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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.22.1Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 19:54:16 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 12727Last-Modified: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 06:07:47 GMTConnection: keep-aliveETag: 4f77f0b3-31b7Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>Over 2TB of Hentai Games available and much more!/title>br>meta namedescription contentThe only place you need to go for your Hentai needs>meta namekeywords contenthentai, Hentai Games, Hentai Game, Hentai Gamer, Hentai Gamers, H-Game, Hgame, hentai porn, porn hentai, adult hentai>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetshift_jis>style typetext/css>!--.style1 {font-size: 9px}.style2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9px;}.style3 {font-size: 10px}body,td,th { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}a:link { color: #FF9900; text-decoration: none;}a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #FF3300;}a:hover { text-decoration: none;}a:active { text-decoration: none; color: #FFFF33;}body { background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);}.style4 { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px;}.style7 {font-size: 12px}.style8 { color: #FF6600; font-weight: bold;}.style9 { color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;}.style10 { color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold;}.style11 { color: #009900; font-weight: bold;}-->/style>/head>body>table width772 border1 aligncenter bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFF00> tr bordercolor#000000 backgroundimages/yellow.jpg> td height16 colspan3>span classstyle2>--Welcome to HENTAIGAMERS.NET-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/span>/td> /tr> tr bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF> td colspan3>img srcimages/splashpage.jpg width762 height138>/td> /tr> tr> td width125 rowspan2 bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF>img srcimages/content/side pictures/3/1.png width125 height88>img srcimages/content/side pictures/3/3.png width125 height88>img srcimages/content/side pictures/3/5.png width125 height88>img srcimages/content/side pictures/2/6.png width125 height88>br>/td> td width500 height30 bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF>div aligncenter classstyle7>Inside you will find a massive collection of H-Games, designed to fit your tastes and pleasures ! 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We have a collection of span classstyle9>over 500 hentai games/span> and we have span classstyle10>updates often/span>, making the newest and best hentai games always at your fingertips! br> br> Whether youre looking for the hottest new selling hentai games on the market or looking for an older hentai game that you just cant live without, this is your one stop shop! /span>span classstyle3>br> br> br> This site is for people age 18 or 21, depending on the country of your origin. By entering you certify that you are of above age and that you do like and approve of the content included in this site. br> br> a hrefmain.htm>img srcimages/enterhere.jpg width211 height75 border0>/a>br> br> a href>img srcimages/joinnow.jpg width100 height20 border0>/a>a hrefentrance.htm>img srcimages/members.jpg width100 height20 border0>/a> br> /span>/p> /div>/td> /tr> tr bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF> td height28 colspan3>span classstyle1>IMPORTANT: The content of this site features no character, likeness of person, or otherwise, which is under the legal age of 18 years old. If you have any questions regarding this pleasea> contact us/a>. /span>/td> /tr>/table>div aligncenter> p> !--START HENTAIKEY BANNER CODE --> /p> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width801> tbody> tr> td>div classstyle50 aligncenter>Welcome to the Last Place You Will Ever Have To go for Your Hentai Fix/div>/td> /tr> tr> td>table aligncenter border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width801> tbody> tr> td>div aligncenter>span classstyle52>a href>img srcimages/banners/a468x60_001.jpg alt border0>/a>br> br> /span>/div>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td>div aligncenter>span classstyle52>span classstyle53>**ALL NEW ** JOIN HENTAIKEY GT TODAY AND GET ACCESS TO TONS OF REAL PORN !! **/span>/span>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td>div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 width677> tbody> tr> td>a href>/a> a href>img srcimages/banners/Hentailinkorama.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>span classstyle43>a href>img srcimages/banners/dmagic468x60.gif alt width468 height60 border0 alignmiddle>/a>/span>/td> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/Hentopia.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> span classstyle43>/span>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td>div aligncenter> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding5 cellspacing5 width513> tbody> tr> td>div aligncenter>span classstyle43>a href>span classstyle48>strong>img srcimages/banners/Neotokyo.gif alt width89 height42 border0>/strong>/span>/a>/span>/div>/td> td>span classstyle43>a href>img srcimages/banners/HentaiBuzz.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/span>/td> td>span classstyle43>span classstyle48>strong>a href>img srcimages/banners/eroticanimelinks1.gif alt width100 height39>/a>a href>/a>/strong>/span>/span>/td> td>div aligncenter>a href target_blank>/a>a href>img srcimages/banners/hentaiyume1.gif alt width100 height40>/a>/div>/td> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/HentaiLab.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/axn_button1.gif alt width100 height40>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/HentaiSeeker.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/HentaiQuest.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/HentaiSpider.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/HentaiLovers.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/HentaiPortal.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/ttsban051.jpg alt width88 height31>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/ArtErotica1.gif alt width124 height50>/a>/td> td>A href target_blank>IMG height40 srcimages/banners/hentai_hits_100x401.gif width93 border0>/A>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/hentaitraffic_100x401.gif alt width100 height40>/a>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/hentairesource1.gif alt width100 height40>/a>/td> td>img srcimages/banners/hkbutton1.gif alt width108 height53>/a>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/bonzaibanner1.gif alt width100 height40>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter>a href target_blank>img src border0 altPowered by Stats 21>/a> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td>img srcimages/banners/ht1001.gif alt width108 height53>/td> td>strong>a href>img srcimages/banners/HentaiResource.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/strong>/td> /tr> tr> td height73> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding3 cellspacing0 height58 width141> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#000000>table border1 bordercolor#ccff00 cellspacing0 height50 width135> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#333333>div aligncenter>a href>font color#ccff00 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif size3>u>Hentai Yume/u>/font>/a>br> font color#ffffff faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif size2>Free Hentai Links/font>br> a href>font color#ccff00 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif size2>u>Hentai Links/u>/font>/a>/div>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> div aligncenter>b> a href>font color#0099ff size2 faceVerdana>Porn Search Engine/font>br> XXX Movies & Pictures Directorybr> b>a href>font color#0099ff>Adult Site Reviews/a>br> a href target_blank>img src alt border0>/a>/div>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> p> noscript> /noscript> !---HentaiCounter Code do not modify---> /p>p>a href target_blank>img srcimages/b468x60.gif width468 height60 border0>/a>br> This site has been designed to work with INTERNET EXPLORER 6+. /p>/div>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.22.1Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 19:54:16 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 12727Last-Modified: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 06:07:47 GMTConnection: keep-aliveETag: 4f77f0b3-31b7Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>Over 2TB of Hentai Games available and much more!/title>br>meta namedescription contentThe only place you need to go for your Hentai needs>meta namekeywords contenthentai, Hentai Games, Hentai Game, Hentai Gamer, Hentai Gamers, H-Game, Hgame, hentai porn, porn hentai, adult hentai>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetshift_jis>style typetext/css>!--.style1 {font-size: 9px}.style2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9px;}.style3 {font-size: 10px}body,td,th { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}a:link { color: #FF9900; text-decoration: none;}a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #FF3300;}a:hover { text-decoration: none;}a:active { text-decoration: none; color: #FFFF33;}body { background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);}.style4 { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px;}.style7 {font-size: 12px}.style8 { color: #FF6600; font-weight: bold;}.style9 { color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;}.style10 { color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold;}.style11 { color: #009900; font-weight: bold;}-->/style>/head>body>table width772 border1 aligncenter bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFF00> tr bordercolor#000000 backgroundimages/yellow.jpg> td height16 colspan3>span classstyle2>--Welcome to HENTAIGAMERS.NET-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/span>/td> /tr> tr bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF> td colspan3>img srcimages/splashpage.jpg width762 height138>/td> /tr> tr> td width125 rowspan2 bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF>img srcimages/content/side pictures/3/1.png width125 height88>img srcimages/content/side pictures/3/3.png width125 height88>img srcimages/content/side pictures/3/5.png width125 height88>img srcimages/content/side pictures/2/6.png width125 height88>br>/td> td width500 height30 bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF>div aligncenter classstyle7>Inside you will find a massive collection of H-Games, designed to fit your tastes and pleasures ! We offer span classstyle11>over 1TB/span> of quality Hentai Entertainment ! /div>/td> td width125 rowspan2 bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF>img srcimages/content/side pictures/3/2.png width125 height88>img srcimages/content/side pictures/3/4.png width125 height88>img srcimages/content/side pictures/3/7.png width125 height88>img srcimages/content/side pictures/3/9.png width125 height88>/td> /tr> tr> td height247 bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF>div aligncenter> p>span classstyle7>HentaiGamers is a website for span classstyle8>hentai games/span> (or bishoujo games if you prefer). We have a collection of span classstyle9>over 500 hentai games/span> and we have span classstyle10>updates often/span>, making the newest and best hentai games always at your fingertips! br> br> Whether youre looking for the hottest new selling hentai games on the market or looking for an older hentai game that you just cant live without, this is your one stop shop! /span>span classstyle3>br> br> br> This site is for people age 18 or 21, depending on the country of your origin. By entering you certify that you are of above age and that you do like and approve of the content included in this site. br> br> a hrefmain.htm>img srcimages/enterhere.jpg width211 height75 border0>/a>br> br> a href>img srcimages/joinnow.jpg width100 height20 border0>/a>a hrefentrance.htm>img srcimages/members.jpg width100 height20 border0>/a> br> /span>/p> /div>/td> /tr> tr bordercolor#000000 bgcolor#FFFFFF> td height28 colspan3>span classstyle1>IMPORTANT: The content of this site features no character, likeness of person, or otherwise, which is under the legal age of 18 years old. If you have any questions regarding this pleasea> contact us/a>. /span>/td> /tr>/table>div aligncenter> p> !--START HENTAIKEY BANNER CODE --> /p> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width801> tbody> tr> td>div classstyle50 aligncenter>Welcome to the Last Place You Will Ever Have To go for Your Hentai Fix/div>/td> /tr> tr> td>table aligncenter border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width801> tbody> tr> td>div aligncenter>span classstyle52>a href>img srcimages/banners/a468x60_001.jpg alt border0>/a>br> br> /span>/div>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td>div aligncenter>span classstyle52>span classstyle53>**ALL NEW ** JOIN HENTAIKEY GT TODAY AND GET ACCESS TO TONS OF REAL PORN !! **/span>/span>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td>div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding5 cellspacing0 width677> tbody> tr> td>a href>/a> a href>img srcimages/banners/Hentailinkorama.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>span classstyle43>a href>img srcimages/banners/dmagic468x60.gif alt width468 height60 border0 alignmiddle>/a>/span>/td> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/Hentopia.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> span classstyle43>/span>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td>div aligncenter> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding5 cellspacing5 width513> tbody> tr> td>div aligncenter>span classstyle43>a href>span classstyle48>strong>img srcimages/banners/Neotokyo.gif alt width89 height42 border0>/strong>/span>/a>/span>/div>/td> td>span classstyle43>a href>img srcimages/banners/HentaiBuzz.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/span>/td> td>span classstyle43>span classstyle48>strong>a href>img srcimages/banners/eroticanimelinks1.gif alt width100 height39>/a>a href>/a>/strong>/span>/span>/td> td>div aligncenter>a href target_blank>/a>a href>img srcimages/banners/hentaiyume1.gif alt width100 height40>/a>/div>/td> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/HentaiLab.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/axn_button1.gif alt width100 height40>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/HentaiSeeker.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/HentaiQuest.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/HentaiSpider.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/HentaiLovers.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href target_blank>img srcimages/banners/HentaiPortal.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/ttsban051.jpg alt width88 height31>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/ArtErotica1.gif alt width124 height50>/a>/td> td>A href target_blank>IMG height40 srcimages/banners/hentai_hits_100x401.gif width93 border0>/A>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/hentaitraffic_100x401.gif alt width100 height40>/a>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/hentairesource1.gif alt width100 height40>/a>/td> td>img srcimages/banners/hkbutton1.gif alt width108 height53>/a>/td> td>a href>img srcimages/banners/bonzaibanner1.gif alt width100 height40>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter>a href target_blank>img src border0 altPowered by Stats 21>/a> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td>img srcimages/banners/ht1001.gif alt width108 height53>/td> td>strong>a href>img srcimages/banners/HentaiResource.gif alt width100 height40 border0>/a>/strong>/td> /tr> tr> td height73> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /div> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding3 cellspacing0 height58 width141> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#000000>table border1 bordercolor#ccff00 cellspacing0 height50 width135> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#333333>div aligncenter>a href>font color#ccff00 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif size3>u>Hentai Yume/u>/font>/a>br> font color#ffffff faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif size2>Free Hentai Links/font>br> a href>font color#ccff00 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif size2>u>Hentai Links/u>/font>/a>/div>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> div aligncenter>b> a href>font color#0099ff size2 faceVerdana>Porn Search Engine/font>br> XXX Movies & Pictures Directorybr> b>a href>font color#0099ff>Adult Site Reviews/a>br> a href target_blank>img src alt border0>/a>/div>/td> /tr> /tbody> /table> p> noscript> /noscript> !---HentaiCounter Code do not modify---> /p>p>a href target_blank>img srcimages/b468x60.gif width468 height60 border0>/a>br> This site has been designed to work with INTERNET EXPLORER 6+. /p>/div>/body>/html>
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