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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 14:27:57 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveaccess-control-allow-origin: *access-control-allow-methods: *access-control-allow-headers: *cache-control: no-cache, privateset-cookie: XSRF-TOKENeyJpdiI6IlJJMCt2aWl6UzFXQ3lWbWJpa2NCWGc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiejQydUlmWW9UV1MwckpHczB6LzJXa1k3R3NCM0VkVzR1Tk9vZUhtS3djZ3orbGp3cklhZUJGb2RzODVpbTE2SldlK0ZOaWZtS0l1TER6aDlCOFhiWFRIdzNkdXBwblRmMVZDTHpoNlRUVm0zeXRqQjhkQ0hCNHZuM2d3b1hZMWUiLCJtYWMiOiJjYTQ5MmQzNWIwZDM3NGI0NzA1M2I2Y2E0MDNjMmNiZmJhYzZhZWNmYTI2YmY5Y2UwNDYzYmE5YjkyMTdjMWU3IiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expiresThu, 20 Mar 2025 15:27:57 GMT; Max-Age3600; path/set-cookie: 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classjustify-content-between> h4 classproduct-price lh-1 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 5.04₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div> div classproduct-single-hover shadow-none rtl> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div classinline_product clickable> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> a href> img src alt> /a> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id3> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classmb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href classtext-capitalize fw-semibold> Kars Kaşarı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between> h4 classproduct-price lh-1 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 15.12₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div> div classproduct-single-hover shadow-none rtl> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div classinline_product clickable> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> a href> img src alt> /a> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id2> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classmb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href classtext-capitalize fw-semibold> Ayder Balı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between> h4 classproduct-price lh-1 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 13.86₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div> div classproduct-single-hover shadow-none rtl> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div classinline_product clickable> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> a href> img src alt> /a> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id1> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classmb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href classtext-capitalize fw-semibold> Tereyağı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between> h4 classproduct-price lh-1 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 11.34₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtext-center pt-2 d-md-none> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href> Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1>/i> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> section classpb-4 rtl> div classcontainer> div> div classcard __shadow h-100 max-md-shadow-0> div classcard-body> div classd-flex justify-content-between align-items-baseline> h2 classcategories-title m-0 letter-spacing-0> span classfont-semibold>Kategoriler/span> /h2> div> a 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classd-lg-none> div classowl-theme owl-carousel categories--slider mt-3> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altKahvaltılık src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Kahvaltılık/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altKuru Gıda src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Kuru Gıda/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altBaharatlar src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Baharatlar/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altÇaylar src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Çaylar/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altYağlar src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 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fırsatları ve heyecan verici yeni tekliflerimizi görün!/span> /div> div> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href> Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classowl-carousel owl-theme new-arrivals-product> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Dut Pekmezi /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 350.00₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 315.00₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Çilek Reçeli /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 5.04₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Kars Kaşarı /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 15.12₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Ayder Balı /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 13.86₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Tereyağı /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 11.34₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classcontainer rtl pb-4 px-max-sm-0> div class__shadow-2> div class__p-20px rounded bg-white overflow-hidden> div classd-flex __gap-6px flex-between align-items-center> div> div classclearance-sale-title-bg data-bg-img> h2 classsub-title mb-0 letter-spacing-0> span>Save More/span> /h2> h3 classtitle mb-0 letter-spacing-0> span>Clearance Sale/span> /h3> /div> /div> div> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text text-nowrap web-text-primary href> Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classmt-2> div classcarousel-wrap-2 d-none d-sm-block> div classowl-carousel owl-theme category-wise-product-slider clearance-sale-slider data-loopfalse> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id1> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Tereyağı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 11.34₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id2> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Ayder Balı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 13.86₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id3> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Kars Kaşarı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 15.12₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id4> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Çilek Reçeli /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 5.04₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id5> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Dut Pekmezi /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 350.00₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 315.00₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classd-sm-none> div classrow g-2 h-100> div classcol-6> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id1> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Tereyağı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 11.34₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id2> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Ayder Balı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 13.86₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id3> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Kars Kaşarı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 15.12₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id4> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Çilek Reçeli /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 5.04₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> div classcontainer rtl pt-4 px-0 px-md-3> div classseller-card> div classcard __shadow h-100> div classcard-body> div classrow d-flex justify-content-between> div classseller-list-title> h2 classfont-bold m-0 text-capitalize h5> En Çok Satanlar /h2> /div> div classseller-list-view-all> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href> Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classmt-3> div classothers-store-slider owl-theme owl-carousel> a href classothers-store-card text-capitalize> div classoverflow-hidden other-store-banner> img classw-100 h-100 object-cover alt src> /div> div classname-area> div classposition-relative> div classoverflow-hidden other-store-logo rounded-full> img classrounded-full altMağaza src> /div> /div> div classinfo pt-2> h3 classh5>Gurme7/h3> div classd-flex align-items-center> h4 classweb-text-primary fs-12 m-0>0.0/h4> i classtio-star text-star mx-1>/i> small>Puanlama/small> /div> /div> /div> div classinfo-area> div classinfo-item> h5 classfs-18 fw-bold web-text-primary m-0> 0 /h5> p classm-0>Yorumlar/p> /div> div classinfo-item> h5 classfs-18 fw-bold web-text-primary m-0> 6 /h5> p classm-0>Ürünler/p> /div> /div> /a> a href classothers-store-card text-capitalize> div classoverflow-hidden other-store-banner> img classw-100 h-100 object-cover alt src> /div> div classname-area> div classposition-relative> div classoverflow-hidden other-store-logo rounded-full> img classrounded-full altMağaza src> /div> /div> div classinfo pt-2> h3 classh5>AA Doğal Lezzetler/h3> div classd-flex align-items-center> h4 classweb-text-primary fs-12 m-0>0.0/h4> i classtio-star text-star mx-1>/i> small>Puanlama/small> /div> /div> /div> div classinfo-area> div classinfo-item> h5 classfs-18 fw-bold web-text-primary m-0> 0 /h5> p classm-0>Yorumlar/p> /div> div classinfo-item> h5 classfs-18 fw-bold web-text-primary m-0> 2 /h5> p classm-0>Ürünler/p> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcontainer rtl> div classrow g-4 pt-2 mt-0 pb-2 __deal-of align-items-start> div classcol-xl-3 col-md-4> div classdeal_of_the_day h-100 bg--light> div classd-flex justify-content-center align-items-center py-4> h2 classfont-bold fs-16 m-0 align-items-center text-uppercase text-center px-2 web-text-primary h4> Günün Fırsatı /h2> /div> div classrecommended-product-card mt-0 min-height-auto> div classd-flex justify-content-center align-items-center __pt-20 __m-20-r> div classposition-relative> img class__rounded-top aspect-1 h-auto alt src> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> /div> div class__i-1 bg-transparent text-center mb-0> div classpx-0> h3 classfont-semibold pt-1 h6> Ayder Balı /h3> h4 classmb-4 pt-1 d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center text-center gap-8 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classfs-14 font-semibold __color-9B9B9B> 15.40₺ /del> span classtext-accent fs-18 font-bold text-dark> 13.86₺ /span> /h4> button classbtn btn--primary font-bold px-4 rounded-10 text-uppercase get-view-by-onclick data-link> Şimdi Satın Al /button> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-9 col-md-8> div classlatest-product-margin> div classd-flex justify-content-between align-items-baseline mb-14px> h2 classtext-center mb-0> span classfor-feature-title __text-22px font-bold text-center> Son Ürünler /span> /h2> div classmr-1> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href> Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classrow mt-0 g-2> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id8> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Beyaz Peynirler /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 400.00₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 360.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id7> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Ayran Tereyağı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 450.00₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 405.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id6> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Biber Salçası /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 250.00₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 225.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id5> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Dut Pekmezi /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 350.00₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 315.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id4> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Çilek Reçeli /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 5.04₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id3> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Kars Kaşarı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 15.12₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id2> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Ayder Balı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 13.86₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id1> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Tereyağı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 11.34₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> section classnew-arrival-section> div classcontainer rtl mt-4> div classsection-header> h2 classarrival-title d-block mb-1> div classtext-capitalize> Yeni Gelenler /div> /h2> /div> /div> div classcontainer rtl mb-3 overflow-hidden> div classpy-2> div classnew_arrival_product> div classcarousel-wrap> div classowl-carousel owl-theme new-arrivals-product> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Dut Pekmezi /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 350.00₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 315.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Tereyağı /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 11.34₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Ayder Balı /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 13.86₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Kars Kaşarı /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 15.12₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Çilek Reçeli /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 5.04₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Biber Salçası /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 250.00₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 225.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Ayran Tereyağı /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 450.00₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 405.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Beyaz Peynirler /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 400.00₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 360.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer rtl px-0 px-md-3> div classrow g-3 mx-max-md-0> div classcol-lg-6 px-max-md-0> div classcard card __shadow h-100> div classcard-body p-xl-35> div classrow d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center mx-1 mb-3> div classd-flex gap-1 align-items-center> img classsize-30 src alt> h2 classfont-bold pl-1 mb-0 fs-16>En Çok Satılanlar/h2> /div> div> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href>Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classrow g-3> div classcol-sm-6> a class__best-selling href> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap> div classbest-selleing-image> img classrounded src altÜrün/> /div> div classbest-selling-details> h3 classwidget-product-title h6> span classptr fw-semibold> Dut Pekmezi /span> /h3> h4 classwidget-product-meta d-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> span> del class__color-9B9B9B __text-12px> 350.00₺ /del> /span> span classtext-accent text-dark> 315.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcol-lg-6 px-max-md-0> div classcard card __shadow h-100> div classcard-body p-xl-35> div classrow d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center mx-1 mb-3> div classd-flex gap-1 align-items-center> img classsize-30 src alt> h2 classfont-bold pl-1 mb-0 fs-16>En Yüksek Puanlı/h2> /div> div> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href>Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classrow g-3> div classcol-sm-6> a class__best-selling href> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap> div classtop-rated-image> img classrounded src altÜrün/> /div> div classtop-rated-details> h3 classwidget-product-title h6> span classptr> Dut Pekmezi /span> /h3> h4 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bekleyin.>/span>span idmessage-please-check-recaptcha data-textLütfen recaptcha'yı kontrol edin.>/span>span idmessage-please-retype-password data-textŞifreyi yeniden girin>/span>span idmessage-password-not-match data-textŞifreler uyuşmuyor>/span>span idmessage-password-match data-textŞifre eşleşiyor>/span>span idmessage-password-need-longest data-textŞifre En Az 6 Karakter Olmalıdır>/span>span idmessage-send-successfully data-textBaşarıyla gönderildi>/span>span idmessage-update-successfully data-textGüncelleme başarılı>/span>span idmessage-successfully-copied data-textBaşarıyla kopyalandı>/span>span idmessage-copied-failed data-textKopyalama başarısız>/span>span idmessage-select-payment-method data-textLütfen bir ödeme yöntemi seçin>/span>span idmessage-please-choose-all-options data-textLütfen tüm seçenekleri seçin>/span>span idmessage-cannot-input-minus-value data-textNegatif değer girişi yapılamaz.>/span>span idmessage-all-input-field-required data-textTüm giriş alanları gereklidir>/span>span idmessage-no-data-found data-textVeri bulunamadı>/span>span idmessage-minimum-order-quantity-cannot-less-than data-textMinimum sipariş miktarı şu değerden az olamaz >/span>span idmessage-item-has-been-removed-from-cart data-textÜrün sepetten çıkarıldı>/span>span idmessage-sorry-stock-limit-exceeded data-textÜzgünüz, stok limiti aşıldı>/span>span idmessage-sorry-the-minimum-order-quantity-not-match data-textÜzgünüz, minimum sipariş miktarı eşleşmiyor>/span>span idmessage-cart data-textSepet>/span>span idroute-messages-store data-url>/span>span idroute-address-update data-url>/span>span idroute-coupon-apply data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-add data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-remove data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-variant-price data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-nav-cart data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-order-again data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-updateQuantity data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-updateQuantity-guest data-url>/span>span idroute-pay-offline-method-list data-url>/span>span idroute-customer-auth-sign-up data-url>/span>span idroute-searched-products data-url>/span>span idroute-currency-change data-url>/span>span idroute-store-wishlist data-url>/span>span idroute-delete-wishlist data-url>/span>span idroute-wishlists data-url>/span>span idroute-quick-view data-url>/span>span idroute-checkout-details data-url>/span>span idroute-checkout-payment data-url>/span>span idroute-set-shipping-id data-url>/span>span idroute-order-note data-url>/span>span idroute-product-restock-request data-url>/span>span idroute-get-session-recaptcha-code data-route data-modelive>/span>span idpassword-error-message data-max-characterAt least 8 characters. data-uppercase-characterAt least one uppercase letter (A...Z). data-lowercase-characterAt least one uppercase letter (a...z). data-numberAt least one number(0...9). data-symbolAt least one symbol(!...%).>/span>span classsystem-default-country-code data-valueTR>/span>span idsystem-session-direction 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div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Ayder Balı /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 13.86₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Kars Kaşarı 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classproduct-single-hover shadow-none rtl> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div classinline_product clickable> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> a href> img src alt> /a> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id2> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classmb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href classtext-capitalize fw-semibold> Ayder Balı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between> h4 classproduct-price lh-1 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 13.86₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div> div classproduct-single-hover shadow-none rtl> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div classinline_product clickable> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> a href> img src alt> /a> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id1> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classmb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href classtext-capitalize fw-semibold> Tereyağı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between> h4 classproduct-price lh-1 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 11.34₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classtext-center pt-2 d-md-none> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href> Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1>/i> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> section classpb-4 rtl> div classcontainer> div> div classcard __shadow h-100 max-md-shadow-0> div classcard-body> div classd-flex justify-content-between align-items-baseline> h2 classcategories-title m-0 letter-spacing-0> span classfont-semibold>Kategoriler/span> /h2> div> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href>Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classd-none d-lg-block> div classrow mt-3> div classtext-center __m-5px __cate-item> a href classd-flex flex-column align-items-center> div class__img> img altKahvaltılık src> /div> h3 classtext-center fs-13 font-semibold mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Kahvaltılık/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center __m-5px __cate-item> a href classd-flex flex-column align-items-center> div class__img> img altKuru Gıda src> /div> h3 classtext-center fs-13 font-semibold mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Kuru Gıda/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center __m-5px __cate-item> a href classd-flex flex-column align-items-center> div class__img> img altBaharatlar src> /div> h3 classtext-center fs-13 font-semibold mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Baharatlar/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center __m-5px __cate-item> a href classd-flex flex-column align-items-center> div class__img> img altÇaylar src> /div> h3 classtext-center 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classd-lg-none> div classowl-theme owl-carousel categories--slider mt-3> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altKahvaltılık src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Kahvaltılık/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altKuru Gıda src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Kuru Gıda/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altBaharatlar src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Baharatlar/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altÇaylar src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Çaylar/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altYağlar src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Yağlar/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altSalça | Sirke | Sos src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Salça | Sirke | Sos/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altKruyemiş src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Kruyemiş/h3> /a> /div> div classtext-center m-0 __cate-item w-100> a href> div class__img mw-100 h-auto> img altUnlu Mamuller src> /div> h3 classtext-center line--limit-2 small mt-2 letter-spacing-0>Unlu Mamuller/h3> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classfeatured_deal> div classcontainer> div class__featured-deal-wrap bg--light> div classd-flex flex-wrap justify-content-between gap-8 mb-3> div classw-0 flex-grow-1> span classfeatured_deal_title font-bold text-dark>Öne Çıkan Fırsat/span> br> span classtext-left text-nowrap>Son fırsatları ve heyecan verici yeni tekliflerimizi görün!/span> /div> div> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href> Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classowl-carousel owl-theme new-arrivals-product> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Dut Pekmezi /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 350.00₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 315.00₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Çilek Reçeli /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 5.04₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Kars Kaşarı /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 15.12₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Ayder Balı /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 13.86₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> div> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Tereyağı /a> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 11.34₺ /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classcontainer rtl pb-4 px-max-sm-0> div class__shadow-2> div class__p-20px rounded bg-white overflow-hidden> div classd-flex __gap-6px flex-between align-items-center> div> div classclearance-sale-title-bg data-bg-img> h2 classsub-title mb-0 letter-spacing-0> span>Save More/span> /h2> h3 classtitle mb-0 letter-spacing-0> span>Clearance Sale/span> /h3> /div> /div> div> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text text-nowrap web-text-primary href> Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classmt-2> div classcarousel-wrap-2 d-none d-sm-block> div classowl-carousel owl-theme category-wise-product-slider clearance-sale-slider data-loopfalse> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id1> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Tereyağı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 11.34₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id2> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Ayder Balı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 13.86₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id3> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Kars Kaşarı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 15.12₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id4> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Çilek Reçeli /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 5.04₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id5> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Dut Pekmezi /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 350.00₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 315.00₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classd-sm-none> div classrow g-2 h-100> div classcol-6> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id1> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Tereyağı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 11.34₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id2> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Ayder Balı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 13.86₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id3> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Kars Kaşarı /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 15.12₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classproduct-single-hover style--card h-100> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id4> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h4 classtext-center mb-1 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Çilek Reçeli /a> /h4> div classjustify-content-between text-center mb-3> h5 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-baseline gap-8 mb-0 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> br> span classtext-accent text-dark> 5.04₺ /span> /h5> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> div classcontainer rtl pt-4 px-0 px-md-3> div classseller-card> div classcard __shadow h-100> div classcard-body> div classrow d-flex justify-content-between> div classseller-list-title> h2 classfont-bold m-0 text-capitalize h5> En Çok Satanlar /h2> /div> div classseller-list-view-all> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href> Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classmt-3> div classothers-store-slider owl-theme owl-carousel> a href classothers-store-card text-capitalize> div classoverflow-hidden other-store-banner> img classw-100 h-100 object-cover alt src> /div> div classname-area> div classposition-relative> div classoverflow-hidden other-store-logo rounded-full> img classrounded-full altMağaza src> /div> /div> div classinfo pt-2> h3 classh5>Gurme7/h3> div classd-flex align-items-center> h4 classweb-text-primary fs-12 m-0>0.0/h4> i classtio-star text-star mx-1>/i> small>Puanlama/small> /div> /div> /div> div classinfo-area> div classinfo-item> h5 classfs-18 fw-bold web-text-primary m-0> 0 /h5> p classm-0>Yorumlar/p> /div> div classinfo-item> h5 classfs-18 fw-bold web-text-primary m-0> 6 /h5> p classm-0>Ürünler/p> /div> /div> /a> a href classothers-store-card text-capitalize> div classoverflow-hidden other-store-banner> img classw-100 h-100 object-cover alt src> /div> div classname-area> div classposition-relative> div classoverflow-hidden other-store-logo rounded-full> img classrounded-full altMağaza src> /div> /div> div classinfo pt-2> h3 classh5>AA Doğal Lezzetler/h3> div classd-flex align-items-center> h4 classweb-text-primary fs-12 m-0>0.0/h4> i classtio-star text-star mx-1>/i> small>Puanlama/small> /div> /div> /div> div classinfo-area> div classinfo-item> h5 classfs-18 fw-bold web-text-primary m-0> 0 /h5> p classm-0>Yorumlar/p> /div> div classinfo-item> h5 classfs-18 fw-bold web-text-primary m-0> 2 /h5> p classm-0>Ürünler/p> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcontainer rtl> div classrow g-4 pt-2 mt-0 pb-2 __deal-of align-items-start> div classcol-xl-3 col-md-4> div classdeal_of_the_day h-100 bg--light> div classd-flex justify-content-center align-items-center py-4> h2 classfont-bold fs-16 m-0 align-items-center text-uppercase text-center px-2 web-text-primary h4> Günün Fırsatı /h2> /div> div classrecommended-product-card mt-0 min-height-auto> div classd-flex justify-content-center align-items-center __pt-20 __m-20-r> div classposition-relative> img class__rounded-top aspect-1 h-auto alt src> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> /div> div class__i-1 bg-transparent text-center mb-0> div classpx-0> h3 classfont-semibold pt-1 h6> Ayder Balı /h3> h4 classmb-4 pt-1 d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center text-center gap-8 lh-1 letter-spacing-0> del classfs-14 font-semibold __color-9B9B9B> 15.40₺ /del> span classtext-accent fs-18 font-bold text-dark> 13.86₺ /span> 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classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id8> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Beyaz Peynirler /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 400.00₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 360.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id7> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Ayran Tereyağı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 450.00₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 405.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id6> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Biber Salçası /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 250.00₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 225.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id5> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Dut Pekmezi /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 350.00₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 315.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id4> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Çilek Reçeli /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 5.04₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id3> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Kars Kaşarı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 15.12₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id2> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Ayder Balı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 13.86₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-4 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-6> div> div classproduct-single-hover style--card> div classoverflow-hidden position-relative> div class inline_product clickable d-flex justify-content-center> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classp-10px pb-0> a href classw-100> img alt src> /a> /div> div classquick-view> a classbtn-circle stopPropagation action-product-quick-view hrefjavascript: data-product-id1> i classczi-eye align-middle>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classsingle-product-details> h3 classtext-center mb-1 letter-spacing-0> a href> Tereyağı /a> /h3> div classjustify-content-between text-center> h4 classproduct-price text-center d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center gap-8 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> span classtext-accent text-dark> 11.34₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> section classnew-arrival-section> div classcontainer rtl mt-4> div classsection-header> h2 classarrival-title d-block mb-1> div classtext-capitalize> Yeni Gelenler /div> /h2> /div> /div> div classcontainer rtl mb-3 overflow-hidden> div classpy-2> div classnew_arrival_product> div classcarousel-wrap> div classowl-carousel owl-theme new-arrivals-product> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 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classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Tereyağı /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 12.60₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 11.34₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Ayder Balı /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 15.40₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 13.86₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Kars Kaşarı /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 16.80₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 15.12₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Çilek Reçeli /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 5.60₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 5.04₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Biber Salçası /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 250.00₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 225.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Ayran Tereyağı /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 450.00₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 405.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product get-view-by-onclick data-link> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> div class d-flex> div classd-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-12px> div classflash-deals-background-image> img class__img-125px alt src> /div> /div> div classflash_deal_product_details pl-3 pr-3 pr-1 d-flex mt-3> div> h3 classmb-0 letter-spacing-0> a href classflash-product-title text-capitalize fw-semibold> Beyaz Peynirler /a> /h3> h4 classd-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> del classcategory-single-product-price> 400.00₺ /del> span classflash-product-price text-dark fw-semibold> 360.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer rtl px-0 px-md-3> div classrow g-3 mx-max-md-0> div classcol-lg-6 px-max-md-0> div classcard card __shadow h-100> div classcard-body p-xl-35> div classrow d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center mx-1 mb-3> div classd-flex gap-1 align-items-center> img classsize-30 src alt> h2 classfont-bold pl-1 mb-0 fs-16>En Çok Satılanlar/h2> /div> div> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href>Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classrow g-3> div classcol-sm-6> a class__best-selling href> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap> div classbest-selleing-image> img classrounded src altÜrün/> /div> div classbest-selling-details> h3 classwidget-product-title h6> span classptr fw-semibold> Dut Pekmezi /span> /h3> h4 classwidget-product-meta d-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> span> del class__color-9B9B9B __text-12px> 350.00₺ /del> /span> span classtext-accent text-dark> 315.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcol-lg-6 px-max-md-0> div classcard card __shadow h-100> div classcard-body p-xl-35> div classrow d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center mx-1 mb-3> div classd-flex gap-1 align-items-center> img classsize-30 src alt> h2 classfont-bold pl-1 mb-0 fs-16>En Yüksek Puanlı/h2> /div> div> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href>Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classrow g-3> div classcol-sm-6> a class__best-selling href> div classd-flex> span classfor-discount-value p-1 pl-2 pr-2 font-bold fs-13> span classdirection-ltr d-block> -10% /span> /span> /div> div classd-flex flex-wrap> div classtop-rated-image> img classrounded src altÜrün/> /div> div classtop-rated-details> h3 classwidget-product-title h6> span classptr> Dut Pekmezi /span> /h3> h4 classwidget-product-meta d-flex flex-wrap gap-8 align-items-center row-gap-0 mb-0 letter-spacing-0> span> del class__text-12px __color-9B9B9B> 350.00₺ /del> /span> span classtext-accent text-dark> 315.00₺ /span> /h4> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /section> div classcontainer rtl pt-4> div classrow> /div> /div> section classcontainer rtl pt-4> div classsection-header align-items-center mb-1> h2 classtext-black font-bold __text-22px mb-0> span> Markalar/span> /h2> div class__mr-2px> a classtext-capitalize view-all-text web-text-primary href> Hepsini Gör i classczi-arrow-right ml-1 mr-n1>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classmt-sm-3 mb-3 brand-slider> div classowl-carousel owl-theme p-2 brands-slider> div classtext-center> a href class__brand-item> img altYöresel Dükkan src> /a> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classcontainer rtl pb-4 px-max-sm-0> div class__shadow-2> div class__p-20px rounded bg-white overflow-hidden> div classd-flex __gap-6px flex-between 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bekleyin.>/span>span idmessage-please-check-recaptcha data-textLütfen recaptcha'yı kontrol edin.>/span>span idmessage-please-retype-password data-textŞifreyi yeniden girin>/span>span idmessage-password-not-match data-textŞifreler uyuşmuyor>/span>span idmessage-password-match data-textŞifre eşleşiyor>/span>span idmessage-password-need-longest data-textŞifre En Az 6 Karakter Olmalıdır>/span>span idmessage-send-successfully data-textBaşarıyla gönderildi>/span>span idmessage-update-successfully data-textGüncelleme başarılı>/span>span idmessage-successfully-copied data-textBaşarıyla kopyalandı>/span>span idmessage-copied-failed data-textKopyalama başarısız>/span>span idmessage-select-payment-method data-textLütfen bir ödeme yöntemi seçin>/span>span idmessage-please-choose-all-options data-textLütfen tüm seçenekleri seçin>/span>span idmessage-cannot-input-minus-value data-textNegatif değer girişi yapılamaz.>/span>span idmessage-all-input-field-required data-textTüm giriş alanları gereklidir>/span>span idmessage-no-data-found data-textVeri bulunamadı>/span>span idmessage-minimum-order-quantity-cannot-less-than data-textMinimum sipariş miktarı şu değerden az olamaz >/span>span idmessage-item-has-been-removed-from-cart data-textÜrün sepetten çıkarıldı>/span>span idmessage-sorry-stock-limit-exceeded data-textÜzgünüz, stok limiti aşıldı>/span>span idmessage-sorry-the-minimum-order-quantity-not-match data-textÜzgünüz, minimum sipariş miktarı eşleşmiyor>/span>span idmessage-cart data-textSepet>/span>span idroute-messages-store data-url>/span>span idroute-address-update data-url>/span>span idroute-coupon-apply data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-add data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-remove data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-variant-price data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-nav-cart data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-order-again data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-updateQuantity data-url>/span>span idroute-cart-updateQuantity-guest data-url>/span>span idroute-pay-offline-method-list 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elements!); } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } window.onload function() { initializeFirebaseGoogleRecaptcha(recaptcha-container-otp, OTP Verification); initializeFirebaseGoogleRecaptcha(recaptcha-container-manual-login, Manual Login); initializeFirebaseGoogleRecaptcha(recaptcha-container-verify-token, Token Verification); }; function storeRecaptchaVerifierResponse(containerId, response) { console.log(Response from + containerId + : + response); } try { function requestNotificationPermission() { return Notification.requestPermission().then(permission > { if (permission granted) { console.log(Notification permission granted.); return true; } else { console.error(Notification permission denied.); return false; } }); } function startFCM(topics) { requestNotificationPermission().then(permissionGranted > { if (permissionGranted) { messaging.getToken().then(token > { topics.forEach(topic > { subscribeTokenToBackend(token, topic); }); }).catch(error > { console.error(Error getting token:, error); }); } }); } function subscribeTokenToBackend(token, topic) { fetch(, { method: POST, headers: { Content-Type: application/json, X-CSRF-TOKEN: }, body: JSON.stringify({ token: token, topic: topic }) }).then(response > { if (response.status 200 || response.status > 400) { return response.text().then(text > { throw new Error(`Error subscribing to topic: ${response.status} - ${text}`); }); } console.log(`Subscribed to ${topic}`); }).catch(error > { console.error(Subscription error:, error); }); } // List of topics to subscribe to const topics sixvalley,maintenance_mode_start_user_app; startFCM(topics); messaging.onMessage(function (payload) { // Check if the notification is related to a specific topic if (payload?.data?.type?.includes(product_restock)) { productRestockStockLimitStatus(; } // You can also display the notification directly if ( { displayNotification(; } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } try { function displayNotification(notification) { const options { body: notification.body, icon: $(#Firebase_Configuration_Config).data(favicon), }; new Notification(notification.title, options); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); }/script>script type81cc57fc12519694ba67a6f5-text/javascript> use strict; $(document).ready(function () { $(#popup-modal).modal(show); }); $(document).mouseup(function (e) { let container $(.search-card); if (! && container.has( 0) { container.hide(); } }); function route_alert(route, message) {{ title: Emin misiniz?, text: message, type: warning, showCancelButton: true, cancelButtonColor: default, confirmButtonColor: #2dbe92, cancelButtonText: Hayır, confirmButtonText: Evet, reverseButtons: true }).then((result) > { if (result.value) { location.href route; } }) } let cookie_content ` div classcookie-section> div classcontainer> div classd-flex flex-wrap align-items-center justify-content-between column-gap-4 row-gap-3> div classtext-wrapper> h5 classtitle>Gizliliğiniz Önemlidir/h5> div>/div> /div> div 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