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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 03:49:55 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 178Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 03:49:56 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 21493Last-Modified: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 09:21:39 GMTConnection: keep-aliveETag: 670b9123-53f5Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8 /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0 /> meta namedescription contentfollowCrom is a DJ turned developer. Get the RanDOM WisDOM Android app, sign up for a word of the week email, contribute to the Momento Contento database, read the latest blog posts, or listen to the MixTape HeavyWeight. /> meta nametheme-color content#000 /> title>followCrom online/title> !-- Canonical Link --> link relcanonical href /> meta contentfollowCrom nameauthor /> meta namerobots contentindex, follow /> !-- Favicons --> link relicon typeimage/png sizes32x32 hrefimages/favs/favicon-32x32.png /> link relicon typeimage/png sizes16x16 hrefimages/favs/favicon-16x16.png /> link relmanifest hrefsite.webmanifest /> link relshortcut icon hrefimages/favs/favicon.ico /> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 hrefimages/favs/apple-touch-icon.png /> link relicon typeimage/png sizes192x192 hrefimages/favs/android-chrome-192x192.png /> link relicon typeimage/png sizes512x512 hrefimages/favs/android-chrome-512x512.png /> !-- FontAwesome --> link relstylesheet href /> link relpreconnect href /> !-- Google Fonts --> link relpreconnect href /> link relpreconnect href crossorigin /> link href relstylesheet /> !-- Stylesheets --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/main.css /> !-- link relstylesheet media(min-width: 1440px) hrefcss/xlarge.css> link relstylesheet media(min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1439px) hrefcss/large.css> link relstylesheet media(min-width: 640px) and (max-width: 1023px) hrefcss/medium.css> link relstylesheet media(max-width: 639px) hrefcss/small.css> --> !-- Google Analytics --> script async src >/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, G-5879ZFBCXY); /script> !-- Social Media Meta Tags --> meta propertyog:title contentfollowCrom // DJ turned Developer /> meta propertyog:description contentFrom spinning records to spinning up servers, followCrom is a DJ turned developer. Get the RanDOM WisDOM Android app, sign up for a word of the week email, contribute to the Momento Contento database, read the latest Medium articles, or listen to the MixTape HeavyWeight. /> meta propertyog:image content /> meta propertyog:url content /> meta nametwitter:card contentsummary_large_image /> !-- JS --> script srcjs/get_time.js defer>/script> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @graph: { @type: WebSite, @id:, url:, name: followCrom online, description: followCrom is a DJ turned developer. Get the RanDOM WisDOM Android app, sign up for a word of the week email, contribute to the Momento Contento database, read the latest blog posts, or listen to the MixTape HeavyWeight., potentialAction: { @type: SearchAction, target:{search_term_string}, query-input: required namesearch_term_string } }, { @type: Person, @id:, name: followCrom, jobTitle: DJ turned Developer, description: From spinning records to spinning up servers, followCrom is a DJ turned developer., sameAs:,, , url: }, { @type: WebPage, @id:, url:, name: followCrom online, isPartOf: { @id: }, about: { @id: }, description: followCrom is a DJ turned developer. Get the RanDOM WisDOM Android app, sign up for a word of the week email, contribute to the Momento Contento database, read the latest blog posts, or listen to the MixTape HeavyWeight. }, { @type: SoftwareApplication, name: RanDOM WisDOM, operatingSystem: Android, applicationCategory: UtilitiesApplication, offers: { @type: Offer, price: 0, priceCurrency: USD }, url: }, { @type: WebApplication, name: MixTape HeavyWeight, url:, description: DJ mix player built with PHP & JavaScript, featuring Web Audio API and Canvas API. }, { @type: WebApplication, name: Top Track Tracker, url:, description: Django web app that connects to the Spotify API to retrieve user data and track information. }, { @type: WebApplication, name: Momento Contento, url:, description: Web app built using the Flask framework for Python, connecting to a MySQL database. } } /script> /head> body classmain> div classbanner> h1>followCromspan classonline> online/span>/h1> /div> div classvinyl idvinyl> img srcimages/vinyl.png altSpinning circuit board vinyl titleSpinning circuit board vinyl /> /div> div classcontent> div classtoptext> span idtimeGreeting>/span> i classfa-solid fa-mug-hot>/i> Welcome to b>> br />i classfa-solid fa-compact-disc>/i> Im a DJ turned Developer // Mixing skills br />👀 Take a look around. 👀 br /> i classfa-solid fa-handshake>/i >a hrefcontact/contact.php classcontact>Get in touch/a> /div> div classcontent_box> h1> a classpage href >MixTape HeavyWeight/a > /h1> a href >img classbox_image srcimages/theMixtapeHeavyweight2.png altMixtape Heavyweight titleMixtape Heavyweight />/a> h3> li>DJ mix player built with PHP & JavaScript./li> li> Web Audio API provides methods and interfaces for audio processing. /li> li>Canvas API for rendering the audio visualizer./li> li> Fetch API for submitting comments and ratings without page reload. /li> /h3> div classicon-container> img classicon srcimages/icons/javascript.png altJavaScript icon titleJavaScript icon /> img classicon srcimages/icons/html.png altHTML 5 icon titleHTML 5 icon /> img classicon srcimages/icons/php.png altPHP icon titlePHP icon /> img classicon srcimages/icons/api.png altAPI icon titleAPI icon /> img classicon srcimages/icons/python.png altPython icon titlePython icon /> /div> /div> div classcontent_box> h1> a classpage href >Top Track Tracker/a > /h1> a href >img classbox_image srcimages/smash_mob.png altMixtape Heavyweight titleMixtape Heavyweight />/a> h3> li> Django web app connects to the Spotify API to retrieve user data and track information. /li> li>Get a users top tracks across different time periods./li> li> Add selected tracks to the Top Track Tracker playlist & export it to a CSV file. /li> li>Hosted on a Digital Ocean Linux server./li> /h3> div classicon-container> i classfa-brands fa-spotify stylecolor: green>/i> i classfa-brands fa-python stylecolor: #306998>/i> i classfa-solid fa-arrow-up-right-dots stylecolor: #ff9900>/i> i classfa-solid fa-file-csv stylecolor: #28a745>/i> i classfa-brands fa-digital-ocean stylecolor: #006deb>/i> i classfa-brands fa-linux stylecolor: #333333>/i> /div> /div> div classcontent_box> h1> a classpage href >RanDOM WisDOM/a > /h1> a href >img classbox_image srcimages/random_wisdom.png altRandom Wisdom Android app titleRandom Wisdom Android app />/a> h3> li>Android app built in Node.js using the React framework./li> li>JavaScript implements the functionality./li> li> AWS API Gateway routes requests to the server & other AWS services. /li> li> Released and maintained on the Google Play Store for worldwide distribution. /li> /h3> div classicon-container> i classfa-brands fa-android stylecolor: #3cba54>/i> i classfa-brands fa-square-js stylecolor: #f7df1e>/i> i classfa-brands fa-node-js stylecolor: #000>/i> i classfa-brands fa-aws stylecolor: #ff9900>/i> i classfa-brands fa-google-play stylecolor: #006afe>/i> /div> /div> div classcontent_box> h1> a classpage hrefwotd/>Word of the Week/a> /h1> a hrefwotd/ >img classbox_image srcimages/wordOftheDay2.png altMail man on a hover board titleMail man on a hover board />/a> h3> li> Python script selects the Word of the Week from a curated list. /li> li>smtplib and MIMEText in Python format the emails./li> li> GitHub Actions schedule and automate the scripts weekly execution. /li> li>PHP for secure user signup and email validation./li> /h3> div classicon-container> i classfa-brands fa-python stylecolor: #3776ab>/i> i classfa-brands fa-github stylecolor: #000>/i> i classfa-brands fa-php stylecolor: #777bb4>/i> i classfa-solid fa-envelope stylecolor: #fff>/i> /div> /div> div classcontent_box> h1> a classpage href/momcon/>Momento Contento/a> /h1> a href/momcon/ >img classbox_image srcimages/djrr.jpg altMomento Contento web app titleMomento Contento web app />/a> h3> li>Web app built using the Flask framework for Python./li> li>Front-end U.I designed built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript./li> li> Connects to a MySQL database on the back-end to store and retrieve data. /li> li> Users can contribute to the database using the web apps form. /li> /h3> div classicon-container> img classicon srcimages/icons/flask.png altFlask icon titleFlask icon /> img classicon srcimages/icons/python.png altPython icon titlePython icon /> img classicon srcimages/icons/mysql.png altMySQL icon titleMySQL icon /> img classicon srcimages/icons/javascript.png altJavaScript icon titleJavaScript icon /> img classicon srcimages/icons/aws.png altAWS icon titleAWS icon /> /div> /div> div classcontent_box> h1> a classpage href >Do the Data Dance?/a > /h1> a href >img classbox_image srcimages/data_dance.png altMatrix-style data dancing titleMatrix-style data dancing />/a> h3> li>A two-part analysis of Spotifys popularity algorithm./li> li> EDA on a 550k+ row dataset, using Python with Pandas for data cleaning and analysis. /li> li>Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly for visualization./li> li>Narrative blog post on Medium./li> /h3> div classicon-container> i classfa-brands fa-python stylecolor: blue>/i> i classfa-solid fa-magnifying-glass-chart stylecolor: palevioletred >/i> i classfa-solid fa-ranking-star stylecolor: orange>/i> i classfa-brands fa-spotify stylecolor: green>/i> i classfa-brands fa-medium stylecolor: black>/i> /div> !-- div classicon-container> img classicon srcimages/icons/python.png altPython icon titlePython icon> img classicon srcimages/icons/atom.png altAtom icon titleAtom icon> img classicon srcimages/icons/graph.png altGraph icon titleGraph icon> /div> --> /div> !-- div classcontent_box> h1> a classpage hrefw2w/words.html>Words to the Wise/a> /h1> a hrefw2w/words.html >img classbox_image srcimages/w2w.png altA wise old owl delivering words of wisdom to their owlets titleA wise old owl delivering words of wisdom to their owlets />/a> h3> li> 20 years of collected quotations and philosophical meanderings through space-time. /li> li> The original version of the site, written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. /li> li>Accounts on some of the earliest social media platforms./li> li> Originally updated manually, now fully automated with Python subprocesses. /li> /h3> div classicon-container> i classfa-solid fa-book stylecolor: green>/i> i classfa-brands fa-html5 stylecolor: #e34f26>/i> i classfa-brands fa-css3 stylecolor: #1572b6>/i> i classfa-brands fa-python stylecolor: palevioletred>/i> /div> /div> --> div classcontent_box> h1> a classpage href >On the Record/a > /h1> a href >img classbox_image srcimages/gramophone-dj.png altOld-skool DJ spinning on two gramophones titleOld-skool DJ spinning on two gramophones />/a> h3> li> This article is a brief history (& pre-history) of recorded sound. /li> li>Learn how changing audio formats shaped DJing./li> li> Ownership vs subscription: the trade-offs of using a DSP for a DJ. /li> li>Read the full article on Medium./li> /h3> div classicon-container> i classfa-brands fa-medium stylecolor: white>/i> i classfa-solid fa-record-vinyl stylecolor: black>/i> i classfa-solid fa-radio stylecolor: orchid>/i> i classfa-brands fa-spotify stylecolor: green>/i> /div> /div> div classcontent_box> h1> a classpage hrefadom_splitter/random_wisdom.php >Adom Splitter/a > /h1> a hrefadom_splitter/random_wisdom.php >img classbox_image srcimages/domdom_php.png altA person mediating while fireworks light the sky titleA person mediating while fireworks light the sky />/a> h3> li> An early version of domdom that uses PHP explode() to get a quote from a text list. /li> li> Responsive CSS ensures a good user experience across screen sizes. /li> li>CSS animations make the page more engaging./li> li>Philosophical insights at the click of a button./li> /h3> div classicon-container> i classfa-brands fa-php stylecolor: #787cb5>/i> i classfa-solid fa-book stylecolor: black>/i> i classfa-brands fa-html5 stylecolor: orange>/i> i classfa-brands fa-css3 stylecolor: #006afe>/i> /div> /div> div classcontent_box> h1> a classpage hrefcontact/contact.php>Get in Touch/a> /h1> a hrefcontact/contact.php >img classbox_image srcimages/contact_2.png altGet in touch titleGet in touch />/a> h3> I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow as a developer. Please dont hesitate to get in touch if you have a project that youd like to discuss. br /> li>a classpage hrefcontact/contact.php>Contact form/a>/li> li> a classpage href >LinkedIn/a > /li> li> a classpage href>GitHub/a> /li> /h3> /div> /div> script srcjs/rotation.js>/script> /body>/html>
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