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The Goodmans specializes in multi-family apartment buildings and development sites. />link relcanonical href />meta propertyog:locale contenten_US />meta propertyog:type contentwebsite />meta propertyog:title contentApartment buildings for sale Vancouver and commercial real estate Vancouver />meta propertyog:description contentThe most authoritative advice on commercial real estate in Vancouver. 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typesubmit>Submitspan classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/button>/div>/div>/form>/div>div classgrid__item push--one-twelfth three-twelfths push--medium--none medium--four-twelfths small--one-whole>hr />h4>Get in touch/h4>aside classsidebar>div classcontact-info>p>strong>Mark Goodmanbr /> /strong>Personal Real Estate Corporationbr /> a target_blank relnoopener>>br /> a hreftel:+16047144790 target_blank relnoopener>(604) 714 4790/a>/p>p>strong>Ian Brackett/strong>br /> a target_blank relnoopener>>br /> a hreftel:+16047144778 target_blank relnoopener>(604) 714 4778/a>/p>p>strong>Goodman Commercial Inc./strong>br /> 560–2608 Granville Stbr /> Vancouver, BC V6H 3V3br /> Office a hreftel:+16045585511 target_blank relnoopener>(604) 558 5511/a>/p>/div>hr classhide small--show />h4 classhide small--show>Location/h4> a classmap href target_blank> img class src srcset 2x width354 height268 alt />p>Directions/p> /a>/aside>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcontact-mask>/div>div classheader-search>div classcontainer> a classclose>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 31 31>circle cx15.5 cy15.5 r15.5/>path fill#FFF dM21.654 10.203l-.857-.861-5.285 5.3-.012.012-.013-.012-5.284-5.3-.857.861 5.284 5.299-5.271 5.281-5.304 5.281 5.304.859-.86-5.271-5.295z/>/svg>/a>div classsearch-form>form action/ methodget accept-charsetutf-8> input typesearch names placeholderSearch value /> button classsearch-button typesubmit>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 17.48 17.65>path dM17.48 15.94l-4.54-4.55a7.17 7.17 0 1 0-1.75 1.69l4.57 4.57zM2.13 7.21a5 5 0 1 1 5 5 5 5 0 0 1-5-5z fill#010101/>/svg>/button>/form>/div>/div>/div>div classsearch-mask>/div>div classwrap roledocument>main classmain>div classhome-feature>div classbg skrollable skrollable-between small--hide data-toptransform:translateY(0%); data-top-bottomtransform:translateY(-10%); data-anchor-target.home-feature> img width1680 height897 src class alt decodingasync fetchpriorityhigh srcset 1680w, 520w, 768w, 1024w, 298w, 596w sizes(max-width: 1680px) 100vw, 1680px />/div>div classfg skrollable skrollable-between small--hide data-toptransform:translateY(0%); data-top-bottomtransform:translateY(-30%); data-anchor-target.home-feature> img width1680 height897 src class alt decodingasync srcset 1680w, 520w, 768w, 1024w, 298w, 596w sizes(max-width: 1680px) 100vw, 1680px />/div>div classbg hide small--show> img width643 height912 src class alt decodingasync srcset 643w, 367w, 298w, 596w sizes(max-width: 643px) 100vw, 643px />/div>div classcontainer>div classfeature-copy>div classfeature-insight>h5>Market insights/h5>h1>Municipal policies slam brakes on housing development/h1>p>Creating regulations which dont make building new homes economically feasible: Whats the point?/p> a classbutton href>Read morespan classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/a>/div>div classfeature-insight>h5>Market insights/h5>h1>Mark Goodman recognized as one of the most influential people in BC real estate/h1>p> For the third year, STOREYS is releasing its comprehensive list of the most influential people – and yes, a few institutions, organizations, and associations – in BC real estate./p> a classbutton href>Read morespan classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/a>/div>div classfeature-insight>h5>Market insights/h5>h1>Welcome to the Goodman Report Podcast!/h1>p>Each episode, we’ll dive deep into the world of real estate – exploring market trends, the latest drivers, and industry insights./p> a classbutton href>Read morespan classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/a>/div>div classfeature-insight>h5>Market insights/h5>h1>2024 Mid-Year Review/h1>p>Greetings from Goodman Commercial, and welcome to our 2024 Mid-Year Report. Metro Vancouver’s multifamily market has faced an onslaught of challenges over the past 24 months, but there are signs of brighter days ahead./p> a classbutton href>Read morespan classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/a>/div>div classfeature-insight>h5>Market insights/h5>h1>Refined Broadway Plan Sets the Stage for Vancouver’s Historic Transformation/h1>p>After two nights and a marathon public hearing in which 139 speakers registered to voice their opinion, on December 12, the City of Vancouver approved a number of amendments to the two-and-a-half-year-old Broadway Plan./p> a classbutton href>Read morespan classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classcontainer>div classhome-content>p>Metro Vancouver is a unique real-estate market and a magnet for people and money from around the world. Opportunities and sales play out differently here from anywhere else in Canada./p>p>As long-time specialists in the Metro Vancouver area, Goodman Commercial stands out from the crowd. Proven industry leaders, we leverage our decades of experience with the local markets to help you navigate their complexities and nuances. We tailor a comprehensive and professional approach to each property./p>p>Whether buying or selling, we put our local expertise, thorough analysis, powerful marketing and experienced negotiation to work for every client./p> a classbutton text-button href>Learn more about usspan classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/a>/div>section classhome-callouts> a classcallout href>div classimage> img class src srcset 2x width578 height388 alt />/div>div classvideo stylebackground-image:linear-gradient(0deg, #44609a, #44609a), url(;> img class src srcset 2x width578 height388 alt />video preloadauto loop muted poster stylebackground-image:url(;> source src typevideo/mp4>/video>/div>div classcopy>h2>Apartmentbr /> buildings/h2> span classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/div> /a> a classcallout href>div classimage> img class src srcset 2x width578 height388 alt />/div>div classvideo stylebackground-image:linear-gradient(0deg, #44609a, #44609a), url(;> img class src srcset 2x width578 height388 alt />video preloadauto loop muted poster stylebackground-image:url(;> source src typevideo/mp4>/video>/div>div classcopy>h2>Commercialbr /> properties/h2> span classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/div> /a> a classcallout href>div classimage> img class src srcset 2x width578 height388 alt />/div>div classvideo stylebackground-image:linear-gradient(0deg, #44609a, #44609a), url(;> img class src srcset 2x width578 height388 alt />video preloadauto loop muted poster stylebackground-image:url(;> source src typevideo/mp4>/video>/div>div classcopy>h2>Developmentbr /> sites/h2> span classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/div> /a> a classcallout href>div classimage> img class src srcset 2x width580 height390 alt />/div>div classvideo stylebackground-image:linear-gradient(0deg, #44609a, #44609a), url(;> img class src srcset 2x width580 height390 alt />div classvideo-slides>img class src srcset 2x width580 height390 alt />img class src srcset 2x width580 height390 alt />img class src srcset 2x width580 height390 alt />img class src srcset 2x width580 height390 alt />/div>/div>div classcopy>h2>Marketbr /> insights/h2> span classarrow arrow-right>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/span>/div> /a>/section>div classhome-listings>hr />h4>Featured listings/h4>ul classlistings small--hide>li> a classlisting-item href> span classimage> img classlazy src data-src data-srcset 1x, 2x altWindsor Apartments /> span classhover>/span> span classstatus red>Firm/span> /span>h4>Windsor Apartments/h4> span classaddress>2575 Windsor Street, Vancouver/span> span classtype>20-suite Mount Pleasant apartment building/span> span classline>99′ × 122′ corner property – just off E Broadway/span>h4 classprice>$7,100,000/h4> span classline-2>Potential for up to 20-storeys & 6.5 FSR/span> /a>/li>li> a classlisting-item href> span classimage> img classlazy src data-src data-srcset 1x, 2x altApartment building /> span classhover>/span> /span>h4>Apartment building/h4> span classaddress>Vancouver/span> span classtype>Coming soon!/span> /a>/li>li> a classlisting-item href> span classimage> img classlazy src data-src data-srcset 1x, 2x altApartment building /> span classhover>/span> /span>h4>Apartment building/h4> span classaddress>Vancouver/span> span classtype>Coming soon!/span> /a>/li>/ul>div classlistings-swiper-wrapper hide small--show>div classlistings-swiper swiper-container>div classswiper-wrapper>div classswiper-slide> a classlisting-item href> span classimage> img classlazy src data-src data-srcset 1x, 2x altWindsor Apartments /> span classhover>/span> span classstatus red>Firm/span> /span>h4>Windsor Apartments/h4> span classaddress>2575 Windsor Street, Vancouver/span> span classtype>20-suite Mount Pleasant apartment building/span> span classline>99′ × 122′ corner property – just off E Broadway/span>h4 classprice>$7,100,000/h4> span classline-2>Potential for up to 20-storeys & 6.5 FSR/span> /a>/div>div classswiper-slide> a classlisting-item href> span classimage> img classlazy src data-src data-srcset 1x, 2x altApartment building /> span classhover>/span> /span>h4>Apartment building/h4> span classaddress>Vancouver/span> span classtype>Coming soon!/span> /a>/div>div classswiper-slide> a classlisting-item href> span classimage> img classlazy src data-src data-srcset 1x, 2x altApartment building /> span classhover>/span> /span>h4>Apartment building/h4> span classaddress>Vancouver/span> span classtype>Coming soon!/span> /a>/div>/div>div classswiper-button-prev>svg xmlns viewBox0 0 10 18>path dM0 1.2l7.5 7.6L0 16.4l1.2 1.2L10 8.8 8.8 7.6 1.2 0z/>/svg>/div>div 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