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animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms> b> Mountaineering/b> img src loadinglazy>div classboxtext styleheight:65px; overflow:hidden;> p>India is blessed with infinite scores of adventure/p>/div>div classreadmore>Read More/div>/a> /div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-lg-14>div classboxcon bg1 corner1 corner> a href classwow bounceIn animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms> b> trekking-trips/b> img src loadinglazy>div classboxtext styleheight:65px; overflow:hidden;> p>The richness and diversity of vegetation and wildlife in India is/p>/div>div classreadmore>Read More/div>/a> /div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-lg-14>div classboxcon bg1 corner1 corner> a href classwow bounceIn animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms> b> mountainbiking/b> img src loadinglazy>div classboxtext styleheight:65px; overflow:hidden;> p>Do you love extreme sports? Do you like adrenaline rushing in/p>/div>div classreadmore>Read More/div>/a> /div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-lg-14>div classboxcon bg1 corner1 corner> a href classwow bounceIn animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms> b> Skiing/b> img src loadinglazy>div classboxtext styleheight:65px; overflow:hidden;> p>Indian Himalaya provides an excellent skiing experience owing/p>/div>div classreadmore>Read More/div>/a> /div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-lg-14>div classboxcon bg1 corner1 corner> a href classwow bounceIn animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms> b> rafting/b> img src loadinglazy>div classboxtext styleheight:65px; overflow:hidden;> p>Rafting is high-adrenaline sport of navigating a river in an/p>/div>div classreadmore>Read More/div>/a> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>figure idnamastaysection>div classcontainer>div classnamainner>div classrow>div classcol-sm-8 wow fadeIn animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms>br />div classnamcontenttext>span classleft>/span>p>Welcome To The Wonderful Land, Which Meets Expectation Of Every Type Of Tourist An Enchanting Destination To Travelers Around The Globe. A Majestic Landscape Unspoiled Natural Beauty WhereThe Climate And Music Of Life Varies From One Region To Another. , Geographical And Climatic Variance, Astounding Cultural Heritage Of Thousands Of Years, Many Religions With Peculiar Customs And Traditions, Multi Lingual Folks At One Platform./p> span classright>/span> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 text-right wow bounceIn animated time1 tx-ehye data-wow-delay400ms> img src classimg-fluid loadinglazy width160>/div>/div>/div>/div>/figure> figure idtestmonalsbg>div classcontainer>div classcustmorhead>span>Customer Testimonials/span> /div>div idowl-democs classowl-carousel2 >div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>Mr. C.S. Pandey has acted as my agent on numerous British expeditions to the Indian Himalayas. As a mountaineer, he is qualified, swift, competent & experienced and has remarkable stamina. Himalayan Run & Trek Pvt. Ltd., has provided me with an excellent and reliable service on all occasions br /> b> Martin Moran, UK/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>Our trip was perfectly planned executed. We could not had a better experience. Everything was done to assume our comfort and enjoyment. We are completely satisfied with the company. Our trip exceeded our expectation br /> b> Diane Bain USA/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>We will writing an article in the issue of Runner’s World which I hope will encourage people to travel to India. I have always remained very enthusiastic about the event and recommend it to anyone. I continue to wish you every success with it in the future br /> b> Steven Seaton, Editor, Runner’s World, UK/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>The whole trip was a great experience for me because of the perfect combination of cultural exposure, meeting local people and the trekking itself. I don’t think, I have ever experienced more care and better organization on any of my previous trips and most of the credit has to go to Mr. C.S. Pandey. You have also very carefully chosen a very good group of staff br /> b> Gernot Gessinger, Switzerland/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>We wanted to say thank you very much for these great days in Varanasi. We will keep them always in our mind, especially the days on the boat and the evening prayers. Thank you also for the tour in Ladakh and in North India, where we got a lot of impressions of the common way of life and also of richness of the Indian culture. br /> b> Mounir Carmen & Loetshcer Katja, Switzerland/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>Would recommend the organization thoroughly br /> b> Sue Riches, UK/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>Many thanks again to you and your staff for a wonderful adventure. It was one of the best experience of my life. I hope to visit you again for another 100 miles in the Himalayas. I am enjoying my fond memories of our fine Journey through the mountains of India. br /> b> Brian Kronick, USA/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>I have run marathons across the world – from Dubai to Paris and London. But nothing absolutely anything compares with the 100 miles Himalayan run. The event is magical, it is tough, soul destroying in places and it brings tears of pain and tears of joy. The views of Mt. Everest 4 day’s stage and especially Kanchenjunga are own-inspiring and will stay with me for the rest of my life. I would do it all again. Why? Because of the comradeship, which the event creates - I have met some of the nicest people I will ever care to meet in my future. Because of the beauty of the Himalayas, one if the wonders of the world. And because Mr. Pandey has created one of the worlds, if not the world’s best stage race br /> b> Jeffrey Prestridge/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>I was thinking about the trip and have such sweet memories of it. This is the best Marathon I have ever participated in. The organization, scenery and over all experience is just superb and unmatched. I would like to thank you very much for your great hospitality and the personal attention that I received br /> b> Satyendra Sharma, Canada/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>No one told me that it would be easy, I was, however, promised a unique challenge and an experience of lifetime – and the boy did deliver it!!! It is to your enormous credit that all participants were welcomed with the hospitality, care and encouragement that would put most ‘big-city’ marathons to shame. Every participants was made to feel like a winner br /> b> John Sturley UK/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>No one told me that it would be easy, I was, however, promised a unique challenge and an experience of lifetime – and the boy did deliver it!!! It is to your enormous credit that all participants were welcomed with the hospitality, care and encouragement that would put most ‘big-city’ marathons to shame. Every participants was made to feel like a winner br /> b> John Sturley UK/b> /div>/a> /div>/div>/div>/figure> figure idclients>div classcontainer> ul classsimply-scroll-list row2 idscroller> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/clients/a1.jpg altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/clients/a2.jpg altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/clients/a4.jpg altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/clients/a5.jpg altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/clients/a1.jpg altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/team/bot-logo.png altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> /ul>/div>/figure> footer>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-lg-5 wow fadeIn animated time2 data-wow-delay200ms>div classfooterlinks>span>Quick Information/span>div classrow>div classcol-sm-6>ul >li >a href> Home /a> /li>li > a href target_blank >About Organisation /a> /li>li > a href target_blank >Accomplishment /a> /li>li > a href target_blank >Conservation /a> /li>li > a href target_blank >Charity /a> /li>li>a href target_blank > Our Team /a>/li>li >a href target_blank>Testimonials /a>/li>/ul>/div>div classcol-sm-6>ul >li> a href target_blank> Photo Gallery/a> /li>li> a href target_blank> Video Gallery/a> /li>li >a href target_blank> Articles /a> /li>li >a href target_blank>Terms & Conditions /a> /li>li >a href target_blank>Trip Registration Form /a> /li>li >a href target_blank>Undertaking /a> /li>li >a href target_blank>Feedback /a> /li>li >a href target_blank> Contact Us /a>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-4 col-lg-4 wow fadeIn animated time4 data-wow-delay400ms>div classfooterlinks>span>Tours Offered/span>ul> li>a target_blank href>Mountaineering/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>trekking-trips/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>mountainbiking/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>Skiing/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>rafting/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>Wildlife Tour/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>Cultural Tour/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>Special Tour/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>Pilgrimage Tour/a> /li>/ul>/div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3 wow fadeIn animated time6 data-wow-delay600ms>div classfooterlinks>span>Stay Connected/span>div idsocialfig new-social-dhh> ul classabhhhdggf> li classface>a target_blank href>i classfa fa-facebook>/i> /a>/li> li classlinke>a target_blank href>i classfa fa-instagram>/i>/a> /li> li classinsta>a target_blank href>i classfa fa-linkedin>/i>/a>/li> /ul> !-- div classanjjdut>img src width120>/div> --> /div>/div>/div>!-- div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 wow fadeIn animated time8 data-wow-delay800ms>div classfooterlinks>span>Newsletter subscribe/span>div classnewsletter>form methodPOST nameadmin action idsubscribe enctypemultipart/form-data> div classformgroup>input nameemailid idemailid classemail form-control placeholderEmail ID typetext onBlurcheckAvailability()/>img src idloaderIcon styledisplay:none />span iduser-availability-status>/span> /div> div classsubscributton>div idinputbutton styledisplay:none>/div>input typesubmit namesubmit valueSubscribe />/div> /form> /div>/div>/div> -->/div>/div>/footer>div classcopright>© script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())/script> Himalayan Run & Trek Pvt. 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animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms> b> Mountaineering/b> img src loadinglazy>div classboxtext styleheight:65px; overflow:hidden;> p>India is blessed with infinite scores of adventure/p>/div>div classreadmore>Read More/div>/a> /div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-lg-14>div classboxcon bg1 corner1 corner> a href classwow bounceIn animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms> b> trekking-trips/b> img src loadinglazy>div classboxtext styleheight:65px; overflow:hidden;> p>The richness and diversity of vegetation and wildlife in India is/p>/div>div classreadmore>Read More/div>/a> /div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-lg-14>div classboxcon bg1 corner1 corner> a href classwow bounceIn animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms> b> mountainbiking/b> img src loadinglazy>div classboxtext styleheight:65px; overflow:hidden;> p>Do you love extreme sports? Do you like adrenaline rushing in/p>/div>div classreadmore>Read More/div>/a> /div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-lg-14>div classboxcon bg1 corner1 corner> a href classwow bounceIn animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms> b> Skiing/b> img src loadinglazy>div classboxtext styleheight:65px; overflow:hidden;> p>Indian Himalaya provides an excellent skiing experience owing/p>/div>div classreadmore>Read More/div>/a> /div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-lg-14>div classboxcon bg1 corner1 corner> a href classwow bounceIn animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms> b> rafting/b> img src loadinglazy>div classboxtext styleheight:65px; overflow:hidden;> p>Rafting is high-adrenaline sport of navigating a river in an/p>/div>div classreadmore>Read More/div>/a> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>figure idnamastaysection>div classcontainer>div classnamainner>div classrow>div classcol-sm-8 wow fadeIn animated time1 data-wow-delay100ms>br />div classnamcontenttext>span classleft>/span>p>Welcome To The Wonderful Land, Which Meets Expectation Of Every Type Of Tourist An Enchanting Destination To Travelers Around The Globe. A Majestic Landscape Unspoiled Natural Beauty WhereThe Climate And Music Of Life Varies From One Region To Another. , Geographical And Climatic Variance, Astounding Cultural Heritage Of Thousands Of Years, Many Religions With Peculiar Customs And Traditions, Multi Lingual Folks At One Platform./p> span classright>/span> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 text-right wow bounceIn animated time1 tx-ehye data-wow-delay400ms> img src classimg-fluid loadinglazy width160>/div>/div>/div>/div>/figure> figure idtestmonalsbg>div classcontainer>div classcustmorhead>span>Customer Testimonials/span> /div>div idowl-democs classowl-carousel2 >div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>Mr. C.S. Pandey has acted as my agent on numerous British expeditions to the Indian Himalayas. As a mountaineer, he is qualified, swift, competent & experienced and has remarkable stamina. Himalayan Run & Trek Pvt. Ltd., has provided me with an excellent and reliable service on all occasions br /> b> Martin Moran, UK/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>Our trip was perfectly planned executed. We could not had a better experience. Everything was done to assume our comfort and enjoyment. We are completely satisfied with the company. Our trip exceeded our expectation br /> b> Diane Bain USA/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>We will writing an article in the issue of Runner’s World which I hope will encourage people to travel to India. I have always remained very enthusiastic about the event and recommend it to anyone. I continue to wish you every success with it in the future br /> b> Steven Seaton, Editor, Runner’s World, UK/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>The whole trip was a great experience for me because of the perfect combination of cultural exposure, meeting local people and the trekking itself. I don’t think, I have ever experienced more care and better organization on any of my previous trips and most of the credit has to go to Mr. C.S. Pandey. You have also very carefully chosen a very good group of staff br /> b> Gernot Gessinger, Switzerland/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>We wanted to say thank you very much for these great days in Varanasi. We will keep them always in our mind, especially the days on the boat and the evening prayers. Thank you also for the tour in Ladakh and in North India, where we got a lot of impressions of the common way of life and also of richness of the Indian culture. br /> b> Mounir Carmen & Loetshcer Katja, Switzerland/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>Would recommend the organization thoroughly br /> b> Sue Riches, UK/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>Many thanks again to you and your staff for a wonderful adventure. It was one of the best experience of my life. I hope to visit you again for another 100 miles in the Himalayas. I am enjoying my fond memories of our fine Journey through the mountains of India. br /> b> Brian Kronick, USA/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>I have run marathons across the world – from Dubai to Paris and London. But nothing absolutely anything compares with the 100 miles Himalayan run. The event is magical, it is tough, soul destroying in places and it brings tears of pain and tears of joy. The views of Mt. Everest 4 day’s stage and especially Kanchenjunga are own-inspiring and will stay with me for the rest of my life. I would do it all again. Why? Because of the comradeship, which the event creates - I have met some of the nicest people I will ever care to meet in my future. Because of the beauty of the Himalayas, one if the wonders of the world. And because Mr. Pandey has created one of the worlds, if not the world’s best stage race br /> b> Jeffrey Prestridge/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>I was thinking about the trip and have such sweet memories of it. This is the best Marathon I have ever participated in. The organization, scenery and over all experience is just superb and unmatched. I would like to thank you very much for your great hospitality and the personal attention that I received br /> b> Satyendra Sharma, Canada/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>No one told me that it would be easy, I was, however, promised a unique challenge and an experience of lifetime – and the boy did deliver it!!! It is to your enormous credit that all participants were welcomed with the hospitality, care and encouragement that would put most ‘big-city’ marathons to shame. Every participants was made to feel like a winner br /> b> John Sturley UK/b> /div>/a> /div>div classitem> a target_blank href>div classcustmores>div classthumbn> img src width64 height64 altMartin Moran, UK titleMartin Moran, UK/> /div>p>span classtext>No one told me that it would be easy, I was, however, promised a unique challenge and an experience of lifetime – and the boy did deliver it!!! It is to your enormous credit that all participants were welcomed with the hospitality, care and encouragement that would put most ‘big-city’ marathons to shame. Every participants was made to feel like a winner br /> b> John Sturley UK/b> /div>/a> /div>/div>/div>/figure> figure idclients>div classcontainer> ul classsimply-scroll-list row2 idscroller> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/clients/a1.jpg altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/clients/a2.jpg altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/clients/a4.jpg altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/clients/a5.jpg altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/clients/a1.jpg altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> li> a href#> img src/photos/shares/team/bot-logo.png altclient width64 height64> /a> /li> /ul>/div>/figure> footer>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-lg-5 wow fadeIn animated time2 data-wow-delay200ms>div classfooterlinks>span>Quick Information/span>div classrow>div classcol-sm-6>ul >li >a href> Home /a> /li>li > a href target_blank >About Organisation /a> /li>li > a href target_blank >Accomplishment /a> /li>li > a href target_blank >Conservation /a> /li>li > a href target_blank >Charity /a> /li>li>a href target_blank > Our Team /a>/li>li >a href target_blank>Testimonials /a>/li>/ul>/div>div classcol-sm-6>ul >li> a href target_blank> Photo Gallery/a> /li>li> a href target_blank> Video Gallery/a> /li>li >a href target_blank> Articles /a> /li>li >a href target_blank>Terms & Conditions /a> /li>li >a href target_blank>Trip Registration Form /a> /li>li >a href target_blank>Undertaking /a> /li>li >a href target_blank>Feedback /a> /li>li >a href target_blank> Contact Us /a>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-4 col-lg-4 wow fadeIn animated time4 data-wow-delay400ms>div classfooterlinks>span>Tours Offered/span>ul> li>a target_blank href>Mountaineering/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>trekking-trips/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>mountainbiking/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>Skiing/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>rafting/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>Wildlife Tour/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>Cultural Tour/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>Special Tour/a> /li> li>a target_blank href>Pilgrimage Tour/a> /li>/ul>/div>/div>div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3 wow fadeIn animated time6 data-wow-delay600ms>div classfooterlinks>span>Stay Connected/span>div idsocialfig new-social-dhh> ul classabhhhdggf> li classface>a target_blank href>i classfa fa-facebook>/i> /a>/li> li classlinke>a target_blank href>i classfa fa-instagram>/i>/a> /li> li classinsta>a target_blank href>i classfa fa-linkedin>/i>/a>/li> /ul> !-- div classanjjdut>img src width120>/div> --> /div>/div>/div>!-- div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 wow fadeIn animated time8 data-wow-delay800ms>div classfooterlinks>span>Newsletter subscribe/span>div classnewsletter>form methodPOST nameadmin action idsubscribe enctypemultipart/form-data> div classformgroup>input nameemailid idemailid classemail form-control placeholderEmail ID typetext onBlurcheckAvailability()/>img src idloaderIcon styledisplay:none />span iduser-availability-status>/span> /div> div classsubscributton>div idinputbutton styledisplay:none>/div>input typesubmit namesubmit valueSubscribe />/div> /form> /div>/div>/div> -->/div>/div>/footer>div classcopright>© script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())/script> Himalayan Run & Trek Pvt. 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