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Experience the global markets at your fingertips. br>br>/h5>div classcta-wrapper>div>a hreflogin classbtn btn-open open-account titleGet Started>Get Started/a>br>br>br>br>br>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-6>/div>/div>/div>/main>!-- mobile -->main stylebackground-image:url(temp/custom//img/multi_asset_new_sv3.jpg); background-position: center;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: cover; classsection-1 text-center hidden-lg>div classcontainer>h1 classtitle>b>TRADE FOREX, GOLD, OIL, CRYPTOCURRENCY, /b> /h1> h4>b> INDICES, SHARE CFDS & MORE../b>/h4>div classbtn-cnt>p classwarn>br>Trade CFDs on a wide range of instruments, including popular FX pairs, Futures,Indices, Metals, Energies and Shares. Experience the global markets at your fingertips. /p>/div>img classimg-responsive center-block max-350 srctemp/custom/img/hero-platforms.png altmobile>br>a titlestart trading now stylebackground-color:#10f466; color:#000 classbtn btn-nav fw-600 hrefregister >Create Account/a>br>br>/div>/main>!-- TradingView Widget BEGIN -->div classtradingview-widget-container> div classtradingview-widget-container__widget>/div> script typetext/javascript src async> { symbols: { proName: FOREXCOM:SPXUSD, title: S&P 500 }, { proName: FOREXCOM:NSXUSD, title: Nasdaq 100 }, { proName: FX_IDC:EURUSD, title: EUR/USD }, { proName: BITSTAMP:BTCUSD, title: BTC/USD }, { proName: BITSTAMP:ETHUSD, title: ETH/USD } , showSymbolLogo: true, colorTheme: dark, isTransparent: false, displayMode: adaptive, locale: en} /script>/div>!-- TradingView Widget END -->div aligncenter stylebackground-color:#fff; color:#000; margin-bottom: px;> script typetext/javascript src>/script>div idcoinmarketcap-widget-coin-price-block coins1,1027,825,2010,1839,52,6636 currencyUSD themelight transparentfalse show-symbol-logotrue>/div> /div>div stylebackground-color:#030c20; color:#fff; classtrade>div classcontainer>h2 classtext-size-h3 aligncenter>/h2>div classrow>div classcol-md-3 col-sm-6>div classtrade_image d-flex-sm>div classpt-2 pb-2>i classcenter-block spriteset-copy spriteset-copy-3>/i>/div>p> b>Trading Tools:/b>Plan your trades effectively with our wide range of free trading tools/p>/div>/div>div classcol-md-3 col-sm-6>div classtrade_image d-flex-sm>div classpt-2 pb-2>i classcenter-block spriteset-whyus spriteset-whyus-6>/i>/div>p> b>Trading Products:/b>All the best possible opportunities to diversify your trading portfolio/p>/div>/div>div classcol-md-3 col-sm-6>div classtrade_image d-flex-sm>div classpt-2 pb-2>i classcenter-block spriteset-choose spriteset-choose-8>/i>/div>p> b>Trading Platforms:/b>Powerful platforms to suit all trading styles and needs on any device/p>/div>/div>div classcol-md-3 col-sm-6>div classtrade_image d-flex-sm>div classpt-2 pb-2>i classcenter-block spriteset-whyus spriteset-whyus-7>/i>/div>p> b>Funding Methods:/b>Fund your account for free with these quick, easy and secure methods/p>/div>/div>/div>div classrow>div classcol-md-3 col-sm-6>div classtrade_image d-flex-sm>div classpt-2 pb-2>/div>br>br>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>section stylebackground-color:#fff; color:#000 classpt-4 pb-4 lowest-commission>div classcontainer>h3 classmb-5 text-center>Exclusive insights and analysis/h3> div classrow>div classcol-lg-6 text-center data-aosfade-right data-aos-duration1200>!-- TradingView Widget BEGIN -->div classtradingview-widget-container> div classtradingview-widget-container__widget>/div> div classtradingview-widget-copyright>a href relnoopener target_blank>span classblue-text>Financial Markets/span>/a> by TradingView/div> script typetext/javascript src async> { colorTheme: light, dateRange: 12M, showChart: true, locale: en, largeChartUrl: , isTransparent: false, showSymbolLogo: true, showFloatingTooltip: false, width: 350, height: 500, plotLineColorGrowing: rgba(0, 255, 0, 1), plotLineColorFalling: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1), gridLineColor: rgba(42, 46, 57, 0), scaleFontColor: rgba(106, 109, 120, 1), belowLineFillColorGrowing: rgba(41, 98, 255, 0.12), belowLineFillColorFalling: rgba(41, 98, 255, 0.12), belowLineFillColorGrowingBottom: rgba(41, 98, 255, 0), belowLineFillColorFallingBottom: rgba(41, 98, 255, 0), symbolActiveColor: rgba(41, 98, 255, 0.12), tabs: { title: Indices, symbols: { s: FOREXCOM:SPXUSD, d: S&P 500 }, { s: FOREXCOM:NSXUSD, d: US 100 }, { s: FOREXCOM:DJI, d: Dow 30 }, { s: INDEX:NKY, d: Nikkei 225 }, { s: INDEX:DEU40, d: DAX Index }, { s: FOREXCOM:UKXGBP, d: UK 100 } , originalTitle: Indices }, { title: Futures, symbols: { s: CME_MINI:ES1!, d: S&P 500 }, { s: CME:6E1!, d: Euro }, { s: COMEX:GC1!, d: Gold }, { s: NYMEX:CL1!, d: Crude Oil }, { s: NYMEX:NG1!, d: Natural Gas }, { s: CBOT:ZC1!, d: Corn } , originalTitle: Futures }, { title: Bonds, symbols: { s: CME:GE1!, d: Eurodollar }, { s: CBOT:ZB1!, d: T-Bond }, { s: CBOT:UB1!, d: Ultra T-Bond }, { s: EUREX:FGBL1!, d: Euro Bund }, { s: EUREX:FBTP1!, d: Euro BTP }, { s: EUREX:FGBM1!, d: Euro BOBL } , originalTitle: Bonds }, { title: Forex, symbols: { s: FX:EURUSD, d: EUR/USD }, { s: FX:GBPUSD, d: GBP/USD }, { s: FX:USDJPY, d: USD/JPY }, { s: FX:USDCHF, d: USD/CHF }, { s: FX:AUDUSD, d: AUD/USD }, { s: FX:USDCAD, d: USD/CAD } , originalTitle: Forex } } /script>/div>!-- TradingView Widget END -->/div>div classcol-lg-6>h4 classfs-23 mb-3 mt-4>/h4> ul classfw-400 tick-circle> li>p>Stay up to date with our experts!br>- Daily market analysis directly to your inboxbr> - The latest financial news and forecasts br>- Weekly webinars/p>/li>li>p>Premium Trader Toolsbr>- Multi-platform customized solutionsbr>- Covering a range of trading needs & stylesbr>- Variety of languages/p>/li>li>p>Ultimate Insurancebr>- Client funds market leading insurancebr>- Insurance up to $1,000,000br>- Your funds security is our top priority/p>/li>/ul> a hreftrading-conditions titleLearn About Horizon Global Trust Commissions classfc-fondex fw-500 aria-labelLearn more about commissions> /a>/div>/div>div classtext-center mt-4>/div>/div>/section> section stylebackground-color:#030c20; color:#fff classraw pt-2 pb-4 bg-web->div classcontainer>h2 classtext-size-h3 mb-4 text-center> /h2>div classrow>div classcol-lg-3> ul> center>li> h2 classfs-20 fw-600>Forex/h2>p>Trade 70 major, minor & exotic currency pairs with competitive trading conditions./p> /li> /center>/ul>/div>div classcol-lg-3>ul>li> center> h2 classfs-20 fw-600>Shares/h2>p>Hundreds of public companies from the US, UK, Germany and more available to trade./p> /center> /li> /ul>/div> div classcol-lg-3>ul>li> center> h2 classfs-20 fw-600>Energies/h2>p>Discover opportunities on UK & US Crude Oil as well as Natural Gas./p> /center> /li> /ul>/div>div classcol-lg-3>ul>li> center> h2 classfs-20 fw-600>Indices/h2>p>Trade major and minor Index CFDs from around the globe./p> /center> /li>/ul>/div>/div>div classrow>/div>div classtext-center>/div> div classtext-center mt-3>/div>/div>/section>section stylebackground-color:#030c20; color:#fff classraw pt-2 pb-4 bg-web->div classcontainer>h2 classtext-size-h3 mb-4 text-center> Cryptocurrency /h2>div classrow>div classcol-lg-3> ul> center>li> img srctemp/custom/img/btc.png altbtc stylewidth:30%> h3>Bitcoin/h3>p>Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, without a central bank or single administrator, that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries. /p>/li> /center>/ul>/div>div classcol-lg-3>ul>li> center> img srctemp/custom/img/eth.png alteth stylewidth:30%> h3>Ethereum/h3> p>Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain with smart contract functionality. Ether is the native cryptocurrency of the platform. After Bitcoin, it is the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Ethereum is the most actively used> /p> /center> /li> /ul>/div> div classcol-lg-3>ul>li> center> img srctemp/custom/img/bch.png altbch stylewidth:30%> h3>Bitcoin Cash/h3> p>Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency that is a fork of Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash is a spin-off or altcoin that was created in 2017. In November 2018, Bitcoin Cash split further into two cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin> /p> /center> /li> /ul>/div>div classcol-lg-3>ul>li> center> img srctemp/custom/img/doge.png altdoge stylewidth:30%>h3>Dogecoin/h3> p>Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency created by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who decided to create a payment system as a joke, making fun of the wild speculation in cryptocurrencies at the> /p> /center> /li>/ul>/div>/div>div classrow>/div>div classtext-center>/div> div classtext-center mt-3>/div>/div>/section>section stylebackground-color:#fff; color:#000 classpt-4 pb-4 lowest-commission>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-lg-6 text-center data-aosfade-right data-aos-duration1200> iframe src allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen width100% height315 frameborder0>/iframe> /div>div classcol-lg-6>h4 classfs-23 mb-3 mt-4>Learn more about Bitcoin/h4> ul classfw-400 tick-circle> p>Bitcoin (₿) is a decentralized digital currency, without a central bank or single administrator, that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries. Transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain. The cryptocurrency was invented in 2008 by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto. The currency began use in 2009 when its implementation was released as open-source software/p>/ul> /div>/div>/div>/section> section stylebackground-color:#030c20; color:#fff classpt-4 pb-4 lowest-commission>div classcontainer>h3 classmb-5 text-center>Tighter spreadsFaster execution/h3> div classrow>div classcol-lg-6 text- data-aosfade-right data-aos-duration1200> br> h4 classfs-23 mb-3 mt-4> Premium spreads/h4> ul classfw-400 tick-circle> li>p>Trade on consistently low spreads from 0.0 pips**/p>/li>li>p>Fast execution from an NY4 server facility/p>/li>li>p> Top-tier liquidity and market leading pricing, 24/5/p>/li>li>p> No dealing desk and no requotes, ever/p>/li>/ul> br> br>/div>div classcol-lg-6>!-- TradingView Widget BEGIN -->div classtradingview-widget-container> div classtradingview-widget-container__widget>/div> script typetext/javascript src async> { colorTheme: dark, dateRange: 12M, showChart: true, locale: en, largeChartUrl: , isTransparent: false, showSymbolLogo: true, width: 100%, height: 400, plotLineColorGrowing: rgba(41, 98, 255, 1), plotLineColorFalling: rgba(41, 98, 255, 1), gridLineColor: rgba(240, 243, 250, 0), scaleFontColor: rgba(120, 123, 134, 1), belowLineFillColorGrowing: rgba(41, 98, 255, 0.12), belowLineFillColorFalling: rgba(41, 98, 255, 0.12), belowLineFillColorGrowingBottom: rgba(41, 98, 255, 0), belowLineFillColorFallingBottom: rgba(41, 98, 255, 0), symbolActiveColor: rgba(41, 98, 255, 0.12), tabs: { title: Indices, symbols: { s: FOREXCOM:SPXUSD, d: S&P 500 }, { s: FOREXCOM:NSXUSD, d: Nasdaq 100 }, { s: FOREXCOM:DJI, d: Dow 30 }, { s: INDEX:NKY, d: Nikkei 225 }, { s: INDEX:DEU30, d: DAX Index }, { s: FOREXCOM:UKXGBP, d: UK 100 } , originalTitle: Indices }, { title: Commodities, symbols: { s: CME_MINI:ES1!, d: S&P 500 }, { s: CME:6E1!, d: Euro }, { s: COMEX:GC1!, d: Gold }, { s: NYMEX:CL1!, d: Crude Oil }, { s: NYMEX:NG1!, d: Natural Gas }, { s: CBOT:ZC1!, d: Corn } , originalTitle: Commodities }, { title: Bonds, symbols: { s: CME:GE1!, d: Eurodollar }, { s: CBOT:ZB1!, d: T-Bond }, { s: CBOT:UB1!, d: Ultra T-Bond }, { s: EUREX:FGBL1!, d: Euro Bund }, { s: EUREX:FBTP1!, d: Euro BTP }, { s: EUREX:FGBM1!, d: Euro BOBL } , originalTitle: Bonds }, { title: Forex, symbols: { s: FX:EURUSD }, { s: FX:GBPUSD }, { s: FX:USDJPY }, { s: FX:USDCHF }, { s: FX:AUDUSD }, { s: FX:USDCAD } , originalTitle: Forex } } /script>/div>!-- TradingView Widget END --> a hreftrading-conditions titleLearn About Horizon Global Trust Commissions classfc-fondex fw-500 aria-labelLearn more about commissions> /a>/div>/div>div classtext-center mt-4>/div>/div>/section> div stylebackground-color:#f9f9f9; color:#000 classpt-3>div classcontainer>div classrow >div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6>div classmb-3>div classspriteset-copy spriteset-copy-1 m-auto>/div>div classtext-center>h3 classfw-700 fsi-15 mb-3 mt-2>Copy 400+ Strategies/h3>p classm-0>Access hundreds of strategies for more than 1000 instruments across 7 asset classes./p>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6>div classmb-3>div classspriteset-copy spriteset-copy-2 m-auto>/div>div classtext-center>h3 classfw-700 fsi-15 mb-3 mt-2>Select Top Performers/h3>p classm-0>Use our reporting tools to rank strategies according to performance and select the most suitable for your circumstances./p>/div>/div>/div>div classvisible-md clearfix>/div>div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6>div classmb-3>div classspriteset-copy spriteset-copy-3 m-auto>/div>div classtext-center>h3 classfw-700 fsi-15 mb-3 mt-2>Stay Protected/h3>p classm-0>The system uses sophisticated calculations to keep your exposure at an optimal level for your account./p>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6>div classmb-3>div classspriteset-copy spriteset-copy-4 m-auto>/div>div classtext-center>h3 classfw-700 fsi-15 mb-3 mt-2>Combine With Other Methods/h3>p classm-0>Our integrated platform allows you to combine copying with manual and automated trading, depending on your preferences./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>section stylebackground-image:url(temp/custom//img/abt.png); background-position: center;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: cover; color:#fff classraw pt-2 pb-4 bg-web->div classcontainer> br>br> h2 classtext-size-h3 fc-dark text-center mb-3>About Us/h2> div classrow> ul> center>li> p>Horizon Global Trust has become one of the most reputable brokers in the industry, offering to traders CFDs across Forex, Equities, Commodities and Futures. Trading on the Forex market is a legitimate and straightforward way of generating income. And the good news is that you don’t have to be a professional trader in order to make money. All you need is the right personality and the right skill set and you can make money trading on foreign exchanges. Horizon Global Trust lets you trade in the way that best suits you. Do you want to risk a little or a lot? Do you want gains in the short term or are you playing a longer game? Are you a day trader, a swing trader or a scalper? Are you an old hand or a rookie just testing the water? It does not matter because Horizon Global Trust puts you in control.If you can control today’s success and not let it cloud tomorrow’s judgment, you probably have it in you to make money as a currency trader. The prizes in Forex are certainly glittering but it is level headedness and persistence that win the day. With the right tools, information and access to all the world’s currencies, Horizon Global Trust puts you in control of the trades you make. /p> /li> /center>/ul>/div>div classtext-center>/div> div classtext-center mt-3>/div>/div>/section>!-- Start Pricing -->div classservices-inc-are half-bg carousel-shado bg-gra> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-8 col-md-offset-2> div classsite-heading text-center mb-0> h2>OUR AWESOME PLANS/h2> /div> /div> /div> div idpricing classpricing-area bottom-less> div classcontainer> div classrow styleoverflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:scroll;> style> @import url(;@import url(,500,800);@import url(;.snip1214 { font-family: Raleway, Arial, sans-serif; color: #000000; text-align: center; font-size: 16px; width: 100%; max-width:px; margin: 40px 10px;}.snip1214 .plan { padding: 50px 0px; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 1px; width: 23%; position: relative; float: left; background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); }.snip1214 * { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 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color:#fff classpt-4 pb-4 lowest-commission>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-lg-6 text-center data-aosfade-right data-aos-duration1200>div data-aosfade-up styleheight:560px; background-color: #1D2330; overflow:hidden; box-sizing: border-box; border: 1px solid #40871d; border-radius: 4px; text-align: right; line-height:14px; font-size: 12px; font-feature-settings: normal; text-size-adjust: 100%; box-shadow: inset 0 -20px 0 0 #40871d;padding:1px;padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: 100%;>div styleheight:540px; padding:0px; margin:0px; width: 100%;>iframe src width100% height536px scrollingauto marginwidth0 marginheight0 frameborder0 border0 styleborder:0;margin:0;padding:0;line-height:14px;>/iframe>/div>div stylecolor:#40871d; line-height: 14px; font-weight: 400; font-size: 11px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 2px 6px; width: 100%; font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;>a href target_blank stylefont-weight: 600; color:#40871d ; text-decoration:none; font-size:12px>Cryptocurrency Prices/a> /div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-6> h2 classfs-23 mb-3 mt-4> STAY UP TO DATE br>WITH OUR EXPERTS!/h2> ul classfw-400 tick-circle> p>Our local and international teams are here to support you on a 24/5 basis in more than 20 languages, while our wide range of payment methods gives you greater flexibility when it comes to deposits and withdrawals./p>/ul> h2 classfs-23 mb-3 mt-4> br>Experience More Than Trading/h2> ul classfw-400 tick-circle> p>Our success is centred around a number of core values. They include providing competitive brokerage fees through tight spreads, ensuring lightning-fast execution, access to advanced trading platforms with a wide range of products, and exceptional customer service./p>/ul> a hreftrading-conditions titleLearn About Horizon Global Trust Commissions classfc-fondex fw-500 aria-labelLearn more about commissions> /a>/div>/div>div classtext-center mt-4>/div>/div>/section> div stylebackground-color:#fff; color:#000 classpt-3>div classcontainer>h2 classtext-size-h3 text-center mb-5>/h2>div classrow >div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6>div classmb-3>div classspriteset-trade spriteset-trade-1 m-auto>/div>div classtext-center>h3 classfw-700 fsi-15 mb-3 mt-2>Reliable/h3>p classm-0>Featuring the market's sharpest execution, Horizon Global Trust cTrader fills your orders in milliseconds without any requotes or price manipulation./p>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6>div classmb-3>div classspriteset-trade spriteset-trade-2 m-auto>/div>div classtext-center>h3 classfw-700 fsi-15 mb-3 mt-2>Intelligent/h3>p classm-0>Make informed decisions with smart market analysis tools, Live Sentiment data and in-platform market insights from Trading Central./p>/div>/div>/div>div classvisible-md clearfix>/div>div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6>div classmb-3>div classspriteset-trade spriteset-trade-3 m-auto>/div>div classtext-center>h3 classfw-700 fsi-15 mb-3 mt-2>Transparent/h3>p classm-0>Access transaction statistics, equity charts and detailed history of your deals for a crystal clear understanding of your performance./p>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6>div classmb-3>div classspriteset-trade spriteset-trade-4 m-auto>/div>div classtext-center>h3 classfw-700 fsi-15 mb-3 mt-2>Intuitive/h3>p classm-0>Easy to use and navigate, Horizon Global Trust cTrader was built with real traders' needs in mind. Trade with Horizon Global Trust cTrader and experience its distinct advantage./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>section stylebackground-color:#030c20; color:#fff classpt-4 pb-4 lowest-commission>div classcontainer>h3 classmb-5 text-center>Why is Horizon Global TrustOne of the World’sMost Trusted Brands?/h3> div classrow>div classcol-lg-6 text-center data-aosfade-right data-aos-duration1200>!-- TradingView Widget BEGIN -->div classtradingview-widget-container> div classtradingview-widget-container__widget>/div> div classtradingview-widget-copyright>a href relnoopener target_blank>span classblue-text>Forex Heat Map/span>/a> by TradingView/div> script typetext/javascript src async> { width: 500, height: 400, currencies: EUR, USD, JPY, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, NZD, CNY , isTransparent: false, colorTheme: light, locale: en} /script>/div>!-- TradingView Widget END -->p classm-0 fs-11>/p>/div>div classcol-lg-6>br>br>ul classfw-400 tick-circle> li>p> Globally Regulated/p>/li>li>p> 40+ International Awards/p>/li>li>p> 24/7^ Multilingual Customer Support/p>/li>li>p> Segregated Client Funds/p>/li>li>p> Personal Account Managers/p>/li>li>p> Consistently Tighter Spreads**/p>/li>/ul> a hreftrading-conditions titleLearn About Horizon Global Trust Commissions classfc-fondex fw-500 aria-labelLearn more about commissions> /a>/div>/div>div classtext-center mt-4>/div>/div>/section> section stylebackground-color:#fff; color:#000 classraw pt-2 pb-4 bg-web->div classcontainer> h2 classtext-size-h3 fc-dark text-center mb-3>How it works/h2> div classrow>div classcol-lg-4> ul> center>li> h2 classfs-20 fw-600>Deposit/h2>p>Open real account and add funds. We work with more than 20 payment systems./p> /li> /center>/ul>/div>div classcol-lg-4>ul>li> center> h2 classfs-20 fw-600>Trade/h2>p>Trade any of 100 assets and stocks. Use technical analysis and trade the news/p> /center> /li> /ul>/div> div classcol-lg-4>ul>li> center> h2 classfs-20 fw-600>Withdraw/h2>p>Get funds easily to your bank card or e-wallet./p> /center> /li> /ul>/div>/div>div classrow>/div>div classtext-center>/div> div classtext-center mt-3>/div>/div>/section>section stylebackground-color:#030c20; color:#fff classbg-gr raw pt-5 pb-5>div classcontainer>h2 classtext-size-h3 fc-dark text-center mb-3>More to explore/h2>ul classrevealer> li stylebackground-color:#000; color:#c6c6c6>h4 classrevealer__heading fc-white>br/>br/>br/>br/>Ultimate platform/h4>p classrevealer__content fc-white>A multichart layout, technical analysis, historical quotes and beyond. Everything you’re looking for in a platform — on the device of your choice./p>/li>li stylebackground-color:#000; color:#c6c6c6>h4 classrevealer__heading fc-white>br/>br/>br/>br/>Analysis & Alerts/h4>p classrevealer__content fc-white>Get the most out of fundamental and technical analysis with our News Feed and Economic Calendars. More than 100 most widely-used technical indicators./p>/li>li stylebackground-color:#000; color:#c6c6c6>h4 classrevealer__heading fc-white>br/>br/>br/>br/>Demo Account/h4> p classrevealer__content fc-white>Master your skills with a demo/practice account and educational content/p>/li>li stylebackground-color:#000; color:#c6c6c6>h4 classrevealer__heading fc-white>br/>br/>br/>br/>Risk Management/h4>p classrevealer__content fc-white>With features like Stop Loss/Take Profit, Negative balance protection and Trailing Stop you can manage your losses and profits at the levels predetermined by you./p>/li>/ul>/div>/section>section stylebackground-color:#fff; color:#000 classpt-4 pb-4 lowest-commission>div classcontainer>h3 classmb-5 text-center>Trade what you want, When you want/h3> div classrow>div classcol-lg-6 text-center data-aosfade-right data-aos-duration1200>img srctemp/custom/img/commission-scheme-crypt1t1.png altcommission-scheme classimg-responsive center-block>/div>div classcol-lg-6>h6 classfs-23 mb-3 mt-4> One of the primary goals of Horizon Global Trust is to provide the best product in the market. Our relationships with leading tier one financial institutions mean deep liquidity and tighter spreads for Forex traders./h6> ul classfw-400 tick-circle> li>p>Trade Forex, Indices, Shares & Commodities/p>/li>li>p> Access global markets 24 hours / 7 days/p>/li> li>p> Multilingual customer support/p>/li>li>p> Trade on the go on our mobile apps/p>/li>/ul> a hreftrading-conditions titleLearn About Horizon Global Trust Commissions classfc-fondex fw-500 aria-labelLearn more about commissions> /a>/div>/div>div classtext-center mt-4>/div>/div>/section> section stylebackground-color:#fff; color:#000 classraw pt-2 pb-4 bg-web->div classcontainer>h2 classtext-size-h3 mb-4 text-center> Start Trading with Horizon Global Trust /h2>div classrow>div classcol-lg-4>ul classfw-400 tick-circle>li>p>Market Analystsbr>-Daily Market Analysisbr>-Weekly Live Webinarsbr>-Live Q & A Sessionsbr>-Trading Strategy /p>/li>/ul>/div>div classcol-lg-4>ul classfw-400 tick-circle>li>p>Multi-Awarded Brokerbr>-42+ Industry Awardsbr>-Top 100 Companiesbr>-Best Client Funds Security Globalbr>-Best Forex News & Analysis Provider/p>/li>/ul>/div>div classcol-lg-4>ul classfw-400 tick-circle>li>p>Investmentsbr>-BA copy - How it Worksbr>-Become a Followerbr>-PAMM Rankingbr>-Become an Investor/p>/li>/ul>/div>/div>div classrow>/div>div classtext-center>/div> div classtext-center mt-3>/div>/div>/section>section stylebackground-color:#030c20; color:#fff >div classcontainer> style> @import url(;@import url(,800);figure.snip1192 { font-family: Raleway, Arial, sans-serif; position: relative; float: left; margin: 0px 1%; max-width: 265px; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 20px; color: #333; text-align: left; box-shadow: none !important;}figure.snip1192 * { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;}figure.snip1192 img { max-width: 100%; height: 100px; width: 100px; border-radius: 50%; margin-bottom: 15px; display: inline-block; z-index: 1; position: relative;}figure.snip1192 blockquote { margin: 0; display: block; border-radius: 8px; position: relative; background-color: #fafafa; padding: 30px 50px 65px 50px; font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: 500; margin: 0 0 -50px; line-height: 1.6em; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);}figure.snip1192 blockquote:before,figure.snip1192 blockquote:after { font-family: FontAwesome; content: \201C; position: absolute; font-size: 50px; opacity: 0.3; font-style: normal;}figure.snip1192 blockquote:before { top: 35px; left: 20px;}figure.snip1192 blockquote:after { content: \201D; right: 20px; bottom: 35px;}figure.snip1192 .author { margin: 0; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; color: #ffffff;}figure.snip1192 .author h5 { opacity: 0.8; margin: 0; font-weight: 800;}figure.snip1192 .author h5 span { font-weight: 400; text-transform: none; display: block;} @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {figure.snip1192 { font-family: Raleway, Arial, sans-serif; position: relative; float: left; overflow: hidden; margin: 0px 1%; min-width: 180px; max-width: 300px; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 20px; color: #333; text-align: left; box-shadow: none !important;} } /style> section classtop-section2> div classcontainer row>h2 classfc-white text-center mb-3 >br> Reviews/h2>figure classsnip1192>blockquote>since I started using Horizon Global Trust, I have been earning like never before. You guys have the best signals. /blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/imge2.jpg />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Malcom47/h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192 hover>blockquote>I already got more than $200,000 within a month investing with Horizon Global Trust. Will again invest soon./blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/imge1.jpg />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Christy /h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192 hover>blockquote>I was able to earn additional $30,000 to my profit. It’s amazing, you guys are the best, keep it up./blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/imge3.jpg />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Linday8/h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192>blockquote>This was a very easy process and I received my funds quickly as I needed them! Highly recommend Horizon Global Trust./blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/imge4.jpg/>h6 stylecolor:#fff>Crian/h6>/div>/figure>/li>/div>/section>section classtop-section2> div classcontainer row>figure classsnip1192>blockquote>I rate Horizon Global Trust five stars because of the service, you register online, upload ID and you deposit and withdraw after trades. This is so lovely. /blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/imge5.jpg />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Claudia/h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192 hover>blockquote>I am very pleased with the customer service.Also online service is great and easy thank you Horizon Global Trust team./blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/jenny.jpg />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Jenny /h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192 hover>blockquote>Im happy , that in difficult times there are people that will support you and help you make more money, thank you Horizon Global Trust for giving me a chance./blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/mike.jpg />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Mike/h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192>blockquote>Ive invested with Horizon Global Trust several times, always paid back on time. The entire trade process is complete in just a few days. Very impressed and satisfied.Im able to pay for my home improvements on my schedule. Thanks for increasing my money./blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/kathy.jpg/>h6 stylecolor:#fff>Kathy/h6>/div>/figure>/li>/div>/section>section classtop-section2> div classcontainer row>figure classsnip1192>blockquote>Very happy with the whole process quick and so very easy. Thank youHorizon Global Trust /blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/zoa.jpg />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Zoa/h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192 hover>blockquote>My withdraw was approved quickly. I had the money in my account within a few minutes. The process was very easy and straightforward. I would definitely recommend Horizon Global Trust to anyone./blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/regina.jpg />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Regina /h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192 hover>blockquote>Thank you guys for being a lifesaver!! My withdrawal was approved in little to no time and my money was sent. Nice Investing with Horizon Global Trustrade/blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/uss.png />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Teresa/h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192>blockquote>This is the best platform ever iam happy I was helped so well thank for the help and support will wish everyone to reach this platform/blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/uss.png/>h6 stylecolor:#fff>Monica/h6>/div>/figure>/li>/div>/section>section classtop-section2> div classcontainer row>figure classsnip1192>blockquote>The services were great and very helpful and the manager that was helping me was very calm and polite./blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/uss.png />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Aviwe/h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192 hover>blockquote>Great service and friendly consultant. Trading with Horizon Global Trust was awesome/blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/tersa.jpg />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Antonio /h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192 hover>blockquote>It’s a great platform and I really like how I was educated on the first time./blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/uss.png />h6 stylecolor:#fff>Hemmington/h6>/div>/figure>figure classsnip1192>blockquote>Horizon Global Trust is the best trading platform i have worked with so far.I am a beginner though but through the demo especially, i have learnt a lot to the point that i rate it 5 stars.On top of that it teaches you how to trade through giving you a demo account,trading information and how to trade./blockquote>div classauthor>img srctemp/custom/uss.png/>h6 stylecolor:#fff>Pearl/h6>/div>/figure>/div>/section>/div>/section>section stylebackground-color:#000; color:#fff >div classcontainer>style>* { box-sizing: border-box;}.row1 { display: flex;}/* Create three equal columns that sits next to each other */.column { flex: 33.33%; padding: 2px;}/style>div classrow1> div classcolumn> img srctemp/custom/img/btc.png altBtc stylewidth:70%> /div> div classcolumn> img srctemp/custom/img/eth.png altEth stylewidth:70%> /div> div classcolumn> img srctemp/custom/img/doge.png altDoge stylewidth:70%> /div> div classcolumn> img srctemp/custom/img/bch.png altBCH stylewidth:70%> /div> div classcolumn> img srctemp/custom/img/usdt.png altUSDT stylewidth:70%> /div> div classcolumn> img srctemp/custom/img/bnb.png altBNB stylewidth:70%> /div> div classcolumn> img srctemp/custom/img/ltc.png altLTC stylewidth:70%> /div>/div>/div>/section>script typetext/javascript> var host;/script>script srctemp/custom/js/spreads-home.js typemodule>/script>/section>!-- Smartsupp Live Chat script --> footer classfooter idfooter>div stylebackground-color:#14181a; color:#c6c6c6 classtop-bar visible-lg>div classcontainer>div classwrap>div classtop-bar-socials page_speed_2044161438>div classsocial-holder>span>Connect with us:/span> a titleFacebook classsocial target_blank>i classfa fa-envelope aria-hiddentrue>/i>span classshow-for-sr> /span>/a > /div>/div> div stylebackground-color:#14181a; color:#c6c6c6 classonline-chat text-center>a titleLive Chat onclickopenLiveChat(event) href# classchat-window-open-bm chat-window-open>i classfa fa-2x fa-commenting aria-hiddentrue>/i>span>Live Chat/span>/a>/div>div classtop-bar-badges>/div>/div>/div>/div> div stylebackground-color:#14181a; color:#c6c6c6 classtop-bar-mobile hidden-lg>div classcontainer>div classwrap>div classtop-bar-socials>div classonline-chat>a titleLive Chat onclickopenLiveChat(event) href# classchat-window-open>i classfa fa-2x fa-commenting aria-hiddentrue>/i>span>Live Chat/span>/a>/div>div classsocial-holder>span>Connect with us:/span> a titleFacebook classsocial target_blank>i classfa fa-envelope aria-hiddentrue>/i>span classshow-for-sr> /span>/a > /div>/div>/div>/div>/div> !-- FOOTERMENU --> div stylebackground-color:#000; color:#c6c6c6 classpt-4 pb-4>div classcontainer>div classtext-left mb-3>a classd-inline-block titlemain page href/>img classimg-responsive src altLogo width172>/a>/div> div class idfooterItems>div classrow>div classcol-lg-9 menu>div classrow>div classcol-md-3> ul> li>a titleall markets hrefabout>Company/a>/li> li>a titleShares hrefcontact>Contact/a>/li> /ul>/div> div classcol-md-3>ul>li>a titleLogin hreflogin>Login/a> /li> li>a titleLogin hrefregister>Register/a>/li> /ul>/div> div classcol-md-3>ul>li>a titlePlatform Overview hrefregulation>Legal / Regulation/a>/li> li>a titleAutomate hreftrade>System /a>/li> /ul>/div> div classcol-md-3>ul>li>a hrefabout>About us/a>/li>li>a hreffor-traders>Education/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div>/div>div classcol-lg-3 menu>div classbadges>div classd-flex mt-2>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classhidden-lg>div classrow>div classcol-sm-12>div classbadges-mobile>div classwraped>div classd-flex space-between mb-3>/div>/div>/div> div classtext-center>p classm-0 available> i classfa fa-desktop>/i>i classfa fa-apple>/i>i classfa fa-android>/i>i classfa fa-windows>/i>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div> div stylebackground-color:#000; color:#c6c6c6 classmt-3>div classrow>div classcol-md-12>p classmb-2>span classfw-600>Please Note:/span> You need to get verified by submitting your documents before being able to trade. 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