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After many years of serving homeschooling high school families, this past year I expanded my horizons and joined the online world. This site is designed to provide you with all of the tools to successfully homeschool your high school student./p>p>Look around and you will find lots of information. Things like ways to earn credits, how to keep records, volunteering, starting the college application process, links to scholarships, a connection to Piecing Together the High School Puzzle and for those who want more individualized attention – a link to set up guidance counseling sessions or speaking engagements for your local group./p>p>I am also a teacher for the Master-the-SAT Boot Camps that are designed to help your student improve their SAT scores. Check out that information under the Master the SAT tab./p>p>My goal is to publish new information regularly, bringing in more and more pieces, so bookmark us and check back often, sign up for our emails, put us in your RSS feed, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook – you know – all those things. I’m excited to be here!/p>p>strong>em>~to your success!/em>/strong>/p>p>span stylecolor: #3366ff;>strong>em>Joanne/em>/strong>/span>/p>p>(Image courtesy of photomyheart at>/div> /div>/div> /div>!-- end #home-top --> div idhome-bottom> div idfeatured-post-2 classwidget featured-content featuredpost>div classwidget-wrap>h4 classwidgettitle>The Latest!/h4>div classpost-1727 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-generalinfo category-planning entry has-post-thumbnail>h2 classentry-title>a href>Time Management for Teens/a>/h2>div classat-above-post-homepage addthis_tool data-url>/div>p>a href>img classalignnone size-medium wp-image-1728 src alt width300 height226 srcset 300w, 768w, 1024w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/a>/p>p> /p>p>Here we are at the beginning of a new school year. You’ve purchased curriculum, decided upon co-op classes or online options, and bought all the fun organizing products to help your teen succeed in the coming school year./p>p>Now you have to decide how this year is going to play out. Someone will be deciding how much work must be accomplished in each subject your teen is studying. For a large majority of us, this pacing schedule is dictated by a third-party. But the day-to-day is up to us./p>p>It is in the teenage years that we begin to delegate the job of time management to our students. And, rightly so. But, one of the greatest things teens struggle with is time management. There are so many things that must be balanced – school work, family time, sports, hobbies and now possibly even a job. So even though you’re loosening the reins, you’ll still need to walk alongside them as they navigate this new skill set./p>p>Start by talking big picture. Break the day into three large chunks – morning, afternoon and evening. Have your teen choose which of these two chunks of times will be school hours. They will have to choose times that work best for both your family life and their productivity time. Leave the third chunk free for other activities. Do your best to maintain these times either by writing out a large chart for the wall – or by having them keep a weekly planner clearly outlining these times./p>p>If you’re not sure what really works best – have them spend the first three weeks of school keeping track of how they actually spend their time. Just like you did when you first started budgeting your money – write down where time actually goes. From there, your teen can make a more realistic plan. Remember that it takes at least six weeks to build a habit, so it’s going to be up to you to help them protect their academic time./p>p>We, as parents, need to recognize that sometimes it is us causing the time management frustrations. We inadvertently overload our teens with coursework or activities and there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done. Take a hard look at your priorities – and let go of items that are unnecessary./p>p>Teens also need to learn the art of tackling the difficult, or least-liked, projects first. Your teen may be great at getting Math done since it’s their favorite subject, but they always leave Biology for the end. This means that Biology is always looming before them – and when they get there, all of their energy has been spent on easier or more loved subjects. Teach them to put those more difficult tasks into the freshest parts of their day and get them over with. They may also find that they grasp the material better and come to love those once-dreaded subjects./p>p>Teens (along with the rest of us) can also get overwhelmed when large tasks are looming. Show your student how to break the task down into smaller steps and then tackle one step at a time. If the entire list still looks like it’s too much, cover it with a piece of paper so that you’re only looking at one step at a time./p>p>One of the most difficult things about time management seems to be those time-wasters. While we do need down time, we don’t need wasted time. I won’t spend much time discussing social media distractions as that is a whole other article, but we are all painfully aware of how much time can be eaten up by our devices. I’m currently reading a book by Tim Elmore and in it he makes the point that most new technology claims it will save time, yet it actually beckons us to spend more time using it. This is especially true of social media. We easily get sucked down the rabbit hole of scrolling through our feeds. Technology is not going away, so we must work to manage it. Spend time strong>as a family/strong> devising a plan to minimize or compartmentalize your social media time. Be willing to make the same sacrifices with your devices that you are asking your teens to make./p>p>While we are on the subject, if you haven’t already, you should consider a good internet filtering program for your family. Even though we are allowing our teens more and more freedom, it is still good to be “wise as serpents” in this digital age. There are several good monitoring programs out there to choose from./p>p>As teens learn to manage their time and their social media, we need to be ready to administer some tough love. In other words, when they fail at something due to lack of planning or because they made some poor choices, let them also experience the consequences. Don’t adjust the deadlines and don’t quickly step in to take up the slack. Sit back and let them figure it out for themselves. It may mean they receive a poor grade or they don’t hold up their end of the bargain in a group project – but they need to em>FEEL/em> that. It is a great learning moment. One that will last much longer than the poor grade. And – if they manage to succeed in still getting the work done, or they have that conversation with a teacher and work out a plan – they have successfully learned the art of conflict resolution./p>p>Recognize that you’ll be taking one step forward and two steps backwards at times. This will be a trial and error process as you figure out, together, what works best. It’s a process you’ll have to repeat with each of your children and each outcome will look different. But just like with all other tasks – doing the hard work now will pay off in the future. Here’s to a great school year as you build new habits!/p>p> /p>p>strong>Recommended Resources:/strong>/p>ul>li>em>Generation iY: Secrets to Connecting with Today’s Teens & Young Adults in the Digital Age. /em>By Tim Elmore/li>li>em>Equipped: Raising Godly Digital Natives/em> by Covenant Eyes (free download)/li>li>Covenant Eyes Accountability Service>/ul>p> /p>p> /p>p>Photo by strong>Michaela /strong>from strong>Pexels/strong>/p>!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on the_content -->!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on the_content -->!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on the_content -->!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on the_content -->!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on the_content -->div classat-below-post-homepage addthis_tool data-url>/div>!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on the_content -->/div>/div>/div>div idsimple-social-icons-3 classwidget simple-social-icons>div classwidget-wrap>ul classalignleft>li classssi-email>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-email aria-labelledbysocial-email-3>title idsocial-email-3>Email/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>li classssi-linkedin>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-linkedin aria-labelledbysocial-linkedin-3>title idsocial-linkedin-3>LinkedIn/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>li classssi-twitter>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-twitter aria-labelledbysocial-twitter-3>title idsocial-twitter-3>Twitter/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div> /div>!-- end #home-bottom --> /div>!-- end #content --> div idsidebar classsidebar widget-area>div idsimple-social-icons-2 classwidget simple-social-icons>div classwidget-wrap>ul classalignright>li classssi-email>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-email aria-labelledbysocial-email-2>title idsocial-email-2>Email/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>li classssi-linkedin>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-linkedin aria-labelledbysocial-linkedin-2>title idsocial-linkedin-2>LinkedIn/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>li classssi-twitter>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-twitter aria-labelledbysocial-twitter-2>title idsocial-twitter-2>Twitter/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div>div idmedia_image-2 classwidget widget_media_image>div classwidget-wrap>h4 classwidget-title widgettitle>Meet Joanne!/h4>a href>img width200 height243 src classimage wp-image-563 aligncenter attachment-200x250 size-200x250 alt stylemax-width: 100%; height: auto; srcset 1479w, 246w, 841w sizes(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px />/a>/div>/div>div idmc4wp_form_widget-3 classwidget widget_mc4wp_form_widget>div classwidget-wrap>h4 classwidget-title widgettitle>Newsletter/h4>script>(function() { window.mc4wp window.mc4wp || { listeners: , forms: { on: function(evt, cb) { window.mc4wp.listeners.push( { event : evt, callback: cb } ); } } }})();/script>!-- Mailchimp for WordPress v4.9.10 - -->form idmc4wp-form-1 classmc4wp-form mc4wp-form-1444 mc4wp-form-basic methodpost data-id1444 data-nameDefault sign-up form >div classmc4wp-form-fields>!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->link href// relstylesheet typetext/css>style typetext/css> #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. 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After many years of serving homeschooling high school families, this past year I expanded my horizons and joined the online world. This site is designed to provide you with all of the tools to successfully homeschool your high school student./p>p>Look around and you will find lots of information. Things like ways to earn credits, how to keep records, volunteering, starting the college application process, links to scholarships, a connection to Piecing Together the High School Puzzle and for those who want more individualized attention – a link to set up guidance counseling sessions or speaking engagements for your local group./p>p>I am also a teacher for the Master-the-SAT Boot Camps that are designed to help your student improve their SAT scores. Check out that information under the Master the SAT tab./p>p>My goal is to publish new information regularly, bringing in more and more pieces, so bookmark us and check back often, sign up for our emails, put us in your RSS feed, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook – you know – all those things. I’m excited to be here!/p>p>strong>em>~to your success!/em>/strong>/p>p>span stylecolor: #3366ff;>strong>em>Joanne/em>/strong>/span>/p>p>(Image courtesy of photomyheart at>/div> /div>/div> /div>!-- end #home-top --> div idhome-bottom> div idfeatured-post-2 classwidget featured-content featuredpost>div classwidget-wrap>h4 classwidgettitle>The Latest!/h4>div classpost-1727 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-generalinfo category-planning entry has-post-thumbnail>h2 classentry-title>a href>Time Management for Teens/a>/h2>div classat-above-post-homepage addthis_tool data-url>/div>p>a href>img classalignnone size-medium wp-image-1728 src alt width300 height226 srcset 300w, 768w, 1024w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/a>/p>p> /p>p>Here we are at the beginning of a new school year. You’ve purchased curriculum, decided upon co-op classes or online options, and bought all the fun organizing products to help your teen succeed in the coming school year./p>p>Now you have to decide how this year is going to play out. Someone will be deciding how much work must be accomplished in each subject your teen is studying. For a large majority of us, this pacing schedule is dictated by a third-party. But the day-to-day is up to us./p>p>It is in the teenage years that we begin to delegate the job of time management to our students. And, rightly so. But, one of the greatest things teens struggle with is time management. There are so many things that must be balanced – school work, family time, sports, hobbies and now possibly even a job. So even though you’re loosening the reins, you’ll still need to walk alongside them as they navigate this new skill set./p>p>Start by talking big picture. Break the day into three large chunks – morning, afternoon and evening. Have your teen choose which of these two chunks of times will be school hours. They will have to choose times that work best for both your family life and their productivity time. Leave the third chunk free for other activities. Do your best to maintain these times either by writing out a large chart for the wall – or by having them keep a weekly planner clearly outlining these times./p>p>If you’re not sure what really works best – have them spend the first three weeks of school keeping track of how they actually spend their time. Just like you did when you first started budgeting your money – write down where time actually goes. From there, your teen can make a more realistic plan. Remember that it takes at least six weeks to build a habit, so it’s going to be up to you to help them protect their academic time./p>p>We, as parents, need to recognize that sometimes it is us causing the time management frustrations. We inadvertently overload our teens with coursework or activities and there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done. Take a hard look at your priorities – and let go of items that are unnecessary./p>p>Teens also need to learn the art of tackling the difficult, or least-liked, projects first. Your teen may be great at getting Math done since it’s their favorite subject, but they always leave Biology for the end. This means that Biology is always looming before them – and when they get there, all of their energy has been spent on easier or more loved subjects. Teach them to put those more difficult tasks into the freshest parts of their day and get them over with. They may also find that they grasp the material better and come to love those once-dreaded subjects./p>p>Teens (along with the rest of us) can also get overwhelmed when large tasks are looming. Show your student how to break the task down into smaller steps and then tackle one step at a time. If the entire list still looks like it’s too much, cover it with a piece of paper so that you’re only looking at one step at a time./p>p>One of the most difficult things about time management seems to be those time-wasters. While we do need down time, we don’t need wasted time. I won’t spend much time discussing social media distractions as that is a whole other article, but we are all painfully aware of how much time can be eaten up by our devices. I’m currently reading a book by Tim Elmore and in it he makes the point that most new technology claims it will save time, yet it actually beckons us to spend more time using it. This is especially true of social media. We easily get sucked down the rabbit hole of scrolling through our feeds. Technology is not going away, so we must work to manage it. Spend time strong>as a family/strong> devising a plan to minimize or compartmentalize your social media time. Be willing to make the same sacrifices with your devices that you are asking your teens to make./p>p>While we are on the subject, if you haven’t already, you should consider a good internet filtering program for your family. Even though we are allowing our teens more and more freedom, it is still good to be “wise as serpents” in this digital age. There are several good monitoring programs out there to choose from./p>p>As teens learn to manage their time and their social media, we need to be ready to administer some tough love. In other words, when they fail at something due to lack of planning or because they made some poor choices, let them also experience the consequences. Don’t adjust the deadlines and don’t quickly step in to take up the slack. Sit back and let them figure it out for themselves. It may mean they receive a poor grade or they don’t hold up their end of the bargain in a group project – but they need to em>FEEL/em> that. It is a great learning moment. One that will last much longer than the poor grade. And – if they manage to succeed in still getting the work done, or they have that conversation with a teacher and work out a plan – they have successfully learned the art of conflict resolution./p>p>Recognize that you’ll be taking one step forward and two steps backwards at times. This will be a trial and error process as you figure out, together, what works best. It’s a process you’ll have to repeat with each of your children and each outcome will look different. But just like with all other tasks – doing the hard work now will pay off in the future. Here’s to a great school year as you build new habits!/p>p> /p>p>strong>Recommended Resources:/strong>/p>ul>li>em>Generation iY: Secrets to Connecting with Today’s Teens & Young Adults in the Digital Age. /em>By Tim Elmore/li>li>em>Equipped: Raising Godly Digital Natives/em> by Covenant Eyes (free download)/li>li>Covenant Eyes Accountability Service>/ul>p> /p>p> /p>p>Photo by strong>Michaela /strong>from strong>Pexels/strong>/p>!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on the_content -->!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on the_content -->!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on the_content -->!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on the_content -->!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on the_content -->div classat-below-post-homepage addthis_tool data-url>/div>!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on the_content -->/div>/div>/div>div idsimple-social-icons-3 classwidget simple-social-icons>div classwidget-wrap>ul classalignleft>li classssi-email>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-email aria-labelledbysocial-email-3>title idsocial-email-3>Email/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>li classssi-linkedin>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-linkedin aria-labelledbysocial-linkedin-3>title idsocial-linkedin-3>LinkedIn/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>li classssi-twitter>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-twitter aria-labelledbysocial-twitter-3>title idsocial-twitter-3>Twitter/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div> /div>!-- end #home-bottom --> /div>!-- end #content --> div idsidebar classsidebar widget-area>div idsimple-social-icons-2 classwidget simple-social-icons>div classwidget-wrap>ul classalignright>li classssi-email>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-email aria-labelledbysocial-email-2>title idsocial-email-2>Email/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>li classssi-linkedin>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-linkedin aria-labelledbysocial-linkedin-2>title idsocial-linkedin-2>LinkedIn/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>li classssi-twitter>a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>svg roleimg classsocial-twitter aria-labelledbysocial-twitter-2>title idsocial-twitter-2>Twitter/title>use xlink:href>/use>/svg>/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div>div idmedia_image-2 classwidget widget_media_image>div classwidget-wrap>h4 classwidget-title widgettitle>Meet Joanne!/h4>a href>img width200 height243 src classimage wp-image-563 aligncenter attachment-200x250 size-200x250 alt stylemax-width: 100%; height: auto; srcset 1479w, 246w, 841w sizes(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px />/a>/div>/div>div idmc4wp_form_widget-3 classwidget widget_mc4wp_form_widget>div classwidget-wrap>h4 classwidget-title widgettitle>Newsletter/h4>script>(function() { window.mc4wp window.mc4wp || { listeners: , forms: { on: function(evt, cb) { window.mc4wp.listeners.push( { event : evt, callback: cb } ); } } }})();/script>!-- Mailchimp for WordPress v4.9.10 - -->form idmc4wp-form-1 classmc4wp-form mc4wp-form-1444 mc4wp-form-basic methodpost data-id1444 data-nameDefault sign-up form >div classmc4wp-form-fields>!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->link href// relstylesheet typetext/css>style typetext/css> #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. 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