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classedit_nav_main> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td classedit_nav_main_left width5%> /td> td width95% classedit_nav_main_charakter>a href/%3Cbig%3EHarvest-Moon-Forever%3C-s-big%3E.htm classmenu>b>big>Harvest Moon Forever/big>/b>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr>tr> td height28 background// onclickwindow.location.href#;; classedit_nav_main> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td classedit_nav_main_left width5%> /td> td width95% classedit_nav_main_charakter>a href/Umfragen.htm classmenu>Umfragen/a>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> © 2007-2015 HM Forever /td> td classnav_bar_right width9> /td> /tr> tr> td classnav_bar_bottom colspan3 height9>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> td width526 alignleft valigntop classedit_bg_middle> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td background// height35 classedit_content_headline> table width526 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td classedit_headline_bar_middle_left width9>/td> td classheadline_bar_middle width5>img src// width5 height21>/td> td classedit_headline_bar_middle_right1 width4>/td> td width499 classheadline4>strong>big>Harvest Moon Forever/big>/strong>/td> td classedit_headline_bar_middle_right2 width9>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height35 bgcolor#4B595B classedit_page_bg> table width526 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td classedit_page_bg_left width9>/td> td colspan2 width507 height5 background// classedit_contetn_headline2>/td> td classedit_page_bg_right width9>/td> /tr> tr> td classedit_content_top_left width9>/td> td width5 bgcolor#CECECE classedit_content_top>/td> td width503 background// height53 classedit_content_headline3> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td classedit_content_headline3_sub_left width98% height33>/td> td classedit_content_headline3_sub_right width2%>/td> /tr> tr> td height20 alignright classheadline5>/td> td classedit_headline5_right>/td> /tr> /table> /td> td classedit_headline5_post width9>/td> /tr> tr> td classedit_cont_bar_left_left >/td> td classcont_bar_left bgcolor#E5E5E5>/td> td classedit_bar_left_td bgcolor#FFFFFF>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding5> tr> td classcont height150>div stylewidth: 510; overflow: auto;>p aligncenter> img alt src// />br />br />strong>span stylefont-family: Arial;>span stylefont-size: medium;>Diese Seite wird nicht weiter betrieben./span>/span>/strong>span stylefont-family: Arial;>span stylefont-size: medium;>br />br />Ein gutes Harvest Moon Forum: /span>/span>a href>span stylefont-family: Arial;>span stylefont-size: medium;>>/span>/a>span stylefont-family: Arial;>span stylefont-size: medium;>br />br />Vielen Dank für die geinsame Zeit/span>/span>font size4>strong>br />/strong>/font>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>div stylemargin-bottom:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt; text-align:center;line-height:normal;text-autospace:none aligncenter>span stylefont-size: small;> /span>/div>div stylemargin-bottom:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt; text-align:center;line-height:normal;text-autospace:none aligncenter>em>span stylefont-size: small;>Doomsday /span>/em>span stylefont-size: small;>br />/span>/div>/font>/span>span stylefont-size: x-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>br />/span>/span>/p>div classOUTBRAIN data-ob-contenturl data-widget-idAR_1 data-ob-installation-keyDEDER1336F53KG67MGDL4PLCO> /div>/div>/td> /tr> /table> /td> td>/td> /tr> tr> td classcont_bar_middle colspan4 height9>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> td width182 alignleft valigntop classedit_bg_rightbox> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td background// height35 classedit_rechts_headline> table width182 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td classedit_headline_bar_right_left width9>/td> td classheadline_bar_right width5>img src// width5 height21>/td> td classheadline_bar_right_right width4>/td> td width155 classheadline6>strong>center>Umfrage/center>/strong>/td> td classedit_headline6_right width9> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height35 alignleft valigntop bgcolor#4B595B classedit_right_box> table width182 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td classedit_rechts_headline2_left width9>/td> td width164 height5 background// classedit_rechts_headline2>/td> td classedit_rechts_headline2_right width9>/td> /tr> tr> td classrb_bar_left width9> /td> td width164 height60 bgcolor#FFFFFF classedit_right_box2 stylepadding-left:5px;>br />br />table aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tr> td valigntop width150> form action methodpost> b>Was wünscht ihr euch für die Homepage am meisten?/b> table aligncenter width150> tr> td>input typeradio nameantwort value239>Mehr Bilder und Screenshots/td> /tr> tr> td>input typeradio nameantwort value240>Ein neues Design/td> /tr> tr> td>input typeradio nameantwort value241>Mehr Information zu erschienenen Spielen/td> /tr> tr> td>input typeradio nameantwort value242>Mehr Information zu unveröffentlichten Spielen/td> /tr> tr> td>input typeradio nameantwort value243>Kurztipps&Tricks-Seiten zu allen Spielen/td> /tr> tr> td>input typeradio nameantwort value244>Artwork (Bilder, Fanarts, Geschichten)/td> /tr> tr> td>input typeradio nameantwort value245>News über Aktuelles in der Harvest Moon-Welt/td> /tr> tr> td> input typehidden nameuid value23> input typesubmit valueAbstimmen>br /> (a href?uid23>Ergebnis anzeigen/a>) /td> /tr> /table> /form> /td> /tr>/table>br />br /> /td> td classrb_bar_right width9> /td> /tr> tr> td classrb_bar_bottom colspan3 height9>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height10>/td> /tr> tr> td background// height35 classedit_rechts_headline> table width182 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width9>/td> td classheadline_bar_right width5>img src// width5 height21>/td> td width4>/td> td width155 classheadline7>strong>center>Erscheinungstermine/center>/strong>/td> td width9> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height35 alignleft valigntop bgcolor#4B595B classedit_right_box> table width182 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width9>/td> td width164 height5 background// classedit_rechts_headline2>/td> td width9>/td> /tr> tr> td classrb_bar_left width9> /td> td width164 height60 bgcolor#FFFFFF classedit_right_box2 stylepadding-left:5px;>br />table width158 cellspacing1 cellpadding1 border0 aligncenter> tbody> tr> td rowspan2 styletext-align: center;>a target_blank href>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>img alt src />/font>/span>/font>/span>/font>/span>/font>/span>/font>/a>/td> td>a target_blank href>span stylefont-size: x-small;>strong>span stylefont-family: Arial;>Story of Seasons/span>/strong>/span>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-size: xx-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>27. Feb. 2014/span>/span>/font>/span>/font>/span>/font>/span>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2>hr /> /td> /tr> tr> td rowspan2 styletext-align: center;>a target_blank href>img alt src />/a>/td> td>a target_blank href>span stylefont-size: x-small;>strong>span stylefont-family: Arial;>Das verlorene Talbr /> /span>/strong>/span>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td>span stylefont-family: Arial;>span stylefont-size: xx-small;>4. November 2014br /> /span>/span>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2>hr /> /td> /tr> tr> td rowspan2 styletext-align: center;>img alt src />/td> td>a target_blank href>strong>span stylefont-size: xx-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>Story of Seasons/span>/span>/strong>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td>span stylefont-size: xx-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>31. März 2015br /> /span>/span>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2>hr /> /td> /tr> tr> td rowspan2 styletext-align: center;>a target_blank href>img alt src />/a>/td> td>a target_blank href>span stylefont-size: x-small;>strong>span stylefont-family: Arial;>Das verlorene Talbr /> /span>/strong>/span>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td>strong>span stylecolor: rgb(255, 0, 0);>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-size: xx-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>19. Juni 2015/span>/span>/font>/span>/font>/span>/font>/span>/font>/span>/strong>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-family: Arial;>font size2>span stylefont-size: xx-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>br /> /span>/span>/font>/span>/font>/span>/font>/span>/font>/td> /tr> /tbody>/table>br />/td> td classrb_bar_right width9> /td> /tr> tr> td classrb_bar_bottom colspan3 height9>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height10>/td> /tr> tr> td background// height35 classedit_rechts_headline> table width182 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width9>/td> td classheadline_bar_right width5>img src// width5 height21>/td> td width4>/td> td width155 classheadline7>strong>center>Unsere Partner/center>/strong>/td> td width9> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height35 alignleft valigntop bgcolor#4B595B classedit_right_box> table width182 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width9>/td> td width164 height5 background// classedit_rechts_headline2>/td> td width9>/td> /tr> tr> td classrb_bar_left width9> /td> td width164 height60 bgcolor#FFFFFF classedit_right_box2 stylepadding-left:5px;>br />div styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: x-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;> /span>/span>/div>table alignleft width92 cellspacing1 cellpadding1 border0> tbody> tr> td styletext-align: center;>a target_blank href>span stylefont-size: x-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>img alt src />/span>/span>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td styletext-align: center;>a target_blank href>span stylefont-size: x-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>img alt src />/span>/span>/a>/td> /tr> tr> /tr> tr> td styletext-align: center;>a target_blank href>span stylefont-size: x-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>img alt src />/span>/span>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td styletext-align: center;>a target_blank href>span stylefont-size: x-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>img alt src />/span>/span>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td styletext-align: center;>a target_blank href>span stylefont-size: x-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>img alt src />/span>/span>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td styletext-align: center;>a target_blank href>span stylefont-size: x-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>img alt src />/span>/span>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: x-small;>span stylefont-family: Arial;>a href target_blank>img alt src />/a>br /> br /> /span>/span>/td> /tr> /tbody>/table>/td> td classrb_bar_right width9> /td> /tr> tr> td classrb_bar_bottom colspan3 height9>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height10>/td> /tr> tr> td background// height35 classedit_rechts_headline> table width182 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width9>/td> td classheadline_bar_right width5>img src// width5 height21>/td> td width4>/td> td width155 classheadline7>strong>center>Besucherzähler/center>/strong>/td> td width9> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td height35 alignleft valigntop bgcolor#4B595B classedit_right_box> table width182 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width9>/td> td width164 height5 background// classedit_rechts_headline2>/td> td width9>/td> /tr> tr> td classrb_bar_left width9> /td> td width164 height60 bgcolor#FFFFFF classedit_right_box2 stylepadding-left:5px;>center>a href titleCounter>img src styleborder:none altCounter />/a>/center>/td> td classrb_bar_right width9> /td> /tr> tr> td classrb_bar_bottom colspan3 height9>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> center>font colorwhite stylefont-size: 11px; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>font color#D16B0B>Es waren schon 1016909 Besucher auf unserer Startseite!/font>/font>center> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr>/table>a idselfpromotionOverlay href target_blank relnofollow> Diese Webseite wurde kostenlos mit b>> erstellt. 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