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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 22:49:24 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingExpires: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check0, pre-check0Pragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: d6cb5a10c7915dc520460b2da879c0b3sbac1ho28m4rd67hdrp9ltujer; path/; secure; HttpOnlyLast-Modified: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 22:49:24 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding !DOCTYPE html>html langen-gb dirltr>head> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0 /> meta charsetutf-8 /> base href /> meta namekeywords contentIndependent, Baptist, Fellowship, International, Norris, Bible, Institute, Ft. Worth, Texas, Christian, IBFI, Seminary, Missions, Fundamental, Pastors, Missionaries, Ministry, Conference Center, Conference, Center, Greater Southwest, Greater, Southwest, Bible, Greater Southwest Bible Conference /> meta namedescription contentThe IBFI is a fellowship of Independent Fundamental Baptist pastors and missionaries that have joined together with three common purposes: Welcome! The IBFI Mission Agency serves in an Advisory Role through its missions director and as a Clearing House in the receiving/receipting and distributing of designated funds...We believe in training young pastors thoroughly in 1st century basics for 21st century ministry!... /> meta namegenerator contentJoomla! - Open Source Content Management /> title>Home - IBFI/title> link href/index.php?formatfeed&typerss relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleRSS 2.0 /> link href/index.php?formatfeed&typeatom relalternate typeapplication/atom+xml titleAtom 1.0 /> link href/templates/protostar/favicon.ico relshortcut icon typeimage/ /> link href relsearch titleSearch IBFI typeapplication/opensearchdescription+xml /> link href/plugins/system/jce/css/content.css?badb4208be409b1335b815dde676300e relstylesheet /> link href/templates/protostar/css/template.css?c819fb9dce79499f5c3ebb214661a03e relstylesheet /> link href relstylesheet /> style> h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .site-title { font-family: Open Sans, sans-serif; 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I hope span stylecaret-color: auto;>you enjoy browsing our site and that it will introduce you to the IBFI, our ministries, and activities. The website will hopefully keep you updated as to what is happening in the IBFI, as well as, other newsworthy articles and information./span>/p>p>strong>Rev. Eric Crawfordbr />IBFI President br />/strong>/p> /div> /div> div classitems-row cols-1 row-0 row-fluid> div classitem column-1 span12 itempropblogPost itemscope itemtype> h2 classitem-title itempropheadline> a href/index.php/8-home/51-test itempropurl> Welcome /a> /h2>p> /p>p>span stylefont-family: arial black, avant garde; font-size: 14pt;>The Searchlightbr />/span>The Newspaper of the IBFI br />Read news, events, school missions and alumni news in PDF form - a href/index.php/seachlight>Click here/a>/p>p>a href/index.php/seachlight>img src/images/TheSearchlight01.png altTheSearchlight01 width444 height195 />/a>/p>p> /p>p>span stylefont-family: arial black, avant garde;>/span>span stylefont-family: arial black, avant garde; font-size: 14pt;>On the Wings of Prayer/span>br />The bi-monthly prayer letter that includes highlights of current prayer letters and prayer requests from IBFI missionaries - a href/index.php/on-wings-of-prayer>Click here/a>/p>p>a href/index.php/on-wings-of-prayer>img src/images/OnWingsOfPrayer03.png altOnWingsOfPrayer03 width444 height195 />/a>/p>p> /p>p>span stylefont-family: arial black, avant garde; font-size: 14pt;>Our Missionaries: /span>br />Please send support checks to IBFI Mission Agency, PO Box 151259, Fort Worth, TX 76108./p>p>IBFI Missionary prayer letters -a href/index.php/missionaries> click here/a>/p>p> img src/images/OurMissionaries02.png altOurMissionaries02 width444 height299 />/p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> div aria-labelBreadcrumbs rolenavigation> ul itemscope itemtype classbreadcrumb> li> You are here: /li> li itempropitemListElement itemscope itemtype classactive> span itempropname> Home /span> meta itempropposition content1> /li> /ul>/div> !-- End Content --> /main> div idaside classspan3> !-- Begin Right Sidebar --> div classwell >h3 classpage-header>Latest Updates/h3>ul classlatestnews mod-list> li itemscope itemtype> a href/index.php/ibfi-officers itempropurl> span itempropname> IBFI Board of Directors /span> /a> /li> li itemscope itemtype> a href/index.php/missionaries/larry-regina-mckinney itempropurl> span itempropname> Larry and Regina McKinney /span> /a> /li> li itemscope itemtype> a href/index.php/missionaries/scott-darla-griffin itempropurl> span itempropname> Scott and Darla Griffin /span> /a> /li> li itemscope itemtype> a href/index.php/missionaries/mark-tricia-haynes itempropurl> span itempropname> Mark and Tricia Haynes /span> /a> /li> li itemscope itemtype> a href/index.php/missionaries/harold-lena-priday itempropurl> span itempropname> Harold Priday /span> /a> /li>/ul>/div>div classwell >h3 classpage-header>Login Form/h3>form action/index.php methodpost idlogin-form classform-inline> div classuserdata> div idform-login-username classcontrol-group> div classcontrols> div classinput-prepend> span classadd-on> span classicon-user hasTooltip titleUsername>/span> label formodlgn-username classelement-invisible>Username/label> /span> input idmodlgn-username typetext nameusername classinput-small tabindex0 size18 placeholderUsername /> /div> /div> /div> div idform-login-password classcontrol-group> div classcontrols> div classinput-prepend> span classadd-on> span classicon-lock hasTooltip titlePassword> /span> label formodlgn-passwd classelement-invisible>Password /label> /span> input idmodlgn-passwd typepassword namepassword classinput-small tabindex0 size18 placeholderPassword /> /div> /div> /div> div idform-login-remember classcontrol-group checkbox> label formodlgn-remember classcontrol-label>Remember Me/label> input idmodlgn-remember typecheckbox nameremember classinputbox valueyes/> /div> div idform-login-submit classcontrol-group> div classcontrols> button typesubmit tabindex0 nameSubmit classbtn btn-primary login-button>Log in/button> /div> /div> ul classunstyled> li> a href/index.php/component/users/?viewremind&Itemid101> Forgot your username?/a> /li> li> a href/index.php/component/users/?viewreset&Itemid101> Forgot your password?/a> /li> /ul> input typehidden nameoption valuecom_users /> input typehidden nametask valueuser.login /> input typehidden namereturn valueaHR0cHM6Ly9pYmZpLnVzLw /> input typehidden name270223d04887344cf27d6bddee34fb17 value1 /> /div> /form>/div> !-- End Right Sidebar --> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Footer --> footer classfooter rolecontentinfo> div classcontainer> hr /> p classpull-right> a href#top idback-top> Back to Top /a> /p> p> © 2025 IBFI /p> /div> /footer> /body>/html>
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