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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/htmlaccept-ranges: bytespragma: no-cachecache-control: no-cachecontent-length: 13708date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 09:43:46 !DOCTYPE html>html> !-- Gay Teen Help Group Prefix g22 Program lifevid Language en Width 960 -->head>meta http-equivContent-type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8>meta namerobots contentall,index,follow>meta nameviewport contentwidth960, initial-scale1>title>Gay Teen Help - Advantages of being gay, for love, gay marriage, gay parenting, with videos/title>meta namedescription contentThis website (with no adverts) is to help gay teenagers feel good about themselves. We show the advantages of being gay, and the videos are very supportive. There is prejudice, especially in religious countries, that causes depression in youngsters. This website shows children, teenagers, and young adults that they are loved, needed, and wanted. And should lead very happy lives. Information is included on gay marriage / same-sex marriage.>meta namekeywords contentgay, teen, teenager, youth, homosexual, boy, help, support, assistance, affirmation, bullying, suicide, depression, coming out, boyfriend, same-sex marriage>link relstylesheet typetext/css href/z/g22_style_en960.css>script src/z/getimag-v8.js>/script>script src/z/g22_store.js>/script>script src/z/g22_video.js>/script>script>S(mainprogram, lifevid); S(mainlang, en); S(mainwidth, 960);/script>noscript> style typetext/css>#notice {display: block;} #normal {display: none;}/style>/noscript>/head>body onloadon_load_or_back(); onunloadfunction u(){};>div idnotice>div idcent_notice_img>img src/z/notice.png>/div>/div>div idnormal>div idmain>a nametopbodloc>/a>div classcentinline>a href>img src/z/gthcom_logo300.png>/a>/div>table classwidetab>tr>td class>a classmenubut right href>ABOUT/a>/td>/tr>/table>script>S(vtp, Title:); S(vap, Appearing:); S(vmsp, Duration:);S(vd1p, ); S(vd2p, ); S(vfp, Download:);S(oldphone, old phone);S(advisory, If your browser cannot play the video above - clicking one of these links may play it.);/script>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/htmlaccept-ranges: bytespragma: no-cachecache-control: no-cachecontent-length: 13708date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 09:43:46 !DOCTYPE html>html> !-- Gay Teen Help Group Prefix g22 Program lifevid Language en Width 960 -->head>meta http-equivContent-type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8>meta namerobots contentall,index,follow>meta nameviewport contentwidth960, initial-scale1>title>Gay Teen Help - Advantages of being gay, for love, gay marriage, gay parenting, with videos/title>meta namedescription contentThis website (with no adverts) is to help gay teenagers feel good about themselves. We show the advantages of being gay, and the videos are very supportive. There is prejudice, especially in religious countries, that causes depression in youngsters. This website shows children, teenagers, and young adults that they are loved, needed, and wanted. And should lead very happy lives. Information is included on gay marriage / same-sex marriage.>meta namekeywords contentgay, teen, teenager, youth, homosexual, boy, help, support, assistance, affirmation, bullying, suicide, depression, coming out, boyfriend, same-sex marriage>link relstylesheet typetext/css href/z/g22_style_en960.css>script src/z/getimag-v8.js>/script>script src/z/g22_store.js>/script>script src/z/g22_video.js>/script>script>S(mainprogram, lifevid); S(mainlang, en); S(mainwidth, 960);/script>noscript> style typetext/css>#notice {display: block;} #normal {display: none;}/style>/noscript>/head>body onloadon_load_or_back(); onunloadfunction u(){};>div idnotice>div idcent_notice_img>img src/z/notice.png>/div>/div>div idnormal>div idmain>a nametopbodloc>/a>div classcentinline>a href>img src/z/gthcom_logo300.png>/a>/div>table classwidetab>tr>td class>a classmenubut right href>ABOUT/a>/td>/tr>/table>script>S(vtp, Title:); S(vap, Appearing:); S(vmsp, Duration:);S(vd1p, ); S(vd2p, ); S(vfp, Download:);S(oldphone, old phone);S(advisory, If your browser cannot play the video above - clicking one of these links may play it.);/script>
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