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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:41:52 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 19:46:16 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 5898Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>Grain Storage, Drying and Handling Systems | Gasaway, Inc./title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />META contentGrain Storage, Drying and Handling Systems namedescription>META contentGrain Storage Systems namekeywords>META contentindex, follow namerobots>META contentINDEX, FOLLOW nameGOOGLEBOT>link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css typetext/css />style typetext/css>#container{ background-color:#ffffff; border: 1px solid #678FAB; padding: 1px; overflow:hidden; width:798px;}#content{ background-color:#ffffff; width:586px; border-left:182px solid #DAE3E9; /* The width and color of the rail */ margin-left:-182px; /* Hat tip to Ryan Brill */ float:right; padding: 20px 15px;}#rail{ background-color:#DAE3E9; width:172px; float:right; padding: 26px 5px; font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.2; color: #335973;}#rail a{ padding-left: 5px; display: block; color: #335973;}/style>/head>body> div idwrapper>div idtop>div idtopr>/div>div idtopl>a hrefindex.htm>img srcimg/logo.gif border0>/a>/div>/div> div idmenunav>a hrefgrain_storage_systems.htm>img srcimg/grain_systems.gif border0>/a>a hrefmill_equipment.htm>img srcimg/feed_mills.gif border0>/a>a hrefindex.htm>img srcimg/contact_us.gif border0>/a>a href targetnew>img srcimg/gsi.gif border0>/a>/div> div idtoppics>img srcimg/top_home2.jpg>/div> div idcontainer> div idcontent>h1>Welcome To Gasaway, Inc./h1>Gasaway, Inc. specializes and has been actively involved in the design and turn-key construction of rice millingand drying, grain elevator drying and storage, and feed mill construction business, including automatic feeding systems, pellets, hammer and roller mills, feed storage hopper tanks and material handling conveying systems since1976. We are actively involved in millwright and in-plant maintenance service work for both on-the-farm andcommercial operators. We have designed and built feed storage tanks, materials conveying, and automaticfeeding systems for the cattle, poultry, and aquaculture industries. We have designed and built farm and commercialprojects for domestic and overseas clients in Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, Mexico, The Caribbean,Venezuela, and Saudi />br />Gasaway, Inc. offers our clients a complete engineering consulting and design service. We would appreciatevery much the opportunity to work with you on any type of project that you might have and would be happy tomeet with you at any time. We are fully insured and have our own construction and service crews, and maintainan adequate supply of parts in our warehouse in Bay City, Texas. Regardless of your location, either rural ormetropolitan, our slogan is Have Tools, Will Travel! If we can be of assistance to you, please contact us. Weare looking forward to working with you on any new or remodeling project you may be>br>br>h1>Contact Us/h1>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width580> tr>td valigntop width290>b>Address/b>br>2215 Tenth>Bay City, TX 77414br>br>b>Mailing Address/b>br />P.O. Box 149br>Bay City, TX 77404-0149br>br>/td>td valigntop width290>b>Phone/b>br>(979) 245-6375br>Toll Free (800) 583-6375br>Fax (979) 245-5900br>br>b>Email/b>br />a>Click here to email us/a>/td>/tr>/table>br>b>Staff/b>br>br>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width580> tr>td valigntop width250>img srcimg/steve.jpg>br>br>center>b>Steve Gasaway/b>br>President/center>br>br>/td>td width80> /td>td valigntop width250>img srcimg/karen.jpg>br>br>b>center>Karen Owens/b>br>Office Manager/center>br>br>/td>/tr>tr> td valigntop width250>img srcimg/carlos.jpg>br>br>b>center>Carlos Hidalgo/b>br>Draftsman/Estimator/center>br>br>/td>td width80> /td>td valigntop width250>img srcimg/candido.jpg>br>br>center>b>Candido Martinez br>& Jorge Hidalgo /b>br>Construction Superintendents/center>br>br>/td>/tr>tr> td valigntop width250>img srcimg/gasaway16.jpg>br>br>br>br>/td>td width80> /td>td valigntop width250>img srcimg/gasaway15.jpg>br>br>br>br>/td>/tr> /table>/div> div idrail>a hrefgrain_storage_systems.htm>Complete Grain Drying, Storage & Handling Systems/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg> a hrefmill_equipment.htm>Feed Mill Equipment/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg> a hrefcommercial_steel_buildings.htm>Design & Build Commercial Steel Buildings/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a hrefdesign.htm>Design, Engineering & Consulting/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a hrefother_services.htm>Other Products/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a hrefrecent_jobs.htm>Recent Jobs - Jobs In Progress/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a hrefemployment.htm>Employment/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a hrefindex.htm>Home/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a href targetnew>img srcimg/gsivideos.jpg border0>/a>a href targetnew>img srcimg/gsimanuals.jpg border0>/a>br />/div>/div>div idfooter>� Copyright Gasaway, Inc | Website Design by a href targetnew>Texas Internet Solutions/a>/div>/div>/div> /div> /body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:41:52 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 19:46:16 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 5898Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>Grain Storage, Drying and Handling Systems | Gasaway, Inc./title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />META contentGrain Storage, Drying and Handling Systems namedescription>META contentGrain Storage Systems namekeywords>META contentindex, follow namerobots>META contentINDEX, FOLLOW nameGOOGLEBOT>link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css typetext/css />style typetext/css>#container{ background-color:#ffffff; border: 1px solid #678FAB; padding: 1px; overflow:hidden; width:798px;}#content{ background-color:#ffffff; width:586px; border-left:182px solid #DAE3E9; /* The width and color of the rail */ margin-left:-182px; /* Hat tip to Ryan Brill */ float:right; padding: 20px 15px;}#rail{ background-color:#DAE3E9; width:172px; float:right; padding: 26px 5px; font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.2; color: #335973;}#rail a{ padding-left: 5px; display: block; color: #335973;}/style>/head>body> div idwrapper>div idtop>div idtopr>/div>div idtopl>a hrefindex.htm>img srcimg/logo.gif border0>/a>/div>/div> div idmenunav>a hrefgrain_storage_systems.htm>img srcimg/grain_systems.gif border0>/a>a hrefmill_equipment.htm>img srcimg/feed_mills.gif border0>/a>a hrefindex.htm>img srcimg/contact_us.gif border0>/a>a href targetnew>img srcimg/gsi.gif border0>/a>/div> div idtoppics>img srcimg/top_home2.jpg>/div> div idcontainer> div idcontent>h1>Welcome To Gasaway, Inc./h1>Gasaway, Inc. specializes and has been actively involved in the design and turn-key construction of rice millingand drying, grain elevator drying and storage, and feed mill construction business, including automatic feeding systems, pellets, hammer and roller mills, feed storage hopper tanks and material handling conveying systems since1976. We are actively involved in millwright and in-plant maintenance service work for both on-the-farm andcommercial operators. We have designed and built feed storage tanks, materials conveying, and automaticfeeding systems for the cattle, poultry, and aquaculture industries. We have designed and built farm and commercialprojects for domestic and overseas clients in Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, Mexico, The Caribbean,Venezuela, and Saudi />br />Gasaway, Inc. offers our clients a complete engineering consulting and design service. We would appreciatevery much the opportunity to work with you on any type of project that you might have and would be happy tomeet with you at any time. We are fully insured and have our own construction and service crews, and maintainan adequate supply of parts in our warehouse in Bay City, Texas. Regardless of your location, either rural ormetropolitan, our slogan is Have Tools, Will Travel! If we can be of assistance to you, please contact us. Weare looking forward to working with you on any new or remodeling project you may be>br>br>h1>Contact Us/h1>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width580> tr>td valigntop width290>b>Address/b>br>2215 Tenth>Bay City, TX 77414br>br>b>Mailing Address/b>br />P.O. Box 149br>Bay City, TX 77404-0149br>br>/td>td valigntop width290>b>Phone/b>br>(979) 245-6375br>Toll Free (800) 583-6375br>Fax (979) 245-5900br>br>b>Email/b>br />a>Click here to email us/a>/td>/tr>/table>br>b>Staff/b>br>br>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width580> tr>td valigntop width250>img srcimg/steve.jpg>br>br>center>b>Steve Gasaway/b>br>President/center>br>br>/td>td width80> /td>td valigntop width250>img srcimg/karen.jpg>br>br>b>center>Karen Owens/b>br>Office Manager/center>br>br>/td>/tr>tr> td valigntop width250>img srcimg/carlos.jpg>br>br>b>center>Carlos Hidalgo/b>br>Draftsman/Estimator/center>br>br>/td>td width80> /td>td valigntop width250>img srcimg/candido.jpg>br>br>center>b>Candido Martinez br>& Jorge Hidalgo /b>br>Construction Superintendents/center>br>br>/td>/tr>tr> td valigntop width250>img srcimg/gasaway16.jpg>br>br>br>br>/td>td width80> /td>td valigntop width250>img srcimg/gasaway15.jpg>br>br>br>br>/td>/tr> /table>/div> div idrail>a hrefgrain_storage_systems.htm>Complete Grain Drying, Storage & Handling Systems/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg> a hrefmill_equipment.htm>Feed Mill Equipment/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg> a hrefcommercial_steel_buildings.htm>Design & Build Commercial Steel Buildings/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a hrefdesign.htm>Design, Engineering & Consulting/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a hrefother_services.htm>Other Products/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a hrefrecent_jobs.htm>Recent Jobs - Jobs In Progress/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a hrefemployment.htm>Employment/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a hrefindex.htm>Home/a>img srcimg/leftbr.jpg>a href targetnew>img srcimg/gsivideos.jpg border0>/a>a href targetnew>img srcimg/gsimanuals.jpg border0>/a>br />/div>/div>div idfooter>� Copyright Gasaway, Inc | Website Design by a href targetnew>Texas Internet Solutions/a>/div>/div>/div> /div> /body>/html>
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