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the Heck is Frank Bauer anyway? relhome> hgroup> h1 classsite-title>Who the Heck is Frank Bauer anyway?/h1> h2 classsite-description>Internet Marketer & Programmer, Internet Nut & Computer Geek!/h2> /hgroup> /a> /header> /div> /div>div classrow-fluid>div classspan12> nav idpage-navigation classfull-rounded>ul idmenu-menu-1 classmenu>li idmenu-item-1096 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item current_page_item menu-item-home menu-item-1096>a href aria-currentpage>Home/a>/li>li idmenu-item-1097 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1097>a href>About Frank/a>/li>li idmenu-item-1099 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1099>a href>Photos & Videos/a>/li>li idmenu-item-5012 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-5012>a href>Terms and Conditions/a>/li>li idmenu-item-1100 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-privacy-policy menu-item-1100>a relprivacy-policy href>Privacy Policy/a>/li>li idmenu-item-1098 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1098>a href>Contact Frank/a>/li>li idmenu-item-4253 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-4253>a href>Ask Question/a>/li>/ul>/nav>/div>/div>/div>div classcontainer-fluid>div classrow-fluid>div classposts span8>div classpost full-rounded> h2 classtitle> a href titleMastering Automated List Building: How Businesses Can Harness Automation Tools for Effective Email List Growth >Mastering Automated List Building: How Businesses Can Harness Automation Tools for Effective Email List Growth/a> /h2> div classdescription clearfix> p>In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, building and nurturing an engaged email list is a cornerstone of success for businesses looking to connect with their target audience, drive conversions, and foster long-term relationships. Automated list building has emerged as a game-changer, allowing businesses to streamline the process of growing their email lists efficiently and effectively. Let’s delve into the world of automated list building and explore how businesses can leverage automation tools to supercharge their email list growth strategies./p>p>strong>The Power of Automated List Building:/strong>/p>p>a href>Automated list building/a> involves utilizing technology and tools to automate the process of capturing leads, segmenting audiences, and nurturing relationships with subscribers. By leveraging automation, businesses can save time, reduce manual labor, and scale their email list growth efforts with precision and consistency./p>p>strong>Key Benefits of Automated List Building:/strong>/p>ol>li>strong>Efficiency and Scalability:/strong> Automation tools enable businesses to set up automated workflows that capture leads, send targeted emails, and track engagement without constant manual intervention. This efficiency allows businesses to scale their email list building efforts and reach a larger audience effectively./li>p>/p>li>strong>Personalization and Segmentation:/strong> Automation tools empower businesses to personalize their email communications based on subscriber behavior, preferences, and demographics. By segmenting their audience and delivering relevant content, businesses can enhance engagement, drive conversions, and build stronger relationships with subscribers./li>p>/p>li>strong>Lead Nurturing and Conversion Optimization:/strong> a href>Automated list building/a> enables businesses to create automated email sequences that nurture leads through the sales funnel, from initial contact to conversion. By delivering timely and relevant content to subscribers, businesses can guide them towards making a purchase decision and maximize conversion rates./li>/ol>p>strong>How Businesses Can Leverage Automation Tools for Effective Email List Growth:/strong>/p>ol>li>strong>Lead Capture Automation:/strong> Implement lead capture forms on your website or landing pages to capture visitor information and automatically add them to your email list. Tools like pop-up forms, exit-intent forms, and embedded sign-up forms can help businesses capture leads effortlessly./li>p>/p>li>strong>Welcome Email Sequences:/strong> Set up automated welcome email sequences to engage new subscribers, introduce your brand, and set expectations for future communications. Welcome emails are a great opportunity to make a positive first impression and start building a relationship with your audience from the get-go./li>p>/p>li>strong>Behavior-Based Triggers:/strong> Use automation tools to trigger emails based on subscriber behavior, such as website visits, email opens, link clicks, or purchase history. By sending targeted emails based on subscriber actions, businesses can deliver personalized content that resonates with their audience./li>p>/p>li>strong>Drip Campaigns:/strong> Create automated drip campaigns that deliver a series of emails over time to nurture leads, provide valuable content, and guide subscribers through the customer journey. Drip campaigns help businesses stay top-of-mind with their audience and drive engagement at every stage of the sales funnel./li>p>/p>li>strong>Segmentation and Personalization:/strong> Leverage automation tools to segment your email list based on subscriber characteristics, interests, or engagement levels. By sending targeted and personalized content to specific segments of your audience, businesses can increase open rates, click-through rates, and overall campaign effectiveness./li>/ol>p>In conclusion, automated list building is a powerful strategy that allows businesses to streamline their email list growth efforts, engage with their audience effectively, and drive conversions through personalized and targeted communications. By harnessing automation tools and implementing best practices for email list building, businesses can unlock the full potential of their email marketing campaigns and achieve long-term success in the digital landscape. If you’re looking to take your email marketing to the next level, a href>automated list building/a> is a strategy worth exploring./p> /div>div classtags>hr>/div>div classstats tags clearfix> a classcomment-count href>/a> ul classsocial-buttons centre> li classstory-share-tweet>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&textMastering Automated List Building: How Businesses Can Harness Automation Tools for Effective Email List Growth, titleTweet this>/a>/li> li classstory-share-fb>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}, titleShare to Facebook>/a>/li> li classstory-share-pin>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{IMG_URL}&url{URL}&descriptionMastering Automated List Building: How Businesses Can Harness Automation Tools for Effective Email List Growth,, ) titlePin It>/a>/li> li classstory-share-linkin>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&sourceMastering Automated List Building: How Businesses Can Harness Automation Tools for Effective Email List Growth&token&isFramedfalse, titleLinkedIn>/a>/li> li classstory-share-gplus>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&authuser0, titleGoogle+>/a>/li> li classstory-share-reddit>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&titleMastering Automated List Building: How Businesses Can Harness Automation Tools for Effective Email List Growth, titleReddit>/a>/li> /ul> ul classreblog-buttons pull-right> li classstory-share-tumblr> a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{IMG_URL}&captionMastering Automated List Building: How Businesses Can Harness Automation Tools for Effective Email List Growth&clickthru{URL},, ) titleShare on Tumblr>/a> /li> li classstory-share-like> iframe idfacebook_like_button_holder src// scrollingno frameborder0 allowTransparencytrue>/iframe> /li> /ul>/div>/div>div classpost full-rounded> h2 classtitle> a href titleUnlock the Power of List Building with List Mailers >Unlock the Power of List Building with List Mailers/a> /h2> div classdescription clearfix> p>In the world of digital marketing, building a strong email list is a fundamental strategy for reaching and engaging with your target audience. a href>List mailers/a>, also known as safelists or viral mailers, are a powerful tool that can help you grow your email list and connect with potential customers in a cost-effective way./p>p>a href>List mailers/a> operate on a credit-based system, where members earn credits by viewing and clicking on emails from other members. These credits can then be used to send emails to other members of the a href>List mailers/a> community. This reciprocal system allows marketers to reach a wider audience without having to spend a fortune on advertising./p>p>One of the key benefits of using a href>list mailers/a> for list building is the ability to target a specific audience. Most list mailers allow you to filter your audience based on factors such as location, interests, and demographics, ensuring that your emails are reaching the right people. This targeted approach can lead to higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversions./p>p>List mailers also offer a sense of community and collaboration among marketers. By participating in the a href>list mailer/a> community, you can connect with like-minded individuals, share tips and strategies, and learn from each other’s successes and failures. This sense of camaraderie can be invaluable for new marketers looking to build their list and grow their business./p>p>When using a href>list mailers/a> for list building, it’s important to keep a few key tips in mind. First, make sure your emails are engaging, relevant, and provide value to the recipient. Avoid spammy or salesy language, and focus on building a relationship with your subscribers. Second, test different subject lines, email copy, and call-to-actions to see what resonates best with your audience. Finally, be consistent with your email sending frequency to stay top-of-mind with your subscribers./p>p>In conclusion, a href>list mailers/a> can be a valuable tool for list building and growing your business. By leveraging the power of targeted email marketing, community collaboration, and strategic planning, you can unlock the full potential of list mailers to reach and engage with your audience effectively./p>p>Are you ready to supercharge your list building efforts with list mailers? Start exploring different a href>list mailer/a> platforms today and see the impact they can have on your email marketing strategy./p> /div>div classtags>hr>/div>div classstats tags clearfix> a classcomment-count href>/a> ul classsocial-buttons centre> li classstory-share-tweet>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&textUnlock the Power of List Building with List Mailers, titleTweet this>/a>/li> li classstory-share-fb>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}, titleShare to Facebook>/a>/li> li classstory-share-pin>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{IMG_URL}&url{URL}&descriptionUnlock the Power of List Building with List Mailers,, ) titlePin It>/a>/li> li classstory-share-linkin>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&sourceUnlock the Power of List Building with List Mailers&token&isFramedfalse, titleLinkedIn>/a>/li> li classstory-share-gplus>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&authuser0, titleGoogle+>/a>/li> li classstory-share-reddit>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&titleUnlock the Power of List Building with List Mailers, titleReddit>/a>/li> /ul> ul classreblog-buttons pull-right> li classstory-share-tumblr> a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{IMG_URL}&captionUnlock the Power of List Building with List Mailers&clickthru{URL},, ) titleShare on Tumblr>/a> /li> li classstory-share-like> iframe idfacebook_like_button_holder src// scrollingno frameborder0 allowTransparencytrue>/iframe> /li> /ul>/div>/div>div classpost full-rounded> h2 classtitle> a href titleUnlock Effortless Success with the Automated Duplication System >Unlock Effortless Success with the Automated Duplication System/a> /h2> div classdescription clearfix> p>Are you tired of the constant hustle and grind of building your network marketing or affiliate program? Do you wish there was a way to streamline your efforts and achieve massive success without the endless manual work? Look no further! The Automated Duplication System with Sparky AI is here to revolutionize your team-building and recruiting process./p>p>strong>What is the Automated Duplication System?/strong>/p>p>The Automated Duplication System is a cutting-edge global innovation designed to simplify and automate the recruitment and training processes. This system is straightforward, efficient, and highly replicable, ensuring lasting success for all participants. With Sparky AI at its core, the system generates leads, follows up, recruits, and trains team members, directing them towards various income streams./p>p>strong>Key Features of the Automated Duplication System:/strong>/p>ol>li>strong>Personalized AI Assistance:/strong> Sparky AI handles all follow-up tasks via calls, texts, emails, and social media retargeting, ensuring no lead is left behind./li>li>strong>Comprehensive Onboarding and Training:/strong> The system takes care of onboarding and training new team members, making it effortless for you to build a strong and knowledgeable team./li>li>strong>Multiple Income Streams:/strong> Integrate up to two companies you are promoting and enjoy the benefits of multiple revenue opportunities./li>li>strong>Powerful Duplication Funnel:/strong> The system includes a robust advertising strategy that drives highly motivated individuals through your funnel, creating massive activity and success for every member./li>li>strong>Unlimited Follow-Up:/strong> Enjoy unlimited follow-up and call time for self-generated leads, backed by a live call center for additional support./li>/ol>p>strong>Why Choose the Automated Duplication System?/strong>/p>ol>li>strong>Effortless Team Building:/strong> With Sparky AI handling the heavy lifting, you can focus on other aspects of your business while your team grows automatically./li>li>strong>Consistent Growth:/strong> The system’s automated processes ensure continuous engagement and financial benefits, leading to long-term success./li>li>strong>Community Support:/strong> Benefit from extensive training resources, community support, and team-building incentives that keep you motivated and on track./li>li>strong>No One Left Behind:/strong> Our round-robin rotator ensures that every member gets their fair share of leads, creating a level playing field for all./li>/ol>p>strong>Experience the Magic of Duplication/strong>/p>p>Imagine having 30 highly qualified leads going through your funnel every month, all included in your membership. With the Automated Duplication System, this is not just a dream but a reality. By month four, you could have 121 team members, and by month eight, nearly 10,000 active commission-generating team members, all contributing to your success and income./p>p>strong>Get Started Today!/strong>/p>p>Don’t let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass you by. a href>Sign up for a free trial membership/a> and experience the power of the Automated Duplication System. No credit card is needed, and you can upgrade to a Premier Membership for even more benefits./p>p>Join the fastest growing team on the planet and unlock your potential for massive success. a href>Click the “Act Now” button/a> and take the first step towards effortless team building and financial freedom./p>p>a href>strong>Welcome to the Automated Duplication System – Your Success Starts Here!/strong>/a>/p> /div>div classtags>hr>/div>div classstats tags clearfix> a classcomment-count href>/a> ul classsocial-buttons centre> li classstory-share-tweet>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&textUnlock Effortless Success with the Automated Duplication System, titleTweet this>/a>/li> li classstory-share-fb>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}, titleShare to Facebook>/a>/li> li classstory-share-pin>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{IMG_URL}&url{URL}&descriptionUnlock Effortless Success with the Automated Duplication System,, ) titlePin It>/a>/li> li classstory-share-linkin>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&sourceUnlock Effortless Success with the Automated Duplication System&token&isFramedfalse, titleLinkedIn>/a>/li> li classstory-share-gplus>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&authuser0, titleGoogle+>/a>/li> li classstory-share-reddit>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&titleUnlock Effortless Success with the Automated Duplication System, titleReddit>/a>/li> /ul> ul classreblog-buttons pull-right> li classstory-share-tumblr> a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{IMG_URL}&captionUnlock Effortless Success with the Automated Duplication System&clickthru{URL},, ) titleShare on Tumblr>/a> /li> li classstory-share-like> iframe idfacebook_like_button_holder src// scrollingno frameborder0 allowTransparencytrue>/iframe> /li> /ul>/div>/div>div classpost full-rounded> h2 classtitle> a href titleDustin is a busy bee and launching MED… 😊 >Dustin is a busy bee and launching MED… 😊/a> /h2> div classdescription clearfix> p>Dustin Langley, owner of a href>Cryptos Builder/a>, a href>BTC 2×1/a> andbr />a href>My Bitcoin Daily/a> is being a busy bee. 😊/p>p>His latest project is called a href>b>My ETH Daily/b>/a> and it just launchedbr />minutes ago./p>p>b>👉 Who is this for?/b>/a>/p>p>I personally signed up and purchased 3 advertising subscriptionsbr />to advertise my affiliate links for Ethereum and Smart Contractbr />based sites such as a href>Ads Earn ETH/a>, a href>Infinite Power/a>, and Forsage./p>p>✅ The cost for 15,000 Text Ads and 15,000 Banner Ads over abr />150 days period is just ETH 0.045 (about $10.70)./p>p>✅ The text and banner advertising credits will be best for ETHbr />or crypto-related products and services./p>p>✅ They pay out commissions in a 3×10 team forced matrix…br />spillover is possible, but as usual… don’t just rely on it./p>p>✅ Once your 1st level is filled… you get a free entry intobr />a progressive 2×2 matrix!/p>p>✅ And if you don’t like high BTC withdrawal fees, you willbr />enjoy the much lower ETH withdrawal fees./p>p>For me, I personally joined mainly to advertise,br />but there is of course also the ability to earn ETHbr />by promoting a href>b>My ETH Daily/b>/a>./p>p>Check a href>b>My ETH Daily/b>/a> out and see if it’s right for youbr />as well. 😊/p>p>To your online success,/p>p>Frank Bauer/p>p>Director of a href classautohyperlink>> Marketing Pty Ltdbr /> Co-Founder of a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, etc./p>/p> /div>div classtags>hr>/div>div classstats tags clearfix> a classcomment-count href>/a> ul classsocial-buttons centre> li classstory-share-tweet>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&textDustin is a busy bee and launching MED… 😊, titleTweet this>/a>/li> li classstory-share-fb>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}, titleShare to Facebook>/a>/li> li classstory-share-pin>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{IMG_URL}&url{URL}&descriptionDustin is a busy bee and launching MED… 😊,, ) titlePin It>/a>/li> li classstory-share-linkin>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&sourceDustin is a busy bee and launching MED… 😊&token&isFramedfalse, titleLinkedIn>/a>/li> li classstory-share-gplus>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&authuser0, titleGoogle+>/a>/li> li classstory-share-reddit>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&titleDustin is a busy bee and launching MED… 😊, titleReddit>/a>/li> /ul> ul classreblog-buttons pull-right> li classstory-share-tumblr> a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{IMG_URL}&captionDustin is a busy bee and launching MED… 😊&clickthru{URL},, ) titleShare on Tumblr>/a> /li> li classstory-share-like> iframe idfacebook_like_button_holder src// scrollingno frameborder0 allowTransparencytrue>/iframe> /li> /ul>/div>/div>div classpost full-rounded> h2 classtitle> a href titleGet 200 ad credits plus a paid 2×20 matrix position for free… and start to earn “Digital Silver”! 😊 >Get 200 ad credits plus a paid 2×20 matrix position for free… and start to earn “Digital Silver”! 😊/a> /h2> div classdescription clearfix> p>Today Frank Hester pre-launched his brand new advertising and earnings matrix program… a href>b>Asimi Pros/b>/a>./p>p>And same as with his a href>Crypto Pros/a> site, I am helping him as a technical advisor./p>p>All new a href>b>Asimi Pros/b>/a> members will receive a paid matrix position that comes with 50 banner ad credits and 50 text ad credits for free./p>p>Before reading on, I suggest to get step # 1 done and a href>b>get your free account right now!/b>/a>/p>p>Are you done with step #1? Great, then let us continue. ?/p>p>This step #2 is optional at the beginning, but highly recommended and needed at the latest when you are ready to withdraw…/p>p>You should consider purchasing a one-time pay subscription that gives you a new position every single day for a year,br />for a total of 36,500 text and banner ad credits combined and 365 positions in the 2×20 team forced matrix for just 100 Asimi… only about $8, right away./p>p>Even if just 1 in 250 ad views gets you a click… that’s 219 highly motivated visitors for just $8… that’s less than 4 cents for a great quality visitor… super low cost! 😊/p>p>You don’t only earn down 20 levels of each of your own positions… no matter who refers them, but on top of that, when you refer others, you also earn a 100% matching bonus on their earnings./p>p>Plus you will receive a sponsor bonus (fast start commission) on 6 levels to get you into profit really fast./p>p>b>👉 What did I do?/b>/p>p>✅ I personally purchased 50 subscriptions… that means every single day 50 more positions below me will fill up for the next 364 days! Can you spell “massive spillover”? 😉/p>p>a href>b>Sounds good to you as well and you skipped step # 1 above? Then join Asimi Pros right now!/b>/a>/p>p>Got some more questions? Let me try to answer them right here…/p>p>b>👉 What is Asimi?/b>/p>p>✅ Asimi (Greek for Silver) is a utility token created by Luke Millard from a href>HashingAdSpace/a> as a medium of exchange to pay for advertising services and receive earnings. It can be publicly traded on the decentralized a href>Waves Exchange/a> (a top 100 token on CoinMarketCap)./p>p>b>👉 Where can I buy or sell Asimi for USD or BTC?/b>/p>p>✅ You can buy or sell Asimi tokens 24/7 on the decentralized a href>Waves Exchange/a>./p>p>There are several detailed tutorial videos in the a href>b>Asimi Pros/b>/a> members area that will take you by the hand and show you step by step how to get Asimi as well as how to sell your Asimi./p>p>b>👉 Can I earn Asimi without buying Asimi first?/b>/p>p>✅ You can signup for a free account and will receive a paid position in the 2×20 Team Forced Matrix for free and you can refer others to earn a lot more. To be able to withdraw your earnings, you will need to have at least a single paid annual subscription./p>p>a href>b>Get your free position in Asimi Pros right now!/b>/a>/p>p>Ok, and now to the final step #3, that you should not forget to do… a href>b>Asimi Pros/b>/a> is already included in the a href>Crypto Pros/a>, and it will be added to the a href>Infinity Traffic Boost/a> and a href>Infinity Mailer Boost/a> Downline Builders within the next 24 hours, you should add your a href>b>Asimi Pros/b>/a> username to all 3 to leverage your existing downlines in those sites./p>p>To your online success,/p>p>Frank Bauer/p>p>Director of a href classautohyperlink>> Marketing Pty Ltdbr /> Co-Founder of a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, etc./p>/p> /div>div classtags>hr>/div>div classstats tags clearfix> a classcomment-count href>/a> ul classsocial-buttons centre> li classstory-share-tweet>a hrefjavascript:imwb_tumbpress_window_open(//{URL}&textGet 200 ad credits plus a 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These cookies do not store any personally identifiable data. br> a idnecessary_cookies_btn>Cookies/a> div idnecessary_cookies styledisplay: none;> table stylewidth: 100%;> thead> th>cookie/th> th>Description/th> th>Expiry Date/th> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /div> /div> /div> !-- Functional --> div classtab-section> div classrow header> div classwp-gdpr-fix-heading stylefont-size: large;color:#5e4444 !important;> a rolebutton stylefont-size:large;color:black !important; classm-1 onclickdisplay(Functional)>Functional/a> /div> div classcol-sm-5 text-right> label classswitch > input typecheckbox checked nameunique valueFunctional> span classslider round sliderr>/span> /label> /div> /div> div classwp-gdpr-fix-content idFunctional styledisplay:none;> Functional cookies help perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collecting feedback, and other third-party features. br> a idfunctional_cookies_btn>Cookies/a> div idfunctional_cookies styledisplay: none;> table stylewidth: 100%;> thead> th>cookie/th> th>Description/th> th>Expiry Date/th> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /div> /div> /div> !-- Analytics --> div classtab-section> div classrow header> div classwp-gdpr-fix-heading stylefont-size: large;color:#5e4444 !important;> a rolebutton stylefont-size:large;color:black !important; classm-1 onclickdisplay(Analytics)>Analytics/a> /div> div classcol-sm-5 text-right> label classswitch > input typecheckbox checked nameunique valueAnalytics> span classslider round sliderr>/span> /label> /div> /div> div classwp-gdpr-fix-content idAnalytics styledisplay:none;> Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. br> a idanalytical_cookies_btn>Cookies/a> div idanalytical_cookies styledisplay: none;> table stylewidth: 100%;> thead> th>cookie/th> th>Description/th> th>Expiry Date/th> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /div> /div> /div> !-- Performance --> div classtab-section> div classrow header> div classwp-gdpr-fix-heading stylefont-size: large;color:#5e4444 !important;> a rolebutton stylefont-size:large;color:black !important; classm-1 onclickdisplay(Performance)>Performance/a> /div> div classcol-sm-5 text-right> label classswitch > input typecheckbox checked nameunique valuePerformance> span classslider round sliderr>/span> /label> /div> /div> div classwp-gdpr-fix-content idPerformance styledisplay:none;> Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. br> a idperformance_cookies_btn>Cookies/a> div idperformance_cookies styledisplay: none;> table stylewidth: 100%;> thead> th>cookie/th> th>Description/th> th>Expiry Date/th> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /div> /div> /div> !-- Advertisement --> div classtab-section> div classrow header> div classwp-gdpr-fix-heading stylefont-size: large;color:#5e4444 !important;> a rolebutton stylefont-size:large;color:black !important; classm-1 onclickdisplay(Advertisement)>Advertisement/a> /div> div classcol-sm-5 text-right> label classswitch > input typecheckbox checked nameunique valueAdvertisement> span classslider round sliderr>/span> /label> /div> /div> div classwp-gdpr-fix-content idAdvertisement styledisplay:none;> Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with customized advertisements based on the pages you visited previously and to analyze the effectiveness of the ad campaigns. br> a idadvertisement_cookies_btn>Cookies/a> div idadvertisement_cookies styledisplay: none;> table stylewidth: 100%;> thead> th>cookie/th> th>Description/th> th>Expiry Date/th> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /div> /div> /div> !-- Others --> div classtab-section> div classrow header> div classwp-gdpr-fix-heading stylefont-size: large;color:#5e4444 !important;> a rolebutton stylefont-size:large;color:black !important; classm-1 onclickdisplay(Others)>Others/a> /div> div classcol-sm-5 text-right> label classswitch > input typecheckbox checked nameunique valueOthers> span classslider round sliderr>/span> /label> /div> /div> div classwp-gdpr-fix-content idOthers styledisplay:none;> Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. br> a idother_cookies_btn>Cookies/a> div idother_cookies styledisplay: none;> table stylewidth: 100%;> thead> th>cookie/th> th>Description/th> th>Expiry Date/th> /thead> tbody> /tbody> /table> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classtab-section> div classrow header> div idcookie_append> /div> /div> /div> div classfloat-right> button typebutton classbutton-3 namesubmitTheData idcloseWindow onclicksendTheData(TEKCUSTOMGDRP);> Save & Accept /button> /div> /div> /form> /div> /div> !-- Modal View End Here --> !-- Customize script --> script typetext/javascript> $(#necessary_cookies_btn).click(function() { $(#necessary_cookies).css(display, block); }); $(#functional_cookies_btn).click(function() { $(#functional_cookies).css(display, block); }); $(#analytical_cookies_btn).click(function() { $(#analytical_cookies).css(display, block); }); $(#performance_cookies_btn).click(function() { $(#performance_cookies).css(display, block); }); $(#advertisement_cookies_btn).click(function() { $(#advertisement_cookies).css(display, block); }); $(#other_cookies_btn).click(function() { $(#other_cookies).css(display, block); }); function load_cookies() { var cookies get_cookies_array(); // console.log(cookies); var table table> for (var name in cookies) { table table + tr style border-color: black !importante>td> + name + /td>/tr>; } table table + /table> // console.log(table); $(#cookie_append).append(table); $(#view_cookie).css(display, none) var string naem.slice(0, name.indexOf()); getCookie(string) } function getCookie(name) { const value `; ${document.cookie}`; const parts value.split(`; ${name}`); if (parts.length 2) return parts.pop().split(;).shift(); } function get_cookies_array() { var cookies {}; if (document.cookie && document.cookie ! ) { var split document.cookie.split(;); for (var i 0; i split.length; i++) { var name_value spliti.split( ); name_value0 name_value0.replace(/^ /, ); cookiesdecodeURIComponent(name_value0) decodeURIComponent(name_value1); } } return cookies; } function display(popup_name) { var get_popup $(# + popup_name); if (get_popup.css(display) block) { $(get_popup).hide(200); } else { $(get_popup).show(200); } } $(function() { $(#closeWindow).click(function() { document.getElementById(cookies_values).style.display none; document.getElementById(myModalgdrp).style.display none; }); }); function ModalShow() { var btn document.querySelector(.btn); var modalView document.querySelector(.wp-gdpr-fix-modal); modalView.classList.add(bg-active); var close document.querySelector(.modal-close); close.addEventListener(click, function() { modalView.classList.remove(bg-active); }); } /script> !-- Script starts here --> script typetext/javascript> // Function for set the cookie for days function tekGdprSetCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { //create js cookie var d new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires expires + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie cname + + cvalue + ; + expires + ;path/; } var check_add_btn ; if (check_add_btn 0) { document.getElementById(do_not_accept_btn).style.display none; } function sendTheData(cookieName) { var set 2; var postData $(#getFormData).serialize() + &submitTheDatasubmit; var xhttp new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange function() { if (this.readyState 4 && this.status 200) { set this.responseText; } };,, true); xhttp.setRequestHeader(Content-type, application/x-www-form-urlencoded); xhttp.send(postData); tekGdprSetCookie(cookieName, , 3650); // var check_cookie_redirection ; // if (check_cookie_redirection 1 && cookieName TEKCUSTOMGDRP) { // window.location.href ; // } var check_don_btn_redirection_accept ; if (check_don_btn_redirection_accept 1 && cookieName TEKCUSTOMGDRP) { window.location.href ; } } // Hit the file update.php to work it without refresh with XMLHttp function gdrpSetCookie(name, cookieName) { //ajax and js cookie function call var set 2; var xhttp new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange function() { if (this.readyState 4 && this.status 200) { set this.responseText; } }; // var postdata,, true); xhttp.setRequestHeader(Content-type, application/x-www-form-urlencoded); xhttp.send(name); tekGdprSetCookie(cookieName, , 3650); var check_don_btn_redirection_accept ; if (check_don_btn_redirection_accept 1 && cookieName TEKGDRP) { window.location.href ; } var check_don_btn_redirection ; if (check_don_btn_redirection 1 && cookieName TEKNOTGDRP) { window.location.href; } document.getElementById(myModalgdrp).style.display none; } // Function to check the cookie exist or not function getGdprCookieCookie(name) { var value ; + document.cookie; var parts value.split(; + name + ); if (parts.length 2) { return parts.pop().split(;).shift(); } else { return null; } } // get cookie value function getCookie(cname) { let name cname + ; let decodedCookie decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); let ca decodedCookie.split(;); for (let i 0; i ca.length; i++) { let c cai; while (c.charAt(0) ) { c c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ; } // Hide or show when the cookie is stored function doHideCookieBox() { // var myCookie1 getGdprCookieCookie(TEKGDRP); // var myCookie2 getGdprCookieCookie(TEKNOTGDRP); // var myCookie3 getGdprCookieCookie(TEKCUSTOMGDRP); var CookieVal1 getCookie(TEKGDRP); var CookieVal2 getCookie(TEKNOTGDRP); var CookieVal3 getCookie(TEKCUSTOMGDRP); var val1 if (CookieVal1 > val1 || CookieVal2 > val1 || CookieVal3 > val1) { document.getElementById(myModalgdrp).style.display none; } } doHideCookieBox(); /script>/body>/html>!-- Script ends here -->script typetext/javascript src idtwitter_facebook_share_twitter-js>/script>script typetext/javascript src idtwitter_facebook_share_google-js>/script>script typetext/javascript src idtwitter_facebook_share_linkedin-js>/script>script typetext/javascript src idjetpack-stats-js data-wp-strategydefer>/script>script typetext/javascript idjetpack-stats-js-after>/* !CDATA */_stq window._stq || ;_stq.push( view, JSON.parse({\v\:\ext\,\blog\:\16108712\,\post\:\0\,\tz\:\10\,\srv\:\\,\j\:\1:14.1\}) );_stq.push( clickTrackerInit, 16108712, 0 );/* > *//script>/body>/html>!-- Cached by WP-Optimize - - Last modified: January 6, 2025 12:01 pm (UTC:10) -->
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