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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:04:10 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: 303Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>hr>address>Apache Server at Port 80/address>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:04:10 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Fri, 08 Dec 2023 09:38:46 GMTETag: 5dc5-60bfc59ca6595Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 24005Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML>html>head> title>Frank van Bommel/title> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width,minimum-scale1,initial-scale1> meta nameDescription contentFrank van Bommel, Belgian artist. Works with oil on canvas, watercolor, pastel and graphics.> meta namekeywords contentFrank van Bommel, oil on canvas, watercolor, pastel, graphics, Berchem, Antwerp, Academy of Fine Arts, Hugo Besard> meta namerobots contentindex, nofollow> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 hrefico/apple-touch-icon.png> link relicon typeimage/png hrefico/favicon-32x32.png sizes32x32> link relicon typeimage/png hrefico/favicon-16x16.png sizes16x16> link relmanifest hrefico/manifest.json> link relmask-icon hrefico/safari-pinned-tab.svg color#5bbad5> link relshortcut icon hrefico/favicon.ico> meta namemsapplication-config contentico/browserconfig.xml> meta nametheme-color content#ffffff> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @graph: { @context:, @type: WebSite, name: Frank van Bommel, Paintings, alternateName: A collection of selected work by Frank van Bommel, url: }, { @context:, @type: VisualArtwork, name: Mysterious Passage, image:, description: , creator: { @type: Person, name: Frank van Bommel } , width: { @type: Distance, name: 113 cm } , height: { @type: Distance, name: 86 cm } , artMedium: oil, artworkSurface: canvas }, { @context:, @type: VisualArtwork, name: Brachioom, image:, description: , creator: { @type: Person, name: Frank van Bommel } , width: { @type: Distance, name: 83 cm } , height: { @type: Distance, name: 103 cm } , artMedium: oil, artworkSurface: canvas }, { @context:, @type: VisualArtwork, name: Mysterious Passage II, image:, description: , creator: { @type: Person, name: Frank van Bommel } , width: { @type: Distance, name: 113 cm } , height: { @type: Distance, name: 86 cm } , artMedium: oil, artworkSurface: canvas }, { @context:, @type: VisualArtwork, name: Chaph, image:, description: , creator: { @type: Person, name: Frank van Bommel } , width: { @type: Distance, name: 113 cm } , height: { @type: Distance, name: 83 cm } , artMedium: oil, artworkSurface: canvas }, { @context:, @type: VisualArtwork, name: Lethal Archaelogical Site, image:, description: , creator: { @type: Person, name: Frank van Bommel } , width: { @type: Distance, name: 113 cm } , height: { @type: Distance, name: 86 cm } , artMedium: oil, artworkSurface: canvas }, { @context:, @type: VisualArtwork, name: Living Ruin, image:, description: , creator: { @type: Person, name: Frank van Bommel } , width: { @type: Distance, name: 113 cm } , height: { @type: Distance, name: 86 cm } , artMedium: oil, artworkSurface: canvas }, { @context:, @type: VisualArtwork, name: Untitled, image:, description: , creator: { @type: Person, name: Frank van Bommel } , width: { @type: Distance, name: 84 cm } , height: { @type: Distance, name: 62 cm } , artMedium: oil, artworkSurface: canvas }, { @context:, @type: VisualArtwork, name: Lethal Effect, image:, description: , creator: { @type: Person, name: Frank van Bommel } , width: { @type: Distance, name: 113 cm } , height: { @type: Distance, name: 86 cm } , artMedium: oil, artworkSurface: canvas }, { @context:, @type: VisualArtwork, name: Out of Reach, image:, description: , creator: { @type: Person, name: Frank van Bommel } , width: { @type: Distance, name: 113 cm } , height: { @type: Distance, name: 86 cm } , artMedium: oil, artworkSurface: canvas }, { @context:, @type: VisualArtwork, name: Floodplains, image:, description: , creator: { @type: Person, name: Frank van Bommel } , width: { @type: Distance, name: 162 cm } , height: { @type: Distance, name: 113 cm } , artMedium: oil, artworkSurface: canvas } } /script> link relmanifest hrefico/manifest.json> meta namemsapplication-TileColor content#ffffff> meta namemsapplication-TileImage contentico/ms-icon-144x144.png> meta nametheme-color content#ffffff> link relalternate href hreflangnl-nl /> !--if lte IE 8>script srcassets/js/ie/html5shiv.js>/script>!endif--> link relstylesheet hrefassets/css/main.css> !--if lte IE 8>link relstylesheet hrefassets/css/ie8.css />!endif--> !--if lte IE 9>link relstylesheet hrefassets/css/ie9.css />!endif-->/head>body> header idheader> h1>a href#intro>Frank van Bommel/a>/h1> nav> ul> li classactive>a href#intro>Home/a>/li> li>a href#work>My Work/a>/li> li>a href#who>About me/a>/li> li>a href#expo>Exhibitions & Prizes/a>/li> li>a href#press>Press & Catalogs/a>/li> li>a href#contact>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /header> !-- Intro --> section idintro classmain style1 dark fullscreen> div classcontent> header> h2>PAINTINGS/h2> /header> p idnameheader>Frank van Bommel/p> footer> a href#work classbutton style2 down>More/a> /footer> /div> /section> !-- Work --> section idwork classmain style3 primary> div classcontent> header> h2>My Work/h2> p classexpo big>As an artist I work both with oil on canvas, watercolor, pastel and create graphics./p> /header> !-- Gallery --> div itemscope itemtype classgallery> article classfrom-left> a hrefimages/fulls/01.jpg classimage fit>img srcimages/thumbs/01.png titleMysterious Passage - 86 cm x 113 cm framed altMysterious Passage />/a> /article> article classfrom-right> a hrefimages/fulls/02.jpg classimage v>img srcimages/thumbs/02.png titleBrachioom -83 cm x 103 cm framed altBrachioom />/a> /article> article classfrom-left> a hrefimages/fulls/03.jpg classimage v>img srcimages/thumbs/03.png titleMysterious Passage II - 86 cm x 113 cm framed altMysterious Passage II />/a> /article> article classfrom-right> a hrefimages/fulls/04.jpg classimage fit>img srcimages/thumbs/04.png titleChaph - 83 cm x 113 cm framed altChaph 83 cm x 113 cm framed />/a> /article> article classfrom-left> a hrefimages/fulls/05.jpg classimage fit>img srcimages/thumbs/05.png titleLethal Archaeological Site - 86 cm x 113 cm framed altLethal Archaeological Site />/a> /article> article classfrom-right> a hrefimages/fulls/06.jpg classimage fit>img srcimages/thumbs/06.png titleLiving Ruin - 86 cm x 113 cm framed altLiving Ruin />/a> /article> article classfrom-left> a hrefimages/fulls/07.jpg classimage fit >img srcimages/thumbs/07.png titleUntitled - 62 cm x 84 cm framed altUntitled />/a> /article> article classfrom-right> a hrefimages/fulls/08.jpg classimage fit>img srcimages/thumbs/08.png titleLethal Effect - 86 cm x 113 cm framed altLethal Effect />/a> /article> article classfrom-left> a hrefimages/fulls/09.jpg classimage fit>img srcimages/thumbs/09.png titleOut of Reach - 86 cm x 113 cm framed altOut of Reach />/a> /article> article classfrom-left> a hrefimages/fulls/10.jpg classimage fit>img srcimages/thumbs/10.png titleFloodplains - 113 cm x 162 cm framed altFloodplains />/a> /article> /div> /div> /section> !-- who --> section idwho classmain style2 left dark fullscreen> div classcontent box style2> header> h2>About me/h2> /header> img classimage fit srcimages/portrait.jpg stylepadding-bottom:1em;margin-top:-1em /> p classexpo big>I was born in Antwerp, Belgium on July 16 1951. I was educated at publicity designer. As a painter Im an autodidact. As a free student I studied graphic arts for two years (1981-1982) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berchem, Antwerp with Hugo Besard./p> /div> a href#work classbutton style2 down anchored>Next/a> /section> !-- expo --> section idexpo classmain style2 right dark fullscreen> div classcontent box style2> header> h2>EXHIBITIONS & PRIZES/h2> /header> table> thead> tr> td colspan2> h3 idexh>EXHIBITIONS/h3> /td> /tr> /thead> tr> td> h4>Group/h4> ul classexpo> li>span classyear>1978/span>: a href>Galerij Campo/a>, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1979/span>: a href>Galerij Campo/a>, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1980/span>: Galerij De Garf, St-Lenaerts/li> li>span classyear>1980/span>: Vecu, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1980/span>: Galerij Forty-One, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1981/span>: Beneluxcon, Rotterdam/li> li>span classyear>1981/span>: Galerij Dirty Duck, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1984/span>: Galerij De Magiërs/li> li>span classyear>1985/span>: Galerij Westeinde, Den Haag, NL/li> li>span classyear>1985/span>: Galerij De Magiërs, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1985/span>: a href>Grand Palais/a>, Parijs, FR/li> li>span classyear>1985/span>: a href>Vorpal Gallery/a>, San Francisco, USA /li> li>span classyear>1985/span>: Galerij Alsput, Halle/li> li>span classyear>1986/span>: Galerij De Magiërs, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1986/span>: a href>Grand Palais/a>, Parijs, FR/li>/li> li>span classyear>1986/span>: Hessenhuis, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1987/span>: a href>Cutureel Centrum/a>, Heusden Zolder/li> li>span classyear>1987/span>: Galerij De Magiërs, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1989/span>: Roccobella, Monte Carlo/li> li>span classyear>1989/span>: Galerij De Magiërs, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1990/span>: Galerij De Magiërs, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1990/span>: Zoo-Planetarium, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1991/span>: Galerij De Magiërs, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1991/span>: Galerij Rarekiek, Gelselaar, NL/li> li>span classyear>1992/span>: Galerij De Magiërs, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>2005/span>: Galerij Lijn 3, Den Haag, NL/li> li>span classyear>2017/span>: Park Lane, Antwerpen/li> /ul> /td> td> h4>Individual/h4> ul classexpo> li>span classyear>1978/span>: Steves club, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1978/span>: Meirtheater, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1979/span>: Galerij De Garf, St-Lenaerts/li> li>span classyear>1979/span>: Galerij Myléne, Heist–op-den- Berg/li> li>span classyear>1979/span>: Casino, Blankenberge/li> li>span classyear>1980/span>: Kasteel van Bazel, Bazel/li> li>span classyear>1980/span>: De Snor, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1980/span>: Casino Royal Eurotel, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1981/span>: Galerij Brabo, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1981/span>: Vecu, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1981/span>: Rijksuniversiteit, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1982/span>: Galerij De Hen, Melsele/li> li>span classyear>1982/span>: C.I.D., Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1982/span>: De Snor, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1982/span>: Galerij Ebes, Deurne/li> li>span classyear>1984/span>: BP Gallery, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1984/span>: BP Gallery, Brussel/li> li>span classyear>1984/span>: Galerij De Keizerin, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1985/span>: Galerij De Magiërs, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1986/span>: Galerij De Magiërs, Antwerpen/li> li>span classyear>1999/span>: Galerij Charles Pauwels, Zoersel/li> /ul> /td> /tr> /table> table> thead> tr> td colspan2> h3 idpri>PRIZES/h3> /td> /tr> /thead> tr colspan2 classexpo> td>span classyear>1989/span>: Prix du Conseil International des Musées (ICOM), Prix International dArt Contemporain de Monte Carlo (Monaco)/span> /td> /tr> /table> /div> a href#press classbutton style2 down anchored>Next/a> /section> !-- press --> section idpress classmain style2 right dark fullscreen> div classcontent box style2> header> h2>Press & Catalogs/h2> /header> table> tr> td> h4>Press excerpts/h4> ul classexpo> li>Volksgazet: 27 mei 1978/li> li>De Morgen: 17 mei 1979/li> li>De Nieuwe Gazet: 2 april 1980/li> li>Flair nr.14 / april 1981 – blz.36, 37, 38/li> li>Het Volk: 22 juni 1981/li> li>De Nieuwe Gazet: 23 juni 1981/li> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 27 / 28 juni 1981/li> li>De Morgen: sept. 1981/li> li>Vlaams Weekblad: sept. 1981/li> li>Brugs Handelsblad: sept. 1981/li> li>De Nieuwe Gazet: sept. 1981/li> li>Spectator nr.23 / 1981 - blz.68/li> li>Wij – nr.23 /10 jun. 1982 - blz.18/li> li>Bugatti: 1983 / nr.17/li> li>Bevrijding nr.3 / 1983 – blz. 82/li> li>BP-News: jan. 1984/li> li>De Nieuwe Gazet: 21 jan. 1984/li> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 27 jan. 1984/li> li>LEcho de la Bourse: 24/26 febr. 1984/li> li>Deus ex Maxima: 1984 / nr. 31/li> li>Blazé: 1984 / nr.3 – blz.2, 3, 4, 5/li> li>Wie is Wie in Vlaanderen 1984 - 1988/li> li>De Nieuwe Gids: 24 jan. 1985/li> li>De Nieuwe: 1985 nr. 1104 - blz.22, 23/li> li>BP-Gallery: 1985 – blz. 5/li> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 21 juni 1985/li> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 21 sept. 1985/li> li>Programma Elisabethconcerten: 1 okt. 1985/li> li>De Nieuwe Gazet: 8 juli 1986/li> li>Het Volk: 10 juli 1986/li> li>Het Nieuwsblad: 17 juli 1986/li> /ul> /td> td>small>Press cont.../small> ul classexpo> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 17 juli 1986/li> li>Het Volk: 22 juli 1986/li> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 22 sept. 1987/li> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 27 mei. 1987/li> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 11 jan. 1989/li> li>Het Volk: 13 juni 1989/li> li>De Nieuwe Gazet: 4 juli 1989/li> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 17 jan. 1991/li> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 30 mei 1991/li> li>Arts, Antiques, Auctions: juni 1991/li> li>Twentse Courant: 28 sept. 1991/li> li>Twentse Courant: 10 okt. 1991/li> li>Gazet van Antwerpen: 25 juni 1992/li> li>Het Nieuwsblad: 25 juni 1992/li> li>Raaklijnen / Vlink-Kustkatern: maart 1999/li> /ul> h4>Calendars/h4> ul classexpo>li>Printing House Roels 1987 - july/august/li>/ul> h4>Catalogs/h4> ul classexpo> li>Toestanden in de ruimte Galerij Brabo 1981/li> li>Frank van Bommel BP Gallery – 1/1984/li> li>Figuration Critique 1985 Paris – 1/1985/li> li>From Paris to San Francisco 4/1985/li> li>Figuration Critique 1986 Paris ( Inter- Art, Coree )/li> li>Une autre Generation Paris – 2/1986 ( Art Club )/li> li>Kritische Figuratie Hessenhuiskrant Antwerpen 1986/li> li>BP-Art Collection – D/1986/0576/1/li> /ul> /td> /tr> /table> /div> a href#contact classbutton style2 down anchored>Next/a> /section> !-- Contact --> section idcontact classmain style3 secondary> div classcontent> header> h2>Say Hello/h2> p classexpo big>Drop me a line, ask something.../p> p classexpo small>(This form is send over a secure connection)/p> /header> div classbox> form methodpost action# classcontact-form> div classfield half first>input classrequired required-message expo big typetext namename idname placeholderName />/div> div classfield half>input classrequired required-message expo big typeemail nameemail idemail placeholderEmail />/div> div classfield>textarea classrequired required-message expo big namemessage placeholderMessage rows6 idmessage>/textarea>/div> p classrequired-message hide-required-message expo big>Please fill out all fields so I can reply if needed. I take your privacy very seriously./p> ul classactions> li>input idsendButton typesubmit valueSend Message />/li> /ul> /form> ul classactions> li>a href classicon fa-facebook>span classlabel>Facebook/span>/a>/li> li>a href classicon fa-linkedin>span classlabel>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /section> !-- Footer --> footer idfooter> !-- Icons --> ul classactions> li>a href classicon fa-facebook>span classlabel>Facebook/span>/a>/li> li>a href classicon fa-linkedin>span classlabel>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li> /ul> !-- Menu --> ul classmenu> li>2017 © Frank Van Bommel/li> /ul> /footer> !-- Scripts --> script srcassets/js/jquery.min.js>/script> script srcassets/js/jquery.poptrox.min.js>/script> script srcassets/js/jquery.scrolly.min.js>/script> script srcassets/js/jquery.scrollex.min.js>/script> script srcassets/js/skel.min.js>/script> script srcassets/js/util.js>/script> !--if lte IE 8>script srcassets/js/ie/respond.min.js>/script>!endif--> script srcassets/js/form.js>/script> script srcassets/js/main.js>/script>/body>/html>
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