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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 15 May 2024 22:53:20 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)Last-Modified: Tue, 14 Mar 2023 03:44:16 GMTETag: 856-5f6d40ab5df3eAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 2134Vary: Accept- html>head>title>Welcome to The Halibut systems/title>/head>body>p>If youre looking for Halibut Electroincs, see a href>>br>a href>img src>/a>p>We have several informational links for users of the The Halibutsystems. They areul> li>a hrefabout-halibut.html>Information about The Halibut systems/a> li>a hrefaup.html>Our AUP/a> li>a hrefpolicies.html>System Policies/a> li>a hrefincident-log.html>Incident Log/a> li>a hrefthanks.html>Thanks to.../a>/ul>p>The HalNet CA public key (used for various HalNet purposes) is a hrefhalnet-ca.pem>here/a>p>The Old HalNet CA public key (now expired) is a hrefhalnet-ca-old.pem>here/a>p>Some notes on the a hrefssh.html>ssh service/a>.p>If you have any questions or comments about any of these links,you can write address>>p>br>br>Were not what you were expecting when you typed in halibut in your web browser, are we? Were you perhaps looking for:ul> li>a href>Halibut Stuff/a>? Theyve gone out of business. li>What does a href>Google/a> have to say about Halibut? li>a href>Halibut.Net/a> seems to have some pretty good information on the fish, how to catch them, and what to do with them once you have. I think theyve also approached me in the past about buying the domain. :)/ul>h2>Before you ask.../h2>No we are not interested in selling the domain name, unless youre willing to pay an egregious amount of money for it. Ive had the domain name since the summer of 1994, before Al Gore invented the Internet. Ive been using the name Halibut for personal and business ventures since 1985. Its a name Im going to stick with for the foreseeable future.p>Sorry.p>-The Management./body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 15 May 2024 22:53:20 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)Last-Modified: Tue, 14 Mar 2023 03:44:16 GMTETag: 856-5f6d40ab5df3eAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 2134Vary: Accept- html>head>title>Welcome to The Halibut systems/title>/head>body>p>If youre looking for Halibut Electroincs, see a href>>br>a href>img src>/a>p>We have several informational links for users of the The Halibutsystems. They areul> li>a hrefabout-halibut.html>Information about The Halibut systems/a> li>a hrefaup.html>Our AUP/a> li>a hrefpolicies.html>System Policies/a> li>a hrefincident-log.html>Incident Log/a> li>a hrefthanks.html>Thanks to.../a>/ul>p>The HalNet CA public key (used for various HalNet purposes) is a hrefhalnet-ca.pem>here/a>p>The Old HalNet CA public key (now expired) is a hrefhalnet-ca-old.pem>here/a>p>Some notes on the a hrefssh.html>ssh service/a>.p>If you have any questions or comments about any of these links,you can write address>>p>br>br>Were not what you were expecting when you typed in halibut in your web browser, are we? Were you perhaps looking for:ul> li>a href>Halibut Stuff/a>? Theyve gone out of business. li>What does a href>Google/a> have to say about Halibut? li>a href>Halibut.Net/a> seems to have some pretty good information on the fish, how to catch them, and what to do with them once you have. I think theyve also approached me in the past about buying the domain. :)/ul>h2>Before you ask.../h2>No we are not interested in selling the domain name, unless youre willing to pay an egregious amount of money for it. Ive had the domain name since the summer of 1994, before Al Gore invented the Internet. Ive been using the name Halibut for personal and business ventures since 1985. Its a name Im going to stick with for the foreseeable future.p>Sorry.p>-The Management./body>/html>
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