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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 18:46:41 GMTServer: ApacheCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check0, pre-check0Pragma: no-cacheExpires: Fri, 06 Jun 1975 15:10:00 GMTVary: U !DOCTYPE html>html langde>head> meta charsetutf-8> title>Home - Heun Agrarservice Irmtraut/title> base href> meta namerobots contentindex,follow> meta namedescription content> meta namekeywords content> meta namegenerator contentContao Open Source CMS> link relstylesheet href,600,400italic,600italic>link relstylesheet hrefassets/css/dfd059d5b245.css> script srcassets/js/e60f2097659c.js>/script>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width,initial-scale1> !--if lt IE 9>script srcassets/html5shiv/3.7.2/html5shiv-printshiv.min.js>/script>!endif--> /head>body idtop classunknown other opensauce-fullwidth home> !--if lt IE 8> p>You are using an outdated browser. a href>Upgrade your browser today/a>./p> !endif--> div classpage> header classpage-header> !-- indexer::stop -->h1 classce_rsce_opensauce_logo logo> a href> img srcfiles/heunfiles/heun-agrarservice.png width371 height121 altHeun Agrarservice Irmtraut> /a>/h1>!-- indexer::continue -->!-- indexer::stop -->nav classmod_customnav header-navigation block> a href#skipNavigation59 classinvisible>Navigation überspringen/a> ul classlevel_1 rolemenubar> li classfirst last>a hrefindex.php/impressum.html titleImpressum classfirst last rolemenuitem>Impressum/a>/li> /ul> a idskipNavigation59 classinvisible> /a>/nav>!-- indexer::continue -->div classtag-line>div classmod_article first last block idtagline> div classmod_rocksolid_slider block> div data-rsts-typeimage> img srcassets/images/f/titel1-heun-ca0759ef.jpg srcsetassets/images/f/titel1-heun-ca0759ef.jpg 1028w, assets/images/4/titel1-heun-276cb7f4.jpg 411w, assets/images/8/titel1-heun-6141b488.jpg 771w sizes(max-width: 1122px) 92vw, 1028px alt> script> window.respimage && window.respimage({ elements: document.imagesdocument.images.length - 1 }); /script> /d
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 18:46:42 GMTServer: ApacheCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check0, pre-check0Pragma: no-cacheExpires: Fri, 06 Jun 1975 15:10:00 GMTVary: U !DOCTYPE html>html langde>head> meta charsetutf-8> title>Home - Heun Agrarservice Irmtraut/title> base href> meta namerobots contentindex,follow> meta namedescription content> meta namekeywords content> meta namegenerator contentContao Open Source CMS> link relstylesheet href,600,400italic,600italic>link relstylesheet hrefassets/css/dfd059d5b245.css> script srcassets/js/e60f2097659c.js>/script>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width,initial-scale1> !--if lt IE 9>script srcassets/html5shiv/3.7.2/html5shiv-printshiv.min.js>/script>!endif--> /head>body idtop classunknown other opensauce-fullwidth home> !--if lt IE 8> p>You are using an outdated browser. a href>Upgrade your browser today/a>./p> !endif--> div classpage> header classpage-header> !-- indexer::stop -->h1 classce_rsce_opensauce_logo logo> a href> img srcfiles/heunfiles/heun-agrarservice.png width371 height121 altHeun Agrarservice Irmtraut> /a>/h1>!-- indexer::continue -->!-- indexer::stop -->nav classmod_customnav header-navigation block> a href#skipNavigation59 classinvisible>Navigation überspringen/a> ul classlevel_1 rolemenubar> li classfirst last>a hrefindex.php/impressum.html titleImpressum classfirst last rolemenuitem>Impressum/a>/li> /ul> a idskipNavigation59 classinvisible> /a>/nav>!-- indexer::continue -->div classtag-line>div classmod_article first last block idtagline> div classmod_rocksolid_slider block> div data-rsts-typeimage> img srcassets/images/f/titel1-heun-ca0759ef.jpg srcsetassets/images/f/titel1-heun-ca0759ef.jpg 1028w, assets/images/4/titel1-heun-276cb7f4.jpg 411w, assets/images/8/titel1-heun-6141b488.jpg 771w sizes(max-width: 1122px) 92vw, 1028px alt> script> window.respimage && window.respimage({ elements: document.imagesdocument.images.length - 1 }); /script> /
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