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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 23:14:54 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.41 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1c PHP/7.4.4X-XSS-Protection: 1; modeblockLast-Modified: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 18:56:34 GMTETag: 2dd8-4f7f6a4199c80Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 11736Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>!-- InstanceBegin template/Templates/hon-main.dwt codeOutsideHTMLIsLockedfalse -->head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />!-- InstanceBeginEditable namedoctitle -->title>A History of Nations/title>!-- InstanceEndEditable -->!-- InstanceBeginEditable namehead -->!-- InstanceEndEditable -->link hrefhon.css relstylesheet typetext/css />script languageJavaScript srcmenu/friend.js typetext/javascript>/script>link relstylesheet hrefajxmenu.css typetext/css />script srcajxmenu.js typetext/javascript>/script>/head>body>table aligncenter> tr> td>img srcimages/clearpixel.gif alt* width740 height1 /> /td> /tr> tr> td>table width800 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tr> td aligncenter classheaderleft>br /> a href>img srcimages/CCGLogo-white.gif altChristian Churches of God width100 height100 border0 />/a>br /> br />/td> td alignright valigntop classheadercentre>img srcimages/clearpixel.gif alt* height7 width20 />br />img srcimages/banner.gif altHistory of Nations banner width500 height80 alignmiddle classheaderleft /> div classAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIA>!-- AJXFILE:../ajxmenu.css --> ul> li classtfirst>a hrefindex.html>Home/a>/li> li classtsub>a classajxsub idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_1 href#>Genetics/a> ul> li classsfirst>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_1_0 hrefgenetics/haplogroups.html>Y-Chromosome Haplogroups/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_1_1 hrefgenetics/mtdna.html>mtDNA Haplogroups/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_1_2 hrefgenetics/dna-change-rates.html>DNA Change Rates/a>/li> li classslast>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_1_3 hrefgenetics/radioactivity-dna.html>Radiation & mtDNA Mutation/a>/li> /ul> /li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_2 hrefnations.html>Nations/a>/li> li classtsub>a classajxsub href#>Genealogy/a> ul> li classsfirst>a classajxsub idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_3_0 href#>of the Messiah/a> ul> li classsfirst>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_3_0_0 hrefgenealogy/genealogy-jesus.html>Part 1/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_3_0_1 hrefgenealogy/genealogy-jesus2.html>Part 2/a>/li> li classslast>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_3_0_2 hrefgenealogy/genealogy-jesus3.html>Part 3/a>/li> /ul> /li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_3_1 hrefgenealogy/shem.html>The Sons of Shem/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_3_2 hrefgenealogy/ham.html>The Sons of Ham/a>/li> li classslast>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_3_3 hrefgenealogy/japheth.html>The Sons of Japheth/a>/li> /ul> /li> li classtlast tsub>a classajxsub href#>History/a> ul> li classsfirst slast>a classajxsub idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0 href#>Herodutus - the Histories/a> ul> li classsfirst>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0_0 hrefhistory/herodotus.html>Introduction/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0_1 hrefhistory/herodotus-1.html>Book 1/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0_2 hrefhistory/herodotus-2.html>Book 2/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0_3 hrefhistory/herodotus-3.html>Book 3/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0_4 hrefhistory/herodotus-4.html>Book 4/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0_5 hrefhistory/herodotus-5.html>Book 5/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0_6 hrefhistory/herodotus-6.html>Book 6/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0_7 hrefhistory/herodotus-7.html>Book 7/a>/li> li>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0_8 hrefhistory/herodotus-8.html>Book 8/a>/li> li classslast>a idAJXCSSMenuUaBaBIAitem_4_0_9 hrefhistory/herodotus-9.html>Book 9/a>/li> /ul> /li> /ul> /li> li>img src alt/>/li> /ul> br /> /div>/td> td classheader valigntop alignright>img srcimages/globe.gif altGlobe logo width117 height100 />/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter valigntop classleft>br /> !-- Google CSE Search Box Begins --> form idsearchbox_016195929599605161752:yiw9cvbggqy action> input typehidden namecx value016195929599605161752:yiw9cvbggqy /> input typehidden namecof valueFORID:11 /> input nameq typetext size17 /> input typesubmit namesa valueSearch this site /> /form> script typetext/javascript src>/script> !-- Google CSE Search Box Ends --> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nameEditRegion5 --> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> form nameeMailer classlargewhite>Tell a friend:input typetext nameemail size17 valueFriends Email onFocusthis.value onMouseOverwindow.statusEnter email address here and tell a friend about this site...; return true onMouseOutwindow.status;return true />br />input typebutton valueEmail this page onMouseOverwindow.statusClick to send an email (with this page address) to a friend! Enter email address above...; return true onMouseOutwindow.status;return true onClickmailThisUrl(); />/form> br /> p classsmallwhite>See other CCG websites br /> /p> p classsmallwhite>a href>img srcimages/history-religion.gif altThe History of Religion width82 height82 border0 />/a>br /> /p> p classsmallwhite>a href>img srcimages/abrahams-legacy.gif altAbrahams Legacy width82 height82 border0 />/a>br /> br /> /p> div aligncenter>br /> br /> !-- Begin PayPal Logo --> form action methodpost> input typehidden namecmd value_xclick /> input typehidden namebusiness /> input typehidden nameno_shipping value1 /> input typehidden namereturn value /> input typehidden namecancel_return value /> input typeimage srcimages/tithe-button.gif border0 namesubmit altMake payments with PayPal - its fast, free and secure! /> /form> !-- End PayPal Logo --> br /> p> /p> /div>/td> td width100% colspan2 valigntop classmain>!-- InstanceBeginEditable nameEditRegion3 --> div> h1 aligncenter>Introduction to the History of Nations/h1> p alignleft>The Bible tells us that God created all the nations of the planet from Adam (see the paper a href target_blank>em>Creation: From Anthropomorphic Theology to Theomorphic Anthropology (No. B5)/em>/a>). Thus every person alive today is a son of Adam. /p> p alignleft> The world was cleansed by a Flood to get rid of the Nephilim (see the paper a href target_blank>em>The Nephilim (No. 154/em>/a>em>)/em>). God then started off the creation again using Noah who the Bible tells us was pure in his generations. All tribes and nations of the planet can be traced back to the sons of Noah, namely a href/genealogy/shem.html>Shem/a>, a href/genealogy/ham.html>Ham/a> and a href/genealogy/japheth.html>Japheth/a>, and their wives. /p> p alignleft> The entire genetic structure of the world among the species Homo Sapiens is clearly seen as being descended from one man and one woman (see the YDNA and MTDNA Chromosomal Haplogroups under Genetics). This is also discussed in the paper a href target_blank>Genetic Origin of the Nations (No. 265)/a>. /p> p alignleft> The Bible is correct in its time frame and the Religion of Evolution is not only wrong it is also blatantly discontinuous and incoherent (see the paper a href target_blank>Creation versus Evolution (No. B9)/a> and also a href target_blank>Radioactivity and MtDNA Mutations/a>). /p> p alignleft> Look also at the other links on this site for further information. /p> p> /p> /div> !-- InstanceEndEditable -->/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter classleftbottom>God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth./td> td colspan2 classfooter>div aligncenter> | a hrefdefault.htm classsmallwhite>Home/a> | a href classsmallwhite>Contact/a> | a hrefsitemap.html classsmallwhite>Sitemap/a> |br /> br /> © 2007 - 2009 Christian Churches of God, all rights reserved br /> The materials on this web site are not to be reproduced, translated or edited in any way without the express permission of CCG except that express permission is granted to reproduce the message as a whole in its CCG format. /div>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr>/table>!-- Start Quantcast tag -->script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>_qacctp-b89R-DM52pWvU;quantserve();/script>noscript>a href target_blank>img src styledisplay: none; border0 height1 width1 altQuantcast/>/a>/noscript>!-- End Quantcast tag -->/body>!-- InstanceEnd -->/html>
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