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Certainly the one with most personality! Fun, relaxed, friendly, historic, and a little bit quirky. Proud member of Indie York, dog friendly, independently owned, and home to the awesome Forest restaurant./p> div classplus_btn> a hrefabout-galtres-lodge-hotel-york.html titleAbout Galtres Lodge York >span>/span>/a> /div> /div>div classcol-md-4 interior-grid> h3>Bedrooms/h3> a hrefhotel-facilities.html>img src/assets/template/images/galtres-bedrooms-york.jpg classimg-responsive altBed and Breakfast Special Offers York >/a> p>Most rooms have stunning features which highlight the history of this Georgian townhouse; expect to find original oak beam ceilings, exposed brick walls, and traditional fireplaces. Some rooms have views of York Minster!/p> div classplus_btn> a hrefhotel-facilities.html titleYork Bed and Breakfast Offers >span>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 interior-grid> h3>Book Online/h3> a hrefbook-online.html titleBook York Accommodation >img src/assets/template/images/book-online-galtres-lodge.jpg classimg-responsive altBook York Accommodation >/a> p>br />Get the best rates by booking direct. Prices are 15% higher on third party booking websites, so click here to get the best rates on our own website. Bookings can also be made on the telephone, or via email with our friendly team./p> div classplus_btn> a hrefbook-online.html titleBook York Accommodation >span>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> /div> div classinterior-grids> div classcol-md-4 interior-grid> h3>Forest Restaurant/h3> a hreffood-and-drink.html >img src/assets/template/images/forest-restaurant-york.jpg classimg-responsive altYork Galtres Lodge Lunch and Dinner >/a> p>Fun dining not fine dining! Tasty home-made food, relaxed times, & good vibes all day every day! In the evening, the lights go down and the music goes up, and the A La Carte menu showcases our chefs’ finesse. Book a table online here./p> div classplus_btn> a hreffood-and-drink.html titleYork Galtres Lodge Lunch and Dinner>span>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 interior-grid> h3>Afternoon Tea/h3> a hreffood-and-drink.html titleBook York Accommodation >img src/assets/template/images/york-afternoon-tea.jpg classimg-responsive altYork Afternoon Tea >/a> p>br />Has to be seen to be believed! With inspiration taken from our history, we have designed a forest themed afternoon tea, complete with a traditional scone served with jam and cream, but also some surprises along the way./p> div classplus_btn> a hreffood-and-drink.html titleYork Afternoon Tea >span>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-4 interior-grid> h3>Things To Do In York/h3> a hrefyork-attractions.html >img src/assets/template/images/york-attractions.jpg classimg-responsive altYork Attractions >/a> p>Yorks attractions are only a few moments stroll away: York Minster is literally just around the corner, and inspiration for the Harry Potter movie’s Diagon Alley is on York’s most famous street, The Shambles, next to York’s Chocolate Story./p> div classplus_btn> a hrefyork-attractions.html titleYork Attractions>span>/span>/a> /div> /div> p> /p> div classclearfix>/div> /div> /div> /div> !--start-footer-section--> div classfooter-section> div classfooter-top>div classfooter_navigation>p>OTHER LINKS:ul>li classfirst active>a href titleGaltres Lodge Hotel >Home/a>/li>li>a href/room-photos.html titleYork Hotel & Restaurant Photos >Gallery/a>/li>li>a href/dogfriendly.html titleDogs Welcome! >Dog Friendly/a>/li>li>a href/about-galtres-lodge-hotel-york.html titleAbout Galtres Lodge Hotel York >About Us/a>/li>li>a href/careers.html titleCareers >Careers/a>/li>li>a href/hotel-facilities.html titleYork Hotel Accommodation Facilities >Rooms/a>/li>li>a href/food-and-drink.html titleFOREST at Galtres Lodge >FOREST/a>/li>li>a href titleGifts >Gifts/a>/li>li>a href/faq.html titleFAQ >FAQ/a>/li>li>a href/york-attractions.html titleYork Attractions >York Attractions/a>/li>li>a href/book-online.html titleBook Online >Book Online/a>/li>li>a href titleBook a Table target_blank>Book a Table/a>/li>li>a href/find-the-hotel.html titleYork Hotel and Restaurant Location >Location/a>/li>li>a href/contact/ titleYork City Centre Hotel Accommodation >Contact/a>/li>li classlast>a href titleMailing List target_blank>Mailing List/a>/li>/ul>/p>/div> p>2025 © span>Galtres Lodge York./span> All rights reserved | Website empowered by a href titleWebsite Design and Yorkshire SEO Hosting target_blank >Simulant/a>/p> /div> /div> !--end-footer-section--> /div> /div> /div> /body>/html>
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