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classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Peluang/h5> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide text-center> a href> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Aksi Peduli/h5> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide text-center> a href> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>UMKM/h5> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide text-center> a href> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Marketplace/h5> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide text-center> a href> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Kuliner/h5> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide text-center> a href> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Story/h5> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide text-center> a href> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Jasa Lokal/h5> /a> /div> !-- div classsplide__slide text-center> a href> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Properti/h5> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide text-center> a href> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Iklan Baris/h5> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide text-center> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Polling/h5> /a> /div> --> div classsplide__slide text-center> a href> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Games/h5> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide text-center> a href# data-menumenu-main > img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-dark mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> img src width50 height50 classshow-on-theme-light mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-m bg-white> h5 classfont-13 font-400 pt-2>Other/h5> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight:17px;>/div> !-------------------------------> !-- START : SEARCH EVERYTHING --> !-------------------------------> div classmt-n5> div classcard card-style bg-transparent shadow-0 mb-2 rounded-sm> form action enctypemultipart/form-data methodPOST> input typehidden name_token valueU4udyfV3nlJpljp7D2RzWpx0bv9VRELyoc5Xd3Ka> div classrow mb-0> div classcol-9> div classsearch-box search-dark mt-4 bg-theme rounded-xl bottom-0 opacity-95 styleborder-width: 5px; border-color: #e6e9eb;> i classfa fa-search ms-n2>/i> input typesearch namestr_keyword idstr_keyword classborder-0 placeholderKetik Pencarian> /div> /div> div classcol-3 stylemargin-top: 8px; > button onClickcari(this.form) classshow-on-theme-light float-end btn btn-m btn-full mb-3 rounded-xl text-uppercase font-900 shadow-s bg-facebook mt-4 opacity-95 valueCARI>Cari/button> button onClickcari(this.form) classshow-on-theme-dark float-end btn btn-m btn-full mb-3 rounded-xl text-uppercase font-900 shadow-s bg-red-dark mt-4 opacity-95 valueCARI>Cari/button> /div> /div> /form> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> !-- END : SEARCH EVERYTHING --> !----------------------------------> !-- START : DIREKTORI KOMUNITAS --> !----------------------------------> div styleheight:20px;>/div> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n5 mb-2 pb-2> div classalign-self-center stylez-index:3; filter: contrast(150%);> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Komunitas/h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-80>direktori komunitas lokal/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> div styleheight:4px;>/div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-80px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight:45px;>/div> !-- START SLIDER : DIREKTORI KOMUNITAS --> div classcol-12 mt-n2> div classsplide double-slider slider-no-arrows slider-no-dots iddouble-slider-1> div classsplide__track> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Pita Kuning Med/p> p classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-users color-facebook pe-2>/i>1+ members/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Pewarta Foto In/p> p classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-users color-facebook pe-2>/i>1+ members/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Medan Membaca/p> p classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-users color-facebook pe-2>/i>1+ members/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- END SLIDER : DIREKTORI KOMUNITAS --> !-----------------------------------------------> !-- START : TIMELINE STORY & PHOTO ALBUM LIST --> !-----------------------------------------------> !-- END LIST : TIMELINE STORY & PHOTO ALBUM --> !--------------------------------> !-- START : THREAD & NEWS LIST --> !--------------------------------> div styleheight:5px;>/div> div classcol-12 mt-n4 mb-0> div classcard rounded-0 bg-transparent data-card-height60 stylez-index: 2;> div classcard-center> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n4 mb-0 pb-2> div classalign-self-center> h4 classps-3 ms-1 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Diskusi & Info Lokal/h4> p classps-3 ms-1 color-theme font-400 font-12 mb-n1 mt-n1 opacity-80>wadah sharing & diskusi komunitas/p> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight: 10px;>/div> !-- START LIST : NEWS & KONTEN SHARING --> div classmt-n5> div classcard card-style rounded-xs ms-2 me-2 mb-0 stylebackground-color: #fcfcfc; z-index: 1;> div classcontent mt-4 mb-1> div classrow mb-1 align-items-stretch> !-- Tambahkan align-items-stretch --> div classcol-4> a href classd-flex mb-0> div classimage-thumb mt-n2 mb-2> img src classrounded-xs shadow-xl img-fluid> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-8 ms-n2 mt-n2 d-flex flex-column> !-- Tambahkan d-flex flex-column --> a href classd-flex flex-column h-100 text-decoration-none> div classopacity-70 font-11 color-black styleline-height: 1.2em;>14 Sep 2024/div> div styleheight: 2px;>/div> h5 classfont-500 font-13 color-black styleline-height: 1.2em;>Medan Darurat Begal, Bobby Nasution.../h5> div classd-flex align-items-center mb-2> span classbadge bg-dark-light>medan kota/span> /div> div styleheight: 5px;>/div> div classmt-auto text-end color-theme opacity-70 font-11 mb-2 styleline-height: 1em;> i classfa color-theme fa-thumbs-up>/i> 0 likes i classfa color-theme fa-comment>/i> 0 comments /div> /a> div styleheight: 10`px;>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classdivider divider-margins mb-0 stylebackground-color: #CCCCCC;>/div> /div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-220px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight: 240px;>/div> !-- END LIST : THREAD & NEWS --> !-----------------------------> !-- START : DINE IN SLIDER --> !-----------------------------> div styleheight:30px;>/div> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n5 mb-2 pb-2> div classalign-self-center> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Spot Dine-In Lokal/h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-80>fitur reservasi & order di awal/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> div styleheight:4px;>/div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-80px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight:45px;>/div> !-- START SLIDER : DINE IN --> div classcol-12 mt-n2> div classsplide double-slider slider-no-arrows slider-no-dots iddouble-slider-2> div classsplide__track> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>D'Cost Seafood/p> p classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-facebook pe-2>/i>Plaza Medan Fai/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Steak 21/p> p classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-facebook pe-2>/i>Sun Plaza/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight:0px;>/div> !-- END SLIDER : DINE IN --> !----------------------------> !-- START : BIG EVENT SHOW --> !----------------------------> !-- END : BIG EVENT SECTION --> !------------------------> !-- START LIST : EVENT --> !------------------------> div styleheight: 30px;>/div> div classcol-12 mt-n5 mb-0> div classcard rounded-0 bg-transparent data-card-height60 stylez-index: 2;> div classcard-center> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n4 mb-0 pb-2> div classalign-self-center> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Agenda Event/h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-80>bazaar, workshop, festival dll/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight: 10px;>/div> !-- START LIST : EVENT --> div classmt-n5> div classcard card-style ms-2 me-2 mb-0 rounded-xs stylebackground-color: #fcfcfc; z-index: 1;> div classcontent mt-4 mb-1> div classrow mb-1 align-items-stretch> !-- Tambahkan align-items-stretch --> div classcol-4> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login classd-flex mb-0> div classimage-thumb mt-n2 mb-2> img src classrounded-xs shadow-xl img-fluid> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-8 ms-n2 mt-n2 d-flex flex-column> !-- Tambahkan d-flex flex-column --> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login classd-flex flex-column h-100 text-decoration-none> div classopacity-70 font-11 color-black styleline-height: 1.2em;>Musik & Festival/div> div styleheight: 2px;>/div> h5 classfont-500 font-13 color-black styleline-height: 1.2em;>NORTHMAGZ FEST.../h5> div classopacity-70 font-11 color-black mt-0 mb-0 styleline-height: 1.3em;>29 Sep 2024 - 29 Sep 2024/div> div styleheight:10px;>/div> div classmt-2 text-end color-theme opacity-70 font-11 mb-2 styleline-height: 1em;> i classfa color-theme fa-users>/i> 1+ attendances /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classdivider divider-margins mb-0 stylebackground-color: #CCCCCC;>/div> /div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-220px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight: 240px;>/div> !-- END LIST : EVENT --> !---------------------------> !-- START : PEOPLE SLIDER --> !---------------------------> div styleheight:25px;>/div> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n5 mb-0 pb-2> div classalign-self-center stylez-index:3; filter: contrast(150%);> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Meet Warga Lokal/h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-60>meet other community members/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> div styleheight:4px;>/div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-80px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight:45px;>/div> !-- START SLIDER : PEOPLE --> div classcol-12 mt-n3 styleheight: 225px;> div styleheight:15px;>/div> div classsplide double-slider slider-no-arrows slider-no-dots iddouble-slider-3> div classsplide__track> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> div classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Member Only/div> div classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-orange-dark pe-2>/i>span classmt-2 badge bg-dark-light font-11 font-400>All/span>/div> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> div classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Member Only/div> div classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-orange-dark pe-2>/i>span classmt-2 badge bg-dark-light font-11 font-400>All/span>/div> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> div classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Member Only/div> div classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-orange-dark pe-2>/i>span classmt-2 badge bg-dark-light font-11 font-400>All/span>/div> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> div classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Member Only/div> div classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-orange-dark pe-2>/i>span classmt-2 badge bg-dark-light font-11 font-400>All/span>/div> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> div classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Member Only/div> div classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-orange-dark pe-2>/i>span classmt-2 badge bg-dark-light font-11 font-400>All/span>/div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight: 25px;>/div> !-- END SLIDER : PEOPLE --> !-- SHARE SOCIAL MEDIA BUTTON --> div styleheight:30px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent mt-n5 mb-4> div classtext-center mt-2 mb-0 font-14 font-400>Share HorasMedan.Com/div> div classtext-center mt-2 mb-0> a hrefauto_generated classexternal-link shareToWhatsApp mr-3 mb-3 icon shadow-xs rounded-l icon-xs bg-whatsapp>i classfab fa-whatsapp>/i>/a> a hrefauto_generated classexternal-link shareToFacebook mr-3 mb-3 icon shadow-xs rounded-l icon-xs bg-facebook>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a hrefauto_generated classexternal-link shareToTwitter mr-3 mb-3 icon shadow-xs rounded-l icon-xs bg-twitter>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a> a hrefauto_generated classexternal-link shareToLinkedIn mr-3 mb-3 icon shadow-xs rounded-l icon-xs bg-linkedin>i classfab fa-linkedin-in>/i>/a> /div> /div> !---------------------------------------> !-- START SLIDER : KATALOG ORDER FOOD --> !---------------------------------------> div styleheight:40px;>/div> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n5 mb-2 pb-2> div classalign-self-center> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme 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stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Udang Bakar Madu/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n2 font-10>D'Cost Seafood/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n1 font-12>b> Rp. 72.273 /b>/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Ikan Bawal Goreng/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n2 font-10>D'Cost Seafood/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n1 font-12>b> Rp. 92.727 /b>/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Ayam Goreng Teras/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n2 font-10>D'Cost 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classshow-on-theme-light float-end btn btn-m btn-full mb-3 rounded-xl text-uppercase font-900 shadow-s bg-facebook mt-4 opacity-95 valueCARI>Cari/button> button onClickcari(this.form) classshow-on-theme-dark float-end btn btn-m btn-full mb-3 rounded-xl text-uppercase font-900 shadow-s bg-red-dark mt-4 opacity-95 valueCARI>Cari/button> /div> /div> /form> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> !-- END : SEARCH EVERYTHING --> !----------------------------------> !-- START : DIREKTORI KOMUNITAS --> !----------------------------------> div styleheight:20px;>/div> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n5 mb-2 pb-2> div classalign-self-center stylez-index:3; filter: contrast(150%);> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Komunitas/h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-80>direktori komunitas lokal/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> div styleheight:4px;>/div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-80px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight:45px;>/div> !-- START SLIDER : DIREKTORI KOMUNITAS --> div classcol-12 mt-n2> div classsplide double-slider slider-no-arrows slider-no-dots iddouble-slider-1> div classsplide__track> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Pita Kuning Med/p> p classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-users color-facebook pe-2>/i>1+ members/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Pewarta Foto In/p> p classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-users color-facebook pe-2>/i>1+ members/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Medan Membaca/p> p classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-users color-facebook pe-2>/i>1+ members/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- END SLIDER : DIREKTORI KOMUNITAS --> !-----------------------------------------------> !-- START : TIMELINE STORY & PHOTO ALBUM LIST --> !-----------------------------------------------> !-- END LIST : TIMELINE STORY & PHOTO ALBUM --> !--------------------------------> !-- START : THREAD & NEWS LIST --> !--------------------------------> div styleheight:5px;>/div> div classcol-12 mt-n4 mb-0> div classcard rounded-0 bg-transparent data-card-height60 stylez-index: 2;> div classcard-center> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n4 mb-0 pb-2> div classalign-self-center> h4 classps-3 ms-1 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Diskusi & Info Lokal/h4> p classps-3 ms-1 color-theme font-400 font-12 mb-n1 mt-n1 opacity-80>wadah sharing & diskusi komunitas/p> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight: 10px;>/div> !-- START LIST : NEWS & KONTEN SHARING --> div classmt-n5> div classcard card-style rounded-xs ms-2 me-2 mb-0 stylebackground-color: #fcfcfc; z-index: 1;> div classcontent mt-4 mb-1> div classrow mb-1 align-items-stretch> !-- Tambahkan align-items-stretch --> div classcol-4> a href classd-flex mb-0> div classimage-thumb mt-n2 mb-2> img src classrounded-xs shadow-xl img-fluid> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-8 ms-n2 mt-n2 d-flex flex-column> !-- Tambahkan d-flex flex-column --> a href classd-flex flex-column h-100 text-decoration-none> div classopacity-70 font-11 color-black styleline-height: 1.2em;>14 Sep 2024/div> div styleheight: 2px;>/div> h5 classfont-500 font-13 color-black styleline-height: 1.2em;>Medan Darurat Begal, Bobby Nasution.../h5> div classd-flex align-items-center mb-2> span classbadge bg-dark-light>medan kota/span> /div> div styleheight: 5px;>/div> div classmt-auto text-end color-theme opacity-70 font-11 mb-2 styleline-height: 1em;> i classfa color-theme fa-thumbs-up>/i> 0 likes i classfa color-theme fa-comment>/i> 0 comments /div> /a> div styleheight: 10`px;>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classdivider divider-margins mb-0 stylebackground-color: #CCCCCC;>/div> /div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-220px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight: 240px;>/div> !-- END LIST : THREAD & NEWS --> !-----------------------------> !-- START : DINE IN SLIDER --> !-----------------------------> div styleheight:30px;>/div> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n5 mb-2 pb-2> div classalign-self-center> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Spot Dine-In Lokal/h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-80>fitur reservasi & order di awal/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> div styleheight:4px;>/div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-80px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight:45px;>/div> !-- START SLIDER : DINE IN --> div classcol-12 mt-n2> div classsplide double-slider slider-no-arrows slider-no-dots iddouble-slider-2> div classsplide__track> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>D'Cost Seafood/p> p classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-facebook pe-2>/i>Plaza Medan Fai/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Steak 21/p> p classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-facebook pe-2>/i>Sun Plaza/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight:0px;>/div> !-- END SLIDER : DINE IN --> !----------------------------> !-- START : BIG EVENT SHOW --> !----------------------------> !-- END : BIG EVENT SECTION --> !------------------------> !-- START LIST : EVENT --> !------------------------> div styleheight: 30px;>/div> div classcol-12 mt-n5 mb-0> div classcard rounded-0 bg-transparent data-card-height60 stylez-index: 2;> div classcard-center> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n4 mb-0 pb-2> div classalign-self-center> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Agenda Event/h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-80>bazaar, workshop, festival dll/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight: 10px;>/div> !-- START LIST : EVENT --> div classmt-n5> div classcard card-style ms-2 me-2 mb-0 rounded-xs stylebackground-color: #fcfcfc; z-index: 1;> div classcontent mt-4 mb-1> div classrow mb-1 align-items-stretch> !-- Tambahkan align-items-stretch --> div classcol-4> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login classd-flex mb-0> div classimage-thumb mt-n2 mb-2> img src classrounded-xs shadow-xl img-fluid> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-8 ms-n2 mt-n2 d-flex flex-column> !-- Tambahkan d-flex flex-column --> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login classd-flex flex-column h-100 text-decoration-none> div classopacity-70 font-11 color-black styleline-height: 1.2em;>Musik & Festival/div> div styleheight: 2px;>/div> h5 classfont-500 font-13 color-black styleline-height: 1.2em;>NORTHMAGZ FEST.../h5> div classopacity-70 font-11 color-black mt-0 mb-0 styleline-height: 1.3em;>29 Sep 2024 - 29 Sep 2024/div> div styleheight:10px;>/div> div classmt-2 text-end color-theme opacity-70 font-11 mb-2 styleline-height: 1em;> i classfa color-theme fa-users>/i> 1+ attendances /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classdivider divider-margins mb-0 stylebackground-color: #CCCCCC;>/div> /div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-220px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight: 240px;>/div> !-- END LIST : EVENT --> !---------------------------> !-- START : PEOPLE SLIDER --> !---------------------------> div styleheight:25px;>/div> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n5 mb-0 pb-2> div classalign-self-center stylez-index:3; filter: contrast(150%);> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Meet Warga Lokal/h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-60>meet other community members/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> div styleheight:4px;>/div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-80px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight:45px;>/div> !-- START SLIDER : PEOPLE --> div classcol-12 mt-n3 styleheight: 225px;> div styleheight:15px;>/div> div classsplide double-slider slider-no-arrows slider-no-dots iddouble-slider-3> div classsplide__track> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> div classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Member Only/div> div classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-orange-dark pe-2>/i>span classmt-2 badge bg-dark-light font-11 font-400>All/span>/div> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> div classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Member Only/div> div classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-orange-dark pe-2>/i>span classmt-2 badge bg-dark-light font-11 font-400>All/span>/div> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> div classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Member Only/div> div classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-orange-dark pe-2>/i>span classmt-2 badge bg-dark-light font-11 font-400>All/span>/div> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> div classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Member Only/div> div classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-orange-dark pe-2>/i>span classmt-2 badge bg-dark-light font-11 font-400>All/span>/div> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href# data-menunotif-belum-login> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> div classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Member Only/div> div classms-0 mt-n1 font-10>i classfa fa-bookmark color-orange-dark pe-2>/i>span classmt-2 badge bg-dark-light font-11 font-400>All/span>/div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight: 25px;>/div> !-- END SLIDER : PEOPLE --> !-- SHARE SOCIAL MEDIA BUTTON --> div styleheight:30px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent mt-n5 mb-4> div classtext-center mt-2 mb-0 font-14 font-400>Share HorasMedan.Com/div> div classtext-center mt-2 mb-0> a hrefauto_generated classexternal-link shareToWhatsApp mr-3 mb-3 icon shadow-xs rounded-l icon-xs bg-whatsapp>i classfab fa-whatsapp>/i>/a> a hrefauto_generated classexternal-link shareToFacebook mr-3 mb-3 icon shadow-xs rounded-l icon-xs bg-facebook>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a hrefauto_generated classexternal-link shareToTwitter mr-3 mb-3 icon shadow-xs rounded-l icon-xs bg-twitter>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a> a hrefauto_generated classexternal-link shareToLinkedIn mr-3 mb-3 icon shadow-xs rounded-l icon-xs bg-linkedin>i classfab fa-linkedin-in>/i>/a> /div> /div> !---------------------------------------> !-- START SLIDER : KATALOG ORDER FOOD --> !---------------------------------------> div styleheight:40px;>/div> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n5 mb-2 pb-2> div classalign-self-center> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Sajian Lokal /h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-80>reservasi, pick-up, pre-order, delivery/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> div styleheight:1px;>/div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-80px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight:40px;>/div> !-- START SLIDER : KATALOG ORDER FOOD --> div classcol-12 styleheight: 225px;> div classsplide double-slider slider-no-arrows slider-no-dots iddouble-slider-4> div classsplide__track> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Ikan Bawal Bakar /p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n2 font-10>D'Cost Seafood/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n1 font-12>b> Rp. 94.545 /b>/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Ikan Bawal Goreng/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n2 font-10>D'Cost Seafood/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n1 font-12>b> Rp. 92.727 /b>/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Ayam Goreng Teras/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n2 font-10>D'Cost Seafood/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n1 font-12>b> Rp. 49.545 /b>/p> /div> /a> /div> div classsplide__slide> a href> div classcard card-style-ipin rounded-xs shadow-l stylewidth: 122px;> div classimage-thumb> img src height120> /div> /div> div styleheight: 15px;>/div> div classcard bg-transparent ms-4 mt-n5 stylewidth: 122px;> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-2 color-theme font-13 font-500>Udang Bakar Madu/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n2 font-10>D'Cost Seafood/p> p classms-0 mb-0 mt-n1 font-12>b> Rp. 72.273 /b>/p> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight:20px;>/div> !-- END SLIDER : KATALOG ORDER FOOD --> !---------------------------------> !-- START LIST : JASA PANGGILAN --> !---------------------------------> div styleheight: 10px;>/div> div classcol-12 mt-n4 mb-0> div classcard rounded-0 bg-transparent data-card-height60 stylez-index: 2;> div classcard-center> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n4 mb-0 pb-2> div classalign-self-center> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Jasa Lokal/h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-60>home service, panggilan, personal/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight: 10px;>/div> !-- START LIST : JASA PANGGILAN --> div classmt-n5> div classcard ms-2 me-2 mb-0 rounded-xs stylebackground-color: #fcfcfc; z-index: 1;> div classcontent mt-4 mb-1> div classrow mb-1> div classcol-4> a href classd-flex mb-0> div classimage-thumb mt-n2 mb-2> img src classrounded-xs shadow-xl img-fluid> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-8 ms-n2 mt-n2> a href classd-flex flex-column h-100 text-decoration-none> div classopacity-70 font-12 color-black styleline-height: 1.2em;>Cleaning Service/div> div styleheight:2px;>/div> h5 classfont-500 font-14 color-black styleline-height: 1.2em;>Faisal Sedot WC/h5> div styleheight: 5px;>/div> div classd-flex align-items-center> span classbadge bg-facebook mb-2 p-1>home service/span> /div> div styleheight: 5px;>/div> div classmt-auto text-end color-theme opacity-70 font-11 mb-2 styleline-height: 1em;> i classfa color-dark-light fa-heart>/i> 0 favorites /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classdivider divider-margins mb-0 stylebackground-color: #CCCCCC;>/div> /div> div classcard rounded-0 data-card-height0 stylemargin-top:-220px; z-index: 0;> img classshow-on-theme-light opacity-10 src width600px> img classshow-on-theme-dark opacity-10 src width600px> /div> div styleheight: 230px;>/div> !-- END LIST : JASA PANGGILAN --> !--------------------------------------------> !-- START : DIREKTORI BISNIS RETAIL SLIDER --> !--------------------------------------------> !-- END SLIDER : DIRECTORY RETAIL --> !--------------------------------> !-- START LIST : PELUANG & JOB --> !--------------------------------> !-- END LIST : PELUANG & JOB --> !--------------------------------> !-- START LIST : ACT DONATION --> !--------------------------------> !-- END LIST : ACT DONATION --> !---------------------------> !-- START LIST : PROPERTY --> !---------------------------> div styleheight: 20px;>/div> div classrow mt-n3> div classcol-12> div classd-flex pt-3 mt-n3 mb-2 pb-2> div classalign-self-center> h5 classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mb-0 font-600 font-16>Properti Kawasan/h5> div classps-2 ms-3 color-theme mt-n1 mb-0 font-400 font-12 opacity-60>rumah, apartemen, kost2an/div> /div> div classms-auto align-self-center mb-0 mt-3 me-3 stylez-index: 1;> a href>span classbadge bg-dark-light mb-2 p-1 font-12>lihat semua/span> /a> /div> /div> div classsplide single-slider slider-no-arrows slider-no-dots mb-n5 idsingle-slider-2> div classsplide__track> div classsplide__list> div classsplide__slide> a href>div classcard card-style ms-3 rounded-xs stylebackground-image:url(uploads/banner/ads/localproperty.jpg); data-card-height100>/div>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div styleheight:40px;>/div> !-- START LIST : 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