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Its business interests includes industrial services covering Design & Engineering, Consultancy, Plant Construction, Turnkey Projects, Project Management, Global sourcing and Trading. Multi disciplinary capability is our forte.a classtext1 hrefcompany.htm> for more details, click here.../a>/td> /tr> tr> td width100%> /td> /tr> tr> td width100%> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111 width100% idAutoNumber17> tr> td width37%> p classheading stylemargin-bottom: 0>Our Services/td> td width4%> /td> td width59% colspan2> p stylemargin-bottom: 0> a classheading hrefcareers.htm>Make your dreams true with us/a>/td> /tr> tr> td width37% backgroundimages/h_line.gif> /td> td width4%> /td> td width39% backgroundimages/h_line.gif> /td> td width20% rowspan2 valigntop> img border0 srcimages/career.jpg width128 height88>p styletext-align: right; margin-bottom:0 classtext1> /p> p styletext-align: right; margin-bottom:0 classtext1> Reema Kamboj/p> p styletext-align: right; margin-bottom:0 classtext2> Engineering Designer/td> /tr> tr> td width37% valigntop> ul> li>a classtext4 hrefconsultancy.htm>Consultancy/a>/li> li>a classtext4 hrefplant_construction.htm>Plant Construction/a>/li> li>a classtext4 hrefturnkey_projects.htm>Turnkey Projects/a>/li> li>a classtext4 hrefpackaged_systems.htm>Packaged Systems /a>/li> li>a classtext4 hrefproject_management.htm>Project Management/a>/li> li>a classtext4 hrefglobal_sourcing_trading.htm> Global Sourcing & Trading/a>/li> li>a classtext4 hrefdesign&engineering.htm>Design & Engineering/a>/li> /ul> /td> td width4% valigntop> /td> td width39% valigntop> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0>“MGS provides many different projects, that will give you a lot of different experiences. For me personally one of the great things about this company is the people that you meet and the network you build. For Design & Engineering, one of the great venues for networking is Core Design school, where you get to talk with Engineers from all over the world.”/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td width100%> p stylemargin-bottom: 0> a classheading hrefclients.htm>We Serve:/a>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% backgroundimages/h_line.gif> /td> /tr> tr> td width100%> div idfade stylefloat-left;> img srcimages/slide1.jpg width617px height117px> img srcimages/slide2.jpg width617px height117px> img srcimages/slide3.jpg width617px height117px> img srcimages/slide4.jpg width617px height117px> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /td> td width2% valigntop> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td width100%> /td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#BB0000> /td> /tr> tr> td width100%> /td> /tr> tr> td width100%> p styletext-align: center>a classtext3 hrefindex.htm>Home/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefcompany.htm>Company Overview/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefATTACHMENT-001_BS_-194562327 (1).pdf target_blank>Annual Return/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefteam.htm>Team/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefmission.htm>Mission/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefclients.htm>Clients/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefconsultancy.htm>Consultancy/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefplant_construction.htm>Plant Construction/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefturnkey_projects.htm>Turnkey Projects/a>/p> p classtext3 styletext-align: center> a classtext3 hrefproject_management.htm>Project Management /a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefglobal_sourcing_trading.htm>Global Sourcing & Trading/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefdesign&engineering.htm>Design & Engineering/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hreffeedback.php>Enquiry/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefcontact_details.htm>Contact Us/a> font color#BB0000>|/font> a classtext3 hrefsitemap.htm>Sitemap/a>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% backgroundimages/h_line.gif> /td> /tr> tr> td width100%> p styletext-align: center; margin-bottom: 0 classfooter> Copyright ©, Mas Gasair Systems Pvt. 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