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Quality service department.Storage.Transportation.Marine supplies.Rigging.> meta namekeywords contentHoopers, Hoppers, Sailboats, Minnesota, JBoats, Precision, Yachts, Harken, Furling, Furlers, Rigging, Ropes, Cordage, Interlux, Paints, Boat, TPI, Selden, Sailing, Yachting, Sails, Swaging, Rigging, Hardware, Nissan, Brokerage, Masts, Spinnaker, Walker Bay, West System, Fiberglass, Gudgeon Brothers, Schaefer, Wichard, Lewmar, Samson, Yale, Marlow, Forespar, 3M, Outboards, Spinlock, Ronstan, sailing, sail, sails, boating, yachting, yacht, cruising, used, boat, boats, sailboat, sailboats, racing, race, races, sales, brokerage, brokerage, Used, Preowned, J,Afton, TPI, Furlers, Roller Furling, Furling, Wagner Skiff, Walker Bay, Dinghy, Dinghies> link relcanonical href /> meta propertyog:title contentHoopers Yachts - Upper Mid-West Sailing Experts. 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It will take you places./span>/h5>h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #34495e;>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffffff;>WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS AND LOOK FORWARD TO ANOTHER GREAT YEAR IN 2025/span>/strong>/span>/h2>h1 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #fb0404;>HAPPY NEW YEAR/span>/h1>p styletext-align: left;>./p>h1 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #071de0;>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffffff;>INTRODUCING THE NEW J/7 FOR 2025/span>/strong>/span>/h1>p styletext-align: justify;>span stylecolor: #071de0;>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffffff;>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; float: left; src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_470070434_1004257921744735_4292201894845631801_n.jpg alt width360 height240 />/span>/strong>/span>img styletext-align: right; src alt width329 height240 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_470331275_1004258091744718_2923424692719464131_n.jpg alt width426 height240 />/p>p styletext-align: justify;>strong>J/Boats announced the 23-foot J/7 (7m) family daysailer with a huge, sit-in cockpit, easy-to-handle sail plan and built-in stability thats second to none in this size range. Andyou can tow her behind a mid-sized SUV./strong>/p>p styletext-align: justify;>strong>All sail controls are within reach of the cockpit including an adjustable backstay to flatten the sails in puffy conditions. With the exceptional stability, (45% Ballast to Displacement ratio -no hiking) one can carry the main and small jib across a wide range of wind conditions./strong>/p>p styletext-align: justify;>strong>Like her larger predecessor, the J/9, the self-draining cockpit is huge with a walk-through swim platform which adds bonus space for hanging out and dragging your feet through the water. The boom is high and the single spreader aluminum mast is stepped on the deck for convenient rigging, raising and lowering of the rig. /strong>/p>p styletext-align: justify;>strong>There is a small interior cabin with settee seats and V-berth platform - ideal for weather protection, storage or a place to nap. Options include Flexiteek cockpit sole, cockpit cushions, swim ladder, fixed sprit for an A sail and asymmetric spin gear for racing. The J/7s hull, deck and structural bulkheads feature composite sandwich construction with biaxial E-glass, vacuum-bagged Corecell foam core,with high density core inserts for high-load deck hardware. Strength-to-weight, this is one of the toughest Js ever built!!! span stylecolor: #fb0404;>BASE PRICE: $ 54,850/span>/strong>/p>p> /p>h1 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #071de0;>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffffff;>J BOATS INTRODUCES THE NEW J/40/span>/strong>/span>/h1>h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #071de0;>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffffff;>CRUISING WORLD MAGAZINES 2025 BOAT OF THE YEAR: BEST OVERALL/span>/strong>/span>/h2>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #071de0;>strong>span stylebackground-color: #ffffff;>THE J/40 EXEMPLIFIES INNOVATION - BLENDING PERFORMANCE, COMFORT AND TIMELESS DESIGN/span>/strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;>span idpage3R_mcid20 classmarkedContent>span dirltr rolepresentation>J/40 – The launch of the J/40 has exceeded all expectations, and the order bookbr />confirms it, with the backlog now suddenly out to late fall 2025. Given the number ofbr />orders and the delivery time this entails (into the 2026 model year), J/Composites isbr />unable to maintain the introductory pricing any longer, and so a slight increase on thebr />base boat and some options has just gone into effect. The J/40 debute was on display at the Annapolis and LaRocelle />This is a three cabin/one head layout plan with white oak interior trim and most ofbr />the key options. Give us a call. BASE PRICE $514,900/span>/span>/span>/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;>span classmarkedContent>span dirltr rolepresentation>img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_j40INWATER.jpg alt width394 height209 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_J40PERSPECTIVE.jpg alt width392 height208 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_J40INTERIOR.jpg alt width385 height205 />/span>/span>/span>/strong>/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylebackground-color: #ffffff; color: #f50505;>strong>HOOPERS NEW PHONE NUMBER: 612-590-7235 Thank you./strong>/span>/h2>p styletext-align: center;>span stylebackground-color: #ffffff; color: #f50505;>strong>BOAT SALES THIS SEASON HAVE BEEN OUTSTANDING, SO CHECK OUT WHAT WE HAVE FOR SALE /strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylebackground-color: #ffffff; color: #f50505;>strong>AND WE WOULD LOVE TO LIST YOUR BOAT FOR SALE./strong>/span>/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #071de0; background-color: #ffffff;>strong>HERES THE SCOOP!!!/strong>/span>/h2>h5 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #071de0; background-color: #ecf0f1;>strong>AS OF 11/22 MY BOAT YARD AND ALL THE ASSETS WITHIN WAS SOLD TO BRIAN SHELTON (612-867-2984) OF RIVER MARINAS & MIDWEST YACHT SALES. CONTACT BRIAN IF YOUR BOAT IS STILL STORED AT THAT LOCATION. BOATS THAT ARE FOR SALE AT THAT LOCATION WILL STILL BE REPRESENTED AND SHOWN BY HOOPERS./strong>/span>/h5>h5 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #071de0; background-color: #ecf0f1;>strong>HOOPERS YACHTS WILL CONTINUE TO WORK OUT OF THE NEW WISCONSIN OFFICE. WE CONTINUE TO SELL CUSTOMER USED SAILBOATS AND POWERBOATS AND CONTINUE TO BE A J/BOAT DEALER. /strong>/span>/h5>h5 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #071de0; background-color: #ecf0f1;>strong>SINCE I WILL NO LONGER BE MAINTAINING A STORE, OR HAVE A FACILITY FOR SERVICE WORK, ETC., WE CAN CONCENTRATE ON BOAT SALES EVEN MORE, SO IT IS ONLY AN ADVANTAGE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. WE WILL STILL BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF CUSTOMERS IN THIS YARD OR ANY YARD OR MARINA. USE OF THEIR FACILITY IS AVAILABLE TO ME TO TAKE CARE OF MY CUSTOMERS FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING AND FOR COMMISSIONING OF NEW BOATS. AS A DEALER, I STILL HAVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH DISTRIBUTORS OF BOAT ACCESSORIES AND SO CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR BOATING NEEDS./strong>/span>/h5>h5 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #071de0; background-color: #ecf0f1;>strong>JUSTIN HAS TAKEN A JOB IN NORTH CAROLINA AND SO IS OUT OF THE PICTURE. IT WAS FABULOUS WORKING WITH HIM AND HIS FAMILY. NOW IS A NEW CHANGE./strong>/span>/h5>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #071de0; background-color: #ecf0f1;>strong> WE LOOK FORWARD TO REPRESENTING YOU IN SELLING YOUR BOAT, HELPING YOU FIND THE BOAT YOU WANT, AND CONTINUING TO WORK WITH HAPPY CUSTOMERS AS WE HAVE FOR THE LAST NEARLY 40 YEARS (AND EVEN MORE YEARS WORKING FOR OTHER DEALERSHIPS BEFORE). THE STAR/TRIB ARTICLE WAS NICE, BUT TO MANY, IMPLIED THAT IS WAS A RETIREMENT CALL, AND THAT IS NOT THE CASE. I LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH MY FORMER AND NEW CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS AND I APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. ALREADY WE ARE LISTING NEW BOATS AT THIS TIME OF YEAR AND BOAT SALES ARE STARTING TO RAMP UP - INTEREST IS INCREASING AND J/BOAT SALES HAVE BEEN ON THE UPSWING AS WELL WITH SOLD BOATS ON ORDER./strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;>The last few years have been phenomenal for boat sales and so inventory has been down. We are getting more good listings and boats that are in demand seem to sell span stylecolor: #071de0;>quickly/span> because of the availability shortage. Having been in the business for as long as I have, I have a vast amount of knowledge and resources that is useful for both the party selling their boat as well as the party buying it. I understand boat differences and can be useful in helping you find the boat to suit your needs and sailing area. We can even suggest sailing areas and where to keep your boat. We might represent the boat owner, but we are honest with both sides and strive to create a happy conclusion to the sale for all. Our experience in sailboats include, coastal and offshore passage-making and the cruising lifestyle as well as racing handicap and one-design boats, right down to the smallest of day sailors. While sailing is in our blood and gave us the start so long ago, we also are powerboaters and own powerboats and have knowledge for that too and have experience with small runabouts to large cruising boats both inland and offshore. We have boat maintenance and service experience in most areas of boating and so understand the good and bad about what goes on in the world of boats. In short, we know what we are doing and can sort through the complexities of boat sales purchasing, if needed. But, most sales go smoothly and in the end, people walk away with smiles and anticipation on their faces./span>/strong>/p>p> /p>h1 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #e03e2d;>Tip on how to save fuel costs: BUY A SAILBOAT !/span>/h1>h3 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #000000; background-color: #fbeeb8;>strong>Need a slip to put your boat? Call us, we can help. /strong>/span>/h3>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>WELCOME TO HOOPERS YACHTS AND OUR WEB SITE. /span>/strong>/p>h1 styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>NEW J/80S ARE BACK.....BY POPULAR DEMAND/span>/strong>/h1>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>The North American J/80 Class is on a role and demand for boats (and J/80 resale value) has never been higher. Thanks to Intenratioinal shipping rates dropping to pre-pandemic levels, and the renewed support of our long-time J/80 suppliers, were please to bring back the NEW J/80 Program, where molded kits from our licensed builders are final-assembled and equipped my International Marine in Bristol RI./span>/strong>/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>J/Boats stock new 2025 model J/80/strong>br />strong> (hull #1708) just sold with a double axel Triad/strong>br />strong>Trailer with bow stop/ladder option. Total package/strong>br />strong>is $66,900 FOB Bristol, RI. Another J/80 is in/strong>br />strong>process and will be ready in January of 2025./strong>/h2>p styletext-align: center;>strong>BASE PRICE IS $59,900/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_on trailer.jpg alt width600 height363 />/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_SLW-BOTY-Logo_J45.jpg alt width312 height289 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_CW-BOTY-Logo_J45.jpg alt width326 height289 />/span>/strong>/p>h2 styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>J/45 WINS TWO BOAT OF THE YEAR AWARDS/span>/strong>/h2>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>The J/40 introduction has doubled the normal level of J/45 leads, and thebr />J/45 “Cruising” model (5.9’ draft - hull #8) was display at the Annapolis boat show and is now in Jacksonville, FL for the winter. The owner graciously offered to take serious prospects for a sail. Please contact us to coordinate a visit./span>/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #001dc7;> We’re projectingbr />a growing backlog for this model as well. The next slots availability inbr />2025, is for November completion. BASE PRICE IS $749,050/span>/strong>/p>p>strong>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_J45_OnnevanderWal_28221331.jpg alt width893 height523 />/span>/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>Cruising World Magazine named the J/45 its 2023 Boat of the year Best Performance Cruiser./strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>Sailing World Magazine followed suit and declaired the J/45 their 2023 Boat of the Year Best Crossover./strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>What a way to follow up the recent North American debut of the new J/45!/strong>/span>/p>h3 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #3598db;> strong>LOOKING TO THE FUTURE/strong>:/span> strong>span stylecolor: #c5003d; font-size: large;>AS ALWAYS, WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS AND LOOK FORWARD TO SERVING YOU IN 2025 AND BEYOND./span>/strong>/h3>p styletext-align: center; aligncenter>strong>I WILL BE HAPPY TO MEET YOU WHERE EVER I HAVE USED BOATS LISTED FOR SALE. MOST BOATS ARE SOLD WITHIN THE 5-STATE AREA, BUT WE HAVE SOLD BOATS AS FAR AWAY AS ALL OVER THE CONTINENTAL USA, CANADA, ENGLAND, AUSTRALIA, BELIZE, MEXICO AND ALASKA. BEING IN BUSINESS AS LONG AS I HAVE IS A BONUS TO YOU ON SO MANY LEVELS. WE HAVE CONNECTIONS ALL OVER FOR MANY THINGS THAT WILL HELP THE BUYERS OBTAIN THEIR GOAL AND TO GUIDE BUYERS SO THEY HAVE A POSITIVE EXPERIENCE - NOT JUST BUYING A BOAT, BUT WHERE I CAN HELP THEM FIND SLIPS FOR THEIR BOAT AND CONNECTIONS TO LOTS OF HELPFUL INFORMATON./strong>/p>p styletext-align: center; aligncenter>span stylefont-size: x-large;>strong>OUR EXPERIENCE CAN HELP YOU IN SO MANY WAYS WHEN SELLING OR BUYING A BOAT./strong>/span>/p>p aligncenter>em>u>span stylecolor: #a5005c; font-size: large;>strong> /strong>/span>/u>/em>/p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border1>tbody>tr>td stylewidth: 21.9685%;>strong stylecolor: #ff0000; font-size: 48px; text-align: -webkit-center;>img stylefloat: right; src/theme/ width300 height260 />/strong>/td>td stylewidth: 78.0315%;>h4 aligncenter>strong>span stylecolor: red;>span stylefont-size: x-large;>em>When You Buy/em>em> A Boat, You Buy A Way Of Life/em>/span>/span>/strong>/h4>h4 aligncenter>strong>BOAT SALES/strong> have been fantastic as its no wonder people wanted to get out on the water more than ever before. It was a great summer these last two seasons for boaters who enjoyed the outdoors. Manufacturers are having a hard time keeping up with demand. Boat show sales have been through the roof. Thats a great sign!!!/h4>h4 aligncenter>strong>em>span stylecolor: red;>We get new listings weekly, but sales have been so brisk that inventory is getting low. If you looked at my printed list of boats for sale, youd see lots of sold boats that are now being enjoyed by new owners. The success rate has been fantastic thanks to all of our wonderful customers. If you are looking to sell your boat, contact me because I have buyers looking for season 2025 - seriously!!!/span>/em> em>span stylecolor: red;>NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST YOUR BOAT BECAUSE there are buyers out there. Youll miss some great buyer opportunities if you wait. Marinas are looking to fill their slips now and they will. It looks like nit will be an early spring./span>/em>/strong>/h4>h4 aligncenter>If you want to find a boat, check out our web site. There are still some slips available in many marinas and we can help our customers find one. I hope you enjoyed a boat on the water in 2023. If you are looking to getting into boating this coming season, give me a call (612-590-7235). We are here for you. We have customers looking for boats if you are looking to sell. span stylecolor: red;>em>strong>You wont be disappointed. /strong>/em>span stylecolor: #000000;>strong>We sell good, boats from dinghies on up to large power and sail, cruisers or racers./strong>/span>/span>/h4>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p aligncenter> /p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; background-color: #fbeeb8; border-color: #e03e2d; border-style: solid; border1 cellspacing1px cellpadding10px>tbody>tr>td stylewidth: 100%; padding: 10px;>h1 classfreshBlue subheader>span stylefont-size: medium;>strong>img classhide-for-medium-only hide-for-small-only stylefloat: left; margin-right: 10px; src alta man puts out a fire with an extinguisher width397 height155 />/strong>/span>/h1>h2>Fire Extinguishers NEW REGULATION/S - Fire extinguishers must be replaced 12 years after manufacture./h2>p>The new fire extinguisher regulations going into effect on strong>April 20, 2022/strong> may seem a little confusing, but if you know the model year of your boat, they boil down to two simple />strong>If you own a boat that is model year 2018 or newer, you may need to replace your fire extinguishers./strong>/p>p>In addition to meeting the carriage requirements for the correct number of extinguishers for the size of your boat, they must be labeled as 5-B, 10-B or 20-B, extinguishers labeled with B-I or B-II only are no longer acceptable. Extinguishers must not be more than 12 years old according to the date of manufacture stamped on the bottle. You only have to get new ones if they are no longer serviceable. Good serviceable conditions are as follows: - If the extinguisher has a pressure gauge reading or indicator it must be in the operable range or position. - The lock pin is firmly in place. - The discharge nozzle is clean and free of obstructionbr />- The extinguisher does not show visible signs of significant corrosion or damage./p>strong>If you own a boat that is 2017 model year or older (between 1953-2017): /strong>You may keep your extinguishers labeled B-I and B-II as long as they are still serviceable, but If there is a date stamped on the bottle, extinguishers must not be more than 12 years old according to that date.h4 classfreshBlue subheader>NEW: Vessel Length and Fire Extinguisher Type Table/h4>p classsubheader>Goes into effect April 20, 2022/p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; background-color: #ffffff; border-color: #000000; border0 cellpadding3px>tbody>tr>td>strong>Vessel Length/strong>/td>td>strong>No Fixed System/strong>/td>td>strong>With approved Fixed Systems/strong>/td>/tr>tr>td>Less than 26/td>td>1 B-1/5-B/10-B/td>td>0/td>/tr>tr>td>26 to less than 40/td>td>2 B-1/5-B/10-B or 1 B-II/20-B/td>td>1 B-1/5-B/10-B/td>/tr>tr>td>40 to 65/td>td>3 B-1/5-B/10-B or 1 B-II/20-B and 1 B-1/5-B/10-B/td>td>2 B-1/5-B/10-B or 1 B-II/20-B/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>h2>strong>UNITED STATES COAST GUARD SAFETY PROCEDURES THAT YOU SHOULD FOLLOW:/strong>/h2>h3>It’s also important to mention that as a mariner, you are required to keep a constant radio watch on Channel 16 and be aware of what is happening on the surrounding waters. Your VHF scan list includes both Channel 16 and the alternate Coast Guard frequency on Channel 22./h3>h4>strong>The three acronyms you hear all summer long on Channel 16 are French words. M’aidez (help me), Panne (breakdown), and Sécurité (security/safety) are decreasingly urgent calls used on Channel 16. The first two – Mayday and Pan-Pan – are calls for help, while the third – Sécurité – is a transmission of important navigational information. It can be used to announce travel in fog in congested situations or to announce debris in the water or anything else that could be of a navigation hazzard. Pan-pan is the international urgency call indicating that someone aboard a boat is declaring an urgent situation that is not an immediate threat to either the vessel or the people on board. May Day is to be used for serious situations and NOT USED for situations that are not serious. It implies a threat to life and will bring immediate response from the Coast Guard or other rescue agencies. False May Days are criminal offenses and can be penalized with fines and reimbursement of rescue operations. Pan Pan can be used for normal emergencies. A typical May Day call would be: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, this is sailing vessel/fishing vessel/motor vessel (name of boat) and announce the problem (i.e.: I have a crew member collapsed on board and is not breathing). Wait 20 seconds for a response and if none, repeat./strong>/h4>h3>Channel 16: Do’s & Don’ts/h3>p data-p-id3>VHF Channel 16 is the international distress frequency; it broadcasts on a frequency of 156.8 MHz and is received worldwide by any VHF radio. It is used for distress and emergency calls as well as for informational broadcasts from the Coast Guard. Channel 16 is not a radio check channel, and it’s not a conversational channel. On summer weekends, there is a constant litany from the US Coast Guard: “Please be advised Channel 16 is not a hailing frequency, it is for emergency use only.” Don’t be “that guy” asking for a radio check or having a conversation with your buddy on 16. Switch to a working channel and hold your conversation there. If you need a radio check, Channel 9 is a good place to start./p>p>strong>What are the top five things you want to know from a sailor or boater who makes a distress call?/strong>/p>p>u>Position/u>: latitude and longitude are ideal, but the Coast Guard is familiar with buoys, daymarkers, and other landmarks./p>p>u>Number of people onboard/u>: it helps to know if there are children, or older persons, and whether the persons onboard can swim./p>p>u>Lifejackets/u>: How many people are wearing lifejackets?/p>p>u>Nature of the distress/u>: tell the Coast Guard what’s wrong. For example, is your vessel disabled, do you have a medical concern, are you lost in inclement weather?/p>p>u>Description of the vessel/u>: In addition to length, hull color, sail or power, the Coast Guard wants to know information such as: is the bilge pump keeping up, has the hull been breached, does the boat have a tower, is part of the boat submerged, are there items floating in the water that would help make you easier to spot, such as a cooler or fenders? Have you set off a flare?/p>p>We hope you never have to make a MAYDAY call, but if you do, with the pointers above, you should be well prepared to call for help. If you cannot get any response in a dire situation, then that is when you should activate your EPIRB./p>h3>DCS & MMSI – Electronic Maydays/h3>p data-p-id24>If you have a radio built in the last 10 years, it’s likely to support Digital Selective Calling (DSC). DSC is a radio messaging protocol that, when correctly set up, sends out your Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) and GPS location as a coded message on multiple radio frequencies. The means of encoding provides a more powerful signal than is present in a verbal radio transmission. You can typically initiate a DSC distress call by turning your radio to Channel 16 and pressing a large red DSC or DISTRESS button after removing its protective cover./p>p data-p-id25>There is a caveat to this “magic button,” and it is a large technical caveat. First, you must register your MMSI or radio identity with the FCC. This can easily be done online with either Sea Tow or BoatUS and is free if you are a member. The next step is to enter that MMSI number into your radio correctly. Finally, you must link a pair of radio wires either directly to your GPS or to a NMEA 2000 bridge./p>p data-p-id26>Only after all three of these steps are done will that big red button correctly summon help./p>h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #003eb1;>INTRODUCING TWO NEW J/BOATS THAT WERE INTRODUCED IN 2021/span>/h2>h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #003eb1;>THE NEW J/9 AND MORE ON THE J/45/span>/h2>h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #003eb1;>Read Below:/span>/h2>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; height: 249px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border0>tbody>tr styleheight: 249px;>td stylewidth: 100%; height: 249px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;>p>img stylemargin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; src/theme/ width426 height250 />strong>span stylefont-size: large;>img stylemargin-right: 5px; margin-left: 5px; src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_IMG_3557.jpg alt width188 height250 />img stylemargin-right: 5px; margin-left: 5px; src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_IMG_3586.jpg alt width187 height250 />img stylemargin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_IMG_3559.jpg alt width188 height250 />/span>/strong>/p>p>strong>span stylefont-size: large;>img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_Screen Shot 2024-07-18 at 10.31.26 AM.jpg alt width886 height520 />/span>/strong>/p>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p aligncenter> /p>p styletext-align: left; aligncenter>strong>span stylefont-size: large;>Is This The Most Comfortable J/Boat Cockpit Ever? YES!/span> In response to the growing need among performance sailors for a more comfortable, simpler and easy-to-own daysailer, J/ Boats announces an exciting NEW 28 footer (the “J/9”) for 2021 with perhaps the most comfortable cockpit and easiest to handle sailplan in this size range. J/9’s deep, secure cockpit has four great corner seats to nestle into and enjoy the day. With friends and family aboard, everyone can find the perfect place to relax. And access aboard has never been easier. A swim platform behind the cockpit allows walk-through boarding, and on those downwind sails home, you can cool off by dragging your feet in the water./strong>/p>p styletext-align: left; aligncenter>strong>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>The boat width is 86 for trailering without a permit and will be available with either a diesel sail drive or Torqueedo electric inboard or fitted for an outboard. A deep and shoal keel is also offered./span>/strong>/p>p styletext-align: left; aligncenter>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>strong> span stylecolor: #005d49;>We have financing opportunities that make buying easy with terms out to 240 months to keep monthly payments down at historically low interest rates/span>span stylecolor: #005d49;>./span> span stylecolor: #169179;>Contact Hoopers for more details./span>/strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: left; aligncenter>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>strong>The J/9 is the first in a new series of modern J daysailers dedicated to making sailing easier, more comfortable, and more inclusive, at a time when escaping to the water and enjoying shared family adventure has never been more important. J/9 – We’ve had a burst of J/9 activity since announcing (DB #1036) the increase in J/9 production at CCF. Four new orders have come in over the last few weeks, the next slot is for September 2025 completion, and CCF is molding one boat every two weeks! HULL# 61 is sold and is going into mold this week as I write. She is headed to our new owner in Minnesota this December or January./strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center; aligncenter>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>strong>BASE PRICE: $131,950/strong>/span>/p>h1 aligncenter>span styletext-decoration: underline; color: #e03e2d;>strong>Expand your Bucket List with the NEW J/45 Offshore Sailing Yacht/strong>/span>/h1>p styletext-align: center;>strong>J/45 – The J/40 introduction has doubled the normal level of J/45 leads, and with the/strong>br />strong>J/45 “Cruising” model (5.9’ draft) to display at Annapolis next week, we’re projecting/strong>br />strong>a growing backlog for this model as well. The next available hull is in October of 2025./strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span styletext-decoration: underline; color: #e03e2d;>img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_J45_OnnevanderWal_28221239.jpg alt width390 height255 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_J45_OnnevanderWal_28221275v2.jpg alt width389 height255 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_J45_OnnevanderWal_28221521v2.jpg alt width386 height252 />/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span styletext-decoration: underline; color: #e03e2d;>Images by Onne VanderWal/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #0b1dc0;>strong>The stunning J45 (Hull #2, pictured above) is out the door at J/Composites and was the first of this design headed to the USA and now she has arrived in Newport RI. ACADIA arrived unscratched from the UK. This was following a 500-mile offshore delivery through gale-force conditions that rounded out a successful sea-trial for the next J/45 to launch since the new design debuted at the Cannes Yachting Festival last September. She then underwent 5 days of recommissioning, sail testing, photo-shoots and sailing with magazine editors. Then the new owners and several members of the J Family including Rod & Lucia Johnstone took her for the first state-side sail. Dave Reed, editor of Sailing World, posted a short action video taken during Sailing Worlds test sail. Watch it at: a titleJ45 Sailing World Video href>>/strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #0b1dc0;>strong>The video shows how smoothly the carbon Furlerboom operates. The entire mainsail hoisting and furlingoperation is managed with a single electric halyard winch, which greatly reduces the clutter on the mast vs. other systems. The main sail bolt rope improves the air flow over theleading edge of the main and theres no extra weight aloft or rattling sounds. The next available J/45 is expected to be available in April of 2024./strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #0b1dc0;>strong>ACADIA is extensively equipped for cruising for a family of 6 with an interior plan of 3 cabins & 2 heads & comfort features such as A/C, genset, inverter & built-in sound system./strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #0b1dc0;>strong>Set up for 2 people to sail, ACADIA is equipped with an electric windlass, electric main halyard winch, retractable bow thruster & in-boom mainsail furling./strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: #0b1dc0;>strong> The next available delivery is November 2025 BASE PRICE: $749,950/strong>/span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span styletext-decoration: underline; color: #e03e2d;>The new 45’ offshore sailing yacht that may change all of your sailing plans. /span>/strong>/p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span styletext-decoration: underline; color: #e03e2d;>Leading-edge hull design meets refined interior design to raise the bar on cruising comfort and performance like no J before it. /span>/strong>/p>p>span classyiv9241591904subTitle>Effortless, Enjoyable Sailing: /span>The J/45 is a true sailing yacht, designed and built for the sea by life-long bluewater sailors. The J/Boats and J/Composites teams have collaborated to create a special design for discerning sailors seeking an exceptional sailing experience. br />The J/45’s feather-light touch on the helm and easy reach of the sail controls delivers pure enjoyment as you sail in perfect balance across the ocean waves. br />The J/45 can be sailed solo, cruised by 2-3 couples or large family, and pleasure sailed or raced with room for the whole crew. This is an investment grade yacht that won’t require a professional crew to sail, handle or />span classyiv9241591904subTitle>Shes comfortable at Sea and at Anchor. /span>The J/45’s sea-kindly motion and comfort is built-in. The combination of advanced composite construction, an easily-driven hull shape, and low center-of-gravity, results in the stability and smooth sailing motion normally reserved for larger yachts. Quality matters and the J/45 makes no compromise when it comes to critical components like the composite materials, keel, spars, winches and deck hardware, that all contribute to a comfortable motion while />Comfort at sea is also a function of how much “effort” is exerted by the crew. With the J/45, the same main and jib combination that performs in 6 knots of wind can be “de-powered” to perform in 20 knots - no sail change needed. This cuts crew work in half compared to constant sail-changing needed on heavier cruisers. The J/45’s exceptional light air sailing capability also means less engine time and a longer range between />br />The same secure and protected cockpit at sea then transforms into the social center while at anchor - comfortable seats with back rests, large cockpit table, and easy swimming access off the transom. A large companionway dodger connected to an aft bimini provides protection from the elements. br />br />a href target_blank relnofollow noopener noreferrer>img src altJ/45 offshore sailing yacht- white oak interior width574 height384 />/a>a href target_blank relnofollow noopener noreferrer>img src altJ/45 offshore sailing yacht- interior plans width574 height394 />/a>br />span classyiv9241591904subTitle>Refined Interior Design and Living Space. /span>The J/45 breaks new ground for J/Boats for interior design and comfort thanks to French interior designer Isabelle Racoupeau. Working in close collaboration with the J/Composites Shipyard, Racoupeau has brought her vast experience in cruising yacht design to create a beautifully finished and elegant interior befitting the newest cruising J. br />Owners may choose from a two cabin/two head or a three cabin/two head interior arrangement. One can further personalize the interior finish with three choices of wood (white oak, teak, or walnut) and extensive upholstery options. A wide range of onboard systems are available (air conditioning, heat, sound system, etc) to enhance cruising />br />strong>span classyiv9241591904subTitle>Design Pedigree/span>/strong>br />Great boats don’t happen overnight. They evolve from the joint experiences of designer, builder and owners to become state-of-the-art. The J/45 is such a yacht .... building upon the experience of 15,000+ J’s built since 1977 that have taken their owners to the far reaches of the planet on numerous trans-oceanic and around-the-world passages. br />br />J owners are passionate about their boats! And, J cruising designs are among the most sought-after for their unique combination of sailing comfort and performance. The J/45 is the culmination of three years of collaborative work between the design, engineering and build teams at J/Boats and J/Composites to create a unique and compelling yacht for today’s />strong>span classyiv9241591904subTitle>Built Offshore Tough/span>/strong>br />The J/45 is built strong by J/Composites (in the Vendee region of France) with the latest advanced composite resin infusion technology – twice as strong as hand-laid fiberglass boats. J/Composites was the first European-based shipyard to adopt the patented SCRIMP resin infusion system in the mid 90’s and is now one of the most experienced sailboat builders in the world for sandwich/infusion />br />Anchoring the internal structure of the J/45 hull is an extensive composite grid and series of structural composite bulkheads that are bonded to the hull and deck. The J/45’s custom-engineered structure provides exceptional stiffness and optimal strength-to-weight, without sacrificing the comfort of the living spaces below. br />br />strong>span classyiv9241591904subTitle>Expand your Bucket List/span>/strong>br />Is there an epic cruise you’ve dreamed of, or a signature racing event you’d give anything to enter? The J/45 can be sailed on her own bottom to almost anywhere in the world. Imagine setting sail from the Canary Islands in November on the ARC Cruising Rally to the Caribbean. Then, cruise the islands with the family over the holidays. Invite your sailing mates to join you in February for the Rolex Caribbean 600. Then, set off on another leisurely cruise. Unplug for weeks at a time or stay fully connected in “remote working” mode. Discover a healthier, happier life/work balance all while exploring the world and checking-off your growing bucket list. For pricing and availability, please contact us. strong>At this writing hull # 7 is sold and arriving for the Annapolis Boat Show . $749,950 The next available delivery is November 2025./strong>br />br />For more information and technical specifications about the a href target_blank relnofollow noopener noreferrer>NEW J/45 offshore sailing yacht- please click here/a>./p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border-color: #E03E2D; border-style: solid; border2>tbody>tr>td stylewidth: 50%; text-align: center;>br />img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src/theme/ />/td>td stylewidth: 50%; text-align: center;>h1>span stylefont-size: 12pt;> The Newest J/70 sold by Hoopers Yachts/span>/h1>p>span stylefont-size: 12pt;> strong> This brings the fleet up to 22 boats/strong>/span>/p>img stylefloat: right; src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_Warford.jpg alt width449 height444 />h1>span stylecolor: #092583;>strong stylefont-size: 3rem;>J/70/strong>/span>/h1>p aligncenter>strong>There are nearly 1,800 J/70s sailing in over 25 countries - nothing short of remarkable. Call for price and availability. Right now they are being produced on an as-needed basis from J/Composites. /strong>/p>p aligncenter>strong>$62,900 for the boat. /strong>/p>p aligncenter>strong>span stylecolor: #0000ff; font-size: x-large;>span stylecolor: #040404; font-size: medium;>em>20 kts on a J/70: (a href>watch the video/a>)/em>/span>/span>/strong>/p>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border-color: #e03e2d; border-style: solid; height: 305px; border2>tbody>tr styleheight: 283px;>td stylewidth: 50%; height: 283px;>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>span stylecolor: #0000ff; font-size: x-large;>strong> /strong>/span>/span>img stylefloat: right; src/theme/ width159 height230 />strong styletext-align: -webkit-center;>img stylefloat: right; src/theme/ width366 height207 />/strong>/td>td stylewidth: 50%; height: 283px;>span stylecolor: blue; font-size: x-large;>span classyiv8835933635subTitle>J/99- the seriously fast, comfortable, offshore shorthanded speedster/span>br />span stylecolor: black; font-size: small;>strong>The J/99 is the newest addition to the J/Sport range, combining headroom and comfortable interior accommodation with the tiller-driven responsiveness of a sport boat. The sail and deck plan are optimized for easy handling with fewer crew, and incorporate the latest developments from the award-winning J/121 and the new Offshore Sailing World champion J/112E. The interior features twin aft cabins, a proper sit-down forward facing nav station, an L-shaped/strong>strong>galley, and a private forward head with sail locker. Plus, the J/99 has been nominated for European Yacht of the Year Award. The J/99 is on fire with wins at Block Island Race Week and NYYC Annual Regatta, and production is steaming along at one boat per week. /strong>/span>/span>span stylecolor: blue; font-size: x-large;>span stylecolor: black; font-size: small;>strong>Base: $225,950 J/99 – Next available slot is March 2025./strong>/span>/span>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: red;>span stylecolor: #001dc7; font-size: xx-large;>strong>HOOPERS YACHTS IS ONE OF THE OLDEST STANDING SAILBOAT DEALERSHIPS IN OUR AREA. WE ARE J/BOAT DEALERS PLUS WE SELL INTERESTING PRE-OWNED POWERBOATS AND SAILBOATS ACROSS THE COUNTRY AND ABROAD./strong>/span>/span>/p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; height: 766px; border1>tbody>tr styleheight: 22px;>td stylewidth: 100%; height: 22px;> /td>/tr>tr styleheight: 203px;>td stylewidth: 100%; text-align: center; height: 203px;>img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_IMG_0204 (2).jpg alt width228 height171 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_140570221_709328109731862_4471138487526727738_n.jpg altCarver 3207 width254 height173 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_IMG_8243SmFile.jpg alt width264 height175 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_hunter_380_photo.jpg alt width320 height170 />/td>/tr>tr styleheight: 22px;>td stylewidth: 100%; height: 22px;> /td>/tr>tr styleheight: 249px;>td stylewidth: 100%; text-align: center; height: 249px;>img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_-1319730384881580044SOLD.jpg alt width264 height184 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_IMG_2905_SOLD!!!.jpg alt width203 height184 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_IMG_4066_SOLD.jpg alt width247 height186 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_IMG_4267SmFile.jpg alt width223 height188 />/td>/tr>tr styleheight: 248px;>td stylewidth: 100%; text-align: center; height: 248px;>img styletext-align: -webkit-center; src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_DSC00433_SOLD.jpg alt width169 height188 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_IMG_1592_SOLD.jpg alt width373 height186 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_DSC01925_SOLD.jpg alt width183 height183 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_IMG_1757_SOLD.jpg alt width289 height181 />/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p> /p>p aligncenter>span stylecolor: #ff0000; font-size: 300%;>strong>J/121 Wins Boat of the Year Award/strong>/span>/p>p aligncenter>strong>span stylecolor: #ff0000; font-size: 300%;>img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_091717BTIS_8234-215884-913-470-100-c.jpg alt width278 height191 />img src/theme/ width417 height191 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_091717BTIS_8196-215880-913-470-100-c.jpg alt width343 height191 />/span>/strong>/p>p>Sailing World Magazine just posted the BOTY winners on Simply put, the J/121 is a bucket-list boat, designed to tackle adventure-style races where its more about the experience than winning. Jeff Johnstone observes that signature races were attracting record fleets. These are the short-handed, adventure style races. J/Boats goal was to cut the crew in half on a 40-foot boat built to be a point to point distance boat, but still pass the beer can and day sail set too. The concept was to build a boat with a crew of 5 with no need for rail meat. The 800 lb. water ballast, controlled from the cockpit takes care of that. In 15-20 knots the boat is really fast and stable with or without the water ballast. The rudder never loses her grip. Shes rock solid in a breeze - a great boat all around. She has a 5-sail inventory, most of which are on furlers. The J/121 isnt configured for cruising, but will provide comfort for distant racing and the V-berth option increased sleeping capacity. The berths are designed for passage-making, there is synthetic flooring, molded furniture and mahogany trim making it homey while taking on the day to day race abuse. The cockpit ergonomics are excellent and the winches are well-positioned. Headsails are trimmed with hybrid floating jib leads that allow in-hauling or barber-hauling. You can tweak all day long on a long offshore leg. There are already 4 J/121s entered in the Bermuda Race this year including one in the double-handed division. On the heels of a victory in the 2019 Transpac Race, 2 west coats boats are gearing up for the 2020 offshore circuit. The next available production slot is TBD. a href>span stylecolor: blue;>>/a>/p>p>img src/theme/ width309 height203 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_170903_CONANICUT_AROUNDISLAND_IMAGES_0565_TODD-214526-913-470-100-c.jpg alt width367 height204 />img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_2017_0906_J121_Todd_004-214522-913-470-100-c.jpg alt width370 height205 />strong>span stylecolor: blue; font-size: x-large;>br />/span>/strong>/p>p>strong>span stylecolor: blue; font-size: x-large;> $419,900 Production not currently scheduled. Call for details. /span>/strong>/p>p>strong>span stylecolor: blue; font-size: x-large;> iframe titleYouTube video player src width800 height300 frameborder0 allowfullscreenallowfullscreen>/iframe> br />/span>/strong>/p>p>strong>span stylecolor: blue; font-size: x-large;> /span>/strong>span stylefont-size: large;>strong>span stylecolor: red;>span stylefont-size: x-large;>J/BOATS/span> - The new E series from J/Boats offers the perfect blend of all-around J/Boat Sport Cruising performance with live-aboard cruising luxury. The E is for Evolution and Elegance in performance yacht design. Why settle for anything less than a great sailing boat that can take you where and when you want to go in comfort, style and speed? Responsive, stable and pure magic to steer, this is what sailing is all about./span>/strong>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-size: large;>strong>J/112E - We know of no other 36 footer on the market with such a comfortable cruising layout that can sail upwind at 7+ kts and hit 12.5 kts downwind in 20 kts of breeze. Its enjoying its highest rate of production in 5 years. With ORC racing on the rise in North America, many seem to just be discovering this versatile family cruiser can also win bucket list races like the Chicago Mac. /strong>/span>/p>p>strong>span stylefont-size: large;>$349,950 base. span stylecolor: #005d49;> The next estimated finish date now is June 2025/span>/span>/strong>/p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border1>tbody>tr>td stylewidth: 33.3333%;>img src/theme/ width502 height250 />/td>td stylewidth: 33.3333%;>img src/theme/ />/td>td stylewidth: 33.3333%;>img stylefloat: right; src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_J112E_Main_Salon-17603-913-470-100-c.jpg alt width494 height258 />/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border1>tbody>tr>td stylewidth: 47.0263%;>img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_3JML7020-3775-913-470-100-c.jpg alt width539 height281 />/td>td stylewidth: 52.9046%;>p>Named the Best Performance Boat Over 30 Ft. the J112E is an impressive boat with beautiful lines from the J/Design team. It has the feeling of a 40 footer in terms of the cockpit and interior spaciousness- the sense of light inside is breathtaking. Yet, its nimbleness under sail is surprising to many. A recent test with just 100% jib in 15 kts TWS yielded an easy 7.5 kts boatspeed with hardly any heel— cocktail cruising at its best! Yet, throw in the power of the 55 ft tall rig with full mainsail deployed and the J/112E kicked up her heels and simply took off at 8.75 kts. She accelerates with alacrity and feels velvety smooth on the helm; the high aspect ratio rudder design and ultra-low friction rudder bearings provide the trademark finger-tip steering on any point of sail. /p>p>See the J/112E in this Cruising World video review: span stylecolor: blue;>strong>a href>>/strong>/span>/p>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>h3>Here is a video link to the exciting new modern J/112E Interior: a href>span stylecolor: #001dc7;>>/a>span stylecolor: #001dc7;> /span>/h3>div>center>strong>em>span stylecolor: #0000ff;> /span>/em>/strong>/center>/div>hr />p>em> /em>em> /em> /p>h3 idh_6798898652871678912241954>a titlePip Hare Spinnaker Flying href8GhAjgXxQ29N>Heres a link to: How to fly a spinnaker with a crew of two/a>/h3>p> /p>hr />p>strong>INTRODUCING FROM J/BOATS: J/122 E span stylecolor: black;>Call for details/span>/strong>/p>p aligncenter> /p>p aligncenter>strong>img src/theme/ width371 height247 />img src/theme/ width371 height247 />img src/theme/ width369 height246 />/strong>/p>p aligncenter>strong>The J/122 is one of the most successful 40 footers worldwide of the past five years, compiling a record unmatched by other 40 footers- winning major events on three different continents in both double-handed and fully-crewed events. However, what truly sets the J/122 apart from other performance boats is her dual-purpose appeal as an all-around family cruiser. That attraction increases dramatically with the recent unveiling by J Composites (at the La Rochelle Show) of the J/122 E - a fully restyled J/122 with new cabin port layout, hull ports and beautiful interior, designed to enhance the J/122 cruising qualities while still delivering the same race-winning performance. Both the E and Classic versions of the J/122 will be offered for 2014 in the two cabin and three cabin arrangements./strong>/p>p>strong> The first J/122E for North America is already on order. The new owner is planning to cruise the Great Lakes as well as sail in the Chicago-Mac Race. Contact Hoopers for more details and pricing. Next availability TBD./strong>/p>p>strong>NW YACHTING MAGAZINE J/122E REVIEW:/strong> span stylecolor: blue;>a href>> /span>/p>p> /p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border-color: #e03e2d; border-style: solid; height: 556px; border2>tbody>tr styleheight: 90px;>td stylewidth: 100%; height: 90px;>h3 styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #c5003d;>The Wayzata Yacht Club has a J/70 one design fleet. So, if you are interested in racing on one of the most fun sailboats ever, contact me for details./span>/strong>/h3>h3 styletext-align: center;>strong>J/70 NEWS a href>span stylecolor: #0066cc;>>/a>/strong> /h3>/td>/tr>tr styleheight: 290px;>td stylewidth: 100%; height: 290px;>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border1>tbody>tr>td stylewidth: 33.3333%;>img src/theme/ />/td>td stylewidth: 33.3333%;>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_68120219 small file.jpg alt width387 height238 />/td>td stylewidth: 33.3333%;>img stylefloat: right; src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_2013_0123_KWRW_J70_015.jpg alt width412 height235 />/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>h3 styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylecolor: #c5003d;> /span>/strong>/h3>/td>/tr>tr styleheight: 176px;>td stylewidth: 100%; height: 176px;>p>The most exciting and fastest selling J Boat introduction since the J/24. 500 orders in just 19 months and the largest one-design fleet in her intro year at nearly every major East Coast Regatta including Key West RW, St. Pete NOOD, Charleston RW & Annapolis NOOD and 90 entries for the 2013 NA Championship in Annapolis. All ages can sail the boat (How many boats can excite juniors and young adults yet be stable enough for infants and elders?) She can be launched at a ramp and rigged without marina help. /p>p>strong>CONTACT NE AND WE WILL EMAIL YOU VERY COMPLETE INFO THAT WILL LET YOU KNOW EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE J/70 AND MORE/strong>/p>p>strong>Heres a You Tube Video on the J/70: a href>span stylecolor: #0066cc;>(Click For Video)/span>/a>/strong>/p>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p> /p>hr />p>strong> /strong>J/111 Sailing Fast! a href>span stylecolor: #0066cc;>>/a>/p>p>strong> CLASS RULES FOR THE J/111 JUST RELEASED. LITTLE HAS CHANGED EXCEPT NOW THEY ARE SANCTIONED./strong>/p>p>strong> span stylecolor: #c5003d;>$335,950 base /span>span stylecolor: #42a100;>J/Composite has a 3 boat production run planned for next winter to support the resurgent J/111 fleet in North America. 27+ boats are now sailing on the Great Lakes and theres great momentum in Seattle and SoCal. The next available hull is in February 2024/span>/strong>/p>center>a href>img src/upload/342/link_images/013fdd755002830cb7d4a4974a220143_2013_0123_KWRW_J111_001small.jpg alt width538 height329 />img src alt />span stylecolor: #0066cc;> img src/theme/ />/span>/a>br />img src/theme/ width347 height230 /> img src/theme/ width350 height232 /> img src/theme/ width354 height235 />/center>p> /p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>To see the J/111 sailing, catch these short movies on You Tube/strong>/p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border0>tbody>tr>td stylewidth: 33.3333%; text-align: right;>iframe titleYouTube video player src width500 height281 frameborder0 allowfullscreenallowfullscreen>/iframe>/td>td stylewidth: 33.3333%;>iframe titleYouTube video player src width375 height281 frameborder0 allowfullscreenallowfullscreen>/iframe>/td>/tr>tr>td stylewidth: 33.3333%; text-align: right;>strong>30 kts on Hull #3 in San Diego /strong>/td>td stylewidth: 33.3333%; text-align: left;>strong>Speed Indeed !!!!/strong>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p aligncenter> /p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border1>tbody>tr>td stylewidth: 42.4423%;>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src/theme/ />/td>td stylewidth: 57.5577%;>p>strong>span stylecolor: #001dc7; font-size: xx-large;>J/80 /span>span stylecolor: #c5003d; font-size: x-large;>$53,900. Production not currently scheduled, but there is growing interest. If the overall logistics pan out, and the lower container rates hold, we will offer J/80s this winter. Stay tuned.span stylecolor: black; font-size: large;> /span>/span>/strong>/p>p>strong>span stylecolor: #c5003d; font-size: x-large;>span stylecolor: black; font-size: large;>J/Boats is happy to put together a J/80 Worlds special that factor in a charter fee as part of the package. Contact us if interested./span> /span>/strong>/p>p>strong>The J/80 class is growing at over 50 boats per year with hull #1500 just raced the 2013 Worlds in France (120 boat fleet). The large cockpit makes for the ideal family day sailor (5 or 6 comfortably). Shes offshore capable and is currently the #1 modern training platform for most countries in Europe. /strong>/p>p>strong>Heres a great photo depicting the speed of a J/80: a href>span stylecolor: #0066cc;>(Watch YouTube Video)/span>/a>/strong>/p>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p>strong>span stylefont-size: x-large;>Meet Hoopers:/span> /strong>/p>p>strong>Hoopers Yachts has been in business since late 1986 and so are nearing our 39th year of taking care of our customers with their boating needs. /strong>/p>p>strong>span stylecolor: red;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>em> /em>/span> THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR BUSINESS. STAY SAFE. /span>/strong>/p>p>strong>CONTACT INFO: 612-590-7235 a href/contactus>Contact Us Online/a>/strong>/p>/div> /div> footer> div classwrapper> ul classmenu idfootermenu>li classmc_1369 m16856 onclick>a href/ classselected >Home/a>/li>li classmc_1369 m16857 onclick>a href/DirectLink/j-boat-news class >J-Boat News/a>/li>li classmc_1369 m16858 onclick>a href/DirectLink/photo-gallery class >Photo Gallery/a>/li>li classmc_1369 m16859 onclick>a href/DirectLink/testimonials class >Testimonials/a>/li>li classmc_1369 m16860 onclick>a href/DirectLink/links class >Links/a>/li>li classmc_1369 m16861 onclick>a href/DirectLink/articles class >Articles/a>/li>li classmc_1369 m16862 onclick>a href/DirectLink/top-reasons-to-use-a-broker class >Top Reasons to Use a Broker/a>/li>li classmc_1369 m16863 onclick>a href/DirectLink/used-sails class >Used Sails/a>/li>li classmc_1369 m16864 onclick>a href/DirectLink/st-croix-sailing-school class >St. Croix Sailing School SCSS/a>/li>li classmc_1369 m16865 onclick>a href/DirectLink/st-croix-sailing-club class >St Croix Sailing Club/a>/li>/ul>hr> img idfooter_logo src/upload/7/banners/9783c22103fbdd17f65cfbd85dc578cb_logo.png/> div idfooter_info> h3>Hoopers Yachts/h3> 871 Tamarack Lane, Hudson WI 54016br> Phone: a hreftel:(612) 590-7235>(612) 590-7235/a> a hreftel:>/a>br> Email: a>> /div>br> ©2000-2025 Hoopers Yachts, All Rights> Hosted by a href titleAfterNorth - IDX Integrations Team. >img stylevertical-align:middle;height:30px;width:83px; src/theme/ altAfterNorth titleAfterNorth - Innovative Solutions for Tomorrow, Today.>/a>. | a href>Webmail/a> | a href relno-follow>Editor/a> /div> /footer> div id__templates>/div>script>var navbar1 document.getElementById(background);var sticky1 navbar1.offsetTop;window.addEventListener(scroll, show_sticky1);function show_sticky1() { if (window.pageYOffset > sticky1) { navbar1.classList.add(sticky); } else { navbar1.classList.remove(sticky); }}var slideshow start_slideshow(slideshow, /theme/, /theme/, /theme/, /theme/, /theme/, /theme/, /theme/, /theme/, /theme/, /theme/, 10000, 4000);start_popupshow(popupshow, Welcome to Hoopers Yachts!, When you buy a boat, you buy a way of life., We thank you for your business., We are open for business., We can sell your used sail and powerboat., Upper Mid-West Sailing Experts, 10000, 4000);on_load(function() { // show_link_content(content, 4742);});var navbar document.getElementById(menusticky);var sticky navbar.offsetTop;window.addEventListener(scroll, show_sticky);function show_sticky() { if (window.pageYOffset > sticky) { navbar.classList.add(sticky); } else { navbar.classList.remove(sticky); }}function toggle_menu() { }function show_menu() { let menu document.getElementById(menubox); if(menu ! null) { menu.classList.add(show); hidden; }}function close_menu() { let menu document.getElementById(menubox); if(menu ! null) { menu.classList.remove(show); auto; }}function start_popupshow(element, data, interval, transition, delay) { let e element; if(typeof e string) e document.getElementById(e); if(e null) return; e.slides ; data.forEach(function(d) { let s document.createElement(div); s.innerHTML d; all + transition + ms; e.appendChild(s); e.slides.push(s); }); e.curslide 0; show_slide(0); function show_slide(i) { if(i 0) i 0; if(i > e.slides.length) i e.slides.length - 1; e.slides.forEach(function(s) { s.classList.remove(show); }); e.slidesi.classList.add(show); e.curslide i; } function show_next() { let i e.curslide + 1; if(i > e.slides.length) i 0; show_slide(i); } function show_prev() { let i e.curslide - 1; if(i 0) i e.slides.length; show_slide(i); } setInterval(function() { show_next(); }, interval); return e;}// test commenton_load(function () { init_links(li,button); init_filter_inputs(); init_checkboxes();});if (typeof on_start function) window.addEventListener(load, on_start, false);if (typeof on_keyup function) window.addEventListener(keyup, on_keyup, false);if (typeof on_keydown function) window.addEventListener(keydown, on_keydown, false);if (typeof on_keypress function) window.addEventListener(keypress, on_keypress, false);function ismobile() { return screen.width 900 || window.innerWidth 900;}function on_load(callback) { if (callback ! undefined && typeof callback function) window.addEventListener(load, callback, false);}function toggle_element(element) { if(typeof element string) element document.getElementById(element); if(element undefined || element null) return; ! block ? 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return a href/Manager/Admin/AgencyEdit?agency_id + data.Id + > + get_string(data.Name) + /a>;}function get_domain_atag(domain) { if (is_null(domain)) return ; if (domain ) return ; return a hrefhttp:// + domain + target_blank> + domain + /a>;}function get_domain_atag_v2(domain) { if (is_null(domain) || is_null(domain.Domain)) return ; if (domain.Domain ) return ; return a hrefhttp://dev. + domain.Domain + target_blank>dev/a> a hrefhttp:// + domain.Domain + target_blank> + domain.Domain + /a>;}function get_dev_domain_atag(domain) { if (is_null(domain)) return ; if (domain ) return ; return a hrefhttp://dev. + domain + target_blank>dev/a>;}function get_http_url(url) { if (is_null(url) || url ) return ; if (url.startsWith(http)) return url; return http:// + url;}function to_param_value(val) { var v val.trim(); if (v undefined) return null; if (v ) return null; return v;}function days_diff(date1, date2) { return Math.round((date2.getTime() - date1.getTime()) / (1000 * 3600 * 24));}function getQueryString() { let key false, res {}, itm null; // get the query string without the ? let qs; // check for the key as an argument if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments0.length > 1) key arguments0; // make a regex pattern to grab key/value let pattern /(^&+)(^&*)/g; // loop the items in the query string, either // find a match to the argument, or build an object // with key/value pairs while (itm pattern.exec(qs)) { if (key ! false && decodeURIComponent(itm1) key) return decodeURIComponent(itm2); else if (key false) resdecodeURIComponent(itm1) decodeURIComponent(itm2); } return key false ? res : null;}var mls_data ;var mls_offset 0;var mls_pagesize 120;var mls_auto_load true;var mls_loading false;var mls_stop_load false;function mls_start_search(param, callback) { if (callback undefined) return; if (mls_loading true) { mls_stop_load true; let timer setInterval(function () { if (mls_loading false) { mls_offset 0; mls_stop_load false; callback(param); clearInterval(timer); } }, 100); } else { mls_offset 0; mls_stop_load false; callback(param); 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});}function mls_get_agent_list(on_result, on_error) { if (on_result undefined) return; ajax(POST, /Api2/AgentList, null, function (data) { if (data.startsWith({)) { let result JSON.parse(data); on_result(result); } else { on_error && on_error(data); } }, function (data) { on_error && on_error(Error in Query POST.); });}function mls_get_agent_photo_url(url) { if (is_null(url) || get_str(url) ) return /photo/default_profile_photo.png; return get_str(url);}var direct_links_data window.unescape(%5B%7B%22Links%22%3A%22%5B%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4761%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22about-us%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22About%20Us%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22url%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4767%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22articles%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22Articles%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22url%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4768%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22boating-security%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22Boating%20Security%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4769%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22bottom-painting-never-got-e%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22Bottom%20Painting%20Never%20Got%20E%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4742%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22home%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22Home%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22url%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4760%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22hoopers-service%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22Hooper%27s%20Service%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22url%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4780%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22j-boat-news%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22J-Boat%20News%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4743%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22j-boats%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22J-Boats%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4747%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22j-composites%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22J%20Composites%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4748%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22j111%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22J111%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4749%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22j112e%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22J112E%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4750%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22j121%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22J121%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4751%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22j122e%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22J122E%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4752%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22j45%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22J45%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4745%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22j70%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22J70%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22query%5C%22%3A%5C%22%5C%22%2C%5C%22tomap%5C%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%5C%22Id%5C%22%3A4746%2C%5C%22IsGroup%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22label%5C%22%3A%5C%22j70-testimonials%5C%22%2C%5C%22title%5C%22%3A%5C%22J70%20Testimonials%5C%22%2C%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5C%22;var mls_links null;var mls_group_links null;if (direct_links_data.startsWith({)) { var result JSON.parse(direct_links_data)0; if (get_str(result.Links).startsWith({)) mls_links JSON.parse(result.Links); if (get_str(result.GroupLinks).startsWith({)) { mls_group_links JSON.parse(result.GroupLinks); mls_group_links.forEach(function (group) { if (group.links ! null) { group.links.forEach(function (link) { link.group_name group.label; }) } }); }}function mls_get_direct_links(on_result) { if (on_result undefined) return; on_result(mls_links, mls_group_links);}function mls_filter_direct_link_groups(grouplinks, groupnames, label_template, link_template) { if (is_null(grouplinks)) return ; let str ; if (is_null(groupnames)) { grouplinks.forEach(function (group) { str + label_template.replaceAll($LABEL$, group.label); group.links.forEach(function (link) { str + link_template.replaceAll($LABEL$, link.label).replaceAll($URL$, mls_direct_link_to_http_url(link)); }); }); } else { groupnames.forEach(function (name) { grouplinks.forEach(function (group) { if (group.label name) { str + label_template.replaceAll($LABEL$, name); group.links.forEach(function (link) { str + link_template.replaceAll($LABEL$, link.label).replaceAll($URL$, mls_direct_link_to_http_url(link)); }); } }); }); } return str;}function mls_get_direct_links_for_group(group_name, on_result) { if (on_result undefined) return; if (!is_null(mls_group_links)) { mls_group_links.forEach(function (group) { if (group.label group_name) { on_result(group.links); } }) }}function mls_get_direct_links_for_class(class_name, on_result) { if (on_result undefined) return; let links ; if (!is_null(mls_links)) { mls_links.forEach(function (link) { let classes get_str(link.classes).split(,); if (classes.includes(class_name)) links.push(link); }); } if (!is_null(mls_group_links)) { mls_group_links.forEach(function (group) { if (!is_null(group.links)) { group.links.forEach(function (link) { let classes get_str(link.classes).split(,); if (classes.includes(class_name)) links.push(link); }); } }) } if (links.length 0) links null; on_result(links);}function mls_link_label(link) { if (get_str(link.title) ! ) return link.title; return get_str(link.label);}function mls_link_name_to_url(name) { return name.replaceAll( , -).replaceAll(,, -).replaceAll(+, -).replaceAll($, _).replaceAll(&, _).replaceAll(/, _).replaceAll(?, _).replaceAll(#, _);}function mls_direct_link_to_http_url(link) { if(is_null(link)) return ; // is_null(link.query)) return ; return /DirectLink/ + link.Id; // if (link.query.startsWith(http) || link.query.startsWith(/)) return link.query; // let group_name mls_link_name_to_url(get_str(link.group_name)); // if (group_name ! ) group_name + /; // return link.tomap true ? // /MapSearch?query + link.query.replaceAll(\n, ).replaceAll(%, *) : // // /MapSearch?maphide&query + link.query.replaceAll(\n, ).replaceAll(%, *) : // /DirectLink/ + group_name + mls_link_name_to_url(link.label);}function show_link_content(element, link_id) { if(typeof element string) element document.getElementById(element); if(element null) return; ajax(POST, /Api2/DirectLinkGet, { link_id: link_id }, function (data) { if(data.startsWith({)) { let link JSON.parse(data)0; element.innerHTML link.Content; } });}function mls_param_to_http_param(param) { let result ; // if(param.columns ! undefined && param.columns ! null) result.push(columns + param.columns); if (param.keys ! undefined && param.keys ! null) result.push(keys + param.keys); if (param.values ! undefined && param.values ! null) result.push(values + param.values); if (param.query ! undefined && param.query ! null) result.push(query + param.query); if (param.order ! undefined && param.order ! null) result.push(order + param.order); return result.join(&);}function price_str(amount, decimalCount, decimal, thousands, sign) { // 2, decimal ., thousands ,) { try { if (decimalCount undefined) decimalCount 0; if (decimal undefined) decimal .; if (thousands undefined) thousands ,; if (sign undefined) sign $; decimalCount Math.abs(decimalCount); decimalCount isNaN(decimalCount) ? 0 : decimalCount; const negativeSign amount 0 ? - : ; let i parseInt(amount Math.abs(Number(amount) || 0).toFixed(decimalCount)).toString(); let j (i.length > 3) ? i.length % 3 : 0; return sign + negativeSign + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + thousands : ) + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?\d)/g, $1 + thousands) + (decimalCount ? decimal + Math.abs(amount - i).toFixed(decimalCount).slice(2) : ); } catch (e) { console.log(e) }}function price_short_str(price) { if(price || is_null(price)) return ; if(price 1000) return $+price; if(price 1000000) return $ + (Math.round(price/100) / 10) + K; if(price 1000000000) return $ + (Math.round(price/100000) / 10) + M; if(price 1000000000000) return $ + (Math.round(price/100000000) / 10) + B;}function photo_path(data, size) { let url ; if (is_null(data) || data.PHOTOCOUNT 0) { url /photo/coming_soon; if(get_str(size) ! ) url + - + size; return url + .jpg; } if (data.ORGMARK MLSGrid) url /Media/MLSGrid/download/ + data.MLSNUMBER + /1; else url /Media/ + data.ORGMARK + /download/ + data.ORGMARK + data.ORGID + /1; // else if (data.ORGMARK MLSGrid) url + data.MLSNUMBER + /1; // else url + data.ORGMARK + /download/ + data.ORGMARK + data.ORGID + /1; if(get_str(size) ! ) url + - + size; return url;}function photo_thumb_path(data) { return photo_path(data, 320x240);}function photo_wide_path(data) { return photo_path(data, 320x180);}function mls_card_html(template, data, param) { // param { // reserve: reserve parameter>, // addition: additional parameter>, // onerrorphoto: onerror photo url>, // noprefix: true/false>, // } if(is_null(param)) param { noprefix: }; if(get_str(param.onerrorphoto) ) param.onerrorphoto /photo/not_available-320x240.jpg; let ar ; append_data(ar, data.MLSCLASS); append_data(ar, data.BEDROOMS, beds); append_data(ar, data.BATHSTOTAL, baths); append_data(ar, data.LIVINGAREA, sqft); append_data(ar, data.ACRES, acres); let ar1 append_data(ar1, date_str(data.MODIFICATIONTIMESTAMP), updated); append_data(ar1, date_str(data.LISTDATE), listed); append_data(ar1, data.YEARBUILT, built); let watername is_null(data.WATERFRONTNAME) || data.WATERFRONTNAME None || data.WATERFRONTNAME N/A ? : get_str(data.WATERFRONTNAME); let contingency is_null(data.CONTINGENCY) || data.CONTINGENCY None || data.CONTINGENCY N/A ? : get_str(data.CONTINGENCY); let hotprice ; let hotclass nochange; let hotdate new Date(); hotdate.setDate(hotdate.getDate() - 12); if(new Date(data.LASTPRICEDATE) > hotdate) { let price data.LISTPRICE-data.LASTPRICE; if(price 0) { hotprice - + price_short_str(-price); hotclass reduct; } if(price > 0) { if(data.LASTPRICE 0) { hotprice Repost; hotclass repost; } else { hotprice + + price_short_str(price); hotclass rise; } } if(price 0) { hotprice New; hotclass new; } } let mlsnumber get_str(data.MLSNUMBER); if(param.noprefix True) mlsnumber mlsnumber.replaceAll(NST, ).replaceAll(BMJ, ).replaceAll(RAOR, ); return template .replaceAll($MLSNUMBER$, get_str(data.MLSNUMBER)) .replaceAll($MLSNUMBERSHOW$, mlsnumber) .replaceAll($MLSCLASS$, get_str(data.MLSCLASS)) .replaceAll($BEDS$, get_str(data.BEDROOMS)) .replaceAll($BATHS$, get_str(data.BATHSTOTAL)) .replaceAll($SQFT$, get_str(data.LIVINGAREA)) .replaceAll($ACRES$, get_str(data.ACRES)) .replaceAll($SAVED_STATUS$, mls_saved_status(data.MLSNUMBER)) .replaceAll($LISTPRICE$, data.STATUS Sold ? price_str(data.SOLDPRICE) : price_str(data.LISTPRICE)) .replaceAll($HOTDATA$, hotprice) .replaceAll($HOTCLASS$, hotclass) .replaceAll($STATUS$, get_str(data.STATUS)) .replaceAll($ADDRESS$, mls_listing_address(data)) .replaceAll($ADDRESSURL$, mls_listing_address_url(data)) .replaceAll($WATERFRONT$, watername ? : Waterfront: + watername) .replaceAll($WATERFRONTPRESENT$, watername ? 0 : 1) .replaceAll($CONTINGENCY$, contingency) .replaceAll($CONTINGENCYSHOW$, contingency ? 0 : 1) .replaceAll($LISTDATE$, date_str(data.LISTDATE)) .replaceAll($SUMMARY$, ar.join( | ) + br> + ar1.join( | )) .replaceAll($SUMMARY1$, ar.join( | )) .replaceAll($SUMMARY2$, ar1.join( | )) .replaceAll($OFFICENAME$, get_str(data.OFFICE_OFFICENAME)) .replaceAll($RESERVE$, get_str(param.reserve)) .replaceAll($PARAM$, get_str(param.addition)) .replaceAll($TRANSACTIONTYPE$, data.STATUS Sold ? : get_str(data.TRANSACTIONTYPE)) .replaceAll($TRANSACTIONTYPESHOW$, data.STATUS Sold ? none : block) .replaceAll($LOGOPATH$, get_agency_logo_path(data)) .replaceAll($PHOTOTHUMB$, photo_thumb_path(data)) .replaceAll($PHOTOWIDE$, photo_wide_path(data)) .replaceAll($PHOTOCOUNT$, get_str(data.PHOTOCOUNT)) .replaceAll($VTOURURL$, get_str(data.VIRTUALTOUR_URL1)) .replaceAll($VPHOTOLABEL$, get_str(data.PHOTOCOUNT) ! ? Photos : ) .replaceAll($VTOURLABEL$, get_str(data.VIRTUALTOUR_URL1) ! ? Virtual Tour : ) .replaceAll($MLSSOURCE$, get_str(data.ORGMARK)) .replaceAll($ONERROR$, onerror\this.src + param.onerrorphoto + \) .replaceAll($onerror$, onerror\this.src + param.onerrorphoto + \) .replaceAll($MLSDESCRIPTION$, data.STATUS Sold ? : get_str(data.PUBLICREMARKS).replaceAll(, <).replaceAll(>, >));}var agency_offices (0).split(,);var agency_logo_path /upload/342/agency_logos/0c43e34340d3cd4398bb1c7b7a0b9761_Green_hoopers_400dpi.jpg;function get_agency_logo_path(data) { if (agency_offices.includes(data.MLSOFFICEID)) return agency_logo_path; return /.a/brokerreciprocityL.png;}function mls_listing_street(listing) { let ar ; append_data(ar, listing.STREETNUMBER); append_data(ar, listing.STREETDIRPREFIX); append_data(ar, listing.STREETNAME); append_data(ar, listing.STREETSUFFIX); append_data(ar, listing.STREETDIRSUFFIX); return ar.join( );}function mls_listing_address(listing) { if (listing.DISTRIBUTEADDRESSTOINTERNET ! undefined && listing.DISTRIBUTEADDRESSTOINTERNET ! 1) return Unable to show address; let ar ; append_data(ar, listing.STATEORPROVINCE); append_data(ar, listing.POSTALCODE); return get_str(listing.ADDRESS) + br> + get_str(listing.CITY) + , + ar.join( );}function mls_listing_address_url(listing) { if (listing.DISTRIBUTEADDRESSTOINTERNET ! undefined && listing.DISTRIBUTEADDRESSTOINTERNET ! 1) return UnableToShowAddress; let ar ; append_data(ar, listing.STREETNUMBER); append_data(ar, listing.STREETDIRPREFIX); append_data(ar, listing.STREETNAME); append_data(ar, listing.STREETSUFFIX); append_data(ar, listing.STREETDIRSUFFIX); append_data(ar, listing.CITY); append_data(ar, listing.STATEORPROVINCE); append_data(ar, listing.POSTALCODE); return ar.join(-).replaceAll( , ).replaceAll(&, -).replaceAll(&, -).replaceAll(., ).replaceAll(*, ).replaceAll(+, );}function on_mls_card_click(mls_number, address, reserve) { event.stopPropagation(); + mls_number + / + address + get_str(reserve), _blank);}function view_property_detail(listing, where) { if(is_null(where)) where _blank; + listing.MLSNUMBER + / + mls_listing_address_url(listing), where);}function mls_agent_address(agent) { let ar , ar1 ; if(!is_null(agent.Address)) ar.push(agent.Address); if(!is_null(agent.City)) ar.push(agent.City); if(!is_null(agent.State)) ar1.push(agent.State); if(!is_null(agent.Zip)) ar1.push(agent.Zip); let str1 ar.join( ); let str2 ar1.join( ); ar ; if(str1 ! ) ar.push(str1); if(str2 ! ) ar.push(str2); return ar.join(, );}function start_slideshow(element, interval, space, count) { let index 0; let hovering false; element.onmouseover function () { hovering true; } element.onmouseout function () { hovering false; } setInterval(function () { if (hovering true) return; index++; if (index count) index 0; (-index * space) + %; }, interval);}function start_slideshow2(element, interval, space, count) { let index 0; let hovering false; let tick 0; interval / 10; element.onmouseover function () { hovering true; } element.onmouseout function () { hovering false; tick 0; } setInterval(function () { if (hovering true) return; tick++; if(tick interval) return; tick 0; index++; if (index count) index 0; (-index * space) + %; }, 10);}function save_search_result(listings) { let ar ; listings.forEach(function(l) { ar.push({ MLSNUMBER: l.MLSNUMBER, DISTRIBUTEADDRESSTOINTERNET: l.DISTRIBUTEADDRESSTOINTERNET, STREETNUMBER: l.STREETNUMBER, STREETDIRPREFIX: l.STREETDIRPREFIX, STREETNAME: l.STREETNAME, STREETSUFFIX: l.STREETSUFFIX, STREETDIRSUFFIX: l.STREETDIRSUFFIX, CITY: l.CITY, STATEORPROVINCE: l.STATEORPROVINCE, POSTALCODE: l.POSTALCODE }); }); set_storage(MLS_SEARCH_RESULT, JSON.stringify(ar));}function get_search_result() { let listings get_storage(MLS_SEARCH_RESULT); if(get_str(listings) ) return ; return JSON.parse(listings);}function check_prev_next_listings_flag(mls_number) { let listings get_storage(MLS_SEARCH_RESULT); if(get_str(listings) ) return false; let flag false; JSON.parse(listings).forEach(function(l) { if(l.MLSNUMBER mls_number) flag true; }); return flag;}function goto_search_result(mls_number, step) { let listings get_search_result(); if(listings null || listings.length 0) return; let i 0; for(; ilistings.length; i++) { if(listingsi.MLSNUMBER mls_number) break; } if(i listings.length) i 0; i + step; if(i 0) i + listings.length; if(i > listings.length) i - listings.length; view_property_detail(listingsi, _self);}function get_website(url) { if(get_str(url) ) return ; if(url.startsWith(http) || url.startsWith(/)) return url; return http:// + url;}function mls_show_photo_gallery(mls_number) { event.stopPropagation(); show_element(loading); ajax(POST, /Api2/PhotoGet, { mls_number: mls_number }, function (data) { hide_element(loading); if(data.startsWith({)) { data JSON.parse(data); let listing data.listing; let wrapper document.createElement(div); wrapper.className photo_gallery; let btnclose document.createElement(div); btnclose.className close; btnclose.onclick btnclose.ontouchstart function() { document.body.removeChild(wrapper); oldoverflow; } let desc document.createElement(div); desc.className description; let prev document.createElement(div); prev.className prev; prev.onclick function() { select_next(-1); }; let next document.createElement(div); next.className next; next.onclick function() { select_next(1); }; let counter document.createElement(div); counter.className counter; let loading document.createElement(div); loading.className loading; let list document.createElement(div); list.className list; let photo_path /Media/MLSGrid/download/ + listing.MLSNUMBER +/?; if(listing.ORGMARK ! MLSGrid) photo_path /Media/ + listing.ORGMARK + /download/ + listing.ORGMARK + listing.ORGID + /?; let photos ; for(let i1; ilisting.PHOTOCOUNT; i++) { let photo document.createElement(div); photo.className photo; url( + photo_path.replace(?, i) + -320x240); && { if(p.INDEX i) photo.remarks p.REMARKS; }) list.appendChild(photo); photos.push(photo); photo.onclick function() { event.preventDefault(); select(i-1); } } let move { down: false, x0: 0, x1: 0, s: 0, up: false }; list.ontouchstart list.onmousedown function() { move.down true; move.s list.scrollLeft; move.x1 move.x0 eventx(); unset; } list.ontouchmove list.onmousemove function() { if(move.down false) return; move.x1 eventx(); list.scrollLeft move.s + (move.x0 - move.x1) * 3; } list.ontouchend list.onmouseup function() { move.down false; smooth; // if(Math.abs(move.x0 - move.x1) > 10) move.up true; } wrapper.appendChild(desc); wrapper.appendChild(prev); wrapper.appendChild(next); wrapper.appendChild(list); wrapper.appendChild(btnclose); wrapper.appendChild(counter); wrapper.appendChild(loading); document.body.appendChild(wrapper); let oldoverflow; hidden; setTimeout(function() { if(list.clientWidth > (photos.length + 1) * photos0.clientWidth) center; if(photos.length 1) { none; none; none; } select(0); }, 100); let curphoto null; function create_bigimg(index) { let photo document.createElement(img); photo.className current_photo; photo.index index; photo.src photo_path.replace(?, index+1); photo.oldphoto curphoto; photo.onload function() { 1; if(photo.oldphoto ! null) { 0; setTimeout(function() { wrapper.removeChild(photo.oldphoto); }, 1000); } loading.classList.add(hide); let remarks get_str(photoscurphoto.index.remarks); if(remarks ) desc.classList.add(hide); else { desc.classList.remove(hide); desc.innerHTML remarks; } counter.innerHTML (curphoto.index+1) + / + photos.length; } return photo; } function select(index) { // if(move.up true) { // move.up false; // return; // } if(curphoto ! null && curphoto.index index) return; if(index 0) index photos.length-1; if(index > photos.length) index 0; curphoto create_bigimg(index); wrapper.appendChild(curphoto); photos.forEach(function(photo) { photo.classList.remove(selected); }); photosindex.classList.add(selected); list.scrollLeft photosindex.offsetLeft - (list.clientWidth - photosindex.clientWidth)/2; loading.classList.remove(hide); } function select_next(step) { if(step 0) return; select(curphoto.index + step); } function tempclick() { event.stopPropagation(); window.removeEventListener(click, tempclick, true); } function eventx() { if(event instanceof MouseEvent) return event.screenX; if(event instanceof TouchEvent) return event.touches0.screenX; return 0; } } }, function (data) { hide_element(loading); on_error && on_error(Error in Query POST.); });}function do_form_validate(fields, callback) { let passed true; let names ; let email ; fields.forEach(function(f) { let element null; if(f.radiogroup true) { element document.querySelector(inputname + + :checked); } else { element document.getElementById(; } if(element null) return; f.value element.type checkbox ? element.checked : element.value; if(f.required) { if(f.value ) { element.classList.add(missed); passed false; } else { element.classList.remove(missed); } } if(f.foremail) { email f.value; if(!valid_email(f.value)) { element.classList.add(missed); passed false; } } if(f.forname) names.push(f.value); if(f.addcustom) f.value element.checked; }); if(passed false) { show_message(Input all required fields); return; } callback && callback(fields);}function do_form_reset(fields, callback) { fields.forEach(function(f) { if(f.radiogroup true) { document.querySelectorAll(inputname + + ).forEach(function(e) { e.checked false; }); } else { let element document.getElementById(; if(element null) return; element.value ; if(f.required) element.classList.remove(missed); } }); callback && callback();}function start_slideshow(element, urls, interval, transition) { let e element; if(typeof e string) e document.getElementById(e); if(e null) return; e.slides ; urls.forEach(function(u) { let s document.createElement(div); url( + u + ); all + transition + ms; e.appendChild(s); e.slides.push(s); }); e.curslide 0; e.show_slide function (i) { if(i 0) i 0; if(i > e.slides.length) i e.slides.length - 1; e.slides.forEach(function(s) { s.classList.remove(show); }); e.slidesi.classList.add(show); e.curslide i; e.auto_next(); } e.show_next function () { let i e.curslide + 1; if(i > e.slides.length) i 0; e.show_slide(i); } e.show_prev function () { let i e.curslide - 1; if(i 0) i e.slides.length; e.show_slide(i); } e.auto_next function () { if(e.timer) clearTimeout(e.timer); e.timer setTimeout(function() { e.show_next(); }, interval); } e.show_slide(0); return e;}/script>/body>/html>
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