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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: awselb/2.0Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2024 19:06:22 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 134Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 02 Nov 2024 19:06:23 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 108387Connection: keep-aliveServer: nginxLast-Modified: Fri, 03 Feb 2023 04:26:03 GMTETag: 63dc8cdb-1a763X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGINX-Content-Type-Options: nosniffReferrer-Policy: no-referrerStrict-Transport-Security: max-age31536000Permissions-Policy: fullscreen()X-XSS-Protection: : 1; modeblockContent-Security-Policy: frame-src self;frame-ancestors none;Set-Cookie: Path/ HttpOnly; SecureAccept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width,initial-scale1, maximum-scale1, user-scalableno> title>Globe Labs/title> link relstylesheet hrefassets/css/main.css?1675398362 /> link relicon hreffavicon.ico?v1 typeimage/x-icon> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 hreffavicon/apple-touch-icon.png> link relicon typeimage/png hreffavicon/favicon-32x32.png sizes32x32> link relicon typeimage/png hreffavicon/favicon-16x16.png sizes16x16> link relmanifest hreffavicon/manifest.json> link relmask-icon hreffavicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg color#003f8c> link relshortcut icon hreffavicon/favicon.ico> meta namedescription contentGlobe Labs equips businesses and developers with APIs like SMS, Voice, Charging and Sponsored Access. Get free Php 1,000 API credits upon sign-up! Twilio Cloud communications platform for building Voice and Messaging applications on an API built for global scale. Get started with a free trial. Semaphore Semaphore lets you send an SMS with a single line of code. No complicated setup, no dealing with telecom protocols and procedures. Nexxmo Connect directly and securely to carriers with a single API. Free Inbound SMS · Direct-to-Carrier Network · Adaptive Routing · Global Chikka Chikka API connects your online application mobile phones in the Philippines via SMS using a unique short code. Register now and get your free SMS API trial. /> meta namekeywords contentapi, SMS api, api, sms gateway, Philippines API, Philippine API, Philippines SMS API, voice gateway, globe labs, globelabs, globe telecom labs, glabs, pbx, text api, api gateway, communication gateway, globe telecom api, globe api, telco api, operator billing, charging api, payment api, ussd, amax, autoload max, telco solution,telco gateway, philippine carrier gateway, asterisk, direct-to-carrier gateway, chikka api, globe sms, smart sms, ads api, sms blaster, ivr, automated calls, voice call api, smpp, ss7 /> meta propertyog:title contentGlobe Labs: Explore the Possibilities /> meta propertyog:site_name contentGlobe Labs /> meta propertyog:url content /> meta propertyog:description contentGlobe Labs equips businesses and developers with telco APIs like SMS, Voice, Charging, Location-Based Services and Sponsored Access. Get free Php 1,000 credits upon sign-up! /> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite /> meta nameapple-mobile-web-app-title contentGlobe Labs> meta nameapplication-name contentGlobe Labs> meta namemsapplication-config contentfavicon/browserconfig.xml> meta nametheme-color content#ffffff> !-- Google Tag Manager --> script> (function (w, d, s, l, i) { wl wl || ; wl.push({ gtm.start: new Date().getTime(), event: gtm.js }); var f d.getElementsByTagName(s)0, j d.createElement(s), dl l ! dataLayer ? &l + l : ; j.async true; j.src + i + dl; f.parentNode.insertBefore(j, f); })(window, document, script, dataLayer, GTM-T5WJGM7); /script> !-- End Google Tag Manager -->/head>body> !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> noscript> iframe src height0 width0 styledisplay:none;visibility:hidden> /iframe> /noscript> !-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> div idsite>/div> script idsite-base typetext/ractive> {{>site-container}} /script> script idabout typetext/ractive>{{#view about}}div classabout -section-1> div classwrapped> div classcontent> h1>About Us/h1> /div> /div>/div>div classabout -section-2> div classmid-content section wrapped wow fadeIn data-wow-delay500ms> h5 class-no> Redefine the possibilities with our digital tools /h5> div classcol col1> p class-no> Globe Labs is the innovative developer community of Globe Telecom. Globe Labs equips both businesses and developers with telco-powered solutions through a host of GSMA standard-compliant capabilities. These capabilities take shape through its Charging, Sponsored Access and Invite APIs (Application Programming Interface). /p> p class-no>/p> /div> div classcol col2> p class-no>Globe Labs allows both businesses and developers to use game-changing features that can be integrated with their existing frameworks. With the added ease of integration, Globe Labs lessens the capital investment required and speeds up time-to-market for products and services./p> /div> /div> div classbottom-content api-list-container section wrapped wow fadeIn data-wow-delay500ms> h5 class-decorated -no heading>Digital tools to help you stay ahead of the curve/h5> {{>dev-parts-api-list}} /div>/div>{{/if}}/script>script idbiz-business typetext/ractive>{{#if view reach}} {{>biz-reach}} {{>biz-parts-contact-block}}{{/if}}{{#if view optimize}} {{>biz-optimize}} {{>biz-parts-contact-block}}{{/if}}{{#if view engage}} {{>biz-engage}} {{>biz-parts-contact-block}}{{/if}}/script>script idbiz-case-view typetext/ractive>{{#if view case-view}}div classcase-view> {{#caseDetail}} div classheader> div classwrapped> a href#!/business/cases classview-all> span>All Case Studies/span> /a> div classcontent> strong classpreamble>case studies: {{group}}/strong> h1>{{name}}/h1> /div> div classbg -{{group}}>/div> /div> /div> div classbody> div classwrapped> div classmain> div classicon-container> img srcassets/images/blank.png class-case-{{key}} alt{{name}}/> /div> div classcontent> p classdescription>{{description}}/p> div classillustration> img srcassets/images/case-view-illus-{{key}}.svg classcase-illus alt{{name}}/> /div> strong classpreamble -decorated -no> Power your business with these features: /strong> FeatureListBlock relayouttrue list{{features}}> h4 class-no>{{title}}/h4> p class-no>{{description}}/p> /FeatureListBlock> /div> /div> div classrelated-solutions> strong classpreamble>Explore related solutions/strong> FeatureListBlock relayouttrue list{{related}}> h4>a href#!/{{urlDetails.url}} class-no>{{name}}/a>/h4> p class-no>{{description}}/p> /FeatureListBlock> /div> /div> /div> div classdev-partners> div classwrapped> strong classpreamble>Development Partners/strong> p class-no>Here’s the list of our development partners who can help you make your ideas possible./p> a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/yondu-logo.jpg />/a> {{#if key mobile-verification}} span>a href target_blank>img srcassets/images/verifyme-logo.jpg />/a>/span> {{/if}} /div> /div> div classcase-cursor> div classwrapped> {{#previous}} div classprevious cursor on-clicknavigate:/{{urlDetails.url}}> a href#!/{{urlDetails.url}} classmobile-cursor mobile-previous>Previous/a> a href#!/{{urlDetails.url}} classdefault-cursor default-previous>{{name}}/a> /div> {{/}} !--div classview-all>View All/div>--> {{#next}} div classnext cursor on-clicknavigate:/{{urlDetails.url}}> a href#!/{{urlDetails.url}} classmobile-cursor mobile-next>Next/a> a href#!/{{urlDetails.url}} classdefault-cursor default-next>{{name}}/a> /div> {{/}} /div> /div> {{/}} {{>biz-parts-contact-block}}/div>{{/if}}/script>script idbiz-cases typetext/ractive>{{#if view cases}}div classcases {{#if getFixed}}-fixed{{/if}}> div classfilters-group> div classwrapper> div classfilters solutions> strong classlabel>Filter by Solutions/strong> ul> {{#apis:api}} li on-clickfilter-case:api:{{api}}> span {{#caseFilters}} class{{#if caseFilters.apiapi 1}}-selected{{/if}} {{/}} >{{name}}/span> /li> {{/}} /ul> /div> div classfilters> strong classlabel>Filter By Group/strong> ul> {{#groups:group}} li on-clickfilter-case:group:{{group}}> span {{#caseFilters}} class{{#if caseFilters.groupgroup 1}}-selected{{/if}} {{/}} >{{name}}/span> /li> {{/}} /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classmobile-filters> a classlabel>Filters/a> span classcase-count {{#if countUpdated}}count-updated{{/if}}>{{cases.length}}/span> /div> div classwrapped> h1>Case Studies span classcase-count {{#if countUpdated}}count-updated{{/if}}> {{cases.length}} /span> /h1> p classdescription -no>Explore the possibilities of pushing your business to the next level./p> div classheight-filler {{#if cases.length 0}}-empty{{/if}}> {{#if cases.length > 0}} ul classcases-list {{caseSelector}}> {{#cases}} li> a href#!/{{urlDetails.url}}> img srcassets/images/blank.png classcases-{{key}} alt{{name}}/> span>{{name}}/span> /a> /li> {{/}} /ul> {{else}} div classno-case-found -no> Sorry, Cant find any case study to match. /div> {{/if}} /div> /div>/div>{{/if}}/script>script idbiz-engage typetext/ractive>{{#if viewengage}}div classbusiness engage> FullScreenBannerBlock> h1>Engage/h1> p classdescription>Strengthen your customer engagement./p> div class-edge> div classbutton-group -one> a classbutton href#!/business/cases>View our Case Studies/a> /div> /div> /FullScreenBannerBlock> div classbody data-nametop-of-mind> div classwrapped> div classsegment> div classline>/div> div classillustration> img srcassets/images/engage-top-of-mind.svg altKeep your business top-of-mind for your customers./> /div> h2 class-no> Keep your business top-of-mind for your customers. /h2> div classblock-group> FeatureBlock casesubscribed-content titleSubscribed Content descriptionIncrease your customer retention rate by sending exclusive updates to your customers./> FeatureBlock caseinteractive-voice-engagement-service titleInteractive Voice Engagement Service descriptionSchedule voice messages containing exclusive offers and other relevant information to thousands of customers./> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classbody data-namedigital-lifestyle> div classwrapped> div classimage>/div> div classsegment> h3 classsegment-title> span class-no> Build fast and efficient customer touchpoints. /span> /h3> div classblock-group> FeatureBlock caseussd-menu titleUSSD Menu descriptionImprove and cut costs on your customer relations by using a self-service menu./> /div> h3 classsegment-title> span class-no> Offer convenient and secure solutions to complement your customer’s digital lifestyle. /span> /h3> div classblock-group> FeatureBlock caselocation-finder titleLocation Finder descriptionDrive customer traffic to your business by helping your customers find your location easily./> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classbody data-namediscover> div classwrapped> div classsegment> div classillustration> img srcassets/images/engage-survey.svg altKeep your business top-of-mind for your customers./> /div> div classblock-group> FeatureBlock casemobile-survey preambleDiscover what your customers have to say about your business. titleMobile Surveys descriptionSimplify your feedback process./> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classnext-step compact-block> div classwrapped> h3>Discover the true potential of your business./h3> div classbutton-group -two> a classbutton href#!/business/reach>Reach/a> a classbutton href#!/business/optimize>Optimize/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>{{/if}}/script>script idbiz-optimize typetext/ractive>{{#if viewoptimize}}div classbusiness optimize> FullScreenBannerBlock> h1>Optimize/h1> p classdescription>Stay on top of your operations./p> div class-edge> div classbutton-group -one> a classbutton href#!/business/cases>View our Case Studies/a> /div> /div> /FullScreenBannerBlock> div classbody> div classwrapped> h2 class-no>Stay in control./h2> div classblock-group> FeatureBlock casevoice-reminders preambleDrive cost savings by automating your customer support. titleVoice Reminder descriptionSave on customer support costs by automating your customer call-outs. /> FeatureBlock caseconference-calls preambleCollaborate more closely with your team. titleConference Call descriptionAllow your stakeholders to collaborate more closely by being able to connect several people on a single call. /> /div> /div> /div> div classnext-step compact-block> div classwrapped> h3>Discover the true potential of your business./h3> div classbutton-group -two> a classbutton href#!/business/reach>Reach/a> a classbutton href#!/business/engage>Engage/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>{{/if}}/script>script idbiz-parts-contact-block typetext/ractive>div classsupport-block wow fadeIn> div classwrapped> p class-no>Cant find what youre looking for? Get in touch./p> a classsupport-link href#!/contact-us>Contact Us/a> /div>/div>/script>script idbiz-reach typetext/ractive>{{#if viewreach}}div classbusiness reach> FullScreenBannerBlock> h1>Reach/h1> p classdescription>Broaden the scope of your business./p> div class-edge> div classbutton-group -one> a classbutton href#!/business/cases>View our Case Studies/a> /div> /div> /FullScreenBannerBlock> div classillustration> div classedge-effect>/div> div classsatellite-wrapper> div classsatellite> div classline-alignment>/div> div classantennae>/div> div classdish>/div> div classline-1> svg width100% height100% xmlns version1.1> line x10 x2100% y198% y298%>/line> /svg> /div> div classmain-body-shadow>/div> div classmain-body>/div> div classline-2> svg width100% height100% xmlns version1.1> line x10 x2100% y198% y298%>/line> /svg> /div> div classbooster>/div> /div> /div> img srcassets/images/biz-reach-satellite@2x.png class-portrait/> /div> div classbody> div classwrapped> h2 class-no>Get your message across./h2> div classblock-group> FeatureBlock casedirect-carrier-billing preambleMake it easier for more customers to purchase your products and services online titleDirect Carrier Billing descriptionAllow customers to pay through their prepaid load or postpaid bill to give them a more convenient and accessible mode of payment/> FeatureBlock casesponsored-access preambleGive more customers seamless access to your app or website by offering free data titleSponsored Access descriptionIntroduce your business to potential customers by letting them use your app or visit your website free of data charges/> /div> /div> /div> div classnext-step compact-block> div classwrapped> h3>Discover the true potential of your business./h3> div classbutton-group -two> a classbutton href#!/business/optimize>Optimize/a> a classbutton href#!/business/engage>Engage/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>{{/if}}/script>script idbreadcrumbs typetext/ractive>div classbreadcrumbs> div classwrapped> {{#if breadcrumbsIsVisible}} ul classcrumbs> li>a href#!/home>Home/a>/li> {{#crumbs}} li>a href#!/{{url}}>{{name}}/a>/li> {{/}} /ul> {{/if}} ul classmisc> li>a href#!/about>About Globe Labs/a>/li> li>a href#!/contact-us>Contact Us/a>/li> li>a href#!/terms-conditions>Terms & Conditions/a>/li> /ul> /div>/div>/script>script idcampaigns-leads-view typetext/ractive>{{#view leads-view}}iframe idinquiry-tag>/iframe>div classpage campaign-leads with-sidebar> div classwrapped> div classapi api-{{}} fadeIn> IconizedBlock typename iconapi-{{}} label{{}} /> /div> div classcampaign-body> div classcampaign-details iconized-spaced> div classt-and-d> h2>{{api.details.heading}}/h2> p classdescription -no> {{api.details.description}} /p> img src;typelandi0;cat082520;dc_lat;dc_rdid;tag_for_child_directed_treatment;ord1? width1 height1 alt/> /div> {{>dev-parts-api-feature-list-item}} /div> div classform contact> form idcontact-form> p classintro>Learn more about our {{}} API. Send us a message and we’ll get in touch shortly./p> h4 classpreamble -decorated>Send us an inquiry/h4> div classform-container> div classinquiry-fields> div classname-group> div classfield> label>First Name/label> input typetext value{{contact.firstname}} namefirstname> /div> div classfield> label>Last Name/label> input typetext value{{contact.lastname}} namelastname> /div> /div> div classfield> label>Email/label> input typeemail value{{}} nameemail> /div> div classfield> label>Mobile/label> input typetel value{{}} namemobile> /div> div classfield> label>Company/Organization/label> input typetext value{{}} namebusiness> /div> /div> div classinquiry-area> div classfield inquiry-block> input typehidden namesolution value{{contact.solution}}/> label>Let us know how we can help./label> textarea nameinquiry>{{contact.inquiry}}/textarea> /div> /div> /div> /form> {{#if !isSending && !messageSent}} input typebutton classbutton highlighted valueSend on-clickcampaigns-leads> {{/if}} {{#if isSending}} div classsending>Sending your inquiry.../div> {{/if}} {{#if messageSent}} div classsent> p> Thanks for your feedback! /p> /div> {{/if}} /div> /div> /div>/div>{{/if}}/script>script idcommunity typetext/ractive>{{#view community}}div classcommunity-container> !-- Beta iFrame --> !-- iframe src>/iframe> --> !-- Local --> iframe srchttp:// frameborder0>/iframe> /div>{{/if}}/script>script idcomponents-feature-block typetext/ractive>div classblock> a href{{url}} classicon-wrapper> img srcassets/images/blank.png classicon-sprite/> /a> div classblock-wrapper> a href{{url}} classicon-wrapper> img srcassets/images/blank.png classicon-sprite/> /a> a href{{url}}>h3 class-no>{{title}}/h3>/a> {{#preamble}} p class-title -no>{{preamble}}/p> {{/}} p classsub -no> {{description}} /p> /div>/div>/script>script idcomponents-feature-list typetext/ractive>ul classf{{id}} feature-list {{class}}> {{#list}} li> div classwrap> {{>content}} /div> /li> {{/}}/ul>/script>script idcomponents-full-screen-banner typetext/ractive>div classfull-screen-banner banner {{class}}> div classfader-top>/div> div classwrapped> div classpositioned> {{>content}} /div> /div> div classfader>/div> img srcassets/images/blank.png classfull-screen-bg stylewidth:{{width}};height:{{height}}; />/div>div class-edge> svg xmlns width640 height8 viewBox0 0 640 8> path fillnone stroke#fff stroke-width1.5 stroke-miterlimit10 dM0 1.172h314.343L320 6.828l5.657-5.656H640/> /svg> div classcontent> div classwrapped> {{{tpl}}} /div> /div>/div>/script>script idcomponents-iconized-block typetext/ractive>div classiconized-block -{{type}}> {{#icon}} div classicon-wrapper> div classicon -generated> {{#icon}} img srcassets/images/blank.png classicon-{{icon}} alt{{label}}/> {{/}} canvas id{{name}}>/canvas> /div> /div> {{/}} {{#if type name}} div classicon-label> div classdecorator>/div> h5>{{label}}/h5> /div> {{/if}} {{#if type header}} h1>{{label}}/h1> {{/if}}/div>/script>script idcomponents-mobile-menu typetext/ractive>{{#view toggle-button}}img classmobile-menu-icon -mobile-only srcassets/images/mobile-menu-icon.svg on-clicktoggle-mobile-menu/>{{/}}{{#view menu}}{{#unless noContext}}ul classcontext-on-mobile -mobile-only> {{#nav.context:i}} li class{{i}} {{#activeContext.url url}}-active{{/}}> a href#!/{{url}}>{{name}}/a>/li> {{/}}/ul>{{/unless}}div classmobile-navigation -mobile-only> img classclose-menu-icon srcassets/images/mobile-close-icon.svg on-clicktoggle-mobile-menu/> div classcontainer> ul classmobile-context> {{#nav.context:i}} li class{{i}} {{#activeContext.url url}}-active{{/}}> a href#!/{{url}}>{{name}}/a>/li> {{/}} /ul> ul classmobile-main-selection> {{#nav.main:i}} li classnav-{{i}} {{#activeNav.url url || activeParent.url url}}-active{{/}}> a on-clicktoggle-mobile-menu href{{#unless outbound}}#!/{{/unless}}{{url}}>{{name}}/a>/li> {{/}} /ul> {{#if subs}} ul classmobile-navigation-secondary> {{#subs:i}} li classnav-{{i}} {{#activeNav.url url}}-active{{/}}> a on-clicktoggle-mobile-menu href#!/{{url}}>{{name}}/a>/li> {{/}} /ul> {{/if}} ul classmobile-navigation-supplementary> li class{{#activeNav.url about}}-active{{/}}> a href#!/about on-clicktoggle-mobile-menu >About/a> /li> li class{{#activeNav.url contact}}-active{{/}}> a href#!/contact on-clicktoggle-mobile-menu >Contact Us/a> /li> /ul> /div>/div>div classbackground-menu-fader -mobile-only>/div>{{/}}/script>script idcontact-us typetext/ractive>{{#view contact-us}}div classpage contact with-sidebar> div classwrapped> h1>Contact Us/h1> p classdescription -no> Got a question regarding any of our products or solutions? Send us a message using the form below and we’ll get in touch shortly. /p> strong classpreamble -decorated>How to get in touch/strong> div classdetails> div classcontent-block -no-spacing> form idcontact-form> div classcontact-type> div classfield> p classcontact-type-label>Do you have a question, suggestion or found some bug? Let us know in the field below./p> ul classcontact-type-list> li classcontact-type-list-item> input typeradio idtype-inquiry namecontact-type valueinquiry checkedchecked classcontact-type-input on-clickchange-contact-type /> label fortype-inquiry>Inquiry/label> /li> li classcontact-type-list-item> input typeradio idtype-bug namecontact-type valuebug classcontact-type-input on-clickchange-contact-type /> label fortype-bug>Report a bug/label> /li> li classcontact-type-list-item> input typeradio idtype-feedback namecontact-type valuefeedback classcontact-type-input on-clickchange-contact-type /> label fortype-feedback>Feedback/label> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classform-container> div classinquiry-fields> div classname-group> div classfield> label>First Name/label> input typetext value{{contact.firstname}} namefirstname> /div> div classfield> label>Last Name/label> input typetext value{{contact.lastname}} namelastname> /div> /div> div classfield> label>Email/label> input typeemail value{{}} nameemail> /div> div classfield> label>Mobile/label> input typetel value{{}} namemobile> /div> div classfield> label>Company/Organization/label> input typetext value{{}} namebusiness> /div> /div> div classinquiry-area> div classfield solution-block> label>Any API solution in mind?/label> ul> li> input typecheckbox valueVoice idsolution-voice on-clickadd-to-list /> label forsolution-voice>Voice/label> /li> li> input typecheckbox valueCharging idsolution-charging on-clickadd-to-list /> label forsolution-charging>Charging/label> /li> li> input typecheckbox valueSponsored Access idsolution-sa on-clickadd-to-list /> label forsolution-sa>Sponsored Access/label> /li> /ul> input typehidden namesolution value{{contact.solution}}/> /div> div classfield inquiry-block> label>Message/label> textarea nameinquiry>{{contact.inquiry}}/textarea> /div> /div> /div> /form> {{#if !isSending && !messageSent}} input typebutton classbutton highlighted valueSend on-clickcontactus> {{/if}} {{#if isSending}} div classsending>Sending your inquiry.../div> {{/if}} {{#if messageSent}} div classsent> p> Thanks for your feedback! /p> /div> {{/if}} /div> div classside-block> strong>FREE GLOBE LABS CREDITS/strong> p>Get Php 1,000 worth of Globe Labs API credits when you create an account!/p> a href classbutton dark>Create Account/a> p>Already have an account with Globe Labs? Visit the a href#!/support>Support page/a> for account-related concerns. /div> /div> /div>/div>{{/if}}/script>script iddev-api-charging typetext/ractive>div classt-and-d> h2 class-no>Get the digital tools to offer more payment channels for your customers./h2> p classdescription -no>Process payments for products or services by charging your customers through their prepaid load or postpaid bill. /p>/div>{{>dev-parts-api-illustration}}div classfeature-list-group> {{>dev-parts-api-feature-list-item}}/div>/script>script iddev-api-invite typetext/ractive>div classt-and-d> h2 class-no>Maximize your audience reach./h2> p classdescription -no>Invite potential customers to get first-hand and exclusive access to your products or services. /p>/div>div classgroup-block> {{>dev-parts-api-illustration}} div classfeature-list-group> {{>dev-parts-api-feature-list-item}} /div>/div>/script>script iddev-api-location typetext/ractive>div classt-and-d> h2 class-no> Use the power of geolocation for mapping and tracking services. /h2> p classdescription -no>Our Location-Based Service APIs helps you determine the location of mobile devices. /p>/div>div classgroup-block> {{>dev-parts-api-illustration}} div classfeature-list-group> {{>dev-parts-api-feature-list-item}} /div>/div>/script>script iddev-api-rewards typetext/ractive>div classt-and-d> h2 class-no>Boost your rewards program/h2> p classdescription -no>Build a rewards portfolio with Globes core product offers/p>/div>{{>dev-parts-api-illustration}}div classfeature-list-group> {{>dev-parts-api-feature-list-item}}/div>/script>script iddev-api-sms typetext/ractive>div classt-and-d> h2 class-no>Reach subscribers from all networks with our suite of SMS-based APIs/h2> p classdescription -no>Bridge your organization and your audience through a suite of SMS-based solutions. SMS APIs enable your application or service to send targeted text messages and alerts to your audience from a secure number./p>/div>{{>dev-parts-api-illustration}}{{>dev-parts-api-feature-list-item}}/script>script iddev-api-sponsored typetext/ractive>div classt-and-d> h2 class-no>Give your customers seamless access to your online content by offering free data /h2> p classdescription -no>Allow your customers to use your app or visit your website for free. /p>/div>{{>dev-parts-api-illustration}}{{>dev-parts-api-feature-list-item}}/script>script iddev-api-ussd typetext/ractive>div classt-and-d> h2>The USSD gateway is a customizable, menu-driven and interactive application/h2> p classdescription -no> Just dial a few numbers (e.g. *120#) from any mobile phone and get access to support information through a real-time exchange /p>/div>div classgroup-block> {{>dev-parts-api-illustration}} div classfeature-list-group> {{>dev-parts-api-feature-list-item}} /div>/div>/script>script iddev-api-voice typetext/ractive>div classt-and-d> h2 class-no>Create a closer connection to your audience through our voice applications./h2> p classdescription -no>Build nearly any voice application you can imagine with services ranging from speech-driven IVR (Interactive Voice Response), VoIP (Voice over IP) solutions to voice mash-ups with the Globe Labs Voice APIs./p>/div>{{>dev-parts-api-illustration}}div classfeature-list-group> {{>dev-parts-api-feature-list-item}}/div>/script>script iddev-api-landing typetext/ractive>{{#view api-landing}}div classapi-landing> div classwrapped api-list-container> h2 class-no heading -adjust-font-size>Tap into the power of Globe Labs APIs./h2> {{>dev-parts-api-list}} /div>/div>{{/}}/script>script iddev-api typetext/ractive>{{#view api}}div classapi-page> {{>dev-parts-api-banner}} div classapi api-{{}} fadeIn> div classdecorator>/div> div classapi-description> {{>dev-parts-api-icon}} div classiconized-spaced> {{#apiView sms}}{{>dev-api-sms}}{{/}} {{#apiView voice}}{{>dev-api-voice}}{{/}} {{#apiView location}}{{>dev-api-location}}{{/}} {{#apiView charging}}{{>dev-api-charging}}{{/}} {{#apiView sponsored-access}}{{>dev-api-sponsored}}{{/}} {{#apiView invite}}{{>dev-api-invite}}{{/}} {{#apiView ussd}}{{>dev-api-ussd}}{{/}} {{#apiView rewards}}{{>dev-api-rewards}}{{/}} /div> /div> /div> {{#apiView sms}} div classapp-demo> iframe src /> /div> {{/}} {{#apiView voice}} div classapp-demo> iframe src /> /div> {{/}} {{>dev-parts-api-case-study-block}} {{>dev-parts-api-get-started-block}}/div>{{/}}/script>script iddev-build typetext/ractive>div classdeveloper-page developer-build> FullScreenBannerBlock> h1>Build/h1> p classdescription>Unrivaled scalability and flexibility./p> div class-edge> p classsub -no>Globe Labs APIs are compatible with multiple programming languages, including:/p> div classlist> ul> li>.Net/li> li>Python/li> li>Javascript/li> li>PHP/li> li>Java/li> li>Ruby/li> /ul> /div> div classbutton-group -two> a classbutton href#!/developer/api>Explore our APIs/a> a classbutton highlighted href#!/developer/get-started>Get Started/a> /div> /div> /FullScreenBannerBlock> div classsection mid-section> div classwrapped> div classsegment -left data-namereliable> div classblock> img srcassets/images/blank.png/> h3 class-no>Globe Labs APIs are cloud-based, making them more reliable and less susceptible to downtime/h3> p classsub -no>Our servers run on a highly-secured, highly-reliable network and hardware infrastructure. These ensure that your apps will be available for your users 24/7./p> /div> /div> div classsegment -right data-namemash-up> div classblock> img srcassets/images/blank.png/> h3 class-no>Create a mash-up of Globe Labs APIs, or other public APIs to create even better services/h3> p class-no>Our interoperable system enables you to integrate our APIs with other public APIs:/p> ul classlist> li>Google/li> li>Facebook/li> li>Twitter/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classnext-step compact-block> div classwrapped> h3>Explore the possibilities and build the next big thing./h3> div classbutton-group -two> a classbutton href#!/developer/learn>Learn/a> a classbutton href#!/developer/launch>Launch/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>/script>script iddev-developer typetext/ractive>{{#view learn}}{{>dev-learn}}{{/}}{{#view build}}{{>dev-build}}{{/}}{{#view launch}}{{>dev-launch}}{{/}}/script>script iddev-get-started typetext/ractive>div classpage get-started-page> div classwrapped> h1>Get Started/h1> p classdescription>Start making your big idea a reality/p> strong classpreamble -decorated>How to get started/strong> div classsteps iconized-spaced wow fadeIn data-wow-delay200ms> ul> li> div classstep-counter step-counter-one> canvas idstep-one width48 height70>/canvas> /div> div classdetail> h3 class-no>Register and create your Globe Labs developer account. /h3> div classbutton-group> a target_blank href classbutton highlighted> Register Dev Account /a> a target_blank href classbutton login> Login /a> /div> p classfine-print -no>For new accounts, you automatically get FREE 1,000 API Credits that will enable you to try out and test any of our APIs: Make a Call, Receive a Call, Charge a mobile number a specified rate, or even locate a mobile number./p> /div> /li> li> div classstep-counter step-counter-two> canvas idstep-two width64 height70>/canvas> /div> div classdetail> h3 class-no>Download and check our sample codes to help you get started./h3> div classbutton-group> a href target_blank classbutton>Code Samples/a> a hrefdocs/ target_blank classbutton>API Docs/a> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div>/div>{{>dev-parts-api-rates}}/script>script iddev-launch typetext/ractive>div classdeveloper-page developer-launch> FullScreenBannerBlock> h1>Launch/h1> p classdescription> Speed up time-to-market by using Globe Labs APIs. /p> div class-edge> div classgroup-block> div classblock> p class-no> Globe Labs APIs are easy to use, and integrate with your platform. /p> div classbutton-group -two> a classbutton href#!/developer/api>Explore our APIs/a> a classbutton highlighted href#!/developer/get-started>Get Started/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /FullScreenBannerBlock> div classnext-step compact-block> div classwrapped> h3 class-no>Explore the possibilities and build the next big thing./h3> div classbutton-group -two> a classbutton href#!/developer/learn>Learn/a> a classbutton href#!/developer/build>Build/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>/script>script iddev-learn typetext/ractive>div classdeveloper-page developer-learn> FullScreenBannerBlock> h1>Learn/h1> p classdescription> Explore how Globe Labs APIsbr /> can help expand your solutions. /p> div class-edge> div classgroup-block> div classblock> p class-no>Learn more about our full range of APIs/p> div classbutton-group -one> a classbutton href#!/developer/api>Explore our APIs/a> /div> /div> div classblock> p class-no>Check out the latest news and updates from Globe Labs and our partners/p> div classbutton-group -two> a classbutton highlighted href#!/developer/get-started> Get Started /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /FullScreenBannerBlock> div classnext-step compact-block> div classwrapped> h3 class-no>Explore the possibilities and build the next big thing. /h3> div classbutton-group -two> a classbutton href#!/developer/build>Build/a> a classbutton href#!/developer/launch>Launch/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>/script>script iddev-parts-api-banner typetext/ractive>FullScreenBannerBlock classapi-banner api-{{}}> div classlabel> {{ ussd}} h1>{{}}/h1> {{else}} strong classpreamble>Globe Labs API/strong> h1>{{}}/h1> {{/}} /div> div class-edge> div classbutton-group -two> a href#!/developer/get-started classbutton highlighted>Get Started/a> {{#api.details.docsUrl}} a href{{api.details.docsUrl}} target_blank classbutton>Documentation/a> {{/}} {{#api.details.makeContact}} a href#!/support target_blank classbutton>Get in touch/a> {{/}} /div> /div>/FullScreenBannerBlock>/script>script iddev-parts-api-case-study-block typetext/ractive>div classcase-study-block compact-block wow fadeIn data-wow-delay.5s> div classwrapped> h3 class-no>Discover all the great things you can do with this and other APIs./h3> a href#!/business/cases classbutton>Case Studies/a> /div>/div>/script>script iddev-parts-api-feature-list-item typetext/ractive>h6 classpreamble -decorated> With the Globe Labs {{ ussd}} {{}}{{else}} {{}} API{{/}}, you can:/h6>FeatureListBlock classapi-feature-list relayouttrue list{{api.details.features}}> h4>{{title}}/h4> p>{{description}}/p>/FeatureListBlock>/script>script iddev-parts-api-get-started-block-compact typetext/ractive>div classget-started-block-compact compact-block wow fadeIn data-wow-delay.5s> div classwrapped> h3 class-no>Start developing Globe Labs API/h3> a href#!/developer/get-started classbutton highlighted> Get Started /a> /div>/div>/script>script iddev-parts-api-get-started-block typetext/ractive>div classget-started-block wow fadeIn data-wow-delay.8s> div classwrapped> IconizedBlock typename icondev-tools-white labelDeveloper Tools /> div classcontent iconized-spaced> h2 class-no>Build solutions using Globe Labs APIs./h2> p class-no>Here are the tools to get you started./p> strong classpreamble -no>Learn more about our API through:/strong> div classbutton-group> a href#!/developer/get-started classbutton get-started highlighted>Get Started/a> a hrefdocs/ target_blank classbutton docs>Documentation/a> a href target_blank classbutton samples>Samples/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>{{>dev-parts-api-rates}}{{>dev-parts-support-block}}/script>script iddev-parts-api-icon typetext/ractive>IconizedBlock typename iconapi-{{}} label{{}} />/script>script iddev-parts-api-illustration typetext/ractive>div classillustration wow fadeIn data-wow-delay400ms> img srcassets/images/illus-{{}}.svg alt{{}}/>/div>/script>script iddev-parts-api-list typetext/ractive>div classapi-list wow fadeIn> ul> li> a href#!/developer/api/voice classvoice> img srcassets/images/blank.png altVoice/> span>Voice/span> /a> /li> li> a href#!/developer/api/charging classcharging> img srcassets/images/blank.png altCharging/> span>Charging/span> /a> /li> li> a href#!/developer/api/sponsored-access classsponsored-access> img srcassets/images/blank.png altSponsored Access/> span>Sponsored Access/span> /a> /li> li> a href#!/developer/api/rewards classrewards> img srcassets/images/blank.png altRewards/> span>Rewards/span> /a> /li> /ul>/div>/script>script iddev-parts-api-rates typetext/ractive>div classapi-rates-request wow fadeIn> div classwrapped> IconizedBlock typename iconpricing labelRates & Pricing/> div classiconized-spaced> div classapi-rates> {{#apiView sms}} p class-no> Rates start at Php 0.50 per 160 characters. To get the full rate card, please enter your e-mail address. /p> {{/}} {{#apiView voice}} p class-no> Rates start at Php 2.50 per minute. To get the full rate card, please enter your e-mail address. /p> {{/}} {{#apiView location}} p class-no> Rates start at Php 2.50 per locataion query. To get the full rate card, please enter your e-mail address. /p> {{/}} {{#apiView charging}} p class-no> For API rates and pricing, please provide your email address /p> {{/}} {{#apiView invite}} p class-no> For API rates and pricing, please provide your email address /p> {{/}} {{#apiView ussd}} p class-no> For API rates and pricing, please provide your email address /p> {{/}} {{#apiView sponsored-access}} p class-no> For API rates and pricing, please provide your email address /p> {{/}} !-- p class-no>For API rates and pricing, please provide your email address /p> --> div classaction-field {{#if !emailIsValid}}-invalid{{/if}}> div classindicator {{emailFieldState}}>/div> input typeemail classfield placeholderEmail Address/> input typebutton classbutton valueSend on-clickform-submission /> /div> div classform-message>/div> /div> div classreloading-wallet> p>Already have span class-db>an account?/span> span class-db>Heres how/span> you span class-db>can reload/span> span class-db>your API wallet./span> /p> a href#!/developer/wallet>Reloading your span class-db>Developer Wallet/span>/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>/script>script iddev-parts-support-block typetext/ractive>div classsupport-block wow fadeIn> div classwrapped> p class-no>Didnt find what youre looking for? Let us know./p> a classsupport-link href#!/support>Support/a> /div>/div>/script>script iddev-resources typetext/ractive>div classpage resources> div classwrapped> h1>Resources/h1> p classdescription -no> Redefine the possibilities with our digital tools /p> strong classpreamble -decorated>Reference and Documentations/strong> div classdetails iconized-spaced> div classsegment content-block> strong classhead>API Documentations/strong> p class-no>Get deeper into the API through these helpful documentations./p> div classdocumentations> div classdocumentation apis> strong classpill>APIS/strong> ul> li> a hrefdocs/#voice target_blank> span classicon>/span> span classtext>Voice/span> /a> /li> li> a hrefdocs/#charging target_blank> span classicon>/span> span classtext>Charging/span> /a> /li> li> a hrefdocs/#load target_blank> span classicon>/span> span classtext>Load/span> /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classdocumentation others> strong classpill>Others/strong> ul> li> a href/docs/#getting-started target_blank> span classicon>/span> span classtext with-small> Subscriber Consent Workflow small>Opt-in Mechanism for Subscribers /small> /span> /a> /li> li> a href target_blank> span classicon>/span> span classtext>Slides and Presentation/span> /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classsegment side-block> strong classhead>Code Samples/strong> p class-no>Our community members have a couple of scripts and libraries based on the Globe Labs APIs./p> a href classbutton dark target_blank>Github Repository/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>{{>dev-parts-api-get-started-block-compact}}{{>dev-parts-api-rates}}{{>dev-parts-support-block}}/script>script iddev-static typetext/ractive>{{#view get-started}} {{>dev-get-started}}{{/}}{{#view resources}} {{>dev-resources}}{{/}}{{#view wallet}} {{>dev-wallet}}{{/}}{{#view support}} {{>support}}{{/}}/script>script iddev-wallet typetext/ractive>div classpage wallet with-sidebar> div classwrapped> h1>API Wallet/h1> p classdescription>You can Top-up your Developer Wallet through GCash./p> strong classpreamble -decorated -no> To reload, follow the instructions below: /strong> div classdetails iconized-spaced> div classcontent-block segment> strong classhead>Text/strong> div classtext-process> div classrow> span classgray>Billpay/span> span classblue>Amount/span> span classblue>Gcash MPIN/span> /div> div classrow> span classgray>GLABS/span> span classblue>Developer Email/span> /div> div classrow last> span classblack>Send to/span> span classblue>2882/span> /div> /div> p class-no>Developer email is the one you use when you register your Globe Labs account. /p> p class-no>Credits stored in your API wallet can be used by all of the apps under your developer account (email address), whether used for outgoing or incoming voice calls, location-based services and/or mash-up of the three APIs./p> p class-no>The top-up amount will be credited to your developer wallet within 24-hours when BillPay has been made. Credited amounts are valid within 30 days./p> /div> div classside-block> h4 class-no>We made it fast and easy to help you get the best out of our service via our top-up wallet/h4> div classtable> ul> li classthead> div classcolumn> h4>Reload Amount/h4> /div> div classcolumn> h4>Maximum Cap/h4> p>from subscriber to platform/p> /div> /li> li> div classcolumn>100/div> div classcolumn>500/div> /li> li> div classcolumn>200/div> div classcolumn>2,000/div> /li> li> div classcolumn>300/div> div classcolumn>3,000/div> /li> li> div classcolumn>400/div> div classcolumn>4,500/div> /li> li> div classcolumn>500/div> div classcolumn>6,000/div> /li> li> div classcolumn>600/div> div classcolumn>7,500/div> /li> li> div classcolumn>700/div> div classcolumn>9,000/div> /li> li> div classcolumn>800/div> div classcolumn>10,000/div> /li> li> div classcolumn>1,000/div> div classcolumn>13,000/div> /li> li> div classcolumn>2,000/div> div classcolumn>25,000/div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>{{>dev-parts-api-get-started-block-compact}}{{>dev-parts-api-rates}}/script>script idfour-oh-four typetext/ractive>{{#view 404}}div classfour-oh-four-page> div classwrapped> div classcontainer> div classtype-container> canvas idfof-type width260 height100>/canvas> /div> div classcontent> h3> Oops, you seem to be lost./h3> p> This may be because of a mistyped URL or out-of-date link./p> a classbutton href#!/home>Take me home/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>{{/}}/script>script idhome typetext/ractive>{{#view home}}FullScreenBannerBlock classhome-screen> div classwrapped> h5>Globe Labs/h5> h1 classheading1 -sub>Redefine the Possibilities/h1> /div> div classcontext-selection> a href#!/business classhome-context-menu data-namebiz> span>strong>{{}}/strong>/span> /a> a href#!/developer classhome-context-menu data-namedev> span>strong>{{}}/strong>/span> /a> /div> div class-edge> div classhome-navigation> ul> li>a href#!/about>About Globe Labs/a>/li> li>a href#!/developer/api>Our APIs/a>/li> li>a href#!/developer/resources>Resources/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div>/FullScreenBannerBlock>{{/if}}/script>script idnavigation typetext/ractive>div classnavigation {{#if getFixed}}-fixed{{/if}}> div classnavigation-primary> a classlogo href#!/home> img srcassets/images/logo.svg altGlobe Labs/> /a> ul classcontext> {{#nav.context:i}} li class{{i}} {{#activeContext.url url}}-active{{/}}> a href#!/{{url}}>{{name}}/a>/li> {{/}} /ul> ul classmain-selection> {{#nav.main:i}} li classnav-{{i}} {{#activeNav.url url || activeParent.url url}}-active{{/}}>a href{{#unless outbound}}#!/{{/unless}}{{url}}>{{name }}/a>/li> {{/}} /ul> a href classaccount-login>Login/a> MobileMenu viewtoggle-button /> /div> {{#if subs}} div classnavigation-secondary> ul> {{#subs:i}} li classnav-{{i}} {{#activeNav.url url}}-active{{/}}> a href#!/{{url}}>{{name}}/a>/li> {{/}} /ul> /div> {{/if}} MobileMenu viewmenu onmobile{{onMobile}}/>/div>/script>script idsite-container typetext/ractive>div class{{flag}} {{#onMobile}}-on-mobile{{else}}-non-mobile{{/}} {{orientation}}> {{>navigation}} {{>dev-api-landing}} {{>dev-api}} {{>dev-developer}} {{>dev-static}} {{>about}} {{>terms-conditions}} {{>biz-case-view}} {{>biz-cases}} {{>biz-business}} {{>home}} {{>community}} {{>four-oh-four}} {{>contact-us}} {{>thank-you}} {{>campaigns-leads-view}} {{>breadcrumbs}}/div>{{#view leads-view}}!-- Google Tag Manager -->{{ SMS}}iframe src;src5179318;typelandi0;catglobe05h;dc_lat;dc_rdid;tag_for_child_directed_treatment;ord{{axel}}? width1 height1 frameborder0 styledisplay:none>/iframe>{{/if}}{{ Voice}}iframe src;src5179318;typelandi0;catglobe05i;dc_lat;dc_rdid;tag_for_child_directed_treatment;ord{{axel}}? width1 height1 frameborder0 styledisplay:none>/iframe>{{/if}}{{/if}}/script>script idsupport typetext/ractive>{{#view support}}div classpage support with-sidebar> div classwrapped> h1>Support/h1> p classdescription -no>We’re here to help you get the best out of our services. If you have questions, here’s how you can reach us./p> strong classpreamble -decorated>How to get in touch/strong> div classdetails iconized-spaced> div classcontent-block -no-spacing> div classsegment> strong classhead>Email/strong> p>For API inquiries or concern, feel free to email us at a>> /p> p class-no>To address your concern faster, kindly indicate the following in the email:/p> ul> li>Developer Account/li> li>App Short Code / Access Number/li> li class-no>Type of Transaction (Send SMS, Receive SMS, br/>Make a Call, Receive a Call, Charge a mobilebr/> number a specified rate, locate a mobile number) /li> li>Logs (if applicable)/li> /ul> p class-no>Globe Labs offers 8x5 support by providing technical and developer account related assistance during local business hours 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Mondays to Fridays (except Holidays); we answer email during the weekend./p> /div> div classreloading-support> span>Need to top-up? Heres how you can a href#!/developer/wallet>reload your span class-db>developer wallet/span>/a>./span> /div> /div> div classside-block> div classgithub> a href classlink target_blank>/a> h5>Check us out on Github/h5> p class-no>for code samples and other source code related details. File bugs and issues as well./p> /div> div classslack> a href classlink target_blank>/a> h5>Add us on Slack/h5> p class-no>to talk to other developers working with Globe Labs API./p> /div> div classfb> a href classlink target_blank>/a> h5>Like us on Facebook/h5> p class-no>to get in touch and check out our upcoming events./p> /div> div classtwitter> a href classlink target_blank>/a> h5>Follow us on Twitter/h5> p class-no>to get realtime updates and join the discussion./p> /div> div classstackoverflow> a href classlink target_blank>/a> h5>Check our Stackoverflow/h5> p class-no>for developer support and other API related discussions/p> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>{{>dev-parts-api-get-started-block-compact}}{{/if}}/script>script idterms-conditions typetext/ractive>{{#view terms-conditions}}div classpage terms-conditions> div classwrapped> div classcontent> h1>Terms & Conditions/h1> p class-no> Please read the terms and conditions before accessing or using the Globe Telecom Developer Site (“Site”) or Globe Telecom Labs API Platform (“API Platform”) or participating in the Globe Telecom Labs Programs (“Programs”). /p> p class-no> It is understood that by accessing or using the Site or participating in the Programs you bind yourself within the terms and conditions (the “Agreement”) set forth below. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may not use or access this Site or participate in the Programs. Globe Telecom, Inc. (“Globe Telecom”) may at any time modify this Agreement, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified Agreement. You agree to review the Agreement periodically and your continued access or use of the Site or participating in the Programs shall be deemed your conclusive acceptance of the modified Agreement. /p> h2 class-no>User Privacy Statement./h2> p class-no> Globe Telecom respects your privacy. Globe Telecom does not sell, share or disclose any of your Personal Identifiable Information, without your consent. Globe Telecom protects the information provided by you with utmost care and security and uses the information only for the purpose to which you have consented. /p> h2 class-no>Use of Information./h2> p class-no> Globe Telecom will not collect any personal information about you unless you knowingly and voluntarily provide your personal information. Personal Identifiable Information shall include but not be limited to your name, postal address, e-mail address, phone number, birthday, and other specific information about you. /p> p class-no> Globe Telecom, however, may share the non-personal aggregate, or summary of information regarding users of the Site or participants of the Programs (the “Users”) with partners or other third parties solely for the purpose of improving its Site and its Programs. /p> p class-no> Globe Telecom does not sell, share or disclose any Personal Identifiable Information. Globe Telecom recommends that if you are a minor then you must obtain the consent of your parent or guardian and must indicate the e-mail address of your parent or guardian in the registration. /p> p class-no> From time to time, Globe Telecom may use your Personal Identifiable Information in order to notify you and other Users of any news and updates in the Sites or in any of its Programs. You may, however, unsubscribe yourself from receiving Site and Programs’ news and updates from Globe Telecom at any time by sending an email to requesting that your email address be removed from the mailing list of Site and Programs’ news and updates. /p> h2 class-no>Use of the Site and Participation in the Programs./h2> p class-no> You understand that, except for information, services or programs clearly identified as being supplied by Globe Telecom, Globe Telecom does not operate, control or endorse any information, products or services on the Internet in any way. You also understand that Globe Telecom cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading through the Service will be free of infection or viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the Site or Programs for the reconstruction of any lost data. You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of the Site and the Internet. Globe Telecom does not make any express or implied warranties, representations or endorsements whatsoever (including without limitation warranties of title or non-infringement, or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) with regard to the Site or Programs, any information provided through the Site or on the Internet generally, and Globe Telecom shall not be liable for any cost or damage arising either directly or indirectly from any such transaction. It is solely your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of all opinions, advice, services, merchandise, and other information provided through the Site or on the Internet generally. /p> p class-no> Globe Telecom does not warrant that the Site will be uninterrupted or error free or that defects in the Site will be corrected. The Site and any apps or services or software made available on the Site are provided on an “as is, as available” basis. You understand further that the Internet contains unedited materials some of which are sexually explicit or may be offensive to you. You access such materials at your risk. Globe Telecom has no control over and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for such materials. In no event shall Globe Telecom be liable for: /p> ul> li class-no> Any and all damages including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of on inability to use the Site or any information, or transactions provided on the Site or downloaded or hyper-linked from or to the Site even if Globe Telecom or its representatives have been advised of the possibility of such malfunction/breakdown of the service or /li> li class-no> Any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the Site and/or materials or information downloaded through or hyper-linked from the Site. /li> /ul> h2 class-no>Transfer Of User Benefits And Materials./h2> p class-no> Except as otherwise provided herein, the benefits and materials, including but not limited to API documentation, software tools and development kits, instructional manuals, software, technical support incidents, and application keys, provided to you as part of your access to this Site and Programs may not be transferred. You agree that you will not otherwise transfer, publish, copy or disseminate such materials. /p> h2 class-no>Indemnification./h2> p class-no> You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Globe Telecom, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers and any third party information providers to the Site and Programs from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any violation of this Agreement by you. /p> p class-no> Notwithstanding the following, you shall hold Globe Telecom free and harmless from suit or action arising from improper use of data, unauthorized intrusion into the Site and unlawful exposure of data. /p> h2 class-no>Termination and Cancellation of Services./h2> p class-no> You agree that Globe Telecom at its sole discretion, may at any time terminate this Agreement, suspend or discontinue your use of the API Platform or any portion thereof immediately and without prior notice and without cause. /p> h2 class-no>Closure of Accounts/h2> p class-no> With prior notice, Globe retains the right to close any or all your Accounts for technology migration, etc. /p> p class-no> Globe is authorized to close Accounts even without prior notice in case said Accounts are:(a) involved in or used or suspected to be used for any fraudulent, criminal or unlawful activities; or (b) there was/were misrepresentation(s) in the opening of the said Accounts. /p> h2 class-no>Contract Period/h2> p class-no> Contract term is for one (1) year from the Billing Commencement Date (“Initial Contract Term”). Thereafter, the contract term shall be automatically renewed on a yearly basis (“Renewal Contract Term”), under the same terms and conditions (excepting the provision of pre-termination), provided that neither party has given a notice of non-renewal or has proposed an amended renewal contract at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Contract Term or Renewal Contract Term, as the case may be. /p> h2 class-no>No Reselling/h2> p class-no> You shall not resell the Services. Otherwise, Globe shall terminate the Services without notice and free from any liabilities whatsoever. /p> h2 class-no>Third Party Rights./h2> p class-no> The provisions under “Use of the Site and Participation in the Programs” and “Indemnification” are for the benefit of Globe Telecom and its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers, and any third party information providers to the Site and the Programs. Each of these individuals or entities shall have the right to assert and enforce those provisions directly against you on its own behalf. /p> h2 class-no>Accuracy of Published Site Content Information./h2> p class-no> It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any opinion, advice, services or other information provided. The information on this Site may be changed or updated without notice. Globe Telecom may also make improvements and/or changes in the Site and Programs at any time without notice. Information provided on this Site is believed to be reliable when posted. However, Globe Telecom cannot guarantee that information will be accurate, complete and current at all times. All information in this Site is subject to modification from time to time without notice. Every time you access this Site, make sure that you check this page. Globe Telecom has used its discretion, best judgment and all reasonable efforts in collecting and preparing information, documentation (including copy, graphics, pictures, etc.) or other items provided or available herein, but any such information, document or other items provided or available herein, but any such information, document or other item is provided or available without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the warranties of completeness, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of any intellectual property rights. /p> h2 class-no>Copyright./h2> p class-no> All site design, text, graphics, interfaces, and the selection and arrangements thereof are ©2013 Globe Telecom, Inc. Permission is granted to electronically copy and to print portions of this Site for the sole purpose of participating in a Globe Labs Developer Program. Any other user of materials on this site, including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution, or republication, without Globe Telecom’s prior written permission is strictly prohibited. /p> h2 class-no>Trademarks./h2> p class-no> All trademarks, service marks, and trade names (collectively the “Marks”) are proprietary to Globe Telecom or other respective owners that have granted Globe Telecom the right and license to use such Marks. /p> p> small> Disclaimer. THE INFORMATION, SERVICES, PROGRAMS, AND MATERIALS CONTAINED IN THIS SITE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS, AND LINKS, ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS WITH NO WARRANTY. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, GLOBE TELECOM DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO SUCH INFORMATION, SERVICES, PROGRAMS, AND MATERIALS, FREEDOM FROM COMPUTER VIRUS, AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE. IN ADDITION, GLOBE TELECOM DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT THE INFORMATION ACCESSIBLE VIA THIS SITE IS ACCURATE, COMPLETE OR CURRENT. /small> /p> h2 class-no>User Conduct./h2> p class-no> As a condition of your use of the Site or participation in the Programs, you warrant to Globe Telecom that you will not use the Site or participate in the Programs for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices. Any unauthorized use of the Site or participation in the Programs is expressly prohibited. You agree to abide by all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations and are solely responsible for all acts or omissions that occur under your account or password, including the content of your transmissions through the Site. By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree not to: /p> ul> li class-no> Use the Site and/or any of the Globe Labs APIs in connection with contest, pyramid schemes, chain letters, junk mail, spamming or any duplicative or unsolicited messages (commercial or otherwise), /li> li class-no> Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others, /li> li class-no> Publish, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful material or information, /li> li class-no> Advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services without express written consent from Globe Telecom, /li> li class-no> Solicit or collect information about others, including email addresses, without their consent, /li> li class-no> Create a false identity for the purpose of misleading others as to the identity of the sender, the origin of a message and your registration details, /li> li class-no> Transmit or upload any material that contains viruses, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or any other harmful or deleterious programs, /li> li class-no> Transmit or upload any material that contains software or other material protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents, /li> li class-no> Interfere with or disrupt networks connected to the Site or API Platform or Program or violate the regulations, policies or procedures of such networks, /li> li class-no> Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site and/or API Platform, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Site, API Platform or Programs, through password mining or any other means, /li> li class-no> Violate any applicable laws or regulations including, without limitation, laws regarding the transmission of technical data or software through the service, or /li> li class-no> Interfere with another user’s use and enjoyment of the Site or the API Platform or participation in the Programs. /li> li class-no> Relationship with Globe Telecom. Neither you nor Globe Telecom is a partner, an agent or has any authority to bind the other. You agree not to represent otherwise. /li> /ul> h2 class-no>Restricted Content/h2> p class-no>The following content are not allowed:/p> ul> li class-no>Two or more models/li> li class-no>Pornography, sexual exploitation of minors, and group sex/li> li class-no>Obscene, indecent, blasphemous, and all other new words in the future./li> li class-no>Unclothed breast, buttocks, or genitals/li> li class-no>Nudity or implied nudity/li> li class-no>See-through underwear or clothes, thongs/li> li class-no>Sexually suggestive positions and settings (ex. Fondling, kissing)/li> li class-no>Use of objects to encourage sexual activity/li> li class-no>Body part specific or fetishes (ex. Buttocks only, lips only, breast only)/li> li class-no>Immoral actions such as infidelity/li> li class-no>Sexual violence or assault/li> li class-no>Sexual services like prostitution, escort services, sexual messages/li> /ul> p class-no>Globe Telecom also does not allow the following content/services:/p> p class-no> a. content or services that promote violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on certain attributes such as: /p> ul> li class-no>Race or ethnic origin/li> li class-no>Religion/li> li class-no>Disability/li> li class-no>Gender/li> li class-no>Age/li> li class-no>Nationality/li> li class-no>Veteran status/li> li class-no>Sexual orientation/gender identity/li> /ul> p class-no> b. violent, gory, graphic, and disturbing content that’s primarily intended to be shocking, sensational, or disrespectful /p> p class-no> c. content or services that intend to incite violence or encourage dangerous or illegal activities that have an inherent risk of serious physical harm or death, especially to kids and minors. /p> p class-no> d. content or services that express support for groups that are involved in violent or criminal behavior (ex. Terrorist activity, organized criminal activity). /p> h2 class-no>Representations and Warranties./h2> p class-no> Both you and Globe Telecom represent and warrant that they have the right, power, and authority to perform their obligations; both shall comply with the privacy policy and shall not engage in any fraud or any deceptive, misleading or unethical or unfair competitive practices; both shall not act in any manner which conflicts or interferes with any existing material commitment or obligation of one, and that no agreement previously entered into will interfere with one’s performance of its material obligations; both shall perform in compliance with any applicable laws, rules and regulations of any governmental authority. You warrant and represent that applications created through the Globe Labs Platform do not and shall not violate or infringe upon any applicable laws, regulatory requirements, or other governmental regulations. The applications shall not infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, or any other intellectual property, proprietary rights of any person, and privacy or confidence of any person that would otherwise render Globe liable to any such proceedings. The applications do not contain any advertising and promotional messages, unless with prior written consent of Globe. That at all times you maintain the absolute privacy of the Customers pursuant to Developer’s then current Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and relevant laws. /P> h2 class-no>Revenue Share./h2> p class-no> You are entitled to a share in the Gross Revenue Collected from your Applications. Globe Telecom reserves the sole right and discretion to determine the percentage of revenue share that you are entitled. You and Globe Telecom shall be separately and independently responsible for paying any and all Taxes. Globe Telecom shall withhold any withholding tax that the Philippine law may now or in the future require to be withheld from you revenue share and remit the same to the Bureau of Internal Revenue of the Philippines (BIR). Globe shall furnish you a Certificate of Tax Withheld within fifteen (15) days from the date of Globe Telecom’s remittance of the withholding tax to the BIR. Globe shall pay you within sixty (60) days from transaction. Globe Telecom shall be entitled to set off any sums that you may owe Globe Telecom by virtue of this or any other Agreement against any payments due to you. Globe Telecom shall notify you of the set off at least thirty-six (36) hours prior to release of payment. You shall confirm or contest the existence of any existing obligation proposed to be set off in favor of Globe within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the notice to set off; otherwise, Globe Telecom shall implement the set off. /p> p class-no> In the event that (a) Globe Telecom receives any complaint by a Subscriber of any unauthorized activity, or detects any unusual traffic or activity from your service, and (b) after diligent investigation, reasonably determines that such unauthorized or unusual activity was attributable to a wrongful act of your service, then Globe Telecom shall have the right to set off against payments against your Gross Revenue Share. /p> p class-no> For delinquent Globe Telecom postpaid subscribers that availed of your service six (6) months after availment or purchase of content, the loss shall be shared between you and Globe Telecom. Globe Telecom will have the right to deduct five percent (5%) of the amount already paid to you for postpaid accounts found to be delinquent later. A delinquent Globe Telecom postpaid subscriber is defined as a subscriber who, for any reason, fails or refuses to pay any outstanding balance due to Globe Telecom for services or products. /p> /div> /div>/div>{{/if}}/script>script idthank-you typetext/ractive>{{#view thank-you}}iframe idthank-you-tag>/iframe>div classpage thank-you with-sidebar> div classwrapped> div classdesc> h1>Thank You For Your Inquiry!/h1> p classdescription -no> We received your inquiry. 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