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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 07:02:39 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: 232Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 07:02:40 GMTServer: ApacheAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidatePragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: csrf_cookie_name8ab0cdeb29ff16527d6d6e7509d3708c; expiresFri, 14-Feb-2025 09:02:40 GMT; Max-Age7200; path/Set-Cookie: ci_session3025caa0351861bf4cf9dffa77cba515db7859bc; expiresFri, 14-Feb-2025 09:02:40 GMT; Max-Age7200; path/; HttpOnlyTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta namedescription contentFootage Farm is an award-winning archive library specialising in the public domain. Since 2001, our aim has always been to help filmmakers gain access to the best quality material at affordable prices.> meta namekeywords contentarchive footage, public domain video, stock video, stock footage, archive video, HD Video, HD footage, vintage stock footage, archive stock footage, archival stock footage, vintage stock video, royalty free video, archival film, vintage footage, national archives, government films, war films, world war one, world war two, footagefarm, buyout footage, public domain movies, royalty free stock footage, digital video, NASA, Vietnam war, Footage Farm Ltd> meta nameauthor content> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> meta propertyog:url content /> meta propertyog:type content /> meta propertyog:title content /> !-- meta propertyog:description content /> --> meta propertyog:image content /> title>Footage Farm Ltd - Public Domain Film Archive and Historical Stock Footage Video Library/title> link relicon href type sizes32x32> link relstylesheet href /> link relstylesheet href /> link relstylesheet href /> link relstylesheet href /> link relstylesheet href /> !-- link relstylesheet href /> --> !-- link relstylesheet href /> --> link relstylesheet href /> link relstylesheet href /> link relstylesheet href /> link relstylesheet href /> !-- link relstylesheet href /> --> !-- Global Site Tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->script async src>/script>!--script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, G-45SQ965TQE);/script>-->!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Ads: 963306440 --> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, AW-963306440); /script>/head>script src>/script>script src>/script>script src>/script> script src>/script>script src>/script>!-- script src>/script> -->!-- script src>/script> -->script src>/script>script src>/script>body> style typetext/css> .swal-overlay { z-index: 100000;}/style>nav classnavbar navbar-expand-lg ff-navbar> div classcontainer> a classnavbar-brand href> img src altFootage Farm idtop-logo> /a> button classnavbar-toggler typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#navbarSupportedContent aria-controlsnavbarSupportedContent aria-expandedfalse aria-labelToggle navigation> span classnavbar-toggler-icon>/span> span classnavbar-toggler-icon>/span> span classnavbar-toggler-icon>/span> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idnavbarSupportedContent> ul classnavbar-nav mr-auto> li classnav-item active> a classnav-link href>Themes/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link href>About/a> /li> li> a href classnav-link>How we operate/a> /li> li> a href classnav-link>FAQs/a> /li> !--li> a href classnav-link>Blog/a> /li>--> li> a href classnav-link>Contact/a> /li> /ul> ul classnavbar-nav ml-auto> li classnav-item dropdown signin-link-desktop> a classnav-link dropdown-toggle href# idnavbarDropdown rolebutton data-toggledropdown aria-haspopuptrue aria-expandedfalse>Sign In img src alt>/a> div classdropdown-menu signin-flyout aria-labelledbynavbarDropdown> div classsignin-flyout-wrapper> div classcreate-account> h3>New Here/h3> p classsignin-text>New to Footage Farm? 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Feel free to enquire about any subject and we’ll get back to you very quickly with relevant materials./p>div classmedium-insert-buttons contenteditablefalse styleleft: 47px; top: 993.156px; display: none;> a classmedium-insert-buttons-show>+/a> ul classmedium-insert-buttons-addons styledisplay: none> li>a data-addonimages data-actionadd classmedium-insert-action>span classfa fa-camera>/span>/a>/li> li>a data-addonembeds data-actionadd classmedium-insert-action>span classfa fa-youtube-play>/span>/a>/li> /ul>/div>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-sm-4> div classblock-single how-we-work> div classhow-we-work-title> h3>Previews/h3> img src alt> /div> div classblock-info> p>p>Timecoded screeners for all our material are available to download free of charge. If one is not on the website, don’t hesitate to ask for a download link./p>div classmedium-insert-buttons contenteditablefalse styleleft: 47px; top: 1708.72px; display: none;> a classmedium-insert-buttons-show>+/a> ul classmedium-insert-buttons-addons styledisplay: none> li>a data-addonimages data-actionadd classmedium-insert-action>span classfa fa-camera>/span>/a>/li> li>a data-addonembeds data-actionadd classmedium-insert-action>span classfa fa-youtube-play>/span>/a>/li> /ul>/div>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-sm-4> div classblock-single how-we-work> div classhow-we-work-title> h3>Masters/h3> img src alt> /div> div classblock-info> p>p>Masters are available in a wide range of format within 24 hours of receiving your selected timecodes and payment./p>div classmedium-insert-buttons contenteditablefalse styleleft: 47px; top: 2424.28px; display: none;> a classmedium-insert-buttons-show>+/a> ul classmedium-insert-buttons-addons styledisplay: none> li>a data-addonimages data-actionadd classmedium-insert-action>span classfa fa-camera>/span>/a>/li> li>a data-addonembeds data-actionadd classmedium-insert-action>span classfa fa-youtube-play>/span>/a>/li> /ul>/div>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- How We Operate --> !-- Testimonials --> section classpage-section> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-12 no-padding-mobile> div classhome-testimonials> h2 classsection-title>what our clients say about usimg src alt classapostrophe>/h2> div classhome-testimonial-carousel owl-carousel> div classtestimonial-single data-hash0> p classtestimonial-text>For more than ten years Ive been an archival researcher for historical documentary films, and I only wish Id known about Footage Farm sooner! They usually have coverage for what Im looking for, theyre quick to do research, the visual quality of the footage is terrific, the cost is so reasonable, and the sales /customer service team is outstanding. Working with Footage Farm really is this good and theyre one of my favorite sources./p> div classclient-name> div classarrow-right>/div> p>Heather Merrill , Archive Researcher/p> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-single data-hash1> p classtestimonial-text>Footage Farm give exceptional service - they hold gold mine of archive - provide an incredible depth of research and are amazingly affordable - definitely one of my faves./p> div classclient-name> div classarrow-right>/div> p>Cath Pick , Archive Researcher/p> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-single data-hash2> p classtestimonial-text>I recently had the pleasure of working with Footage Farm Ltd on a WWII project. They were an invaluable partner in our story telling process by providing detailed and timely research, as well as by delivering quality film transfers that vastly surpassed other vendors./p> div classclient-name> div classarrow-right>/div> p>Bethany Jones , Associate Producer - National Geographic/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- Testimonials --> !-- About Us --> section classpage-section> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-12> div classmulticolored-line> div>/div> div>/div> div>/div> div>/div> div>/div> div>/div> div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-sm-6> div classabout-content-wrapper> div classsection-title-wrapper> h2 classsection-title section-title-half> img src alt>About Us /h2> /div> div classhomepage-about-content> p>p class>Footage Farm is an award-winning archive library specialising in the public domain. Since 2001, our aim has always been to help filmmakers gain access to the best quality material at affordable prices. /p>div classmedium-insert-buttons contenteditablefalse styleleft: 47px; top: 413.594px; display: none;> a classmedium-insert-buttons-show>+/a> ul classmedium-insert-buttons-addons styledisplay: none> li>a data-addonimages data-actionadd classmedium-insert-action>span classfa fa-camera>/span>/a>/li> li>a data-addonembeds data-actionadd classmedium-insert-action>span classfa fa-youtube-play>/span>/a>/li> /ul>/div>/p> a href classbtn-ff btn-primary-dark>Read More/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-sm-6> div classhomepage-about-img> img src alt classimg-fluid> /div> /div> /div> div classrow counter> div classcol-12> div classhomepage-counter-border> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-sm-4> div classcounter-single first> h2 classcounter-number>5000/h2> div classcounter-info> div classarrow-right-dark>/div> p>Hours of Footage/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-sm-4> div classcounter-single> h2 classcounter-number>24 hours/h2> div classcounter-info> div classarrow-right-dark>/div> p>Turnaround Time/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-sm-4> div classcounter-single last> h2 classcounter-number>25,000/h2> div classcounter-info> div classarrow-right-dark>/div> p>Entries in our Master Database/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12> div classhomepage-counter-border> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- About Us --> !-- Blog --> !--section classpage-section> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-12> div classmulticolored-line> div>/div> div>/div> div>/div> div>/div> div>/div> div>/div> div>/div> /div> div classsection-title-wrapper> h2 classsection-title section-title-half> img src alt> Blog /h2> a href classprimary-link>Read More/a> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4> div classblog-single> a href> div classblog-title-date> h3>blog 2/h3> div classdate-info> span classdate-number>08/span> span classmonth>Sep/span> span classyear>2020/span> /div> /div> div classblog-author> div classarrow-right-dark-small>/div> p>admin/p> /div> /a> div classblog-tags> a href>blog 4/a> a href>The Double V Campaign/a> /div> a href> img src alt classimg-fluid> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4> div classblog-single> a href> div classblog-title-date> h3>World War II The Double V Campaign/h3> div classdate-info> span classdate-number>12/span> span classmonth>Oct/span> span classyear>2020/span> /div> /div> div classblog-author> div classarrow-right-dark-small>/div> p>Niraali/p> /div> /a> div classblog-tags> a href>blog_tag_1/a> a href>blog_tag 2/a> a href>World War II /a> a href>The Double V Campaign/a> /div> a href> img src alt classimg-fluid> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section>--> !-- Blog -->/section>/body>/html>script typetext/javascript> $(document).ready(function(){ $(document).on(click,.themeview,function () { var themecount $(this).attr(data-themeid); 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