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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 07:33:15 GMTServer: ApacheExpires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidatePragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: PHPSESSIDebbf77f191e808d9a175db9640ba61fa; path/Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> meta namedescription contentH&S Home Services, Carpet cleaning, office cleaning, upholstery cleaning, window cleaning, House cleaning, floor cleaning, commercial cleaning, industrial cleaning in New york city> meta nameauthor contentMatrix Advertising LLC> title>H&S Home Services /title> !-- Bootstrap --> link hrefcss/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet> !-- Bootstrap responsive --> link hrefcss/bootstrap-responsive.min.css relstylesheet> !-- Font awesome - iconic font with IE7 support --> link hrefcss/font-awesome.css relstylesheet> link hrefcss/font-awesome-ie7.css relstylesheet> !-- Bootbusiness theme --> link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet> script srcjs/validate.js> onload(validateForm()) /script> /head> body> !-- Start: HEADER --> header> !-- Start: Navigation wrapper --> div classnavbar navbar-fixed-top> div classnavbar-inner> div classcontainer> a hrefindex.php classbrand brand-bootbus>H&S Home Services/a> !-- Below button used for responsive navigation --> button typebutton classbtn btn-navbar data-togglecollapse data-target.nav-collapse> span classicon-bar>/span> span classicon-bar>/span> span classicon-bar>/span> /button> !-- Start: Primary navigation --> div classnav-collapse collapse> ul classnav pull-right> li>a hrefindex.php>Home/a>/li> li>a hrefservice.php>Services/a>/li> li>a hrefcontact_us.php>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- End: Navigation wrapper --> /header> !-- End: HEADER --> !-- Start: MAIN CONTENT --> div classcontent> !-- Start: slider --> div classslider> div classcontainer-fluid> div idheroSlider classcarousel slide> div classcarousel-inner> div classactive item> div classhero-unit> div classrow-fluid> div classspan7 marketting-info> h1>No Job is Too Small/h1> h1>Call Us Now!!/h1> h1 stylecolor:#5D63B1;>(917) 443-9497/h1> div classpayment> img srcimg/payments.png altpayment methods width275 height55 /> /div> h3> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary>Learn more/a> /h3> /div> div classspan5> img srcimg/clean.jpg classthumbnail altcarpet cleaning service> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classhero-unit> div classrow-fluid> div classspan7 marketting-info> h1>Our Team Work Smart,br> To Save You The Work Hard/h1> h1>Call us Now!!/h1> h1 stylecolor:#0995D8;>(917) 443-9497/h1> div classpayment> img srcimg/payments.png altpayment methods width275 height55 /> /div> h3> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary>Learn more/a> /h3> /div> div classspan5> img srcimg/clean-2.jpg classthumbnail altHouse cleaning service> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classhero-unit> div classrow-fluid> div classspan7 marketting-info> h1>We offer Carpet Cleaning, that Dries in One Hour/h1> h1>Call us Now!!/h1> h1 stylecolor:#0995D8;>(917) 443-9497/h1> div classpayment> img srcimg/payments.png altpayment methods width275 height55 /> /div> h3> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary>Learn more/a> /h3> /div> div classspan5> img srcimg/oriental-rug.jpg classthumbnail altcarpet cleaning> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classhero-unit> div classrow-fluid> div classspan7 marketting-info> h1>Residential, Commercial and Industrial Cleaning/h1> h1>Call us Now!!/h1> h1 stylecolor:#0995D8;>(917) 443-9497/h1> div classpayment> img srcimg/payments.png altpayment methods width275 height55 /> /div> h3> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary>Learn more/a> /h3> /div> div classspan5> img srcimg/industrial-commercial.jpg classthumbnail altcommercial, residential, industrial cleaning> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> a classleft carousel-control href#heroSlider data-slideprev>‹/a> a classright carousel-control href#heroSlider data-slidenext>›/a> /div> /div> /div> !-- Start: PRODUCT LIST --> div classcontainer> div classpage-header> h4 styletext-align:center;> We are local specialist provider of Cleaning Services, Professional, reliable, and affordable carpet and upholstery cleaning. We are open 7 days a week for your convenience. With many years experience behind us, we can cater to every clients specific needs./h4> /div> div classpage-header> h2 styletext-align:center;>What we clean?/h2> /div> div classrow-fluid> ul classca-menu> li classspan4> div classservc_block> div classicon_bord> img classicon1 srcimg/icon1.png altcarpet cleaning /> img classicon1_h srcimg/icon1_h.png altcarpet cleaning /> /div> div classcaption> h3 styletext-align:center; color:#0995d8;>Carpet/h3> p styletext-align:center;> We utilise only the best and latest products and equipment to over deliver a wide range of basic and specialised carpet cleaning services... /p> /div> div classoffset3 span4> p> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary>About it/a> /p> /div> /div> /li> li classspan4> div classservc_block> div classicon_bord> img classicon1 srcimg/icon8.png altoffice cleaning/> img classicon1_h srcimg/icon8_h.png altoffice cleaning /> /div> div classcaption> h3 styletext-align:center; color:#0995d8;>Office/h3> p styletext-align:center;> Good office cleaning requires a great eye for detail, and a Cleaner who will take the time to clean your office properly at every single visit... /p> /div> div classoffset3 span4> p> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary >About it/a> /p> /div> /div> /li> li classspan4> div classservc_block> div classicon_bord> img classicon1 srcimg/icon3.png altUpholstery cleaning /> img classicon1_h srcimg/icon3_h.png altUpholstery cleaning /> /div> div classcaption> h3 styletext-align:center; color:#0995d8;>Upholstery/h3> p styletext-align:center;> Our Experts will come to your home and clean the furniture wherever it is located, with Special chemicals are needed to clean this upholstery... /p> /div> div class offset3 span4> p> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary>About it/a>/p> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classpadding stylepadding-top:40px;>/div> div classcontainer> div classrow-fluid> ul classca-menu> li classspan4> div classservc_block> div classicon_bord> img classicon1 srcimg/icon6.png altresidential cleaning /> img classicon1_h srcimg/icon6_h.png altresidential cleaning /> /div> div classcaption> h3 styletext-align:center; color:#0995d8;>Residential/h3> p styletext-align:center;> Our House cleaning service can cover every room of your home, both indoor and outdoor, either for a single-time job or for regular upkeep... /p> /div> div classoffset3 span4> p> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary>About it/a> /p> /div> /div> /li> li classspan4> div classservc_block> div classicon_bord> img classicon1 srcimg/icon5.png altcommercial cleaning/> img classicon1_h srcimg/icon5_h.png altcommercial cleaning /> /div> div classcaption> h3 styletext-align:center; color:#0995d8;>Commercial/h3> p styletext-align:center;> H&S has a special treatment when it comes to retail stores, because customers quickly judge the quality of your product, by the appearance of your facility... /p> /div> div classoffset3 span4> p> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary >About it/a> /p> /div> /div> /li> li classspan4> div classservc_block> div classicon_bord> img classicon1 srcimg/icon7.png altindustrial cleaning /> img classicon1_h srcimg/icon7_h.png altindustrial cleaning /> /div> div classcaption> h3 styletext-align:center; color:#0995d8;>Industrial/h3> p> Our Professional Team offers both contract and on-demand cleaning services including manufacturing plants, pharmaceutical labs, distribution centres... /p> /div> div class offset3 span4> p> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary>About it/a>/p> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> div classpadding stylepadding-top:40px;>/div> div classcontainer> div classrow-fluid> ul classca-menu> li classspan4> div classservc_block> div classicon_bord> img classicon1 srcimg/icon4.png altwindow cleaning/> img classicon1_h srcimg/icon4_h.png altwindow cleaning /> /div> div classcaption> h3 styletext-align:center; color:#0995d8;>Window/h3> p styletext-align:center;> By having a professional clean your windows, you also avoid the hazards involved with heights, wet surfaces and working with glass, vegetation and even spiders... /p> /div> div classoffset3 span4> p> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary>About it/a> /p> /div> /div> /li> li classspan4> img srcimg/bonded.png altbonded/> /li> li classspan4> div classservc_block> div classicon_bord> img classicon1 srcimg/icon9.png altfloor cleaning/> img classicon1_h srcimg/icon9_h.png altfloor cleaning/> /div> div classcaption> h3 styletext-align:center; color:#0995d8;>Floor/h3> p styletext-align:center;> Using our experience in Floor cleaning solutions for your house we have developed an appliance that combines all the benefits of mopping with the ease of vacuuming... /p> /div> div class offset3 span4> p> a hrefservice.php classbtn btn-primary>About it/a>/p> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> !-- End: PRODUCT LIST --> /div> div classcontainer> section classslogan-section> div classcontainer> div classrow-fluid> /div> /div> /section> /div>!--/ROW-FLUID--> !-- End: MAIN CONTENT --> !-- Start: FOOTER --> footer> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan4> div classpage-header> h2>Services/h2> /div> nav> ul classquick-links> li>a hrefservice.php>Carpet Cleaning/a>/li> li>a hrefservice.php>Office Cleaning/a>/li> li>a hrefservice.php>Window Cleaning/a>/li> li>a hrefservice.php>House Cleaning/a>/li> li>a hrefservice.php>Floor Cleaning/a>/li> li>a hrefservice.php>Commercial Cleaning/a>/li> li>a hrefservice.php>Industrial Cleaning/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> div classspan4> div classpage-header> h2>Get in touch/h2> /div> address> strong>H&S Home Services,/strong>br> 13 1/2 Brower Ave Oceanside, NY 11572br> USAbr> /address> div classsocial-icons-row> i classicon-phone icon-large phone-number>/i> +(917) 443-9497 /div> div classsocial-icons-row> i class icon-envelope icon-large email>/i> /div> div classpayment>br> strong>We accept these cards:/strong> img srcimg/payments.png altpayment methods width275 height55 /> /div> /div> !-- Start: CONTACT US FORM --> div classspan4> div classpage-header> h2>FREE QUOTE/h2> /div> form methodpost actionsend-mail.php onSubmitreturn validateForm(); 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