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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 14:47:53 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveX-Powered-By: PHP/8.3.14Set-Cookie: MYDNSJPLOGININFOzJn4pWiJ6DYYu4SGADFEPgBPSB; expiresSun, 29 Dec 2024 15:17:53 GMT; Max-Age1800; path/; !DOCTYPE html>html langen dirltr classno-js> !-- Header --> head>!-- Title and basic Metas -->meta charsetutf-8>title>Dynamic DNS (DDNS) for Home Server and VPS etc, Free!/title>meta namedescription contentFree Dynamic DNS (DDNS) by POP3,IMAP4,FTP,HTTP-BASIC for Home Server, Webcam, VPS. You can use many free sub domain, .jp, .net, .asia, etc.. DynDNS is not free>meta namekeywords contentFree Dynamic DNS, DDNS, DynDNS, Webcam, domain>meta nameauthor contentFuture Versatile Group/T.Kabu>!-- Mobile Metas -->meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno>!-- CSS -->link relstylesheet href/css/bootstrap.min.css /> !-- Twitter Bootstrap -->link relstylesheet href/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css /> !-- Twitter Bootstrap Responsive -->link relstylesheet href/css/font-awesome.min.css> !-- Font Awesome -->link relstylesheet href/css/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.css/> !-- Fancybox -->link relstylesheet href/css/flexslider.css> !-- Flexslider -->link relstylesheet href/css/style.css> !-- Main stylesheet -->link relstylesheet href/css/responsive.css> !-- Main stylesheet responsive -->!--if IE 7> link relstylesheet hrefcss/font-awesome-ie7.min.css>!endif-->!--if lt IE 9> script src>/script>!endif-->!-- Fonts -->link relpreconnect href>link href relstylesheet>!-- JS -->script typetext/javascript src/js/modernizr.js>/script> !-- Modernizr file -->!-- Faviconslink relshortcut icon href/images/favicon.ico> -->link relshortcut icon href/favicon.ico>link relapple-touch-icon href/images/MYDNS_FAVICON.png>/head> !-- Body --> body> !-- Preloader --> div idpreloader> div idloading-animation> /div> /div> !-- Menu --> !-- Top Menu --> nav idmain-nav> ul> li>a href#about titleMyDNS.JPについて>About/a>/li> li>a href#howtouse titleMyDNS.JPの使い方>How to use/a>/li> li>a href#lets-try titleIPアドレスを通知してみよう!>Lets try/a>/li> li>a href#terms titleMyDNS.JPご利用規約>Terms/a>/li> li>a href/contact-us/ titleお問い合わせ>Contact us/a>/li> li>a href/join-us/ title新規登録>Join us/a>/li> li>a href/members/ titleログイン>Log in/a>/li> /ul> a href#intro classlogo> img src/images/MyDNS_TOP_LOGO_GREEN_RED.png alt> /a> a href# idresponsive-nav> i classicon-align-justify main-nav-icon>/i> /a> /nav> !-- Client Information --> aside idclientinfo> p>You are accessing JAPAN 02 from> /aside> !-- Top (#intro) --> !-- Intro --> section idintro classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> h1>Welcome to span>MyDNSspan classsubText>®/span>JP/span>/h1> h2>We are Free and Easy to use Dynamic DNS! (DDNS)/h2> a classget-started content-menu-link href#about>Abouti classicon-angle-right>/i>/a> a classget-started content-menu-link href/members/>Log Ini classicon-angle-right>/i>/a> center classall-margin stylemargin-top: 40px !important; > script async src crossoriginanonymous>/script>!-- MyDNS Responsive -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block data-ad-clientca-pub-8801636894447154 data-ad-slot6284209820 data-ad-formatauto data-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins>script> (adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /center> /div> /div> /section> !-- About (#about) --> !-- About --> section idabout classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan12> h1> About div classfloat-right> form namelang_jp action/#about methodpost class> input typehidden nameMENU value1000> input typehidden nameREQ_LANG_MODE value0> /form> form namelang_en action/#about methodpost class> input typehidden nameMENU value1000> input typehidden nameREQ_LANG_MODE value1> /form> A href/#about titleTO JAPANESE MODE onclickdocument.lang_jp.submit();return false;>img src/images/lang_jp.png altJP>/A> A href/#about titleTO ENGLISH MODE onclickdocument.lang_en.submit();return false;>img src/images/lang_en.png altEN>/A> A href#about titleREFRESH onclickwindow.location.reload(true);>i classicon-refresh feature-icon stylefont-size: 32px;>/i> /A> /div> /h1> hr classfancy-hr> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> Welcome to MyDNS.JP/h3> p>MyDNS.JP is a B>Free Dynamic DNS/B>(DDNS) that anyone can easily use.It can be used for various purposes such as B>Home Servers/B>, B>Office Servers/B>, B>WEBCAM/B> and B>VPS/B>./p>img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_004.jpg classfloat-right all-margin span4>p>Whether you use the Free Sub-Domain provided by MyDNS.JP, or Original domain that you already have.And B>IPv4/B> address(A) and the B>IPv6/B> address(AAAA) or both,And Hostname that use a B>Wildcard/B>(*) or Anyname(tokyo, newyork, amsterdam),Or forward only emails to Google Works etc etc.../p>p>The basic usage fee for dynamic DNS is FONT size+1 colorred styletext-shadow: 1px 1px grey;>B>FREE!/B>/FONT>/p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>Usage is very simple.You notifire IP Address to MyDNS.JP from such as a HomeServer, by POP3 and IMAP4, FTP, also using the DiCE such as HTTP-BASIC and, GnuDIP./p>FONT size+1 colorred styletext-shadow: 1px 1px grey;>B>Please be regularly notifie!/B>/FONT>/p>p>And, You can also set your IP address directly from the web page to check if the IP address notification is successful./p> p>2024/12/29 14:45:02 UTC, Now active 32,698 users and 25,076 domains. IPv6 ready 7,182 domains! (28,141 domains are in DataBase) BR>/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> What is Dynamic DNS?/h3> p>How do your Machine actually access the server for the WEB and e-mail that you casually use?/p>img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_012.jpg classfloat-left all-margin span4>p>For example, You will try to access the homepage B>https://www.MyDNS.JP//B>.Your machine makes a request to B>DNS/B>.Please tell me the B>IP address/B> of>p>DNS looks up the upper DNS from the domain.Eventually, you will find the primary name server for that domain... DNS replied.That is B>>./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>Dynamic DNS can change this IP address at any time and immediately! But, FONT size+1 colorred styletext-shadow: 1px 1px grey;>B>Please be regularly notifie!/B>/FONT>/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> center classall-margin stylemargin-top: 40px !important; > script async src crossoriginanonymous>/script>!-- MyDNS Responsive -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block data-ad-clientca-pub-8801636894447154 data-ad-slot6284209820 data-ad-formatauto data-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins>script> (adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /center> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> News & Topics/h3> div classrow features> div classspan4 feature-box> div classbox-content> i classicon-check feature-icon>/i> h4>B>2018.07 New API release for Lets Encrypt/B>/h4> p classtext-left>We released the scripts for users of MyDNS.JP and are necessary to obtain server certificates with Lets Encrypts>br>Please check A HREF target_blank>README/A>.br>br>Have a enjoy! :-)/p> /div> /div> div classspan4 feature-box> div classbox-content> i classicon-check feature-icon>/i> h4>B>2024.09 Ban4nft Release/B>/h4> p classtext-left>Hello Admin! Ban4ip like fail2ban is IPv4/IPv6 IP and Netmask BAN OK!br>br>A HREF>>br>br>Get this and Protect your Server!br>br>A HREF target_blank>README_Ban4nft/A>/p> /div> /div> div classspan4 feature-box> div classbox-content> i classicon-check feature-icon>/i> h4>B>2012.11.19 We add editable TXT record./B>/h4> p classtext-left>Hello everyone! We add editable TXT record.If you want to add other mail server to SPF, you set B>_spf/B> to HOST, and TYPE is B>TXT/B>. When we find out B>_spf/B>, we add B>include:_spf.yourdomain/B>.Other, you want to add DKIM, you set B>@/B> or other to HOST, and TYPE is B>TXT/B>.br>br>B>Caution!/B> We do not check your TXT record>br>Thanks./p> /div> /div> /div> !-- End Row Features --> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> /div> /section> !-- How to use (#howtouse) --> !-- How to use --> section idhowtouse classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan12> h1>How to Use/h1> hr classfancy-hr> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> !-- STEP.0 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.0 Introductions/h3> p>You can notify the IP address in various ways. That is the feature of MyDNS.JP./p>img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_002.jpg classfloat-right all-margin span4>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>For example.../p>ul>li>You check mail every 10 min. (by POP3)/li>li>Automatic upload webcam shot every 30 min. (by FTP)/li>li>Access to login.html automatically every 30 min. (by HTTP-BASIC)/li>/ul>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>Lets A HREF/join-us/>JOIN US/A>, And A HREF/members/>LOG IN/A>. Do setting up B>Domain Info/B> and notify your IP Address. For your Server!p>B>CAUTION!/B> Please be careful not to lose MasterID and Password!/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> center classall-margin stylemargin-top: 40px !important; > script async src crossoriginanonymous>/script>!-- MyDNS Responsive -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block data-ad-clientca-pub-8801636894447154 data-ad-slot6284209820 data-ad-formatauto data-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins>script> (adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /center> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.1 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.1 Join Us/h3> p>Please input your information./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>ul>li>B>Name/B>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT>/li>li>B>Country/B>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT> (Are you really from that country?)/li>li>B>Address/B>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT> /li>li>B>Phone/B>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT> /li>li>B>Main Mail Address/B>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT> /li>/ul>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT> Input Required./p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.2 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.2 Choose Domain/h3> p>Please choose Free Sub Domain of MyDNS.JP, or input your Original Domain./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>!-- Free Sub-Domain List -->div classrow>div classspan11>div classtable-1-1-1-1 fontauto14px bottom-margin> div classthead> div classtr> div classth table-title>Free Sub-Domain List/div> div classtd table-title>/div> div classtd table-title>/div> div classtd table-title>/div> /div> /div> div classtbody table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> /div> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> /div> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> /div> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p>ex:,,, etc .../p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> B>Do not forgot to set NS(Name Server) records at Registrar, if you want to use your Original Domain./B>/p>p classbottom-margin>/p>!-- Name Server List -->div classrow>div classspan10>div classtable-3-3-3 fontauto14px bottom-margin> div classthead> div classtr> div classth table-title>Name Server List/div> div classtd table-title>/div> div classtd table-title>/div> /div> /div> div classtbody table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>B> (>/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>B> (>/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>B> (>/div> /div> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> B>Child ID and DELEGATE/B>/p>p>If you need separate other global IP address for sub domains, you add Child IDs after LOG IN./p>p>ex: MasterID, ChildIDs,,> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.3 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.3 Set DNS Record/h3> p>You have to set B>DNS Records/B>./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>ul>li>B>MX/B> ... Mail Exchange, and Preference weight./li>li>B>A/B> ... Hostname to IPv4 address./li>li>B>AAAA/B> ... Hostname to IPv6 address./li>/ul>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> B>SOA/B> and B>NS/B>, B>SPF/B> records are automatic setup by MyDNS.JP./p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.4 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.4 Notify Your IP Address/h3> p>You have to notify your B>IP Address/B>./p>p>You can notify the IP address in various ways. That is the feature of MyDNS.JP./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>ul>li>B>POP3(s)/B>/li>li>B>IMAP4(s)/B>/li>li>B>FTP(s)/B>/li>li>B>HTTP(s)-BASIC/B>/li>li>B>HTTP(s)-DIRECT/B>/li>li>B>GnuDIP/B>/li>/ul>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>If you have B>IPv4/v6 DUAL STACK/B> line, you have to notify each IP address to B>> and B>>./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-wrench feature-icon>/i> B>POP3(s),IMAP4(s)/B>/p>!-- Parameter Setting -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classthead> div classtr table-border> div classth table-title>Param/div> div classtd table-title>Value/div> /div> /div> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Mail Address/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Mail Server/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label> or> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Account (UserID)/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterID/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Password/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterIDs Password/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> You cannot actually send an email. Mail Check IP address notification./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-wrench feature-icon>/i> B>FTP(s)/B>/p>!-- Parameter Setting -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classthead> div classtr table-border> div classth table-title>Param/div> div classtd table-title>Value/div> /div> /div> div classtbody> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>FTP Server/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label> or> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Account (UserID)/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterID/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Password/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterIDs Password/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> You cannot actually FTP connect. Connection attempt IP address notification./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-wrench feature-icon>/i> B>HTTP(s)-BASIC/B>/p>!-- Parameter Setting -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classthead> div classtr table-border> div classth table-title>Param/div> div classtd table-title>Value/div> /div> /div> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>URL/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>http(s):// or http(s)://> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Account (UserID)/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterID/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Password/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterIDs Password/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-wrench feature-icon>/i> B>HTTP(s)-DIRECT/B>/p>!-- Parameter Setting -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classthead> div classtr table-border> div classth table-title>Param/div> div classtd table-title>Value/div> /div> /div> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>URL/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>http(s)://> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Type/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>POST or GET/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>The following are required items.../div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MID/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterID/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>PWD/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterIDs Password/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>IPV4ADDR/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>IPv4 Address/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>IPV6ADDR/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>IPv6 Address/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> Both IPV4ADDR and IPV6ADDR, or either IPV4ADDR or IPV6ADDR./p>p styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;>ex: http(s)://>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> How to check IP address notification./p>p>To check if your IP address has been notified correctly, set the default value ( or 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0) in IP ADDR DIRECT and then notify the IP address. If MyDNS.JP has properly received the notification, you should be able to check this in LOG INFO ./p>p classbottom-margin>/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.5 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.5 Ready DNS!/h3> p>OK! Setting Completed./p>p>You have to set a router (NAT, Port Forward), and filter, daemon on server./p>p>B>MyDNS.JP/B> will keep your DNS information between B>ONE WEEK/B> sinse last IP address notify or last login.After over ONE WEEK, MyDNS.JP notify to you by Email and WEB. /p>p>If you will continue same state (never notification or login) for over B>ONE MONTH/B> or more, MyDNS.JP will delete your information from Database. Sorry. :-)/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- CAUTION! --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>FONT size+1 colorred styletext-shadow: 1px 1px grey;>i classicon-warning-sign feature-icon>/i> Caution! Dont Forget!/FONT>/h3> img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_013.jpg classfloat-right all-margin span4>p>Please make sure your server will be sufficiently secure against B>Hacking/B> or B>Attack/B>, B>Virus/B>/p>p>Good Luck!/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> /div> /section> !-- Lets try (#lets-try) --> !-- Lets Try --> section idlets-try classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan12> h1>Lets Try/h1> hr classfancy-hr> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> !-- Windows Mail --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> Windows10 Mail/h3> p>Easy to set up! :-)/p>img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_006.jpg classfloat-right all-margin span4>p>STEP.1 Add Account/p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail001.png>/p>p>STEP.2 Select Internet Mail/p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail002.png>/p>p>STEP.3 Input MasterID, Password, Servers.../p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail003.png>/p>p>STEP.4 Click SIGN IN!/p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail004.png>/p>p>STEP.5 Change Account Setting/p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail005.png>/p>p>STEP.6 Change to Every 15 min./p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail006.png>/p>p>Finish!/p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>OK?/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.2 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> Linux crontab/h3> p>STEP.1 Make Notification Shell Script./p>!-- Command -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtd stylebackground-color: #000000 !important; label> FONT color#ffffff styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;> # vi /root/mydns.shBR> /FONT> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>!-- Command -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtd stylebackground-color: #000000 !important; label> FONT color#ffffff styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;> #!/bin/shBR> #BR> # TEST1.MYDNS.JPBR> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> #BR> #BR> # TEST2.0am.JPBR> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> #BR> #BR> # TEST3.0T0.JPBR> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> /FONT> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>STEP.2 Change mode and Execute!/p>!-- Command -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtd stylebackground-color: #000000 !important; label> FONT color#ffffff styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;> # chmod 700 /root/mydns.shBR> # /root/ /FONT> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>Did you find B>Login and IP address notify OK/B> or B>login status1/B>?!/p>p>STEP.3 Add setting to cron./p>!-- Command -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtd stylebackground-color: #000000 !important; label> FONT color#ffffff styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;> # crontab -eBR> /FONT> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>!-- Command -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtd stylebackground-color: #000000 !important; label> FONT color#ffffff styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;> :BR> :BR> #BR> # Notification to MyDNS.JP.BR> #BR> FONT color#ff7500>*/3 * * * * /root/ 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null/FONT>BR> :BR> :BR> /FONT> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>OK? :-)/p>img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_005.jpg classall-margin span4> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> /div> /section> !-- Terms (#terms) --> !-- Terms --> section idterms classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan12> h1 stylefont-family: auto;>Terms/h1> hr classfancy-hr> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classrow> div classspan8 text-left bottom-margin> dl>dt>h3>1. USER/h3>/dt>dd>You apply to this service by the method that MyDNS.JP appoints to use MyDNS.JP. And it is necessary for you to be approved in MYDNS.JP./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>2. FEES, PAYMENT/h3>/dt>dd>You have duty to pay enrollment fee and the annual convention costs that MyDNS.JP decided. MyDNS.JP does not give back enrollment fee others to you./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>3. ID, PASSWORD/h3>/dt>dd>You have duty to manage MasterID and Password. And you must not sell or give MasterID and Password to another person. Even if you lose MasterID and Password by your mistake, so if you suffer a loss, MyDNS.JP do not guarantee it./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>4. HOW TO USE/h3>/dt>dd>You have duty to obey a copyright and proprietary rights, and follow a rule of network service to use./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>5. PROHIBITED ACT/h3>/dt>dd>You must not perform a prohibited act./dd>dd>* Slander./dd>dd>* a filth exhibition./dd>dd>* Violation of laws and ordinances./dd>dd>* attack act./dd>dd>and the act that MyDNS.JP does not accept./dd>dd>Font colorred>Adult contents is prohibited entirely./Font>/dd>dd>Font colorred>SPAM is prohibited entirely./Font>/dd>dd>Font colorred>Phishing Site is prohibited entirely./Font>/dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>6. ERASION OF THE REGISTRATION/h3>/dt>dd>When you infringe 5.PROHIBITED ACT, MyDNS.JP delete your information./dd>dd>Font colorred>MyDNS.JP demand a damage amount of money from you. And you have duty to pay./Font>/dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>7. CANCELLATION OF THE REGISTRATION/h3>/dt>dd>MyDNS.JP keeps DNS information than the last notice for 1 week. MyDNS.JP delete your information from DATABASE, if MyDNS.JP cannot receive IP address from you more than 1 month./dd>dd>When you resign immediately, send the email of the title TAIKAI by MasterID and a password./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>8. MAINTENANCE/h3>/dt>dd>MyDNS.JP makes an effort to make the state of the system better. Therefore MyDNS.JP sometimes carry out maintenance and remodeling./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>9. IMMUNITY FROM RESPONSIBILITY/h3>/dt>dd>MyDNS.JP does not guarantee for the loss that this service and this service influenced. But MyDNS.JP make an effort to continue service./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>10. CHOICE OF LAW/h3>/dt>dd>This TERM shall be construed and controlled by the laws of Japan. Any dispute arising from the terms of this TERM or a breach of this TERM will be governed by the laws of Japan without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof, and shall be brought in a court in Japan. MyDNS.JP may also cooperate with legal authorities and/or third parties in the investigation of any suspected criminal activity./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>Regards./p> /div> !-- End Span8 --> div classspan4 bottom-margin float-right> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> MyDNS.JP Donate/h3>p>Thanks for your Donation! :-)/p>form action methodpost target_top> input typehidden namecmd value_s-xclick> input typehidden namehosted_button_id value4QFASLXGJ4WSU> input typehidden nameon0 valueMyDNS.JP DONATE> input typehidden namecurrency_code valueJPY> div classtext-center bottom-margin> select nameos0> option valueBronze>Bronze 1,000 JPY/option> option valueSilver>Silver 2,000 JPY/option> option valueGold Selected>Gold 3,000 JPY/option> option valuePlatinum>Platinum 5,000 JPY/option> option valueDiamond>Diamond 10,000 JPY/option> /select> input typeimage src/images/MYDNS_PAYPAL.jpg namesubmit altPayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online! classspan3 stylebackground: none !important;> /div> /form> img src/images/MyDNS_SERVER.jpg altThanks for your Donate! classspan4 bottom-margin float-right> /div> !-- End Span4 --> /div> !-- End Row --> /div> /section> !-- /contact-us/ --> !-- /join-us/ --> !-- /member/ --> !-- JS --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.min.js>/script> !-- jQuery main file --> script typetext/javascript src/js/bootstrap.min.js>/script> !-- jQuery main file --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.easing.pack.js>/script> !-- Easing Pack --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.mousewheel.pack.js>/script> !-- Mousewheel Pack --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.fancybox.pack.js>/script> !-- Fancybox --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.flexslider.min.js>/script> !-- Flexslider --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.bgswitcher.js>/script> !-- Background Switcher --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.isotope.min.js>/script>!-- Isotope --> script typetext/javascript src>/script>!-- Google Maps --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.validate.min.js>/script> !-- Form Validation --> script typetext/javascript src/js/reversal.js>/script> !-- Custom JS --> script typetext/javascript src/js/mydnsjp.js>/script> !-- MyDNS.JP JS -->/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 14:47:55 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveX-Powered-By: PHP/8.3.14Set-Cookie: MYDNSJPLOGININFO7t2Cmu7QKhhymYfZ54TPAaueKd; expiresSun, 29 Dec 2024 15:17:54 GMT; Max-Age1799; path/; !DOCTYPE html>html langen dirltr classno-js> !-- Header --> head>!-- Title and basic Metas -->meta charsetutf-8>title>Dynamic DNS (DDNS) for Home Server and VPS etc, Free!/title>meta namedescription contentFree Dynamic DNS (DDNS) by POP3,IMAP4,FTP,HTTP-BASIC for Home Server, Webcam, VPS. You can use many free sub domain, .jp, .net, .asia, etc.. DynDNS is not free>meta namekeywords contentFree Dynamic DNS, DDNS, DynDNS, Webcam, domain>meta nameauthor contentFuture Versatile Group/T.Kabu>!-- Mobile Metas -->meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno>!-- CSS -->link relstylesheet href/css/bootstrap.min.css /> !-- Twitter Bootstrap -->link relstylesheet href/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css /> !-- Twitter Bootstrap Responsive -->link relstylesheet href/css/font-awesome.min.css> !-- Font Awesome -->link relstylesheet href/css/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.css/> !-- Fancybox -->link relstylesheet href/css/flexslider.css> !-- Flexslider -->link relstylesheet href/css/style.css> !-- Main stylesheet -->link relstylesheet href/css/responsive.css> !-- Main stylesheet responsive -->!--if IE 7> link relstylesheet hrefcss/font-awesome-ie7.min.css>!endif-->!--if lt IE 9> script src>/script>!endif-->!-- Fonts -->link relpreconnect href>link href relstylesheet>!-- JS -->script typetext/javascript src/js/modernizr.js>/script> !-- Modernizr file -->!-- Faviconslink relshortcut icon href/images/favicon.ico> -->link relshortcut icon href/favicon.ico>link relapple-touch-icon href/images/MYDNS_FAVICON.png>/head> !-- Body --> body> !-- Preloader --> div idpreloader> div idloading-animation> /div> /div> !-- Menu --> !-- Top Menu --> nav idmain-nav> ul> li>a href#about titleMyDNS.JPについて>About/a>/li> li>a href#howtouse titleMyDNS.JPの使い方>How to use/a>/li> li>a href#lets-try titleIPアドレスを通知してみよう!>Lets try/a>/li> li>a href#terms titleMyDNS.JPご利用規約>Terms/a>/li> li>a href/contact-us/ titleお問い合わせ>Contact us/a>/li> li>a href/join-us/ title新規登録>Join us/a>/li> li>a href/members/ titleログイン>Log in/a>/li> /ul> a href#intro classlogo> img src/images/MyDNS_TOP_LOGO_GREEN_RED.png alt> /a> a href# idresponsive-nav> i classicon-align-justify main-nav-icon>/i> /a> /nav> !-- Client Information --> aside idclientinfo> p>You are accessing GERMANY 01 from> /aside> !-- Top (#intro) --> !-- Intro --> section idintro classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> h1>Welcome to span>MyDNSspan classsubText>®/span>JP/span>/h1> h2>We are Free and Easy to use Dynamic DNS! (DDNS)/h2> a classget-started content-menu-link href#about>Abouti classicon-angle-right>/i>/a> a classget-started content-menu-link href/members/>Log Ini classicon-angle-right>/i>/a> center classall-margin stylemargin-top: 40px !important; > script async src crossoriginanonymous>/script>!-- MyDNS Responsive -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block data-ad-clientca-pub-8801636894447154 data-ad-slot6284209820 data-ad-formatauto data-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins>script> (adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /center> /div> /div> /section> !-- About (#about) --> !-- About --> section idabout classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan12> h1> About div classfloat-right> form namelang_jp action/#about methodpost class> input typehidden nameMENU value1000> input typehidden nameREQ_LANG_MODE value0> /form> form namelang_en action/#about methodpost class> input typehidden nameMENU value1000> input typehidden nameREQ_LANG_MODE value1> /form> A href/#about titleTO JAPANESE MODE onclickdocument.lang_jp.submit();return false;>img src/images/lang_jp.png altJP>/A> A href/#about titleTO ENGLISH MODE onclickdocument.lang_en.submit();return false;>img src/images/lang_en.png altEN>/A> A href#about titleREFRESH onclickwindow.location.reload(true);>i classicon-refresh feature-icon stylefont-size: 32px;>/i> /A> /div> /h1> hr classfancy-hr> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> Welcome to MyDNS.JP/h3> p>MyDNS.JP is a B>Free Dynamic DNS/B>(DDNS) that anyone can easily use.It can be used for various purposes such as B>Home Servers/B>, B>Office Servers/B>, B>WEBCAM/B> and B>VPS/B>./p>img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_004.jpg classfloat-right all-margin span4>p>Whether you use the Free Sub-Domain provided by MyDNS.JP, or Original domain that you already have.And B>IPv4/B> address(A) and the B>IPv6/B> address(AAAA) or both,And Hostname that use a B>Wildcard/B>(*) or Anyname(tokyo, newyork, amsterdam),Or forward only emails to Google Works etc etc.../p>p>The basic usage fee for dynamic DNS is FONT size+1 colorred styletext-shadow: 1px 1px grey;>B>FREE!/B>/FONT>/p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>Usage is very simple.You notifire IP Address to MyDNS.JP from such as a HomeServer, by POP3 and IMAP4, FTP, also using the DiCE such as HTTP-BASIC and, GnuDIP./p>FONT size+1 colorred styletext-shadow: 1px 1px grey;>B>Please be regularly notifie!/B>/FONT>/p>p>And, You can also set your IP address directly from the web page to check if the IP address notification is successful./p> p>2024/12/29 14:45:02 UTC, Now active 32,698 users and 25,076 domains. IPv6 ready 7,182 domains! (28,141 domains are in DataBase) BR>/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> What is Dynamic DNS?/h3> p>How do your Machine actually access the server for the WEB and e-mail that you casually use?/p>img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_012.jpg classfloat-left all-margin span4>p>For example, You will try to access the homepage B>https://www.MyDNS.JP//B>.Your machine makes a request to B>DNS/B>.Please tell me the B>IP address/B> of>p>DNS looks up the upper DNS from the domain.Eventually, you will find the primary name server for that domain... DNS replied.That is B>>./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>Dynamic DNS can change this IP address at any time and immediately! But, FONT size+1 colorred styletext-shadow: 1px 1px grey;>B>Please be regularly notifie!/B>/FONT>/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> center classall-margin stylemargin-top: 40px !important; > script async src crossoriginanonymous>/script>!-- MyDNS Responsive -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block data-ad-clientca-pub-8801636894447154 data-ad-slot6284209820 data-ad-formatauto data-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins>script> (adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /center> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> News & Topics/h3> div classrow features> div classspan4 feature-box> div classbox-content> i classicon-check feature-icon>/i> h4>B>2024.01.18 Subdivide the Preference value of MX/B>/h4> p classtext-left>Googles own extended interpretation?! We have been informed that Gmail cannot be used if the MX Preference value is not set as specified due to theFor this reason, we have changed the MX Preference value from 10 to 1-50 and 60, 70, 80, and>br>/p> /div> /div> div classspan4 feature-box> div classbox-content> i classicon-check feature-icon>/i> h4>B>2023.02.24 We have registered MyDNS®/B>/h4> p classtext-left>More than 20 years after launching this service to the public, we have registered B>MyDNS®/B> in>br>We look forward to working with you in the future./p> /div> /div> div classspan4 feature-box> div classbox-content> i classicon-check feature-icon>/i> h4>B>2012.11.19 We add editable TXT record./B>/h4> p classtext-left>Hello everyone! We add editable TXT record.If you want to add other mail server to SPF, you set B>_spf/B> to HOST, and TYPE is B>TXT/B>. When we find out B>_spf/B>, we add B>include:_spf.yourdomain/B>.Other, you want to add DKIM, you set B>@/B> or other to HOST, and TYPE is B>TXT/B>.br>br>B>Caution!/B> We do not check your TXT record>br>Thanks./p> /div> /div> /div> !-- End Row Features --> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> /div> /section> !-- How to use (#howtouse) --> !-- How to use --> section idhowtouse classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan12> h1>How to Use/h1> hr classfancy-hr> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> !-- STEP.0 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.0 Introductions/h3> p>You can notify the IP address in various ways. That is the feature of MyDNS.JP./p>img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_002.jpg classfloat-right all-margin span4>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>For example.../p>ul>li>You check mail every 10 min. (by POP3)/li>li>Automatic upload webcam shot every 30 min. (by FTP)/li>li>Access to login.html automatically every 30 min. (by HTTP-BASIC)/li>/ul>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>Lets A HREF/join-us/>JOIN US/A>, And A HREF/members/>LOG IN/A>. Do setting up B>Domain Info/B> and notify your IP Address. For your Server!p>B>CAUTION!/B> Please be careful not to lose MasterID and Password!/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> center classall-margin stylemargin-top: 40px !important; > script async src crossoriginanonymous>/script>!-- MyDNS Responsive -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block data-ad-clientca-pub-8801636894447154 data-ad-slot6284209820 data-ad-formatauto data-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins>script> (adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script> /center> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.1 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.1 Join Us/h3> p>Please input your information./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>ul>li>B>Name/B>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT>/li>li>B>Country/B>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT> (Are you really from that country?)/li>li>B>Address/B>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT> /li>li>B>Phone/B>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT> /li>li>B>Main Mail Address/B>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT> /li>/ul>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>FONT color#ff7500>*/FONT> Input Required./p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.2 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.2 Choose Domain/h3> p>Please choose Free Sub Domain of MyDNS.JP, or input your Original Domain./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>!-- Free Sub-Domain List -->div classrow>div classspan11>div classtable-1-1-1-1 fontauto14px bottom-margin> div classthead> div classtr> div classth table-title>Free Sub-Domain List/div> div classtd table-title>/div> div classtd table-title>/div> div classtd table-title>/div> /div> /div> div classtbody table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> /div> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> /div> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> /div> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>?????> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p>ex:,,, etc .../p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> B>Do not forgot to set NS(Name Server) records at Registrar, if you want to use your Original Domain./B>/p>p classbottom-margin>/p>!-- Name Server List -->div classrow>div classspan10>div classtable-3-3-3 fontauto14px bottom-margin> div classthead> div classtr> div classth table-title>Name Server List/div> div classtd table-title>/div> div classtd table-title>/div> /div> /div> div classtbody table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>B> (>/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>B> (>/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>B> (>/div> /div> div classtr> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> B>Child ID and DELEGATE/B>/p>p>If you need separate other global IP address for sub domains, you add Child IDs after LOG IN./p>p>ex: MasterID, ChildIDs,,> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.3 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.3 Set DNS Record/h3> p>You have to set B>DNS Records/B>./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>ul>li>B>MX/B> ... Mail Exchange, and Preference weight./li>li>B>A/B> ... Hostname to IPv4 address./li>li>B>AAAA/B> ... Hostname to IPv6 address./li>/ul>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> B>SOA/B> and B>NS/B>, B>SPF/B> records are automatic setup by MyDNS.JP./p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.4 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.4 Notify Your IP Address/h3> p>You have to notify your B>IP Address/B>./p>p>You can notify the IP address in various ways. That is the feature of MyDNS.JP./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>ul>li>B>POP3(s)/B>/li>li>B>IMAP4(s)/B>/li>li>B>FTP(s)/B>/li>li>B>HTTP(s)-BASIC/B>/li>li>B>HTTP(s)-DIRECT/B>/li>li>B>GnuDIP/B>/li>/ul>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>If you have B>IPv4/v6 DUAL STACK/B> line, you have to notify each IP address to B>> and B>>./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-wrench feature-icon>/i> B>POP3(s),IMAP4(s)/B>/p>!-- Parameter Setting -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classthead> div classtr table-border> div classth table-title>Param/div> div classtd table-title>Value/div> /div> /div> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Mail Address/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Mail Server/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label> or> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Account (UserID)/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterID/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Password/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterIDs Password/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> You cannot actually send an email. Mail Check IP address notification./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-wrench feature-icon>/i> B>FTP(s)/B>/p>!-- Parameter Setting -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classthead> div classtr table-border> div classth table-title>Param/div> div classtd table-title>Value/div> /div> /div> div classtbody> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>FTP Server/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label> or> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Account (UserID)/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterID/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Password/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterIDs Password/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> You cannot actually FTP connect. Connection attempt IP address notification./p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-wrench feature-icon>/i> B>HTTP(s)-BASIC/B>/p>!-- Parameter Setting -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classthead> div classtr table-border> div classth table-title>Param/div> div classtd table-title>Value/div> /div> /div> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>URL/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>http(s):// or http(s)://> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Account (UserID)/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterID/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Password/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterIDs Password/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-wrench feature-icon>/i> B>HTTP(s)-DIRECT/B>/p>!-- Parameter Setting -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classthead> div classtr table-border> div classth table-title>Param/div> div classtd table-title>Value/div> /div> /div> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>URL/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>http(s)://> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>Type/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>POST or GET/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>The following are required items.../div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MID/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterID/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>PWD/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>MasterIDs Password/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>IPV4ADDR/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>IPv4 Address/div> /div> div classtr table-border> div classth stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>IPV6ADDR/div> div classtd stylebackground-color: #f2f2f2 !important; font-weight: bold; label>IPv6 Address/div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> Both IPV4ADDR and IPV6ADDR, or either IPV4ADDR or IPV6ADDR./p>p styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;>ex: http(s)://>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>i classicon-comment feature-icon>/i> How to check IP address notification./p>p>To check if your IP address has been notified correctly, set the default value ( or 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0) in IP ADDR DIRECT and then notify the IP address. If MyDNS.JP has properly received the notification, you should be able to check this in LOG INFO ./p>p classbottom-margin>/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.5 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> STEP.5 Ready DNS!/h3> p>OK! Setting Completed./p>p>You have to set a router (NAT, Port Forward), and filter, daemon on server./p>p>B>MyDNS.JP/B> will keep your DNS information between B>ONE WEEK/B> sinse last IP address notify or last login.After over ONE WEEK, MyDNS.JP notify to you by Email and WEB. /p>p>If you will continue same state (never notification or login) for over B>ONE MONTH/B> or more, MyDNS.JP will delete your information from Database. Sorry. :-)/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- CAUTION! --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>FONT size+1 colorred styletext-shadow: 1px 1px grey;>i classicon-warning-sign feature-icon>/i> Caution! Dont Forget!/FONT>/h3> img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_013.jpg classfloat-right all-margin span4>p>Please make sure your server will be sufficiently secure against B>Hacking/B> or B>Attack/B>, B>Virus/B>/p>p>Good Luck!/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> /div> /section> !-- Lets try (#lets-try) --> !-- Lets Try --> section idlets-try classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan12> h1>Lets Try/h1> hr classfancy-hr> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> !-- Windows Mail --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> Windows10 Mail/h3> p>Easy to set up! :-)/p>img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_006.jpg classfloat-right all-margin span4>p>STEP.1 Add Account/p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail001.png>/p>p>STEP.2 Select Internet Mail/p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail002.png>/p>p>STEP.3 Input MasterID, Password, Servers.../p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail003.png>/p>p>STEP.4 Click SIGN IN!/p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail004.png>/p>p>STEP.5 Change Account Setting/p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail005.png>/p>p>STEP.6 Change to Every 15 min./p>p>IMG src/images/win10mail006.png>/p>p>Finish!/p>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>OK?/p> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classbottom-margin>hr classno-margin>/div> !-- STEP.2 --> div classrow> div classspan12 text-left bottom-margin> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> Linux crontab/h3> p>STEP.1 Make Notification Shell Script./p>!-- Command -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtd stylebackground-color: #000000 !important; label> FONT color#ffffff styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;> # vi /root/mydns.shBR> /FONT> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>!-- Command -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtd stylebackground-color: #000000 !important; label> FONT color#ffffff styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;> #!/bin/shBR> #BR> # TEST1.MYDNS.JPBR> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> #BR> #BR> # TEST2.0am.JPBR> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> #BR> #BR> # TEST3.0T0.JPBR> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> /usr/bin/wget -O - http(s)://> /FONT> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>STEP.2 Change mode and Execute!/p>!-- Command -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtd stylebackground-color: #000000 !important; label> FONT color#ffffff styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;> # chmod 700 /root/mydns.shBR> # /root/ /FONT> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>Did you find B>Login and IP address notify OK/B> or B>login status1/B>?!/p>p>STEP.3 Add setting to cron./p>!-- Command -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtd stylebackground-color: #000000 !important; label> FONT color#ffffff styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;> # crontab -eBR> /FONT> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>!-- Command -->div classrow>div classspan8>div classtable-3-7 fontauto14px> div classtbody> div classtr table-border styleborder-top: 1px solid #aaacae;> div classtd stylebackground-color: #000000 !important; label> FONT color#ffffff styleoverflow-wrap: anywhere;> :BR> :BR> #BR> # Notification to MyDNS.JP.BR> #BR> FONT color#ff7500>*/3 * * * * /root/ 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null/FONT>BR> :BR> :BR> /FONT> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>/div>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>OK? :-)/p>img src/images/MYDNS_400x250_005.jpg classall-margin span4> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> /div> /section> !-- Terms (#terms) --> !-- Terms --> section idterms classsection> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classspan12> h1 stylefont-family: auto;>Terms/h1> hr classfancy-hr> /div> !-- End Span12 --> /div> !-- End Row --> div classrow> div classspan8 text-left bottom-margin> dl>dt>h3>1. USER/h3>/dt>dd>You apply to this service by the method that MyDNS.JP appoints to use MyDNS.JP. And it is necessary for you to be approved in MYDNS.JP./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>2. FEES, PAYMENT/h3>/dt>dd>You have duty to pay enrollment fee and the annual convention costs that MyDNS.JP decided. MyDNS.JP does not give back enrollment fee others to you./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>3. ID, PASSWORD/h3>/dt>dd>You have duty to manage MasterID and Password. And you must not sell or give MasterID and Password to another person. Even if you lose MasterID and Password by your mistake, so if you suffer a loss, MyDNS.JP do not guarantee it./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>4. HOW TO USE/h3>/dt>dd>You have duty to obey a copyright and proprietary rights, and follow a rule of network service to use./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>5. PROHIBITED ACT/h3>/dt>dd>You must not perform a prohibited act./dd>dd>* Slander./dd>dd>* a filth exhibition./dd>dd>* Violation of laws and ordinances./dd>dd>* attack act./dd>dd>and the act that MyDNS.JP does not accept./dd>dd>Font colorred>Adult contents is prohibited entirely./Font>/dd>dd>Font colorred>SPAM is prohibited entirely./Font>/dd>dd>Font colorred>Phishing Site is prohibited entirely./Font>/dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>6. ERASION OF THE REGISTRATION/h3>/dt>dd>When you infringe 5.PROHIBITED ACT, MyDNS.JP delete your information./dd>dd>Font colorred>MyDNS.JP demand a damage amount of money from you. And you have duty to pay./Font>/dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>7. CANCELLATION OF THE REGISTRATION/h3>/dt>dd>MyDNS.JP keeps DNS information than the last notice for 1 week. MyDNS.JP delete your information from DATABASE, if MyDNS.JP cannot receive IP address from you more than 1 month./dd>dd>When you resign immediately, send the email of the title TAIKAI by MasterID and a password./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>8. MAINTENANCE/h3>/dt>dd>MyDNS.JP makes an effort to make the state of the system better. Therefore MyDNS.JP sometimes carry out maintenance and remodeling./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>9. IMMUNITY FROM RESPONSIBILITY/h3>/dt>dd>MyDNS.JP does not guarantee for the loss that this service and this service influenced. But MyDNS.JP make an effort to continue service./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>dl>dt>h3>10. CHOICE OF LAW/h3>/dt>dd>This TERM shall be construed and controlled by the laws of Japan. Any dispute arising from the terms of this TERM or a breach of this TERM will be governed by the laws of Japan without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof, and shall be brought in a court in Japan. MyDNS.JP may also cooperate with legal authorities and/or third parties in the investigation of any suspected criminal activity./dd>/dl>p classbottom-margin>/p>p>Regards./p> /div> !-- End Span8 --> div classspan4 bottom-margin float-right> h3>i classicon-caret-right feature-icon>/i> MyDNS.JP Donate/h3>p>Thanks for your Donation! :-)/p>form action methodpost target_top> input typehidden namecmd value_s-xclick> input typehidden namehosted_button_id value4QFASLXGJ4WSU> input typehidden nameon0 valueMyDNS.JP DONATE> input typehidden namecurrency_code valueJPY> div classtext-center bottom-margin> select nameos0> option valueBronze>Bronze 1,000 JPY/option> option valueSilver>Silver 2,000 JPY/option> option valueGold Selected>Gold 3,000 JPY/option> option valuePlatinum>Platinum 5,000 JPY/option> option valueDiamond>Diamond 10,000 JPY/option> /select> input typeimage src/images/MYDNS_PAYPAL.jpg namesubmit altPayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online! classspan3 stylebackground: none !important;> /div> /form> img src/images/MyDNS_SERVER.jpg altThanks for your Donate! classspan4 bottom-margin float-right> /div> !-- End Span4 --> /div> !-- End Row --> /div> /section> !-- /contact-us/ --> !-- /join-us/ --> !-- /member/ --> !-- JS --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.min.js>/script> !-- jQuery main file --> script typetext/javascript src/js/bootstrap.min.js>/script> !-- jQuery main file --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.easing.pack.js>/script> !-- Easing Pack --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.mousewheel.pack.js>/script> !-- Mousewheel Pack --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.fancybox.pack.js>/script> !-- Fancybox --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.flexslider.min.js>/script> !-- Flexslider --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.bgswitcher.js>/script> !-- Background Switcher --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.isotope.min.js>/script>!-- Isotope --> script typetext/javascript src>/script>!-- Google Maps --> script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.validate.min.js>/script> !-- Form Validation --> script typetext/javascript src/js/reversal.js>/script> !-- Custom JS --> script typetext/javascript src/js/mydnsjp.js>/script> !-- MyDNS.JP JS -->/body>/html>
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