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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 02 Jan 2025 17:16:45 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveServer: Apache !DOCTYPE HTML>html langde>head>!--- DO NOT EDIT - GlobalSign SSL Site Seal Code - DO NOT EDIT --->table width125 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 titleCLICK TO VERIFY: This site uses a GlobalSign SSL Certificate to secure your personal information. >tr>td>span idss_img_wrapper_gmogs_image_100-40_en_dblue>a href target_blank titleGlobalSign Site Seal relnofollow>img altSSL border0 idss_img src//>/a>/span>script typetext/javascript src//>/script>/td>/tr>/table>!--- DO NOT EDIT - GlobalSign SSL Site Seal Code - DO NOT EDIT --->meta charsetUTF-8>meta http-equivexpires content0>meta http-equivcache-control contentno-cache>meta namesuchmaschineneintrag contentbraack münchhof>meta namedescription contentDer Münchhof: Biofleisch, Gallowayzucht, Direktvermarktung>meta namekeywords contentMünchhof, galloway-biohof, Galloway, Biohof, Estebrügge, Gallowayzucht, fair, ökologisch, nachhaltig, Direktvermarktung, Biofleisch, Galloway Braack, Onlineshop, Gallowayfleisch, Ferienwohnung, Altes Land, Bioland, fair>meta namerobots contentindex,follow>title>Münchhof - Jork Estebrügge - Gallowayzucht, Biofleisch, Direktvermarktung/title>link hrefgalloway.css relstylesheet typetext/css> !-- mobile Weiterleitung -->script languagejavascript typetext/javascript>function CookieSave(name, value, days) { if (typeof days ! undefined) { var date new Date(); 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width: 100%; height: 27px; border0>tbody>tr styleheight: 27px;>td stylewidth: 34.1875%; height: 27px;>Adresse:/td>td stylewidth: 65.8125%; height: 27px;>Osterjork 91, 21635 Jork/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p>span stylecolor: #ba2e2d;>strong>Öffnungszeiten/strong>/span>/p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 97.6991%; height: 56px; border0>tbody>tr styleheight: 20px;>td stylewidth: 34.4564%; height: 20px;>Donnerstag:/td>td stylewidth: 65.5466%; height: 20px;>10 - 12 Uhr und 14 - 18 Uhr/td>/tr>tr styleheight: 18px;>td stylewidth: 34.4564%; height: 18px;>Freitag:/td>td stylewidth: 65.5466%; height: 18px;>10 - 12 Uhr und 14 - 18 Uhr/td>/tr>tr styleheight: 18px;>td stylewidth: 34.4564%; height: 18px;>Samstag:/td>td stylewidth: 65.5466%; height: 18px;>10 - 13 Uhr/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p>span stylecolor: #ba2e2d;>strong>Social Media/strong>/span>/p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; height: 27px; border0>tbody>tr styleheight: 27px;>td stylewidth: 34.1875%; height: 27px;>a href targetblank>img src../bilder/instagram.png width42 height42 />/a>/td>td stylewidth: 65.8125%; height: 27px;> /td>/tr>/tbody>/table>p>span stylecolor: #ba2e2d;>strong>Kontakt/strong>/span>/p>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 101.239%; height: 72px; border0>tbody>tr styleheight: 18px;>td stylewidth: 60.4264%; height: 18px;>Telefon Verkauf/Hofladen:/td>td stylewidth: 39.5736%; height: 18px;>04162-9130447/td>/tr>tr styleheight: 18px;>td stylewidth: 60.4264%; height: 18px;>Telefon Zuchttiere: /td>td stylewidth: 39.5736%; height: 18px;>04162-8962/td>/tr>tr styleheight: 18px;>td stylewidth: 60.4264%; height: 18px;>Fax:/td>td stylewidth: 39.5736%; height: 18px;>04162-9130449/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table styleborder-collapse: collapse; width: 101.239%; height: 18px; border0>tbody>tr styleheight: 18px;>td stylewidth: 60.5982%; height: 18px;>Email:/td>td stylewidth: 39.4018%; height: 18px;>>/tr>/tbody>/table>/div>i> /div> !-- footer --> div idseitenende>/div> div idbottom> !-- Unterer Teil Adresse Verlinkungen -->div ids11> div idadresse2> !-- Adresse Email --> div idadresse_name> b stylefont-size:15px;> Wilhelm Braack /b> br> Hofladen: Osterjork 91, br>Zuchttiere: Schwarzer Weg 2 br> 21635 Jork br> a hrefimpressum.php>Impressum /a>br> a hrefdatenschutz.php>Datenschutz /a> br>br> /div> /div>/div>div ids21> a href>img titleeler srcimg_verlinkungslogos/EU.jpg>/a>/div>div ids31> div idverlinkungen> !-- Verlinkungen --> a targetblank href>img titleMasterrind srcimg_verlinkungslogos/masterrind.jpg>/a> /div> div idverlinkungen2> a targetblank href>img titleGalloway-Deutschland srcimg_verlinkungslogos/galloway-deutschland.jpg>/a> a targetblank href>img titleÖkoportal srcimg_verlinkungslogos/portal.jpg>/a> /div>/div> /div>/div>/center>/body>/html>
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