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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginx/1.22.1Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 07:08:00 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 169Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/1.22.1/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingCache-Control: no-cache, privateDate: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:12:11 GMTgm48-responsecache: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:12:11 +0000Set-Cookie: XSRF-TOKENeyJpdiI6ImwxMHliZHdETjJORE95N29RVTBlcFE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoicWJPZmRJTkhQNzRXV2lCUnZjQ1NNd1RXdy8zRVFXL3E5SGRqMWZpVjI2a2Znd0ZraFB4SllvcjN1Qjl1Y2svQ08ra2FPU25ocnBsbVhRemtLM0hqWWVTM1A1eS93Smh0UEdBSC9LNEJLQUg5Rmc0RWtkQUoyVTlmUkVDa1h6ekkiLCJtYWMiOiJlNzI5ZTgwYTE3ZDQ5NzhhOGQ2MzU4ODhjZTgxNDY5N2Y3ZmMyMDc1MTVkNmQ0OWZlNmViMzNhYWM1NWMxZDY3IiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expiresTue, 25 Feb 2025 09:08:00 GMT; Max-Age7200; path/; secure; samesitelaxSet-Cookie: gm48_sessioneyJpdiI6IjJzMnJuMzlFSnBxczNIaTRKaHZ2S0E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoicHp0Q0tPdHlMOU8yRTdjNUkyR3FyL3QxKzBjSjRLNDhsdEo4REZESTBLdEt4MldRN0MxcGZDcDFwL2tnck0vUGlqOVkyamRnQjJjd2hwb2l6bk5wYytKdldLcS80TjFNUU9oSUowald4YmxyN0xIdjBETHZDeE1lMlBUa0NpSi8iLCJtYWMiOiI4NGJlYjJmNGEzNmI4NjBhMzdjMWFkNjZjMjhjYzQ1YzU3YTNhOGVhYWYxYTQyOTYzYjM5ZGQwMTg3YTYxYjY3IiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expiresTue, 25 Feb 2025 09:08:00 GMT; Max-Age7200; path/; secure; httponly; samesitelaxX-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGINX-XSS-Protection: 1; modeblockX-Content-Type-Options: nosniff !DOCTYPE html>!-- ________ _____ ______ ___ ___ ________ |\ ____\|\ _ \ _ \|\ \ |\ \|\ __ \ \ \ \___|\ \ \\\__\ \ \ \ \\_\ \ \ \|\ \ \ \ \ __\ \ \\|__| \ \ \______ \ \ __ \ \ \ \|\ \ \ \ \ \ \|_____|\ \ \ \|\ \ \ \_______\ \__\ \ \__\ \ \__\ \_______\ \|_______|\|__| \|__| \|__|\|_______| Designed and developed by Peter C. Jørgensen | | @tehwave-->html langen classh-100> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno> !-- Prefetch --> link relpreconnect href> link reldns-prefetch href//> link reldns-prefetch href//> link reldns-prefetch href//> !-- Preload --> link relpreload href asimage> link relpreload href asimage> link relpreload href asimage> !-- Website --> meta nametheme-color content#444444> link relmanifest href> link relshortcut icon href typeimage/x-icon> link relcanonical href> link href relme> link href relme> meta namecsrf-token contentoenvgmZ43XFxgmhGB2IjteVIjywAm4IqqkapxiOP> meta namenorton-safeweb-site-verification contentvmerq24gzxze4p4p-82-cxu07faad--e472u-sdqhwbbhelxithqnmdsaq9uw7m00tn-40vc56xo9cur1zc-r5p7v5115gdhqry-2bxeesi6agh630g02f79znj7c-9h> title> The game jam for every type of GameMaker developer – gm(48) /title> meta nametitle contentThe game jam for every type of GameMaker developer> meta namedescription contentThe gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.> meta nameauthor contentgm(48)> script typeapplication/ld+json> {@context:https:\/\/,@type:FAQPage,mainEntity:{@type:Question,name:How do I participate?,acceptedAnswer:{@type:Answer,text:p>To participate in the game jam, you will need to create a game in GameMaker within 48 hours, starting from the events beginning and ending at its conclusion. You should submit your game before the deadline, along with instructions on how to play, artist and programmer credits, and a list of any known issues.\/p>\np>The game jam is open to GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds, with the aim of creating a diverse and inclusive community that values all contributions equally. Whether participants are beginners or experts, young or old, artists or programmers, they are welcome to join in the event.\/p>\np>To help you succeed in the game jam, an comprehensive guide has been created that contains all the information you need. This guide includes instructions on how to participate and submit your game, as well as tips and tricks for maximizing your success.\/p>\np>a href\https:\/\/\/resource\/1\/how-to-participate\>\u2192\/how-to-participate\/a>\/p>}},{@type:Question,name:Can I use pre-made assets?,acceptedAnswer:{@type:Answer,text:p>Game and artistic content must be created within 48 hours, except for certain exempt resources that must be credited and have sufficient intellectual property rights.\/p>\np>These exempt resources include derivative works, widely-known free GML scripts, promotion content, generators, fonts, logos, brands, brushes, loops, drums, and instrument samples, among others.\/p>\np>Please refer to rule #4 for the full list.\/p>\np>a href\https:\/\/\/rules\>\u2192\/rules\/a>\/p>}},{@type:Question,name:Can I start pre-production before the game jam starts?,acceptedAnswer:{@type:Answer,text:p>To a certain extent, you are allowed to prepare for the game jam before it officially begins. This includes what can be referred to as pre-production, which involves brainstorming ideas, storyboarding, and creating a game design document. However, you are not allowed to begin actual production of any assets or start coding until the game jam officially begins.\/p>\np>Its important to note that even creating art sketches in advance could be considered cheating and is therefore prohibited. The purpose of a game jam is to challenge participants to create something new and innovative within a set time frame, and pre-production is allowed only to a certain extent to help participants plan and organize their ideas, not to give them an unfair advantage over other participants. So while you can start planning and ideating before the game jam starts, you cannot start creating any tangible assets or start coding until the official start time.\/p>}},{@type:Question,name:Do I have to upload the project files?,acceptedAnswer:{@type:Answer,text:p>While uploading your project files is not strictly mandatory, it is strongly encouraged as it can be a valuable resource for other developers with an educational opportunity to examine and learn from your code, assets, and other relevant files, however "gross" it might be. Lets face it, after 48 hours, everyones code is a bit of a mess, but this is a valuable opportunity to showcase your skills and give back to the community.\/p>\np>By sharing your code, assets, and other relevant files, you can help others understand your game-making process and potentially inspire them to create their games. Moreover, its an excellent way to build your reputation as a knowledgeable and helpful developer in the game development community.\/p>\np>As a token of appreciation, you are rewarded with an achievement for uploading your project. So, if youre interested in giving back to the community and helping others learn, consider uploading your project files. Its a win-win situation that benefits both you and the game development community.\/p>\np>a href\https:\/\/\/open-source-gamemaker-projects\>\u2192\/open-source-gamemaker-projects\/a>\/p>}},{@type:Question,name:How is the final score calculcated?,acceptedAnswer:{@type:Answer,text:p>For the game jam, the game score is determined by using a statistical technique called the Bayesian average. This means that when calculating a games score, the number of ratings it has received is taken into consideration. For instance, a game with a single 100% rating will not necessarily get a higher score than a game with multiple 80% ratings.\/p>\np>Basically, the Bayesian average method ensures that a games score reflects the collective opinion of a larger number of people who have played and rated the game. So, even if a game has high ratings in one category, like graphics or sound, it may not necessarily have a high overall score if it has not received enough ratings.\/p>\np>This is why you may notice that the rating averages in specific categories do not always align with the games final score. The final score is influenced by both the average rating and the number of ratings received across all categories.\/p>}},{@type:Question,name:Do I own the rights to my game?,acceptedAnswer:{@type:Answer,text:p>Your game is your intellectual property, and rest assured that you own the rights to your creation. You have put in a lot of hard work, creativity, and dedication to bring your game to life. Your exclusive right to use, sell, and distribute your game as you see fit is acknowledged by the terms and conditions.\/p>\np>In recognizing the value of promoting your game and the game jam to reach a wider audience, reserve the right to use your game for promotional purposes. This means that your game may be showcased on the website, social media platforms, or in other marketing materials to help promote your work and share it with the community.\/p>\np>a href\https:\/\/\/terms-and-conditions\>\u2192\/terms-and-conditions\/a>\/p>\np>Submit your post-jam game to GX Corner (GXC). GXC is a collaboration between YoYo Games and Opera to bring together a brand new platform for Opera GX users to play, share and discover games made by independent GameMaker developers, such as yourself. a href\https:\/\/\/resource\/9\/submit-your-post-jam-game-to-gx-corner\>\u2192 Learn more\/a>\/p>}}} /script> !-- Schedule --> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: Event, name: 47th gm(48), description: The gm(48) is a quarterly 48 hours GameMaker Studio 2 game jam from the community of /r/GameMaker, url:, location: { @type: VirtualLocation, url: }, sponsor: { @type: Organization, name: YoYo Games, url: }, startDate: 2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00, endDate: 2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00, eventAttendanceMode:, offers: { @type: Offer, availability:, price: 0 } } /script> script> window.locale en; window.debug false; window.env production; /script> link relwebmention href /> link relpingback href /> !-- Open Graph --> meta propertyog:site_name contentgm(48)> meta propertyog:url content> meta propertyfb:app_id content1694021464147187> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite> meta propertyog:determiner contentthe> meta propertyog:title contentThe game jam for every type of GameMaker developer – gm(48)> meta propertyog:image content> meta propertyog:description contentThe gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.> !-- Website --> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: WebSite, name: gm(48), alternateName: GM48, url:, potentialAction: { @type: SearchAction, target:{search_term_string}, query-input: required namesearch_term_string } } /script> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: Organization, name: gm(48), url:, logo: } /script> !-- Twitter --> meta nametwitter:site content> meta nametwitter:dnt contenton> meta nametwitter:card contentsummary> meta nametwitter:creator content@tehwave> meta nametwitter:title contentThe game jam for every type of GameMaker developer – gm(48)> meta nametwitter:description contentThe gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. > meta nametwitter:image content> !-- Stylesheets --> link relstylesheet href/css/framework.css?id6390995343e1f1b2de6a6f210583c087> link relpreload href/css/app.css?idbd97a1512c7107626a4b0a65eaf4f1b5 asstyle onloadthis.onloadnull;this.relstylesheet> link relpreload href,500,600,700,800&displayswap asstyle onloadthis.onloadnull;this.relstylesheet> noscript>link relstylesheet href,500,600,700,800&displayswap>/noscript> script src data-siteBYZSJODG defer>/script> /head> !-- neck --> body classh-100 data-no-js1 data-layoutgm48 data-routehome data-alerts0 data-robot > !-- Application --> div idapp classh-100> !-- No JavaScript Alert --> noscript> div classalert alert-danger px-0 mb-0 rounded-0 rolealert> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow> div classcol-12 col-md-2 text-md-center my-auto> div classbadge badge-pill badge-danger>Alert/div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-8 my-auto> div>You are browsing strong>without/strong> JavaScript. 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data-localized-month>January/span> span data-localized-day>6/span> small>at/small> span data-localized-time> 00:00 small>UTC/small> /span> /div> div classtext-white-50 font-weight-normal mt-1 data-localized-datetime data-localized-utc2025-01-13 00:00:00> small>until/small> span data-localized-month>January/span> span data-localized-day>13/span> small>at/small> span data-localized-time> 00:00 small>UTC/small> /span> /div> /div> div classh6 mb-4 text-xxl-center text-secondary > Vote for the theme div classtext-white-50 font-weight-normal mt-1 data-localized-datetime data-localized-utc2025-01-13 00:00:00> small>from/small> span data-localized-month>January/span> span data-localized-day>13/span> small>at/small> span data-localized-time> 00:00 small>UTC/small> /span> /div> div classtext-white-50 font-weight-normal mt-1 data-localized-datetime data-localized-utc2024-01-20 00:00:00> small>until/small> span data-localized-month>January/span> span data-localized-day>20/span> small>at/small> span data-localized-time> 00:00 small>UTC/small> /span> /div> /div> div classh6 mb-4 text-xxl-center text-secondary > Game jammin div classtext-white-50 font-weight-normal mt-1 data-localized-datetime data-localized-utc2024-01-20 00:00:00> small>starts/small> span data-localized-month>January/span> span data-localized-day>20/span> small>at/small> span data-localized-time> 00:00 small>UTC/small> /span> /div> div classtext-white-50 font-weight-normal mt-1 data-localized-datetime data-localized-utc2024-01-22 00:00:00> small>ends/small> span data-localized-month>January/span> span data-localized-day>22/span> small>at/small> span data-localized-time> 00:00 small>UTC/small> /span> /div> /div> div classh6 mb-4 text-xxl-center text-secondary > Rate and critique div classtext-white-50 font-weight-normal mt-1 data-localized-datetime data-localized-utc2024-01-22 00:00:00> small>from/small> span data-localized-month>January/span> span data-localized-day>22/span> small>at/small> span data-localized-time> 00:00 small>UTC/small> /span> /div> div classtext-white-50 font-weight-normal mt-1 data-localized-datetime data-localized-utc2024-02-05 20:00:00> small>until/small> span data-localized-month>February/span> span data-localized-day>5/span> small>at/small> span data-localized-time> 20:00 small>UTC/small> /span> /div> /div> div classh6 mb-4 text-xxl-right text-secondary > Results and winners div classtext-white-50 font-weight-normal mt-1 data-localized-datetime data-localized-utc2024-02-05 20:00:00> span data-localized-month>February/span> span data-localized-day>5/span> small>at/small> span data-localized-time> 20:00 small>UTC/small> /span> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-footer p-4 py-lg-5 px-lg-6> div classrow> div classcol my-auto> div classcard-subtitle h6 text-xl-center> Should we remind you when the next gm(span classtext-primary>48/span>) is coming up? /div> div classmx-auto max-w-md> form classmt-4 data-subscriberreminders> div idmy_name_j0EKnFWqqsUpU4gN_wrap styledisplay: none aria-hiddentrue> input idmy_name_j0EKnFWqqsUpU4gN namemy_name_j0EKnFWqqsUpU4gN typetext value autocompletenope tabindex-1> input namevalid_from typetext valueeyJpdiI6Inh3U2lUb2ZMcll3bEZJeVo1Mk9HQWc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiOVRLaUZJNU50aS91dGNPUTZ3T1pIZz09IiwibWFjIjoiMzZkMTBiZTY5MDhhMzc5M2MzMTM2ZDZmZmEwNjg0NDI5YTFiYjI2YjFhMTJhMWE3MzcwNzQ5YzU5ZWYyNGU1NyIsInRhZyI6IiJ9 autocompleteoff tabindex-1> /div> div classinput-group> input typeemail classform-control autocompleteemail nameemail> div classinput-group-append> button classbtn btn-primary px-xxl-5 rounded-right typesubmit> span classd-none d-xxl-block>Subscribe/span> i classfal fa-fw fa-paper-plane d-block d-xxl-none>/i> /button> /div> div classinvalid-feedback mt-2> Something went wrong. /div> div classvalid-feedback mt-2> All done! /div> /div>/form> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> small classtext-font-primary text-white-50 text-uppercase font-weight-500 tracking-wide> Banner by a href relnofollow classtext-white-50>happy²/a> featuring games from the game jam /small> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idbackground classcover-background> div classcover-background__image stylebackground-image: url(; background-position: center;>/div> div classcover-background__gradient>/div> /div> div classcontainer pt-xxl-8> div classrow my-6 my-xxl-10> div classcol-12 my-auto col-xxl-6 pl-xxl-6 pr-xxl-6> h1 classh2 text-secondary mb-4> The game jam for every type of GameMaker developer /h1> p classlead font-weight-500 card-subtitle mb-4 stylemax-width: 800px;> The gm(48) is a quarterly community event centered around a competition, in which indie game developers, by themselves solo or in teams, must develop a game in GameMaker Studio 2 in 48 hours. /p> p classlead font-weight-500 card-subtitle mb-4 stylemax-width: 800px;> These competitions are commonly referred to as i>game jams/i>. Once the games have been submitted, everyone will play, rate and critique the submissions for two weeks, the ratings from which the top three games will receive licenses to GameMaker Studio 2 as prizes. /p> p classlead font-weight-500 card-subtitle mb-4 stylemax-width: 800px;> The game jam is open for free to developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Beginner or expert, young or old, artist or programmer, all are welcome in the gm(48) game jam community. /p> div classmb-4> a classbtn btn-dark my-2 mr-2 href target_blank> How to Participate i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> a classbtn btn-dark href target_blank> A Quick Guide to Game Jams i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xxl-3 mx-auto my-auto> statistic-with-icon textSubmissions Overall classmb-4 p-xxl-6 iconfa-gamepad-alt varianttext-secondary endpoint >/statistic-with-icon> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 col-xxl-3 mx-auto my-auto> statistic-with-icon textParticipants Overall classmb-4 p-xxl-6 iconfa-users varianttext-secondary endpoint >/statistic-with-icon> /div> /div> div classrow my-6 my-xxl-10> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 mb-4> div classaccordion idquestions-column-1> div classcard styleborder-radius: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0 0 > div classcard-header> button classbtn btn-link text-left text-decoration-none p-2 py-4 w-100 rounded-top typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#how-do-i-participate> h4 classcard-title mb-0> div classmedia> span classtext-secondary h5 my-auto mr-4> i classfa-fw fa-question-circle far fa-lg aria-hiddentrue>/i> /span> div classmedia-body> span classtext-white h4> How do I participate? /span> /div> /div> /h4> /button> /div> div idhow-do-i-participate classcollapse show px-4 data-parent#questions-column-1> div classcard-body stylemax-width: 800px;> p>To participate in the game jam, you will need to create a game in GameMaker within 48 hours, starting from the events beginning and ending at its conclusion. You should submit your game before the deadline, along with instructions on how to play, artist and programmer credits, and a list of any known issues./p>p>The game jam is open to GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds, with the aim of creating a diverse and inclusive community that values all contributions equally. Whether participants are beginners or experts, young or old, artists or programmers, they are welcome to join in the event./p>p>To help you succeed in the game jam, an comprehensive guide has been created that contains all the information you need. This guide includes instructions on how to participate and submit your game, as well as tips and tricks for maximizing your success./p>p>a href>→>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcard > div classcard-header> button classbtn btn-link text-left text-decoration-none p-2 py-4 w-100 typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#can-i-use-pre-made-assets> h4 classcard-title mb-0> div classmedia> span classtext-secondary h5 my-auto mr-4> i classfa-fw fa-question-circle far fa-lg aria-hiddentrue>/i> /span> div classmedia-body> span classtext-white h4> Can I use pre-made assets? /span> /div> /div> /h4> /button> /div> div idcan-i-use-pre-made-assets classcollapse px-4 data-parent#questions-column-1> div classcard-body stylemax-width: 800px;> p>Game and artistic content must be created within 48 hours, except for certain exempt resources that must be credited and have sufficient intellectual property rights./p>p>These exempt resources include derivative works, widely-known free GML scripts, promotion content, generators, fonts, logos, brands, brushes, loops, drums, and instrument samples, among others./p>p>Please refer to rule #4 for the full list./p>p>a href>→>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcard > div classcard-header> button classbtn btn-link text-left text-decoration-none p-2 py-4 w-100 typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#can-i-start-pre-production-before-the-game-jam-starts> h4 classcard-title mb-0> div classmedia> span classtext-secondary h5 my-auto mr-4> i classfa-fw fa-question-circle far fa-lg aria-hiddentrue>/i> /span> div classmedia-body> span classtext-white h4> Can I start pre-production before the game jam starts? /span> /div> /div> /h4> /button> /div> div idcan-i-start-pre-production-before-the-game-jam-starts classcollapse px-4 data-parent#questions-column-1> div classcard-body stylemax-width: 800px;> p>To a certain extent, you are allowed to prepare for the game jam before it officially begins. This includes what can be referred to as pre-production, which involves brainstorming ideas, storyboarding, and creating a game design document. However, you are not allowed to begin actual production of any assets or start coding until the game jam officially begins./p>p>Its important to note that even creating art sketches in advance could be considered cheating and is therefore prohibited. The purpose of a game jam is to challenge participants to create something new and innovative within a set time frame, and pre-production is allowed only to a certain extent to help participants plan and organize their ideas, not to give them an unfair advantage over other participants. So while you can start planning and ideating before the game jam starts, you cannot start creating any tangible assets or start coding until the official start time./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-lg-6 mb-4> div classaccordion idquestions-column-2> div classcard styleborder-radius: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0 0 > div classcard-header> button classbtn btn-link text-left text-decoration-none p-2 py-4 w-100 rounded-top typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#do-i-have-to-upload-the-project-files> h4 classcard-title mb-0> div classmedia> span classtext-secondary h5 my-auto mr-4> i classfa-fw fa-question-circle far fa-lg aria-hiddentrue>/i> /span> div classmedia-body> span classtext-white h4> Do I have to upload the project files? /span> /div> /div> /h4> /button> /div> div iddo-i-have-to-upload-the-project-files classcollapse show px-4 data-parent#questions-column-2> div classcard-body stylemax-width: 800px;> p>While uploading your project files is not strictly mandatory, it is strongly encouraged as it can be a valuable resource for other developers with an educational opportunity to examine and learn from your code, assets, and other relevant files, however "gross" it might be. Lets face it, after 48 hours, everyones code is a bit of a mess, but this is a valuable opportunity to showcase your skills and give back to the community./p>p>By sharing your code, assets, and other relevant files, you can help others understand your game-making process and potentially inspire them to create their games. Moreover, its an excellent way to build your reputation as a knowledgeable and helpful developer in the game development community./p>p>As a token of appreciation, you are rewarded with an achievement for uploading your project. So, if youre interested in giving back to the community and helping others learn, consider uploading your project files. Its a win-win situation that benefits both you and the game development community./p>p>a href>→>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcard > div classcard-header> button classbtn btn-link text-left text-decoration-none p-2 py-4 w-100 typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#how-is-the-final-score-calculcated> h4 classcard-title mb-0> div classmedia> span classtext-secondary h5 my-auto mr-4> i classfa-fw fa-question-circle far fa-lg aria-hiddentrue>/i> /span> div classmedia-body> span classtext-white h4> How is the final score calculcated? /span> /div> /div> /h4> /button> /div> div idhow-is-the-final-score-calculcated classcollapse px-4 data-parent#questions-column-2> div classcard-body stylemax-width: 800px;> p>For the game jam, the game score is determined by using a statistical technique called the Bayesian average. This means that when calculating a games score, the number of ratings it has received is taken into consideration. For instance, a game with a single 100% rating will not necessarily get a higher score than a game with multiple 80% ratings./p>p>Basically, the Bayesian average method ensures that a games score reflects the collective opinion of a larger number of people who have played and rated the game. So, even if a game has high ratings in one category, like graphics or sound, it may not necessarily have a high overall score if it has not received enough ratings./p>p>This is why you may notice that the rating averages in specific categories do not always align with the games final score. The final score is influenced by both the average rating and the number of ratings received across all categories./p> /div> /div> /div> div classcard > div classcard-header> button classbtn btn-link text-left text-decoration-none p-2 py-4 w-100 typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#do-i-own-the-rights-to-my-game> h4 classcard-title mb-0> div classmedia> span classtext-secondary h5 my-auto mr-4> i classfa-fw fa-question-circle far fa-lg aria-hiddentrue>/i> /span> div classmedia-body> span classtext-white h4> Do I own the rights to my game? /span> /div> /div> /h4> /button> /div> div iddo-i-own-the-rights-to-my-game classcollapse px-4 data-parent#questions-column-2> div classcard-body stylemax-width: 800px;> p>Your game is your intellectual property, and rest assured that you own the rights to your creation. You have put in a lot of hard work, creativity, and dedication to bring your game to life. Your exclusive right to use, sell, and distribute your game as you see fit is acknowledged by the terms and conditions./p>p>In recognizing the value of promoting your game and the game jam to reach a wider audience, reserve the right to use your game for promotional purposes. This means that your game may be showcased on the website, social media platforms, or in other marketing materials to help promote your work and share it with the community./p>p>a href>→>/p>p>Submit your post-jam game to GX Corner (GXC). GXC is a collaboration between YoYo Games and Opera to bring together a brand new platform for Opera GX users to play, share and discover games made by independent GameMaker developers, such as yourself. a href>→ Learn more/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow my-6 my-xxl-10> div classcol-12 mb-4 text-center> h2 classh2 text-secondary mb-4> Hear it from participants /h2> p classlead card-subtitle font-weight-500 mb-xxl-4 mx-auto stylemax-width: 800px;> With over 2000 participants to date, the gm(48) game jam has for years been instrumental in enabling developers to become better at game design, game development and GameMaker Studio 2. /p> /div> div classcol-12> div classcard-columns> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altSuperGamersGames classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> SuperGamersGames /a> /small> small classd-block> span> Coder /span> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>This platform is great for seeing what is possible in 48 hours. Making Color Pickers help point out some issues I run into when making games./p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altTonyStr classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> TonyStr /a> /small> small classd-block> span> Overmars @ GameMaker Studio 2 /span> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>I agree wholeheartedly with MintyPython's testimonial: "GM48 is an inspiring and inclusive event fit for beginners and veterans alike. There's no better place for GameMaker devs to really come together as a community and show off what they've got."/p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altRamkey classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> Ramkey /a> /small> small classd-block> span> Coder /span> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>First game jam competition that can compete with the ludum dare, if you ask me. Had much fun particapating and looking forward to do it again./p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altBrandon H Nguyen classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> Brandon H Nguyen /a> /small> small classd-block> span> Artist /span> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>Drawing sprites is fun so it's a good experience. :)/p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altJonathan Ouf classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> Jonathan Ouf /a> /small> small classd-block> span> Expert @ GameMaker Studio 2 /span> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>Participating in GM48 was great! I've never felt this motivated to make something ever before. I'm definitely going to try and participate in future GM48s./p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altBatesville757 classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> Batesville757 /a> /small> small classd-block> span> Intermediate @ GameMaker: Studio /span> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>This was my first game jam entry./p>p>I wasnt able to wrap up a lot of the mechanics i was hoping for so by the end of the time and the game it was really a mess./p>p>However I learned a lot from this game jam and am looking forward to making further entries, it was a blast./p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altKCKy classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> KCKy /a> /small> small classd-block> span> Coder /span> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>GM48 was difficult but rewarding. Two days don't seem as much time but many things can be made in this timespan./p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altNarxii classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> Narxii /a> /small> small classd-block> span> Novice @ GameMaker Studio 2 /span> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>I've never participated in a game jam previously and was excited to join in with this. In the middle of tending to two children and going shopping it's been a blast!. The enjoyment of having a set target and project and cracking on to meet the deadline! definitely participate again./p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altToemking classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> Toemking /a> /small> small classd-block> time datetime2018-04-23 00:47:43> Apr 23, 2018 /time> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>First GM48 was very over ambitious and it turned out to be a hot mess. Met some very nice people and will hopefully work with them in the future/p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altIvanbje classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> Ivanbje /a> /small> small classd-block> span> Adept @ GameMaker Studio 2 /span> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>Great way to practice your skills. Creativity through restriction is a great way to come up with good ideas./p>p>The reviews are also good and give fair criticism that helps you improve./p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altJosh K. classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> Josh K. /a> /small> small classd-block> time datetime2019-04-21 21:07:05> Apr 21, 2019 /time> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>I always have fun in this game jam. Every time I participate I have an amazing time and always push myself to learn something new. The feedback is always super useful, and to any new comers to game development I recommend this game jam!/p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> div classcard itemscope itemtype> div classsr-only itempropitemReviewed itemscope itemtype> span itempropname>47th gm(48)/span> span itempropurl>> span itempropdescription>The gm(48) is a community event for GameMaker Studio 2 developers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds/span> span itempropstartDate>2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itempropendDate>2024-01-22T00:00:00+00:00/span> span itemscope itemproplocation itemtype> span itempropname>> span itempropaddress>> /span> span itemscope itempropsponsor itemtype> span itempropname>YoYo Games/span> span itempropurl>> /span> /div> div classcard-header> div classmedia> a href classtext-decoration-none my-auto mr-3> img width64 height64 altNick Ver Voort classrounded-circle data-lazy src data-src > /a> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-secondary text-decoration-none> Nick Ver Voort /a> /small> small classd-block> span> Adept @ GameMaker Studio 2 /span> /small> /div> /div> /div> div classcard-body pb-0> blockquote cite relnofollow classpy-0 my-0 itempropreviewBody> p>I had a great time participating in gm(48) number 30. I was lucky and everything just seemed to gel. This is my first successful game jam with Game Maker so I was happy it went well!/p> /blockquote> span itempropreviewRating itemscope itemtype> span classsr-only itempropratingValue>5/span> /span> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow my-6 my-xxl-10> div classcol-12 mx-auto my-4 col-xxl-8 my-xxl-auto order-1 order-xxl-0> div classcard-deck> statistic-with-icon textTotal Resources classmb-4 iconfa-cubes varianttext-info endpoint >/statistic-with-icon> statistic-with-icon textTotal Post-mortems classmb-4 iconfa-book-reader varianttext-success endpoint >/statistic-with-icon> statistic-with-icon textOpen-Source Projects classmb-4 iconfa-file varianttext-white endpoint >/statistic-with-icon> /div> div classcard-deck> statistic-with-icon textAvg. Feedback / Game classmb-4 varianttext-danger iconfa-comment-alt-lines endpoint >/statistic-with-icon> statistic-with-icon textAvg. Ratings / Game classmb-4 iconfa-star varianttext-warning endpoint >/statistic-with-icon> /div> /div> div classcol-12 mx-auto my-auto col-xxl-4 order-0 order-xxl-1> div classpx-xxl-6> h2 classh2 text-secondary mb-4> Participate and level up your GameMaker skills /h2> p classlead font-weight-500 card-subtitle mb-4 stylemax-width: 800px;> Discover how others view and play your games and receive useful insights and constructive criticism. /p> p classlead font-weight-500 card-subtitle mb-4 stylemax-width: 800px;> Become better at game design, game development and GameMaker Studio 2 by participating in our GameMaker community game jam. /p> div> a classbtn btn-dark my-2 mr-2 href target_blank> Participating in the game jam i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> a classbtn btn-dark href target_blank> Quick Guide to a GameMaker Game Jam i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow my-6 my-xxl-10> div classcol-12 my-auto col-lg-6 pl-xxl-6> h2 classh2 text-secondary mb-4> Join the best GameMaker game jam Community /h2> p classlead font-weight-500 card-subtitle mb-4 stylemax-width: 800px;> The gm(48) game jam is full of passionate, skillful and constructive developers, who would love nothing more than to share their experiences and feedback with you. /p> p classlead font-weight-500 card-subtitle mb-4 stylemax-width: 800px;> Share your games with other like-minded GameMaker Studio 2 developers, see and learn how they make their games, and become better developers together. /p> div classmb-4> a classbtn btn-dark my-2 mr-2 href target_blank> Official gm(48) Game Jam Discord i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> a classbtn btn-dark href target_blank> GameMaker Community Discord i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-auto mx-auto my-auto> iframe iddiscord data-lazy data-src width290 height320 allowtransparencytrue frameborder0 sandboxallow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts>/iframe> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-12 text-center mb-4 mt-6> h2 classh2 text-secondary mb-4> GameMaker Studio 2 Integrations /h2> p classlead card-subtitle font-weight-500 mx-auto mb-xxl-4 stylemax-width: 800px;> Games are better played together. Add social interactions to your game jam submission with these easy-to-install GameMaker scripts and watch how players compete, speedrun and interact with rest of the community. /p> /div> /div> div classrow row-cols-1 row-cols-lg-2> div classcol mb-4> div classcard h-100> div classcard-body p-6> div classmedia> i classfar fa-fw fa-user-unlock fa-2x mr-3 text-primary aria-hiddenfalse>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classmt-0> OAuth2 for GameMaker Studio 2/h5> div stylemax-width: 480px;> Add account sign-in functionality to your game jam submission and recognize the player from other players. /div> div classmt-2> a href target_blank classcard-link> Go to Code Repository i classfar fa-fw fa-long-arrow-right aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol mb-4> div classcard h-100> div classcard-body p-6> div classmedia> i classfar fa-fw fa-users-crown fa-2x mr-3 text-primary aria-hiddenfalse>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classmt-0> Leaderboards for GameMaker Studio 2/h5> div stylemax-width: 480px;> Add online leaderboards to your game jam submission, have your players submit their scores and display it all on via your games page. /div> div classmt-2> a href target_blank classcard-link> Go to Code Repository i classfar fa-fw fa-long-arrow-right aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> a href target_blank classcard-link> Installation guide i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol mb-4> div classcard h-100> div classcard-body p-6> div classmedia> i classfar fa-fw fa-trophy-alt fa-2x mr-3 text-primary aria-hiddenfalse>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classmt-0> Achievements for GameMaker Studio 2/h5> div stylemax-width: 480px;> Add your own custom achievements to your game jam submission, have the players earn them and proudly display them on their profile. /div> div classmt-2 text-white-50> In development /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol mb-4> div classcard h-100> div classcard-body p-6> div classmedia> i classfar fa-fw fa-globe fa-2x mr-3 text-primary aria-hiddenfalse>/i> div classmedia-body> h5 classmt-0> Multiplayer for GameMaker Studio 2/h5> div stylemax-width: 480px;> Add online functionality to your game jam submission with dedicated server, user login and in-game chat using this easy-to-use library of scripts. /div> div classmt-2 text-white-50> Roadmap /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow my-6 my-xxl-10> div classcol-12 mx-auto my-auto col-xxl-4 px-xxl-6> h2 classh2 text-secondary mb-4> What would you develop? /h2> p classlead font-weight-500 card-subtitle mb-4 stylemax-width: 800px;> Theres no better time than now to start using GameMaker Studio 2. Book a weekend for the game jam and see what you can create with it. /p> p classlead font-weight-500 card-subtitle mb-4 stylemax-width: 800px;> The game jam is a great way to take an idea from paper to playable prototype. Developers use game jams to let loose their creativity. /p> div> a classbtn btn-dark my-2 mr-2 href target_blank> Win a 12-month license to GameMaker Studio 2 i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-12 mx-auto my-4 col-xxl-8 my-xxl-auto> div classcard-deck> div data-titleCave of Generations data-updated2023-04-14 23:25:04 data-created2017-04-16 14:55:14 data-developerBaku class card mix user windows postmortem qualified itemscope itemtype> a classcard-img-top href itempropurl> img data-lazy itempropimage altCave of Generations src data-src classimg-fluid w-100 rounded-lg bg-primary width480 height320 styleborder-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; /> /a> div classcard-body> small data-tooltip titleThe theme for the gm(48) that the game was submitted for. classtext-secondary text-uppercase tracking-widest font-weight-600 > i classfas fa-fw fa-puzzle-piece aria-hiddentrue>/i> Descend /small> h4 classcard-title h5 mt-2 itempropname> a href classtext-white text-decoration-none> Cave of Generations /a> /h4> p classtext-white-50 itempropdescription stylemin-height: 72px;> According to legend, treasure awaits the brave at the bottom of Cave of Generations! /p> /div> div classcard-footer> div classmedia> div class my-auto mr-3> div classavatar> img classavatar__asset avatar__asset--badge-enabled altbaku width38 height38 data-lazy src data-src > div classavatar__badge avatar__badge--patreon > Patron /div> /div> /div> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-white text-decoration-none> Baku /a> /small> small classd-block> time datetime2017-04-16 14:55:14> Apr 16, 2017 /time> /small> /div> /div> /div> /div> div data-titleLovebirds data-updated2023-04-14 23:25:49 data-created2017-10-15 21:01:56 data-developerVinnie+Bacon+Buttons class card mix team windows postmortem qualified itemscope itemtype> a classcard-img-top href itempropurl> img data-lazy itempropimage altLovebirds src data-src classimg-fluid w-100 rounded-lg bg-primary width480 height320 styleborder-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; /> /a> div classcard-body> small data-tooltip titleThe theme for the gm(48) that the game was submitted for. classtext-secondary text-uppercase tracking-widest font-weight-600 > i classfas fa-fw fa-puzzle-piece aria-hiddentrue>/i> One Shot /small> h4 classcard-title h5 mt-2 itempropname> a href classtext-white text-decoration-none> Lovebirds /a> /h4> p classtext-white-50 itempropdescription stylemin-height: 72px;> Take flight as a blind, smitten recluse! Use your bird friends to map out the obstacles, then draw a path that steers clears of them, all while trying to find true love! /p> /div> div classcard-footer> div classmedia> div class my-auto mr-3> div classd-inline-block > div classavatar> img classavatar__asset altVinnie_V width38 height38 data-lazy src data-src > /div> /div> div classd-inline-block ml-n4 > div classavatar> img classavatar__asset altBaconBoy123 width38 height38 data-lazy src data-src > /div> /div> div classd-inline-block ml-n4 > div classavatar> img classavatar__asset altButtons width38 height38 data-lazy src data-src > /div> /div> /div> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-white text-decoration-none> Vinnie+Bacon+Buttons /a> /small> small classd-block> time datetime2017-10-15 21:01:56> Oct 15, 2017 /time> /small> /div> /div> /div> /div> div data-titlePath Y data-updated2023-04-14 23:25:07 data-created2017-04-16 20:54:35 data-developerProblematicar class card mix user project windows postmortem qualified itemscope itemtype> a classcard-img-top href itempropurl> img data-lazy itempropimage altPath Y src data-src classimg-fluid w-100 rounded-lg bg-primary width480 height320 styleborder-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; /> /a> div classcard-body> small data-tooltip titleThe theme for the gm(48) that the game was submitted for. classtext-secondary text-uppercase tracking-widest font-weight-600 > i classfas fa-fw fa-puzzle-piece aria-hiddentrue>/i> Descend /small> h4 classcard-title h5 mt-2 itempropname> a href classtext-white text-decoration-none> Path Y /a> /h4> p classtext-white-50 itempropdescription stylemin-height: 72px;> A pointless game in a pointless universe. /p> /div> div classcard-footer> div classmedia> div class my-auto mr-3> div classavatar> img classavatar__asset avatar__asset--badge-enabled altProblematicar width38 height38 data-lazy src data-src > div classavatar__badge avatar__badge--gold > Lv. 37 /div> /div> /div> div classmedia-body my-auto itemscope itempropauthor itemtype> small classd-block mt-0 font-weight-bold itempropname> a href classtext-white text-decoration-none> Problematicar /a> /small> small classd-block> time datetime2017-04-16 20:54:35> Apr 16, 2017 /time> /small> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow my-6> div classcol-12> div classcard-group> div classcard> div classcard-body> div classp-lg-4> div classh2 text-secondary> Ready to participate in a GameMaker game jam? /div> div classlead mb-4 max-w-sm> The next gm(48) begins on January 1 and is open for free to GameMaker developers of any type, skill level and background. /div> p classtext-white-50> Need a reminder? /p> a href classbtn btn-primary target_blank> Subscribe to never miss another game jam i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcard bg-dark> div classcard-body> div classp-lg-4> div classh4 mb-4> Why participate? /div> div classmedia mb-4> i classfa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-check mr-2 mt-1 text-primary aria-hiddenfalse>/i> div classmedia-body h6> Become better at game design, game development and GameMaker /div> /div> div classmedia mb-4> i classfa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-check mr-2 mt-1 text-primary aria-hiddenfalse>/i> div classmedia-body h6> Compete to win a license to GameMaker Studio 2 as prize, sponsored by YoYo Games /div> /div> div classmedia mb-4> i classfa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-check mr-2 mt-1 text-primary aria-hiddenfalse>/i> div classmedia-body h6> Get constructive feedback from a diverse community of game developers by participating /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classrow no-gutters my-6 py-4 py-md-6 rounded-lg bg-gray-darker idgamemaker> div classcol-12 my-auto px-4 col-lg-6 col-xxl-4 px-xxl-0 mx-xxl-auto> h2 classh3 mb-4>Why span classtext-primary>Game Jams/span>/h5> p> Game jams have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they provide a great opportunity for game developers to showcase their skills and creativity. Game jams are typically events where developers come together to create games within a specified time frame, usually ranging from 24 hours to a week. The purpose of game jams is to encourage developers to create new and innovative games, and to push their limits in terms of what they can achieve within a short amount of time. /p> p> If youre interested in game development and want to participate in a game jam, there are many resources available to help you get started. One of the best places to start is by joining online communities and forums dedicated to game development. These communities are a great way to connect with other developers, learn new skills and techniques, and get feedback on your work. /p> p> When participating in a game jam, its important to keep in mind that the focus should be on creating a fun and engaging game, rather than trying to create a masterpiece. Game jams are a great way to experiment with new ideas and concepts, and to push yourself creatively. /p> p> Game jams are a great way to showcase your game development skills and creativity. Whether youre an experienced developer or just starting out, there are many resources available to help you get started with game jams and game development in general. So why not join the GM48 game jam today and see what you can create with GameMaker? /p> div> a classbtn btn-dark my-2 mr-2 href target_blank> Participate in the game jam i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> a classbtn btn-dark href target_blank> What is a GameMaker game jam? i classfar fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-12 my-auto px-4 col-lg-6 col-xxl-4 px-xxl-0 mx-xxl-auto> div classembed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 mb-4 rounded mt-4 mt-xxl-0> iframe titleShauns Ludum Dare 49 Tips classembed-responsive-item data-lazy data-src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> p> Looking to improve your game development skills for GM48 or any other game jam? Check out Shaun Spaldings video for some valuable advice, tips, and tricks. He covers topics such as time management, scope, creativity, and more. p> /p> With his years of experience in game development and a successful game development channel, Shaun Spalding is a great resource for any aspiring game developer. /p> /div> /div> div classrow no-gutters my-6 py-4 py-md-6 rounded-lg bg-gray-darker idgamemaker> div classcol-12 my-auto px-4 col-lg-6 col-xxl-4 px-xxl-0 mx-xxl-auto> h2 classh3 mb-4>Why span classtext-primary>GameMaker Studio 2/span>/h5> p> At GM48 game jam, we require participants to use GameMaker Studio 2 as the exclusive game development tool. This means that everyone in the community is a GameMaker Studio 2 game developer, making it a uniquely specialized and collaborative event. /p> p> By restricting the game engine to GameMaker Studio 2, we create a level playing field for all participants, and encourage developers to focus on creativity and innovation. The engines intuitive drag-and-drop interface and built-in support for features like physics, particles, and animations enable participants of all skill levels to create high-quality games in a short amount of time. /p> p> Additionally, GameMaker Studio 2 has a thriving and active community of developers who share resources, tutorials, and code snippets. This community can be an invaluable resource for participants during the game jam, as they can quickly find solutions to common problems, get feedback on their work, and exchange ideas with other like-minded developers. /p> p> By using GameMaker Studio 2 exclusively, we foster a sense of community and collaboration that is unique to GM48. Participants can connect and network with other GameMaker Studio 2 developers, share their work, and inspire each other to create the best games possible. /p> p> In conclusion, GM48 game jam is a specialized and collaborative event exclusively for GameMaker Studio 2 developers. By using this engine as the exclusive game development tool, we create a level playing field, foster creativity and innovation, and encourage participants to connect and collaborate with like-minded developers. /p> p> a classbtn btn-dark href target_blank relnoopener> Try GameMaker Studio 2 for free today! i classfar fa-external-link fa-fw aria-hiddentrue>/i> /a> /p> /div> div classcol-12 my-auto px-4 col-lg-6 col-xxl-4 px-xxl-0 mx-xxl-auto> div classembed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 rounded mb-4 mt-4 mt-xxl-0> iframe titleMade with GameMaker classembed-responsive-item data-lazy data-src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> p> In the video, GameMaker showcases the latest and greatest games created using its platform. The featured games demonstrate the versatility of GameMaker, ranging from retro-style platformers to modern puzzle games. /p> p> The video highlights the ease of use of the platform and the support provided by the GameMaker community. The showcased games include titles such as Nidhogg, Hyper Light Drifter, and Undertale, all of which have received critical acclaim. /p> /div> /div> /div> /main> !-- Footer --> footer classfooter idfooter> div classcover-background> div classcover-background__image>/div> div classcover-background__gradient>/div> /div> div classcontainer> div classrow py-7> div classcol col-lg-6 mx-lg-auto text-center> h3 classtext-secondary>Never miss another game jam/h3> p>Should we remind you when the next gm(48) is coming up?/p> form classmt-4 data-subscriberreminders> div idmy_name_i978OJ4R9nX4cDlX_wrap styledisplay: none aria-hiddentrue> input idmy_name_i978OJ4R9nX4cDlX namemy_name_i978OJ4R9nX4cDlX typetext value autocompletenope tabindex-1> input namevalid_from typetext valueeyJpdiI6ImxpNGt2eHJBU1MzSTB6WGoxWk1Ma1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiNmRYVUJZOUtwV2ovbDFMWkNjNWE1UT09IiwibWFjIjoiNzYxMmRhMzUxM2I4YTllMzIxZjIyNTgwNWUyYjI2MjVhOTA3MzEyNWJhMjA0YzViOTgzN2FhYWIyMTJlZGRhNCIsInRhZyI6IiJ9 autocompleteoff tabindex-1> /div> div classinput-group> input typeemail classform-control autocompleteemail nameemail> div classinput-group-append> button classbtn btn-primary px-xxl-5 rounded-right typesubmit> span classd-none d-xxl-block>Subscribe/span> i classfal fa-fw fa-paper-plane d-block d-xxl-none>/i> /button> /div> div classinvalid-feedback mt-2> Something went wrong. /div> div classvalid-feedback mt-2> All done! /div> /div>/form> /div> /div> div classrow pb-4> div classcol-12 mb-6 text-center col-md-5 mb-md-0 mr-md-auto text-md-left> img width355 height45 classimg-fluid d-block mx-auto mx-md-0 mb-4 altYoYo Games srcdata:image/svg+xml;charsetutf-8,%3Csvg xmlns%3D'' viewBox%3D'0 0 355 45'%2F%3E data-lazy data-src > p> The gm(48) is sponsored by YoYo Games, the makers of the popular game engine GameMaker Studio 2. /p> div classw-100 mb-6>/div> div classmb-4> a href target_blank> img width204 height48 altBecome a Patron! stylemax-height: 48px; classrounded img-fluid d-block mx-auto mx-md-0 srcdata:image/svg+xml;charsetutf-8,%3Csvg xmlns%3D'' viewBox%3D'0 0 204 48'%2F%3E data-lazy data-src > /a> /div> div classmb-4> Through pledges from the community, the gm(48) is kept running for every generation of developers using GameMaker Studio 2. /div> div classlist-inline> div classlist-inline-item badge badge-pill badge--gold text-dark text-uppercase> Gold Patrons /div> div classlist-inline-item ml-0 mr-2> a classcard-link href relnofollow> kylekubik /a> /div> div classlist-inline-item ml-0 mr-2> a classcard-link href relnofollow> Chris /a> /div> div classlist-inline-item ml-0 mr-2> a classcard-link href relnofollow> Allison J. 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