African talking drum." The cross-cultural sounds mix into a spicey curry with catchy techno beats... a href target_blank>b><<More>>/b>/a> /font> p>font size2>b>font size4>Inspired Planet goes to the Movies/font>/b>br /> We were dazzled by the collection of art treasures in Sean Connery's luxurious lair in the suspense-thriller 'Entrapment'. This time 007 plays a world-class thief and Catherine Zeta-Jones his brilliant and stunningly beautiful protégé. Keep your eyes peeled during the sequences in his distinctive Scottish castle and you will see a rare bust of the ancient Cambodian God, Hari Hara. We have just such a piece in the collection at Inspired Planet. Check out the picture and story. Click to a href target_new>Hari Hara in Artifacts./a>/font>/p> font size2> /font> p>font size2>b>font size4>Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pharaohs/font>/b>br /> We were surprised to see the original of this unusual style in the current show at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It is an exquisite little sphinx just 4 inches long carved from dark grey schist stone from the 16th Dynasty, that is a hreftel:2255-2246>2255-2246/a> BCE. The statue is identified as The Sphinx of Merenre I offering to Re of Heliopolis. It is the earliest known example of a sphinx with lamps in its paws. /font>/p> p aligncenter>font size2>img border0 height99 srcden/lampsphinxpref.jpg width150 />br /> See this product in the a hrefjavascript:openWin(>Den of Osiris/a>/font>/p> font size2> /font>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> div> table border1 bordercolor#000000 rulesnone width100%> tbody> tr> td bordercolor#ffffff>a hrefcontact.html>font size5>b>u>Another Satisfied Customer Dept./u>/b>/font>/a>br /> br /> "I bought a tiny amulet for marital harmony and it saved my marriage. We're not fighting anymore. Well, you've got to fight a little, but we're making up better...(laughter)... And I owe it all to Inspired Planet."br /> -Katie in Washington, MAbr /> br /> We remembered the precious talisman from Thailand, a small bronze man and woman embracing, and were curious how the amulet was actually used. She gave it to her husband for Christmas then they made a tradition--every New Year's Eve the couple bakes a cake with charms in it--a truly charming ritual that puts the magic back in life./td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> table border1 bordercolor#000000 width100%> tbody> tr> td valigntop>!-- width of about 430 / 2 is safe --> center>img srccolumn3/massaiwarrior.jpg />/center> p alignjustify stylemargin:1px;>Young male Massai Warrior from Kenya, jubilant after impressing prospective girlfriends in traditional jumping contest. We loved the a cappella music provided by a line of smiling tribesmen, Mt. Kilamonjaro in the distance./p> /td> td valigntop> center>img height280 srccolumn3/himalayanhealer.jpg width210 />/center> p alignjustify stylemargin:1px;>Pema Singh Lama, venerable dhamé medicine man performs healings in a remote region of the Nepalese Himalayas. We had the grace to chant with this jolly mystic. After puja and meditation he prepared magic tonics./p> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#000000 width100%> tbody> tr> td> div stylefont-size:16px; font-family:papyrus; background-color:#fdffb5; font-width:bold>When you buy an artifact at Inspired Planet you are benefiting the artisans and their families—the woodsmen, weavers, miners and metalsmiths that gather and craft the teak, turquoise, silver and silk— you support the sons and daughters who carry on the techniques, the grandmothers and grandfathers that remember the stories, and hundreds of local folk who provide logistical support here and abroad. You become part of a worldwide system of intercultural exchange and expression./div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#000000 width100%> tbody> tr> td> div stylefont-size:22px; color:#000000; background-color:#fdffb5;>When you give or receive a gift from Inspired Planet you encourage creativity, embrace beauty, sustain wisdom and celebrate nature. You are delving into life mysteries and sparking with the spirit emerging from the heart of the world./div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border1 bordercolor#CC3300 width100%> tbody> tr> td valigntop> center>img altSumba Kings Blanket height280 srcnewpics2/sumbablanketricebarn.jpg width210 />br /> b>Sumba King's Blanket/b> This royal tapestry shows the king and the two royal princes as well as many animals and powerful symbols under the sacred rice barn and over the tree of heads. Cotton Ikat. $1650 p stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> /center> /td> td valigntop> center>img altGreen Tara height280 srcnewpics2/greentara.jpg width210 />br /> b>Green Tara/b> Exquisite aged brass Buddhist goddess of wisdom and compassion. We collected this masterpiece from a family that has been making murtis for the last 700 years. $1250 p stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> /center> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> center>img altPeruvian Angel Painting (1) height280 srcnewpics2/peruvianarchangel.jpg width210 />br /> b>Peruvian Angel Painting (1)/b> This is a fine example of a 17th century Spanish style oil painting by Inca Indians of Cusqueno school. The frame is carved cedar with copper leaf. $695 p stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> /center> /td> td valigntop> center>img altPeruvian Angel Painting (2) height280 srcnewpics2/peruvianarchangel2.jpg width210 />br /> b>Peruvian Angel Painting (2)/b> This archangel in dandy costume makes a delightful complement to angel 1. It is the same quality but the carved cedar frame has no copper leaf. $495 p stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> /center> /td> /tr> tr aligncenter> td colspan2 valigntop>img height156 srcphoto_022009/Siamcouple432.jpg titleSiam Couple width300 />br /> b>Old Oil Painting/b> on canvas in rustic wood frame. This man and woman are giving each other a knowing look. The style was popular in 19th century temple illustrations of the Jataka Tales. Siam. $150. p stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/p> /td> /tr> tr aligncenter> td colspan2 valigntop> p>img altRare old Wooden Stamps height246 srcnewpics2/Rare_old_Wooden_Stamps.jpg titleSiam Couple width432 />br /> Rare old Wooden Stamps used in ritual by Shamans of the Yao Tribe in the mountains of Yunnan, China. Each carved wood block has been inked with 'blood' for printing a prayer. A spirit animal carries the message to heaven when the prayer paper is burned at the altar. There is an esoteric Taoist element. /p> table border0 cellpadding2 cellspacing0 width430> tbody> tr> td> div aligncenter>Elephant $85br /> span stylepadding:3px;>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altBuy or Inquire border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/span>/div> /td> td> div aligncenter>Pig $65br /> a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altBuy or Inquire border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> td> div aligncenter>Lion $57br /> a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altBuy or Inquire border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> td> div aligncenter>Lion Dog $65br /> a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altBuy or Inquire border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan4> div aligncenter>Each about 2 3/4" tall../div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> !-- 3rd Column, implemented by Ralph van den Berg ( -->/td> td stylemax-width:250px; valigntop>!-- Video File font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold color#FF0000 stylefont-size:14px;>Welcome to The Caravan of Colors and Inspired Planet Gallery in the Berkshires/font> --> p alignleft>/p> div stylemargin-top:0px; width:320px; padding-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;> div stylefont-family:Copperplate Gothic Bold; padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; margin-top:0px; text-align:center; font-size:16px; margin-bottom:0px; background-color:#000000; color:#FFFFFF;>font color#FFFFFF faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>Planet Symbiosis /font>/div> /div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font color#FF0000 faceCopperplate Gothic Bold size+1>News/font>br /> font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold size+0>& /font> span stylepadding-left:2px; padding-top:0px; margin-top:0px; font-size:18px; display:inline; line-height:10px;>font color#006699 faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>Information/font>/span>/font> div stylefont-size:12px; line-height:18px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>of Classical, Indigenous & Emerging Cultures/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> div stylewidth:320px;> center>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>img altFull Moon Rising, Parthenon, Athens, Greece border0 height117 srccolumn3/full_moon.jpg styleborder-color:#000000; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; width320 /> /font> div stylefont-size:10px; line-height:12px;> div alignjustify>span classstyle1>Full Moon Rising, Parthenon, Athens, Greece/span>br /> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>The Acropolis of classical Greece stands as one of the high points of human civilization. This is the birthplace of democracy, philosophy and geometry. Temples to the Olympian gods were erected atop this white rock commanding views of Attica to the Aegean Sea. During the preclassical era the Earth Goddess lived in her dark caves, then when the northern tribes triumphed over the shore people, an ivory and gold image of Athena was enthroned inside a marble shrine of perfect aesthetic and mathematical proportions. In the last two thousand years the Parthenon has been remade into a Byzantine church, an Ottoman mosque, bombed by Venetians and is now being reconstructed by archeologists from around the world, a symbol of our great, complicated collective heritage./font>/div> /div> /center> /div> p>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font color#FF0000 faceCopperplate Gothic Bold stylefont-size:14px;>Enter the Magical Realm -br /> !-- A Video Tour of Our Shop/font>object classidCLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95 height240 idMediaPlayer standbyLoading Windows Media Player components... typeapplication/x-oleobject width320>param nameFileName valueShop_tour_Spring_2009-20.wmv />param nameautostart valuetrue />param nameShowControls valuefalse />param nameStretchToFit valuetrue />embed autostarttrue height240 nameMediaPlayer showcontrolsfalse srcShop_tour_Spring_2009-20.wmv stretchtofittrue typeapplication/x-mplayer2 width320>/embed>/object> /font>/p> --> !--iframe width320 height200 src frameborder0>/iframe> --> iframe width325 height170 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> div styledisplay:block; width:319px; border-color:#990033; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; background-color:#f2dd9c; padding:4px; margin-top:4px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Your purchases help support artisians and their families. By buying art and crafts you keep cultural traditions alive and empower us to continue the mission of Inspired /> span stylepadding-left:5px; padding-right:5px;>font color#FF0000>b>Feel free to email us anytime: /b>/font> font color#003399>a>>/font> /span> /font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> div styledisplay:block; background-color:#009999; padding-left:2px; padding-right:2px; border-color:#000000; width:320px; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; padding-bottom:5px; margin-top:4px; color:#FFFFFF;> div aligncenter stylefont-size:18px; font-family:Copperplate Gothic Bold;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>New Presentations for 2011/font>/div> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 stylecolor:#FFFFFF;font-size:11px; font-family:Arial; width95%> tbody> tr valigntop> td aligncenter colspan3>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font colorblack>a href>Photolecture/a> Exploration Series /font>/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td width34%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Ethiopia/font>/td> td width3%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td width63%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Crossroads of Myth/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td width34%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Jerusalem/font>/td> td width3%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Quest for the Holy Land/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td width34%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Greece/font>/td> td width3%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Odyssey to Crete and Delphi/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td width34%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Colombia/font>/td> td width3%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>The Golden Devices of the Momas/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Hunzaland/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>The Legend and Reality ofbr /> Shangri-La/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td width34%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Petra Ancient Caravanserai/font>/td> td width3%>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>:/font>/td> td>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>The Fusion of Desert and Mediterranean Cultures/font>/td> /tr> tr valigntop> td aligncenter colspan3> p>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a hrefcaravan_of_colors.html>img alt border0 height33 srccolumn3/caravan.gif width219 />/a>/font>/p> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> div stylewidth:320px;> center>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>img srccolumn3/pic1.jpg />img hspace8 srccolumn3/pic2.jpg />img srccolumn3/pic3.jpg /> /font> div stylefont-size:10px; line-height:12px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Amulets, artifacts, antiques-Florida Caravan Shows/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font>/center> /div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> p>/p> div styledisplay:block; border-color:#000099; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; padding:4px; width:320px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>font color#FF0000 size+1>b>Great Links/b>/font>br /> to our natural allies /font>/font> div stylefont-size:15px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>in evolving consciousness/font>/font>/div> p>/p> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold> /font>/font> ul stylemargin-left:18px;> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Metageum /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Ions /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Wie /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Burning Man /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank> /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Chapel of Sacred Mirrors /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Caravan of the Beautiful /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a href target_blank>Ted /a>/font>/font>/li> li>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold>a hrefcontact.html#morelinks>More recommended links /a>/font>/font>/li> /ul> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font faceCopperplate Gothic Bold> /font>/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> p>/p> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> div stylefont-family:Copperplate Gothic Bold; font-size: 26px;> div stylefont-size:40px; color:#FF0000; line-height:24px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>New/b>/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Goods for Sale/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif> /font> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height325 width320> tbody> tr> td colspan2> div alignleft>img border0 height200 srccolumn3/product_pic/doubledoorj.jpg width320 />br /> img height97 srccolumn3/product_pic/box1.jpg vspace3 width104 /> img height97 srccolumn3/product_pic/box2.jpg vspace3 width104 /> img height97 srccolumn3/product_pic/box3.jpg vspace3 width103 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> div stylefont-family:Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Tibetan Treasure Boxes/b>/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>-Hand painted Snow Lion and Tiger motifs With Double Dorge emblems on top, Himalayan pinewood-/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width42%> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>30x17x17---$125./font>/div> /td> td width58%> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>45x22x20---$195./font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td> div alignleft>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> td> div alignleft>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>strong>Top Painting Sold/strong>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width320> tbody> tr> td colspan3>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3> p stylepadding: 3px;>img altNature Dewi height271 srcproduct_new/NatureDewi.jpg width320 />/p> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>b>Nature Dewi./b> From ancient times, Balinese believed that the powers of nature rise up through the earth, through the rich dark soil, entering the roots of plants and trees. That life force is sacred and carries a blessing. When nature is seen, respected and integrated, earth and mankind will live in harmony. The face represents an Earth Dewi. Hand carved coffee wood. 39”, 245./td> /tr> tr> td>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/td> td>/td> td>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height325 width320> tbody> tr> td colspan2> div stylefont-family:Copperplate Gothic Bold; font-size:18px; text-align:center; margin-top:5px;> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Amulets for Protection,Power and Healing/font>/div> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> p alignleft stylepadding:0px; margin:3px>img altBuddha amulet height166 srccolumn3/product_pic/amulet1.jpg width250 />/p> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Buddha amulet/b>, old silver and bronze, 1"x3/4", $33./font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div stylemargin-top:10px;> div alignleft>img altTorso with internal organs Exvoto height273 srccolumn3/product_pic/amulet2.jpg width250 />/div> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Torso with internal organs Exvoto/b>, silver-$ 50. /font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div stylemargin-top:10px;> div alignleft>img altEyes Ex-voto from Sicily height161 srccolumn3/prod/eyexvoto.jpg width250 />/div> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Eyes Ex-voto from Sicily/b>, silver- $33. /font>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft stylemargin-top:10px;> div alignleft>img altSilver Rattle Snake height209 hspace5 srccolumn3/prod/snake1.jpg width155 />img altSilver Rattle Snake height209 srccolumn3/prod/snake2.jpg width155 />/div> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Silver Rattle Snake/b> -Navajo Indian design-pendant AND pin $50. /font>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div stylemargin-top:10px;>img altCandleholder srccolumn3/product_pic/candleholder.jpg width320 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Candleholder/b> made from antique teakwood silk shuttle, Thailand -$33./font>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Suitable for tealights, tablets in center basin (not included)/font>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop width42%> div alignleft stylemargin-top:10px;>img altrainbow buddha height151 hspace5 srccolumn3/prod/rainbowbuddha1.jpg width113 />/div> /td> td valigntop width58%> div alignleft stylemargin-top:10px;>img altrainbow buddha height151 hspace5 srccolumn3/prod/rainbowbuddha2.jpg width113 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Rainbow Buddha Siamese ClayTablets A/font>/b> connecting earth and heaven - $36 /font>/td> td valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Rainbow Buddha Siamese ClayTablets B/font>/b> connecting earth and heaven - $45 /font>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> td valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>img althuicho painting height226 srccolumn3/prod/huicholpainting1.jpg stylemargin-top:10px; width230 /> img althuicho painting height231 srccolumn3/prod/huicholpainting2.jpg stylemargin-top:10px; width230 /> img althuicho painting height233 srccolumn3/prod/huicholpainting3.jpg stylemargin-top:10px; width230 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Huichol Paintings /b>- Symbolic maps and stories made by Mexican shamansbr /> To communicate with the gods and illuminate the ritual peyote pilgrimagebr /> 22" square, mounted on wood-$450./font>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 valigntop>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>strong>Top Painting Sold/strong>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height325 width320> tbody> tr> td colspan2> div alignleft>img altMonkeys border0 height224 srcproduct_new/Monkeys.jpg width320 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> div stylefont-family:Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Three Monkey Musicians. /b>/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>-Charming set of three minstrel monkeys dressed to entertain, playing drum, guitar and flute. We found these hand painted pottery pieces in Thailand. Quite unusual, probably royal court tradition from Lanna culture. /font>/td> /tr> tr> td width53%> div alignleft>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>Set of 3. 10” tall. /font> $165./div> /td> td width47%> div alignleft>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td> div alignleft>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> td> div alignleft>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 height272 width320> tbody> tr> td colspan2 height167> div alignleft>img altSterling silver Elephant Earrings border0 height167 srcproduct_new/silver-elephant.jpg width320 />/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 height60> div stylefont-family:Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px;>font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>b>Sterling silver Elephant Earrings. /b>/font>/div> font color#000000 faceTimes New Roman, Times, serif>-Adorable and auspicious, with trunks up. Handmade in Thailand. Surprisingly light. $27/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width53%> div alignleft>a href target_top>img alignabsmiddle altbuy border0 srcbuyinsp2.jpg titleBuy or Inquire />/a>/div> /td> td width47%>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody>/table>!-- End of editions by Ralph van den Berg ( -->!-- Preload images into cache -->script typetext/javascript>var images new Array(11);images0 new Image();images0.src images/smfeztxt.gif;images1 new Image();images1.src images/smtrav4txt.gif;images2 new Image();images2.src images/smbronze_masktxt.gif;images3 new Image();images3.src images/smpaint8txt.gif;images4 new Image();images4.src images/smosiris9txt.gif;images5 new Image();images5.src images/smmedmantxt.gif;images6 new Image();images6.src images/smart14txt.gif;images7 new Image();images7.src images/smram_masktxt.gif;images8 new Image();images8.src images/smtrav7txt.gif;images9 new Image();images9.src images/smheadluxortxt.gif;images10 new Image();images10.src images/dragontxt.gif;/script>p>/p>p aligncenter>font colorblack size2>Art Artifacts Myth Asia Africa South America Travel Antiques Photography Paintings Jewelry Animalia Architectural Home Furnishings Books Craft Music Ancient Classical Symbolic Mythology Ritual Primitive Ethnographic Tribal Religious Culture Mind Spirit art art gallery import gallery artifacts ethnographic cross-cultural art primitive art sacred art religious art African Art transformative visions photo lectures photography celestial icons Lenox, MA 01240 Massachusetts Berkshire The Berkshires antiques African artifacts Tibetan artifacts Burmese antiques Buddhist antiques Buddhist art Buddhas singing bowls ancient artifacts saint paintings spiritual art tribal jewelry tribal artifacts tribal ornaments celestial icons silver jewelry gold jewelry dance masks dream masks African masks Indonesian masks Balinese masks Mexican masks architectural details carved wooden animals wooden horses ceremonial vessels paintings rugs carpets furniture temple gongs ritual gongs musical instruments Peruvian Pottery beads textiles handloom textiles adventure silk clothes cotton clothes santos santos statues Congo cult paraphernalia icons oriental carpets baskets boxes bronze symbols symbolic art visionary art gods goddesses dragons monsters Boddhisattvas Asmat amulets talismans shamans tools voodoo art alchemical art wood carvings tribal rugs kilims Africa African art Hindu Myth Mythology Dragons Egyptian Native American Mexico Indonesia Bali Java Sumba Sumatra Thailand Siamese Burma Burmese Myanmar Cambodia Shan India Rajasthan Kerela Malabar Coast Hunzaland Himalayas Nepal Newari Ladakh Tibet Ethiopia Mali Kenya Congo Zaire Liberia Ivory Coast Dogon American Indian Tarahumara Huichol shaman Peru Peruvian paintings Ecuador Bolivia Lake Titicaca ethnic ethnic chic handmade handcrafted native markets Christian Art initiation books travel world earth Dudley Levenson Brushwood Farm /font> a classnoshow href>small>>/a>/p>p>/p>hr colorblack size3 width81% />p>/p>style typetext>#topbar { BORDER-RIGHT: 0px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; Z-INDEX: 100; RIGHT: 0px; VISIBILITY: hidden; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px solid; WIDTH: 110px; PADDING-TOP: 3px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px solid; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 300px; HEIGHT: 367px}/style>/body>/html>
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