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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 04 May 2024 16:05:51 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 16:00:42 GMTETag: 448130e-307a-5c4f84f203e80Accept-Ranges: bytesConten html>head>META http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>title >Taking Good Care of Old (& Other Wonderful) Things/title>META HTTP-EQUIVdescription CONTENTTaking Good Care of Old (& Other Wonderful) Things: Information and Sources for Supplies and Parts for the restoration, repair, care, storage & display of Antiques & Collectibles, as well as for Woodworking, Art, Crafts, Decorating & More.>META HTTP-EQUIVkeywords CONTENTantiques, collectibles, art, artwork, antique furniture restoration, cleaning, washing, textiles, quilts, glassware, pottery, refinishing, rust removal, conservation, archival, renovation, parts, supplies, polishing, brass, copper, silver, HGTV, collectors, collections, collecting, paper, plastic, shellac, varnish information>style>A {text-decoration: none}/style>/head>body link#663300 vlink#006600 bgcolor#faf0e6>TABLE width400 cellspacing cellpadding3 aligncenter bgcolor##000000>TR>td>TABLE width400 cellspacing cellpadding15 aligncenter bgcolor#faf0e6>TR>td valigntop aligncenter>pre>/pre>a href target_blank>font size+1 facearial, helvetica color#000000>. . . Dick Kiser - In Memorium . . ./font>/a>/td>/tr>/table>/td>/tr>/table>BR>BR>BR>table width617 aligncenter>tr>td>font facetimes new roman, garamond size3>div>img srcgraphics/logo.gif aligncenter border0>/div>TABLE BORDER0 WIDTH cellspacing5 cellpadding5>TR>TD alignleft>img srcgraphics/hatlady4.jpg altLady In A Funny Hat alignleft hspace15 >/td>td>b>font size5color#663300>Information On/font>font size4color#663300> &/font>font size5color#663300>Sources for Suppliesfont size4color#663300> &/font> Parts For The Restoration, Repair, Care, Storage/font>font size4color#663300> &/font>font size5color#663300>Display of Antiques/font>font size4color#663300> &/font>font size5color#663300> Collectibles,as well as Woodworking, Art, Crafts, Decorating/font>font size4color#663300> &/font>font size5color#663300> More/font>/b>/td>/tr>/table>pre>/pre>TABLE BORDER0 WIDTH cellspacing5 cellp
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 04 May 2024 16:05:51 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 16:00:42 GMTETag: 448130e-307a-5c4f84f203e80Accept-Ranges: bytesConten html>head>META http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>title >Taking Good Care of Old (& Other Wonderful) Things/title>META HTTP-EQUIVdescription CONTENTTaking Good Care of Old (& Other Wonderful) Things: Information and Sources for Supplies and Parts for the restoration, repair, care, storage & display of Antiques & Collectibles, as well as for Woodworking, Art, Crafts, Decorating & More.>META HTTP-EQUIVkeywords CONTENTantiques, collectibles, art, artwork, antique furniture restoration, cleaning, washing, textiles, quilts, glassware, pottery, refinishing, rust removal, conservation, archival, renovation, parts, supplies, polishing, brass, copper, silver, HGTV, collectors, collections, collecting, paper, plastic, shellac, varnish information>style>A {text-decoration: none}/style>/head>body link#663300 vlink#006600 bgcolor#faf0e6>TABLE width400 cellspacing cellpadding3 aligncenter bgcolor##000000>TR>td>TABLE width400 cellspacing cellpadding15 aligncenter bgcolor#faf0e6>TR>td valigntop aligncenter>pre>/pre>a href target_blank>font size+1 facearial, helvetica color#000000>. . . Dick Kiser - In Memorium . . ./font>/a>/td>/tr>/table>/td>/tr>/table>BR>BR>BR>table width617 aligncenter>tr>td>font facetimes new roman, garamond size3>div>img srcgraphics/logo.gif aligncenter border0>/div>TABLE BORDER0 WIDTH cellspacing5 cellpadding5>TR>TD alignleft>img srcgraphics/hatlady4.jpg altLady In A Funny Hat alignleft hspace15 >/td>td>b>font size5color#663300>Information On/font>font size4color#663300> &/font>font size5color#663300>Sources for Suppliesfont size4color#663300> &/font> Parts For The Restoration, Repair, Care, Storage/font>font size4color#663300> &/font>font size5color#663300>Display of Antiques/font>font size4color#663300> &/font>font size5color#663300> Collectibles,as well as Woodworking, Art, Crafts, Decorating/font>font size4color#663300> &/font>font size5color#663300> More/font>/b>/td>/tr>/table>pre>/pre>TABLE BORDER0 WIDTH cellspacing5 cellp
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