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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 16:07:22 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sun, 06 Dec 2009 23:49:52 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 3516Vary: Accept-Encod html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>meta http-equivContent-Language contenten-us>title>Helicopter Minit-Men Inc./title>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 5.0>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>meta nameMicrosoft Theme contentnone, default>meta nameMicrosoft Border contentnone, default>/head>body styleposition: relative; float: left >p aligncenter> font color#000000> /font> /p>p alignleft>b>font color#000000 size4> /font>/b> /p>div aligncenter> center> table border0 width86%> tr> td width36% alignleft>img border0 srchelicopter_4.jpg width286 height191>/td> /center> td width64% alignleft> p aligncenter>b>font color#000000 size4>Welcome to helicopter minit-men, inc. /font>/b> p aligncenter>b>font color#000000 size4>We have been providing the highest quality helicopter services for over 41 years. Look around our site and see what we can do for your organization./font>/b>/td> /tr> /table>/div>hr>p>b>font color#000000 size3> Established in 1962,helicopter minit-men, inc. has set the standard in the Utility industry for a hrefright_of_way.htm>Right-of-Way/a>maintenance and helicopter services through training, dedication and an emphasison safety and mission accomplishment. Our award winning a hrefMaintenance.htm>MaintenanceDivision/a> is one of the oldest a href>MDHelicopter/a> and a href>SchweizerHelicopter/a> Service Centers in the country with over 35 years of service./font>/b> /p>hr> h2>Contact Information/h2> p>font size3 color#000000>For questions or information on any of the services we provide, please contact us using one of the methods below./font> /p> dl> dt>strong>font size2 color#000000>Telephone/font>/strong> /dt> dd>font size2 color#000000>614-486-9309/font>/dd> dt>strong>font size2 color
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 16:07:22 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sun, 06 Dec 2009 23:49:52 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 3516Vary: Accept-Encod html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>meta http-equivContent-Language contenten-us>title>Helicopter Minit-Men Inc./title>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 5.0>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>meta nameMicrosoft Theme contentnone, default>meta nameMicrosoft Border contentnone, default>/head>body styleposition: relative; float: left >p aligncenter> font color#000000> /font> /p>p alignleft>b>font color#000000 size4> /font>/b> /p>div aligncenter> center> table border0 width86%> tr> td width36% alignleft>img border0 srchelicopter_4.jpg width286 height191>/td> /center> td width64% alignleft> p aligncenter>b>font color#000000 size4>Welcome to helicopter minit-men, inc. /font>/b> p aligncenter>b>font color#000000 size4>We have been providing the highest quality helicopter services for over 41 years. Look around our site and see what we can do for your organization./font>/b>/td> /tr> /table>/div>hr>p>b>font color#000000 size3> Established in 1962,helicopter minit-men, inc. has set the standard in the Utility industry for a hrefright_of_way.htm>Right-of-Way/a>maintenance and helicopter services through training, dedication and an emphasison safety and mission accomplishment. Our award winning a hrefMaintenance.htm>MaintenanceDivision/a> is one of the oldest a href>MDHelicopter/a> and a href>SchweizerHelicopter/a> Service Centers in the country with over 35 years of service./font>/b> /p>hr> h2>Contact Information/h2> p>font size3 color#000000>For questions or information on any of the services we provide, please contact us using one of the methods below./font> /p> dl> dt>strong>font size2 color#000000>Telephone/font>/strong> /dt> dd>font size2 color#000000>614-486-9309/font>/dd> dt>strong>font size2 color
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