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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 04 Aug 2024 21:21:51 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 4260Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 07:02:26 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesCache-C html>HEAD> TITLE>HeartJewels/TITLE> META NAMEDescription CONTENTHandmade Cards for the Soul| Each brightly colored Handmade Card is like a small framed work of Art|Much more than a Card | A true gift from the Heart> META NAMEkeywords CONTENTHeartJewels Handmade Cards HEART JEWEL JEWELS MEDITATION BUDDHA PRINTS ART BLESSINGS SPIRITUALITY GIFT MIND SPIRIT GIFTS LOVE DESIGN SPIRITUAL NEW AGE Meditation Links Greeting Cards Inspiration Inspirational enlightenment Transformation Zen Metaphysical Religion> META namerobots contentindex, follow> script languageJavaScript>!--function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 eval(targ+.location+selObj.optionsselObj.selectedIndex.value+); if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex0;}function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v3.0 var p,i,x; if(!d) ddocument; if((pn.indexOf(?))>0&&parent.frames.length) { dparent.framesn.substring(p+1).document; nn.substring(0,p);} if(!(xdn)&&d.all) xd.alln; for (i0;!x&&id.forms.length;i++) xd.formsin; for(i0;!x&&d.layers&&id.layers.length;i++) xMM_findObj(n,d.layersi.document); return x;}function MM_jumpMenuGo(selName,targ,restore){ //v3.0 var selObj MM_findObj(selName); if (selObj) MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore);}//-->/script>body bgcolor#000099 text#FF0000 link#66FFFF vlink#66FFFF alink#66FFFF>table width700 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter height525> tr> td height525 rowspan3 alignleft valigntop width374>img srcpages/home/home1.jpg width374 height525 usemap#Map2 border0>/td> td height234 width99 alignleft valigntop>img srcpages/home/home2.jpg width99 height234>/td> td height525 rowspan3 width227 alignleft valigntop>img srcpages/home/home3.jpg width227 height525>/td> /tr> tr> td height77 width99 alignleft valigntop>img srcpages/images/eye2.gif width99 height79>/td> /tr> tr> td height212 width99 alignleft valigntop>img srcpages/home/home4.jpg width99 height212>/td> /tr>/table>blockquote> blockquote> blockquote> blockquote> blockquote> blockquote> p>objec
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 04 Aug 2024 21:21:52 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 4260Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 07:02:26 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesCache-C html>HEAD> TITLE>HeartJewels/TITLE> META NAMEDescription CONTENTHandmade Cards for the Soul| Each brightly colored Handmade Card is like a small framed work of Art|Much more than a Card | A true gift from the Heart> META NAMEkeywords CONTENTHeartJewels Handmade Cards HEART JEWEL JEWELS MEDITATION BUDDHA PRINTS ART BLESSINGS SPIRITUALITY GIFT MIND SPIRIT GIFTS LOVE DESIGN SPIRITUAL NEW AGE Meditation Links Greeting Cards Inspiration Inspirational enlightenment Transformation Zen Metaphysical Religion> META namerobots contentindex, follow> script languageJavaScript>!--function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 eval(targ+.location+selObj.optionsselObj.selectedIndex.value+); if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex0;}function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v3.0 var p,i,x; if(!d) ddocument; if((pn.indexOf(?))>0&&parent.frames.length) { dparent.framesn.substring(p+1).document; nn.substring(0,p);} if(!(xdn)&&d.all) xd.alln; for (i0;!x&&id.forms.length;i++) xd.formsin; for(i0;!x&&d.layers&&id.layers.length;i++) xMM_findObj(n,d.layersi.document); return x;}function MM_jumpMenuGo(selName,targ,restore){ //v3.0 var selObj MM_findObj(selName); if (selObj) MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore);}//-->/script>body bgcolor#000099 text#FF0000 link#66FFFF vlink#66FFFF alink#66FFFF>table width700 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter height525> tr> td height525 rowspan3 alignleft valigntop width374>img srcpages/home/home1.jpg width374 height525 usemap#Map2 border0>/td> td height234 width99 alignleft valigntop>img srcpages/home/home2.jpg width99 height234>/td> td height525 rowspan3 width227 alignleft valigntop>img srcpages/home/home3.jpg width227 height525>/td> /tr> tr> td height77 width99 alignleft valigntop>img srcpages/images/eye2.gif width99 height79>/td> /tr> tr> td height212 width99 alignleft valigntop>img srcpages/home/home4.jpg width99 height212>/td> /tr>/table>blockquote> blockquote> blockquote> blockquote> blockquote> blockquote> p>objec
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