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I hope you enjoy this site. Please sign my Guest Book and leave some comments./h3> /div> /div> div idarticle> div aligncenter>p>Ive recently moved my website to a new web hosting company and redesigned the layout of all the pages.Additionally I have upgraded all of the programs to the newestbr /> versions. If you previously were a member of the Genealogy area you will have to request a new username and password since this information was lost during the change./p> p>This website was made to share my family history with other interested individuals, and to attempt to locate lost relatives. If you think you might be related to my family I would love to hear from you so please contact /> /p> hr /> h3>Each of the links above will take you to a different area. /h3> p>The Genealogy link will take you to either the Hanrahan family or coming soon the Coats family. Both areas have an information page that gives a brief description of the family history and also a family tree page that contains a program that displays all the information that I have located on each family member in a tree format or various others ways. The Family tree program will allow for the general public to view this area, but they will not be able to see any information relating to living individuals. To see information on living individuals you must request permission to join. Only people who are proven to be related to our family will be approved to /> /p> p>The Photo Galleries link will take you to my collection of photographs. These photographs include ones that I have myself and those that I have obtained from others. They include both old pictures and current ones. I am attempting to get all of the people in these pictures identified so please browse through the pictures and let me know if you can identify people, places or /> /p> p>The coming events link will take you to a page with information on upcoming family events like the annual family picnic and the annual St. Patricks day /> /p> p>This site is an ongoing project and will be updated often as I get new information and pictures. The last 3 links lead to pages that are not finished. If you click on a link and it does not take you to a new page it means that the page has not been finished yet. I will get these new areas working as soon as I have time. Please feel free to come back regularly to see any new additions./p> p>All relatives may have their own email address with, if you are interested in getting an email address contact me./p> p>Feel free to contact me if you have any information or pictures that you would like to share./p> p>Thanks for visiting./p> p>Steve Hanrahan/p>/div> /div> !-- InstanceEndEditable -->!-- InstanceBeginEditable namebottomnav --> div idbottomnav> div aligncenter>strong>a hrefcontact.php>Contact Me/a> | a hrefsitemap.html>Site Map/a>/strong>/div> /div> !-- InstanceEndEditable -->!-- InstanceBeginEditable namenotice --> div idnotice> div aligncenter>If any individual listed on this website wants their private information to be removed, please a hrefcontact.php>contact me/a> and I will promptly comply with your request./div> /div> div idcounter> div aligncenter>You are visitor number img src/cgi-sys/Count.cgi?dfhome.dat|displayCounter|ft6|md5|frgb100;139;216|ddA> since Augusts 31, 2006/div> /div> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> div idupdate> div aligncenter>This page was last updated on !-- #BeginDate format:Am3a -->10/27/2008 2:55 AM!-- #EndDate -->/div> /div> !-- InstanceBeginEditable namedisclaimer --> div iddisclaimer> div aligncenter classstyle1>This website is owned by ©2008 All rights reserved. No material on this website may be republished, rebroadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the written permission of Steve Hanrahan owner of> /div> !-- InstanceEndEditable -->!-- InstanceBeginEditable namemozilla --> div idmozilla> div aligncenter>span classstyle1>This website is optimized to be viewed witha href> the Mozilla Firefox/a> browser. If you have any trouble viewing this site I recommend you download and install the free a href>Mozilla Firefox/a> browser./span>/div> /div> !-- InstanceEndEditable -->/div>/body>!-- InstanceEnd -->/html>
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