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We know that first impressions are important, so weve populated your new site with some initial getting started posts that will help you get familiar with everything in no time./p> /section> /a> footer classpost-card-meta> ul classauthor-list> li classauthor-list-item> div classauthor-name-tooltip> Ghost /div> a href/author/ghost/ classstatic-avatar> img classauthor-profile-image src altGhost /> /a> /li> /ul> div classpost-card-byline-content> span>a href/author/ghost/>Ghost/a>/span> span classpost-card-byline-date>time datetime2020-10-24>24 Oct 2020/time> span classbull>•/span> 1 min read/span> /div> /footer> /div>/article> article classpost-card post tag-getting-started > a classpost-card-image-link href/the-editor/> img classpost-card-image srcset 300w, 600w, 1000w, 2000w sizes(max-width: 1000px) 400px, 700px loadinglazy src altWriting posts with Ghost ✍️ /> /a> div classpost-card-content> a classpost-card-content-link href/the-editor/> header classpost-card-header> div classpost-card-primary-tag>Getting Started/div> h2 classpost-card-title>Writing posts with Ghost ✍️/h2> /header> section classpost-card-excerpt> p>Discover familiar formatting options in a functional toolbar and the ability to add dynamic content seamlessly./p> /section> /a> footer classpost-card-meta> ul classauthor-list> li classauthor-list-item> div classauthor-name-tooltip> Ghost /div> a href/author/ghost/ classstatic-avatar> img classauthor-profile-image src altGhost /> /a> /li> /ul> div classpost-card-byline-content> span>a href/author/ghost/>Ghost/a>/span> span classpost-card-byline-date>time datetime2020-10-24>24 Oct 2020/time> span classbull>•/span> 3 min read/span> /div> /footer> /div>/article> article classpost-card post tag-getting-started > a classpost-card-image-link href/publishing-options/> img classpost-card-image srcset 300w, 600w, 1000w, 2000w sizes(max-width: 1000px) 400px, 700px loadinglazy src altPublishing options /> /a> div classpost-card-content> a classpost-card-content-link href/publishing-options/> header classpost-card-header> div classpost-card-primary-tag>Getting Started/div> h2 classpost-card-title>Publishing options/h2> /header> section classpost-card-excerpt> p>The Ghost editor post settings menu has everything you need to fully optimise and distribute your content effectively./p> /section> /a> footer classpost-card-meta> ul classauthor-list> li classauthor-list-item> div classauthor-name-tooltip> Ghost /div> a href/author/ghost/ classstatic-avatar> img classauthor-profile-image src altGhost /> /a> /li> /ul> div classpost-card-byline-content> span>a href/author/ghost/>Ghost/a>/span> span classpost-card-byline-date>time datetime2020-10-24>24 Oct 2020/time> span classbull>•/span> 2 min read/span> /div> /footer> /div>/article> article classpost-card post tag-getting-started > a classpost-card-image-link href/admin-settings/> img classpost-card-image srcset 300w, 600w, 1000w, 2000w sizes(max-width: 1000px) 400px, 700px loadinglazy src altManaging admin settings /> /a> div classpost-card-content> a classpost-card-content-link href/admin-settings/> header classpost-card-header> div classpost-card-primary-tag>Getting Started/div> h2 classpost-card-title>Managing admin settings/h2> /header> section classpost-card-excerpt> p>There are a couple of things to do next while youre getting set up: making your site private and inviting your team./p> /section> /a> footer classpost-card-meta> ul classauthor-list> li classauthor-list-item> div classauthor-name-tooltip> Ghost /div> a href/author/ghost/ classstatic-avatar> img classauthor-profile-image src altGhost /> /a> /li> /ul> div classpost-card-byline-content> span>a href/author/ghost/>Ghost/a>/span> span classpost-card-byline-date>time datetime2020-10-24>24 Oct 2020/time> span classbull>•/span> 2 min read/span> /div> /footer> /div>/article> article classpost-card post tag-getting-started > a classpost-card-image-link href/organising-content/> img classpost-card-image srcset 300w, 600w, 1000w, 2000w sizes(max-width: 1000px) 400px, 700px loadinglazy src altOrganising your content /> /a> div classpost-card-content> a classpost-card-content-link href/organising-content/> header classpost-card-header> div classpost-card-primary-tag>Getting Started/div> h2 classpost-card-title>Organising your content/h2> /header> section classpost-card-excerpt> p>Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called tags and the ability to create custom site structures using dynamic routes./p> /section> /a> footer classpost-card-meta> ul classauthor-list> li classauthor-list-item> div classauthor-name-tooltip> Ghost /div> a href/author/ghost/ classstatic-avatar> img classauthor-profile-image src altGhost /> /a> /li> /ul> div classpost-card-byline-content> span>a href/author/ghost/>Ghost/a>/span> span classpost-card-byline-date>time datetime2020-10-24>24 Oct 2020/time> span classbull>•/span> 2 min read/span> /div> /footer> /div>/article> article classpost-card post tag-getting-started > a classpost-card-image-link href/apps-integrations/> img classpost-card-image srcset 300w, 600w, 1000w, 2000w sizes(max-width: 1000px) 400px, 700px loadinglazy src altApps & integrations /> /a> div classpost-card-content> a classpost-card-content-link href/apps-integrations/> header classpost-card-header> div classpost-card-primary-tag>Getting Started/div> h2 classpost-card-title>Apps & integrations/h2> /header> section classpost-card-excerpt> p>Work with all your favourite apps and tools or create your own custom integrations using the Ghost API./p> /section> /a> footer classpost-card-meta> ul classauthor-list> li classauthor-list-item> div classauthor-name-tooltip> Ghost /div> a href/author/ghost/ classstatic-avatar> img classauthor-profile-image src altGhost /> /a> /li> /ul> div classpost-card-byline-content> span>a href/author/ghost/>Ghost/a>/span> span classpost-card-byline-date>time datetime2020-10-24>24 Oct 2020/time> span classbull>•/span> 2 min read/span> /div> /footer> /div>/article> article classpost-card post tag-getting-started post-card-large> a classpost-card-image-link href/themes/> img classpost-card-image srcset 300w, 600w, 1000w, 2000w sizes(max-width: 1000px) 400px, 700px loadinglazy src altCreating a custom theme /> /a> div classpost-card-content> a classpost-card-content-link href/themes/> header classpost-card-header> div classpost-card-primary-tag>Getting Started/div> h2 classpost-card-title>Creating a custom theme/h2> /header> section classpost-card-excerpt> p>Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme designed for publishers which can easily be adapted for most purposes, or you can build a custom theme to suit your needs./p> /section> /a> footer classpost-card-meta> ul classauthor-list> li classauthor-list-item> div classauthor-name-tooltip> Ghost /div> a href/author/ghost/ classstatic-avatar> img classauthor-profile-image src altGhost /> /a> /li> /ul> div classpost-card-byline-content> span>a href/author/ghost/>Ghost/a>/span> span classpost-card-byline-date>time datetime2020-10-24>24 Oct 2020/time> span classbull>•/span> 2 min read/span> /div> /footer> /div>/article> /div> /div>/main>div classouter site-nav-main> div classinner> nav classsite-nav> div classsite-nav-left-wrapper> div classsite-nav-left> a classsite-nav-logo href>img src altAdrian Hooper />/a> div classsite-nav-content> ul classnav> li classnav-home nav-current>a href>Home/a>/li> li classnav-tag>a href>Tag/a>/li> li classnav-author>a href>Author/a>/li> li classnav-help>a href>Help/a>/li>/ul> /div> /div> /div> div classsite-nav-right> div classsocial-links> a classsocial-link social-link-fb href titleFacebook target_blank relnoopener>svg viewBox0 0 32 32 xmlns>path dM16 0c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16s-7.163 16-16 16S0 24.837 0 16 7.163 0 16 0zm5.204 4.911h-3.546c-2.103 0-4.443.885-4.443 3.934.01 1.062 0 2.08 0 3.225h-2.433v3.872h2.509v11.147h4.61v-11.22h3.042l.275-3.81h-3.397s.007-1.695 0-2.187c0-1.205 1.253-1.136 1.329-1.136h2.054V4.911z />/svg>/a> a classsocial-link social-link-tw href titleTwitter target_blank relnoopener>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 32 32>path dM30.063 7.313c-.813 1.125-1.75 2.125-2.875 2.938v.75c0 1.563-.188 3.125-.688 4.625a15.088 15.088 0 0 1-2.063 4.438c-.875 1.438-2 2.688-3.25 3.813a15.015 15.015 0 0 1-4.625 2.563c-1.813.688-3.75 1-5.75 1-3.25 0-6.188-.875-8.875-2.625.438.063.875.125 1.375.125 2.688 0 5.063-.875 7.188-2.5-1.25 0-2.375-.375-3.375-1.125s-1.688-1.688-2.063-2.875c.438.063.813.125 0 1-.063 1.5-.25-1.313-.25-2.438-.938-3.313-1.938a5.673 5.673 0 0 1-1.313-3.688v-.063c.813.438 1.688.688 2.625.688a5.228 5.228 0 0 1-1.875-2c-.5-.875-.688-1.813-.688-2.75 0-1.063.25-2.063.75-2.938 1.438 1.75 3.188 3.188 5.25 4.25s4.313 1.688 6.688 1.813a5.579 5.579 0 0 1 1.5-5.438c1.125-1.125 2.5-1.688 4.125-1.688s3.063.625 4.188 1.813a11.48 11.48 0 0 0 3.688-1.375c-.438 1.375-1.313 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