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Whats more, you will not need to invest in new infrastructure/p> a href# classspecial>더보기.../a> /div> /div> /section> !-- Three --> section idthree classwrapper spotlight style3> div classinner> a href# classimage>img srcimages/SDN.JPG alt />/a> div classcontent> h2 classmajor>HGC SDN 서비스/h2> p>HGC SD-WAN (Software Defined Wide Area Network) services enable enterprises to simplify network management and ensure greater agility and better cost control. The platform aggregates bandwidth and can be integrated seamlessly into enterprises’ existing networks. Data capacity can be automatically prioritised for mission-critical applications, leaving less prominent applications to be run via secure Internet./p> a href# classspecial>더보기.../a> /div> /div> /section> !-- Four --> section idfour classwrapper alt style1> div classinner> h2 classmajor>HGC KOREA 조직도/h2> p>아래의 담당자 연락처로 문의주시면 도와드리겠습니다./p> section classfeatures> article> a href# classimage>img srcimages/hans.JPG alt />/a> h3 classmajor>Korea Head/h3> p>임정환 지사장 (Hans)/br>010-5421-6558/p> a href# classspecial>Learn more/a> /article> article> a href# classimage>img srcimages/chris.JPG alt />/a> h3 classmajor>Corp Sales/h3> p>박영준 과장 (Chris)/br>010-3900-8383/p> a href# classspecial>Learn more/a> /article> article> a href# classimage>img srcimages/uj.JPG alt />/a> h3 classmajor>Pricing/h3> p>김의주 대리 (UJ)/br>010-9224-0154/p> a href# classspecial>Learn more/a> /article> article> a href# classimage>img srcimages/yohan.JPG alt />/a> h3 classmajor>Operation/h3> p>송형일 대리 (Yohan)/br>010-6573-0913/p> a href# classspecial>Learn more/a> /article> /section> ul classactions> li>a href# classbutton>위로 돌아가기/a>/li> /ul> /div> /section> /section> !-- Footer --> section idfooter> div classinner> h2 classmajor>HGC KOREA 오시는길/h2> form methodpost action#> div classfields> div classfield> label forname>Name/label> input typetext namename idname /> /div> div classfield> label foremail>Email/label> input typeemail nameemail idemail /> /div> div classfield> label formessage>Message/label> textarea namemessage idmessage rows4>/textarea> /div> /div> ul classactions> li>input typesubmit valueSend Message />/li> /ul> /form> ul classcontact> li classicon solid fa-home> 서울특별시 종로구 율곡로2길 7br /> 서머셋팰리스 서울408호, HGC KOREAbr /> (우)03143 /li> li classicon solid fa-phone>(080) 802-5997/li> li classicon solid fa-envelope>> li classicon brands fa-twitter>a href>Linkedin/a>/li> li classicon brands fa-facebook-f>a href>>/li> /ul> ul classcopyright> li>© Untitled Inc. 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