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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 07:33:26 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Fri, 24 Mar 2023 17:19:21 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 11612Vary: Accept-Enco !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 TRANSITIONAL//EN>HTML LANGEN>HEAD>META HTTP-EQUIVContent-Type CONTENTtext/html;charsetISO-8859-1>META NAMEKEYWORDS CONTENTwomen, Bible, ministry, pastor, teacher>META NAMEDESCRIPTION CONTENTHelping women discover their true identity and Gods role for them according to the Bible>META NAMEVIEWPORT CONTENTwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, maximum-scale4.0, user-scalable1>LINK RELSHORTCUT ICON HREF>!-- LINK RELapple-touch-icon HREF> -->TITLE>Gods Word To Women/TITLE>SCRIPT>; if(top.location!self.location)top.locationself.location;function TIME(){return(new Date()).getTime();}function Init(){T3TIME();}T1T2T3TIME();/SCRIPT>/HEAD>STYLE>A:HOVER { TEXT-DECORATION:UNDERLINE; COLOR:FF0000; }.TX A:LINK, .TX A:VISITED { FONT-STYLE:ITALIC; FONT-WEIGHT:BOLD; }H3 { FONT-FAMILY:GEORGIA; FONT-SIZE:20PX; COLOR:330099; }.TX { FONT-FAMILY:GEORGIA; FONT-SIZE:14PX; COLOR:330099; LINE-HEIGHT:1.4; }.FT { FONT-FAMILY:ARIAL; FONT-SIZE:10PX; TEXT-DECORATION:NONE; FONT-STYLE:NORMAL; COLOR:8989AF; LINE-HEIGHT:1.3; }.LX { COLOR:000099; FONT-SIZE:14PX; TEXT-DECORATION:NONE; LINE-HEIGHT:1.3; }.LL { COLOR:333399; FONT-SIZE:12PX; TEXT-DECORATION:NONE; LINE-HEIGHT:1.3; }.GREY { COLOR:966696; }/STYLE>BODY onLoadInit(); TOPMARGIN1 BOTTOMMARGIN30 LINK000099 ALINK000099 VLINK000099>CANVAS BORDER0 WIDTH1 HEIGHT1 IDCVTEST STYLEPOSITION:ABSOLUTE; TOP:0; LEFT:0;>/CANVAS>IMG BORDER0 WIDTH1 HEIGHT1 NAMEPIX STYLEPOSITION:ABSOLUTE; TOP:0; LEFT:0;>SCRIPT SRC>/SCRIPT>SCRIPT>T2TIME();/SCRIPT>NOSCRIPT>BR>CENTER>TABLE CELLSPACING30 BGCOLORDEDEF0 WIDTH820>TD>FONT COLOR000066>CENTER>H1>GODS WORD TO WOMEN/H1>H3>I>God is calling women to the full redemption for which they were created and which He purchased for them on Calvary. He wants woman to walk in the fullness of the original, pre-Fall relationship that He had with her as well as Adam./TABLE>/
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 07:33:26 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Fri, 24 Mar 2023 17:19:21 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 11612Vary: Accept-Enco !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 TRANSITIONAL//EN>HTML LANGEN>HEAD>META HTTP-EQUIVContent-Type CONTENTtext/html;charsetISO-8859-1>META NAMEKEYWORDS CONTENTwomen, Bible, ministry, pastor, teacher>META NAMEDESCRIPTION CONTENTHelping women discover their true identity and Gods role for them according to the Bible>META NAMEVIEWPORT CONTENTwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, maximum-scale4.0, user-scalable1>LINK RELSHORTCUT ICON HREF>!-- LINK RELapple-touch-icon HREF> -->TITLE>Gods Word To Women/TITLE>SCRIPT>; if(top.location!self.location)top.locationself.location;function TIME(){return(new Date()).getTime();}function Init(){T3TIME();}T1T2T3TIME();/SCRIPT>/HEAD>STYLE>A:HOVER { TEXT-DECORATION:UNDERLINE; COLOR:FF0000; }.TX A:LINK, .TX A:VISITED { FONT-STYLE:ITALIC; FONT-WEIGHT:BOLD; }H3 { FONT-FAMILY:GEORGIA; FONT-SIZE:20PX; COLOR:330099; }.TX { FONT-FAMILY:GEORGIA; FONT-SIZE:14PX; COLOR:330099; LINE-HEIGHT:1.4; }.FT { FONT-FAMILY:ARIAL; FONT-SIZE:10PX; TEXT-DECORATION:NONE; FONT-STYLE:NORMAL; COLOR:8989AF; LINE-HEIGHT:1.3; }.LX { COLOR:000099; FONT-SIZE:14PX; TEXT-DECORATION:NONE; LINE-HEIGHT:1.3; }.LL { COLOR:333399; FONT-SIZE:12PX; TEXT-DECORATION:NONE; LINE-HEIGHT:1.3; }.GREY { COLOR:966696; }/STYLE>BODY onLoadInit(); TOPMARGIN1 BOTTOMMARGIN30 LINK000099 ALINK000099 VLINK000099>CANVAS BORDER0 WIDTH1 HEIGHT1 IDCVTEST STYLEPOSITION:ABSOLUTE; TOP:0; LEFT:0;>/CANVAS>IMG BORDER0 WIDTH1 HEIGHT1 NAMEPIX STYLEPOSITION:ABSOLUTE; TOP:0; LEFT:0;>SCRIPT SRC>/SCRIPT>SCRIPT>T2TIME();/SCRIPT>NOSCRIPT>BR>CENTER>TABLE CELLSPACING30 BGCOLORDEDEF0 WIDTH820>TD>FONT COLOR000066>CENTER>H1>GODS WORD TO WOMEN/H1>H3>I>God is calling women to the full redemption for which they were created and which He purchased for them on Calvary. He wants woman to walk in the fullness of the original, pre-Fall relationship that He had with her as well as Adam./TABLE>/
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